Golf Babe

Doubleheader Saturday: Golf With Your Friends

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PNGtuber by LayMelody! 😀

[Music] ready uh let’s see if this [Music] works blade [Music] does effective who you think is going to win JP or Cisco I think Cisco is going to win [Music] um can you help uh share scream around all right I will let me just beat this minute game thank you right now [Music] Luigi fall Luigi fall thank [Music] you let me get the link from uh Hydra server because it’s the easiest one okay I got my server um got Hydra I already got U I already got myself and Andrews [Music] uh I’ll do it in cast server cuz why [Music] not uh let me do in Heavens [Music] here uh I think that’s it from what I know guys bathro real quickly then I’ll be then I’ll be online all right s then [Music] ganons then I got to do [Music] artics I’m also testing out something that’s a while [Music] if it no working then um then something’s [Music] up Hello Alex hello hell well I’m I’m getting on golf good what do you mean good yeah I’m obviously going to [Music] join it’s been so long since I played the best video game ever the best video game ever also I got to I got to make sure Nova is online [Music] your mother’s online [Music] [Music] I’m still shocked after starting this late that uh JP and Cisco are still fighting in [Music] Monopoly damn who won neither of them they’re still going still yeah [Music] damn what maps are we doing for today are we doing worms um we will if Nova pops up no what if he rage quits and gets his account hact [Music] me check something real quick [Music] okay to check something [Music] who’s going to join us in golf who’s going to join I don’t [Music] know s let’s go end the stream and just see that we’re playing golf and he does it because of that I’m going to be or just surprised [Music] check stuff to make sure stuff is working going [Music] [Music] all righty um let’s see can we do Shameless promotions in chat [Music] wow Shameless although I will do this [Music] TV oh for a second I thought going to play the the [ __ ] uh what’s it called the monkey noise thought going to play that no not until not until certain people show start the [ __ ] game holy shitor hello getting on it hello hurry up start the [ __ ] thing I gotta wait till people get on it hold on H God damnn he left damn he could have at least said something in chat to know that we us yeah I was going to say like how how how long are there is their game still going on for like how long was he waiting God damn holy [ __ ] impatient [ __ ] ever met I say make the room for now the big boys are somehow the most impatient boys all patient boys m d there you all saw the password on there uh I jokes I have not remembered it actually um let’s see I’ll put it in the chat it’s not it’s not there yet it’s not there yet I’ll share my screen for for people without join and not and I’ll play the [Music] game all right the game ended the game ended JP Cisco one Cisco one oh wow finally oh finally they put an end to that also um the the region and the um chat yes brh bruh what bro I see the [ __ ] password what’s wrong with it I see the password is it joah is a monkey no but close enough uh it’s it’s just monkey oh so it could be anybody I wonder who’s joining I swear to God they’re going to just start storming in this VC being like all right give us the [ __ ] password give us the region give us the [ __ ] password wow all right you know what let’s just set up the password I wasn’t for yeah just also I’m going to [Music] you’re going to what I got to DM some people that were playing golf DM Cisco before he [ __ ] cried no uh just Andrew and Nova oh yeah I feel like Kevin’s going to tell Cisco anyway that there’s gol you want to promote the [ __ ] you want to Pro promote your [ __ ] commissions Ryder Ryder’s going to promote his commissions Ryder uh rder open Ryder I’m gonna open donation soon but I I don’t know if I’ll be able to use cash app oh my God he Heaven is in the thing oh my God Heaven’s [Music] here oh no um [Music] uh what do you mean oh no what do you mean didn’t say anything who the [ __ ] said oh no active you said oh no why’d you say oh no oh no it’s like the song oh no it’s like you were just in the VC a moment ago do face emojis [Music] it’s been years years we’ve only known him for like a few months also did you guys look at the stream what do you mean look at the stream yeah the stream we’re looking at the you want to see what’s different about it oh the chat out I finally got chat working it’s now it appears on stream oh my God I can’t see I can’t see wait did you see did you switch over to stream uh streamlabs is that what I heard when I first joined into the call detective what are you going to respond to him wait oh you switched to stream for now you’re you know what sure uh guys Ryder starting commissions um I guess Ryder you can leave the details of the commissions in the chat if you want cuz you know them better than but yeah he’s starting to thereis I thought for second for a second I thought you were gonna say oh oh oh rder you can leave you gonna say that for a second my God CU I always expect you to say the most super cheap he says exhausted oh he’s exhausted damn no no what fin what Noto finale sucked oh suck like said no cuz no cuz s Su sensor apparently oh on my on my end I have sensor chat off so it’s different from me oh I know how to do that you got to teach me oh I didn’t how do I need to figure out how to do yeah you’re also going to have to [ __ ] um fure you know what I don’t really give a [ __ ] about that right now Andrew no the [ __ ] are you to you see who on [ __ ] VR chat get your asses in here yeah get off the chat and play golf with your Lads uh I know Andrew’s there I don’t know about [Music] Nova he could just be World hopping bro chose me today chose today to fight me like it’s the championship final over fifth place all right there you go all right all right now I should show everything I’m going to see what Andrew tells me and then um if it if he’s going to take a bit then I’ll start because I’m not going to wait here forever because I don’t want to lose these I don’t want to lose these two because someone’s impatient all of them are impatient what do you mean some of these nuts very goated artman yes he is a very goed arkman I love argumen they bring out something in our conversations me check something real [Music] quick see if I can make these when are we start let’s see I just wanted to check that real [Music] quick I got to love the Mario forward area I can’t wait for Cisco and Heaven to come in the VC at the same time say started already they probably will at some point I mean they’re probably listening to the stream they’re probably just lurking yeah you know what that’s a fair point Andrew noo give us an answer where the [ __ ] are you two where are you people where are you people I thought they were going to join yeah I thought I thought you idiot you’re going to join us yeah I swear now that we say that since going heav are going to storm their DM honestly say it’s your fault that our [ __ ] uh our [ __ ] game won’t start because detective wants to wait for you or something like that and they’re never going to come back they’re going to storm the [Music] court oh do do it tell Cisco who we’re waiting for obviously I think we are going to detective tell [Music] you want to see they’re in VR CH some [ __ ] hold on uh I’m going to go into I don’t know where I should go [Music] into Andrew says he’ll be there shortly I don’t know where the [ __ ] knowa is shortly 5 years later we’re still waiting for him just a short 5 years later 5 years [Music] later yeah damn bro um wonder what they do if NOA doesn’t give a response within like the next 10 seconds I’ll start BR where did they go four yeah I don’t know where they two one I’m going to pick a course and then I’m going to start it let’s do you should do worms no I’m saving worms for Nova um let’s do still what we haven’t done in a while let’s do The Escapist but let me enable jumping yes I was about to do that you should enable also en Collision mode is enabled we’re jumping you know loud jumping enabled and and now we start it would have been funny if he did space station no I chose The Escapist oh I love escaping I love being The Escapist of the es I love escaping certain escaping the wall like I love escaping I love escaping the wait you escap the wall okay all right all right I’m been doing this in a hot minute I’m going just let everyone go first no hi Bella hi blow the password is monkey that’s what it is but also we started already why is the password monkey because he chose to oh I F the one one I’m actually the hello um just so you know we’re going to be on in a bit in a bit we’re having a little te session oh my god of course you guys going to be doing session of course of course you guys are having Fu session can give me yeah please let us know oh Jo you got a hole in one you want me to give you not now not now we’re we’re live we’re live okay okay hold one I did how are Cisco and I about and like last place right now this is ridiculous um oh I went backwards I’m G to get in before anyone else is the wiser I I see you’re ridiculous oh birdie birdie buddies oh my God Birds guys Cisco’s in last place now I’m curious what the hell this T is wow why is Cisco in last place guess he’s stupid guys I feel like I’m going to f I’m going to yes yes disco I don’t know if you’re aware but we’re having private conversations we love private conversations I think I don’t think Cisco gives a [ __ ] for now I was going to say I don’t think Cisco cares at the moment what the but I mean if you gave context to what the te’s about and who’s involved then non-existent art Department maybe he becomes in you know no Melody it’s called the non-existent art team cuz that way your acronym can be neat well you should definitely give context to the thingy later but in private so we don’t say it on yeah yeah yeah yeah uh once the once stream ends you can give us context cuz I am very curious at what you guys are talking about behind our backs yeah because T hasn’t really happened in a while wait I have a question is it new te or does it involve the same people from last time um not really sure yet but I’ll give you Contex after stream okay K of course that’s [Applause] funny I got birdie yipp yipp I couldn’t get birdie but I got I love the birdies we love birdies better say love the I I’m in last place we love them B oh I’m in first yeah because I [ __ ] up no way yay right all right hi byebye and I will be going up here all right I think I take a par okay I’ll take par oh [ __ ] I went to the other side and I won’t give up till the end it’s not as cool asers it’s not yeah it’s not as cool as birdie buddies but you know what par Partners Works no no no no no jo it’s no it’s Partners you are very funny ERS ers I get it because yeah I’m I’m going to part your harder part your harder part yay I could finally end I could finally go to the end holy [ __ ] detective didn’t even saw you [ __ ] me I’m in a boat pretty buddies there we go there we go we finally got it me you Andis Andis yeah part of the Birdie Buddy Association and Haven then Cisco enter the bird but guys can we laugh at the one person who did not get in in par or less [ __ ] you can we laugh at the person whose score is is the only one is in the 20s I don’t know what you I tried to skip yeah I don’t know what you guys were thinking I’m there no it was too short oh I went to the fire I think about um you’re too short yeah you’re in real life having to get it Ino what the [ __ ] is this I did it it worked no [ __ ] I got my first bogey got my firsto bogey no no no no [Laughter] no oh [ __ ] who knocked us in there I want to kill myself um I don’t know I don’t know who who knocked you in there he knocked us in there I swear to God if F Cisco so hello sign Sebastian oh heavens and first also detective I did knock you off [ __ ] prick you’re oh what the [ __ ] I had no oxygen no oxygen oh my God I almost hit Cisco on accident and I almost hit Heaven no oh okay uh oh that would have been such a clean shot but I missed dude that would have been so clean so Queen okay I got it I got in the par oh [ __ ] me where’s theate I will say this I don’t know if I’m going to be go ahead I don’t think there’s you can’t do n yet because detective is not really monetized is is the streamlabs link that is currently pinned yes that’s the only way I can be able to receive donations plus plus um YouTube has a policy where it takes a certain amount of money so even if I did was monetized um it wouldn’t be beneficial to me to be donating through YouTube the still the best way would to be donating to me is through streamlabs cuz that way I receive 100% of the profit I learned that from a