Bizarre Rules Situations at The Open | Rules from Royal Troon


Watch our special episode of Rules from Royal Troon as we explore Rulings and unique situations from the Ayrshire links including some really unique shots from some very strange places.

The R&A | The Open | The AIG Women’s Open





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[Music] we’ve made it to the West Coast of Scotland and with the open just around the corner it’s time for rules from Royal TR joining me from the RNA rules team is Connor Finlay Connor let’s wind back the clock to 1997 when a fresh face Tiger Woods teed up at the Open Championship now this two shot scary at any time but uh what did Tiger get up to opening hole here at Royal TR par 4 short but very intimidating heavily bunkered very well guarded one that you know players might want to take a risk and and try hitting driver and maybe go for the green but knowing that there is very much a risk involved there oh oh oh what a drama this is well Connor it looks like tar has been playing a bit of tennis from greenside bunker to greenside Bunker and he’s found himself right next to Bernard Langer’s ball what’s the simple thing he does here because this must happen heaps in Links Golf yeah really common actually George one of the kind of very common ruling that we have during the open and just given the nature of uh the bunkers on Link’s courses little pot bunkers everything gathers in but something that I think happens a lot just in everyday golf so you know two balls close together in a bunker you know one might be hit one’s interfering so what we can do is we can mark that ball and then move it out the way so this is tigers on the left and he’s been really precise is it much like on the green where you mark your ball as is and then replace it exactly where it goes yeah so we just want to mark that exact spot of the ball and then we can lift it but as you’ll see in the clip tiger is he’s got to be very careful doesn’t clean the ball and he actually has the ball placed just outside the bunker on the ground so I can’t move it I can’t do can’t put it in my pocket can’t do anything no you’re not allowed to clean the ball if you did you’d get a one stroke penalty so to be careful and to make sure he has just put it okay that’s actually a nice little rule to know right so I’ll just place that back there yeah hopefully that doesn’t move Tiger Woods ball it’s marked there by that little white Peg all right Connor let’s run reck Bernard okay so now we’ve done this what happens if I actually hit Tiger’s Pig in that scenario if you’d hit the peg then ultimately what we’ll do is just going to put the peg back would estimate exactly where it was um because Tiger has to put the ball replace the ball back on its original spot um but the other option is I mean if the two balls are that close and there is a strong chance that the peg might have been hit in the first place tiger could have um measured out to the side you know either a club head or even a club length yeah um just to allow us to to put the ball back nice all right well that’s a good rule to know especially for people at home so let’s rake this up and get Tiger’s ball back in play careful though be very careful do do not clean seed golf ball so as you can see in the video like Tiger’s entitled to the conditions he had so we’re just restoring the the original lie for him so can I get quite cheeky here and find the best place of sand or is it no he’s he’s going to be putting that ball right back where it was what you’ll see in the video as well is that there was a little channel that Tiger’s ball was in and he took that was a detail that he had to be aware of and obviously the ruling was uh overseen by the the late great John Paramore who had seen obviously plenty of these situations and was had everything well under control nice well it would be interesting to see if tiger can get out of here on this risk reward hole I know with a good result well Connor we’ve seen better lies and Ernie Al’s had to face this one in 2004 in his final round [Applause] he decided to go baseball Styles what are the other options so George if you know if a player doesn’t want to play the ball as it lies then they have unplayable ball relief under penalty one stroke so three options there so first option stroke and distance go back to where they last played from second option would be back on the line relief so taking the point you know from the flag through this point and going back as far as they want dropping the ball on that line not into the go we don’t want that uh the third option would be lateral relief so you’re two Club length um obviously the ball here is elevated so what we would do is we would identify the point at ground level and measure two Club lengths from there no near the hole and using the longest Club in the bag except the except the putter all righty well I think Ernie’s idea looked the most enjoyable so I’m probably going to give that a crack okay I think you should move out of the way no problem it’ll save yourself a shot hopefully save your life too right out bit of baseball bit of shiny here we go Connor we’ve made it to the railway hole one of the hardest here at trun just how difficult is this ho into the prevailing wind yeah so the 11th hole here at Royal Trin um the hardest hold during the 2016 open uh and I me you can you can really see why just Frau with danger out of bounds all the way down the right hand side we’ve got the the boundary wall here um so anything you know over that wall is is out of bounds and and gone is this wall a bit like s Andrews the road hell can you play up against it or can you get relief uh there’s no free relief from this wall is a boundary object um so the player would have to you know play the ball as at lies or take unplayable relief those train tracks are scarily close and back in 2020 Marina Alex she didn’t end up at the wall she ended up by the tree could have been much fun standing on that first hole remembering your t-shot yesterday can it so good honor oh oh oh my goodness she is completely stupped there she’s going to take a low lofted clubber a short iron looks like she wants to chip it into the tree stamp in the hope that