Golf Players

From Canada to Olympics – Volleyball Documentary on Ryley Barnes

Ryley Barnes is a Canadian volleyball player. I decided to make a documentary on him : from his young age to his olympic dream.

Enjoy my video ♡

To watch French league :

just imagine your professional player at the top of your game you’ve signed for the best club in the world you are in your national team and you’re going to play the world championship and then suddenly you forced to stop your career this misadventure happened to Riley Barnes a 30 years old Canadian player who had what points decided to put a definitive end to his career and who by the greatest of coincidences two years after stopping his professional career received the phone call while he was on vacation and ended up becoming a pro player again to tell you his story and the crazy dos of his life I interviewed him his family his friends for a total of 12 interviews has now we play in friends some interview will be in French but don’t worry I will put some subtitles in English and in Italian and of course a lot of interviews going to be in English so now please subscribe to this new YouTube channel and welcome to this documentary entitled live the life of Riley and yes of course that’s him on this photo living the life of Riley Barns and to tell you Riley Stories the least we can do is let him introduce himself hi I’m Riley Barnes Canadian I play for Turan volleyball yeah outside hitter reak really nice French yes even if you saw him Riley speak a really good french I told you he’s a Canadian player so of course he wasn’t born in France instead Riley grew up here in sampul in the province of Alberta Canada in a small town of less than 6,000 people he comes from a family of four with his father Chris Barnes his mom Jord Barnes and his older sister Kine and since the beginning of his life when he was like a little boy Riley’s always loved Sports Riley was um a busy boy he was really energetic he was playing game boy and Nintendo and then just lots of sport he played hockey more so cuz his dad Chris coached hockey and played hockey in his younger days hockey was my sport yes the that I focused in a lot on when I was a junior my dad is kind of my hero where I just kind of want to be like him really loved his hockey uh we made a backyard rink with uh water and it was ice and he’d come home uh every day and shoot pucks for every since he was a little guy as you saw it righty starts with hockey his Faz of sports and when he started to become a teenager he wanted to switch to volleyball I think I kind of also just grew out of it I was getting too tall and too skinny and getting pushed off the puck too easily so I had to change Sports I can remember the day when Raleigh was coming to say was going to quit hockey and focus on volleyball and he had tears in his eyes and he was looking down he was so worried to tell his dad I said son this is your life you have to live your life the way I and then he said well I can do volleyball and I can go here and I go and you could just feel the passion and the excitement in his voice it was something that he wanted to do it something he loved to do but there was a problem the nearest volleyball club was not at like 20 minutes far away from the house it wasn’t like 1 hour drive from the house it was a 3-hour drivve I found something online and I printed up the poster and I taped it to its door and there was try outs about 3 hours away he’d have to go play 3 hours away so he had to think about it but I taped it to his bedroom door and he looked at it every day and he went to uh try out for a team and he started his volleyball there with the club team of course it wasn’t easy for a Riley par two or three days a week after work they have to take Riley to training and drive like two or 3 hours watch training and wait and then drive two or 3 hours back and for people who knows Canada when in the middle of winter you have likeus 40 and there is snow everywhere it’s not so easy to drive I don’t know how my parents did it they were Troopers soldiers with that as a kid too not even thinking about it like sleeping in the car on the way back and they’re like driving in the snow or something and I owe a lot to them they’re just amazing people and I’m really close to my family and I uh yeah I love him a lot as time went by a solution presented itself for the Burns family that solution was a player from the Curran Canadian national team that solution was Brett Walsh where Ry has met at Vol we met when we were I guess like 16 16 years old more or less playing in the summer for like a provincial team essentially and we went to a tournament in the the United States in Texas that was kind of our first time meeting each other and we happened to share a a hotel room that week and got to know each other a little bit better and just just got along really well right from the beginning Riley and Brett get along well Brett Le closest to the volleyball club and even it start out as a joke Riley and Brett came to think that it would be so much easier if Riley got to leave at Brett’s house for him to play volleyball it was getting to the point where it was a lot of driving for for the family it was not you know not just not easy on them anyway so it started off kind of as a joke and I said well why don’t you just come and live with me and my family and you know we’ll go to high