He’s 71 and hit a 321 yard drive. Here’s How.

Learn how to increase swing speed for seniors with this simple VLS Golf Swing lesson from Todd Kolb!

Watch as Todd Kolb, known for his VLS golf swing, shows you how a 71-year-old golfer hit a 321 yard drive. Learn the secrets behind his powerful, easy golf swing for seniors!


  1. I golf with a lot of older guys, and I always listen to what they have to say. They might not hit the ball far, but their course management is amazing.

  2. i’m 68 playing of 5.8 / got injured, a chiropractic doctor made it worse for me / struggled with sciatica and an unstable SI joint for a year / couldn’t walk but kept playing golf / had to change my swing / i’m now doing your third option (plus off course strength training to rebuild my core stability and muscles around my joints) / still searching for more club head speed / yesterday I started to focus on bringing my hands way above my shoulder in the back swing ——> that added 30 yards !!! thought it was a coincidence a good day but i went to play again to see if it worked again and yes! I’m basically almost back at my old club distances / it’s amazing what you can do by creating more momentum / effortless power and in my case most importantly a pain free movement (can’t do the jumping swing anymore, tightens the gluts and pinches the sciatic nerve too much)

  3. 46 the old from Rocklin, CA here. 321 yrds at any age is super impressive!

    My wife, son and I are beginners and we found your video very helpful. Thanks for posting! 💥

  4. I will second what Todd. is saying, especially concerning golfer 60 and older. I play with a lot of older players who have a ball flight that is half the trajectory of a normal thirty year old’s. I don’t necessarily think it has to do with age but with fear. They have learned over time that a low flighted ball seems to stay on line longer. Without thinking about it, they think they have to hit out and not up to get their maximum distance. This is true that a low ball trajectory provides for more control but the result is that these golfers are hitting drivers less than 220 so they move up to the senior tee box when they really don’t need to as far as strength goes. Frankly, I have pointed out to them that they don’t need to be stronger or more flexible but as Todd explains, just put a little more effort into the vertical component of their swing. For sure though if there’s a knee or hip issue involved they are going to have difficulty rising up through the ball.

  5. I’m 71 playing off 20 and will be trying out what you have shown in your video in two days time on my local course South Herefordshire in the Uk.

  6. You cannot "load" the rear leg. It's a myth. What's actually happening is you're really "loading" the front leg. Look closely, a leg that straightens cannot be "loading" or building torque … the front leg is the one that's bending and loading in preparation to provide resistance which speeds up the swing and dictates the release point. Myth's like this are why everyone has such a hard time learning to swing a golf club properly.

  7. 65 year old here. I'm having problems with consistency. Straight down the middle is far and few in between lol.

  8. 64 and just getting started back after 5 year away, I’m going to try these drills as I can hit it straight but about 2/3 of the distance I had 10 years ago.

  9. Love this video and all your assistance. It has improved my golf. I am an Australian Air Force veteran with lower back and right shoulder issues. Keep up the great work!🇦🇺🇺🇲✔️

  10. I'm 53 with an ultra rare disease that affects all my joints and reduced flexibility. The last 2 years my golf game has struggled. I would like to see suggestions on how to to deal with the loss of flexibility. I will say pointing your toes outward does help!

  11. 65, Muscle Shoals AL. Was off for 31 years with back problems, until January of 2023. Started back then had trigger finger surgeries on four fingers. Still have been able to drive the ball 270 yards. Need to develop more consistency, but I’m patient and really appreciate your tutorials/lessons.

  12. I’m 75. My index has gone from 11.7 to 14.4. Had a few bad rounds. I think I’m watching too many YouTube videos.😂😂 played with my neighbor on Monday and 87 using the vertical line swing. I’m gonna go to the driving range today. I just can’t seem to hit my longer irons very well. I’m fading everything except the short irons and I know exactly why. So that’s what I’m gonna work on today. For some reason I cannot square up the damn club face. Very frustrating. I can do it when I do short swings, but on a full swing I leave the club face open. Can you suggest any drills to help me with that. Thanks, Todd.

  13. I am from Saginaw Mi I am 65 from last year to this year I have lost distance on all clubs. I like the last move you showed I will work on it. Thanks

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