Golf Babe

*Golf Clash*, Qualifying round – Master*2 – The Open 2024 Tournament!

Hey guys and gals,

The Open 2024 Tournament, Qualifying round, Master!

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Bo be sure to hit that thumbs up button that would be very kind get in the hole boom don’t forget subscribe and follow the channel everybody Bo get some get some get some boom everybody that thumbs up button that would be very kind shot everybody see to I get in the e be sure to hit that thumbs up Buton that be very hello everybody Welcome to today’s stream my God it was a while ago make sure to place your bets if you’re watching on Twitch I’m just playing here a little bit on cir I’m going to qualify this one today as well RX welcome hello in what account hey there thanks so much appreciated bro thanks so much Andrew I’m good thank you how you doing today sa thanks bud appreciate it only four more minutes to place your bet I was a little bit late you could be the hero you could be the gold for people do never even try champion oh God don’t get stuck in rock play no that’s not good sir no not with C we’re going to move over to T-Rox after this and play that one I’m going to use cir as a forfeit account on uh opening round thank you Eric appreciate it hey Adam good morning make sure place your bets we’re going to we’re not going to use this account into the betting as I will play one and here on h two but we’re going to go over and play txx and then I’m going to play my main I’m not going to double tablet GNA Play One account uh and then the other account you can be the king banging on your shest you can be the world you can be okay open up your gold F then ah inist go yes get some extra gold also Al K hey bud Eric thank you so much for resubscribing appreciate that yeah I’m not going to change the score hey Lon welcome ranking [ __ ] Bud any last minute betters all right now we’re going to change the code hey Mama thanks so much after hope you’re all keeping well mate good Lu Travis cheers mate thanks so much all is good how is everything with you all right thank you everybody for being betting appreciate that we’re going to remove the betting for us there we go I’m going to play two accounts I’m going to play two monster rounds it’s what I’m going to do today Big Ben thanks so much you’re more than welcome to get some guys spin we love to see you improve all right hole number one let’s go oh go n thank you sa uh y thank good luck Bobby thank for good luck Travis go to bed mate appreciate being there tell me where are you located again Sweden all right all right let’s take a RL open up your little face toy when do you decide when to play with enhanced visuals on our when I play my when I do wedges I do visuals off otherwise always it’s on open up your gold bags and it’s some booms in the shot John thank you so much for good luck appreciate it what’s Bear not called fighting Ben never heard good luck Tommy hopefully you squeeze through and find a you know fingers crossed right fingers crossed Che John hope you’re doing well all right Okie do Okie do do okay oh [ __ ] B thanks so much appreciate you know oh I’m full H all right it’s going to get suuck in rough I think no it’s not what an unnecessary gra man perfect was in ah perfect close though all right finally it is in that blue angle though which you always seem to get live but uh boo Paul thank you for good luck man appreciate it it it’s t to see I mean it could be Mr Chopper like it should uh haven’t heard anything Okie do so the question is though should people be getting gold balls for uh that that’s a big question waer thank you so much appreciate it hippie hoie love German open 24 Tom thank you oh yeah y I mean there so many good shots on this hole um which is kind of both the easy and the hard thing with this type of hole because it’s hard to decide on actually what are you going to play because there’s so many so many different type of plays here which is nice oh so everyone’s opening up their go pack yeah I’m going to be kind open up your grth pack then call thank you so much Grant are you doing all right so parts of me thinking a practice would be wise yeah let’s do that let’s do a practice on the P because uh I kind of feel that I need that n Sal thank you so much hey all right I’m doing a practice on this one I do think I will be doing that on the poor PES I feel like after you know when I was playing yesterday with Franco definitely needed that and see so yesterday I were out playing some real gold um I can say that my body my body can feel that today but it was it was cool though it was was nice we did some content there um as well that will be up here on YouTube not really sure when probably in August sometime it’s going to be a lot of editing and stuff like that but it’s going to be nice uh hopefully people you guys are going to enjoy that and no it’s not going to be that I’m dropping hly ons and Eagles and stuff like that everywhere that’s not going to happen yes to be perfectly clear I found the way I’m a little Sor yeah I am you know terrible in real life Conor you know sparts I don’t I don’t I would love to honestly there some holes like there was one hole that actually played quite good and I had a couple of shots that was you know good but it’s unbelievable how generally [ __ ] I am on that and uh you guys going to see some good shots but it’s going to see some frustration as well let’s put it that way I get some out it’s silly afternoon hey hey Richard thank you for stopping by Dario thanks so much I found the way all right let’s see here let’s do our best see get a good pull yes so we can have something to work with on uh the live attempt I if you drop it fine we’re just going to no 8.5 n 