school together and we’ll play volleyball together and it was like you know ha yeah for sure like that would be great my sister she was 2 years older than me and she had just graduated high school and so she was going away to University so her bedroom all of a sudden was available so you know that was kind of in my mind I was like oh well it makes perfect sense we have a free bedroom amazingly my parents were willing to have Riley eventually move in with us and his parents were willing to trust my family and then we ended up you know fast forwarding we ended up at the same University for for a number of years together in Edmonton thanks to Bron his family Riley was able to go to volleyball training several times a week until he reached University and in Canada there is no Pro Volleyball championship but there is a university Championship so Riley decided to join the golden burst and at this point everything going to accelerate for him I was pretty lucky to I mean play a lot in my first year it’s not always common for young players to get a chance to play cuz there’s always guys that are 3 four years older than you they were great uh mentors for me in University I was volleyball wasn’t always my first priority but uh yeah they they did a great job of uh implementing some fundamentals and and really teaching me how to how to play the right way and we had a great team we won two national championships I really enjoyed my years there and because Riley is so good at volleyball of course some people start like looking at Riley’s matches he can start thinking about like maybe becom a pro volleyball player maybe going play like in Europe or something like this but at the beginning Riley started volleyball on only for fun so I asked him why he decided to switch as a provable player uh I think it would just seemed kind of like a natural transition for me once I started playing University I got some interest I was playing with our provincial team um and then joined the junior national team when you’re at the national Center you just see some guys some older guys that are playing with the senior national team and then you’re kind of wondering like what they’re doing they’re playing professionally that kind of just became my next goal I kind of knew already that I wanted play professionally and once I started that that first year on the junior national team at the beginning Riley was just a child who loved making Sports he started with O and he decided to switch to volleyball he was forced to make six-hour Drive several times a week to go to volleyball training who started volleyball for fun and who perform so good at University that is starting thinking about like maybe become a pro LEL player and of course as I said you a lot of people going to start looking on Riley and even if you play like in the other side of the world W in the Canadian University believe me if you’re so good someone’s going to spot you and one of the people who watch Riley’s matches was Pascal fous tourus manager and for the person who don’t know tour it’s one of the best club in Fr championship in first division one of the only Club who won the Champions League and of course a lot of young players who know tour wants to play in tour as I was saying to you Pascal was stour manager he also became Riley’s manager because Riley decided to sign in tour my agent called me and said hey would you like to be a third uh receiver for tour honestly at that point I had no idea who tour was like if it was a good team a good situation for me cuz you just don’t have that same exposure Riley decided to sign for tour and even if at that time Riley didn’t knew about tour I told like it was a really good club in France at this time we were like in 2016 Riley was only like 23 years old he just had came out like the university championship and initially he signed into as a sub but because he was so good again Riley didn’t stay as a sub for a long time soy’s first professional season is going well his coach is Jan Pao May a famous Italian coach and he was a little bit like quite demanding with him I was even surprised I didn’t know what to expect or what was going to happen but I just worked really hard and luckily I had a coach that was pushing me and the other young guys like crazy and improved a lot and it was really hard uh how much he was pushing us to train more and train extra Toman Novo uh him and I were coming in like an hour before almost every training just doing reception work or spiking like spiking 70 balls before training even starts you know like all these things where it was hard on the body but you improve a lot I’m really thankful for the coach that I had janalo M he was a great mentor to me and he helped me improve a lot the season is progressing and as I told you everything’s going fine for Riley of course he has to work a lot with Jan Pao Med but he also feels that he improve a lot and it’s really good for him in the same Time of the Season Riley has the opportunity to play the CUV cup and for people who don’t really know it’s volleyball CV cup is just under the Champions League it’s like Europa leagues for football fans and again everything is going well for T and Riley the team reached the semi-final they have to play too much to reach the finals and they won both so to reach the final but the final won’t be easy because they’re going to play against trantino trantino