certain dummy yeah it’s basically Works than minimum wage it worked the minimum wage you learned that from who I no I I work based off of my viewers Mercy yeah minimum wage I learn I learned how to manage my I learned how to manage my PayPal account to accept donations via uh my my McDonald’s coworker friend a do take a birdie it’s not the best look for me I going to take a par give detective money so you can compensate the non-existent art Department oh man he where the [ __ ] are you going where the [ __ ] is heaven where is he he’s stuck in the he’s stuck in the doggy house my God he got put in the [ __ ] jail in the docky in the donkey house he’s in the he’s in the dog house wait I think I just saw heaven when passing by that’s funny I saw heaven while passing by no way is he soft locked is he Dam his Ball’s soft he’s calling you a [ __ ] Jo what did I do I think you pushed him in there oh I thought he was going to get stuck in the other one in [Music] there I thought he was going to get stuck in the other dog oh no the cops oh no they’re after me they’re after my non-existent green card and I’m in the lead somehow oh all right I’m going let y go first you forgot the jumping was enabled can you laugh at the one person who did not get a home one I don’t know they got a par at the moment everyone else got a whole in one wait all the monkeys one God damn and even the incredible monkeys oh this is such a bad angle oh this is such a bad spot all right okay there we go [Music] [Applause] you’re struggling my guy you’re [Music] strugging you literally have 57 points what come on Alex step up your game because I’m eating okay oh wait F [ __ ] understandable jumping was enabled oh it’s right there at the very I’m hungry I’m I’m hungry during the golf because you guys take you guys taking forever forgot that jumping was enabled in golf at the worst possible time you know yeah I’m struggling Jo you might take the lead here go [Music] yeah Joe you’re going to take the lead cuz I did terrible in that hole I might even fall third yeah I fell to third oh can we laugh at the one person who’s not under par right now I failed that [Music] [Applause] jump I’m I’m going to get a bogey in this one what a loser what’ you get like a par or something Bastian you can literally say hi to J yourself he’s in the call wait Sebastian’s in the call no way oh my God Sebastian finally got Discord and he got over his [ __ ] little thingy what happened no we would not invite Sebastian to This Server finally G some man balls dude congrats dude he got over it like a man the [ __ ] I heard her joining in a oh hi Nova yeah Nova’s here oh wait that’s Nova yeah Nova’s here oh okay birdie I got an eagle look at the fight for the top and then there’s Alex yeah cuz I’m you know I’m I’m going to speak gen Alpha cuz I’m a [ __ ] suck my dude no I can’t hit this I’m just going to let it take me all right see if I can get it here no no no no do not fall off do not fall off okay all right I’m opening go now I needed you to Fumble a little bit Joe I winning a game of golf with your friends is actually kind of crazy cuz it’s like it’s always like Cisco or Andrew or I barely win one I get I was say you winning one is actually crazy I get I get top three but I remember the time I hit a hole in one in this this specifically forever hitting a hole in one with this I think I came awfully close but I don’t remember exactly getting it oh Andrew’s online on golf yeah I see Andrew and blue and then Nova we want you here but you’re [ __ ] deaf and at the moment let me in [ __ ] what you oh now he’s here in the middle of a game we got we got two more holes C the [ __ ] down [ __ ] well that would have been such a good hole the same idea and I failed that yeah the butt buddies said but failed that mine the but buddies you’re the butt buddy I’m not a butt buddy how far am I behind you we might be tied take a Jo we might be tied going in the final hole tight no we’re tied yeah we’re no I’m one behind you oh my God one behind okay um I don’t know if this is a good shot I fell up that’s huge that’s actually huge that’s what she said dude oh oh my God I saved myself actually this is going to be a tough hole that’s what he that’s literally what she said a birdie a birdie I got a birdie no wait no that’s not good hey guys I just jumped right in yeah you won can I get second at least oh way overshot it yes I finally win one you guys I I don’t know if you can um uh uh yeah the region is Us East and the pass is monkey okay of course it is I guess the monkey password did benefit me no that it you wait oh there’s heaven would say uh okay wait Cisco’s not in there yet it’s just detective it’s just detective there he is detective name wait J confirm to the monkey come confirm to the monkey I said did it confirm it oh my God that is a three stroke lead wait wait wait what’s reg how Alex is just in with 94 while everyone else has like 62 or less okay but do you see me crying it no I just got the let me just inv me let me inv yeah I’ll invite you and and I got it yeah wait detective you see me cry I I all three of them so I’m inviting them too [Music] yay the pass okay is it all capital or no it’s just no Capital just capital M that’s it okay yeah that’s it and then that’s crazy how you call that’s crazy he loves invite me invite me y why the what the [ __ ] is his password there it’s just monkey it’s monkey what’s wrong with monkey now now what oh no another invite AO [ __ ] mon on golf with your friends let me yeah K on yeah me spooky and [Music] you what what did know saying I didn’t try I know I could you know I just typed in this I just typed in this look look that’s I just typed H Andrew did you typ hello I just Ted big bro hello hey oh you call me oh my God what you miss me he was only gone for five minutes relax spooky spooky spooky shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I want to go I want to go to think’s getting dick he’s can can you can you guys can you guys send the invite one more time okay yeah I can I you’re lucky cuz I was about to you’re lucky you said something cuz I was about to go to the map and start it without you without even realizing you hadn’t get did you call C [ __ ] Oma what the f [ __ ] detective is uh the password is it all lowercase no the P the capital m capital M okay password entry timed out what oh come on what do you mean timed out wait are you in the US East uh region uh I can double check I should be wait try going through the menus and stuff [Music] first why would you why would you call why would you call c a [ __ ] you said blue why would you call k p he doesn’t deserve that the [ __ ] no because yeah you said it again you said it again blue you are on something today yeah no no no no no I am I am on us East try resetting your game restarting your game try resetting the game yeah yeah I’m going to do that yeah I I’ll wait for you yeah yeah yeah yeah just let me know when uh you’re back on the game and I’ll send you an [Music] invite okay okay Pooky [Music] poy no my my no my my no my my better Pooky oh wow three poies three pookies one monkey shut up my [ __ ] God come on Andrew you’re cheating on wait again the other [ __ ] said this is literally T yes and yes and I’m yes and I’m proud of it damn no I don’t Hees cheating God damn I know what I’m going to do when I’m older no your husband your your girlfriend no we haven’t we don’t have Andrew yet oh no no you can play the next round without me cuz whatever reason it’s not letting me get in the okay I guess we we’ll play the next round all right um let’s do God be patient uh let’s do Museum shut the [ __ ] [Music] up um Here Andrew let me see if we can let me see if I can give you an invite cuz I just saw you got back on the got on the right God does no one understand patience these days my God have some patience okay I’m kidding my God hold on I’m going to type you guys need patience all right you should type your IP add okay what are you going to type I feel like you’re going to type something very offensive [Music] [Music] what code what code send code there’s a code for golf with your friends I think he wants your social security number what code what’s the code okay okay well yeah yeah you’re just yeah you’re just have to play without me it’s I I cannot get in your I can’t I can’t get in your lobby at all for whatever reason wait he’s going to get someone else in okay um hold on let’s try okay let’s do this game without Andrew and then I’ll make a new Lobby how about that I think what is Cisco doing he said he he asked for the code I swear if he’s probably inviting someone never mind well he should have just he should have clarified he should have clarified I didn’t see anyone else hop on golf imagine I didn’t see anyone else imagine he was inviting someone else oh oh my God that’s his loss I didn’t see anyone else hopping on golf otherwise I would have waited for him so I’m going to get ready to rage all right I’m going to I’m going to get out of baby baby try it that was the first one I was the first to hold in this one shot god damn it GE to little power oh KY a kitty had the goshis missed oh he missed he miss but I think we can see that he missed time he missed oh my God he missed Oh’s GNA get it in huh no way he missed it’s not like I can see it I thought I heard Amun for a second I’m be honest Amun he’s not here I thought heard am for a second know Amun has gone missing and I the only people who could get um that oh [ __ ] had the one almost had the uh detective in the next match after this one if I still can’t get in then yeah you you’ll just a hit off oh my oh my God oh my God guys I’m trying to say something to the detective hold on yeah what up if it if uh after the next match if I still can’t get in if it’s still not letting me join the lobby then you you’ll just have to play the stream session of it completely without me I don’t want to hold you up I’ll just watch it’s fine it’s fine also also KY got home one nice hi ktie hello [Music] Andre I want to play golf Andrew I’m not going to bed okay I’m just looking out after you I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m I’m sorry hey how do I do this one again no you’re fine well if this stupid [ __ ] steam would let me get in Ste is not like you today and that was like the most since I told you to shut since I told you to shut the [ __ ] up earlier I want to say I’m sorry okay why on stream because why on stream why on stream oh because when I tried to oh because when I tried to say say while we were off stream he decided like oh okay okay immediately leaves as you well yeah cuz I have to go clean had some no we’re not going to kill heav we’re not killing Heaven you’re oh no no I pushed NOA no I kill Heaven what did he do what did do oh my God winning he was being Birdie Buddy yeah birdie birdie buddy buddi I’m just I’ll just I’ll just sit back here and enjoy my snack what are you snacking on Andrew uh by goldfish first nice again that smilees my my one only one one ball one ball [ __ ] no detective you seen that right you seen that detective you SE edited commercial right this snack that smilees back ball sack what no I haven’t I actually haven’t wait you haven’t seen that no I haven’t seen that sounded exactly like it I’m be honest wait wait wait wait what did what Joel sounded exactly like it what what like that guy wait like the guy yeah you wait really yeah you kind of sounded like it wait hold I’ll do it again hold on wait let me cheese that smile ball sa oh my God I actually do hear that oh my God I actually do hear that a [ __ ] here here here here here let me try it again hold on snack that smiles back ball sack hate how I hear it take it I helped you and you helped how I hear it why dude all right I’m going to try I’m going ball no okay okay I’ll stop no keep keep doing it Dam it stop overshooting the ball oh my God holy [ __ ] I just dude I just saw CIS hit the the cleanest shot ever over the balls what what was that was that yell in the background there you Hey listen Hey listen it helps when you’re when you have hey Heaven sucked too so you know what completely the entire Heaven Fell From Grace from a ramp okay oh oh damn nice oh Joel holy [ __ ] and I get and shot holy fck and I get the Swit oh my god dude I want to say what Jo did cuz that was amazing you actually got it into that square holy [ __ ] I I it would have been it would have been even more it would have been so much luckier if I actually got also I saw I saw what you put that’s not I didn’t I’m quoting what what um Bella said I didn’t say that that was her wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait in Detective server no no in in in the um golf chat oh Nova stop overshooting your ball what happened what happened talk to me okay Joel okay what happen I don’t know if they showed it or not meowing