Why SLOWING your swing down helps you hit the ball BETTER

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  1. I think about it as it's less "swing slow" and more swing smooth and in control. Have a tempo that is natural.

  2. The reason, "… all best laid plans can turn to ash … " is that you're telling them to perform an action that completely fails to compensate for the fact that the golf club is 4' long and has mass and drag. You cannot manipulate it in real time and to assume you can is simply absurd. This fact alone is why all of these drills will never work no matter how hard you try. The golf club is not a toothpick that you can manipulate instantaneously. It's a 4 foot long lever! Notice he demonstrates throwing the ball as if he's skipping a stone … why not demonstrate with a golf club? Because he can't. It's too heavy and it doesn't work the same, not even close, and to assume that a 1.6 oz ball in his hand is anything like a golf club is just silly.
    You can't, "move your body in a natural fashion …" and also "apply the power just at the right point." One requires no intent or control and the other demands and attempt at full control and timing. So, basically, he's saying, "do this, but don't do this," and both those "this's" are the same thing.

  3. Love the content Pete 👌🏻 helps me a lot.

    Can you make a video about the position of the hands (low or bits higher) and with that the angle of the arms towards the body? Somehow I find it easier to hit my longer clubs with higher hands (not as extreme as Bryson for example, but a bit like that). Is that something that can be working fine for me? Or something that’s not so good for the longterm?

    To be sure some context:
    I’m a quite flexible guy 1,95m with regular club length (and very pleased with that). Playing for two years now, hcp 26.6.


  4. It’s better to have a controlled swing as the results will be more satisfying than trying to hit it into next week and having dispersion a mile wide.

    I find that slowing my swing down gives me a full follow through more naturally.

  5. Hi Pete, Jeeze I’d love your swing, anyways, I’m 67, and disabled, but I probably swing a 7 iron around 65-70mph. I feel even though that’s slow compared to many, it feels as though a lot of effort is made by me. I get roughly 120yds carry, should I therefore try to slow it down?

  6. Pete that’s looks effortless less but for me it’s so hard I wish I could just feel that effortless swing so I had something to try and replicate lol thanks for putting these videos out there many thanks Sam the drunken octopus Algie cheers mate

  7. Finally broke 80, with the help of this channel, using irons only (3 to LW). From the whites, 5900 yds, flushed 80% and sent my 4i 240 yds. Thank you Peter for showing that speed isn't necessary. ⛳️ 🏌️‍♀️

  8. At 74 my fastest driver speed is about 83 mph and if I try to really crush it the ball goes about 200 carry. But if I relax more and just swing my swing and let it happen then it goes about 220 with a tiny draw. It feels so much better and gives me more confidence and enjoyment. It’s all in the tempo and rhythm. I’ll never hit it really long but I usually keep it in the middle and in play and position for the next shot. And I usually beat the guys that are swinging out of their shoes.

  9. Hi Peter, had to comment how good this lesson is.
    The part about the right arm throwing a ball or skipping a stone. I've read about it from 5 lessons, heard it said many times by other and I could understand nor picture how it would work – especially to square the clubface. Appreciate the slow motion too.

    That is till last week. Had already broke 80 a few times but the swing was always a high effort affair.

    Realised It is a throw not a swing. We should not be trying to move the club like it is a swing. Throwing will result in it looking like a proper golf swing.

    For me with the "swing" thought, my right arm works all wrong – having to think about motions to square the face.

    But with the "throw" thought, as long as my face is in correct position at the top & delivery, it is so easy to get a nice high draw without needing to think of wrist or forearms movements to square the face. And yes more effortless – because of how the right elbow moves better.

    Finally understand what Michael Breed calls releasing for power vs releasing to square the face.

    Hope this video reaches more people. Thanks so much.

  10. no one ever shows us when to accelerate. we all know the motion by now, we all know about the trail albow angle and bowed wrist vs cupped wrist. when do we apply the most force . no one ever shares that.

  11. Just no. Slowing down your swing kills the built in natural rhythm and tempo unique to an individuals character and personality.

  12. Broke 100 for the first time because of this channel! Shoulder tilt and slow swing. Changed my game after years of mediocrity. Thank you Peter!

  13. Hey Pete, long-time sub here, on both channels! Big fan!
    Anyways, there is one thing that helped ME gain a LOT of power (that very few people talk about, and that was very counter-intuitive, at least for my small brain!):
    I realized I was STRANGLING THE CLUB, I was TENSING MY BODY, and as a result, I was not allowing kinetic energy to transfer (efficiently) from body-part to body-part.

    I gained nearly 10mph in clubhead speed, in ONE DAY, when I softened-up my HANDS, and LOOSENED-UP MY BODY.
    It's like comparing a chain-link whip, to a leather whip.

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