is a team from the Italian Championship the Italian Championship is one of the best championship in the world and at this time on the regular season trantino played 26 match they just like won 22 match it’s like so good so we can say trantino is one of the best team of the Italian championship and because the Italian Championship is one of the best of the world trantino is like one of the best team of the world and of course to be one of the best team of the world you have so good players on your team and on the other side you have Riley a 23 years old Canan player of course is really good in tour but now he will have to face the best players of the world and he’s going to change Dimension I think that was one of the moments where I was I felt pressure that first match yeah that first match I remember being super nervous I mean I had watched like so many YouTube videos of like trentino and I remember just getting to the gym for the first time and being like what is going on you know like the final will also be played in two matches the first one trentino and the second one in tour and if we have like one win on each side a golden set will be played in tour so Riley and his teammates travel to Italy to trantino with of course a lot of emotions for people who never went to watch a volleyball game in Italy Italians are like huge B fans and for Riley it’s not only Italy it’s trantino one of the greatest Club of the world with of course a huge court and a huge atmosphere and just imagine this you are 23 years old Canan player and you’re going to play a final in Italy against trantina in trentina and maybe 5 years before you were watching trentin on YouTube that’s crazy they have a great fan base I mean the gym was was just rocking it was just a different atmosphere you could kind of tell that this team that you’re going to see you know they they got some Swagger they’ve been there before and I wish I could say the nerves didn’t get the best of me but they I think that’s one of the matches that I’ll remember in my career that I was like actually nervous and I really let the moment get to me in that match the match began trentino don’t let any chance to win for tour and the match ends really quickly 3-0 for trentino I think we lost in like 45 minutes or something it was like ridiculous like so bad and my parents surprised me on that trip didn’t tell me that they were coming they came to watch that match and we lost 45 minutes so I always feel bad about that but uh hey it’s not so bad because you had some times to be with your parents yes for even if Pascal said it it’s not the main team who play like three quarters of the game it’s of course still really hard for players to lose like three Z like this but when I speak to Riley and I ask about the team mood after this game and before the game in tour they wasn’t scared of this second match I think everyone was confident that we could play we knew that we could play a lot better better I mean we didn’t play well and I think the mindset kind of shifted to just completely relaxed like it was almost a blessing in disguise that we lost like that easily we just went in saying we have nothing to lose take risks be aggressive I just remember it a time where yeah definitely going into the match we were we were confident and we knew that we could we could still play with them even though we didn’t show it in the first match but there was there was a reason why we were in the finals so yeah just let it all let it all go and and played really well and they were right to be confident to went on to win the first match so the two team has to play a golden set Riley is on the court at 14 13 for tour he makes a beautiful receive a good set for Le cabal and that’s it t is European champion and we had an amazing crowd behind us it was crazy everyone in the same color shirts and screaming and unfortunately for tour the regular season was not so nice because they lost like in the quarterfinals during the playoff but at least they won the CV cup and I think for Riley for his first professional season it’s really nice I was very happy I mean that season was so it had a lot of ups and downs and kind of looking back on it now I mean tour had a lot of pressure and a lot of people on the outside putting pressure on the team because we were expected to to win I think the championship as well and for me it was it was different I think cuz I didn’t feel the pressures like the other guys did I was just like ah whatever like I’m going to just going to play hard and do my best and and go from there but I think the cev was just a bonus at the end that definitely saved the the season that year yeah I was I’ll always be thankful for them to give me my first shot uh professional season we just spoke of the first professional season of Ry and we already said a lot of stories but we are going to continue saying stories about Riley’s career and you will see it’s so awesome initially after his first seion in tour Riley was supposed to stay but during the summer he received some offers and he decided to go to Russia I actually had resigned in tour after the uh CV cup after we won yeah I had just went to my national team and played well that summer and but then started to get some different offers outside of tour UFA in Russia was one of the options and I kind of always wanted to either play in Russia or Italy that was like