oh I think I think I think there’s I think there’s a certain kitten K is talking to oh no [ __ ] and I did the exact same thing no how did Nova get a ho in one I bounced off all right check this [ __ ] out oh dunked it I I went backward is just oh I I just heard I just pushed me in pushed me wa was that wait was that wait was that him just say like dunked it and he left the call me no I said dunked it I don’t know who I don’t know who left the call okay K Chow just get in the hole it’s all in the hips it’s all in the hips [Music] you can’t go in oh my [ __ ] god turn oh my God why are you guys he’s doing oh my [ __ ] god this again I call Bella swear to God damn a t call a twig stick calling a b fat I am actually kind of skinny though I do not know how [Music] guys I love you guys but please get in the hole we’re having eating meeting back off what meeting what the meeting they’re discussing how they’re discussing they’re discussing the ways of how to attack [ __ ] you have seconds by the way dream uhuh yeah we know that my God you guys are working with dream the the bar Luigi game no no yeah the Lu okay I about to say said it’s ladies first so I would yeah imagine this everyone everyone who’s not in I’m first what the [ __ ] every wow wow wow wow detective embarrassed holy [ __ ] I M it holy [ __ ] I mistimed it [ __ ] oh man oh Joel I see what you did I see what you did there I saw what you did what did he do what did he do [Music] God got an eagle I’ll take it uh detective look all right detective look at my screens right over here I shot immediately I got to watch your screen real quick immedately jumped over and then I land over here going as spir directly into the oh thank you Heaven if you’re watching this thank you for the push that’s incredible what the [ __ ] Andrew you are a big me rer what no but the thing is no I know I am seeing a lot of like Kow being like getting way too much appreciated I mean not that I mind it Buto what’s wrong with that what’s wrong with listen listen listen I never listen I never doing it many people doing it okay hold on here okay here’s what I’m thinking Jo’s trying to say there’s a difference between appreciating her and literally sucking her dry just for attention yeah no glazing no I think it’s just glazing yeah just glazing that’s L what I just saiding it yeah you did yeah there’s a difference between appreciating QT and glazing her is what you’re trying to say oh yeah the I is the wrong that is what the hell is glazing mean uh like wor about it over appreciating someone what like the other like the non the other one for meat Rider oh wait so now that I know what glazers mean right I’m gonna use that foring so it’s just I underestimated how big that jump was all right I’ll remember that I thought I Pisco out on yeah same I was about to push him off I didn’t mean to but [ __ ] man push him that’s funnyy what what what happened holy sh you didn’t hear my bells no it it didn’t catch it a oh you did good Andrew yeah you did good dude I remember having a [ __ ] belt during the Among Us stream earlier I’m like damn if only Andrew was here to hear that that would have been beautiful a excuse me that me Andrew’s thing yeah you and I top two I’d be proud of you detective I’d be proud of very proud hear you the first time uh me and you are like like top two oh in the game oh right here we go pushing me again that’s okay though hey that was not that was not in my control at all hold one also that didn’t affect you very much you all you did was just move back like a I’ll take a take a par oh K you got to get what’s so rable about this game why is it so rable oh yeah literally when you when you have [ __ ] like this where there’s soall meeting I it just makes you want to go [ __ ] yourself yeah plus we have plus we have like no plus we have plus Andrew’s waiting trying to get in the lobby guys my my God yeah come on this is you know what you know I’m going to do something okay Cisco I don’t see the rage appeal that honestly just sounds okay this is what I’m going to do I’m going to you know what I’m going to do something right here probably I’m going to regret this but you know shut up NOA we having a meeting what meeting up no detective look at my screen I’m gonna try to I’m gonna push you in there while I go in there all right is gonna assassinate the president wow this is a this is a very yes let’s go why would you help him out why would you do that hey hey why not I’m passing it Forward screen sh oh Kitty if you’re going to [ __ ] if you’re going to [ __ ] bounce off him to get in at least knock him out of the place first I’m not mean like you guys I don’t push people for fun I push people I I never push people for fun don’t push people for fun push people for and I’m I mean like push them like purposely do so that they it up that’s that’s what I’m talking never push people for fun in yeah exactly yeah I’m passing it Forward again help me so I would help I mean you got to help you got help if anyone gets any get for me helping heaven then just letting you know Jo it was it was half of jaal’s idea I had that idea half of it are you detective are you intent on doing in this oh my god oh hell yeah especially with Nova here he’s got to experience the on [ __ ] [ __ ] you I’m not going to do like random ball random shape on that on that course that way too toxic [ __ ] me okay double buggy okay okay can we agree though that there’s got to be at least one game where redo that just for the chaos but worms but but not worms right there okay on worms on worms not tonight but sometime sometime in the future we got to do worms random ball random shape I want to do golf one time all right one time all right just one time and one time only and that’s it yeah I’m not doing it tonight cuz I’m not going to torture Nova tonight but yeah we’re not doing shapes no we’re going to do shapes just not on worms well right now we’re not doing shapes yeah we’re not doing it right now just Nova just go straight Nova you got 30 seconds go straight go go go forward where the [ __ ] are you [Music] going straight no go to your other left straight straight he’s going to run out of Strokes holy [ __ ] this is last one what the [ __ ] oh he was facing it’s cuz he was facing you guys should have said towards the Wall go towards the hole in what world do you go away from the Hole uh your mother’s well he didn’t know where the hole was cuz this is his first time playing this [Music] map push me who pushed me what it’s fine it’s fine oh hey guys I got a albatross wait Joel what the [ __ ] got aie wait you got an albatross J yeah he got an albatross shot from the corner I I thought it would bounce off like the edge of though no I bounced right in dude what is your luck tonight holy [ __ ] it’s his password is monkey and he’s a monkey of [ __ ] life shut the [ __ ] up Alex blue he literally said earlier that’s because the password’s monkey oh no yeah no he’s right maybe my Des is to be a monkey maybe my destiny is to be a monkey oh this is a horrible spot are you serious I am at the worst spot ever uh is also in the worst spot guys I think I’m stuck wait I got to see where is unstuck yourself that’s not no what the [ __ ] oh I [ __ ] jump oh never mind never mind I’ll take it and of course Alex messed me up but that’s okay it’s fine I don’t oh you know what it’s fine I would rather have that happen to me than me get all right I’m going to let men go first yeah go before I could I’m not joking with you I’m [ __ ] stuck I’m stuck oh I see you where are you R press R to reset wait hold up oh there’s watching grown adults just rage at a kid’s game oh you might have to move cuz you might be in my angle yeah blue you definitely have to move I’m literally pressing R hello you might have to move otherwise I’m going to hit you hi I’m stuck I can’t move secondary oh my [ __ ] god this why am I struggling on this one this is not one I usually struggle on what the [ __ ] no this one this this hole is [ __ ] terrible that’s why you’re terrible usually that’s bad at thisle this hole is terrible no one is terrible this thisle is ter what the [ __ ] yeah I’m [ __ ] done this is it this is it for me [ __ ] it’s Jo over for me it’s Jo over oh wait hopping on Andrew you want to join your you want your other Pooky in here I hate this this what other Pooky I don’t know what lit [ __ ] this hole waade waade you’re black [ __ ] right behind me one point I understand how the [ __ ] Cisco got it in five but uh the [ __ ] no I’m going to try no I’m going to try to join if the game and [ __ ] like I said I’ll give it one more shot if it if it doesn’t let me then I’m then I I won’t oh [ __ ] hey guys I’m going to try getting out of this thing actually never mind no you can’t ra that’s the one rule you can’t Rage Quit well I already lost well then you try again I also already try again what the [ __ ] who’s i k okay this might of works yeah this works in the ho together and now everyone else is piling on top of us say hi on stream everybody else I’m just what happened wait what happened why you keep meowing what’s going on Meow Man I’m In My Own Universe right now is it tiger K is it tiger Bella Bella you L Bella you literally told me a half an hour ago that you didn’t want to play didn’t want to play game adorable when she talks to her cat now look where I am you just 30 minutes voice me but how the [ __ ] did you get back up there Bella Bella like literally right before you left VR CH your brain was thinking intensely whether to player not your brain was like R Strokes yay oh my God I’m going to [ __ ] lose my [ __ ] [Music] again just find it back man guys man wait did you guys say this young bad girls do it well you did you say this is no rage challenge yeah this is no ra the [ __ ] how am I winning oh you guys need shut up we can swear like no what is it if you push even work doing this [ __ ] short I’m sorry what did I do no I’m saying I’m sorry cuz I accidentally knocked you off [Music] course oh oh oh let’s Go’s go no I’m not dude dude I don’t rage at this game oh my God what a shot no the [ __ ] yes you does at this game int as the others first off I just I just like yell just to have fun I I really do not rage at a lot of games second of all second of all if you want if you want an example of raging look at look at this person kind of the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result each time that’s exactly what Nova’s in right now I didn’t hit this time everyone shut up everyone shut yeah let him Focus guys okay go two more shots he misses this he’s gay black he misses this he’s gay okay God you English respect you’re not laughing look my score look at my score my score look at my score yes Bella yes you know what Bella since you got yeah Bella that’s that deserves an Applause no I went too far I’m go in I don’t want to risk it I I can see why just though get out of I need to replicate what I did that that second time cuz I can get a whole in one every time Andre I could Andre I could Andre I could do the funniest thing pushed you up never mind so much wait wait wait Jo why did you do me no no no cuz already win that’s why oh I just saw that shot I I missed it cuz I was too busy celebrating what what happen between you [Music] and IIs oh it’s this [ __ ] hole I hate this hole with a with a what is this Burning passion Bas so so detective basically what you’re saying to this hole is yeah exactly I hate this hole with a burning passion no I didn’t hit it hard um then hate it more wait you know what you know you know you know what you know what I’m actually glad I’m sitting out this round I’m actually glad I set out this round I’m actually happy okay actually I’m glad just got here and I’m glad I’m not playing all right so far so good this is so this is so hard I wanted I wanted to play but the [ __ ] let me the game I don’t worry we’ll play the next one at least the next one won’t be as bad I no he’s like right behind okay I think I just I think I just genuinely suck I tried the whole steam won get in go I definitely won got and got wait until next match if not then I’m just the Scorpion you’re scorpion I genuinely I need you to move oh L’s raging now detective oh and I don’t rage oh I I don’t seriously I don’t rage I just like I just [ __ ] yell just to be don’t say that’s yell oh my god oh I thought I [Music] missed finally I don’t know if you heard that but I actually made it at that hole yay and I still got an under par holy [ __ ] I somehow [ __ ] won I don’t know how the [ __ ] I got that [ __ ] I just want to I just want to say something under par What the fu you doing you were 2 under par Christ yeah I have [ __ ] clue I would had a better score didn’t push me uh Andrew do you think you can get in this Lobby or do you want me to try and make a new one I mean uh maybe I mean if it helps if you