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Celtics Are Champions, Van Pelt on the U.S. Open, and Life Advice | The Ryen Russillo Podcast

Russillo talks about the Celtics winning the title, how this team was built by Brad Stevens, and what it means for the players—specifically Jayson Tatum (0:41). Then, Scott Van Pelt joins to talk more about the Celtics’ title win and the drama at the U.S. Open this past weekend (17:24). Finally, they close the show with Life Advice (01:07:54).

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the Boston selts are your NBA champs I will break down the game from inside the garden and some of the bigger storylines what it meant for this team to show patience and what it means for Tatum as the face of the franchise we’re also going to talk some finals with this guy named Scott Vel he’s pretty good he’s on television we’ll also talk US Open what does the win mean for Bryson and what he would ask Rory who we did not have access to right after a gut-wrenching loss and then just some other nonsense and of course as always life advice lucky enough to be in the building last night for the Celtics 18 championship and franchise history a 16 and3 record in these playoffs in the building watching it going all right what are you looking for what’s easy what’s hard for both teams and early on I was like I don’t know if this is going to be much of a game Luca started two6 Kyrie didn’t make a shot in the first quarter O3 Gafford messes up one I would say two rotations on deep Drew holiday stuff um I don’t know what their rule is with that but clearly kid had kind of given up on Gafford with some other moments he only played 11 minutes last night and Lively is the better option anyway Lively came in at 726 left in the first quarter the only thing and I thought this was really telling is Josh Green hits two threes in the first quarter now the finga story was a big part of this because you’re like wait specific matchups like I’m just to the point where I think teams just mess with everybody else on their injury updates but when the Celtics came out to warm up porzingis wasn’t with them he comes out later in the layup line he’s feeling it the place goes crazy and we’re all watching him shoot and he’s like missing all the shots you’re like all right maybe maybe he’s just one of those guys who wants to get the misses out of the way and warm-ups and then he checks into the game and everyone’s going nuts and you can see immediately like he doesn’t look good at all so uh oh like luuk is going to be looking for him that’s exactly what happened on those Josh Green 3es the first two so the first play he’s got Drew on him he gets it to the right side porzingis is in the switch but Drew doesn’t want to leave porzingis by himself against Luca and then porzingis finds a way to kind of balance like what he’s doing here staying with Luca staying in the paint or then trying to contest down on Josh green and it’s a wide openen three the second three the Celtics try to pre- switch avoiding pingis getting caught into a switch onto Luca and after some traffic where it looked like porzingis wasn’t going to have to worry about it they brought Josh all the way over from the corner to do it again and then Josh Green hits a second one and I thought it was very telling because it was like hey that’s what this Dallas offense used to look like when teams had to abandon everything they were doing to try to prevent Luca from just taking over because even with Luca’s output the Celtics didn’t have to just wreck everything they were doing with their defensive priorities throughout the series and that’s why this became tougher and it was just this moment where I’m like oh yeah that’s right that’s what the Dallas others used to be able to do just get awesome open looks whether it with lobs the corner threes or in this case Josh Green hit a couple up top because you’re so worried about Luca and with porzingis is limit uh limited ability I should say or limitations physically they had to do like a little extra to protect him and that led to those open shots for green it’s 1918 in the first quarter celso on a 90 run the last minute 39 and the place is going crazy it’s four buckets in a very short amount of time two Dallas turnovers and it felt like that was the game now that’s ridiculous to say but now that we have the result you’re like well they never really caught him after that closing moment and the play starts going crazy so the rest of the game you’re kind of wondering is Luca gonna go off or is Kyrie gonna wake up Kyrie went 03 in the first quarter 28 in the first half and he did not wake up at any point uh but the others were no shows again this just was a much harder job for them against the Celtics than it was against the previous teams they played based on everything we just talked about and how you defend Luca PJ and Derrick Jones Jr one to n from three and that’s how I’ll remember this series The Story of this series is even if the other guys had Step Up Boston probably wins the series but knowing if you’re Luca there was really nothing and Luca wasn’t great last night but there’s just nothing else that you can go to especially with Kyrie the version of him that we expect even a diminished version from the 17 version is like you need to take over for a quarter you need to have a moment you need to have some kind of run a run that you had against Minnesota a run that you had in those second halfs against the Thunder and it just never happened so that means that everybody else is like weit I’m not supposed to do any of these things like I was on the Hornets I was on the Wizards like this has been a cool story and it was a great trade and it turned Dallas around so I’m not going to now regrade those trades because they lost the finals the trades were great because they got to the finals but there was just not another piece there to rely on offensively for Luca so Boston gets up 26 points in the third quarter 7852 910 left to go in the third Boston scores four points from 910 until Howser’s non non-committal floater if you watch that one he’s like I don’t want to do this but I guess I got it to now and it goes in that’s four points from 910 to 209 seven minutes and one second of game action wait Austin’s kind of doing it again here but here’s the thing they can have that haunting stagnant offensive moment that every Celtics fan is well aware of like how is this team this good and can be that bad offensively for that long of a stretch knowing that all the offensive statistics tell you it’s one of the best offenses in the NBA like wait it’s happening again just like it happened at the end of game three well it’s because Boston could always Bank on its defense and in those offensive moments Boston’s defense was terrific Luca was exhausted I think everybody was really exhausted in this game to be honest I think it’s that much of a grind on you emotionally and physically to play at your Peak and know all right I still have another 12 minutes to go in the fourth quarter so the Celtics win the title and it really wasn’t scary at all I want to talk about a few different things here Brad Stevens so he takes over when a leaves in June of 21 I know how frustrating it was in Boston and it felt like Celtics fans had kind of turned on him a always seems to be somebody that played a little bit worse than he deserved publicly meaning that it was like man I don’t know if it’s just people get don’t like him as a player or what it just always felt like the Ang criticism was far more aggressive than it ever deserve to be I thought um because if you think about how this team has been built like I don’t think there’s many GMS that do what a does in the Tatum draft I think most GMS go like well folz is still supposed to be the guy so I’ll just take fols because it if I’m wrong with this at least I did what everybody else was going to do and instead he trades out of that pick picks up another pick and then adds Tatum when he drafted Jaylen Brown prior to that I remember doing that draft that Cal team was terrible I couldn’t figure Jaylen Brown out I’ve been wrong about him my entire career and he saw something in him that I certainly didn’t see and I don’t know who else would have taken him three in that draft so if a lays the foundation and puts up the frame then Brad Stevens is the Finish Carpenter with this product because when he takes over meaning Brad they’re like okay he’s this terrific coach but it seems to have gotten a little bit stale like he doesn’t actually want a coach anymore but now he’s just going to be the GM is he going to be able to do that and there’s an argument that he’s even better than that than he was as a coach he made four deals in less than two years that increased the talent level three five three through six in a way that’s very hard to do in a very short amount of time and here’s what I also love about Stevens is that he didn’t really care about those picks know I remember years ago with Bill where I was like you know I just think these picks I know it’s 20 to 29 and every fan base gets really excited about the guy you took at 23 like I’m sure some of you are still wondering how J.R giddens didn’t work out right length score a little bit look at all that look at that wingspan right it’s an exciting thing on draft night for your team to take one of those guys and you kind of talk yourself into it even though history tells us there’s just not a ton of value especially if you’re already an established team and you’re thinking who am I going to be able to take from like 15 on that can actually make this rotation and be a contributor to this team right away and I don’t know that a new GM would be this aggressive being like I’m not really worried about these picks even when he did take a lford took a ni Smith but then flipping those guys and then flipping picks later on for a dck white who ended up being Langford we just mentioned Richardson a 22 first which was Blake Wesley and then there’s that 28 pick swap worry about that later they’re like hey Malcolm brogen’s a really good player that would increase our talent one through five let’s see if we can figure that out or one for six one through six if you talked about brogen so it’s n Smith a 23 first that ends up going to Denver which is Strather so like all right then the Marcus Smart deal which a lot of people were wondering like how can they give up their heart and soul how can they give up their toughness you’ve heard my position on Marcus Smart a ton of times so we’re not going to go through all that again again I always thought it was kind of weird it was like wait if you think this team isn’t tough why is taking smart away like if you if you think the Celtics have all these problems which again I did and we’ll get to kind of that 21 start here in a second but I just felt like a lot of that stuff is is just Tommy Point stuff where you get really excited about your favorite player but you’re ignoring that maybe there’s actually some limitations with him where if the team did something different you could be better and they mooved smart for porzingis who had a horrific year I’m not look on record I said I was like I didn’t love the extension with his injury history but it changed who they were um and they got a pick in that deal which they then flipped to Portland in the Drew Holiday trade where they’re like look Drew is better than Brogden Rob Williams is hurt even when he isn’t hurt and then they move those firsts um that one this year and then the one in 29 so that’s white brogen into a Drew smart and a porzingis that changes who you are as a basketball team team and that’s that’s the stuff that I think