one of the goals for me and so when the opportunity came it made sense for me money is always a factor of course it was kind of just happened out of the blue it wasn’t that I was looking for another contract cuz I was very happy in [Music] tour and of course it’s true that salaries in Russia are so much higher than in France and Pascal said it it’s so important to understand players it’s not soccer you can’t play only one season in PSG and after leave all your life with this money so of course if you have a contract offer with a lot of money you will think about it it’s normal it’s laugh guys don’t lie but unfortunately for Riley his season in Russia was not so good it was just a difficult situation there’s only two foreigners on each team and the other Foreigner with me was a b Russian guy yeah he spoke Russian he spoke Russian yeah but he spoke English too he’s really really good guy actually if you’re you’re the one of the only foreigners you’re really expected to to produce and really well and perform but I just had a a tough season I had some injuries sprained my ankle pretty bad uh so I was out for a while and then when I came back I was kind of not up to speed and really struggling and had a a few good matches but all in all it was kind of a a tough tough season the the level was really high and very different culture of volleyball and different culture of people I think it also taught me a lot about myself being on my own a lot and um also dealing with hard times like it was kind of the first time in my life where things were really hard beyond the zul injury which was like really serious and of course the fact that he has struggled to come back the team is really struggling and can’t reach the playoff it was kind of a struggle our team was not jelling the way that uh that we should have there a lot of struggles with the team that I think expectation was to to make the playoffs in kind of one of those seven or eight seed spots just to not make it was kind of disappointing I think that was kind of the first time that I’ve never made playoffs and any team that I played for you know of course after winning the CV don’t get the playoff it’s yeah it was difficult so Riley went from a really nice season tour where he became like European Champion to a really bad season where he suffered from a really serious injury also where the team is struggling and he didn’t reach the playoff so it’s the first setback in Riley’s career but fortunately for him his career is not hover despite his Bad season with the team Riley is stay really really good player so he has been called his national team where is going to see his whole friend Steven Mah who also played in the Canadian national team and who is currently playing for Monza this season also a really good Italian Club so I went to Italy to speak with Steven Mah and to ask what you think about Riley Riley R for me is is an interesting story rally originally was almost a bit of a competitor and an enemy we were at uh kind of opposing Parts in life Rally’s remain pretty consistent through life and I’ve been a little up and down so uh we originally started as competitors and but both still starting on the on the court together with the junior national team and then uh as we got to the senior national team we became really good friends and this PO national team is richly deserved for riy it’s a part of his personality I didn’t speak about yet but Ry is a hard worker a really hard worker yeah he’s uh he’s incredible work I think one of the people that um inspires me and one one of the reasons why I love playing together is he’s someone who is always pushing himself he’s worked hard he’s passionate you know Riley is Riley like if he wants something done he’ll get it done we’re a bit different in our aptitudes of skill I am more physical player best skills are let’s say blocking spocking these sorts of things rally is exceptional at defense passing so for me it’s always been fun to watch how hard he works and to to see the skills that he is better than me at it’s always inspired me and and I think that’s something that he he does for everybody actually and when you are a hard worker and you work to succeed of course one day you will succeed and that’s the case for Riley in addition to play for the Canadian national team and prepare to take part in the world championship Riley signed a contract for Lu chitan NOA one of the best Italian Club it’s truly one of the clubs that every players dreams off it’s also a club that has won everything a club that has welcome in it ranks the very best player in the world and that in fact still have legends playing there today and that’s a little teasing for my next video but of course the video is you’re seeing now are actually mine but just when everything seems to be smiling on Riley and he finally put that serious injuries and this bad session in R and him something unexpected happens and it’s of course something you would like to have avoided injury it’s something every sportman trats Riley has beaten it he was back to his best he was in the national team he was going to play the world championships and he had signed for the best club in the world for The Following season but unfortunately and I think in this situation I would have screamed so much and broke everything Riley get an injury just few days before leaving for the World Championships I think