The Easiest Way to Chip with 3 Simple Shots – Rule of 12 Simplified

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  1. Since the rain got progressively harder as the video went on I was expecting it to turn into a monsoon eventually and of course for Matty Boom Boom to continue instructing without missing a beat

  2. Attention playa's: When you perfect this technique, every hole you find will be soaking wet. So don't forget your raincoat!

  3. Thanks for the tip on picking a landing spot. 1-2 yards. Spent 2hrs chipping and putting this AM. Good practice using toe-down run up (confession – hit 6 shots with my 60° just to see – wasn't great), but I was a little all over the place finding my landing target.

  4. So, I agree with most of this premise, but I have refined it a little bit. Basically, I go to the practice green and hit a few chips. I will learn as I go on the course if I don't have a chance to practice (recalling experience). Depending on conditions, one wedge will be your 50/50 club (files 50%, rolls 50%). Whatever that is– skip one club, and then next club will be your flies 1/3rd, rolls 2/3rds. Skip another club, and you have flies 1/4, rolls 3/4. So, if my 52 degree is my 50/50 (flies half) club for example, then my (skip GW) PW is my flies 1/3rd, and my (skip 9i) 8i is my flies 1/4 club. my 50/50 is usually my 52 degree wedge, but it can be my 56 on a hot, dry summer day with faster greens, or PW in the spring. Once you have your 50/50, the rest just works out. 2 or 3 of these clubs will cover 90% of the chips you have to hit. But beware. If you hit your 50/50 club and miss your landing spot by a yard, then you miss the pin by a yard. But if you miss your 1/4 club by a yard, you are 3 yards short or long because it flies 1, rolls 3 (quarters). In theory, its easier to hit the landing spot closer to YOU, but your misses will be magnified by the less loft. Some players get really good at the half way chip and just use it all the time because they get good by using the same club, and the misses are minimized by the fly/roll ratio. Generally, you can add/subtract one loft for uphill or downhill roll — and also uphill or downhill lie. So if you are chipping from an uphill lie on the apron to a green running up hill, you add one club for the lie and one for the uphill roll– hit 2 lower clubs (loft) and land on the same spot. I also add one club if I am forced to land in the collar because the collars tend to be fluffier and the ball bounces less off the cushion. 8 HDCP, and I shot an even par 72 just 2 days ago. I play 100 rounds a year. So, am not stealing anything from "Golf Sidekick" because I love his content and have learned more about managing courses and expectations from his channel than just about any other. But here's some more guidance from an experienced, 65 year old 8 HDCP.

  5. Nice video. I like the Rule of 12, but it is a bit complicated, so this is perfect. After watching the Rule of 12 video, I did some testing on my own, and found that my 50* wedge is my 50/50 club on the greens I typically play. It's even easy to remember — 50/50/50. Before this year, I would use my 58* wedge almost exclusively for chipping. My 58* is my favorite club, so I was a bit hesitant to implement changes but I did and it has paid off.

    My 50* is now my default chipping club. Yesterday, I chipped in twice with it from about 20 yards — one for eagle and one for birdie. My playing partners told me I should go buy a lottery ticket. The funny thing was that, while I was not expecting the shots to go in, I did expect them to be close to the hole. I prefer to use 50/50 and adjust my landing spot, versus always trying to land it just on the green and adjusting the club. I don't like bringing the first cut into play by having my landing spot so close to it.

    To speed up play in estimating my landing spot, I laser the flag, then laser the edge of the green, then just pace off how many more paces onto the green I need. Example: 20 yards to pin, 6 yards to edge of green, add 4 paces past the edge and I have my landing spot.

  6. I can’t tell you how many other golf instruction videos on YouTube are suddenly showing the toe down technique. If they start talking about confidentiality and dutty hoes, I’ll you know.

  7. The goal is find a method that is repeatable, something you can count on. I am 65. My Dad taught me this when I was quite young. As an older guy, playing dink and dunk golf, the short game IS my game. There is a par 5 on one of the courses I play quite a bit. It is the #1 handicap on the card. Long, two dogleg segments, and nasty traps around a medium sized green. It took me 5 to get short of the green recently. Chip close, tap in for double. I have had worse. I played with younger guys that were playing the long tees, just to speed up the game. I shot 89. They were impressed. This technique WORKS! No hero shots, take your medicine shot when needed, select the do no hard targets, keep it on the fairway short grass. I can hit a 210 drive and get it in the fairway, plink it along, get on the green, two or one putt. When I play the old man tees, I can compete. LISTEN to this man! He is providing great strategy, tips, technique for lowering your scores. Time tested.

  8. I believe the lofts on my irons are stronger than usual…my PW is only 41°. Would this shift my 1/2 and 1/2 club to a 9 iron??

  9. That was weird. It started raining heavy here while I was watching. It was like Golf sidekick in 4DX!

  10. I have started using toe down chipping from the rough around greens. I need to practice using lower lofted clubs more because I find myself decelerating from fear of over hitting the ball. Maybe shorter backswing? Thoughts?

  11. This technique works great. Now I know where to focus on landing my ball instead of guessing

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