9.7 be all right I found the way life on the way not be okay so that’s okay we just going sent bald see let’s see where it misses if it misses it looks good though oh dead dead uhuh it’s all right let go nice John I think the wind angle if I haven’t looked at it wrong it’s going to be the same but the opposite direction same good G my problems I can take it but thank you though you appreciate it I really do it’s one of those where it’s like there always going to be if we can go for the rough bump is it’s going to be definitely going to give a chance but it’s like so yeah it can be a tough drop one day and one day it’s going to be uh like you can’t miss as okay that’s the pull angle we’re looking for them okay what did I say with the commentary in the guide can’t even remember two to the three to the four another one all right see if we can replicate that good Lord d toown viory everybody at the bar get Dipsy oh yeah yeah sometimes I may may be a little bit too conservative with the way that I do explain things sometimes I kind of like I like the voice things things that I think is good to just have in mind like for example if uh if you do way too much 1159 might miss R and stuff like that I mean I I get that people may not experience that because people are generally very good but I just I I might be too conservative with that in the hole in the hole in the hole it there go thank you so much appreciate the good luck appreciate it thank you so much everybody for being here today very appreciated good luck looks like at least my 15 without star who knows Rec right have you been playing oh interesting this is qualifying for the open yes that is very correct that is very correct Jacob Philip CH mate thank you so much well that’s a like I know it’s not playing shot we have but that was a massive 12 one interesting I mean this could kind of maybe even itself out in the end with op and stuff makes sense though my hero got 75 15 7586 was very wonky I know it’s start missing no maybe not Oh I thought I was going to miss though I did not feel good about that one that’s good then open up your P then Vicky oh she makes a stream yes open up every go B love your videos love your videos by the way help me out so much Jacob thank you so much Gr you know it bro you know bro nothing can we hit perfect approach here okay hold number four we’re not going to practice this one hi Ben M 94 plate thank you so much for being here appreciate that thank you so much there CC we will take a replay and the I I mean still through though just wondering how how you have so many balls in stock I’ve been buying a lot but you know it’s fair to say as well like I’m using like if we’re looking at the guides that we’re making we obviously need to have a lot of balls to be able to uh try literally everything that we that we want to need so a lot of the money that we get for selling guides is is invested to uh to buy balls for it’s perfect 466 I I think I maybe 4 68.2 close of the Lords what’s to watch England ladies Cricket afternoon you know Vicki I hope you have a good time but I’m not excited for you but hopefully you have a good time how do you get so many balls TR again trying to play they help you make some M yeah like we obviously some sometimes there there is a limit to what you can do with the free to play balls but I mean we people for those that haven’t looked into Brandon Burke and the creationss he’s doing for us uh in the team in the guide and also on the YouTube channel I mean that’s a that’s what a person one of the if not the best making free to play ball shots Walk Alone go there 7 eight 3 seven it’s perfect people talking I’m speaking your vide helped me to get my 14 thank very much you’re welcome but glad to be able to help and yeah that’s important for those of you that want to try out monster you can find some free videos out on my YouTube channel like there are just on the channel uh those are mainly with pay balls for those that looking free to playay stuff you can check out brandom bur’s channel and for those that them wanted to have the premium stuff where you get the text Guy together with the videos and makes it even easier for you to be competitive in this game then you go to scan the QR code on side there or Link in description down below yeah this hole I don’t like this Soul at all like on on paper I don’t like Soul at all once you get past expert in M seems make a show free to play B you’re going to have to have a special mind and be be very good on what you’re doing because it’s definitely possible to be competitive with free play balls some people show that Time After Time After Time with um with our Creations but also with own creation it’s all about not looking at it as impossible but not having the experience with creating shots yourself and just going in winging it that’s never going to happen that’s never going to happen that’s also like again why we are in the business as we are to help people to not have to spend a bunch of time in practice um and spend a bunch of balls and still being able to be competitive with but obviously like if you play with pay balls it’s going to be generally easier free to play for sure do they not off the country Fly ball from J 2 in PR no they do not it’s actually quite funny about that Eric I I got screwed I got screwed the big time on that because I I have owned every single ball with the country or flag stuff I owned every single one I even have screenshot on it from an old stream but it has not counted to my album but it doesn’t matter that I send that into to them even though they can see that clear as day on the stream that I actually have owned though but I’m not I’m still not getting it anyway and there’s no chance in hell I’m going