I injured my ankle like a few days before we left for World Championships H it was really tough I mean yeah from that that year in Russia to kind of come back to the national team and um be able to play sign and Lube was like kind of I was just so excited you know I’d watch them play and I knew how how good they were what kind of Club they were in addition to miss the World Championships Lu CH no at his contract so he goes from being on the top of the world signed for the best club in the world and be supposed to go to the world championship to be injured not play in the world championship and be without club for the next season fortunately for him he managed to bounce back his hen f for him a contract in Italy in Padova in first division where he played two seasons sometimes he played sometimes he didn’t play and the coach way of sync was just like if you want to play you have to fight for your spot did you sometimes felt frustration of not playing so much sometimes on some match yeah sometimes I mean the fact that it was it was challenging um at times to not be playing but it was also I like the challenge of fighting for your spot basically every week it was really motivating I mean sometimes I think you can get kind of complacent sometimes if you’re not really fighting for your spot like every week it was like a battle uh where we we honestly didn’t know who was going to be playing all the time there was some weeks where it would be clear that okay this guy’s playing really well he’s going to play this match and then sometimes it would be like I have no idea the coach hasn’t even told us like he’s giving out the lineup before the match and then you see your number on it and it’s like okay I guess I’m playing so I mean it was good in some ways but uh obviously everyone always wants to play so of course when you’re on the bench it’s it’s tough but you just try to be a great teammate and support the guy that playing instead of you and and go from there so Riley spent two years in p and sometimes he was playing sometimes no and this guy is really unlucky because when he don’t have injuries there is a special virus I can’t say the name because YouTube going to cut my video you know but this virus in 2020 just end the Italian championship and of course by the way and Riley’s season and I know it’s going to sounds crazy but try decided to go back to school and end his career you know when you play professional volleyball you don’t get much break when you go to play with your national team I was having a a really tough time with my body staying healthy and and I think just the knees were sore and just the body was just tired and the love wasn’t there I don’t think you know it was just cuz his body hurts so much I remember just kind of not enjoying the the volleyball as much at the end because it was taking so much time and effort to keep my body going with this special virus was cutting our season cutting our season short at this time did you so about definitely stop at the time that was kind of the thought yeah I was uh sure that I was just going to go back to school and then start my my career so Riley decided to go back to school to finish his degree and decided to stop his career but his story isn’t over yet it’s January 2022 almost two years after the virus and Riley has put a definitive end to his professional career he has finished his stud days and is’s coaching a University team but in the same time his old friend and former teammates in national team and in University Brett Walsh he’s playing in for pork in taloni and at what moment during the season the club needed a new outside heitter but wait which position was playing Riley outside heater and even so try hadn’t played for 2 years he was still thinking about volleyball you know and he was still thinking like oh maybe I can come back I kind of had some thoughts in the back of my head where I was like ah I could maybe play a little bit yeah this was another kind of crazy story that honestly it also started out kind of as a joke we had a a situation in our team that year in in Greece where we needed to find a new receiver and my coach came to me and asked me if if I knew any of any Canadian receivers that were available and of course Riley had been stopped playing for like a year and a half at this point but of course we’re close so we stayed in contact a lot over those years and especially between him me and and stepen Mar the three of us are always talking to each other that night I went home and I you know sent a message to our group chat the three of us and I said Riley do you want to come come play uh come play for p next year as a joke but also with like this 2% uh serious you know just let’s see I just remember him kind of tossing this message in our group chat being like hey like Barnes what’s the what are the chances you could like come and play I had not touched the volleyball for almost 2 years I think his response was like yeah sure I’m in you know let’s do it also as a joke but probably also a little bit of like maybe you know and I was really skeptical I was like oh I’m out of shape you know I haven’t haven’t played at all and I was pretty sure I was kind of done with it so I I phoned him and I said listen like we need somebody if you are actually serious about trying to come back into volleyball I will put your name forward and I will call my coach and say