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[Music] the channel got the new prender connection sphere here um I used the other Pro Center quite a bit in lessons depending on what the player needed you know if they had it to to get a little more awareness of where the wrist was or the if the trail wrist was too flexed and the lead wrist was too extended obviously putting it into the sleeve was super helpful for for players just to get some awareness um this one I think because the ball was so small in the other one and you would lose you know for for most players they would lose the ball um if if they’re hitting a longer Club so this one even if I’m hitting a full shot I should be able to feel like those forearms stay together so when my forearms Stay Together especially in this first move you can see that it’s helping me drive the rotation sort of through my Pivot with my arm staying pretty close to what they’re going to be at impact so if I’m here and I just unwind that I know I’m in a pretty good spot if if I see um the the dress and takeaway get off so if I do an example so if I’m going to lose the ball here when I’m going back so if the face sort of is open and then the arms break apart if I go to unwind from that spot you can see obviously that ball is definitely not going to be going online right so if I do a good job in that first foot it usually helps produce a little bit better odds later in the swing put this on a little tighter so if I have this on now so again going into that first foot and sort of working it up from there so good setup and as I wind back now I’m using my Pivot starting to feel it in the right hip a bit good sort of low through the body but it really encourages the body to help the wind up right so then my hands are in a spot and obviously through impact if you’re someone that tends to sort of have that lead arm break away it could be a physical thing it could be something that’s happening in the swing that makes you do that but with the ball and if you’re doing small swings you’ll really sense the difference of what it’s like to come through with the arm staying in front of your body with the pressure into the ball still versus obviously that’s my arm sort of pulling you see pull me off balance that pulls my arms across my body so that’s going to definitely change how the club face releases uh when you’re looking at that post impact too so if I’m set in here good setup just getting that first halfway back and then from there unwinding there keeping that ball keeping that pressure into the sphere okay little draw there so that’s a good way to me to help most people with their wind up and give them a little bit awareness of what it’s like to calm the face down especially if you’re someone that tends to get the face open Quick even if it gets a little closed quick I mean you can keep the connection it’s not too bad it would just have to be a player if you’re that way that when you come to impact you’re going to be a bit more of this position that’s going to help the face not shut too much but ideally arms staying with the pivot arms are in a good spot here and then we can unwind that pretty quick great little tool I’m going to use this probably a little more than the small ball just cuz the small ball is a little harder to keep in um you can put if you want it to double dip you could you can still put the the sleeve on just below the the sphere so you’re almost getting both in you got like uh the Iron Man look here but it’s definitely gives you sort of two awareness is when you’re doing that the sphere and the and the sleeve uh great way to train again we we just got to be very clear when we’re doing things is it right for you is it the right movement is it something that you need to work on cuz most players no matter how good they are when they’re doing something new it’s going to feel uncomfortable but you got to be very clear that it’s the right Next Step for you if you need any more help figuring out what’s right for you make sure you check the description below thanks so much for watching guys have a great day [Music]

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