Master Your HAND PATH In The Backswing

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Unlock the secrets to mastering your hand path in the backswing with this essential golf lesson! Learn how to control your hand movement for a more consistent and powerful swing. We’ll cover key techniques to ensure your hands follow the correct path, improving your swing mechanics and overall performance. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer, these expert tips will help you achieve a smoother, more efficient backswing. Watch now and take your golf game to the next level!

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  1. Question to you Sir not fully related to the hand path. From my own analysis, I tend to be a bit steep in the down swing. As a compensation, I early extend my hips to shallow the club.

    Do you have any videos regarding this? 🤩⭐️⛳️

  2. Awesome video, I have the same pattern where my hands go over the laces and return too far from the body at impact

  3. Your videos always come right when I need a particular thing. This one just happened to come 2 days after I had already figured out this change. I must be watching enough Porzak now and I’m learning fixes on my own from previous videos 💪

  4. Does the hand path change for draw / fade or is it more of stance w the same path in front of feet?

  5. Hi Adam. Ive always been taught that both hand v’s should point between chin and right shoulder.
    Are you saying that is OK for left hand but not right?
    You recommending a weaker right grip?

  6. Adam – Once you get to the set position you mention turn to the top. Is that just turning the upper body and do you haver a video that talks about this? The way you break things down is really helpful to all of us viewers. That's the one piece that I tend to get stuck on. I can get to the set position but I keep bringing the club inside from that position.

  7. Well – text book stuff that the golfers here are learning. Such vertical back swing does not work for all players – something the viewers should know. Even amateurs are not all john rahm, amateurs can still be little more inside in the backswing and still be very good golfers

  8. I like that he doesn't try to keep his lead foot heel stuck to the ground. Sometimes, that obsession with golfers is just plain silly….and gets in the way of natural movement. I generate a lot of power…simply be doing what feels natural with the lower body.

  9. this was awesome. i do suffer from hands that are too “in” or deep, and feeling them more away from the body/ in front of the chest really helps. it now feels like there is a lot of space between my right tricep and chest. in other vids u do prescribe the headcover drill at the right armpit to promote connection but i suppose that is for folks who have a different problem? dont feel like i can do both headcover + whatever you are teaching in this video at the same time

  10. I have an inside take away. Natural shot is a draw. Whenever I try to fix my take away and get a more neutral hand path I feel like I’m going to wipe it (which then becomes my miss). I love this game but man it’s so hard to correct what feels “natural” in a swing.

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