to pay for any album balls never SC Viper thanks bud thank you very much to remember she’s the kind of song you can play forever oh something better I’m just doing a practice on the four five I’m going to probably do a practice on 72 cuz like I definitely did I did too much 59 yesterday you just need to get a little I don’t expect it to drop though because I’m not going to spend a bunch of balls on it uh I want to have a little bit better feel than yesterday for sure favorite ball you use or does it just depend on the whole in situation in yeah I mean you can look at the different ways Jacob like there are some balls that I would say is my favorite just from um General usage then there are those balls that could obviously work better in certain situations but season 61 I will show that after this whole it’s a P4 Sid Spin Six win 10 prision 4 FR eight ball I like that how many hours you need approx to max out the club oh as possible to say Adrian but that’s if you’re not playing good in tournaments then it’s going to take a long a long time thank you ER thank you very much I actually forgot about that thank you forgot this SP no seven seven nice Richard bomes go heavy on the new ball or I would say like this record if you don’t have a bunch of the P6 precis balls P6 win 10 balls yeah it’s perfectly perfect size and stuff which is important but if you do have a bunch of them I don’t like I said yesterday on stream I have a lot of them on all the accounts I will be spending on it because I need the gems to get the practice tokens and it’s a good ball to do that but other than that I would survive without it without any problems because I do have a lot of of balls with similar side sure s SP 10 but we’re not going to use sip 10 at all of that it’s just going to be like that so really look into your inventory and see how much you have but it’s a good ball a brilliant ball all right so Jacob this is a ball that I this is one of my favorite ball this one this a 501 it was this one absolutely love that ball if it was for gam I would have not play this game or maybe only random free play balls ice nice nice thank you for the kind words joing and we at least give some value to what we are doing for sure it’s so my fault I have an unhealthy obsession with a simple times playing by on toilets you know I remember those time too as well when you could when you took up your phone you play the game I don’t do that anymore obviously um but uh yeah I I can feel you there for sure Martin good afternoon how do you get the ring over on your screen go to Facebook goldash gridline so then you can ask and search there yeah what’s your favorite balls then everyone now we’re speaking about it Vick is say Cardinal that’s season 51 and the JY ball what’s uh what’s your favorite ball like the rest of you you game thanks bud Marat oh yeah yeah yeah right just joking obviously back in the day I used to love Titans Titan was my absolute goto ball uh when I was playing like now it’s thinking years back but that was the ball I appreciate you answering all my still learning a good bit or trying to watch all the videos is it worth to get the app of overlay on the screen it will help especially getting the win ring numbers Jacob definitely helps what I would recommend though uh if you go to my website gold loads of free content there’s like literally everything you can think of there and free so that goes for you and for anyone else I haven’t checked it out absolutely worth checking it out to have a look at everything there let say R oh change all right Focus sh nothing B that boy open up your PS thank you yon appreciate that a lot of practice a lot of studying understanding game like but I’ve been in the game for a very long time and as my job is to help players become better players in this game and in any other game that I’m playing it’s obviously my duty to make sure that I I learn the craft being able to teach it all thanks guys appreciate it thank you Iceberg ball when you have to get oh God yeah okay so we have been talking about what’s the best ball then what’s the worst ball then you would think the Kurt thank you for subscribing get Che buddy all right one practice here just to get the pull angle correct and by the way though about uh this uh new ball I will be doing a ball review going to be out a little bit later today oh no no mean green and Gater ball mean green yeah that one classic classic [ __ ] ball rugby ball for me rugby ball is and Frozen ball as well looks like a scroll them you got that stre thank you very much Richard appreciate that a lot thank you so much joh K thank you so much and good morning blade ball I I don’t even know what that is a new Scarab I don’t know the starts with that ball those balls 8 474 Pineapple lle Day what’s that um the most extreme angle to see what happen though I mean this is a beautiful shot from Franco I absolutely Beauty this one open up your gold B your team killed the qualifying round guys again appreciate good luck sir thank you Brooks thank you for the kind words to the team and yeah that’s so true as well like the team the team the team the team the team no one could do it by thems I’m so pleased to be surrounded by some absolute world class shot Creator it’s in expert and in master absolutely Brilliant Minds at the circus oh yeah yeah I mean King maker is definitely expensive especially if you’re not winning stuff in Golden shot and tournaments as such am Mohamad thanks bro much love back thank you all right I’m going to do a practice here yes do I need to get myself a little bit better P I was way too my 59 yesterday this whole though the question is so I’ll do oh yeah we’re going to use this ball actually this head here not a good one Binky