This Permanently Fixes Everything in Your Swing!!!

You need to fix slowdowns in your golf swing. Unless you do that, tempo doesn’t matter. This is the only way to hit farther and straighter while swinging easier.




Traditional golf swing techniques have left golfers frustrated and stuck. With millions of conflicting golf tips and “experts” all teaching something different, there’s so much confusion on what needs to be done to play great golf. This problem makes golf extremely difficult and unenjoyable.

At SagutoGolf, we believe golf is life – and life should be enjoyed.

To play your best golf ever, you need a roadmap that gets you there. SagutoGolf helps you build a powerful swing that’s easy on your body and produces addicting contact with the golf ball shot-after-shot.

Because life is too short to play bad golf.

#golf #golftips #golfswing


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nice and smooth you know a lot of people think about getting a smooth Tempo swing the idea of swinging slower hitting farther and what’s not talked about often with Tempo is how Tempo is more of a natural thing it happens when your swing is working correctly bad Tempo swings are the ones that look like a fight it looks like you’re your catching a marlin rushes grasping for the club squeezing tightening you feel your body working out of sync and the one of the reasons why it’s one of the biggest problems out there in the golf world is because there are so many things going on in people’s swings that they might not know about that are causing slowdowns things where you have to consciously grasp the club when we slow down a club here’s what it looks like if I’m going back and I want to swing faster if I slow down that’s that’s slowing me down I’m stopping but often times your body what it’s doing is it’s trying to figure out how to deal with the problems in your swing it’s trying to figure out how to hit that ball with what you’ve got so today we’re looking at how to build a swing that’s got nice smooth Tempo by taking out the annoying extra pieces that you don’t need in your swing if we take our shoulders and I’m allowed to freely turn them my left shoulder goes under my chin my right shoulder goes under my chin like I sprayed WD40 on them they’re going to work like this all day long nice and well oiled but if for some reason my shoulders aren’t allowed to work like this smoothly then I’ve got a slow down so here’s a classic example and this goes on everywhere today people get to the top then as I start down the right shoulder stops just hangs out back here you see this fall back and flip look at where the right shoulder is but then if I contrast that with your longest players and the best players in the world any great golfer you’ll see this shoulder they have an incredible speed from the top and through as if this shoulder never had a Slowdown it’s uninhibited it’s allowed to move move that is where smooth Tempo comes from there can’t be slowdowns if this gets towards the target without issues that’s where that smoothness look comes from even though the players are swinging really fast so it’s swinging easier because there’s no slowdowns anytime I have a Slowdown and I grunt and I grab the club I feel tension and I feel like I’m tightening up I feel like I’m working harder that’s what’s often not talked about with Tempo see I could get up here and say it’s easy for anybody to say hey just swing slower just slow it down okay yeah well if I swing slower and I’m over the top I don’t care I have to grunt to hit that ball I’m sorry grass that’s don’t tell the superintendent but the idea is in that swing I had a Slowdown as the club is going over and down down the shoulder stopping and I’m grunting versus if I said to my shoulder I need you to go to Tar to the Target without stopping then I will be accepting a much smoother result so you’re seeing my shoulder get past the ball versus dropping down so let’s move it past the ball she’s seeing a lot more speed you can even hear it on the shots but if I swing over it or if I have a Slowdown let me try and flip at it I have this this shoulder stops I I can’t move it past the ball and you start seeing look at that flipping Begins the right arm straightening I’m standing up the right shoulders back people then say you swung too fast the people on the golf cart that you’re playing golf with will most likely say that you picked your head up you swung too fast hey slow down but what I’m showing you is I slowed down and I still grunted it’s not about slowing down it’s about improving your shoulder movement how do we create a WorryFree variable free golf swing how do we get the shoulders to move around the body well we’ve got to build a unit that takes the club around the body we’ve got to build a machine so the first thing to prevent slowdowns you must master your contact point because as you saw me do here as I’m dropping my shoulder I’m flipping contact’s gone but if I have a machine that’s set up to strike the ball first and take a divot after then that’s something that frees up the shoulders to move around the body so the first thing you have to focus on is what creates good contact and the things that create good contact starting your setup weight distribution favor the front side weight on the front side think 6040 so I’m feeling more on the front I’m pushing my belt towards the Target and then the next thing is presetting impact hands ahead you know what’s a flip look like looks like this my right arm is straight what’s good contact look like looks like this my left arm is straight and the right arm is bent very different world and if I had these things and I just swung I don’t have to think too much about it there’s a divot you’d swear it’s magic but it’s just basic physics and geometry at work these things are laws by the way I can’t choose to disobey the law of gravity I’ll never win that battle for example these things are proven to work because they work when you do them we could sit here all day hands ahead as long as I kept this wait for it and this relationship I will I will will not I should I will that’s a four-letter word in golf that you don’t hear and that’s another word we need more in golf hear listen more instead of here this is the stuff that is impactful impact it made an impact on my game to create good contact it will make an impact on your game and I’m not saying this to be boastful I’m saying this because it’s just laws we’re working with laws so I get