This Was the Golf Lesson That Changed My Clients Whole Life! “Just WOW!”

My client Kevin went from hitting it short and not very accurate to gaining HUGE distances with both his irons and driver. My client said “JUST WOW” once I started making these changes. I am going to show you the footage of Kevins swing so you can really see the differences between his downswing and backswing, and I will cover all 3 changes which includes the hands position, distance from the golf ball as well as the key secret to how he gained easy yards. The hands in the golf swing have a massive impact on your swing, I really can’t emphasise this enough! We need to get control to get power and control in your golf swing…this videos shows you how to do this.

Kevin has now gained so many changes and confidence with his golf swing, he’s stopped rushing the downswing, improved the sequence within his backswing, hitting ball then turf, gaining yards with his driver and irons, hitting driver better, hitting driver longer, striking irons pure.


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today I’m going to share with you Kevin’s golf lesson he went from hitting it short and not very accurate by making these changes have a look at the top video right here look at the differences at top of the back swing one of them is massively across the line the top is where we started the bottom is where we finished but also have a look at this down swing one on plane one over the top always cutting across the golf ball now I’m going to share with you the three stages that I talked through with Kevin and I know going to help your golf game too so let’s start in the exact place I started Kevin’s lesson and I start this with everybody and I say look if we’re not stood to the golf ball correctly how on Earth do we have the idea of actually being longer and being straighter if you think about it our body sort of sets the tone to how we swing the golf club if I was really over it we might work more this way if I was stood quite upright to it so somewhere here I might swing more like this now have a look at the side of the screen here Kevin started with those hands really high really upright in this position right here now anytime our hands are very upright we’re more likely to grab that Golf Club in the Palm now anytime we have the golf club in the Palm it makes it very very hard to control our Golf Club think about it right when we’re swinging this Golf Club at speed it’s effectively a really heavy weight now if we not got control of that heavy weight in our grip how on Earth do we deliver power and how on Earth do we deliver control now I said to Kevin right you can’t change your grip because of how you’re stood to the go ball so again look at the differences in the top to the bottom here on the side of the screen the top is where we started hands really high clubing the palm the bottom is where we finished the club a lot lower and in the fingers so the simple piece of advice I told Kevin as one of these three changes was come on all I want you to do instead of that butt end of the golf club so this grip end pointing let’s say in the middle of our chest can we get it pointing towards our belt buckle and he said well the toes off the floor I said perfect absolutely what I want from here look how the club sits way more in the fingers up here look how it sits more in the Palm so first piece of advice no matter if it’s with iron so like this or if you were to grab driver I want that butt end of the golf club to point under our belt buckle to allow us to get the club more in the fingers but also allow us to get more over that goldl ball have that more solid base and just to combine that first little tip I said where would you be if you’re picking up a heavy weight he said well I’d be somewhere around here perfect so the first piece of advice was all around setup and how that affected our grip so go from the top to the bottom now I want to encourage you to check your setup to go actually maybe this is the problem and why I’ve stemmed into hitting several bad shots just all coming from a poor setup so before we move on to that next stage I just really want to say that I allow Kevin to hit 10 to 15 maybe possibly 20 shots with an iron and then a few with driver just being more comfortable with those hands lower so somewhere around here I’m going to hit in towards the right here cuz there is water is going to feel very different and the words that he used was I feel like my chest is on the floor so if it’s changing your setup after watching that first stage be aware that you feel very over the golf B so let’s bring in the next phase of this video and I want to take you back to the videos that we had now have a look at this video from Kevin right here going to draw a line straight up and down and some lines around his chest have a look how he takes the club very under plane and then at the top of the back swing or let’s say 3/4 halfway back his hands are behind we call this very very deep now this compromised his golf club in terms of play but also his Club face it also didn’t allow him to move his body correctly so let me share with you now if we pull in the video of us actually working through a few drills and this brings me nicely onto this next phase again I want to reiterate this whatever I said to Kevin with irons I said all we do is the same with driver we’ve just got to change our ball position that is the only thing I want you to do and he said well that’s just like too simple golf is simple when you think about it that way if we now look at the bottom video and I draw the exact same lines on one on the back of the head chest one on the front of the chest and that plain line the first thing you’re going to notice is that plain line isn’t really upright it’s a lot lower perfect that’s one of the places we want to start with this but I want to take you to halfway back have a look at the difference of where these hands are now the club is way more on play not too steep but also those hands are in the middle of the chest this position right here allows us to harness the body the club and the arms to all work together but most importantly allows us to facilitate a very good club face there’s no point having power is there if we can’t control the club face so let me talk you through now how we got to this top of the back sing position that looks very very different I mean they are absolutely chalk and cheese way more sort of harnessed in the legs and turned over it but also the hands in a great position and I think it’s really interesting how we can really start to change golf swings with just some simple cues so the first one was our stance which affected our grip the next one all I said to Kevin was from this good position and I’ll show you this with an iron first and then with driver can we feel feel as though halfway back the hands are in the middle of the chest but the butt end of the club I said points somewhere down here so extended line back here of our ball to Target line if that was in this direction can we just set that here now look how much more powerful that is look how my right hand is set now think about it that’s power isn’t it that’s push here I can’t really put any Force any power into the shot so we then worked in sets of five the first three of that set of five we paused halfway back checked the position I gave him a good yet we can go and then we hit away and that looked a little bit of something like this back set up and through straight away he was like even on those paw shots starting to RI really improve his game so what I’m going to encourage you to do is check that halfway back position I’m looking for those hands more in the middle of the chest the club set more down towards the golf ball and that club face and left wrist matching okay let me do that with driver for you just so you can really see that actually from a different ball position now look at that the same cues really get me to set the club on plane and work perfectly in that back swing so at stage number two I just said Kevin all I want you to do is get the hands middle of the chest and pointing that butt end of the club down towards the golf ball or an nine extending back from the golf ball so make that back swing as we said so it feels more set more turned yeah okay now on the down swing I want you to feel the club now works more I almost a little bit a little bit not too much but just see so did the club feel like it was behind you for longer there you say you say so swing back and stop how how like you know grit wise so you need a tube of toothpaste don’t squeeze a toothpast out if it was open right so enough pressure on it that’s maybe I squeeze a bit tight as well yeah I I think that’s maybe because it feels different I pause that again good that’s perfect so instead of like swinging out towards the ball yeah and then look at where we s of come across it yeah we want to feel the arms drop and we let it we call release some of few practicing that’s it yeah don’t don’t leave back just let the club take you through that’s the one to see how now the club is working with the weight of you yeah you already started to do that like like that last shot you hit yeah you already started to do this what does that feel like yeah it’s good yeah so now after you’ve just seen that video of the actual live part of that lesson can you see how I was really encouraging once we’ve got here I said to Kevin right all I want you to do is drop those arms and turn through it’s a little bit like don’t do this well if you want to also get involved with this video just like Kevin you can it’s easy please drop me an email to this email down below and I’ll be sure to pick out your swings pick out your videos and help you improve your golf we need a Down the Line video and a face oner video and a little bit of blurb about how you hit the gold ball currently what good shots you hit and what bad shots you hit so as long as You’ subscribed and you’ve turned on the Bell I’ll be sure to help you out and play much better golf this summer but if I said to you go on throw this golf club as far as you can in that direction how would you do it well I wouldn’t be like this I would definitely stand there and be arms drop then I’d turn in with the hips and then I’d throw it through now the one thing that you really notice on this video here is that the room Kevin has and that’s why you allow Kevin to hit it straighter but more importantly it’s going to allow you to hit it straighter it’s going to allow you to hit it longer this I’ll be honest is the bit where we really started to level up the power all I said to Kevin was if we can just practice a few swings now at this stage I want you to go drive an irons mix it up start to test yourself because we want to start to replicate what we have out on the golf course so as a right okay we’re going to get that good setup it all stems from that as point one point two turn a little bit more and we feel like we’re going to drop and turn through I just really encouraged him just to drop and turn through this was our Focus for maybe five six seven practice swings until I said to him I don’t care Kevin where this next go ball goes and when you’re trying this part in stage three don’t care where the go ball goes for 10 shots promise you it will go a lot straighter a lot further than you had before because you’re starting to get the key areas and the core of the golf swing in a much better place so look at this right I want to Pro practice and process this up arms drop turn through again look at me on the side of the screen here with Kevin the exact same moves now we can stand here and really start to implement with a little bit less speed what you feel in the golf swing but lows more power lows more control and lows more accuracy no matter if we’re talking about irons or a driver I do hope you enjoyed this lesson from Kevin and with me here at mom Hall if it did help you please do subscribe to the channel and turn the bell I look forward to helping you in another video here on the channel