Binky dink but dinky dink dinky pinky it was the shape more than S but they were 531 and 22 yeah that’s actually that very true uh the do H yeah because like it will get better with the more with Tailwind it’s but it’s still going to be a tough one um John that’s the thing I don’t think we’re going to go in to this’s feeling is going to be a Gimme no matter what okay okay I need Che gin thanks you so much okay I’m going to do one more one more one more yeah that’s the NASCAR hole Eric they abely butcher it the only downside with the NASCAR hole that we had was that if you didn’t drop the only one you one down toward your opponents all right it comes free not me soon this come it aqu thank you so much thank go wait for the PE beach ball next week we got quite similar how do you know the ball starts of the peble beach ball Paul do you know that already turn it up up up up up up what the see I don’t think it’s going to drop but I’m going to Lear no okay it’s that one was definitely then okay I understand now all right it’s going to be right I didn’t hit The Fringe but that’s good though it’s fine it look [ __ ] when they don’t hit Fringe but that’s a low wind though definitely more denying in that case especially and also in in that like what’s on the kind of just into the blow all right let’s go live not expecting anything here you talked about the peble beach yesterday can tell us a bit about for for that tournament what do you want to know uh a 9o cup that essentially becomes an 18ho Cup by the looks of it it’s nothing confirmed from play demic but those people that do access the code in some way how they do that I don’t know but there are plenty of those people doing that apparently and they are usually very very correct because essentially that being pushed by play demic and that’s what they are exing so 18 holes or in qualifying round Thursday Friday 18 holes with new wins on the Saturday but you don’t have just the Saturday to play you can actually play on Sunday too I totally agree with that Ray uh now with peble Beach coming so night but uh but other than that like we have not we have not been blessed with um we have not been blessed with the new stuff in the game hopefully this way P Beach is a start now say it’s an 9old cup but let’s put it this way it’s an 18old cup so we are not playing anything on Monday I mean that’s how I understand it too Eric but because I doubt play demic is going to go out and just change the time I don’t think so so but who knows like because it’s not in the app yet that is stuff that I don’t think anyone can see Riki Spanish my friend hey bud oh God oh a very poor shot from my opponent unfortunately yeah not this is not the win I’m want to have it’s like a yeah all this is like outside blue so I mean I don’t know where this ball is going to end up to be honest know oo did not expect that they think they tested 8 no every week and most didn’t like 9 oh it could be it could be I mean it could be ground that’s definitely a thought that I’ve been thinking about because it’s it wouldn’t I mean as they are giving us a Sunday to play as well they could easily justify like all right sure we give you more holes but we give you two days to play get in open up your little PES and get some booms in the shot in nice drop that one I honestly didn’t expect it though oh guys does anyone remember or collect these anymore I did that when I was younger see here like Panini stuff it’s like you know absolutely love this thing I didn’t buy much for this one but I have a couple of complete albums and stuff like that nice they all that thing actually there a lot of [ __ ] in there build below T hey bud then the h gaming dog welcome in here don’t forget to subscribe if you’re new to the channel subscribe to the channel if you do want to see me play it’s beautiful game also videos obviously just subscribe to the channel if you’re watching on YouTube on Twitch follow like press the heart button there heart bottle thanks guys appreciate it all right yon he’s no dog he’s no dog mate we never stop we won’t give him the time is youi it’s I know I just tried to be funny fun sh as long as you don’t set set top the Q no Yos that’s very very important thing I’m on the road this is open up your go FS now we going to do we’re going to do a practice now before we go live because we want to find the pool angle We Stand night we can save the day question for you tell me when do you start thinking I’m going to shoot at 21 here before I start that’s my mindset before I start that’s kind of like how I looking at okay I’m going to drop every hole that’s going to be a 21 and obviously we have you know hold two but that’s my mindset but then once I do start on hold one I’m purely thinking about hold one and once I’ve done that I purely think about hold two and do my best to not think about oh whole s is going to be difficult it’s going to be difficult so let’s take it all by all of nice gaming though that’s awesome money sh Franco M blue like outside blue if you scroll roll back can see the [ __ ] angle I got but as the hero I am I delivered I’m very thankful to be in the yeus saves Clan with the Kevin Risa Justin and a whole bunch of other great people I can’t name the names of all of them but rman congrats on two 19s yesterday a different plat see of the post you yes I’m streaming on YouTube on Twitch we’re still a little bit lzy you know fixing the shots so take down my voice a little bit I’m screaming intense come heat this going to miss right with missing I think yeah okay so I just need in that angle I just need more 01 because it lands so far I just add an extra cck of op it’s kind of similar like you have yesterday Franco I’m going to go live though that’s just a [ __ ] angle