“POP” your Lead Side in the Golf Swing (Amazing Results)

GRF Golf Head Coach Marcus goes into further detail with Gary on the movement exploration on his lead side in his golf swing, watch part 1 here:

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#CoachYourself #GRFgolf #Golf
Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

oh that one look at the shape though yes yeah that’s what I’m saying so the end result is still good shape is King strikes strike is so important little bit off there but shape of the ball fly that’s what you’re attuning yourself to face path shape of Swing shape of fly that’s it no it’s all right and again few more cuz we we’ got to just train the left side a bit more yes that one there that was one wasn’t it that drawing onto the one wow I like that one oh oh my God now you add the little magic move have you never felt that in your swing before any of never Marcus never never because I felt coming over the top all the time this is I felt what you used to do that or hang on I’m in set flip well you see that was your mechanism to get the club shallowed and get back and I can see what you’re saying because as soon as I go like that my all swings going hang on a minute and it’s like yeah you can feel the disruption to go now look at that oh i b b out there what you’ve got to do because of your character type you’ve got to be careful not to over exaggerate and force it and go too much to the end of theg GD you got to just feel it and spring that’s it so what you can do now look at your left side extension that was Beau beautiful so we’re going to look at a little bit of a pop just take that for me now we’re going to look at the wrecking ball and we’re going to move the wrecking ball into a slingshot so what we’re going to do first take this for me like that so this is hanging down vertically so when we swing it Gary it’s going to go side to side not round yeah and all I want you to do is just rock the board and then swing the balance pad like the wrecking ball so that’s brilliant how you’ve separated the two but I want to get a little bit now of Rhythm in that so watch me now keep eye contact with me yeah okay just stop for a second cuz you’ll get this straight away hold that over there mirror me over here oh sorry so I go first yeah hold it there so I’m still on this side so we’ve got to boss this okay movement here we can’t let this run away with us what we can’t let happen Okay is I’m going to go First Watch where yeah it all starts to run out of control okay I’m with you okay you’re in control of when you want to shift and this reacts lovely so you can change the tempo of when you use the board or you can go lovely so now side to side and spend some time on the right Lake too so you can go from leg to leg and let it swing so you can spend some time on the hip let it swing and when you want to go back you go back but you lead it all the time with the board that’s it try not to think of it in golfing terms here you’re trying to you’re trying to mimic a move there so that’s better now bang the board drop there you yeah good look at this now you’re playing around with the movement you’re starting to adapt in the moment this is you owning movement yeah look at that cool right that’s good enough all we have to do is once you’ve ticked the Box you’ve you’ve learned to ride the the bike so you don’t need to go and learn again knows how to do it start your back foot so off you go one one two three so you can just reset and now spring so then do a four so you go one two three one two three four there you go awesome so on the board you just reset your feeling it’s that’s what I’m I’m I’m doing the feeling not thinking yeah before I was thinking on it to be there and then you were yeah EXA you were trying to recreate the move by thinking which is what a lot of people do don’t just go back use your exercises cuz that that recalls the feeling if you love the coaching and want to experience the effects of the training that you see with our pupils you can purchase the GFI system Yourself by following the link in the video description you’ll get all the equipment and a 2-hour download covering all the fundamentals exploring your movement and how you can use the ground and create those all important ground reaction forces and transfer them through to Club head speed and experience the gains that you’re seeing in the videos totally exhilarating for me cuz I’m a what I call a serious golfer and I believe I’ve got lots of capability you have but for 30 40 years where’s that been I know I know that’s just uh I feel now even the bad shots are going the exciting thing is and the amazing thing is you’ve experienced it cuz you could you could go your whole you could go your whole life and never experienced it exactly and I I say to people you’ve got to try something even if it’s a lesson with somebody else you got to try something or you got but that’s just like it’s unbeliev how how you put your you it’s obviously to do with biome mechanics and how you move yeah I worked in engineering for somebody that’s listening to it they’re like really probably but when you coming experience it you go it it’s just how you build it up is fantastic I’ve never gone in one lesson okay it’s three hours whatever I’ve never gone to it in a ball like that in probably three or four lessons but I haven’t drawn it like that no I’ve just been pushing it pulling it honestly your system’s fantastic man unbelievable I’m not coming back you you don’t need to well I might need me chipping me put well the thing is with you chipping so this chiping obviously yeah you were saying yeah so when you go up it shallows the swing yeah but you going down I’m a firm believer in go away practice it play it come back and have a a look over it you know what I mean and progress that’s what I like that’s fantastic look look what a shot I’m happy I’ll die happy brilliant I know I can do it now and do you know the reason I didn’t know why I didn’t know what why I wasn’t doing it if you know what I mean didn’t I say that you’ve been fighting to find it yes I’m trying to you manipulate and find it and then you’re getting little bits of information Gary do this do that do and it doesn’t really doesn’t mean anything as part of a sequence and to your body doesn’t really doesn’t know how to use it that won’t be best but I mean look I check that playing any golf course it’s gone where you want to be yeah nice that were the one there that that little yard fade on it I mean all them have gone from that basket to that 100 and stayed they grab your driver let’s have a little uh play around with that oh no we’ve been used to going that way and down now yeah you’re getting more you get in that way now we can go up and out even more cuz that path as you know goes more left as you’re striking up y so now we’re creating the opportunity to get that swing out to the right what you’re going to do is you’re going to increase your centrifugal force so bring the club down to me keep your grip you’re going to be this is you’re going to let swing off the I felt that a little bit there felt your your spring your pop is going to essentially react to this too so through practicing it knows what’s going to be happening so it’s helping create that but it’s also then letting it go so your but your left side just gets more and more accustomed to it yeah just the first thing we’re gonna do is just create that out and up swing good have a few shots play around with it very good fantastic what take back i’ take that starting right drawing back a good bad one that’s it brilliant starts right draws back and you get that strong fly but you used your body to go over here but you you know what you did instinctively where did you go first you tried to turn your feet why did you turn your why did you want to turn your feet over here because this is what your body wanted to do yeah wanted to pull draw it yeah but as soon as you went this way and you used your body to go over there you tapped into the three and the four that’s it then brilliant and remember you’ve got a nice simple set of exercises your board for your 1 two three that’s the four but you can feel the four on the board as well one 2 3 four you just keep going back to these exercises all right guys that was amazing absolutely unbelievable you guys you’re brilliant you’re amazing thanks Mr cameraman awesome really well done that’s brilliant [Music]

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