excited about it knowing that hey there’s some certainty in this game now the fir so I’ve created good contact I created a machine I build my swing around this machine yeah we took some chip shots there but this setup I just take it and I think shoulders all the way to the top so I’m taking this relationship and I’m just moving it to the top so I know it looks different I know it looks like oh you’re hinging your wrists and you’re doing some other things with your arms like you’re folding your arms so it’s not all the same but it actually is the same so what I have here is what I have at the top and that’s a hard concept to see because the golf swing we’re looking around at different points in the golf s golf swing is three-dimensional so you have to change your perspective to see this here it’s the same as here here look you see it so I’m keeping this intact that’s a machine you want to know how to do that check out the siguto do. golf online golf school shows you how to build the machine now second thing I’ve got the shoulders so I think moving this around my body with the shoulders my left shoulder under my chin and the downswing my right shoulder passing my chin I did a lesson with Dave you saw this on my channel we worked on right shoulder passing the chin and then all of a sudden you years of bad habits vanished he finally felt crisp strike so if I can keep this unit intact look how intact this is check this out look at how together this is I am creating an actual machine with my arms I am rigid this is structure would you trust a structure that was built like sand clay because we’re trying to create cre a machine we’re trying to do this every single time we have to have structure if I lose structure contact’s gone this all comes back to Tempo by the way we need structure to have Tempo we need structure to have good contact good contact allows the shoulders to move so with this structure I’m rigid look at my veins they’re popping out it’s together when you first do this it’ll feel tense how do I keep the structure moving I can’t force the structure apart I must keep it together and if I’m keeping it together the way I move it is shoulder so then when I get over the ball and I’m going to hit this one I just set my contact point with my setup so wait for it and if I keep this swing the shoulders I will hit it solid the only time I won’t hit it solid is if I lost my structure and I lose my marbles when I lose my structure so I’m keeping the structure I’m keeping the right shoulder moving through the ball that ball is taking off quite a bit there’s a lot of speed in there because I have my structure you’re going to see more power too because to move the structure on the body you need to use your shoulders when I’m finishing the shoulders pass the ball okay so a great reference point for you if you really want to see how this can work with a little drill just place a second ball right here in line per it’s perpendicular to my target line and I just want to use this as a visual if my shoulder my right shoulder passes the ball that I did it correctly and I use this line on my shirt so you see a lot of these polos have this line I see this line passing the ball so by the time I’ve gone through impact look at that it’s well past the ball this would be at the ball I don’t want this after impact so I’m tracing that shoulder past the ball I will I will strike it well if I get the Shoulder pass the ball I won’t if I don’t it’s clear cut now I’m going to do a little bit of a shorter follow through what I would love to see the shoulder past the ball I’d love to see that happen at least here so I’m going to stop shorter to show you and you should do this too stop a little shorter there a lot of speed you got a allow the speed to go through but look at the shoulder well past the ball the swing is smooth it doesn’t look forced because the shoulders are allowed to move that is the essence of tempo the number one killer of tempo is downswing related flaws so if the club starts moving more vertical and down well you’re going to have to find a way to hit the ball even though it’s moving straight down on the ground you got to pull in and slow down that’s a Slowdown no matter how much you fire your hips and twist your butt and do all this stuff if the club’s going down it’s going to slow down so it doesn’t matter Tempo doesn’t care about your feelings so to get the club in this good position we’ve built structure at setup if I keep the structure intact the club shallow at the top and when I start down it stays shallow the right shoulder moves and the club stays shallow that’s a golden concept that will teach you in my seo. golf online golf school if you want to get a taste of it check out the lesson with Dave that is mashed we do the mash we do the Monster Mash that is awesome and the shaft staying shallow allows the shoulder to keep moving that is the key gem aside from building some structure to allow the shoulders to move the shoulder keeps moving shoulder keeps moving Powerful release of power let’s not do that now let’s go the opposite steep shaft have to figure out figure out a way to hit this so the shoulder stops moving comes down right arm straightens and it’s stuck it’s stuck I’m stuck you got to take a lative to unstick that and you could even do a one-arm swing to see this in action keep it moving versus not you want to know why you struggle with Drive with woods with any club in the back the longer clubs your shoulder stopping look if I stop I can’t I it won’t let me shoulder back shoulder through always focusing on this it’s a pin shoulder back pass the chin why is that happening why is it why is it clean because we set up a machine why because we want to do that without practicing much why because we have lives we have commitments we have things to do golf is a hobby and we want to enjoy it and we only get one shot at golf one shot of life life is too short to play Bad Golf why waste time holy mackerel oh so good old golfers have a wonderful day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]


  1. I have already commented a few times since working on my swing with Tom's concepts. Tom, it is working and with this video you explained how to get power by moving the right shoulder through the swing. This will help because I was getting more distance but not exactly as far as I wanted with say my 8 iron. It was good but not excellent, now I know what to work on…1. set more to the left, 2. fire the right shoulder.