want to just make a new Lobby okay hold on I’ll monkey uh don’t don’t don’t look at the passway monkey don’t look at it if it happens again detective where if you make a new Lobby and that still doesn’t work then yeah I’ll just I’m just going to I’ll just watch you guys the actual password what the actual password the password is uh I’m invite you let me invite you I [ __ ] hate y I swear to God that was detective choice that was me that was detective I don’t know I don’t know all right um it’ll also let’s say United States East me in your house oh wait new Lobby all right password is this there go I swear it’s gonna be the same what’s the password now it’s gonna be Mony again no it’s not monkey again well all right is it is it is it Donkey Kong in the [ __ ] stream chat it’s just it’s just wow or something oh my [ __ ] god this password sucks what the [ __ ] is wrong with that password I’m too lazy look at the stream chat it’s kind of wholesome but really guys I can’t we go open but I’m wondering what the password is I passw I I’ll type it here here look at VC what the [ __ ] where’s uh where’s the dumbass there he is how the [ __ ] did I misspell that like that makes no sense yo what up Andrew can you invite me again because yeah invite me again okay why do why does this [ __ ] timee me out [ __ ] Jesus Christ [ __ ] you g did you update go for your friends uh pretty sure I did I mean it doesn’t say update on Steam like I I’m literally on it and then it takes no more than 10 seconds and then like oh yeah no you timed out need upate just check it yeah you been removed from game what wait for you too what yeah let me you removed from [ __ ] game this this this Lobby is [ __ ] Broken Oh My holy [ __ ] how many [ __ ] invites I’m going try this no I just sent you two and I know you accepted one of them no no no no no I me no no that’s cuz you sent me an invite Nova sent me an invite and Alex sent me an invite what the [ __ ] why are we all sending her invite just one person sent her an invite true can I oh my [ __ ] god I want to [ __ ] kill myself probably my okay I have I have two more chances I have two more chances cuz I got other invites so that’s good if if if if not then I’ll just [ __ ] um do invite only and just start in inviting people all right K is in what what’s the point that okay I’m I’m in Heaven’s in where’s and Heaven uh and then we’re just waiting on Andrew there he is yeah finally he ising sports game passord my God I’m going to be like I’m G to I’m literally going to be like me to it all right is everyone here now beat you yes all right what are we doing okay whoever missed it then oh no no Andrew what what try one more try Andrew try one more just try just try I’m him again why you guys bullying stop it doesn’t work anymore then make an invite only just make it inv yeah I’ll make a new Lobby and just make an invite only how people sending multip dude I was expecting Nova to ra I’m already I’m already raging and we I haven’t played the game yet I was going to say I’m expecting Nova to rage so much right now I was not expecting Andrew just to rage over the [ __ ] uh login menu I I all right there we go can we start before he I’m going to I’m going to start uh I’m going to pick a random I’m going to pick uh let’s do let’s do Twilight and just start it hurry the [ __ ] up I’m going to startlight you did you did you enable jum something to draw H spion draw draw everybody in this PR draw prpp the rapper okay I don’t think I don’t think jumping is enabled in this one and I don’t think Collision is enabled either so no it’s not not okay thank God blame the people who told me to [ __ ] start right away plus I was too concerned about getting changed the you should have changed the settings while Andrew was getting in here yeah you could have done that yeah you had plenty of time yeah you dumy being lazy [Music] any no no no no no we need a little challenge okay jumping makes it a little easier let’s let’s challenge ourselves but I like jumping I like doing cool shortcuts T we’re ltina we love jumping borders anyways okay all right go ahead wait I told [Music] Sebastian oh my god wow don’t think I’ve ever raged this much to get into golf with your friends Haven got get a hole in good job heav Heaven you’re using hacks [Music] is that really what you’re resorting to him using hacks dude I sneezed once and I got into the [ __ ] Dam why are you so down do you need me to speed dial silver for you shut up no you no order a silver oh oh by the way NOA nice golf ball did somebody order oh God is this wiggling dick oh my God DET detective your ass is no use oh God do you sound angry when saying that why did you sound angry saying that I didn’t I’m just trying to help you play the game what the [ __ ] I hate this a man come on all of us here where the yino party pack no we laugh for the people who didn’t get it in two uh and answer your question hey silver sounds I think I’m going to laugh at this I’m I think I’m going to laugh I’m going to laugh at this yeah there’s no Collision so we’re good here I guess oh my the fck the [ __ ] good job guys what the [ __ ] bro no got it holy [ __ ] that was probably the greatest thing I’ve ever SE I I I guess the thing about this is that there’s no [ __ ] so I caning do this [ __ ] now no you got to see that on stream you can do it hi QT you can do it spooky how you doing you have got to see that on scam holy [ __ ] you got it oh my back [ __ ] me dude I got this NOA I believe in you dude I screamed so loud my [ __ ] PNG tuber couldn’t pick up what I was saying dang dude God you scream too much I’m jok no oh never mind okay you’re that’s not a bad thing sometimes that’s a good angle oh mind I was [ __ ] flipping out holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I got to see that on replay I really got to see that on replay that was beautiful someone clipped that someone in the chat clipped that cuz that was actually that was actually really [ __ ] good I don’t think I’m ever going to do that again do you know what they should have CLI your mother they should equip your mother no okay okay no stop wiggling your stop wiggling your dick and get how we all draw to on that uh who who did we draw two at that was four times already at the person I’m trying to figure out that was on that was on detective that was on detective oh yeah no yeah detective yeah that was a big L for you how’ that felt wait what and the double plus and the double plus four on get hit with draw twos all the way when it went up to you okay to be fair oh my God yeah to be fair what to be fair I I did not have much control in that situation plus I didn’t even do anything to you guys all night until that up that point no you deserved it how was Alex oh no this one I [ __ ] suck at man blue oh my God I almost got another fumbling I almost got another hor one no oh my God [ __ ] oh okay no I know I know this one’s possible but I don’t know how to do I don’t know how to replicate it again guys my my my my streak is over how the no I know it’s possible for to get it cuz I know sis he’s a [ __ ] good at he’s good at this game so you know he’s to good at the game there you go I want to kill myself this hole [ __ ] hate this hole you all want to kill I’ve heard so many people say they kill themselves today this whole [ __ ] is sucks I hate it so [ __ ] much hey you know you want to know what she trying to get through a simple what the [ __ ] sucks I’m very glad you guys hear the [ __ ] bangging on my table dang I have not left the [ __ ] starting place like I’m struggling to get it over there I absolutely struggling to get it over there it was right there I saw that [ __ ] what the [ __ ] no Jesus Christ I feel like Nova no’s getting hit the most because Nova is that close not as close as others have been he can L launch at the right there keep missing no have think you’re going to say hi again cuz we R it high do it man you’re you’re on a above ground you can do this oh never [Music] mind okay um you still make this you dude we haven’t even gotten the worms yet and yay we haven’t even gotten the worms yet and he’s already acting like this come on give him I got it I got I got I got wait hold I got you I forgot jumping was not enabled so I tried to go for that weird short nice going detective nice going hey you said you wanted a challenge so there here you go I’m just playing along I know I [ __ ] for [ __ ] I so this sucks ass no I went the wrong way no just rock that’s fine no no no went the wrong [ __ ] way man this game is actually kind of horrible with no jumping cuz you can’t shortcuts and [ __ ] I’m cool I’m fine this game very worry with don’t worry I’m not going to I’m not you’re lucky I did not pick you’re lucky I did not pick worms for this cuz I I absolutely hate that map even more without jumping in I’m just of what I feel right now I will say worms is so much worse without collision and jumping [ __ ] I I hate that map even more somehow with that without those things detective detective we we need to make that a challenge we need to make that a challenge and no Collision no jumping um challenge for worms no no Collision no jumping random ball shape random ball size on worms on one day we need to do that bigger you [ __ ] oh no this is why [ __ ] for no SP me again no blue you have to call her [ __ ] Amigo from now on F you’re a [ __ ] oh wait hey once said I like [ __ ] you’re all [ __ ] I forgot I have no jumping enables no I mean you don’t have to jump for this one just got to like yeah I was going to say you don’t really have to jump oh [ __ ] you just got that’s why I are you [ __ ] kidding me job bu a you know what close enough okay thank you you actually gave me I got 4 Points behind but that’s still that’s still something [ __ ] oh my God hi Wade hello for me KT on my screen you literally just rolled off right over the wall I was fine I know you were I’m like lucky there I know you were oh no Heaven oh there he there he is oh oh No Heaven oh he was so close it’s cuz if he had the jump he would have gotten a hole in one if he had the if he had the if he had [ __ ] protection on he would have gotten it what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] does that even mean wait what’s [ __ ] protection yeah what is that he sucks one [ __ ] he gets a free uh act good act of will for free I don’t think I don’t okay oh my God pleasee dang dude there’s the ra that’s crazy hi QT hi blue hello I’m going byebye game is [ __ ] glad you didn’t have to pay for it right Nova would so yeah I’m very wait stop oh Nova you’re going to [ __ ] love worms you’re going to [ __ ] love worms no he did it though oh he’s going to [ __ ] hate I mean he’s going to totally love it yeah he’s going to absolutely love worms lella why are you standing there no one’s going to push you in blue no one’s pushing you remember collision’s off oh just making sure if wait what the [ __ ] what going another way need double jumping isn’t on I don’t give a [ __ ] I’m make I’m going be Tom Cruz you’re not Tom Cruz you have one more stroke what are you doing I’m being Cruz watch you’re not Cruz I’m play Tom oh hey guys I’m not in [Music] [Laughter] [Music] last oh wait no oh God all the babies go first and then I go first wait wait a minute oh my God oh my [Music] God all that with no jumping wow you know what Bravo to you make it yeah going oh I’m going to kill everything’s going to be okay suck his di with a smile shut up do you love dream that much do you love did you just say did I love dream that much cuz you know that’s a parody of a Dream song I’m just saying that because you put that [ __ ] soundboard in my server and now it’s stuck in my head you’re welcome you should watch the origin love and hate you at the same time well hey I could either be one of these guys or myself there we go hello Logan how you doing uh let’s see you got it you got it it was even worth it I got a double bogey this game is G is [ __ ] give me a minute why is there absolutely nobody after 10 holes Cisco is the only one that’s under godis [ __ ] off even do the [ __ ] shortcut here I was going say this is the only one where I kind of feel bad that I didn’t put this is the only one where I actually kind of wanted the uh jumping inanity that cuz that this going in this hole and I’m I’m over here please please please yes just I completely forgot that we’re playing game blue Birdie Buddy let’s go e what the where am I oh I see okay oh oh bye byebye [Music] guys Alex where you go Nova I’m back I’m back where you going I’m going down the hole go in the hole God damn it I am what the [ __ ] [ __ ] wait we don’t have jumping in Ni No I’m just no I’m just saying that it would have been a cool stunt though you know not not I’m not Tom Hanks nor am I Tom Cruz yeah Tom Hanks the [ __ ] Tom Hanks bro Tom Hanks bro so chat let me know