is a little bit harder to do and I don’t know how many teams would say yeah I’ll just start giving up these first because reality is I don’t even know if that guy’s even gonna play for the team that I’m running there’s also another part of this that I think is important um whether it’s the front office and ownership pointing to Missoula Post oka’s drama and the moments where it’s like is Missoula actually the right guy I can tell you this like I know enough of the people over the course of the years working for the TV station like these are smart people okay I had a hard time believing that they would just be dumb and be like yeah we’ll just give it to Missoula because we’re not good at this and because missoula’s quirky look if he goes 30 wins and gives you those quotes the fan base would be like we have an insane person running the basketball team but whatever it was beyond the X’s and O’s the timeouts the substitution patterns there really seemed to be a message that was consistently bought into by this team which is really the primary job of being a head coach in the NBA are they still listening to you all right and it’s very easy for these guys to tune anybody out so I’m happy for Missoula I’m happy for Brad I’m happy that a gets a little bit of credit after the fact I’m happy for Wick because when I first moved to Boston and started working for a radio station there’s a personal thing there where Wick reached out to me know I tried to not bother him because I felt like it’d be annoying me bothering a guy who owns an NBA franchise but there’s never been a moment where he hasn’t been awesome to me and I know how much he cares I know how much money they’ve spent on this and I think they’ve been really aggressive owners the entire group but there’s also a lesson because if we go back to that 21 season that I referenced the 2122 where they end up in the finals against the Golden State Warriors they were 16 and 19 on on January 21st of 22 they were 23 and 24 and Bill and I did a pod right around that time and I remember because I don’t like saying this if I’m not like around a team every single day but I go man I think they’re soft this is a soft basketball team like this group as talented as they are with those two guys it might not be it it was the first time I was open to suggesting splitting the two guys up and trying something different because you’re like how are they under 500 well things Chang quickly they closed the season 28 and7 they lost in the finals to Steph the Warriors which I don’t think is some embarrassing thing but at that point it’s just added to the different playoff failures which I’ve always said like 17 and 18 20 they really count 22 okay it’s disappointing we made to the finals 23 is a disaster but all of this stuff because they were ahead of schedule with these young players like how are they in the Eastern Conference Finals again this doesn’t even make any sense all that could added to kind of this hangover or anxiety about who they could be in 24 so I think there’s a lesson in there once again which is always a good lesson to repeat which I’m not sure that we’ll follow this lesson because the next team that’s three years into playoff failures with a young roster are are we going to say hey let’s hold off because of look what Boston did we probably won’t maybe we should but that might be the lesson and like wait let’s let’s look back and think about those questions two incredibly young talented big wings that can score on their own and also can play defense isn’t the entire league in the business of trying to find those guys so I’m guilty of it too because at some point you just go maybe this won’t work and they need some kind of change but that’s why whenever we do these offseason previews I’m like yeah they’ll probably just run back because you almost want to give yourself more chances to fail with your guys as opposed to failing by giving up on them a little bit too soon the other part of this is that a title means something entirely different for this generation and yes there are older players that went years and years without accomplishments and the joy that they have once they hold that trophy in their respective Sport and hold it up and they’re like I finally the whole point of doing this a decade Plus in the league like I’m thinking about like older baseball players like finally having their moment so that moment has existed in the past but not like it exists now because when you’re a player like Jason Tatum who when I was watching The Trophy presentation and the relief on his face I’m thinking to myself this guy’s 26 years old you think he’s 38 like ah I finally did it like you actually did it before a really nice list of Hall of Famers some of the best players in the history of this game and you did it at 26 I mean hell he turned 26 in March and yet you can’t tell him like oh no you’d be fine you’d be fine if it took a couple more years because this is your if you’re one of these players the face of a franchise an all-nba guy flirting with the MVP conversation even though I don’t think he’s in the class of like that first tier of players but he’s he’s awesome and it really is for all of these younger players if you get to do what Tatum did last night or a Giannis or joic who maybe doesn’t care as much as the other two guys I talked about it really is kind of your [ __ ] you moment to the world which I’ve always felt is a bigger part of this generation when we look at their accomplishments I’ve mentioned this before but I’m going to do it again because the access to hate makes this generation of athlete look at the things around them differently than any generation prior to them and that’s just the reality of of the access of this stuff when LeBron goes to the Heat Nike runs an ad where he’s a villain in a black hat because it’s like oh everybody hates me now all right I’ll embrace it Kevin Durant had a Nike ad in 2017 that started with a fake sports caster saying Durant shouldn’t be the first pick quote he’s too weak followed by another guy holding a sign that says soft Durant was like one of the most sure thing NBA prospects ever by the way James Harden had that one with Adidas that suggested that not playing defense was about his originality as a player I love that one Steph Curry’s Apple documentary starts with Reggie Miller reading a negative scattering report on Steph uh 20 minutes into the dock they have Steph sitting in his car listening to guys calling to talk radio dumping on the Warriors Anthony Edwards gets eliminated by the Dallas Mavericks and immediately Adidas has an add up of a guy reading the receipts the criticisms of Edwards as he’s getting shots up so the point is is there is a new reward beyond the actual ring and the championship for the team for the city and adding to the resume of your career and how you’re going to hold up against other great players there is this ultimate reward of I got to do the thing that all of you said I couldn’t do and the day after you hold up that trophy all of that doubt becomes irrelevant you likely know him from his work on Everybody Loves Raymond is Shopper number two episode Ray buys fruit and also the host of Sports Center on ESPN two decades in his name is Scott Vel hello how many decades has it been it’s two plus 2 point what I don’t it’s like I think this is the 10th year which Jesus Christ no no no how long have you been there is it 20 that’s another that’s another JC dude uh 20 I don’t 20 2001 was the first year so we’re like I don’t know whatever this is wow you’re getting good at it am I or I’m about to get I’m about to age out of this [ __ ] ah let’s uh let’s start with the finals because you had an incredible Studio show with legs the whole deal everything last night so the first thing you think about with the Celtics pulling this off last night just the the patience the the organization showed you know that that you you and Bill are are so immersed in in this and have such a great feel for all the different organizations and whatever but specifically I think Boston given your your your you know who you grew up with and I just admire the fact that they you know everyone’s like well you can’t Brown and Brown and Tatum just not gonna work this they’re it’s just done it a redundant it’s just blah and they’re like no no what whether they kind of couldn’t punt or they just whatever they did organizationally the fact that they decided to stand Pat with them and then the additions that they make and having a a selfless sort of a guy like Drew holiday that’s just a pro that can do everything and you then porzingis who’s capable of hanging massive numbers and whatever on a nightly basis white evolving into a a reliable 20 plus Point guy and a great defender I just think they were the best team all year long and the thing about this league and I said it on Sports Center last night Ryan that I think what happens is we we get bored with things we think we know what they are and we’re way more intrigued with the possibility of what might be it’s like a game show what’s behind door number three and so many teams are what’s behind door number three and you think it’s going to be the brand new car and then maybe it’s like a sofa you know what I’m saying and and ultimately Boston all year long they showed everyone who they were they were the best team and whether it’s just the Advan metrics and different analytics are just how many points did we score and how many points did you score from October until now they just showed that they were the best and I said this and I’m curious how you view it all right Butler was hurt Giannis got hurt I get it okay halberton got hurt against Indiana fine I yeah Luc is dragging along who knows what kind of scar tissue taking shots and all the rest nobody looks at Banner number 14 and goes yeah that was the year that so and so was H I just don’t think that’s what we do we don’t do we don’t do revisionist history with sharp pencils on who you faced and who you didn’t do you hang a banner don’t you they were the best team this year and they won that’s that’s to me what I saw I do it with Toronto but that’s personal um you’re right you’re right because even though it was a really easy path and it was a boring finals because they were just they just ended up being an even worse matchup for Dallas than we could have imagined and some of that was just Dallas’s secondary guys as I talked about in the open like these guys were living a completely different life and those other series and then against Boston it’s like wait this is actually a lot harder now I have to like do stuff on my own um I wouldn’t have picked any of the teams in the East you know it depends if Milwaukee had maybe figured it out but it been so up and down then I’m really just kind of banking on the the resume and and top end part of like Dame Giannis but I would have had to seen it more and then to just buy into Giannis comes back because I was listening to Doc with Bill when they did a pod last week and that they thought all right well maybe Giannis could have come back for this game or this game or whatever so I don’t know that I would have bought into it then and you know the funny thing with Halton being out is nard turned into [ __ ] Isaiah Thomas in that Series so how about that it was it was still like whatever you thought you were getting from halberton but again whatever they got they got swept so it’s it’s been a weird year as I’ve touched on it throughout because when you have the dominant profile that they have there shouldn’t be any doubt and yet I still think there was doubt and I don’t know if it was because of the certain offensive things that I’ve touched on a