  1. Hi Alex, just getting back into golf and looking for some advice on the best shot tracker. I can pick up arcoss but want to know whether this is comparable to a shot scope watch with sensors? Cheers

  2. I also made the mistake of thinking about my club needing to be parallel to the ground. I can confirm that it messes up your swing. I was also standing too close as a result. a step back, a better clubhead angle to the ground, and thinking of my swing as rotating around my spine, have left me with something I hope to fine tune, this season, to get even more improvement.

  3. The easiest and most helpful instructional videos on YouTube to follow. Looked at booking a lesson but your rather busy and I'm in West Wales .

  4. I love the reference pictures with your clients. It helps the viewer analyze their own posture. This new format is fantastic.

  5. Doesn’t Bryson have his club in the palm with his one length type clubs? Also didn’t Mo Norman?

  6. I can't afford lessons 😑😑😑 but Iove golf AND spend EVERY sat & Sun at the range.. I'm nervous about being on the course & making others angry with my "slow play & searching for me ball… how do I learn without upsetting other golfers??!

  7. The new style content is excellent, maybe a session on fixing toe strikes?, I'm consistently off the toe with every club in the bag and just can't shake it. Have a great one Alex.

  8. This is so similar to the first lesson I had with you although my set up and grip were ok it was my inside path on the backswing that got me in trouble. I still struggle with the downswing as I feel if I drop the club behind I am going to hit the ball to the right. I understand that if you turn correctly through then it won’t but it is trusting it that I am struggling with. Do you have any ideas to help. Also like the new format it is good to see fellow golfers with problems and how you fix them. You have such a grooved swing that even if you show their faults your swing is far superior so you can’t really relate to it. Keep up the good work – who is your money on for the Open?

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