if my mic is still all right my brain is not Dam I know it’s going to be different for you for you guys you’re Tom Brady dude Tom okay there you go you got there you go I bab before I do all right I’m climbing it I’m climbing I’m climbing nice we climbing the branches a man oh this is the literally game in PLO oh man and I lost am [ __ ] go no I saw that K I saw actually [ __ ] go you know me up on that me up on that we actually landed Happy for Wade for getting a oh my God I had it on my second shot I think get dude saw that c no oh I want to kill myself in Minecraft wait wait what I hit I hit in the I hit in the middle path but it wasn’t my first shot oh damn um children first I it’s right no it’s right there Andre I am losing my mind okay see and oh you haven’t seen yet I’m still losing my mind I’m already losing my mind and we haven’t G worms you going to go Andrew Alex what are you two doing mind Alex before Alex you don’t have to wait Collision isn’t on who gives [ __ ] your mom I have all the patience in the world dude oh man I can’t even do that [ __ ] CER but instead I got hit by a [ __ ] last second play that took me off the map oh damn God I’m going to have to turn you down that was so [ __ ] loud yeah dude I wasn’t even expecting him to yell that loud holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God what a shot oh okay well there’s more yelling more yelling to dismantle the body oh God I’m going I’m glad I did the double stream today I beat my go I’m very glad that half of you guys in me turned down so I don’t I have you a little bit more turned down cuz of the yeah I know I know there we go I don’t blame you I feel bad for Andrew everyone at Maxum I’m buing my ears today blue why do you have us all at max volume are you Ser especially me because I I want to suffer you know the [ __ ] longer I’m want to pull blo dein the [ __ ] Alice is he is he wrong now F you oh I missed boom okay got this be right there you can land it Alex unde oh you can’t [ __ ] hear you dick [ __ ] yes yes Andrew this is an Andrew pitcher yes there’s so much raging going on yeah there’s there’s two there’s so many Andrews so it’s not you know uh wait Andrew you’re doing so well you’re like second that’s not that I’m like why why are you complaining you’re doing actually you’re actually doing really well today yeah no I undershot it well if you let me explain I mean there was a few holes I definitely should have gotten less than what I originally gotten I would have been I would I would have keep been in close uh with Cisco okay all right well [ __ ] you of course Cisco got like uh got three because he’s [Music] is heaven took the [Music] same I expected nothing less because we’re we’re Point withco yeah the point Wasco obviously how many how many hours he’s a very worthy opponent dude I remember when I was actually really how many hours do you have tell me right now I love when I love how people were calling me a try hard back then even though I had like very limited I mean I have I don’t have that many hours in this game though it’s a thing I mean no no no no oh I thought I talking about something else never mind there we go are you are you I mean in this game not really okay thank [Music] you the last game but I did somehow did well I was doing fairly okay but you know wa NOA what did you just say no you’re not allowed to say the n word you can censor it but you can’t say it yeah you can censor it but you can’t you can’t it can’t be heard on yeah you could yeah okay yeah there you go there what I wish I had voice but I could there so much [ __ ] right now I wish anybody rage no well we can rage just not rage quick I’m behind Cisco by 10 points God damn no wait wait wait you could do that one cut off you did in true bl’s video oh yeah I forgot you’re yeah you can do God damn [Music] it where am I [Music] on God damn car oh wait I H my first try holy [ __ ] stop going over that’s not what I’m doing I’m not trying to go over go go in the hole go in go in the hole I’m taking my slow ass [ __ ] time D you are you in slow motion are you doing qt are you in slow motion damn that was so slow yet so patient oh that would right there oh that one’s for the that’s one that one’s for the Millennials shut up oh there you go Nova see you did it yeah you got it you got now you just got to hit the hole yeah look I said hit the hole know well no jumping would there you go no I wish there was jumping oh my God wait wait are we playing war after this are we I went from I went from six to like second blue I heard you say something what did you say you got the funny Alex you have the funny number what’s the funny oh 69 yeah9 I don’t know why I tried to do that that no no oh hey guys got it allzy nice I got and what was that I’m trying I’m trying to take a shortcut man okay I I just just say you’re doing a good job oh Nova you’re doing no you’re NOA you’re no nov you’re going to try the worms with us okay we need you to experience you have to experience this you should the disrespect I got from that [ __ ] game you should SE the disrespect three of you guys are are we playing worms today or no yeah we’re playing worms today do you really want to no why I hate worms you know what you know what might as well play worms then nobody needs to exp yeah this is the one where I am glad Collision is off I hate this whole honestly honestly worms I mean honestly worms isn’t so bad anymore I mean it’s still [ __ ] but like she said that but then I I [ __ ] yeah you say that but then it [ __ ] but it could be worse no well the reason why I said that is cuz the last time when I did worm well [Music] so okay I hit this hole with a passion I’m trying to land this [ __ ] but this shit’s too got Tom Cruz at Tom Cruz [Music] no wa a minute do not go no okay okay all right okay heaven Heaven I don’t think it’s worth to take the shortcut okay come on make sure I land is come on come on no no but just Center yourself just Center yourself it’s not worth trying to get from that okay oh no [ __ ] thank you trying trying to thank you yeah I was trying to go over here and then I was going to try to oh no but you’re there okay you’re almost there okay I have like I have like few Strokes left to oh my oh you have one more oh I’m going to pray to God that I can make this okay do L come on heav you have 3 seconds go okay all right it’s okay it’s okay as long I’ll take second place I’ll take a tie for six you mean fifth well okay uh fourth and fifth consider uh TI for four so I go to I don’t even think I don’t I want to do worms but at the same time I don’t anymore after after that after that last one no you might as well just just your Lu first off I’m going to change this so we can have jumping in jumping in you saw [ __ ] right I was right there but hold on let me do don’t mind me all right righty all right wait no no wait detective detective you should probably extend the time like you should do like 2 and2 minutes instead of like 2 minutes okay yeah just for this we’re going to let’s do um let’s do this I’ll give you guys each obviously I’ll give you guys three each three more Strokes listen oh sorry 15 and do do 150 seconds which is 1 15 seconds and then the penalty thing though is going to be more much more significant I’m going to make it five so you get 20 if you if you stroke out oh my God all right okay you know what that’s fair because feel hey who left hey someone’s not here who left I [ __ ] disced I [ __ ] disconnected I’ll back I’ll him back I’ll invite him back okay you invite him what the [ __ ] was going say I saw someone leave like what the [ __ ] wow guys who left so chat my if you do not know worms is one of the most difficult home or courses in the entire game difficult holes Nova who’s a typical rager at this game is going to experience it for the first time are you ready Nova no detective detective detective you should totally make this to a video H you know what I’ll think about it I’ll think about it no this part specifically I’ll think about it I’ll think about all right well no no no the fact that me and Nova are going to cook with actually two videos that he’s editing and I’m editing it’s actually one part yeah so without further Ado on that one by the way it’s going good it’s going good I need to add the bonus all right cool all right nice he everyone shouting at each other oh my God worms do you guys know do you guys know the original game where this where this course came from is it worms or makedon well I mean the worms franchise that came from wait no guys no guys guys you know we should do you know what we should you know what we should do again what what and not not like real not like there’s no [ __ ] go all right oh we we we wow no I was going to say we need to do at least one more part of the uh 7-Eleven world again cuz my God was that funny fu yeah we need we need to go back how about we do this Andrew how about we find a place that’s actually way funnier that is the 7el cuz I got it play twice or three times I want to find other worlds that are funny as hell just like 7-Eleven cuz I’m sure there’s like plenty other worlds we can find uh like the McDonald’s one or like the Taco Bell oh wait wait wait no no no okay um wait do you remember on this course on that one map where the bomb comes down where we’re all trying to get up the r [ __ ] remind me do not [ __ ] I knocked you off as soon as as soon as the time was about to run out remind me and I still got it in the hole how you doing Amun how you doing little buddy hi Amun can you please save me oh on first place wait no are in first place holy [ __ ] Wade and NOA areass I’m be I’m be real no you don’t you don’t have to be mad at me getting in first place cuz that shit’s going to imely Fumble I’m thinking no guys guys we have St we have to I literally jumped dude what the [ __ ] L I think you’re racist that’s fine all right you got the what what he what okay to be fair she doesn’t want Wade and Nova winning think about it okay whoa wow blue blue does not want wait or no doing really well right now B immed doing a lot better than some people that play this anyway also also also uh B you’re the [ __ ] idiot here shut the [ __ ] up anyway you uh b l this game is already horrible when we got the one there yeah it is horrible why the [ __ ] oh yeah of course of course you get mad B come on who’s joining me in the whole one Club you can do it I know you can man so tell she’s targeting me I yes or no answer I’ll tell you what the [ __ ] you did you killed me while I was AFK oh you still about that [ __ ] okay you’re still mad about that still have aun I am B you’re mad over your fault Bella that is your own fault you got to talk about worm are perfectly I know you can do it well it’s going to get worse from here it only gets wor from here moving wait hold up Nova if you somehow do really well in this I am genuinely going to be very surprised and I [ __ ] CU I got distracted okay you got this just like they said in all the morgs videos it only gets worse from here yeah I mean yeah it does get worse for again if you somehow if you somehow do if you somehow do a lot better in this course and that’s that that’s saying something that’ be in that’d be incredible wa wait wait hold on what is that supposed to mean then uh um I mean well more so towards the other people that wow you guys Nova is not as good somehow beat you guys okay all right all right okay a three wow oh my God it’s war zone B the maybe the worst map is the best for Noah that again that would be say that is an because this actually [ __ ] sucks it doesn’t suck does it waa QT nice I’ll take three I’ll take this I think we might I think we might be tied May the best May the best stroker win I swear No No’s going to call this the most not take that out of context no again like again like if he wins that’s thing something for for you guys you guys been playing this game way more than him and he’s so be you guys and worms damn how the [ __ ] did you miss that okay see you later wors like twice third time excuse beautiful do it again do it again excuse you do I don’t know if I can I mean in the beginning I raged bar R in this game oh at least I’m not the one last barely huh barely huh no no no no yeah barely nowadays I we all experience who the [ __ ] hit me what the I mean nowadays I’m like oh God it’s thank you that actually really helped me unironically no what is doing though where you going I I I still have the jetpack and oh come on I know where the is I went on the map [ __ ] me wait I got a birie out of that what the [ __ ] that’s my first Rage kind of damn it whoever hit me thank you so goddamn much that actually helped me so much I don’t know where I going I’m going be honest I don’t know even where I’m going wait he you’re not where I’m going either guys I’m going I’m going off the map don’t even