you ask me about Canadian receivers there’s this guy I used to play with him he was really really good he hasn’t played in a year and a half so I don’t know but when he was playing he was great and at this time Riley was planning a little trip to Europe like european vacation so Brett his friend call him and say yeah move early come on you’ll see we’ll go swimming pool in never I had just finished my schooling actually in in December ended up talking to him and talking to the coach there and they kind of framed it as a like a European Vacation basically cuz I had plans to go and travel Europe after it was in February I was going to leave and they just said oh just make it earlier and then you won’t have to pay for your like flight ticket that was basically the pitch for it and I was like okay like yeah I can go and like don’t worry about it we just need an extra body and training I was like okay of course it was like so risky for the Greek coach to bring a player who hadn’t played like during two years just imagine and during his first training Riley didn’t just played he was just so amazing and everyone on the team was like who is this guy I remember the first like 2 3 days I was actually feeling good and like I was like what the what’s going on like I can actually still kind of do some stuff on the court I remember the first day he came in practice and was was just like incredible and just played so good right away so I think it was funny watching everybody and the coach especially I think when after that first practice he’s going wow like you know where’s this guy been hiding you know Riley decided to sign for park for this clubing grace and it was a really good season for Riley ended up winning a cup Greek Cup which was great we won the Greek cup with him on the court which was awesome experience for us which was maybe like a month a month and a half after you know he arrived after not playing volleyball for so long and so I remember after that game kind of looking at each other like how did this possibly happen you know like this is kind of crazy but you just came to be a training guy at the beginning that was the vacation I came for vacation yeah early your vacation yeah exactly if Brett didn’t send you this message there is no Riley Burns anymore in volleyball I don’t think so no no he’s uh it’s his fault it’s his fault that you have to deal with me without his friend Walsh Riley’s career would have been over but it’s not the case yet after successful half season in Greece which Mark Ry came back Barnes decided to join to a good french first division team so I asked him why he decided to come back on the French league I think for me the the goal was to stay healthy play as as well as I could and just have fun again too I think that was a big part that I was lacking when I was in Italy yeah I think it’s really important to still have fun while you’re while you’re taking a very seriously too now you know the reasons why Riley decided to come back in France but because I’m French I really know well the to staff so I decided to go to tan to speak with the staff and ask like why they choose to take Riley and also ask like what type of player he is and what type of person he is who is Riley burs for Riley is a gentle guy I would say very kind to everyone he knows always trying to help everyone he’s also in a very good mood every day which is incredible he’s really one of the funniest guys I know like he’s just always laughing about something he’s always you know trying to brighten the mood [Music] he’s an incredible team player so I really appreciate that about him whatever he said carried a lot of weight and he Ry felt there was something important he needed to say all eyes and ears were were on rally so he has that kind of a effect I think he he has a really good balance of quiet leadership and knowing his role on a [Music] team I admire him a lot so when when he’s playing I can see that he really loves what he do what he does he’s very passionate when he’s playing like always triy to motivate all the team and be very Act during the matches and when he scores his screams and I’m very proud of of who he’s become you know the volleyball that’s for the volleyball people to understand whether he’s good or not good for there me as a parent I’m looking at his values his beliefs how he treats people yes I’m very proud of that I could tell you hundred of stories about Riley but I’m going to tell you one last story and you will see like it’s just crazy I’m going to speak about a match Riley played during the 200122 season and it was his first season in toan of course I want to say thank you to the French league because they sent me the match and they also allowed me to diffuse this match on YouTube so if you want to watch the French Championship you can go on the French League’s website lvtv tocom during the 2001 and 2002 season dorion the curan coach of tan were the coach of Paris and on this match tan traveled to Paris Paris to play against Paris and to play against dorian’s team and it was a really tough match really tie so the match went to tie break but unfortunately for Riley and for tqu because Riley was one of the best player of the team he was injured during the last point of the four set just before the tiebreak but the end of the story it just like crazy but it was the last point of the set and then we were going into the