million times or or if I think what was unfair is that because they had been there in 17 ahead of schedule 18 ahead of schedule 20 was disappointing 21 was okay whatever 22 was the finals but it was disappointing 23 was the disaster I I still don’t think they should have lost that Heat team and then that’s all leading up into this year but kind of ignoring the fact that Derek White’s only been there a couple years Drew is new porzingis is new uh it just it’s hard it’s hard especially with the new rules even even though they’re going to have anybody under contract it’s just going to be very hard to ever have a team that is that deep one through five and unless you have some outstanding second third year players that compensate your vets but if your vets were that good then you wouldn’t be drafting that high it’s just going to be hard to have a one through five that’s this good even in those moments where it felt like their flaws were concerning and it’s also going to be rare that you have that kind of that that much continuity with star players that don’t get there because people just can’t fight the urge to blow it up for whether they should or they shouldn’t they people just get impulsive they get impatient and Boston didn’t and they added the right pieces and again like I just think we I think we get bored with what with yeah well we know what they are well what might somebody else be and and and the league is a lot of that right you Durant goes to Phoenix you’re like oo when these guys all get healthy huh you’re like oh maybe they don’t and then maybe actually they got a point guard oh [ __ ] they don’t have a point guard maybe can protect the rim no oh they might get beaten the F yep that’s it you know I think the the the Intrigue of what could be and the the the possibilities of star players and how do they you know how are they cohesive this or that the other thing Boston had a bunch of stars and a bunch of guys that were willing to to I don’t want to say accept roles because it’s like like Drew holiday is not just some little oh you’re you do a nice little job but it’s you’re right though there’s there’s Drew has to really accept it’s like you’re goings you’re just never going to be the first option down the floor so that’s cool I’ll check whoever is the other team one of their best options and I’ll be great at that and then I’ll facilitate and like how many times was he involved in hockey assists in this series right where the ball would go say Tatum to him and then to Brown or brown to him to Tatum or Tatum would feed him that one game where where Drew did have the big scoring night and Tatum had a ton of assists well that’s just being patient and just waiting biing your time and knowing that I one of the guys on our team who on a nightly basis is capable of getting 20 Samad did it in this series Dallas just clearly didn’t have that beyond the two that they had then Kyrie wasn’t great in the series after he was all playoffs long so it ends up being a pretty boring finals but maybe it was a boring year if you’re just from October till now you just looked at what Boston was and just accepted them as what they proved they were which was the best team in this league you had legs all season I mean he was great he did an hour with us and it was just incredible stuff so you had legs in studio he so good yeah I mean he came on and we just were talking playoffs I think it was the conference Championship so it wasn’t that long ago and you just get done and you’re like my God that’s so much fun but what were some of the things you think because I watched last night but I just want to share for the audience like things that he kept kind of hitting on is like the story of this finals is like the things he was really pointing out to you and to your audience of like why this series played out the way it did he well he liked Dallas and the I couldn’t understand why because I just like I remember having wior on before the finals and I just said have are why are we squinting so hard at Boston trying to find some flaw like what are we why are we doing this and I guess I get it because you look at who Dallas beat and how they beat him and they created a lot of problems also they made a [ __ ] ton of Threes And then in this and this series the ball kind of got stuck and guys don’t make shots I think they hadit six in the first one seven in the second threes and Boston just had this massive three-point advantage and you just if you’re drawing up like okay how many how many guys does Boston have that can score 20 tonight it’s a much longer list than than Dallas this isn’t really complicated we’ll take our two and just trust that brown and and Tatum are going to get at minimum 40 maybe 60 you say the same thing with Luke and Kyrie and again because Kyrie didn’t shoot well that that that really caused big problems but it was legs pointed out that he thought that Kyrie for all the growth and all the the the the sharing he did of how he felt like I wasn’t ready for a lot of stuff in Boston went through a lot of stuff in Boston but I’m in a good place now okay well you still got to go there right it’s like you can move on from your ex-girlfriend but now you gotta go have dinner at the like Christmas dinner with the new with your new family and you got to sit there and look at each other and maybe it makes you feel uncomfortable who knows maybe you’re just tired maybe you just have a few bad games whatever the case may be but Kyrie wasn’t good enough in this series and and and legs just said he felt like he was passive and the scoring options for Dallas were just limited and it was it was it was in many ways as simple as that those ancillary pie pieces weren’t good enough ball got stuck um and then they were horrible at ends of quarters Boston they did it again last night it’s a one-point game about a minute and a half to go in the first NE next thing you know it’s 10-point game sloppy possession lack of aicle on defense after getting praised for a bunch of defense and just you know windhorse went viral for going off on Luca but was he wrong was he wrong about the the bitching it officials was he wrong about him you know getting blown by on defense at that at that point no I don’t think he was wrong I no I don’t think he was wrong I guess it was so it was aggressive for windhorse so for sure made it made me pay more attention and I was like whoa isn’t that isn’t that isn’t that the key point though Ryan that when when a guy’s as reasonable and as measured as Brian always is and then he’s just like you’re like whoa you lean in because it feels maybe I think I I don’t know if it wasn’t personal I don’t think he wasn’t mad at Luca as as a human I think he just feels like you’re better than what you’re doing this this side eye nonsense of bitching it officials all season long it’s there’s it just hurts your team and it hurts you I said it I said a while ago just and I’m sure it’s happened organizationally right you just sit down have somebody in your video Ops group just go through the games put together a tape like and one of your worst moments show it to LC and say listening session yeah well sure listening session nobody likes listening sessions though that’s the problem is luk two guys you know what if we go back to our listening sessions that’s probably the appetite that Luca would have for somebody sitting down and telling him how he’s supposed to act oh I don’t know what to do huh okay yeah let me let me listen to what you tell me how I’m supposed to host this thing it’s probably our answer did you play Anywhere oh you studied calculus all right thank you for your uh I don’t I think I could guess how Luca would would respond to that uh my and it’s not that windhorse doesn’t know this because clearly he knows it I just felt like okay everything you said I would agree with but he’s the only reason they’re in the NBA Finals he’s the and then watching them play out the way they did in these games like I I don’t really sure he could have been better in game five to start yeah okay no problem but when you want to go over the list of like who was closest to meeting your expectations he’s he’s the closest of any of the MZ players because the Kyrie part of this is fascinating is that sometimes in life being the Robin is the worst all right and I’m not trying to make this about you and I but being being the second guy when everybody knows who the star is that’s not for everybody all right I [ __ ] hated it yeah but you live in a Batman house now bro so it’s all good it had nothing to do with you but I I was like I don’t want but some people are like this is awesome like I really don’t have the pressure I don’t have to do any of these things so when I looked at the Kyrie celebration it was very like it it was unbelievable what was happening and part of it was based on what our expectations for Kyrie were it was like hey man it’s been a pretty quiet season like when’s that point coming I was wondering if there was going to be somebody in the Celtics media that’s just a massive Homer that was like hey do you know about the new Mavs ownership and some of the fundraising that’s going on like I was wondering if somebody was going to be a plant if the Mavs had gone up 20 in the series be like all right somebody somebody ask him about International Affairs all right yeah let’s see if he can so Kyrie deserves like credit for having based on our Kyrie standards a very drama free season but there were games against the Thunder where you’re like wait single digits again but then we’re going to hear on the next game after he lights it up for a quarter how it’s the best scoring back court that we’ve ever seen in the history of basketball in history yeah right you’re like well that seems like the Warriors weren’t that long ago were they how col that footage it’s not the strength of the of of the collective I I do think there irony is a word that that gets used incorrectly there was a song about it uh but I think that idea of a guy that didn’t want to play second fiddle to LeBron at at at at LeBron’s peaks of his PO is then very comfortably becoming the number two like n I’m good over here man I’m yeah but that one that one’s different though I actually s with Kyrie on that one because Kyrie found out that he was a piece of of the chess board for LeBron to move around somewhere else then he was like that’s fair that’s fair because he’s always GNA be he’s always going to be operating on a different sort of however many 3D level chest that you want that’s that’s fair but I but still to to your point about do you want to be a two or the robin you know I he’s that there and he’s clearly that there that’s Luca’s team he l is the guy yeah but it was it like because Kyrie’s never been the one I mean I guess he was with Boston but it wasn’t really that long and then he missed the other playoffs so the only one experience that he really had I guess is in 19 so technically you say okay he’s the one but here’s what I think of like of wrapping up a bow on the entire Kyrie at least Boston piece of this all right okay um I don’t I never cared that he left I cared that he just kept adding there was stuff with the Nets like I don’t care about the Nets and there was just stuff with the Nets I’m like come on man so then you kind of felt good about the basketball part of this because he hits that game-winning left-handed Runner against the nuggets in the regular season and you just go oh my God like here we go like he’s back and everybody’s talking about how happy he is and how great everything is and I don’t know if the Boston thing messed him up because then I was looking for that I went back and looked I’m like okay wait can