Golf Players

Match Play Cole vs Jimmy at Rustic Canyon (Front 9)

Metalwood Founder Cole Young and life long golfer James Fahselt take on the rugged and beautiful Rustic Canyon in Moorpark, California. When he’s not playing golf or caddying at Riviera Country Club, Jimmy plays himself alongside Larry David in the legendary HBO series Curb Your Enthusiasm.

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w [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] check check okay check 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 [Music] 9 oh my goodness gracious that is OB is it oh know I’m chilling it’s okay it’s three shle yeah [Music] sure less snipy the snipe is a snipe as a snipe Jimmy Snipes are Snipes neither neither of us play I used to play with a rangefinder I lost it I used to [ __ ] about it and then Jimmy would bully me into never using a rang finder ever again there’s a lot of bullying by Jimmy going on yeah the push car the range finder the sweeper putter [Music] that sounded really sick off the trees that is in the deep cabage is it oh yeah I forgot about that stuff there damn [ __ ] act like you’ve been here dude I literally don’t remember this course anymore should I fluff my lie in front of Jimmy are we playing I mean are we playing it down the whole way you tell me I mean they are kind of hairy they are kind of yeah we should play it down right yeah I’m down snipy MC snipers but that’s o That’s okay can’t wait for everybody to think that I tried to do that oh there she is got it what are blue steaks environmental so what do you do got to take a drop bro wow I’m just [ __ ] with you you can play whatever you want I should play it now you should play it out okay we’ll just add like an environmental disclaimer over the video is it really though what there’s no signs like they usually have those signs that say should we should we uh holy sh should we check the hard car yeah what’s it say [Music] copy no pack read [Music] there this club is just going to be [ __ ] ruined after this so there’s a big Clump right behind it and I got to get it up I got to get super Steep and hope and pray God help me [Music] Jesus fly wow thought I hit that pretty good went nowhere that’s still in the hazard [Music] P’s kind of tight there huh oh you just you know you got to be cute with it you hit a little Joo in there or what Little J [Music] [Music] area whatever it is wow this is not the start of the round that you want this much trial and tribulation but this where Legends are made I mean not mad at that wow great shot come on go down nicely done holy [Music] [ __ ] I’m that for sure that’s inside the leather with this thing [Music] right you don’t know what you’re [ __ ] doing dude it’s one finger I think it’s one and a half fingers one and one in a nub just a little n Dam was three fingers that may have been four fingers and a fist that was at least three fingers I’m thinking you got fist holy snap Jesus Christ you they didn’t even sniff the [Music] hole [ __ ] broomstick Nation dude I mean isn’t that the whole point of the broomstick inside four or five ft that you’re wasted everybody’s time dude I was a gim you actually hit the hole is this good sure I’m not going to let you [ __ ] lose off of a 4 foot pick it up or put it anyway but not missing that what’s going on with your finger dude what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] yeah so I that should be like two okay well not relax playing football it’s been that way since Thanksgiving you haven’t done anything about it no I was running a sick slant through the middle this this guy playing quarterback Jamie nent who’s just a gunslinger he just threw a rocket and just G but I caught it made the play oh my God that looks really painful it’s not it was bad for a while but it’s just tough cuz it’s stuck there yeah it’s like no gone back yeah cuz it’s been what Thanksgiving that’s like 6 months almost I just got an it looks really [ __ ] I just got an N now so now when you do a point is that affected no I do aim point with the right hand yeah so Jesus Christ yeah just because you know just so I don’t get confused with nubies and so yeah so we’re not worried about this not people being like that’s not the first hole no [ __ ] up what are you doing I to take this in you are nervous aren’t you you’re kind of breathing heavy huh I what’s up with that Patrick Ying in the fourth quarter uh we’re here at rust the canyon I’m Cole this is Jimmy uh welcome to metalwood TV trying to fix the phone in my pocket um we are playing a nice round of golf on a Friday afternoon beautiful weather it’s not the afternoon yet but yeah okay um close try not to talk over me uh we’re on the second hole we didn’t film the intro on the first hole cuz we were afraid that we were going to yelled at uh the game is $10 a hole one down Autos uh Jimmy and I are even through one um one over par are you sure that’s game you want to play cuz I had there’s a couple other games that I was thinking of there’s um bingo bango bongo I got the biggest dingo or there’s Cat on a Hot Tin Roof who shot John F Kennedy or there’s Harry Potter I got the hammer trunk slam okay and um it’s just a point game you know it’s pretty simple you get there’s a hammer in it OB yeah Hammer is called ball in the air so you had to say