fifth set and it was kind of I mean it was an important match for us I shot this video in March 2024 at this current time Riley hope to be in national team and hope to be able to play like the Olympic Games in Paris because Canada get qualified to Paris it’s maybe not going to be so easy because Ry had an injury to this season but I really hope he will be able to be put in because first it’s a really good player and it’s also a really really good person and of course because this video is still in interview I have to Riley what he wanted to do after volb what Riley Bar’s going to do after his professional career I’m not sure because I had this 2year stop where I didn’t play volleyball and I was kind of introduced to to the real world a little bit um I’m not in a big rush to to get back to that yet kind of underestimated how much I loved playing and how lucky I feel to to be playing on a professional team and doing this for a living but uh I’ll definitely be golfing a lot and um yeah other than that uh I’m still focused on on playing right now as I said before I could have tell you so many stories about Riley and I have to be honest with you I didn’t know how I’m going to make a video with like all the video I took because like I had maybe like five or six hour Rush it’s so much and it was also my first documentary so I didn’t know if I was to put like more storytelling or more interview Sports I didn’t know so much about this so please guys and woms of course say me in comments if like you like this part of video if I have to put like more interviews more storytelling just say me in comments and of course don’t forget to subscribe and to share this video because like it’s so many Works to make a video like this I spend like maybe two or 300 hours to make this video I know that sounds crazy but it’s truth guys and even I wasn’t sure of how I going to make this video I was sure of one thing are I going to hand this video and I lied I’m not the person who going to hand this video it’s all the people I interview to talk about Riley I asked them a very simple question if you can say something to Riley what you would say I will leave you with this message and video thank you so much for watching this video comment share uh subscribe please love you so much and see you next video bye Riley I’ve always thought of as more of a brother to me I think main thing just tell like that tell him that I love him and like I said he’s you know he’s family to me always will be Riley always knew who he was and I think that is a skill and a character trait of people in this world that is very rare and he is exceptionally honest we’ve done our best to raise you you know as um you know best we could and anything that you’ve done he’s done himself because it’s hard work I think I would just say that I’m very proud of him and his ability to have a dream focus on it build towards it and then just really enjoy it I just tell him I love him and uh I’m so happy that he was able to uh retire and come out of retirement and and be doing really well I’m absolutely so proud of Riley I I really am I volleyball good that he’s working and good that his effort is there I love that he’s doing that but I really love the person that he’s become he’s one of the best things that happened to me and that I’m very very glad that I met him you know those are two things I I still want for Riley that’s given me a lot of uh a lot to my life it’s given me a lot of value in my life to being able to be married have have a happy marriage and to be a father but the day you become a parent you become a dad Jerome that is the best I just all my all my friends told me it’ll be great I said yeah yeah it’ll be great oh when that happened and to have my daughter and my son that’s just a Hu it’s just such a love that is what I hope for Riley yet I’m looking forward to him he’s going to be a great dad and I think he’s going to be a great father so we have a good connection and I’m very excited to stay together and have a nice future with him and the other thing don’t keep us waiting it’ll happen but come on come on let’s go let’s get some grandkids going here time is running time is running we want some grandkids yes so there’s my message to Riley you put a lot of pressure on yeah


  1. Great vid! I really like all the interviews which gave us a lot of insight about the different faucets of his life.
    If I can request, could you do one for Stephen Marr next? You've already asked him questions so… 😂

  2. What an amazing documentary, I can't wait to see more! The fact it's in English helps more people to get to know your fantastic work, Jérôme. It was really emotional. We need more things like that in our small but passionate volleyball world.

  3. Great job! His story is inspiring and also reminds me one of French player Thibault Rossard. Is there any chance you will make an episode about him?

  4. Thanks having this documentary. It's so great. Nice featuring my top favorite Canadian volleyball player Ryley Barnes. Hope for some more volleyball stars to be featured.

  5. This video is great! As a Canadian who just played his first season professionally its awesome to see the Canadian greats playing at the highest level and getting to know them. Story telling was awesome. All the time that you put into the video shows!! Great job

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