I find some kind of number that tells me that against Boston when he’s in Boston in the playoffs that there’s this drop off from him because the crowd stuff actually does get to him and there really wasn’t anything cuz he had two 39o games at that place in the playoffs so like okay well that theory doesn’t really hold up so I brought it up and then kind of shot it down but I do think it was a factor and even with his answer about oh the Celtics being a cult or whatever when you heard the entire Answer In fairness to Kyrie it wasn’t like he was destroying like when I saw it in in word form without the video I’m like okay that seems to be like him taking a bit of a jab but I would say this to Celtics fance okay two things when Kyrie checked out of the game last night and I was in the building for it it was like all the stoppage stuff had already happened all the new Mavericks had already checked in the game they were waiting to take the court they’re waiting to inbound and then Kyrie goes around to kind of like dap up and hug every single guy in the Celtics side of it and the funny thing is at that point the arena just wants to win the championship and now Kyrie’s holding it up so in a moment where he’s actually trying to be gracious and you could also argue that maybe he was trying to make it about himself and all this different stuff but in maybe a moment where he was trying to heal or repair because I do think he’s been really there’s been answers that he’s had where he I think he’s been very genuine and being like hey there’s things I did wrong and all this kind of stuff like it seemed like it mattered to him that Dynamic with the crowd booing him and chanting that he sucks for all of these games that I don’t know if he was trying to just have some kind of resolution for himself or maybe he was making that moment about himself but for Celtic think about the Arc of the story this guy tells you he wants to stay he leaves he dumps on the place at every possible turn and then he had to be in the arena as the trophy was presented to your franchise like I think it’s over now is for sure and and I I I get what you’re saying because it took a while right I mean it’s like I got I kind of I gotta dap up you I don’t know you but you’re NE I’m I’m going this way and you’re sitting there so there’s that kind of awkward exchange some people I’m sure you have something with maybe others don’t I I have chosen to view this whole thing as sincere I understand the kind of everyone wants to be hostile towards everyone at all time no one’s allowed to grow no one’s allowed to do make mistakes and F up and then do better I I think he’s done better I I’ve I’ve listened intently to the way he’s spoken and I think he says a lot of stuff that sounds really healthy and good for him and so I just felt like it just once he got so far down the line it was hard to walk past people and sort of acknowledge who he was walking past and again you were there I wasn’t uh so yeah it kind of took a while but it my my my read on it from throughout was that this was a guy that’s in a totally different place um if we talk any US Open I think you could say some of that about Des Shambo a guy that just sort of did some stuff you’re like what are we what are we doing brother and you’re we’re all allowed to get better I guess is what I’m saying yeah there’s a bad TV topic of like who’s kind of rebranded them El better Kyrie or Bryson I think Bryson’s got a big ass trophy so that’s going to be an easy one at the moment right at least at least okay well let’s let’s because I even talked about this with Bill like the way winning makes you I think sometimes like now I can’t say anything bad about you right that’s almost the point of yeah now now you can’t like Yeah but isn’t this still accurate don’t care it doesn’t matter and for Bryson look he’d already had one so this isn’t like it’s his first but it really felt like for a time there he was the most unliked guy on the tour had the pivot already happened and then what does him winning mean now look he he the thing about when he won at Wingfoot was it was still pandemic and there’s no one there like there’s some like which is every now and then you’ll just I’ll do a thing where you just remember that thing right where it was this game is just no one there and then well there was an SEC game there were people there LSU those people you weren’t telling them they couldn’t come out like I’m good we’ll pour some bbon on it um but yeah there there was a moment that I think even in it I was like we can’t be outside yeah yeah we if we’re not if we’re not good outside where are we here um I do think that the the magnifier of the crowd and the clear um I I mean I asked him the other night like they felt like they were the win in your sales you know you’re a numbers guy you’re an analytics guy but it felt like you were a way more emotional guy playing off that and he’s like yeah they met they met everything and you see how popular he is um but how did that happen so fast because the guy that has the Rope fight footage seemed to be at like the low of what he got he got mad at the Rope yeah yeah he’s there’s there’s a fairly long list of stuff with the guy I mean look he he he he he’s different he’s a numbers guy and all the physics and it’s like he’s one of those guys that’s smart enough to talk in a way that maybe it’s true or maybe he’s full of [ __ ] and and when you’re talking to me about these greens and the this and the physics and the humidity and it’s like can you make the putter can’t you and there’s a there was a lot of that that that he was just different and then it was like Hey I’m gonna eat 12 pieces of bacon four steaks drink 16 protein shakes my swing speed’s 200 I look like if you pop me with a like prick me with a pin I’d fly around like a balloon and people just were they were done with it you know they were it had enough of of the of that bit and the YouTube videos and the running around like enough and there’s somewhere you could say well maybe that’s just because golf is a little bit too a little bit too serious and takes itself too seriously and I would agree with that but I feel and I told him this the other night uh Ron when he came on the show when he came to Butler cabin Thursday and Friday at the Masters because he played really well number one he looks he looks fantastic as a guy who himself is well fit he he looks so much healthier because he’s not he’s not doing whatever that protein shake food routine is and he just felt like he was in a totally different totally different energy and head space and it was obvious like sitting with a guy and you’ve talked about this through the years right a guy comes in for an interview like you got to work pretty hard to [ __ ] up the interview like you you got to you have to be a disaster to get seven minutes wrong but it can happen and we’ve lived it and and he came in and it was just in in just a barely brief window and you do a little bit of chitchat off air I just thought all right man he’s totally the whole vibe is different and enough so that I never I told everybody that I that you know hey how’s Bryson like he was awesome man I mean totally totally felt different and then he’s going out and he’s played great and he talked about Rock Bottom he lost his dad and I think the thing about the live and everyone can talk about the money and this and that I get it but the thing that that guy I think has that really he needed was this team like and this this could sound Cory but I really believe this is true he’s part of a team and he’s got these guys that now he’s got he’s got his crew and ironically enough or interestingly enough see I just used IR already wrong uh Charles how is one of his teammates and the the shot that Des Shambo always said he struggled with was a long bunker shot it’s hard as hell Charles how helped him with it he ends up winning the US Open in part because his teammate helped him work on a weakness that that was certainly a strength on Sunday and I just think all of what I’m saying here rambling as I do is that he has just gotten to a way better space and people are rooting for him he plays a really entertaining game of golf he hits it eight miles and he makes a [ __ ] ton of birdies almost won the PGA and that now he wins the US Open like he’s he went six at the Masters second at the PGA and he wins the US Open no one’s played better than the majors than him Rory who obviously lost in a brutal bitter fashion he called him a star dambo and he said he’s a Star the game needs and I think that’s pretty it’s pretty telling when Rory was on the other side of the whole whatever which feels like it’s died at this point um but Des Shambo there’s just a lot baked in there and you know he was an incredibly popular champion on Sunday okay let’s talk Rory uh and before you just jump into wherever you want to go uhhuh I didn’t understand golf prior to working with you and then just talking about it and the the lessons the stuff like over and over when we do interviews with golf people and then getting to know somebody like you’re golf crew it was incredibly educational for me because there was like a starting point of zero right in like these moments well how does that happen it’s like well this is how this happens how come this doesn’t happen more often well because that does that’s not what happens and the whole like this this traveling concert of golfers com to your city every weekend uh that those Rory moments seem impossible for us to understand away from the course but yet this is kind of what this sport is in those moments it’s just that much harder than people realize yeah there’s you know the the fact that it’s singular largely it’s just you and your caddy and you know these any more people have teams so to speak there you have mental coaches that are helping you with all the baggage but just talking our boy Stanford Steve about it we go out in the road and he he’s he’s like you in this sense like obviously he played all these Sports at such a high level but golf was something kind of new to him and the whole thing fascinates him it’s just like it is it’s like it’s like 150 uh Dead shows and each person is their own little tribe and they show up in Louisville for the PGA and it’s like all right where St where are we eating are we hook are we are we going to go out are we but it’s singular and it’s hard and it’s difficult to win and Rory’s at this incredibly high level and he’s been great and he is great and now you’re trying to knock this door down and you’ve been hearing for a while now I had want a major in a while you know four is a lot but it’s not five and that each one more feels like a lot and now here he is with a chance to get it looks like he might and then he doesn’t in the way that he doesn’t and it it lands heavy and I get it you know I get it he he he he’s not GNA he’s going to take a bit of a break and um I just think it’s a lot because you can’t be like I can’t imagine I just can’t imagine being him this week you know and I I know everybody has failures but like those moments these small putts where you just go like that’s going to be tough I don’t he’s not thinking about his money he’s not thinking about his resume he’s not thinking about his life and how great his life will be moving forward that’s the kind of thing I mean you want to talk about blown saves and and I think you you said it like in a really great way too because I was thinking about that moment of like not but at least like in football it’s the play and there’s all these things happening and and maybe you get punished or maybe you make the catch or whatever in basketball it’s like hey you got to make a