Golf Players

Christie Sides NEARLY BLOWS MONSTER LEAD As Her EPIC RUN Continues. This WHOLE TEAM Deserves Better.

welcome to the Ben Daniel podcast where we’re calling a spade a spade the Indiana Fever fire Chrissy sides get her out of here I don’t want to see her anymore I’m done on the Chrissy Sid experiment maybe earlier in the season I would say oh well they were up 30 points and the other team fought their way back and the Indiana Fever found their resolve to hold on to the lead and Stave off to keep the victory maybe the first 15 games I would have said that but today now after watching what I just watched after watching Chrissy sides put Erica wheeler in just so the Phoenix Mercury can go on a 192 run and then go on a 170 run for Chrissy SI to put Cayla Clark in the corner off ball to have Erica wheeler dribble the ball up turn it over dribble the ball up dribble the ball up hot potato along the outside Hot Potato Hot Potato Hot Potato Hot Potato folks after those after the first half after the first three quarters I was like woo this is a good game right here fever are cooking come out in the first quarter kayn Clark looking like kayin Clark Kent [ __ ] super woman out there Coast to Coast behind the back pass handing Kelsey Mitchell easy points on a platter can’t make the game any easier for her teammates literally the game couldn’t have looked any easier for kayin Clark in that first quarter the announcers even used the phrase traffic cones yeah yeah yeah it it it was very dark and gloomy for the Phoenix Mercury that whole entire first half the whole entire first three quarters it was dark and gloomy Indiana Fever extended it to a 31-point lead at some time folks 31-point lead we were in the venue I’m talking to you guys and I’m saying hey should we take out Caitlin Clark should we take out Aaliyah Boston should we take out Kelsey Mitchell should we take out our Stars to prevent injury Chrissy sides takes out Kelsey Mitchell takes out Aaliyah Boston leaves in Caitlyn Clark to be tortured by the Erica wheeler experience that’s all I can put it down to you left in Caitlyn Clark to punish her to let her tolerate and deal with the Erica wheeler experience Erica wheeler I’m sure she’s a great person I’m sure she’s a lovely individual but on the court folks if you were watching that game tonight and you told me on the court ericao wheeler was a additive I want whatever you got I want whatever you whatever you’re smoking I want whatever you’re drinking I need if you watch that fourth quarter and you said o Erica wheeler she’s really killing it in there this is all where’s Kayla Clark why where what Kayla Clark’s doing why are the why are the Mercury coming back if you were thinking that stop it the only thought I had in the fourth quarter was why the hell is Eric keler in the game how much longer does this run need to continue before Chrissy sides calls the timeout how many more games do we need to see a quarter where the Indiana Fever drop the ball how many more times do we need to see Chrissy sides make terrible close and folks it’s not even that ER Eric ker was in the game it’s not just that right because then you say well why why is wait why is it Christy s’s fault and not Eric Wheeler’s fault it’s because she puts in Eric wheeler and she says this okay all right go get in the game Kaylin Kaylin what you’re going to do you’re going to stand in the corner in the corner we’ll run you occasional dequ all ball screens but what we’re going to do we’re going to get Eric wheeler she’s going to bring the ball up and we’re going to have four on the outside four on the outside we’re going to play H potato H Potato Hot Potato Hot Potato not to get the Finish M the ball but what Chrissy siid doesn’t understand is that that uh the Phoenix Mercury their coach wasn’t born last night their coach isn’t an idiot their coach said oh that’s Zone Zone let’s go with a Zone guys Zone it up okay per the Phoenix Mercury went into the zone and they instantly looked like the Miami Heat I have no idea how that happened I have never seen a team go into a Zone and completely destroy the other team coach me mentality so much other than Miami Heat Christy sides is awful abysmal the fact that there is a 31-point lead that got blown tonight yes folks it is the coach’s fault I hate to blame it to you I hate to it would be different if we subbed out Kelsey Mitchell put in Eric AER but the game still looked the same if the strategy was still the same if the offense if the offensive movement was still the same but it wasn’t it was Eric ding at the ball you had four people on the outside standing still you had lackluster off ball screens far and few between you had lazy passes Cayla Clark had a few lazy passes as well you had lazy passes Miss shot folks the other team doesn’t go on a 192 run until there’s something unless there’s something wrong unless there’s something something wrong and then they don’t follow up that 192 run with a 17 unless there’s something wrong kayin Clark was not having it the 30-point lead was cut down as low as four points and you got kayin Clark slapping chairs you got Caitlyn Clark hitting chairs Caitlyn Clark what I will say to you be careful be careful they do that in the NBA they do that in the NFL they do that in baseball and often it results in a broken hand please stop hitting chairs I get it trust me I like taking out my frustration too but please we need you we need you to be healthy we can’t have you breaking a hand and the WNBA damn sure can’t have you break in a hand cuz if you get injured who’s watching this if you get injured all these records are going to drop so please can we refrain from hitting chairs can we refrain from hitting chairs Kayla Clark wasn’t only mad that the lead was getting disappeared she