and I’m going to have to increase the 8.6 as well man yeah all right let’s do it let’s do it I kind of had a feeling that was going to happen though all right let’s go all right I don’t want to replay then you get [ __ ] angles like that that [ __ ] strength and all kinds of crap I see my own life so for those of you that feels that they are not done yet they want to watch more yes you will see a whole other account we played after this one so we’re not done in a long way love me to my all this time I wasting you were right there all along cheers Franco going to do my best how you doing today by the way do you have a lot of clients today let’s do it Jeff Roy hey bud how are you feeling by the way Rosman today is it like better and better for every day I hope so though going now two accounts today Paul love to my B all this time I way you were right there we will never you were right there all alone to do all along do you have any idea when sumon Ma is I don’t but I would guess next month what a voice I particularly love how you’re singing a different song to the one we hear yeah yeah I know that’s very very very good point I wish I could play the songs that I’m singing too to you guys too it’s would it’s just pop this go Z know all right come on now God it’s the same [ __ ] okay it’s kind of the same [ __ ] 72 I’m going to go three here with that thing get in it’s got a history it’s a party Downtown F Street the b b oh some boms in the shot one two to the three to the four open up your gold packs every I mean you know we could have dropped two but I actually great ball too only great ball 50 gold ball to everyone open up your gold packs when we do 21 for sure Dan’s got a history and we’re going to play one more round are you ready then let’s start over all right let’s see how we can mess up the main account then let’s not put it let’s be reset we go directly into whole one sh Shane thank you everyone appreciate it it’s nice to do that on stream and after getting my ass hammered by Franco yesterday but one yeah yeah we go hold Number One D meant to break go oh you got to hold on I’m not do what you’re feeling all right Telly without having caddy how do you do I calculate slider calculation adjustment accurately um it’s very difficult to do that Mr shop you kind of have to write everything down and I would say instead of working with slider you have to work with one to one type of calculations so it’s for an example if you make a drop and you just one to one with your sniper that’s where you’re working from and you’re somewhat not being dependent on the percentages in that sense that makes sense Franco is one of the best players in the world uh I mean for me for me playing against Franco is just uh enjoyable I mean just the the banter and enjoying the fun together on the Tuesdays are awesome I don’t care who wins or lose in the end though but obviously like a little piece of me would like to win rather than lose you know get up now wake up no wake up now of the we have what can I do come back in St I really want you to the ground you’re the love I found open Baron thanks so much you got W last night was a joke Renee I didn’t get my ass Hammer by Franco even though it’s a some interesting images for sure what’s your rough iron offroader level eight or n level 9 if I can choose all right let’s it perfect this time that would be that’s good all right hold two don’t wake up now wake up now all right can do the same calculations with a basic ball I mean it can do the calculations though but obviously the winds is going to be much higher so it’s going to take me a lot longer to get ding shots but yeah you can do I mean you can do I mean some shots you need more power but otherwise generally it’s all about how much time you spend and your skill level then you can do stuff with basic ball too do I think it’s fun no do people want to see that no bang bang it how much money do you have on gold I have U some billions like this one one 45 billions I think all right come on now eang bang bang bang L wind though uh no I’m saying there don’t get stuck I should have pulled back one yard I didn’t do that not saying it would have dropped though would closer all right I think the other one on the last um account would have been closer if I would have hit perfect we’re getting an eagle though and we move on now I’m not going to practice the par cuz I did practice that on t- Roos and we’ll see how that will show and what w bang I bang bang open up your gold packs ni thank you so much for being here all right yeah man all right all three have I ever hold in W this one yeah plenty of time actually it’s one of the holes that I think I’ve dropped the most I had dropped in all angles in practice uh on uh this one on uh Monday but it’s obviously very hard to to deliver that like it’s like long distance shs with usually with op and stuff like that have to be a lot of luck for most all right and the May B me a hot uh 48 12 close guys guys guys guys guys all right come on now make one four I think wow boo that was actually pretty cruel it felt like more of the ball was inside the hole than outside the hole that’s cruel that’s going to quickly go to the bathroom all be back no get Cru you missed it shot yesterday too I playing with Franco yeah and I dropped it earlier too but thank you for the reminder all right LIF your hands up all right whole three four I mean oh no go all right oh yeah I sit down I have like I have this massive thing though otherwi it’s not going to I’m not going to hit it otherwise so I need that you know to sit down to kind of just take everything and just press it down the toilet you know I can’t win the priz Eric you can’t win if you’re in Sweden they activate the all right