decision within a few seconds here but that walk all the way up to be like all right this is what I need to do and he’s watching Bryson behind him the entire time like the way your head can just start taking over with these awful thoughts and the power to try to eliminate though it’s like not everybody is the same when it comes to that you’re you’re right and and the thing about that sport that fascinates me is that the the elements that you’re describing because in basketball like last night I mean and last night was not a great example because it was mostly uh you know mostly Boston in control but there are these little moments where it’s a loose ball and things happen in in a fraction of a second there’s no time to think it’s Instinct it’s we watch this tape I know what the Tendencies are but I’m going to react in real time and then I got to get the ball and I’m going to kick it ahead and then you’re going to make a three or you’re not and then off that then we back at it again golf’s like oh man I just hit it in the crap again it’s hot as hell I just missed a putt now I gotta walk up there and think about all the things I got to do and how do you put yourself in a positive spot you’re like I’m good I got this and then or now you’re looking at this putt on 18 and you’re roaring and that part was really hard uh because it’s it’s so short on TV but it’s downhill and it breaks and you have to he would have had to play it I talked to one of his instructors Butch Haron yesterday about it and he’s like you know you got to probably play a ball out but it’s three feet like you can’t make your brain believe your brain knows it but you can’t make your body believe that you have to do that and all you can do is think about it and all you can do is think about the outcome if you make it or if you miss it and it’s just you and it doesn’t happen quickly it it’s just five hours of walk with your thoughts and thinking about what happens if and now I’m eight under and he’s six under and oh I’m going to win this son of a gun now I’m like I got five and now it’s or if you lose the way you lose and he’s like look I’m gonna take a break and I don’t blame him at all um for just trying to step aside and and you know and I don’t want to take this is just this happened I mean we we saw a guy that battled depression um and he took his life and it was it’s it that’s something a lot of these guys Everyone Cared for Grayson and and hoped that that that would be not obviously be what happened but I think all of them recognize the difficulty of a singular Pursuit with no home games you’re just never home and this is where the people listening I think and you have Smart listeners so they’re going to nod and know what we mean but this is where you can roll your eyes and go hey man he won 2.5 the other day grind me a river I got to get up and go to work no [ __ ] buddy he’s better what he does than you are and that’s the perks of that but what comes with that is the stakes in the stage and failing in a public way he’s the man in the arena and that’s what comes with it the good’s the good but the the the bad can be heavy and it’s just a lot for these guys to wrestle with and I and I sympathize with that because we’re we’re all human you’ll interview him at some point what do you think you’ll ask him or how do you think you’ll ask him about it um and I think that’s the I made the point on Sports Center you know as much as it sucks part of this is just like Norman melted over five hours at Augusta and lost a tournament that he was destined to win and then he stood there in the dark under the trees and he answered which had to suck Phil Mickelson 72 hole he’s gonna win the US Open the one he never won and he pulls out his driver and he hits it off a tent and makes double and he stood there and he said I’m such an idiot and Rory just he split and I get wanting to leave but he’s just never done that and then he spoke that to the fact that it was like maybe the worst day of his of his professional career and I I think what I’d ask now is you didn’t speak that day and as you as you’re pulling away like what what was it not that you were running from but what was it that just you couldn’t process in that moment just knowing someone’s going to say why’ you miss the Putt and you didn’t know the answer like I’m not going to give him the answer but I just you you left and I get it I get wanting to but what was it in that moment that just made the process completely untenable because no one’s been more more of a of a standup dude than him no one and um you know I I guess you just can’t you just can’t process the the answer because it you know how’d you feel why’d you miss what happened no who who wants to do that like luk I’m sure didn’t want to sit there last night and go so that was great but you guys just got stomped no one wants to do that part of it but unfortunately it’s a part of it and I don’t feel entitled to it like that’s what they always turn into you media guys think you’re entitled to it well no it’s just part of the what it is just you if he won we asked him about winning and he lost and you’re curious sort of how do you process it you know uh I want to talk about the new pod because you relaunched the SVP svod with Stanford Steve how are the listing sessions going for that which just we’re good which just it what we wanted to do we we wanted to have a place where where we could lean into the football stuff with him and and do probably go heavy during college football uh but what we found is just to middle-age dad’s just chopping it up we’ve enjoyed it I feel like it’s become a very local po I talk about my local friends it’s very inside the Beltway not a national show anymore no not really it’s a very Niche audience uh but the the thing about and and I obviously anytime that I get the chance to do this with you is is it’s uh I enjoy it I love it um I just I really enjoy the chance to do it I just we needed to figure out like what are we going to do and like how are we going to support it and and you you see what it is now it’s it’s not just an audio space you got to have these different components and the folks from Omaha have been awesome and I’m actually as you know I had a fire in my house still not back in my house this is not my home I’m gonna have a space in my houseen I’m say again green screen right now no no it’s just this is an actual oh some nice home we’ve been in for a while some very high there very nice remnants in this home um higher end REM yeah that’s not Home Depot no sir that is a there’s like a leather you love Home Depot but I can just I can just tell no wonderful but maybe not for higher end leatherbound remnants um but when we get back in the house I I have a space that we just created just to do like have the ability to do it in the in in my home won’t be able to see the Pacific over over my shoulder hey now um but uh I just think the ability to just have conversations with people is something that matters and I liked I I always enjoyed doing it it was just the just figuring out how are we going to support and promote and those the folks from Omaha were able to sort that out and uh and I’m grateful for the for them giving us that chance to do it because obviously we need more podcasts in the world uh I’m playing Pinehurst in a boys trip this October by the way yeah let’s just say guys guys were like can we change the after watching watching what happened this week no we’re thrilled we’re we’re excited we’re super pumped up the guys have not gotten together in a very long time so we have one friend shout out to Chris elvan who’s put it’s a hard golf course my friend it’s it’s just a really difficult Golf Course those greens are very very very hard yeah it looks like it’ll be challenging uh so I I had been playing for the first time kind of coming back to it this year and out of the gates I’m playing pretty well based on what you’re expectations would be uh not playing for 20 years and then going like okay I’m going to play I’m actually going to play you know what’s weird about that which and would I I think that that go ahead I I I don’t go ahead I I’ll come back to what I was gonna say because you were getting ready to say something right because then I needed to sell the next part of it so then I get invited um I played out at Bel Air which was was amazing and I wasn’t playing that well and uh there’s a caddy there that had listened to you and I watched you and I over the years and I was like what am I doing wrong he’s like I fix you in 5 minutes so we did a little lesson bringing the old hands inside there you go there we go throwing the grounders out to second base keep the hands inside and I was like man this is this is lifechanging so now as I took the lesson and I start working at the range and I’ll even pull up to the par three near my house and I’ll just go chip balls for an hour 60s 8s and then maybe a little seven action if I want depending on kind of what kind of slope I’m working with who am I talking to right right because I because when guys don’t play with me like you can hit it but it’s not always great get yourself into some trouble but some of the hand workk around the green is shocking considering how how aggressive the te stuff is so we try to dial all this back so I put together all of this stuff I got fitted for the most expensive shafts imaginable expensive shafts and the guy’s like no keep swinging I was like I don’t know if I’m going to swing this hard he’s like no you have all the swing speed keep swinging harder and harder and harder and he’s like these are the perfect yeah are the perfect sh for you and the whole time I’m like I guess I’ll get these shats but I can’t fathom that this is actually how I’m going to swing every single iron shot through the rest of my career so probably have to replace these at some point so anyway invited again down to Newport Beach my guy Chad who came on trainer to the Stars Joe St ever heard of him left tackle and um Jake nap’s brother okay Jake naap who’s now on the PGA tour and is it looks like he’s full of all the skills I I would defer he’s got the good stuff won it saw I saw him at Augusta actually went up and introduced myself and just I just i’ never met him and I was I just love when people earn their way to that place because that’s how you get there right you didn’t you didn’t win some contest you you won a tournament and means you’re good enough to be here um nap moves it man I bet does his brother kill it like CU he nap’s not a big huge dude but he is destroys the ball right so his brother’s Ryan so there’s gonna be some money gonna be some money involved and uh they’re like all right what’s everybody’s handicap and I’m like well I haven’t really done that but I knew in my head I was like from wherever you were with this magical breaking 100 start after not playing for 20 years and shooting a 90 one day what well I go just put me down for like a 22 23 whatever and I go and then if after nine you think it’s [ __ ] then we’ll just readjust and of course one guy’s like well that’s dangerous like the hustle on I proceed to play the single worst round I have ever played going all the way back to like when I first actually tried to play golf summer that’s always a lot of fun yeah I mean just atrocious atrocious [ __ ] never never could figure out what was wrong it was it was just a disaster the entire time and meanwhile all three of those guys including nap who had his brother or I don’t know if they shared the course record but I think the brother that we were playing with currently at that point had had it or lost it to his brother so it was one of the worst times I’ve ever had on a golf course then I