This Permanently Fixes ALL Your Chip Shots Around The Green

If you struggle with chip shots around the green it’s because you have a chipping technique that is too complicated.

Chipping and the short game can be super simple if you follow the 3 step Danny Maude shares in this golf video.

Here’s what you are going to learn

1. The Chipping Set – Up that guarantees strike
2. Really understand the bounce and exactly how to use it.
3. Have a chipping technique that looks after the bounce consistently

So if you are looking at improving your confidence with chip shots around the green watch the latest video from Danny Maude right here 👇


1. You Won’t Believe How Easy This Makes the Golf Swing –

2. Why 90% of Golfers Can’t Strike Their Irons

Here’s the practice plan and summary of this weeks lesson

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Thanks for stopping by. I created this website as a resource just for you to support you on your golfing journey as I know how tricky learning this game can be…to say the least!

I personally found learning the game too long and difficult in the early days. I read all the books, watched all the videos but my game was not improving. Then after studying various forms of neuro science, motor learning, psychology and personal development in less than two years I went from struggling golfer to the final stage of the Open Championship.

On YouTube and my personal website ( I will bring you the most up to date training, training that is getting tangible results for my clients right now. I don’t know where you are in your golfing journey, you could be just starting out or maybe your body isn’t as flexible as it once was or you’ve got ambitions to slash your handicap. Wherever you are I’ve created a place here you can learn, share your ideas, ask questions and get all the support you need to enjoy this great game.

Be prepared though. If its a quick fix you are after Im not your man. Here I will give you step-by-step advice that you can take straight to the practice ground and apply to the course but it will require you to get stuck in, screw up…a lot, practice some more and then watch those scores tumble

I’ve had the pleasure of coaching thousands of students all around the world and if you are up for the challenge and are ready to get in the game…LETS GO TO WORK!


This golf lesson provides a couple of wonderful drills to help you hit your driver straight.If you are a beginner golfer and are looking for some golf driver tips that are simple and easy to do then you are going to love this.

I will show you the golf swing slow motion so that you can see what you need to do to improve.

We look at 3 things:

1. How to stop slicing your driver
2. How to swing more in to out or how to swing more inside out
3, How to get the correct impact position with driver

and I hope to do all this with simple golf tips so you can create an effortless golf swing


  1. This is a very timely video for me Danny..I've dropped from 22 to 15 since January after 25 plus years of playing golf. The only thing holding me back from going any lower is my chipping it kills me every game. Like the gentleman in your video I can now see I don't swing long enough and am too short and jerry. Thanks as always and have a great weekend

  2. Great reminder thanks! ive been struggling lately since i got a new 60z wedge and insist 2 use it all the time, open, closing, pulling of "trickshots" lol, and its so unnecessary! have a new 56s on my way i the mail and going back 2 these more simple "put shots". Also thanks for the putting video u made earlier, really helped. that 1 2 3 4 counting technique where u look at the hole, look back than 1 2 hit it, really made a good and consistent routine with same tempo every time..Cheers and have a good day Dan the Man☺

  3. Thank you, Danny.
    So what is the difference between Shot #3 where you add wrist bending and Shot #1? Use #3 when you need more height to the ball trajectory? Would you use #3 technique for your #1 shot or would that go too far?

  4. Superb instruction, just one question what distance was your client chipping from so I can get an idea of swing length back for that distance and adjust from there . thank you

  5. Excellent video Danny. Could you do a video on putting faults? I have started to bounce my long putts which makes them very inconsistent.

  6. Thanks, Danny. My game this week was compromised by my poor chipping techniques if you will. I could have dropped more than 6 strokes had they been better. I believe these tips will help.

  7. Its so hard to fight the urge to force the club head into the ball like he was doing …for me its trying to guide the club through ,then think i need to speed it up ,which causes the rigidness looking swing…. Great refresher ,going to saved lesson file 😬👍🏼✌️

  8. Funny how so often your videos are exactly what I’m currently working on. Just practiced my short chips yesterday and this video will help so much more for practicing today. Thanks as always Danny!

  9. Very helpful to have one technique that works for most circumstances – excellent !
    Danny, unrelated but in all the time I've watched your channel, I've not seen anything on Shank shots both outside in and (for me) in to out !
    Can you consider this please ?

  10. Its so hard to fight the urge to force the club head into the ball like he was doing …for me its trying to guide the club through ,then think i need to speed it up ,which causes the rigidness looking swing…. Great refresher ,going to be saved lesson file 😬👍🏼✌️

  11. Thank you for the wonderful tips! I have been struggling around the greens lately. I need to put these tips into practice! Always great advice from you!

  12. I'd love a lesson or 2 from you I'm a 31 handycape so it would be a good challenge for you to see if I improve lol I have learnt a lot from your videos as I have never had a lesson

  13. Thanks for this lesson Danny! It seems that I get at least one or two chunks a round with my chipping. In watching this video, it appears that I have to pay more attention to the sole of the club! Well Done Danny!

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