perfect after Tomy be lurking while the conference call has just finished well playing round one good luck thank you Nick appreciate it a little bit unfortunate on three obviously but that’s going to happen no let’s drop the rest instead all right come on all right come on Mr Thorn 8.6 thank you Game love when we get King win right what we dream about at night 8.3 4.1 it’s perfect open up your gold it all around good good good good good that’s how we get it back it’s very easy after having a little bit unluck like being a little bit unlucky on the last hole and then you get to think and you hit great from this one jump jump jump jump move it all around 4.2 range cycle jump it all around yes D I’m playing the tournament I don’t know if you were asking me but yeah okay go whole F thank you Ethan appreciate that can’t shat on YouTube again no clear why haven’t blocked anyone in like so long I do time out mats though because fun move it all around Drop It All Around day sir all right y to play then how long it take to to get a poke I don’t know I honestly don’t know all right thank you Eric that’s St is still start yet the open up your go PS Queen all right H six I’m not going to practice this one actually I feel it’s a good enough sh go it’s just all about the 59 or like avoiding the one whatever way you want to put it I feel we got this my que all right we go thank you stey appreciate H gaming dog weing our guides ultimate tournament T guide find on patreon um so I don’t really need to use now because I have all the numbers in the guide but if I would be to use a guy I know I’m using Clash C all right four holes left to go see if can finish sh strong though why do you choose sniper over the vi from this s and why did you change to grizly first time watching you I’m not too good at the day good question R so you will see it here in action so what I’m going to do here now first is that I will start by set the spins with Grizzly because I want to play with 4.5 Top Spin and I can get 4.5 Top Spin with the grizzly so I’m setting the spins with the grizzly then I’m moving back up to quarterback the reason I have the sniper is because sniper has more Top Spin than what Grizzly have which means that the game is not going to automatically change the the spins to me like Top Spin so let’s say if I would be having the Viper which only have like I don’t know if two or three Top Spin it will automat ially change from the 4.5 Top Spin that gly have to that number so it’s just part of the setup so I’m just making sure that I’m not going to mess up the spins so the grace the is uh used just to set the spins and you will see it here in action all right let’s go then Zak Curtis thank you for good luck yeah first time watching as well don’t forget to subscribe appreciate it though what is a fast way to upgrade extra mile play tour two sounds silly but that’s correct that’s the way to go about it get chests from tour two but I call oh I don’t maybe there was Derek I honestly don’t remember that if so a good try from our opponent with an AB nice not bir though all right let’s drop this one come on up don’t jum now’s say that 79 oh she in the I didn’t get to pull the full amount of numbers I chose to pull more than less see I noticed more more players use their own sh good luck bro I mean there much more players in in tournaments bro and like in in qualifying in an opening round there will definitely be a lot of people that are just pinging down a Titan or Katana or navigate like your opponent did just take that score whereof like the closer you get to the end you’re going to see people using our our shots uh because you know that’s what what it gets to get our guide in that sense is like it give you a possibility to be getting yourself to the weekend round Without Really Trying it sounds very harsh to say not even trying but in master you can get to the weekend round with not as good score if that makes sense so it’s uh it’s just a way for people to shave off time and money and just invest in a guide instead and save yourself money Rocky thank you open up your gold F yeah beautiful shot this one by the way I said that earlier too I really enjoy this one all right here I’m going to practice one time see if we are lucky this time too but to say that as well I I would say like this uh when it comes to H creating your own sh in general I would recommend to everyone to try that sometime because it’s hell of a lot of fun that’s what I enjoy the most in this game to create shots that you then obviously get value from it’s so much fun sure it’s timec consuming and it cost you balls and practice tokens but it’s really really fun okay let’s drop it yeah that’s great but it definitely a really good chance to win some chest for sure all right let’s go let’s give this one a chance again will be sweet to go two for two on this one today come on Larry I think his name is Larry if I’m not mistaken my God man I mean see it’s not going to be any danger stuff like that my God so unnecessary man uh boo boo can’t H great on a part three with a pration ball [ __ ] sake sorry I God where’s the where is this one I think I need to uh switch batteries for this one here oh no no damn it yeah I felt I honestly had that one though I felt really good there it doesn’t I definitely change batteries on this op boo I don’t like that great balls no no no no no no no not okay with Precision balls all right we move on though ho eight oh n bad timing if it’s a great left it’s bad timing if it’s a great right then it could be a needle skap but I if I hit great I generally exclusively hit great left all right hold number eight let’s go two more holes come on Larry none of us did do that well on that one that’s for sure um I don’t