tore my calf then I tore my calf so I haven’t been playing yeah but what happened what happened from the from what was the guy’s name at belir Mike Matt Matt sorry Matt fixed you hands inside second base like what we you lost you totally lost the swing thought you know what I was you know what happened I was becoming a range guy I was becoming a range and Chip guy Ranger Rick got got to be able to take it gotta be able to take it from the range to to the first T Ryan it’s really what it’s about exactly like hey you’re gonna You’re Gonna Keep practice your free throws you’re gonna check into the [ __ ] game here so and now you the so after the calf we had we so wait the last time you play was this catastrophe a full 18 yeah yeah and this is not the recipe for success Pinehurst is what I’m telling you so I got to go on a full core press starting now I got to get back to it inside yeah you got really expensive shafts and you you’ve been working on the wedge game which is going to be important I the whole notion of playing fairly well after not playing at all I think makes sense because you have you don’t have any bad habits and you’re naturally obviously athletically gifted we can see it yeah well and so no need to say it but thanks it’s just you know sure you’re gonna have natural power you’re not you’re not going to have to wrap the club around your ear to wh it just a that shoulder turn and then boom a little speed through the ball I feel good about it I just think I just I think we got to get back to to Matt also just because youd go back to Bel a how good is the talk about just The Vibes are Immaculate that place is pretty pure the Bel Air experience really was was something special when I had n on Nance and I were talking off the air and I don’t know that anybody truly understand you would know this well but like you could think of Nance like some way like he’s hosting these worldly events he’s the face of this network for like 40 years like could he even be normal like can you be that and also be like normal and then when you get him off away from that he actually was like so normal about everything I this is coming out wrong so I I don’t know what I’m even trying to say but it was funny because I asked N I was like do you belong to any courses any clubs uh in La he was like uh yeah a few I I can get out get a nine get a little evening nine lot of lot of the local munies have been pretty good about getting me a tea time uh yeah so I got the invite yeah I got the invite out there Marty fish invited me when I first got here he’s like come play with me and then he was like oh what do you shoot and I went well probably break a 100 and he goes is that even fun and I went okay and then he’s like not to be a dick and I was like you’re doing an awful job not being a dick right now is that like the moan Sun trip like what are you what would you be comfortable playing a hand that’s the same that’s the same exact Vibe sorry yeah that’s the exact same thing hey man let’s start hanging out all the time going down to the casino playing some cards what are you comfortable losing not that uh though it really it really is it’s just it’s this old old meets it’s not old meets new so I’m just I’m not being I’m not doing a great job of this considering this is what my job is but we played with somebody who had been like kind of a lifer had grown up around it so because we were playing with this guy normally if I was getting a tour while I’m struggling through around 18 I’d be like I don’t need the tour man and actually it made it awesome because he was like that’s what this is and this was over here and this is what this means and this is so it was this history lesson which you know I love the old archive IES and it was uh even though I didn’t play well it’s one of the probably it’s probably the best place I’ve ever played and the most fun I’ve had the best places in the game I think are the ones that know they’re great but aren’t trying to to flex on anybody because they’re just comfortable with what they are there are clubs that that are super pretentious and want you to feel what’s the what’s the line about I’ll just say another club in Los Angeles that that they’re not com they’re not comfortable till you’re uncomfortable that’s sort that’s the ethos of the place and you’re thinking well why would that be if you have a guest come you want them to feel most welcome I think a place like obviously you know belir that’s a that’s the good stuff um I just did notice as I was watching on this uh screen that I I I was at the beach this weekend and I did uh they didn’t apply enough sunscreen and it was this year the upfronts Ryan I got a chance to meet Ryan Reynolds and tell him that I I look like an an avocado that had sex with an older avocado like Deadpool the difference is that this like there was no explosion there was no accident this is just sort of what I’m working with and he was very gracious and said no no it’s it’s working out great for you um but I do kind of have the Deadpool going at the moment where I sort of a Hellboy kind of a mess looking at the moment a lot of flaking of skin and freckly Jesus Christ your parents always matches my expectations so I wouldn’t worry about it all right pal that that’s good uh Reynolds you think you and him connected at all a little bit I I well it was it was actually was was a hell of a double header uh met Emma Stone and now I’m jealous and then I she said I actually had done something for recorded something for her husband and she was appreciative of that and I’m thinking in my head she she thinks I’m some other person I think because I don’t know that I did that but I just didn’t want to ruin the moment I just said well I’m I’m I’m hope you enjoyed it and if you ever need anything I’m happy to what I didn’t know what to do I just wanted not to say anything ridiculous and then not long after that these were at the upfronts in New York City uh and then Ryan reals and the good news is when we when we would have Hollywood Types on the show and they’d tell us in advance oh they’re such a big fan of the show and then rilla would always get super aggressive go yeah what segments do they like yeah tell me tell me segment that they like that we did what do they like the two o’clock reset what they like well that was the Denzel that was the alltime Denzel one I learned that lesson yeah I learned it very early that it was like a year after they’re like no he’s a huge fan of what you guys do and so he wants to come on I was like Hey Denzel what’s up man [ __ ] almost just tackled and I went okay there’s a lesson here somewhere so yeah okay so you’re on it you’re on it keep rolling thankfully it was a it was an instant sort of a recognition and and and gave me an it was an it’s an honor to meet you and I said well that’s that’s probably overstating it but it’s great to see you and I got to tell him the uh the Deadpool joke which which I got a big kick out of because I had just come from being in Louisville at the PJ Championship when someone saw me and they said hey you should get some sunscreen on there and I said no it’s fine I look like an avocado had sex with an older avocado which is what I said to them and then to to Ryan Reynolds uh who who said it was an honor to meet me but he was very kind very gracious um and that was so that was a big that was a big one met met a couple of superstars there at at the UPF front yeah it sounds like it em a stone wow wow you know maybe maybe Gosling one day you know what we did here though what I like that we did is that we did usually what was one of my least favorite things is when we had limited time 7 to9 minutes on the radio show but we talked golf we talked about how’s your how’s your swing hit them straight and then I would just look at Scott and go like come on like we just wasted a question and Scott’s so much nicer than I am and he’s a massager of the interview especially when you’re better no but I was young and abrasive yeah no but you’re but you also you also were very very uh educational for me because you you taught lead with the fun start with a fun because we’d inevitably eight minutes into our seven minute interview you’d ask the fun question then we’d have great stuff going and then me the worst saying goodbye or to anyone of the interview then we reach 14 and we’d still I’d still be not just milking the bit I’d be beating it to death and can’t say goodbye so you know these are these are things that hopefully hopefully uh I’ve shed those over time but um you had to live with them and I apologize for that I see big things years 25 I’m hoping man fingers crossed I think you’re getting better every night I watch I go he’s finally getting it he’s finally getting there every now and then I’ll have a good segment but that’s you know you just trying to have a good and then like obviously you want to tease better because that’s the it’s that’s really important you are you’re the best if we do this if we do this when we’re a hundred we’ll still we’ll still have that one little Pebble in the shoe that piss this off that we’ll make sure we air it out just just for us right yeah I I I didn’t even think we were doing it that much I think we better I think we’ got better uh but no you really are the best it’s it’s appointment watching in a in an industry where that doesn’t happen a lot anymore and all the studio stuff you guys do after the biggest events it’s like the go-to and you Steve and everybody that works on the show um keep doing everything you’re doing because it’s it’s hard to stand out right now the way you guys do so appreciate it likewise that’s uh that’s I appreciate that a lot and um as we’ve say every time at the end I’m just I’m thrilled for everything that has gone as great as it has and um one of these times I’m going to threaten you with a good time and I’m going to show up in your neighborhood and we’ll see the new spot and we’ll go by that whatever that place is in the neighborhood which was just the best what’s it called are we allowed to talk about it what the 900 Club that place yeah I want to go there again well you got the VIP access and not everybody gets that I don’t even get it and that was that was a night where Scott was just like are you serious with this like what is this what goes on in this this M mannered Surf City neighborhood Village and I was like some nights some nights it does so the podcast is out which days get that promo in there for you and Steve okay svod I don’t know we tape it on Mondays and then great promo they I don’t know [ __ ] nailed it I need to do a better job of making it some thing that matters but it does matter and we’re again I appreciate the the help but ASV pod me and Steve tap tape stuff on Mondays it’s going to be summertime it’ll be sporadic I’m sure but then football we’re actually hoping to to do something um in maybe it could it could end up being like a late night Saturday night early morning Sunday thing just to kind of do a deep dive of because everybody’s going to do the Monday of the NFL like who’s doing that instant reacts to what happens between whomever so hopefully that’s going to be able to happen but we’ll have a better idea of it then I’ll come on and do a better job promoting it then yeah all right well sounds good and I see You’ got your uh Chicken Box shirt on from Rocky shout to py oh or py uh so maybe maybe we’ll see on the East Coast this summer I miss you man talk to you soon appreciate you brother you want details bye I drive a Ferrari 355 Cabriolet what’s up I have a ridiculous house in the South Fork I have every toy you can possibly imagine and best of all kids I am liquid so now you know what’s possible let me