was mad at the ref wake up wake the [ __ ] up excuse my language excuse my language I think I’ve done pretty good cursing here so far no Kaylin Clark not happy not happy at all but we did get this tonight we did see The Return of the Caitlyn Clark patented Iowa scream and I will admit folks it looks damn good in a few fever Jersey it looks damn good in an Indiana Fever Jersey you know she’s saying let’s go let’s go but there’s one person who really needs to go folks and you already know it’s Christie it’s this person on our screen to the left Christy sides needs to go I don’t know how we go from the first quarter of the offense boom boom boom ball movement up and down back door C folks I saw Kelsey Mitchell do at least three backdoor Cuts in the first quarter ask me how many times I saw that cut in the fourth go ahead ask me I’ll wait zero zero times okay okay Kelsey Mitchell why don’t you back hey Christie can we draw up that same 10 things that we did in the first quarter hey when they’re all focusing on ball back cut when they’re all focusing on ball back cut let’s bring up Aaliyah Boston for a screen why didn’t we even get any screens between Aaliyah Boston and Caitlin Clark in that fourth quarter between Nelissa Smith and K how many times seriously folks do we need to watch the Indiana Fever put up quarters where they look completely inept 14 points in the fourth quarter is unacceptable 28 points in the first quarter great 27 points in the second quarter great 26 points in the third quarter great 14 points in the fourth quarter a Christy sides special so what a Christy sides special our bench gave us six points why are we so gung-ho about playing Erica wheeler all these minutes it’s not like we’re getting valuable minutes yes folks the answer is yes I would much rather see what Grace Berger has to offer to answer your question yes thank you yes thank you Nissa Smith Leah Boston Katy Lou all had 13 14 even Kaylin Clark nineo plus minus Kelsey michell 25 point plus minus today and do you guys want to know why that plus minus was so good she wasn’t on the court with Erica wheeler literally that’s the answer Christy sides can’t see that Christie you can’t see that how come everybody can see that I promise you guys I wouldn’t leave Lind Dunn out either Lind dun I’m seeing some things where you’re cosigning this Christy Sid’s garbage where you’re seemingly perfectly okay with this Christy side situation news FL this situation is not okay not in the least bit not in the least bit you think any of these wins were due to kosing no no no no no no no no no no no no no no all 10 of the Indiana Fever wins this year are solely because of the sheer will of this Indiana Fever team the sheer will of Kalin Clark the sheer will of Aaliyah Boston the sheer will of Nelissa Smith Kelsey Mitchell that’s why this team has these amount of wins it is zero to do with Christy Sid zero to do with Christy SI if you guys are okay with these 14-point quarters and you want to blame the players for letting this lead slip be my guest go ahead and blame him but the question that I have for you what is the direction being given to these players players go out and execute a game plan how many times do you he no they went out and they executed the game plan perfectly the other team just played better yeah they went out and they executed the game plan perfectly we just had the wrong game plan just had the wrong game plan saan Daniel podcast where we’re calling a spade a spade folks I thought they were going to lose this game 90% of me as Kalia copper was seemingly doing what she turned into MJ out there did you see that under the basket rever that was disgusting that was filthy but again Chrissy sides Prides herself in defense how come these people always get off against the Indiana Fever what defense chrisy if you can’t rely on your offense to keep the other team off balance your defense folds in the half court it’s the truth if you can’t keep the tempo up your half court defense folds so again I asked myself how many times do we got to see these 14-point quarters these 10-point quarters folks we were halfway through the fourth the Indiana Fever had six points at the five minute and 16 seed Mark the Indiana Fever had six points in the fourth quarter and the offense looked awful the offense looked like they were in the patented Christy sides prevent keep the ball out of Caitlin Clark’s hand and defensively being extremely timid be scared to foul be scared to be physical and let the other team do what they want and that’s how we go from a 31-point game to a four-point game with Ken clor smacking a chair Kaylin cic played well 20 points 13 assists six rebounds another triple double watch halfway through the game but rebounds but fortunately for her the other team just didn’t want to give up the rebounds it’s Ben Daniel podcast where we’re calling a spade a spade Chrissy side you got to go you got to go I’m tired of watching this team blow leads I’m tired of watching this team have quarters where they just can’t do anything I’m have I’m tired of watching Chrissy sides let her favorites do what they want if you got to go to a seven person rotation guess what go to a seven person rotation if you have to go to a seven person rotation guess what pick up a free agent if you have to go to a seven-man rotation can we see what Grace Berger has to offer no we can’t right we got to give it to Erica wheeler who’s one of the highest paid players on the team this is ridiculous the bendo podcast where we’re calling a spade of spade let me know what you think in the comments section below I appreciate all the support appreciate everybody showing up in the venue hanging out much love guys much love we’ll be back in the venue on Sunday see you guys tomorrow take it easy