talk to me should I even take what I even do what you do come on no no no what you said to me last hole don’t I don’t want to [ __ ] hear from you yeah because you missed it you dumb [ __ ] that’s why that’s why do you think I’m not call you poy okay well I got hole in one at the first game so I don’t even know for [ __ ] you no one cares yeah I mean why you for you why you m good good for you you want me to you want me to get do you want me to give you a kiss on your bring you [ __ ] you want me to keep going do you want me do you want me to give you a kiss on your forehead a gold star for saying I like that I also want too thank you wait see wait see do you want the cookies or the kiss I’m I’m kind of confused like King a kiss God damn bro damn damn the break you know what guys I think I think we need to I think we need to have another video based on Andrew and Wade break up Arc it’s GNA be called the couple’s counseling I’m in my own no imagine if I’m really bad but that’s okay i’ rather where you know what at this point I don’t he doing such a terrible job I I don’t even care if he’s trying his best no but still all right hold on what you trying to think hold everybody shut wait I just realized actually you know what never mind you don’t want to know I kind of want to know now kind of want to know I’m somehow I somehow suck but I’m still not raging okay this is Alex hurry you have 10 seconds all right everybody shut up hold on I try to saying saying I [ __ ] this is embarrassing on your guys’ part hey just going first all right I I was going to say I was going to say don’t quote me on this and don’t find this weird but I’d rather kiss a Dark Magician Girl body pillow than kiss weight at the moment right now damn dude whoa I don’t you know what I don’t I don’t blame you okay I’m sorry um where’s the where’s the oh here there it is oh [ __ ] stuck by the [ __ ] bar wire blue what the [ __ ] I didn’t do [ __ ] too hard why why do I always get I’m not winning right now wait a minute wait a minute who the [ __ ] all leave you hey detective what up what up what up what up draw funny stream suggestion play Real Time FNA heard of that no no I don’t dude I need to find time to do that though Heaven go please no okay you want to know something funny you want something funny about that they actually have a 6 hour challenge playing that sh for yeah that’s what it is it’s real time no no no no no that’s something new no the original was literally just like the original game but real time but no that 6 hour thing you actually that oh [ __ ] I’d rather not where where where is everybody else hear something interesting oh actually something interesting that guy over there in green is just in his own world guys I like to say right now I um I got karma in the most horrible way possible I thought was to I that I EAS I must have really Mard that [ __ ] you miss heard that a lot listen guys guys guys I missed I hit Wade and missed the whole entirely yes and I got a double Boogie from it okay you guys are having a stand up right now you have a weer measuring contest what the [ __ ] and surrender stop l l stop having a wiener measuring contest and get in the hole why are you stealing my thing with the ladies first ladies first actually no [ __ ] first [ __ ] first [ __ ] puss first [ __ ] first well you’re [ __ ] um well then yeah I about to say then uh Andrew go and you got to go Andrew you got to go okay you guys are very silly honestly as well like five times orange you glad I mve okay fuing kill yourself let’s go I didn’t think I I didn’t intend to do that I’m going be honest e I’m on the I’m one the go how about you get out the way hey guys the eag is NOA you [ __ ] um we got we got like so much time so I’m going to stay here for a bit uh I’d highly recommend against it just because you don’t know who’s going to hit you yo what good I got whatever that’s fine oh what I do to you know what I did to you oh by you you made me hit you you got in my way and I help you actually help me so damn that was so [ __ ] close [ __ ] you actually I don’t know what they’re planning in my in their VC I’m going to just leave they were planning to terrorize me oh I think they’re in another VC CU they’re not here kill uh I Havis oh I mean they probably don’t want to hear Nova ring this and Andrew they don’t want to hear what’s in what’s going on in here I think they’re already minimalist as much andw you guys going you guys go before Andrew hit you God dang dude what is going on oh got to get in the hole what do we come to oh my God look at like so close this is what we have come to I don’t like how quiet Andrew is it’s actually congratul I don’t know if that’s a good sign or not I’m surprised I’m doing this well I know I’ve never done this no not this hey wait remember hey remember wait wait remember the funny moment than push me push me oh my God I almost where start where I start oh my what the [ __ ] oh guys I went back down here is that what it does my blue oh my God is that what the bomb does yeah um yeah it sends you all the way back uh Bella I’m not going to waste time here I’m going to go oh um you’re so godamn lucky you did not me yeah I’m lucky because I’m not raging please please please hi oh oh H okay I I’m good I’m good I’m good no no okay um bye guys see you here now I don’t want to be down here back up here guys insert the music insert the outro music I’ll see Heaven wow that was actually good I saw that from holy [ __ ] you should push him off no speaking of oh yeah where start where my down happens push him be funny no push no no I’m not I’m not I’m not me I’m not if you get up there please push him thank you for being the most honest one dra you’re not going get up there like that you got to go I wasn’t trying to no no jump jump NOA jump bye boys wait a minute if Jo gets up there oh my God that would have been so beautiful okay thank Jo if you got up there and actually with that B I would have actually been so happy no no no no go in can I myself myself early watch I’m that the hole no no that done yeah I’m done wait where’s everyone did everyone I think everyone’s still down there waade you got this waade you got this you got second wait you got you got to wait he 5 Seconds oh no hey hey we’re alive stop it no everybody can go suck the massive dick because I’m not doing that yeah no no no no Q it’s funny said oh no’s going to do good I I me I have 47 [ __ ] points but that’s better than the last few times oh [ __ ] like again that’s that’s a huge accomplishment we are going oh no points as an accomplishment guys I’m going to I’m going to recreate what happened to Japan back in the 40s okay what the [ __ ] okay to be fair that’s the same thing this whole stream compared to what you guys have done my God for real yeah C agrees all right I need I I need I need I needed a few minutes to like oh I was wondering why you’re so quiet know it would be a did you did you guys not did you guys not hear me screaming [ __ ] at the top of my [ __ ] lungs I he I heard that I literally I heard that I think I’m the only one that heard that wait wait wait when did you do that I literally did it like two holes ago it it was it when I stroked out at 20 oh oh hi guys wait Andrew why wait I got I got to ask though cuz you were there why I’m surprised he didn’t go I know Cisco wants me to push him but CIS don’t P I’m surprised you didn’t go cuz you had a wide open shot want and I [ __ ] it up I [ __ ] not I was so the best op you literally got up out of my chair probably yeah yes are sounding what’s put that voice F be robot get them out of here you don’t like you don’t like the okay yeah know it’s okay you last time it’s not fair I don’t like this anymore yeah I’m going to back I’m on why why why am i t why am I tied with that guy who’s that guy what are you tied with worry about it oh okay I see do oh I forgot about that there we go okay I’m not going to try and waste uh who the [ __ ] pushed me who the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] it was me I did it mother you’re an actual prick you’re a prick yeah I did I did I did push where’s oh it’s right there all right time to be time to the old days ofs no I’m not winning I’m not winning I just got set no I’m not no no no no no detective I know you you’re going to push me you’re going to push me okay obviously we know detective because not we would not be able to call them God damn it I [ __ ] sold a stroke for no reason okay a detective it’s too bad silver did that to you and so just sold you that stroke ohly [ __ ] do anything to you what the [ __ ] oh wait I’m here I didn’t even do anything to you I’m literally not losing wait I’m in third right overall yeah you’re in third uh me and Cisco are ahead of you at the moment oh okay I was wondering I’m in fifth all right guys oh oh oh holy [ __ ] you guys stop right now dude guys stop no copyright music turn it off can you turn off the music please holy [ __ ] turn it off I got it I got it Jesus Christ you’re going to get my [ __ ] stream taken down holy [ __ ] wait wait no played that no that wasn’t me that was not me that wait who played it where heckes the [ __ ] fire truck that wasn’t me that wasn’t me that was me if it was me I would have stopped I would have stopped Midway I know whoever did that you’re a [ __ ] prick wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did I make that did I actually make that wait I don’t think this I there’s no [ __ ] no [ __ ] made that made [ __ ] worms dude I hate it so sheep actually helped me holy [ __ ] dude the Sheep helped me I thought I was [ __ ] screwed wait wait did you on the top of the cannon and shot you so the first sheet that we see once weer the hole and basically um the first sheet that exploded they exploded me all the way to the other side of the [ __ ] area actually got me into the hole mine was crazier so mine uh also exploded off the Sheep but it landed on top of the cannon and it counted as it going in the cannon and it shot me across go away please okay Co is so horeshit what the [ __ ] I literally crossy before the oh my [ __ ] god no no of course that is in my [ __ ] way of course get me out of this hole dude get me the [ __ ] out oh my [ __ ] God I’m not done wait okay this what the [ __ ] you actual you know what [ __ ] you get the [ __ ] out of here oh I helped him [ __ ] yeah get blown up by the Sheep get [ __ ] blown up go yeah keep go Heaven [ __ ] with me again [ __ ] with me again oh my God I just see that from the distance from Cisco’s point of view Fu I thought she had his life [ __ ] no I was watching Mr Beast video that’s why you can’t beat the allegations hly no dude I was watching Mr video okay hold on okay can I be honest I wasn’t I wasn’t a r quit I was like watching a Mr B’s video why are you watching a Mr V’s video while I was def too because it was too say anything I swear to God okay hold on okay let me let me okay all right hold on I tried can I can I get my side can you suck stop sucking Heaven off for like a moment and actually play the game well he helped me last time so I felt like that doesn’t mean you help him again F me I only help the [ __ ] Universe can you like oh you didn’t help me Shut the [ __ ] up you’re not the center of the goddamn Universe holy [ __ ] sh oh the world doesn’t revolve around you you don’t live in the norle the magnetic around your [ __ ] house what did I do not you Oh I thought you were talking to me at first I was like what the [ __ ] talking to I literally thought you were talking I thought you were talking to too I’m like what the [ __ ] you should be saying that to Heaven not [ __ ] Cy going I say this cuz may help me and then like oh but Haven hit didn’t help me oh okay well you that’s fine I don’t still yeah I did I did say that not a horrible round okay we need to [ __ ] up yeah Among Us oh come on guys don’t be salty from previous G stuck if you’re this actually sh I’ll I’ll this game does stck all right yes it does especially this hole wa finished God Dam it no it’s it’s not okay you know how look at this it’s blessing you guys and not the people that are bad you um at least no it’s not I’m going to get [ __ ] NOA I have the same I have to say the same [ __ ] these guys y it’s okay [ __ ] Among Us it’s not okay I’m about you know what I’m [ __ ] done no no it’s the no no no it’s the no rage challenge I think she already I think she already did it you still in the game I’m still in the game no Bella it’s okay it’s okay Bella it’s okay I won’t all all right B I’ll do this for you I won’t kill you next time us I won’t promise that no no no that that’ll be me killing you yeah oh you can try Pooky but you going to what I I think H wait where is everyone oh finally oh you still there but look see you’re [ __ ] kidding me this game is so hor did you run out of Strokes she has like one more