Golf Simulator

Good idea?

Hi, I'm under contract to buy a house and they have an indoor trackman 4. They are asking 15k for the Trackman, the projector, computer, the screen, and several chairs. I've never owned a golf simulator and have no idea how to evaluate it. Any suggestions on what I should do?

by Ghostdoctor5


  1. Do you play?

    If not it isn’t worth anything to you, and I’ll take it off your hands, won’t charge you for the inconvenience either

  2. never_4_good

    I’d have them show you that it works before paying $15k for it. Seems like a good deal for that package though considering they start at $20k for just the launch monitor.

  3. I would take the deal, only after it is tested.

    Ask the agent that you need to test it and call the buddy over for an afternoon who will be your independent evaluator.

    Go find a trackman simulator range and try a driver, 7i, and wedge.

  4. Ghostdoctor5

    I spoke with one friend who recommended keeping everything except the Trackman and then buying my own afterwards. I didn’t know if they broke down over time or what.

  5. BlobAndHisBoy

    How old? What projector? What are the specs on the computer? I’m not sure about trackman but with others you need to make sure they transfer the software license to you. Might be worth an email to trackman support to see what they would require. Seems like a good deal without knowing anything else about it.

  6. Depends on the level of quality and accuracy you require. Trackman is top of the line. You can get a really good LM that’s almost as good (for most people who aren’t instructors) for $2-5k

  7. I mean, it’s a good deal if it works. But you can get a brand new setup for much less with excellent equipment. It’s like saying is 100k a good deal for this Ferrari. Yea, probably but how badly do you want the Ferrari or could another cheaper car do.

  8. Capital_Worldliness4

    The green crocs? No, not a good idea.

    Jk, I’m jealous you have a Trackman. Enjoy!

  9. vwjet2001

    Eh, it’s by no means a professional install. If it’s above your budget, I would ask what they want for everything minus the computer (looks old) and trackman (way too expensive for most people’s needs). They should want no more than $1k…or it’s probably even more hassle for them to take it down and might just give it to you. Then get an eye mini or blp for like $3k and a newer PC for around $1k. So for $5k all in would have a nice setup.

  10. scratchwanabe

    Yes. But try to negotiate down and don’t tell them you have 6 kids that golfs.

  11. wassabi84

    As long as you’re ok paying the annual subscription fee to use it.if I remember correctly it’s about $1000 per year. If you are not a pro, semi pro, planning on turning pro, i personally would advise against it. They do not allow integration with any other software. If you want a sim strictly for entertainment purposes, with the exact same readings and data, and with to be able to play a shit ton of other courses/games go buy a gc3, or even a foresight quad I have one. The numbers are identical. You can also look up YouTube videos on coaches whom have done the comparison owning both at same time.

  12. ReputationNo8109

    I play on sims about 3 times per week. Trackman, Foresythe and GC3. The trackman is by far the most robust when it comes to courses and different options. However I find that the others are more realistic to my shot. I play indoors and Trackman seems to over analyze my spin. I slice everything right. When playing the Forsyth I seem to get results that more reflect my actual play on a course. If you said I could have any of them for free (and not resell), id pick the foresythe. Moral of the story, 15k is more than enough to set up your own sim with a different launch monitor and have money leftover to buy all your kids a new set of clubs. I agree with most others takes.. pass it up (maybe they significantly drop the price or just leave it) and build your own if you really want one. Maybe go and find somewhere that has multiple brands of launch monitors and hit in them to see if Trackman is really the one you want.

  13. xxcoopdoggxx

    I love the 48port switch with 5 connections haha

  14. OneZookeepergame3320

    I’d let them know you are not interested. My sense is they have future plans for a new simulator and hope to get something v the hassle of taking everything down. You will probably get this thrown in for free.

  15. EstablishmentUsed770

    I mean, I personally wouldn’t hit into a net with a kid walking by, but hey if you’re that pinpoint accurate on your starting line, good on ya?

    Ok jokes aside, test the unit out. A brand now trackman alone is almost certainly more than what the owner is asking for the entire setup. If you wanted a golf sim setup, and you test it and it works well, go for it. You could sell individual parts off for probably more than the owner is asking if everything is in good shape.

  16. NorthStar_7

    I’d counter offer. They don’t want to deal with it and are probably praying you say yes.

  17. htlpc_100

    Negotiate the price. They’re not gonna up and move it all. Offer them 5.

  18. Horrible idea. Trackman has good software but crappy accuracy indoors. Even outdoors I would question how accurate it is. I would Avoid.mevo+ same story. Buy skytrak+, mlm2, gc3.

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