  1. Imagine having a management staff hell-bent on losing every game! How in the world do we get here? Where is the owner Herb Simon? How can he be happy with this?

  2. It's hard to watch. Also, just because Wheeler looks like a basketball player doesn't mean she should be on the court. Have you ever seen a player throw a team so far out of rhythm? Sides has no intuition when it comes to calling time outs and who should come off the bench. For some reason she believes in Wheeler but we all have to admit, Wheeler hasn't had many good games. I would like to see if Damiris Dantas can play but Sides puts her in and takes her out before we can see how she jells with the team. Dantas does seem to be able to shoot. We all see the potential with the Fever and would like to see the team have 4 quarters, without some breakdowns. I do think there is something there with: Smith, Mitchell, Boston, Clark & Samuelson. I think these players jell well together.

  3. Sides got drunk and took care of the silver pelt one night, and now Dunn wants a relationship. Why else would Dunn keep her around. Too bad the owner doesn't give a shit.

  4. Exactly. If CC gets hurt and can’t play, attendance will drop off significantly.

    CC’s passing and play making…absolutely fun to watch.

  5. Like all on this thread, I was losing my mind in Q4 🤯. Why was CC “told” to stand down? Sides is awful 😣

  6. Sides can’t have it any easier! Give CC the ball, play the right rotation and you have a winning team. It CANNOT be this difficult

  7. In the post game pressers, Caitlin breaks down the game much better than Sides. CC sees the overall picture and Sides is just there trying to figure out what happened. Let CC play and coach.

  8. Sides has no idea what she is doing. I am dumbfounded… My wife, who really knows nothing about basketball, can see that the offense stops with Wheeler yet a supposedly "professional" coach can't. Ridiculous.

  9. This is so frustrating almost to the point that these games are unwatchable!!!! The WNBA & NBA better wake up and stop all this bull!!!!!!!

  10. I wish they were still playing CC basketball in the 4th when Copper got that fire in her – would have been so fun to see the CC – Copper battle. Sides underestimated Copper's resolve. She thought the Fever had it in the bag when Griner got out, and tried to share the love around the team. Bad move against a first rate team. I was routing for the Fever, but can't lie that watching Copper was pretty fun. Does Christie find no joy in the game? The minute she sees Copper balling, she needs to revert back to CC basketball and let the girls play it out for the fans. It would have been insane.