know if he did hit great or not I didn’t even look what they play actually so I should maybe not talk Okie do okay see for circles uh I don’t really have a specific how much have we put into the game a lot I don’t understand how that is uh like I get that question quite a lot why do people ask that question if I may ask I I honestly I don’t mind it but I’m kind of curious why people care or not care why people are curious about it but it’s a lot absolutely get in Well Done Larry nice M go to Facebook gold flash grid lines uh Facebook group all right I’m just going to play this on 60 I think yeah I’m just going to play 60 about go open up your gold PS nice dog I think I mean I honestly don’t like I think like for me putting up a number would be unfair to to others in terms of like I have inevitably been spending way more than many others as I obviously waste more balls in um doing content in investing a lot of that the the revenue into doing buying balls to be able to do content so it would be interesting to see what a general player on a high level would is General spending you know maybe a dumb question why do you keep changing the visual effects no no dumb question at all the reason I do like that with the visual effects it’s because when having the visual effects on I don’t see the Rings as clearly as I want so I remove it and I can see it clearly um then you maybe want then you could obviously Wonder like why don’t I have it off all the time because I believe there is no proof to that but I believe uh that up here that I will hit more perfects with having the enhanced visual effects on G hey thank you so much do you have a yob by just playing golf Clash uh I have a I have I run a business where we are a total of 17 people in where we do all from creating text video guides to having seminar seminars to other things as well that is not golf Clash related playing golf Clash is in somewhat a minority to uh besides obviously playing for the guy but the Casual playing like I’m doing here on stream is in in um minority to all we have that’s one way to do John too why was it 60% there it’s because I’ve been playing this J so many times that even if I measure it it’s going to be around 60 all the time and I this type of sh is going to drop if you even if you should take 56% slider or 64% slider so for me I’m just playing 60% so then I then I save my time from measuring if I do hit perfect on the drive because I know based on the experience of playing the hole that with my pull and the way I am playing that’s the distance to the pain for me do you still play Ultimate Golf no I do not not at the moment still love some of the stuff they do in the game though I’m not going to lie think they do a hell of a job all right let’s drop the last one here and thank you guys thank you all for all the questions I will always try to answer as good as I can so keep them coming I’m kind of an open book about I would say 99% of the things certain things I won’t answer about but hey Clayton how you doing thank you so much for watching the stream thank you so much thank you so much all right let’s hold ey the away from all right hold I come on let’s do this 19 here guys for those of you that do want to have the guys improve your game you can start as slow as $3 for 30 days to try out or premium guides the ultimate tournament guides are $15 per 30 days you can find everything on clashy link in the description down below scan the QR code on the screen ooh smells like a massive Tailwind this one let’s see what the plus do I’m actually going to do a little pullback just in case I don’t think it’s need I’m just going to do a little just because I want you got the season Relay can you tell us all your views and clowns that all Lo in the same time we’re not going to open Pandora box you know y I mean like you honestly I’m going to answer that still though because I I generally don’t have a problem with that because I’ve been part of that myself but when it becomes a situation where there are so many people that so many people that is also very high skilled people as well becomes a little bit silly but again like I said I’ve been part of that myself we’re like What somewhere roughly between 7 to 15 people in inog I think we were and we logged in all together they try to avoid each other obviously to maximize the clown points and also not being able to compete against each other just to be completely honest I mean with that you know when you bracket together you don’t want to bracket together with the ones you’re bracketing with because you don’t want to get beaten you kind of want to have the Easy Ride god king win again kind of want to have the easy or like an easier ride that’s the majority like clown points for at least the top top clans are they don’t care my God this is s I don’t know what I’m going to do here this even worse than before I’m doing a pretty hey go I’m going to do four op here this is just stupid honestly this is you can’t get a wor swing dangle in combination here I think this is going to be right yeah it look right to me yeah I see that’s like even outside red I don’t know what to do there it’s definitely going to need some uh a lot of stuff that it’s not even close I mean that’s the absolute worst combo you can get oh well definitely got a little bit screw there I must say that was not really a fair wind angle that one yeah it it’s like you land too close to the bunker John it’s kind of like it’s almost like you need to just uh push up a little bit on that one I just don’t have any notes for that at all uh so I don’t um so you kind of just have to guess and obviously I was not close either it’s just one of those where the shot is changing when we’re not Landing exactly at the same