tell you what’s required shout out to Kyle joining us uh up late last night right taping with Bill and his dad yeah it’s finally over we’re gonna start recording normal times it’s the best time of the year s is here as well uh what’s up I think uh just to update the folks take a Victory lap I think I did win our playoff draft 2517 so shout out to the Mavs for making the finals helped me out a lot oh okay way to start hey you gotta take the W’s when you get them you know I’ll take it what was my record I had 25 points you had 17 so 25 to 17 yeah so you actually smoked me there at the end why because the Mavs yeah the Mavs just carried me throughout the whole M and the uh the Pacers helped me out a lot too you know what I like that I I like the way we did that though I can’t wait to do it next year pretty excited I’m I’m already excited already doing some prep you guys want to hear uh a good story about your boy before the game last night always before we get started Okay so I had a friend who I brought to the finals a couple years ago and he goes if if they go to the finals I’m I’m bringing you so I was like all right no problem um so I went with him on his ticket and we had uh it was they were awesome seats 18 row up but we were right at Center Court so really good spot and he was flying down from Vermont with his group and I was already in Boston so he’s like look I don’t think I can make dinner the whole deal and let’s just meet there I was like no problem and I also knew even if they won I was like I can’t really go out tonight because I got stuff to do all day tomorrow and whatever and so I don’t know if it’s gonna be one of those nights and he was like I don’t care it doesn’t matter like it’s about the banner it’s about the banner I was like yeah yeah okay no problem so he sends me my ticket and I’m like I’m just going to go over now and I’ll just go into the arena or whatever but I didn’t have like a pass to walk around I was like I’ll just I’ll just hang out so I get there probably like 50 minutes before tip and he says he’s still like 20 30 minutes out so I’m like I don’t want to just sit in my seat because I’m going to be in this thing for like three hours tonight I was like let me see if I’ll go down to the putham club because I’ll either know someone or there might be some kind of thing I can scan on this because he was saying like hey there’s a thing that we have on our ticket that can be scanned so we can go to that thing at halftime but he was talking about something entirely different so I just assumed it’s like most Arenas you just have this kind of halftime hangout thing where you have to have some kind of P to get in but in the past it usually hasn’t been an issue all right so I’m walking around The Concourse and I go to one of the security guys he goes like hey what’s the best way for me to get down there he’s like well the elevator is a mess and you have to go all the way he goes you really just take the stairs dude and I was like the stairs he’s like yeah just take the stairs she’d be fine I was like okay but usually the way the stairs work is like you can’t open the doors from the stairwell so I was like all right thinking like okay what’s the worst that could happen so I go out of The Concourse I go down the stairs I go to the level below that I need to get to and I go to turn the door and it’s locked so I was like all right that’s not good so I go down one more level and I’m like if you walk out here you’re filtered right back in to the front area where people haven’t had their ticket scanned and your ticket is already been scanned so I was like well I can’t go back up the stairs now so how bad is this going to be it’s one of those moments like is this going to be one of these alltime awful stories it’s like well not not quite there yet go up to the ticket lady she scans it says the tickets already been used she looks at me and I go hey look I’m like this is exactly what happened she’s like this is so beyond me she like I have to get somebody from security and I’m hoping in Boston and that guy’s really busy right now yeah but I’m still hoping like 5050 chance like I don’t usually play that card very often but I’m thinking like of all places yeah like if it’s in the garden it’s a security guard my age at least he’ll kind of understand like all right yeah it makes sense and a dude comes over and I explain it to him and he’s just looking at me he’s like really Man the clinchy game in the finals and you just you’re G to tell me that you already came in [ __ ] around in staircases yeah yeah and I was like look he this is what the guy told me and I kind of knew it was bad advice immediately I figured like maybe somebody would open the door but nobody opened the door so yeah that’s exactly what happened and I was like you know I did TV here for the Celtics for a long time like I just I [ __ ] it you guys can make fun of me all you want you think I gonna turn around well sh guess I’m not going damn because there were still a couple calls that could have been made and would have been made to be like hey I [ __ ] up but you got to help me out here so the guy looks at me just dead pants he like I have no idea who you are that’s irrelevant to me and I was like all right good stuff good stuff Google on your pH yeah I wasn’t I wasn’t gonna go there no I I used to have hair shaved it look to the side so uh he’s like I gotta grab my supervisor and the guy’s like tell me exactly what you did and I went this is what I did this is when I came in I go this is the email of the original ticket okay and this is what happened and then he went back and then he comes back again he goes did you go he goes which direction when you came up the stairs and your ticket was scanned which direction did you go and I was like I took a right he goes yep I was like wait I kind of have like a 50-50 chance on that right that’s a coin flip um he’s like yeah you’re fine so go up tell my friend he’s like what were you gonna do I was like start texting a couple people is what I was was gonna do but uh I don’t want to say I almost missed game five last night but there was this fleeting moment of did you really just [ __ ] do this isn’t it funny when you do so like you just know something as a terrible idea and you’re like I don’t know I kind of don’t have any other options right now and then you’re like yeah I could just easily not done that and avoided all this [ __ ] but I just did it even though I knew it was a bad idea I it’s taking bad advice and those it’s those people like they’ve got no accountability it’s not like you’re in a Walmart asking somebody where the bathroom is like you’re gonna find that guy be like hey that wasn’t the [ __ ] bathroom at all what the heck was that but he’s he’s one person in a stadium of 50,000 people and he’s like oh yeah that way like there’s no accountability for those people they know it’s just there’s too many people for them to they can just say whatever they want so directions and stadiums I agree we should we should be doing better yeah I I shouldn’t have listened but I also shouldn’t have put myself in that situation so yeah the guy had a shirt on he told you to do something right I mean what we that’s what we’re taught like listen to the people that seem like they know what they’re talking about yeah see something say something anybody in a staff shirt they can tell me anything I’ll do yeah all right sure yeah yeah exactly what you want to do is go with the 300s and then you jump down in the second 12 don’t worry about it it could be a really funny skit just like dudes impersonating staff people at events and just telling people to do the dumbest [ __ ] ever I was thinking about it because I wouldn’t I’m not somebody that uh is narcissistic enough to feel like they have to share every [ __ ] moment of their life and update everyone on it where it’s like oh my God you have no idea what I just did first of all it’s sort of embarrassing so why would I be like hey let me 10 part Instagram story your of of your Journeys so this is the second supervisor and he told he’s coming back like I’m freaking out does that sound like someone you know but uh I would never post anything like that but then I thought about the people that do post stuff like that and I’m I would like imagine how that plays out like you guys have seen the car accident one right where the guy is in a car and he gets rammed by a huge Dodge truck with a big grill brush guard on the front and immediately after he posts like hey there’s a camera footage of this person they ran me off the road because they thought I was going too slow 75 80% of the replies are blaming the person in the car that got rear ended I love that yeah so love that I would never share only knowing that it’d be like well you shouldn’t have done that or you should have been the security guards are only making this much and how dare you whatever I’m like I didn’t even get mad at any we’re talking salaries yeah yeah but that’s that’s that’s was and I I made sure like I wasn’t going to get mad it was my mistake but uh I wasn’t going to just go across the street to the harp and text my buddy being like my bad see 1130 you just want it to be true you know like you wanted that it to be that easy for you to get to the thing like I think the second to last time I went to crypto they’d done away with the smoking area but I asked a guy cooler younger security guy he’s like oh yeah you go up there right now I go out there there’s just signs everywhere there’s no more you know smokers uh whatever those recepticles and I’m like that one guy told me I wanted to be true and then it’s like a [ __ ] three alarm fire all of a sudden they’re like you can’t be out here doing that and it’s like well the one guy told me and they’re like we don’t care I don’t know who you’re talking about I wanted it to be true but I I knew it was a bad idea yeah what’s like the job rating on for those type of things because like you don’t have to be right when you’re talking to patrons like is your you screwed up like five or six times this week and it’s like nobody cares there’s no like accountability in that whatsoever you can give 10 straight people bad directions and it won’t matter yeah uh I was I should have known better I’ve been in that building enough times to you knew you knew deep down you knew yeah subconscious thing but because he was saying specific he was like this go to this section and off of that staircase so I was like okay maybe there’s some hack where that staircase in particular you can go and then the other ones close behind you like every other Arena that any of us have ever been to but whatever all worked out not a big deal yep Banner 18 [Laughter] uh okay let’s go we somebody got dumped all right here we go 25 fan of the podcast been listening since 2019 stats 6 foot 230 aspiring to Get Swole one plate Squat and bench you to get those numbers up bro 230 but gaining weight in the wrong places I’m a huge Georgia fan went there uh late teens my ex-girlfriend and I met in computer science class we had back in 2019 when I was finishing my sophomore year my 26-year-old girlfriend of 5 years recently broke up with me and I’m heartbroken been in serious relationship since college she moved to my hometown to work her first job out of school unfortunately over the last year we Grown Apart we were no longer compatible like we were in college we’re beginning to look for leases and move in together for the first time we decided it it’s better to separate than continuing to stay together when it hasn’t worked out over the last year until I dated her i’ had not been in a relationship that lasted more than 6 months so I’m devastated she was