  11. I agree with you, I thought they were going to lose the game. I love the label "Christy Sides Special" .
    I do disagree with you around the defense commentary. Defense wins championships. I've yet to see an exception.
    You are correct though, Prevent is not a defense, it's a passive $&^%*&^%. Defense is ACTIVE, period.
    Prevent is something you when there's no shot clock. Dance with the Girl that brung ya!! You scored 25ps a quarter until you went prevent and tried to lose?
    NO, play the same offense you played when you were putting up 25 a quarter. Or, as I like to say, "Dance with the Girl that Brung ya!!"

  12. Hey Ben 🙏🏾 😂 Do you think AR should contact McDonald's for a Mcdoubles Meal with fries (assists), drink and nuggets (rebounds) 🍔🍟🐓nuggets

  13. Sides has the vocabulary but no mastery of the basketball "language". IMO the Fever could do better with Caitlin playing AND coaching from the court, with Sides gone. She has an unmatched court vision and ability to read the other players, on both teams! Sides is as enamored with Wheeler as Wheeler is of herself. Not surprising the Olympic sport she would like to participate in was boxing. I answered it even before she did. Ridiculous!

  14. I’ll be at the Dallas game next week
    I’ll be sure to boo Christie Sides and specially every time Erica Wheeler touches the ball

  15. If their CLUELESS, inept coach can't develop a half court defense at least she needs to have a cutter EVERYTIME they pass the ball. And screens if you don't HAVE the ball. There! You're welcome, Christie Sides!

  16. So now you have injured players going into the Olympic and they don’t see any chance of CC getting into the Olympic Games.

  17. We as fans need the help of all you podcast people with a platform to put pressure on Fever owner to fire Sides and Dunn! We have no way to tell them of our frustrations. They are a disgrace and we are asking you to use your platform to help us and help CC before they ruin this talented player! Thankyou!

  18. i seen the game CC was not aggressive in 4th qrt she just passed the ball and did nithing else she didn’t try to score at all thats why phx came back , and of course fever also gets in these runs of turnovers and not scoring if there goung to win they have to stop that…they got TO like 10 in row … just saying what i see..

  19. Dunn needs to go because she is talking like Sides knows what she is doing and she was talking like Clark’s turn overs are the problem.

  20. I think 80 year old Lin Dunn is trying to cover her butt by hiring Sides and giving Wheeler a max deal. They should be developing a young player instead of Wheeler. Sides is trying to show that her set up offense style will work. It hasn’t worked all season

  21. The first half and especially the first quarter we saw the Caitlin Clark Offense! The lineup has to be Clark, Boston, Mitchell, Smith and Samuelson. It’s pickin’ (Boston’s screens are looking much better than at the beginning of the season) and rollin’, and runnin’and gunnin’. CC was smiling and as happy as we’ve ever seen her in a Fever uniform. At about the fourth quarter Sides thought she had a better idea but Sides didn’t. And in the fourth quarter we see CC frustrated and banging chairs. Why is all of this so obvious to everyone but the Fever coach AND management.

  22. It is not possible for any team to sustain the intensity the Fever started with. I could see the team was completely gassed with about 2-3 minutes left in the 3rd quarter. Sides again demonstrates she has absolutely no intuition or feel for the game. You get up 31 you go deep into your bench, leave 2- maybe 3 starters in. The bench comes in fired up. Let the Mercury whittle away, give your starters rest. Then bring them back in when the lead gets down to 10. Every coach in the world – except Christie Sides – knows this. Anyone who has watched or played hoops KNOWS this. Sides needs to go. And for the love of all things Basketball quit bringing Wallace in!

  23. 13:30 it is kinda wild how at least 1 person goes all the way off. They have MULTIPLE players with their season high against them and It’s always a nasty bag they pull out. Sides has to go!

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