Golf Players

The Trump Shooter was Wearing My Shirt…

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  1. You can't help who buys their shirt, and you can't predict what someone is going to do. Can't help that at all

  2. Matt, It's not your fault that the shooter was wearing a shirt from Demolition Ranch. If he'd worn a Nike shirt some idiot would blame that company, it's not what you wear, it's what he was doing that led to the death and grave injury to others. I've got your back, retired LEO, SWAT Dog and sheepdog

  3. You are amazing. Your channel is amazing. Unfortunately, there are bad people in the world doing bad things. It doesn't matter what they wear. Fortunately, he can't hurt anyone anymore. I'll be buying some of your shirts soon to continue to support you and your family. Don't let this bring you down. Peace and love to ya!

  4. Hey don’t worry about this. We all know that you had nothing to do with this. He just happened to wear your shirt. You’re the best gun channel on YouTube. I’ve been watching you since the very beginning. Don’t let this ruin something that you worked so hard to build. I’m here for ya buddy. ❤

  5. You don’t promote violence? What do you think some disenchanted teenager is going to think when they look at these giant phallic symbols shooting powerful exploding spermatozoon bullets is going to think ? What do you think these things were invented for.? You even call them sniper guns. And you wish them the best and pray for them if wishes were fishes… Your prayers are meaningless. You’re a vet? Somehow, I can’t think that in my mind with what you’re up to here. You and your buddies should not have access to, not just one of these, but a whole friggin arsenal?.

  6. One of the combat vets at my work told me yesterday that he cant wait for a new civil war so his car can run on the blood of his enemies. I asked him why he wouldnt want his young children to grow in a peaceful nation. He said its not a peaceful nation, and the state of the nation makes him want to puke. It scared me. So to watch this video 24 hours later and hear a husband and father say he wants his children to grow in a peaceful world, made me feel better. A good reminder that people are generally good. Im sorry your brand got wrapped up in this violence, but you did a wonderful job with this video. Stay safe friends!

  7. Это был однозначно не фанат "Разрушительного Ранчо" – тут сразу ясно.

  8. Get over it princess.
    Your content went to shit a long time ago.
    Kentucky Ballistics shits all over you.

  9. This whole thing is dumb. If I was going to hit some lefty, do you think I would head over there in a Trump shirt and maga hat? Hell no! I would be wearing a BLM shirt and pride gear, so I looked like I belonged there. I bet his handler picked your shirt because you are so neutral on political statements.

  10. Keep it up my friend, love your videos, it is not your fault, dumb people always put the blame on everything else but the perpetrator, music, television, video games are commonly put unfairly on sight.

  11. The Secret Service Cheeto resigned today, so that's a plus.
    You can't help who wears your shirts, and we all know, he wore it for a reason, so don't sweat it.

  12. It’s ok. I wanted to share a funny story about one of my business shirts. I own a preschool and we have shirts for the kids and parents. One of my parents who I love dearly was celebrating a birthday. Keep in mind he is in his 20’s so the celebration included a few drinks. Well let’s just say he celebrated. A picture of him celebrating appeared on Facebook. I didn’t hear anyone say anything but I wanted to mess with him a little so I texted him and said really that is the shirt you are parting in. He was like I didn’t even notice. We all had a big laugh. I know you are not laughing and I know you feel bad the shooter had on your shirt. I pray you , your family and business don’t get any backlash. I hope my little story brings a smile to you.

  13. Don’t let the 1% of the people still alseep to this world’s true evil get you down. You keep doing what you do man. Also when were you going to tell us you starred in a movie?!?

  14. I understand your concern but as many many others have said.. what he was wearing does not mean a dang thing. What socks, shoes, undies lol… was he wearing. Nobody should care. You should be judged on your actions and your character, which appear, to me at least, to be solid.

  15. Have you not been listening to the Republican rhetoric? It's all about violence. The civil war talk comes from the right. Trump said the 2nd amendment fans could take care of Hillary. Trump insited a riot on Jan 6th. He gassed peaceful protesters. How about "the take over will be bloodless if the left let's it be." But, no, nobody wants violence.

  16. Mmm…let’s be real. The reason has nothing to do with the brand and peoples closeness to heart. That’s silly. If the guy was wearing Nikes, and threw one at trump and knocked him out, no one would care about your shirt. It wouldn’t even be a topic.
    But he used a gun, which is what your channel is about and so that’s unfortunate for you.

  17. Just like guns don’t kill people, or how pencils don’t write by themselves, or car crashes arnt caused by the car, the shooter chose to be a piece of shit dirtbag and just because he happened to be wearing your shirt doesn’t mean that you are involved at all, like you said, you can’t control who is buying your stuff, you can’t vet or background check everyone that’d be ridiculous. Anyone who blames you is a moron whose opinion shouldn’t even matter to you anyways. Stay strong brother

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