OLD VS NEW // Odyssey 2-Ball Putter

Today, Ian and Mikey are diving into the iconic 2-Ball putter which has been a staple in the Odyssey lineup for over a decade.

The new Ai-ONE 2-Ball DB is a Tour Lined version of the classic shape. Let’s see how much technology has transformed with the new Ai-ONE insert with an aluminum backer, White Hot urethane striking surface and SL 90 Stroke Lab steel shaft.



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

goodly stru Michael it’s one of those compounding eras that if your speed is slightly off and you’re going to slightly send offline uh in terms of the the M hit you going to twist the golf ball you might end up with a four-footer rather than a two footer right okay and we we know where the percentages go it comes to that type of thing all right guys welcome back to the channel Michael we’re back to the old versus new series old new I going good I you thank you um we have Odyssey putters yeah Tu ball iconic classic you ever used one yeah yeah the OG interesting I’ve never rolled this ever um a design that is instantly noticeable the minute you see it on a green people know it’s it’s the two ball right um but it has evolved it’s been around probably for the best part of longer than you 20 years it’s been around for a long long time now and uh obviously with the new AI features that ODS they have in their new line of Putters they’ve added that into the classic design and from a performance standpoint what we’re going to find out is is there something now in that original design that performs at a much higher level versus the OG love it cool and same head shapes basically maybe a little bit more more perimeter waiting in this guy yeah over the years but I mean it’s it’s a it’s a good point and obviously with the way we set up our Putters on quintic um you know we measure to the millimeter the the size of the putters and I think if you put the two of them down you would think they are the same size yeah they look actually the new one is is a a slightly bigger size the uh the distance from the middle of the putter to the toe is is slightly further now which means the face is a bit longer longer face gives you a little bit more stability so so there’s there’s these little subtle upgrades and I think that’s the thing there’s noticeable improvements in technology and then there’s the things you don’t notice um and and that’s that’s going to be obviously an interesting part of this these both have the line on them um the original two ball did not have the the sort of alignment line well this is AR crafts over here I know Ralph B sort yourself out um so yeah it’ll be it’ll be interesting to see what we’ve got here um we were in Texas for in Frisco for the launch of the AI one line obviously there’s a lot under the hood here yeah you have the the little kind of polymer so you can see through the uh to the ai1 kind of with a topography I guess of it um they’re cool I like the color of them I like that Navy it’s a good contrast I have the the blade mil one and on green grass yeah it’s definitely it’s definitely different it’s not your typical you know black or silver yeah OG uh sort of the white hot urethane uh face grooves in it now for a little bit of obviously a little texture to to add a little bit of grip and friction like you said the contouring of the new AI one face um behind here this new kind of pan Light Window they’re calling it um where you can actually see the Contour and ultimately that’s the technology that is the the meaningful technology you’re buying into when it comes to having an ai1 putter is the fact that you’re going to gain 21% of energy lost from Miss hit putts okay you’re not going to fall short short you’re not going to have the dispersion in in your distance control that you once had you’re going to narrow down three pluss that’s what we’re we’re looking at here so um obviously in our putter Studio Mikey that’s that’s the one thing in you know we understand the nature of we’re trying to fit players to their stroke type to their rate of closure to their strike point launch spin rotation of the go B Etc that’s one thing that that obviously a put are fitting unless you’re doing it on a big green you can hit 50 Footers we’re not really going to see that today um you know maybe we’ll hit a few kind of firmer ones with both and see if there’s a little bit of a drop off but um I think that’s a an improvement you’re going to see over the course of a season not over the course of a put or session that’s the way I look at these Technologies this old Odyssey has white hot XG yeah that white hot same type of material in there so it’s just with grooves correct okay just just with grooves and obviously the the sort of aluminum backer um interesting obviously as the whole this one was about obviously the head that you know the two ball this one with the SL shaft in there as well the stroke lab shaft 90 G more counterbalanced so depending on the grip you’ve got 20 to 30 grams of weight under the handle so just sort of stretching the mass up uh up under the hands a little bit more just to control I mean even if you look look at those two shafts yeah massive difference in the thickness I mean it looks like one of the old ski pole shafts so you know there is more development right now and and not just the heads when it comes to Putters the shafts the grips we’re looking at obviously super strong we’re looking at um sort of the reverse taper grips that um it uh Golf Pride just came out with so there’s a lot going on uh with with these Putters Now versus something like this from you know 15 or more floated shafts no more floated shafts the feel is not what you want we want stability so uh let’s let’s H you you with the OG and then we’ll move into the i1 all right um OG up first um quite the shape yeah or the putter um I think with a a thorough bread like yourself it’s probably not going to make any difference at all you know just I wish the cad like a pting Strokes over there but it doesn’t make putts very nice are you are you someone who struggles at all with um with with your sort of alignment is is kind of the yeah I struggle with alignment especially I think well on everything but lately the last couple weeks putting just standing over the ball I feel like well one I’m rushing way too much with my putts and then alignment just doesn’t just doesn’t feel right at all I feel like I steer it at the end know why I’m init it so hard fast you’re probably used to putting in pretty slow greens this weekend last you wouldn’t know I don’t know about putting in the weekend my backyard very nice um what do you think of the shape to be honest with you I’m not even looking at like the the two ball part I’m I always just look at the face of the putter really I set it up and then just roll it so it doesn’t doesn’t bug me if if you compared my putter to this and you said listen you’re going to go make million more puts with the two ball I’d put in the bag I’m not not against it okay just the speed off the face of this thing is it get the turbines going white hot quite hot indeed all right let’s switch you over the big dog not really going to get into the the numbers just yet of of what expect to see cuz let’s let this one play out first right okay there there was there was two two things in