that midair yeah okay Harry Potter’s got the go yeah okay well let’s just play for a couple holes hot roof who shot John Kenny is a great game too though so I don’t know what’s up up to you how do you play that one um so it’s whoever hits the Fairway first gets a point okay and then whoever hits the green first gets a point okay and first one in the hole get a point what’s the tin roof part um it’s just it’s just like this cat that okay well we can run with that for a bit okay copy [Music] yeah is that okay yeah yeah yeah [Music] down ball [Music] [Music] oh gosh be good go go a little bit [Applause] [Music] [Music] please Jesus wow I cannot wait to warm up and not hit this [ __ ] left shot ever again stop stop STP this feels like green there’s no cut but there sprinklers on the green wa kill hands dude but dude what card on the Green Oh relax [Music] dude first bounce very firm please sit [Applause] [Music] the [ __ ] left all right five put a nice roll on it [Music] yeah I got a really old worn in metalwood camo hat and uh the shirt we got the metalwood shirt from I don’t know when and it’s a kind of a aqua but it’s kind of been washed a lot it’s kind of turned turn into a different color has some teas on it um we got the metalwood slacks the khakis I believe they’re size 34 uh 3434 fit really nice lots of room for activities and um we got the uh metalwood foot joy that I got at laa Arina ballerina for three easy payments $29.99 the the the toe box is a little bit wider than I expected which is really nice I feel just a lot of you know place just easy zippi and zappy you know and be plugged it in the ground quarter socks here that have been uh washed several times in Bleach that have turned to a very beautiful patina as well um got foot Troy glove it’s made in Thailand it’s a large Perfect Fit large oh yeah we got the green Medallion cowboy belt it’s made out of uh ostrich and uh lion all right I got to come clean huh there were two balls over there yeah and I hit the wrong ball hm and um I hit that six iron beautifully but it was a Titus 3 and they’re both Titus 3es as you can see yeah and you didn’t check the I didn’t check and after I hit that beautiful six iron those guys over on the T box were like hey there’s one more over here and I walk over and look at it and sure enough it’s mine so what do you want to do so I mean legally I hit the wrong ball I mean that would be the right thing to do but given circumstances I mean it was literally like 10 ft away right okay so maybe instead of winning the hole or losing the hole we just wash it how about that okay okay deal nice work good they skip the 11:00 [Music] a.m. what that was supposed to snap I was so pure but I don’t think you covered thought you going left I thought I was too damn [ __ ] best swing I made all day and it’s in the chingadera me too [Music] that’s not left seems like of golf Clinic short of the chinga yeah one of these days will make a good swing wow [Music] okay ground hook there it goes [Music] short you saw how like that rode up the face and just went like not like I like that I feel like I’ve got like a little ballmart clip on my hat ah yeah yeah yeah all you need now is just a towel clip to your belt loop right yeah and then range finder on the other side I would do that Rangefinder clipped on the belt is such a psycho move but like never never use it but like you got this like big hunk of Machinery like on your waistline while you’re trying to swing a golf CL on the left tell cell on the right uh your honor copy that Captain it’s kind of heating up out here huh [Music] are these quicker than the putting green for sure quicker than the putting green it’s all right buddy I’m going to try to make it so you don’t have to put [Music] that love for you to sweep this in looks like it’s snapping pretty good huh a little bit how many fingers you got out huh many fingers out I don’t do that the the broom I just shove everything so I’m trying to shove this on M you oh my goodness that was definitely the line just ham a little hammered s more um while I’m hot let’s go back to the tapes [Music] okay so so are you giving me a lateral drop that’s the question lateral so that’s five that’s a push [Music] yep do a kick flip does he work here does he work in the cart Barn that’d be sick if he works in the cart [Applause] Barn that looked like a lot of Loft for that that wind yeah eight nine H it felt like not enough club with that wind that’s so flighted that is blocky flarey what’s over there God tigers and [Applause] bears up release jump oh gosh watch out it’s coming down the path bite bite bite bite bite bite okay o okay not bad little bouncy but a lot of [Music] bouncy oh my gosh kind of half shanked it please come down please come down please come down please come down please come [Applause] [Music] down very [Music] aggressive wow no no back door entry for Jimbo back door is closed slide side door oh oh he is strling gosh damn you suck get on the ground please get on the ground get on the ground get on the ground wow uh H that beat uh it looks like oh I saw a bounce the suspension on this thing is got shocks on there I know it’s it’s Sean’s um it is very nice it’s lightweight sometimes I feel like the cck gears are a little heavy [Music] but like look how stupid you look I look