Angry with your golf, this strategy works #golf

Angry with your golf, this strategy works.

If you’re constantly dwelling on the negatives after a round of golf, here’s a tip to shift your perspective and boost your mood.

Instead of leading with the disappointments, start by reflecting on the best moment of your day on the course. By highlighting even small victories, like a well-executed shot or a moment of calm amidst challenges, you can cultivate a more positive outlook on your game.

Embracing this approach can enhance your overall experience and mindset, fostering greater enjoyment and appreciation for your progress.


#Golf #PGAProud #GolfMindset #PositiveGolf #BestMoments #GolfReflection

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Paul is the ultimate coach for –
• Anyone who wants to learn how to “play golf” and not just “golf swing”
•The majority of golfers who just want to get a little better so they can enjoy the game more.
• Beginner golfers who feel intimidated by the game.
• Social golfers who just want to have more fun when playing.
• Corporate day golfers who don’t want to make a fool of themselves at a work golf day in front of their boss or clients.
• Weekend warrior golfers who just can’t find time to practice or play more.
• TopGolf first-timers who have never touched a club and don’t want make a fool of themselves.
• Established golfers who are worried traditional lessons might mess them up.
• Google golfers! Those who have information overload from all the golf advice out there

Paul Williamson is a Certified Member of the PGA of Australia and has advanced certification in the area of coaching. Based on the Gold Coast Australia he coaches at Emerald Lakes Golf Coaching Centre open to the public 7 days.

Paul spent 15+ years as a touring professional playing in hundreds of Pro-ams with thousands of amateur playing partners. During this time he was also contracted as a corporate golf coach by large companies to help their clients play better at company golf days or functions. These experiences have lead Paul to his passion which is to help all the everyday golfers out there play better golf quickly, with easy-to-understand concepts, and language we can all relate to.

Please share this with anyone who you think may improve their golf from hearing it. Cheers

here’s one thing I know you’re probably not doing very well when you come off the golf course and someone asks you how was your day how did you go what’s your response normally so if you’re someone who’s caring about their golf game chances are you’re probably pretty negative if you’re constantly focusing on the bad stuff which is you know okay for golf because to get better we go get better at of bad stuff making sure your bad stuff’s better is important if you keep focusing on that all the time you can end up not really appreciating and remembering the good stuff he’s a challenge for you and this is what works for me to make me feel a hell of a lot better about any game golf no matter how bad it is what was the best moment that happened today someone asked me how was your day today I’m going to start with that oh man I just made a triple on the fifth best moment was I stood on the sixth managed to take a deep breath forget about it all concentrate on this shot hit a really good eye into the middle of the graen and made a p I’m really happy with the way I reacted to that something like that it might help you a lot what was the best moment of your day make that the number one thing you tell everyone and see what starts to happen to your demeanor and your feelings about your golf game

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