particular that stood out with the white hot putter that you would look as as opportunities they might still be opport that’s what I don’t want to talk about because they might still be opportunities when all said and done with this one but one of the things that we we saw as as a design feature of this one in my mind it should help what what I saw there okay good so this this will be uh interesting five more with this guy there’s one takeaway from this video if your grips look like that folks I know go go get a new grip that was a good pun niely struck Michael okay was that you hitting it softer or did that come off a bit more dead no I was hitting a bit softer okay I like it I was trying to hit it out of the the heel to be honest with you he nice I hate testing Putters like when when you make them you think when you make these you’re like oh I’m back I’m in yep side up give me one more what do you notice just like hitting putts with both other than one’s got a grip that you can actually hold and the other one doesn’t um I find this a little bit heavier mhm um but other than that that’s they seem and feel exactly the same I would say soundwise this a little less clicker off this insert than that that one feel or sounded I don’t know sticky I guess is the word you want to use but um other than that they’re they feel identical um let’s have a little look here so we’ve obviously got our averages across the board um yeah I mean averages you got to be careful a little bit with averages um you know your average looks worse here cuz it’s more shut but your range is tighter yeah so you had a little bit more variance and you had one that was one de open and one that was one de shut basically with this one I’ll probably take think one extreme out with either yeah no you actually delivered the face slightly better with the uh the old one and that’s we’ll see is that just you or is that right um yeah your range of face rotation was quite a bit higher as well yeah 29 your twist got a little bit better path a bit more neutral yep fraction more neutral uh yeah I mean probably the most impressive one Mikey and and we’re here to talk you know about the differences in technology we highlighted ai1 as the key technology difference I mean look at from an impact ratio perspective look at that yeah 17979 787878 so like the consistency of of the way that Ball’s coming off the face that alone scratch everything else pretty much on the page yeah that alone is why you would change from this putter the old one to the new one interesting okay for that yeah I like that consistent yeah you launched the new one a little bit higher um not that that’s again it’s not a bad thing um or [Music] rotation yeah you had a little more forward rotation all Impact ratio is interesting yeah I mean I’m kind of looking across the board to be honest Ford rotation was a little bit higher with with the old white hot face yeah I mean could be various reasons for that could be strike point Mikey could be could be a whole host of things that caused that now before we jumped into this ai1 you said there’s something that you’d like to see change what was that yeah it was you were getting a lot of side so you get a lot of twist on the golf ball okay so I saw a couple kick up 56 RPMs of Sid spin 23 24 um so yeah the range was way tighter with ai1 than it was with the OG so I just just think you know if you’re going to sort of impart am an amount of twist on the golf ball and it’s it’s fairly minor because obviously forward ball roll and an overspin it doesn’t have much the only time the ball has a chance to sort of alter its trajectory is if it’s in the air right okay right so and it’s not there for really long enough for that to happen but it’s one of those compound in eras that if your speed is slightly off and you’re going to slightly send offline uh in terms of that the Miss hit you’re going to twist the golf ball you might end up with a four-footer rather than a two- footer right okay and we we know where the percentages go when it comes to that type of thing right so uh I think all in all it’s fairly I mean your delivery with with the two of them I mean it’s it’s pretty darn similar yeah it really is but the biggest thing is when it comes to is the ball speed off the face is just way more predictable with the ai1 than it is with the old school face I think people not using this tech for a putter fit or Sam they would roll too and someone would be like oh your your putter is just as good like stick with it but there is there is marginal gains to doing this plus the ai1 tech like if it’s going to if it’s going to 21% more consistent around a a putting cup I mean take it with that though it’s you know yeah I mean there’s two two obviously great putter fitting systems i’ I’ve worked on both and obviously more so quintic Sam has impressed me the more I’ve worked with it but when you look at ball roll which is what we’re doing that’s where quintic is is electric right it’s it’s just different uh when it comes to um being able to identify that which is fantastic um old versus new that’s what you’re going to get with old versus new yeah anything with the shaft anything you noticed with the the sort of I mean ultimately that’s going to be a little bit of a stiffer shaft with the wider diameter yeah and again maybe because of the grip and stuff like that it did feel a little bit more stable maybe a fraction heavier than anything um and I like the feel off this face versus the white hot XG like that a little bit more it’s called yeah okay Mikey boy um I mean we probably couldn’t have drawn that test up any better uh in a sense of trying to identify what is the value proposition of a putter like this versus something like that someone might go well why would I change the two ball the two Ball’s never changed why would I why would I get rid of my old two ball I even think someone like Ralph will look at that going yeah I’ve used this you know like he said he’s like I’m going to get buried with this thing yeah yeah but if it looks the same and then it’s identical on ball speed why would you stick with this old dog yeah yeah exactly get the get the little benefits of some modern day technology not from the 1800s and uh and you have a chance to you know make more pts yeah without a doubt without a doubt and I think that’s what we’re seeing in this series guys when it comes to looking back over time the gains that are made from you know an R&V perspective from a design perspective that ultimately tighten the range of performance that you guys see on the golf course and we see in the fitting and testing base that’s ultimately what you’re going to get when you get fit that’s what you’re going to get when you sort of upgrade your clubs into the newer uh technology from today so hopefully this is an eye opener that’s what the that’s what we’re hoping to achieve in this series so you guys can understand the benefits of new golf clubs and you don’t just think well golf clubs don’t really change nothing’s really happening it’s still a two ball putter it’s all the same yada yada yada it’s not yeah completely different not good stuff all right Mikey boy good putt thank you surprised I know yourself brought my confidence up a bit I know all right guys stay tuned for more we’ll see you again soon [Music]


