Did you know you can change GRIP PRESSURE like this? #dangrievegolf #golflesson


  1. The thumb tip is the best one! I was taught that at a young age, around the greens, try keep the thumbs at a 1, relaxed arms and grip = result!

    Your videos are fantastic!!! 👍

  2. Thank you Dan. I hope your swing lessons are going well, I caught the first video, definitely an Athlete, you made great stride by the end of that lesson.

  3. You should point out Dan that this is a bit of an advanced concept. The average duffer is likely to decelerate trying that causing a bad shot

  4. Listening to you Dan has shaved at least 10 strokes per round for me. Hand pressure took a few months to understand and implement.

  5. Question about how to play this:
    Ball sitting up in rough about an inch just off the fringe. Plenty of green to work with.
    I have issues getting the face on the ball I guess as it “fluffs” out.

  6. I always say hold it like a baby orangutan is trying to bite off your fingers when hitting to a far pin. And then hold hit like a baby orangutan is trying to sleep in your arms for a close pin. Keeps it very simple!

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