it ricochet back onto the green was she after a drop or something or asking what she has to do when she drops well it’s disappointing I was hoping we were going to see something reminiscent of gimenez off the Road Hole wall I thought that might have been what we got to witness but it’s a drop and that’s probably the smart play well Connor there was a lot of oooing and aing in the commentary what were the simple options for her to take there so I mean as you can see she did take a drop uh she could have played it live but she took a drop Dr she took her used her lateral relief her other two options under unplayable for penalty one stroke would have been stroke and distance uh so going back to where she last played from or taking back on the line relief well it sounded like the commentators one of the fun option which is to play it off against the tree so Ed the last one out of the Bush you’re up chance to see if he’s he can walk the Tor talk the walk hit the shot yeah hit the shot don’t break my club oh not bad rules official helping out Phil Mickelson here looks like David Williams from the European tour Van’s down there van can you Enlighten us what’s going on not entirely no the ball’s moved somehow I’m not sure if it moved after he put it down um but he was certainly not showing any signs that anything had happened yeah we got a good view of it there every time we put it back down it was falling backwards so for the people at home this might be a tricky one what is the current situation with Phil here so in this situation for Phil back in 16 um his ball just simply wasn’t coming to rest when he was trying to replace it on the green so what he does is he tries to replace it a second time and if it still doesn’t come to rest just because of the slope and he just finds the nearest point where the ball will come to rest and plays from there perfect Mark away job done yep oh another thing that I guess would happen here a lot is balls oscillating on the ground with the wind because we love link go for that reason don’t we yeah you know the win the big factor on Link’s golf horses um and we do often get rulings about the ball being blown by the wind under the rules now if a player’s marked lifted in and replaced the ball um if that ball moves by anything the player accidentally moves it or the wind blows it to a new position then the player must put the ball back on its original spot there’s no penalty and but that ball must go back on the spot nice well Conor we can’t do any video Royal Train without visiting the postage stamp such a famous hole and to be here is very cool tell me a little bit about it because it’s a little shorty it is it is it’s the shortest hole on in the open rot 123 yards it’s going to play this year and but we have played it as short as a 100 yards in the past wow and that means Royal TR also has not only the shortest but the longest hole as well it does it does so whole six um is 623 yards this year so again yeah the longest hole on Open Road this point be a dumb question but is there any restrictions to how long a hole can be is there a reason why it can’t be 50 m long no nothing at all there’s it’s really entirely up to the committee and however long they want the hole to be very nice well you can stand up here I’m not sure you can feel the Wind Through the lens but there’s been so much history on this hole and all over the course why don’t we go see some of the holes in one that have happened here house at the E postage time one of the most famous par 3es in the world 122 Ys today oh there we go ER Els what about that legendary Jean Salon makes a Sentimental return to compete despite his advancing years he proves at the famous postage stamp 8th he’s lost none of his [Music] magic another golden moment from the open so you’ve seen all the highlights but now it’s time for maybe some low it’s the coffin bunker so scary so intimidating and you can find yourself in here for one rather than in the whole Connor I’ve got a crazy stupid lie here what on Earth do I do because it might not be the smartest smartest thing to play the shot yeah George it’s not looking great for you there um so I mean if you don’t want to play it then obviously you you have unplayable relief options here when you’re in a bunker you have four relief options in total okay so you have your your usual three for penalty of one stroke so stroke in the stroking distance um back on the line or lateral but back on the line and lateral in this situation you must stay in the bunker and obviously no near the hole that’s for penalty one stroke and I can’t really go far from here not really your other option then your additional option when in a bunker is to come back outside so back on the line but for two penalty Strokes okay so for the everyday golfer that’s actually quite a good option because these lips are so big it’s going to be hard to get out isn’t it it really can be a much better option for you nice well I’ve seen a few people have some struggles in here so I think I’m just going to take that option and run sorry Rory and so to the final hole of one of the most dramatic open championships in living memory Greg Norman it thin it’s over it’s through the green it’s out of bound another Valiant effort another dramatic loss in an Open Championship when he almost seemed to have it won there’s one more thing we need to touch on here on the 18th ho if you’re in contention on the 72nd Sunday afternoon you’ve got to keep your eye on a certain out of bounds don’t you Connor you certainly do George the out of bounds here on the 18th comes into play very much so only three yards from the back edge of the green just three so and this is something that during the 1989 playoff Greg Norman Fell fou to this as his ball just trickled out of bounds wow and there’s that pretty clear markings isn’t it that is there is yeah we have this wooden Edge that’s going to define the the boundary here all right well we’ll see how that rough goes hopefully it’s not too long when the open comes but Connor thanks for taking us around Royal TR it’s been an absolute pleasure and to those at home we can’t wait to see you at the 152 open [Music]


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