    You have me working on the right stuff and I am both grateful and excited to once again hit good shots.

  2. 9:17 mark (or so) you repeat that you are "rigid" and that your veins are popping out and then state this will feel "tense." I always thought tension and rigidity are the enemies of a good golf swing (or for that matter any athletic endeavor)? I'm sure you didn't mean this in that way but can you please elaborate?

  3. Another great lesson. For some reason I was under the impression that we were supposed to slide our hips forward in the downswing but this dropped my rear shoulder causing fat shots, thin shots and slices. I am now turning my rear shoulder under my chin and through and your right this fixed a lot of problems.

  4. Updated results: 2nd session at the range using tee in left armpit feeling, delaying hip turn on backswing and downswing, and getting right shoulder past the ball. My 7 iron prior to this change would go 190 on a solid strike, but now I am hitting my 8 iron the same distance. I also experienced better contact/control with my 4-6 irons, which I normally am afraid to hit. I tried a few things from your teachings several years ago but it never clicked. It has now clicked. Thank you!

  5. Hey Tom,
    I have periodically checked in the comments with score updates and today I shot my lowest score ever, 73, in a tournament. This is funny because it’s my first time breaking 80 and also that fact that it was in a tournament. It is only because of your videos that I have learned how to simplify the golf swing with stack and tilt without all of the shifting, lifting, and hinging. I hope to be scratch by the end of my senior year of high school!

  6. Your videos are so easy and to the point Tom. You really have made the golf swing easy and i can attest to that after having my swing broken by my latest pro due to him making me have to many moving parts in my swing (Weight transfer, handsie release, not explaining shoulder movement etc). Anyway did some practice at home swinging the club with the 4 pre-shot routine i picked up from your videos (Grip, right shoulder tucked, weight on left foot, straight left arm in the backswing) and one swing thought (turn shoulders through it in posture). Went to the range and was striping it unless of course one of my bad habits turned up (lead arm breakdown, loose grip which both were thin shots), but was easily corrected the following shot. One thing that amazes me is how straight and far every shot was going. Also that contact sound you could listen to all day. Anyway keep up the good work mate, your videos are fantastic.

  7. Great video as usual Tom. Ur the man, very helpful. Btw gravity is just a theory, not a Law bc it cant be proven (Density & Buoyancy are Laws).

  8. Tom – can you do a video on how you recommend fixing early extension? I see great tips on starting with correct spacing and balance on feet to watching out for improper hip rotation. Need help!!

  9. I am tired of you stocking me while i am Practicing or playing. 😂. This is the number 1 problem in my swing, but I will improve and hit better shots because of your teaching. Seriously, my right shoulder stopping before the ball causes 99% of my misfits. I played terrible this last Sunday after seeing great improvement in the last 6 weeks. I made a video today that proved to me that i was stopping my shoulder turn. I am doing the head on the wall drill, focusing on left shoulder under my chin.

    I just recently purchased the precision impact wrist trainer and have noticed that my right wrist does not have enough flex. I have stretching my wrist forearm and wrist to get more flexibility. Any thoughts on this subject?

    Thank you for helping me!!

  10. Very grateful for your video lessons. Could really use a video on uphill lies using your interpretation of the swing. Thank you.

  11. Tom , you are golden my friend. After taking an in person lesson from you in 2020 I have been enrolled in your golf school . This might be the eureka moment for me. I have been working diligently on the right shoulder moving past the ball. At 70 years old with 2 knee replacements and a right shoulder replacement I may be hitting the ball better than I EVER have. I’m currently a 6.1 index , my swing yips are gone and I’m enjoying the game more than ever. Thank you !

  12. This makes sense when I think back on “stuck” ball contacts. Thank you Tom for another fix!

  13. Tom,

    If the person's upper back is not straight, doesn't his starting position and maybe the swing should accommodate for it?

  14. If you want to play great golf, then watch Saguto golf. You truly will play the best golf of your life with stack and tilt. It will fix your swaying, over the top, slicing, backswing, downswing etc. It's a damn shame that stack and tilt isn't taught as much it should be. It's probably by design so the instructors flood you with all these swing thoughts so you have to keep working on them and keep coming back for lessons. Great video again Tom. Logical and simple.

  15. Having fun every day now on the course! Just keep getting a little better every time out since I met Tom Saguto! Best instruction for anyone

  16. Thank you for the reply
    It wasn’t a criticism. I played and forgot about the tilt and I played horrible. Thanks again I really enjoy your video’s

  17. Dear, Tom – holding a 24 hcp, but following your recent instructions, yesterday I was able to withstand a 7 hcp player til the 18th hole in a matchplay. You really brought the consistency to my game i was ever lacking. Ty so much.

  18. Sags has to be one of my fav instructors. Love the way he puts his face right in the camera when he wants drive home a point LOL. He's got me saying "Crispy KFC" on my good golf shots but I'm gonna have to break that habit because I prefer Popeyes. Sags, you're the best.

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