How To Control Your Wedge Distances

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Unlock the secrets to mastering distance control with your wedges in this comprehensive golf lesson! Learn key techniques to improve your accuracy and consistency when hitting wedge shots, including proper setup, swing length, and shot selection. Discover how to dial in your distances and achieve precision on the course. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer, these expert tips will help you lower your scores and enhance your short game. Watch now to start mastering your distance control with wedges!

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  1. You are my coach. I have taken things from your videos and yours only that I thought could work for me. Some do some don’t and it’s how I’ve developed my swing in the last year. I went from shooting 140s in the beginning to now a 12 handicap consistently shooting around the low 80s.

  2. Hands down the best teacher of the golf swing. I struggled for a couple years dialing in my swing and feeling comfortable and knowing WHAT to practice. The way you teach the golf swing is so simple and effective. Thanks for all the videos!

  3. Happens often with good players. Overtime the shaft lean is going progressively and unconsciously too much.

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