and then that’s the only one that’s struggling look at right now he’s also struggling no it’s the no r challenge please please there you go no I’m done she already left she oh he immedately goes to Pizza Tower wow why you go torture even more all right you know what guys I I don’t who P who pushed me who the [ __ ] pushed me all right are you actually freaking joking me you’re going to play Pizza tower look hey Ryder really wait Ryder I have cash app I have cash app I don’t really use it but I use a little bit you know rer for commissions for yeah those are for commissions no I’m saying who why the [ __ ] are you going to use him for commissions you don’t do anything okay you cut out a lot buddy no I’m just I’m just okay I’m just saying when the [ __ ] okay when the [ __ ] are you ever going to use rder for commissions you don’t ever do anything well I want to well why not why not you you don’t want me to support my friend Ryder I do but just like you don’t do anything with it I don’t have to do anything I don’t have to do anything to ask people do that people do that all the time I she just wants to support ryer yeah what’s wrong with me supporting my friend you support him with money yeah it’s cuz detective wants the money because money is where the actual the true happiness is I’m going to be honest happiness money if Ryder had PayPal I might consider no it’s not happiness it’s way you could you can not be more wrong in your [ __ ] life okay well Andrew uh if you have experience with money then you would know well if you experience if you well wait if you had any experience of being rich then yeah then you still be miserable oh yeah you know fck see yeah right I can’t personal yeah exactly God damn as long as the money you have that’s in your wallet then that is the happiness yeah I could literally ask for a profile picture like I could have him draw me a profile picture and I use that okay okay that all right that is a very argument because you I told you I don’t have to do anything to I don’t have to do content for me to commission someone I could let me make a counter argument to that you can make you can say the fact like oh yeah I could be the first trillionaire in the [ __ ] world but yet then you would have no one to rely on and no one to talk to and literally no source of contct at that point though you would be okay with being a multi billionaire or whatever and no I didn’t say about being a trillionaire a millionaire I just said I got money in my wallet I’m good that’s all I said [ __ ] dog statue that’s a goat I think I think that’s a all I said is I got money in my pocket that’s I’m good as long as I’m not broke oh oh thank you I I said nothing about no rich or trillionaire [ __ ] because why you do with all that money don’t pump in you’re going to get bored with all the money anyway I don’t get you could just donate it to Charities and [ __ ] yeah but I don’t want to be like those YouTubers who actually don’t do it oh I want to actually be a person who actually gives out the money instead of giving it to corporate so you’re going to be like a Mr be yeah I’m giving I’m giving it my own money to the people who actually need it CU I’m not give not give it they keep half of the money and then they’ll give a little bit to people watching they keep it half of them are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] Isis [ __ ] if I’m going to be honest if I was Mr Beast I’ll be doing the same [ __ ] and still getting crazy threats at on Twitter because I wouldn’t give a [ __ ] about people would think I’m doing a good thing and if you don’t like me doing a good thing then guess what you’re one of the most POS people in the internet for that yeah like he [ __ ] for Africa than what what actual officials can’t even do that’s that’s the stup part I love the fact I love the I love the fact that Bella says like you know [ __ ] this game I’m done and then she’s done with the torture and she literally playing Pizza Artic have a good night dude please take care of yourself okay yes I don’t know if I told you this I I told you this I think it was yesterday right after Andrew uh yesterday after the Sega after the Sonic Sega Allstar Racing the stream right transform yeah yeah Bella joins my server my server like my mod my server right me they’re like oh I don’t fit in we were uh me and her were just B was playing the [ __ ] piz Tower game right she know what she does she raid quits close the games leaves my VC it immediately then while she’s not on my VC immediately hops back on my wor no she immediately like opens up pizza Tower again as soon as she oh uh rer don’t we’re not going to snitch we ain’t snitching no she didn’t no she didn’t even took a break after leaving my call after immediately hops back on the game after she abandoned me my call alone I might as well just I might as well just ask a refund for that game how old do you have to to have well it makes sense detective that yeah makes sense why there’s an age limit for that makes sense no I’m surprised it’s like why is it that low or why is that why is the age limit that that high like I would think it’ be like guys now that I’m on level now I can say this I mean who knows but you could I mean people have their bank accounts at like 16 as well so I was going to say I got my first bank account when I was 16 yeah I’m pretty sure people has different you know I got M like different rules I guess I don’t what about venmo cuz I know I’m going to get that know that was what I was I havea does anyone use V now I’m thinking about it I do yeah I don’t useo I only have PayPal and I do no ha Cas hon get your first [Music] young viewers whoever watch I’m going to give you one piece of advice when it comes to First actually get a job and don’t try to pick no easy pain job because YouTube can YouTuber is actually good CU that’s fine at least you’re actually doing something but just don’t do anything that will make you regret something for the rest of your life that gets you quick money cuz I don’t do that I’m pretty sure nobody wants to do that cuz I have seen many people done stuff for money that’s actually very regrettable Better Health so Hest got an actual job to get your first list paycheck and then if you got something better like actual career then that’s good for you just keep doing that yeah now that I’m playing this this specific hole you know I’m just going to this now now that now that um now that now that now that I’m playing worms now say worms worms oh you oh oh you okay no I just saw that no no no no yeah no wor yeah damn dude you’re doing pretty well not going to lie I have 138 points no no at the beginning you were doing very well yeah at the beginning I was doing well yeah beginning of the end yeah but then he had remembered he had to play the rest of the game yeah remember okay I don’t know where the [ __ ] I’m at it’s okay I it’s okay I saved myself I think I fell in oh yeah I fell in here how the F hi Alex it’s okay I somehow Sav hey uh detective yeah what up no wait can we just do one easy map just to settle ourselves down after this please just like what like forest or something and you mean us you mean Nova do you want do you want random ball shape and random ball size or do you just I don’t no no no random ball shape you’re just adding F to the fire no yeah you’re you’re adding you’re F cuz I was going to say I was going to do one more but with random ball shape and random ball size but if you guys want one more just like normal then we can do two will this work detect because they like you have to make the P bigger God shut [Music] up I don’t I may I may go into watch party and watch a few cartoons maybe after this already the same as pen palet the same company oh I did not know my like VC and just if anyone want if anyone else wants to go into watch party with me I’m going in there oh I’m going in my VC cuz [ __ ] this I’m actually did you Rage Quit no I’m still in the game no I’m still in the game I’m wait I’m me I’m me and way they finishing the game but like yeah we’re not going to yeah this this a go like the massive [ __ ] dick it ever deserves cuz no I don’t know if you guys heard me like I think I muted like half of the time it wasn’t this level but like I I I I threw a can in my room oh yeah you did I heard that yeah I think I heard that a little bit I don’t know if I heard that at all damn you guys are I heard that right there yeah it was that guys stop holding we you’re measuring contest and go no we’re not we’re already getting in what the [ __ ] detective what what world are you crawling out of cuz we are not talking about that yeah no they doing the thing where they were standing going to win thisis [ __ ] what a goddamn surprise Cisco’s going to [ __ ] win wow he got oh god look all us here together man this [ __ ] fun this no you super sheep oh my God I’m getting sent hey uh no hey uh Nova yeah I’m not say I’m literally not saying I’m actually legit Hest like what do you prefer Uno or gol with your friends you’re like close I don’t know I hate both of them I know you really choose after what happened last stream okay like a birdie let’s close it off with one and I can’t say golf with your friends either no no you got to admit after that with 7-Eleven that that almost together oht took second for me I I just need you to edit that video edit the the second part we did with the recording like part two and then we’ll have to still get under par in this [ __ ] map yeah I post yours and then I’ll edit mine that way it’s part two wait is there any possibility you could send the the recording so I can make myself feel a bit better we’ll do the we’ll do the forest for a little bit and then we’ll do one more one more after this with the random ball shape and bides I said I was leaving I’m going into watch party I’m going to I’m going to watch wait actually hold on should I go to I want to go to um w w chat on um no I’m just going to go into into movie night I think blue and uh yeah they’re still over there they’re actually in um limited VC yeah yeah let me see I’m going to I’m going to go into movie night I’ll see you all right see you byebye byee guess bye all righty all right let’s do Forest then that was a loud left you know what let’s let’s just skip the random ball shape all size for this stream I’ll just do make this the last ho yeah I mean I figur you do that already like we not we do something very nice and calming something that if I stream if I stream gol with your friends I’m definitely not doing worm space station and um um yeah those two yeah no no I’m doing can yeah I was going to say yeah I was going to say think oh but worms in space station [ __ ] no M will I make this I don’t got a hold in one if I don’t get this in I’m going to be so embarrassed and and your par don’t mind me I’m the only one didn’t get a home R that’s okay oh my [Music] God sis oh you know what Cisco [ __ ] you know what Cisco that’s it you’re done you’re done this just going to [ __ ] bully him hey KY got a whole one no no CU he [ __ ] he [ __ ] blocked me out of the [ __ ] hole in [Music] one no if he does that again nope then I’m I’m going to torture him throughout the entire round if he does that again my good a really no really okay I’ll I’ll take I’ll take it in [Music] feels so bad for feel bad for me cuz you’re not having fun seems like having scared why is he what is he scared of I think he’s scared of Latinos Latinos specifically Latinos cuz he’s not scared of you no how the [ __ ] I mean he’s a himself so wouldn’t he be scared of himself yeah I feel like Heaven does seem like the type who would be scared of himself [Music] so look you cut off I feel like we should have done Candy Land instead of worms well we tried wors yeah but Nova had to experience worms you know don’t worry we’re never going to do that worms again unless I don’t know no not for a long ass time yeah not until we do the challenge where um we um do um worms and I was going to bump you in a you’re the true Pooky you’re my only Pooky okay I get [ __ ] for trying to push heaven but we just never play gol you do it all the time no that’s that’s the only time I did it okay what are the other times I’ve done it you Cisco and Heaven that’s okay okay let’s see um any of Cisco’s recent golf through friend streams I’ve seen it happen um let’s see it was the one time we did it off stream you’ve been helping Heaven no I never once helped him Heaven do you remember any other time I helped you I don’t think I ever did if if I did and if I did help you that was probably by accident wait detective why what are you doing what are you doing what are you even doing what are you what what are you yapping about uh your mom that’s what I’m that’s what I’m yapping at oh I’m going to be honest I’m going to be honest somehow Hydra is less um chaotic than this BL Bella