spot and unfortunately that’s um that’s a little downside on that type of shot that sucks why first they qualifying went right on this hole is because that’s one of the other options that we do have in the guide and I didn’t I mean the one that I uploaded as a whole guy doesn’t mean that I essentially going to play that all the way but we have different options on on uh different holes and sometimes you play one of them some sometimes sometimes you play the other it’s all about using the for me it’s all about using the guide shot that I feel will bring me the most value and I made a call today and yesterday that I was going to play left side not the right side I felt that for me the drive on the right side um um didn’t really work with my pull I um I kept on doing small mistakes that were costly and didn’t get into the range so then uh I felt like left side it’s not easy but um I’m getting there you know person view clown same Max clown point I agree with clown same avoid shasy brackets this week I mean that’s that’s the only two reasons what you’re why you’re are brating together like there’s no other reason then you know I like I’m not I’m not sitting here talking about this saying I’m a saint I mean I’ve been part of that like when we did that in in Incognito we didn’t care about Clan points we obviously cared about not playing against each other because it was not fun I mean you didn’t want to play against I didn’t want to play against Tom Tom didn’t want to play against me I didn’t want to play against Steph I I don’t want to play against Franco and stuff like that so we tried in that case to uh avoid each other to get an easier ride um like I said I mean I was a big part of that as well and I have no problems with that that type of thing for clowns in when you do it in a smaller capacity H but when it becomes such a massive group of people doing that then I can think it’s silly I’m not going to sit here and say that you can’t do it because it’s not you’re not breaking any rules but I can think it’s a little bit silly um and it also makes you kind of um view a couple of people on on the leaderboard as better than what the their rank is showing like for example I rank uh Alex from the master Club as a better player than myself in in that like in with that kind of in mind like he do he doesn’t have the luxury to bracket together with me um or with anit or with Tom if we think about us top four players at the moment in the same with Eric Eric J I mean but everyone is bracketing together to some sort of capacity but uh so that’s just how it works I don’t I don’t think there’s any any secret with that it’s just um how it is really um so that’s just how it work that’s just how it works and I recommend every single clan that do play tournament to ret together like make sure to avoid each other especially if you’re in the need of clown points I mean there’s no point in you having a mate in the bracket of yours and you are competing against uh the same point with the same points there’s absolutely no no point in that and every Clan can do that it’s all about just for time and then you log in at the same time that will give you a very good chance to avoid each other do you bra the same time as an no I do not I’m not part of incognito and Catalyst anymore um and I’m not part of that uh big group chat they have to to log in I do log in with another group um much smaller group of people that I do a group of friends uh I did when we were in inog when inog and Catalyst were weren’t um collaborating or merging or whatever we can call it is now but then we did on the free entries and the majors we did bracket with Catalyst and stuff because I mean it was in in many people’s interest to not be in the same bracket as anid and obviously for people in catalus maybe not anid because he would win anyway regardless who he plays against but it was in cataly interest as well to not bracket with in people so just to try to have um have a good chance at the at the um the gold when you were with inco most guys have four plus accounts so how would that be possible because there’s a lot of brackets Bruce there’s loads of brackets in there and we were a smaller group of people so in the end we were not it wasn’t that it was 100 plus accounts I were trying to log in at the same time but it was um I mean what can you say really I mean I don’t know all from some tournaments 10 15 accounts to maybe 40 50 accounts sometimes and that there are more brackets than that so it didn’t really stuff like that but uh yeah oh yeah Ros very cool very cool now all right guys uh appreciate all the questions all the all the comments all the banter here today this round was a little bit I felt like obviously great ball on seven I felt three and N was honestly a little bit unlucky uh three was unlucky for the 360 around the whole but nine was I don’t know I’m not uh that was just a poor combination and I did not have an answer for that for that um but the 21 earlier was great so I’m super pleased with that um and it felt really good uh really enjoyed uh some of the some of the holes I must say um so we’ll be back uh on tomorrow obviously doing opening round stuff with the team uh so sign up at Tommy to get access to our ultimate tournament T expert and or Master division depending on what division you are playing and if anything just shoot me a message much love yo good good choice Eric sorry I always forget about betting why is that and stuff I’m kind of on my way to go always um bet group F group F yeah that’s 30 I shot 18 and a 21 39 almost messed up then congratulations group if winning the bets uh so I’ll see you all the next time much love to you all bye-bye

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