  1. The level of empathy and understanding exchanged is truly refreshing, creating a space for authentic connection.💕

  2. I play a triple track 2-ball blade, bought off the shelf, no fitting, and have never putted better. It would be likely that if i got fit i would never have ended up in it but its one unbelievable putter for me.

  3. I've got a OG 2002.. Won the scratch championship with it 2007. I use spider X now …only ever played 3 putters in 25 years…. Imagine that Ian 😂

  4. I see the argument, but it's possible that the shaft/grip difference could have a significant impact on the improvements instead of the putter head. My .02

  5. Timely for me. I have the OG and am intrigued by the new one.
    Edit: The summation at the end of the video did not match the results. The new putter performed better, but just barely.

  6. There was an available option for an alignment line (search "Tour Lined") available at or shortly after initial launch, but so many people copied it with a marker and a straight edge to save a few pennies. I have a 2002 or 2003 with a factory top line and while kinda rare, they're definitely out there.

  7. Aquired an original 2 ball out the old man’s store – brilliant putter – don’t tell him I’ve got it coz he’s no getting it back

  8. Dear Mr. Fraser, at 15:36 in this video you said "ALUMINUM". What is this mysterious material? Is it new? Is it old? Are you turning? Is the language barrier falling? You'll be playing in a Canadian Tuxedo next….with a hockey stick!

  9. I upgraded to the Odyssey AI Seven this year. I was fitted at Club Champion in Toronto. Best decision I made. I love the putter. I can honestly say that I am more consistent with the new putter. I don’t make every putt but I’m leaving putts much closer to the hole than ever.

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