you’re back I’m happy you’re back he I want to make one thing clear yes Bella I am never playing go your friends ever again cool all right well after that one [ __ ] worm’s me no no no no that that just solidified um my future with go your friends no go your friend me hi K uninstall it if you guys are playing it no I am not playing no no no no no no no I’m done so not even not not even for not even Forest Twilight or candy laying you’re still not going to play yeah [ __ ] Twilight honestly unin Twilight uninstall it then what’s wrong withlight everything’s wrong with it it’s a great map I I’ve had so much [ __ ] happened on that map alone like like you know that one hole where you have to where the where the goal’s like strictly right in front of you even if I had Collision on literally I keep missing the hole not to mention the bridge that that sucks too uh-huh yeah but you got but you have to but you have to agree that worms and space station are a a lot worse than that one [Music] no yeah I mean I hate all of them I hate all the holes equally good job good job there is no favorite so are you so be honest with me how are you fairing better with pizza Tower huh having much more fun compared to what I happened earlier are you suffering at least I’m not rap waiting as much that’s good that’s very [Music] good yeah I know I’m I’m un stalling go for your friends after stream I’m done oh okay oh I’m [ __ ] done honestly [ __ ] ended up ended up some I got to [ __ ] do it again okay [ __ ] you [ __ ] anymore holy [ __ ] oh no no what you mean wow Andrew fine I’ll do it fine I’ll do it right now fine finally dude now I’m all the way in I’m in what third second you know what you know you know what you know what maybe you know what maybe on second thought maybe second thought you know you know one second thought maybe I’m starting to understand why Bella uninstalled this game now I’m to now I’m starting to understand oh come on guys it’s not that bad no [ __ ] this game did did you just see that [ __ ] right there I that should have been a hole in one but the game’s just like nope I’m not the only one well sometimes things don’t always work out and that’s okay yeah no but things don’t always work out when you plan them game sometimes be bullshitting but that’s what most it is [ __ ] it’s been [ __ ] day one ever since I got it oh no I’m sorry I I didn’t mean to push you I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I trying to get I was trying to get in in it time in wor like every time first time didn’t go well second time not even having fun the third time n the third time made me uninstalled the game you have to move a 900 P washing machine I don’t care for what if you guys want to convince me to play gol with your friends again give me a good [ __ ] reason why because we love you because we love you what if it’s for a birthday stream it’s like like what if it’s I don’t know what’s my birthday what if I what if it’s my birthday I’m not playing it anymore I’m what if I want you there I’m done I’m done playing golf I I’m not golfing anymore what about the what about VR [Music] track uh that’s probably a different story I don’t really care about that one come back I’m sorry he’s probably busy watching Mr Beast no I already watching Mr be dude no Joel you saw the recent video right that’s what you were watching I didn’t I I did not yeah no dude I [ __ ] 50 YouTubers right wait which one you talking about the most recent one yeah the YouTuber one dude I bro I’m so happy Jaden an bro I love Jaden’s content so much well there there’s spoilers for any of you who have not seen it yet but sorry no it’s it’s okay it’s fine I wasn’t even playing watching anyway I can no Joel can I talk about the final challenge though it’s like that’s the greatest challenge I’ve ever seen that is like mind games on a whole another level cuz what here’s the thing you got one person who has the has the winnings and the if you vote them out then they immediately win but at the same time while you all while the other four people agree that you um that you don’t want them walking away with the money they can’t necessarily agree to vote someone out cuz no one’s going to voluntarily vote themselves out of the game like that is like mind level that’s like mind games on a whole another level and I’m all in for that also Mr already hit 300 insane quite you really tell for Mr be video I mean I know I know Mr is a cool guy now but you think like people will care like you can just skip to the end it’s not no that that those videos are Cinema I I watch them through all the way to the end I love that he’s also doing the 40-minute videos now like holy [ __ ] again I’m so I’m so it’s sad that both like badad and got out so early no did you see how Logan got out uh Logan Oh wait I remember hold on I go oh wait like Logan Paul yeah hold on let me go let me go back to the video because I don’t remember oh sorry go to go to the second to last challenge with the cooking the cooking challenge did Nova Rage Quit worms no he actually did no surprisingly he didn’t so he beat you Bella well I don’t care [ __ ] worms honestly [ __ ] worms in its entirety [ __ ] the game [ __ ] um no the everything why did I do that wor literally PTSD no I almost who join hi hyra I am not in the mood to talk right now I was about I was about to ask hi everyone what happened oh dang wait uh go me your friend what the f wait wait why did he I’m still wondering why the [ __ ] did he gave himself up because you know the setting that they were in cuz Alex told me that even they were saying like dude it feels so different you almost forget that you’re in the game and that’s what Logan thought at that time like he forgot that he was still competing for that I’m going to go back there okay [ __ ] had the best shift to D had like the best chef he had he had he had the one cooking YouTuber on it on his team he no he no he had the best one he had like the best like partner to ooh let’s go nice KT missed oh no oh no dude what the [ __ ] D this is shooting a stationary Target and missing how the [ __ ] do you do that oh dude yo detective check check this out okay so that video he uploaded was just 13 13 hours ago he it already has almost 38 million views already dude that’s how po Mr pie is that’s how [ __ ] insane man he deserves it all of it dude and I completely missed okay I wonder what people I wonder what people on Twitter will about like like why is about video because you know that each new video there’s like someone always complain hello uh QT that’s not worth it you got to go you got to go like on the inside unless you can really got you’re welcome Cisco that was by accident [ __ ] Pizza Tower it’s a tough thing to get into you know I’m just going to go over here and I completely missed that way okay I’d rather play this game than [ __ ] worms in golf do you still want to join me on Tuesday I’m what are you doing Tuesday I’m going to go jail going to hang out with me she’s going hang out with me and Joanna oh okay that was completely by accident I didn’t me that’s okay though like I’m done with the game now honestly I really [ __ ] done what can I do for you there we go well hang out with would be nice but then again oh no I meant at at this hey we all got an in two what do you want me to say to you what you want me to say to you to make me feel better yeah I’m struggling with this one but at this point at this point I don’t a fly [Music] [ __ ] also who won that worms game by the way Sisco he he somehow got it under par yeah like [ __ ] try hard the surprise of [ __ ] no one exactly how many hours literally becom how literally literally my same question how the how many he’s got so good at that game overnight wouldn’t be surprised it was more than 100 I swear to God no it’s got to be more than that it’s got to be like at least I wouldn’t be surprised if it at least 100 what hours yeah y he says I have more hours in Mario Kart insane by the way because he thinks Mario Kart is not a good game which is absolute Cisco you got to answer how many hours you have in this game dud like like he each game they he sucks at he says oh it’s a it’s so it’s a bad game it’s a bad game go over your friends this game is good actually this game is great it’s cuz he’s good at it that’s why all righty I’m going to end stream there because holy [ __ ] uh my head’s starting to hurt a little bit so never play this game again detective I I’m going to I I like playing this game it’s just like holy [ __ ] with that many people in here like my God yeah no I’m I’m actually not playing this game for quite some time I’m taking a permanent retirement boy well I’m sing just yeah I don’t think I’m going yeah I’m not going to do I won’t be Avail okay um thank you guys so much for watching be sure to like be sure to subscribe be sure to sh sh Channel around it helps me grow thank you for coming to both streams for those of you who came to both do appreciate it um again continue Heaven what he said insert slurp what what are you my God umt SL thank you to everyone who joined the VC which was Cy blue Andrew Nova Joel Alex HRA am I missing anyone at the top of my head Wade Cisco Heaven yeah we got to know how many PE how many hours how is everyone doing us have not answered our question you not answered our question how many hours you your friends me uh I’ll I’ll check right now um be sure to subscribe to everyone um I don’t know if I’m I have I have 91 oh see I I have like a full day I’m sorry blue Bella am I talking to the person who has like hundreds of hours in [ __ ] places like Mario Party and Mario Kart am I talking to that person yeah I’ve got 75 hours in this game QT you have 67 there you go Andrew you have 27 I have like almost $400 hours in Lethal company but you know Jesus Christ mhm um let’s see I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get the cover out cuz I did have some trouble trying to upload like the M the background music for it I’m going to try and get that resolved as soon as possible and I’m going to hopefully get it up soon um let’s see tomorrow Hunger Games if blue still has the thumbnail ready by then let’s see what else after that I don’t but yeah why were you all asking about my hours on Golf because you’re [ __ ] goed as hell in this game okay well to be fair in my defense Andrew could have actually beaten me on that last one had he not hit me on the second all out of out of spite no cuz we ended up tying uh I I looked at bar and I was like wow if it wasn’t for that second hold see Sebastian’s calling you CIS glow CIS glow why what’s the meaning of that I don’t know cuz I don’t know maybe he’s trying to call you slow I don’t know that’s just Sebastian me Sebastian yeah I was going to say like what where was I slow today I for that that’s just Sebastian B Sebastian I forgot the context so maybe Mario Kart I guess I don’t know probably yeah do you guys have anything else you want to say before before I end stream [ __ ] go I’m going I’m going to do I’m to try I’m going to try do a lethal company stream like on Monday if I have the time I’ll I have to I have to check to make sure that mod pad works I don’t think it does but I at least want to try it um let’s see which mud pack I don’t know just [Music] like [ __ ] Tangled um I mean you can barely run the one that I provided to you inside I have no hope for you to do any more than that I mean it’s worth a shot at least trying you never know but um anything else you guys want to say before I go um you guys are hey you know funny they’re funny some of you guys are funny some I’m not going to point out point out I’m funny you’re funny thank you I’m not funny yeah you’re funny too Cisco battle JP for a meaningless spot in the standings while I was up the bro what the what the [ __ ] was that like I wasted an hour battling with him and I’m like why you’re not going to get more higher than fif what there’s no meaning to this I need it for the championship doesn’t no like it doesn’t matter what move you do getting fifth place like like honestly it’s like man cities trying to battle man you out in the final few minutes when they’re already going to be relegated dude I was I was I was planning on getting Monopoly one day but I I I’m you considering after that game yeah Jesus Christ Ubisoft f [ __ ] servers Jesus Christ you know they you know they won’t right with like [ __ ] like [ __ ] rainow I don’t know well they’re not going to fix it but they’re releasing a new game in October which is what we’re all going to be migrating to but if I hear one [ __ ] thing about the internet network not working on that too I’m I’m refunding that [ __ ] all righty with that being said see you later peeps thanks for watching I’ll see you guys tomorrow for Hunger Games byebye byebye bye

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