DISCRAFT 2024 WORLDS exclusive release // Buzzz, Luna, Athena, Passion, GT Zone

The 2024 PDGA Worlds arrival brings us special edition Discraft to celebrate it! We are one of a very limited few that are Official 2024 PDGA Pro Worlds Merchandise Partners, and so some super exclusive discs & accessories will be coming as a result. Discraft SE CryZtal FLX Zone GT (Worlds 2024 Exclusive), Discraft SE Paul McBeth Big Z Luna (Worlds 2024 Exclusive), Discraft SE CryZtal Passion (Worlds 2024 Exclusive), Discraft SE ESP Swirl Buzzz (Worlds 2024 Exclusive), and Discraft SE Jawbreaker ESP Athena (Worlds 2024 Exclusive).
Three things make this disc so special; the stamp, the plastic, and the mold! Let’s see how they fly.

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hey guys welcome back to the channel I just got my hands on disc Craft’s new worlds drops that they just dropped we’re going to go out to a course and throw them let’s [Music] go hey guys what’s up with worlds coming up here shortly Discraft dropped some discs in honor of the world so we’re going to go check some of these out we got some really nice ones first one I got here is the jawbreaker ESP Athena can’t wait to throw this one next up here we have the SE Crystal passion and one of my favorites we have the crystal Flex Zone GT it’s got that Groove top on it I really love this disc then we’re going to take a look at the SE Paul McBeth big Z Luna last but not least we got one of the best mid-ranges in the game and we have the SE ESP swirl Buzz all right these are all in honor of the world’s coming up here let’s go well one of the discs I’m super excited to try out is the Luna I haven’t really thrown a lot of Lunas before so I’m super excited to give this one a [Music] shot all right gave it a lot of height that is looking great okay so disc golf worlds is coming up at the end of August in Lynchberg Virginia they are hosting it in honor of this Discraft has done some exclusive release they’re very limited so some of these discs if you guys want them better snatch them up now some of you guys might remember this course I came to this course last year and I did a Mana versus Lobster battle if you haven’t seen that one check it out all right we’re in the range of this nice Zone and I like this Crystal Flex man nice and flexible feels great love the GT top on it see if you can do a little birdie run here oh I love that get in all right Park City so this course is pretty tricky but man it’s got some really beautiful greens which we’re going to see here as we go through it for instance I mean this nice raised concrete bed basket I mean this is sick all right hole two we’re playing here is 345 this seems like a good shot for the Athena just nice and straight with a little bit of a dump at the end oh man nice and straight where’s that hookup yes oh it hit a tree man that would have been great well the Sand Hills of the Carolinas are kind of known for their southern pine trees so you’re going to see nothing but pine trees on this course yes even though we are near the beach we still got lots of trees in the Carolinas and you’re going to hit them all right let’s go with this Zone again really digging the soft plastic on this so much better than the first [Music] run oh I love that disc so much all right really love the Zone used to putt with GT bangers the fact that they combine the zone and the GT Banger I really love this this one here we got a par five 545 ft dead straight you can actually see the basket way down there but super tight tunnel to get through let’s try the passion oh there we go nice and dead straight down that tunnel sit don’t give me a lot of skip all right that should be pretty good so far I got to say the feel on all these discs is outstanding I mean these special runs of each one of these discs they got good grip I’m really loving that flexible plastic that they have especially on that zone disc and the Athena too and that jawbreaker ESP plastic it’s outstanding guys all right if you’re a big fan of disc craft and you like some of these molds think you got to pick up these special runs cuz they’re not going to last long all right so let’s stick with the passion on this one feel like I can give it a little anheiser should be able to handle it and then even flatten out again guys the plastic on these outstanding a little bit of give a little bit of flexibility a lot of grip oh there we go come on yes okay this is our first tester putt with the Luna let’s see how she does we’re about 45 50 ft out I’d say oh I love that oh my goodness it almost went in okay Luna I didn’t realize you had the Glide that you do that was quite impressive I see you Luna wow super impressed with that big Z Luna man can’t wait to try this on some more putts all right we got about 265 a little bit of a hookup the basket is basically kind of in the middle of this clump of woods and it’s on a really cool raised basket like concrete tube thing I mean it’s really sick all right we could probably go Luna or buzz but let’s go with the buzz on this one yep love that don’t hit a tree don’t hit a tree yes all right we got ourselves a putt when you think of mid-ranges it’s hard to not include the buzz in one of the best mid-ranges in the game I mean top three mid-ranges of all time and the fact that it’s in this ESP swirl plastic now I mean I’m digging it this swirly plastic looks great at the beach in the woods sick raised basket and it’s one of my favorite baskets the disc catcher I mean doesn’t get much better than this guys all right Luna let’s go wow all right see why MC Beth likes these things these Lunas are great this one is definitely one of those picturesque holes I don’t know if you can really see on the left side I’ll try to get a picture of that left side is a whole field of sunflower super picturesque I mean it’s kind of worth the drive just to come out here to see all these sunflowers but we got a 325 kind of an island hole basket sitting on this huge Mound I think that should be great for the Athena oh I love that all day oh my gosh get on that island yes man that’s a great disc all right guys got the corn field in the background got my Luna raised basket let’s go all right Luna okay final hole we’re going to play we got a raised basket over there and right off the back it drops off into this little pond so this is a fun hole we’re going to go with the GT Zone this should be a good distance for this disc show you how nice and stable this thing is yeah look at that hookup let’s go okay we are sitting right at about 33 ft from the basket Luna we’ve had some big putts so far let’s see if we can get one more to close this round [Music] out let’s go guys wow all right guys well I don’t think I need to sell you on the Luna this thing’s great I know a lot of you guys have been recommending the Lunas in my videos I see why this big Z1 is great the buzz really love this sick swirly plastic ES P swirls I man it’s got to be one of the best Plastics out there limited run make sure you check it out the Athena and that jawbreaker ESP plastic it’s got a lot of give to it nice and flexible but still got the nice stability you guys saw that shot on the last hole and these two are probably two of my favorites really love the Zone in this flexible Crystal plastic definitely got a little bit more give to it than the original one that came out and I’m a big fan of that GT top so I don’t know about you guys but if you like it you like it if you don’t you don’t I’m a big fan and last but not least this passion this will give you some nice stable shots kind of like the Athena or it’ll give you some nice straight shots in the woods too I didn’t see a lot of negative one turn to it it is a tiny bit more stable maybe more like a 01 at this point but we’ll wait and see once it breaks in all right guys if you’re looking to get some discs like these you know where to go use my code save 10% till I see you next time peace out [Music]


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