really [ __ ] cool dude yeah you look like a 90-year-old at Griffith Park the faster I can look like that the [Music] better yeah oh boy imagine that going one up on the next hole or last hole finally squeeze sugar okay let ground hooking a little bit shut it’s a cool one that was hit pretty well looks like he got a lot of Club on the ball wow wow great effort why is that nice shot I hit that I hate that so good nippy wow signs of life really nice that lie that ball above you come on Jimmy be somebody wow I felt like I hammered that I don’t know Jimmy I felt like I hammered that I don’t know Jimmy is that end the grain Bingo Bango M go God damn it dude no Bingo no Bingo I’ll take Bingo wow is that a birdie that’s a birdie wow sorry I was down one which force press mhm right now you want going to press one and one or one and even sorry y one up on the Press even on the pi lne I don’t know if that’s enough really what boy doing back there just laying down taking a nap [Music] release oh maybe it is releasing oh that’s got to be faster than that dude are you serious yes I mean pretty good play yeah it’s just so tricky cuz you got to get it up high enough I didn’t want to hit the [Music] sprinklers snap snap snap snap kind of pushed it a little bit but great read thank you looked like there were a couple extra regrips but it’s still going that just said right turn right at the hole I looked in it looked dead in the heart damn wow was that good effort oh look there’s like a little [ __ ] thing right there though that’s pretty godamn pure pretty short yeah should hit more Club what’ you hit [Music] six little squeezy well you just does it’s the the magic of the hybrid is that it doesn’t go left oh there too much Club [Music] looking good of course is great Oh missing one wow just bared it in the ground this a straight OJ stabbing in the ground look at that disgusting je vicious strike quite a golf shot thanks fting surface you hit it I was [Music] like oh did I Splash you no oh it just [Music] for Bite Bite part woo nice yeah I clipped it pretty good what a good guy huh serious please come down come down oh my god dude what the [ __ ] are you doing I mean that was kind of the idea you just needed to kind of die in there just could go [Music] anyway wow no left in it whatsoever [Music] Alex Gavin would tell me to put this off the [Music] toe should have listened to Al gal I know wow [Music] okay why are we putting these Jesus Christ it’s only so much daylight left slight help sure about that doesn’t look too healthy to me you’re right it doesn’t it’s a little cross and maybe hurt a little [Music] bit tough with Testo going on in the background huh right F yeah it’s good four right three putt no you got to uphill right to left 28 shot BS a little above it’s a weird tea [Music] box squeezy left oh no that’s two gs ladies and gentlemen is it let’s [Music] four Brad Faxon always says when in doubt hit it firm and straight it’s not firm and it’s not straight you could learn learn a thing or 10 from Facts huh [Music] right wow did not turn a lick [Music] Jesus [Music] Christ piped wow that was that’s 60 frame shot right there look got Boll Beetle going [Music] they bite no stin the guy looks juicy it’sa it’s probably some good protein in there that is nasty man the guy loves a strong right hand so disgusting yeah thank you God for staying in not want to bring another ball out of the pocket out of the [Applause] [Music] bag there’s your stubbies hey how’s it going uh we’re walking up 9: Fairway I just want to put an order in that’s good so just the tunic Cup and the uh hot [Music] dog oh God stay there stay there good one Jim Bone thank you thought I was sniping into that chingadera [Music] again is for that one I’ll make bar [ __ ] God damn it not everyone would play the ninth hole at rustic driver 4 iron 4 iron but we have a put at BIR [Music] it please release me let me go wow okay Zip Zip Zip Zip Zip Zip Zip thank God that hit the hole that was off for sure that might have been yeah all right what is that four four [ __ ] dude needed you to miss that cuz I would have missed that and then you would have missed that one and then I would have made this one could have should have would have I’d be on the PGA tour maybe live maybe live okay so that [Music] is oh yeah that’s a lot three and a new one just started again uh all right so that was the front nine thanks so much for tuning in to golf with uh Jimmy and Cole I got um my ass whooped but this a lot of fictions on that dog I know that’s what I I like it’s a lot of Gizzy on azzy Oh there’s uh there’s nice like ketchup mustard relish there’s nice like lawn mower slicing through too and like the sides of it yeah it looks like a nice little CH yeah um I’ve been instructed to not eat it yet I’m going to give no like a Dave pory S rating


  1. Thank you for the love of saucy snap hooks you are doing something different with YouTube golf. Big shout to the squad behind the scenes — direction, edit, sound mix is as elite as the ‘Rik Sten Diablo Octane Tour 3-wood.

  2. I know IBIS didn’t exist in the 90’s but the camera shake was really distracting to me, especially on the B cam. Loved everything else about the video, can’t wait to see what else you guys put out!

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