my first real love and I thought I’d marry her and see the world together as a 25-year-old man who lives with his parents in his hometown how do you move on and get back into the dating scene I live in Middle Georgia and have a career in software engineering I’ve been waiting to relocate to Atlanta within the company since I took a job a year ago transferring is not difficult according to my boss since we’re CH small company and fairly flexible I still want to stay home for several more months to continue to save aggressively and finish up my current projects I’m obviously heartbroken since it’s been less than 24 hours since dude you you sent this email a day within a day after yeah you’re a [ __ ] disaster right now it’s all right um but your phrase I’d rather be lonely than annoyed rings in my head oh no I’m not trying to build any kind of army that bu into that I’m just talking about bad advice yeah that’s honestly the worst advice yeah that’s a very specific type of person Brian’s just a dude in the stadium giving advice so just telling any of you guys that are really buying into that whole premise of how I see my life and trying to apply it to your future fut just next time next time you go to a pizza parlor and there’s a guy sitting at the bar by himself 78 asking to turn up the Orioles game right look at that stare that down and say is that what you want to sign up for and then he’s sitting there talking to the bartender like oh I think their Bullpen is pretty good we’ll see you next Tuesday you got onion rings oh man try not to eat them often but so good all right um I can live with my parents until I’m ready to move out as I’ve been living with them since I graduated college in 21 but I’m definitely ready to get out of the house and head to the big city for better jobs and opportunities do you have any advice or suggestions or moving on and getting back on your feet after what feels like my own version of 2002 wow this guy is super locked in all right yeah look uh I don’t know I’ve got the two bad breakups they were both bad for different reasons vastly different reasons um the first one really hurts in a way that you’re never ever prepared for it just sucks man it’s like oh my God so this is what’s happening to you this is the first time it’s ever happened to you so the first time it hurts like you don’t have anything else to compare it to so first of all you’re going to get through it it doesn’t feel that way right now you are going to get through it some people move on really fast other people hang on to things a lot longer I think what I like from what you’re saying is you are already kind of planning the next phase of your life to try to get yourself out of what will probably be a long run um the best thing you can do is start dating somebody all right and even if that’s unhealthy and the relationship isn’t all that great and it’s some kind of rebound it’s something and can even feel selfish but it’s not like it hasn’t been done to us as well but you need to put yourself in a position to allow yourself to be in the mix with other people because sitting at home at your parents place longterm there’s not going to be anything that disrupts your routine and you’re not going to be super desirable um even though I like your frame when you’re going like you have to work on you being somebody desirable for the next relationship that you’re going to have um you know some people need like all the space and I’ve got to work on me first and all that kind of stuff like sure fine if that’s the way it works you but I think most often like it’s just hard for you to accept Okay this is over I need to start dating somebody immediately that there’s probably someone listening right now going that’s terrible advice but I’m just telling you every day that I wasted not wanting to be with anybody else because I was heartbroken is not a day that I was like great use of time all right I’ve never thought and be like it’s really cool how you prolonged your misery there for a year that was [ __ ] awesome man great use of a year we only get so many of these great self-reflection yeah now it was impossible to talk me out of that state of mind at that time because I was a [ __ ] loser couldn’t rub two 20s together and the girl that I thought I was going to Mary was now dating a a guy in the mix and I wasn’t getting invited on any weddings or any other [ __ ] on top of everybody else and then people were like don’t come back to town for a while I was like oh my God what do you mean I live here yeah yeah and then it’s like how’s Ryan doing do you talk to him I heard he’s living in a cottage doing this the shingles and his truck didn’t pass inspection okay so there there wasn’t a lot of awesome updates from your boy on that one but what I wish I had done is just said hey I don’t have a lot to offer right now I at least I got my own pad and I’m on [ __ ] Martha’s Vineyard so why don’t you just you know bat some eyes at the hostess you know go to a [ __ ] movie grab a little picnic you’re good at making sandwiches some arugula a baguette dry turkey not this oily [ __ ] that we get at some of these delies throw something together no mayo maybe a nice Italian dressing spread prepack the sandwiches go out to chillmark head up to squibby and just [ __ ] do something man get out out of the house stop thinking about her and does that mean you’re using this other person not really I just made [ __ ] sandwiches so who’s using who what do you think about it yeah right and they’re good I’m good at making them I don’t know what to tell you so you have to find a way to get to that point uh and I know that it’s really really hard I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad breakup I think I’ve always been the break rupper I would just have said heart the worst one I think I found she had become a drug addict and was stealing from me uh but that was like Academy Street guy that was a long time ago but even then I was like I guess I’m betrayed but that still doesn’t really count as like me getting dumped was way easier to move on um but so I really don’t have advice for that what I would have said is just kind of what Ryan said is just to go do something and that’s easier said than done but I guess the good news is you’re better than you were when you sent this email because it was that [ __ ] point of impact that you sent this email so did you know she was a junkie or a thief first it was tough it was tough it was kind of like it’s kind of like two two Wares coming after the turn I didn’t know which one uh it was kind of at the same time it was just like oh that’s where my [ __ ] [ __ ] has been going and uh I was like oh this is easy I was like well obviously we’re broken up right she’s like what like yeah obviously uh it was just like cash you know I was I was working those two jobs living on uh on you know in apartment after I got kicked out of college for that one year and it was like a girl that I was like a cool girl in high school and I was like [ __ ] this is like now I’m the cool guy I’ve got a I’ve got a a crib let’s go um and then it was just like uh you know the money from the cigar box was like light and I’m like is it because we got too many friends here I like all these guys and then it found out was her that sucks yeah yeah um well the good news is the guy’s young and he’s about to move to a big city so I kind of feel like I know it’s again as you said Ryan like it’s easy for us to say as older guys have kind of been through this but you know if you were stuck in your small town with the job you have and maybe you weren’t happy with how things were going but like it does sound like there’s like some sort of like change that’s going to happen at some point in your life and that’s awesome because that’s what you need you need a change you need and then once once you get I mean you who knows how long are you in this town that you’re in before you move like if it’s like a year don’t just like wallow and pity for a year but you know you could take some time if it’s a couple of months be bummed out and then just be a new guy when you go to Atlanta whenever you make that transfer so I kind of feel like naturally your life has sort of carved out a good path for you to sort of get over this and start meeting new people in a new place in a fun city so it might suck now sometimes it also feels good to just be shitty and just be sad for a while like I remember you know my first girl that I was really into and dated forever in in high school like you know you kind of like you start listening to sad songs and you just you’re just like in that mood you don’t want to get out of that mood you know and you just Mak a Van Morrison mixtape couple sad boys here what the [ __ ] this is this is where I went through that big John Mayor phase and I got into John Mayor because I’m like man this guy’s like really singing to me right now and but the good news is like there is some sort of natural ending to that so I would say you know do your thing for a while but definitely push for that Atlanta move because that’s gonna that’s kind of going to change your Vibes and appreciate the whatever dudes you have that are still in this town right I mean you’re gonna maybe you maybe you haven’t even spent as much time as you’d like to maybe you can use this as an excuse to like reconnect anding of the dudes yeah and and you have this fin night timeline where you’re GNA be out soon anyway so I mean it’s not like you’re moving States or whatever but maybe that’s another thing you can lean on and just be like hey I’m really feel like we should connect or rekindle like you said uh you guys want to do anything this weekend and then you have that plus you know that you know your timeline is is creeping towards moving to Atlanta as well I think you got stuff that you could focus on yeah I actually think there’s a ton of positives in this email okay because you this is not and I know the South can be a little bit different uh and I I just believe that but the reality is it’s your first real one so you don’t know anything else you can’t even think about other options and you’re 25 and the world is going to be full of options and you are I promise you you are going to think back at this moment when you meet the next person and you’re going to go oh my God you know whether you weren’t ready now or she wasn’t ready you just said it wasn’t going well so then it wasn’t going well for a year but then you’re like hey let’s get a place together well guess what was probably not going to happen it probably wasn’t going to go better if it wasn’t going well for a year year five and then you were going to move in together and now everything’s going to be sick I don’t know maybe I mean unless the stress was based on you not having a place to live together but it sounds like there was other stuff and even within 24 hours of this all happening and you writing this email um you’re already talking about plans like Cudi pointed out the best part of the email is that you’re already allowing yourself to think about okay what’s the next move be motivated by it if I can get to two plates on each side right yeah there you go you know there remember I remember just thinking about like the new guy with every tricep pull down that went on for years be like [ __ ] he’s PR every day yeah like all right you know who does eight reps I’ll do nine so I uh I think there’s a lot of positives in here and then who knows there’s always the you never know about this one but the U-turn of life where you be like oh there’s so much pressure and I didn’t really know what to do and I was at this stage of my life and I wasn’t really thinking clearly like let’s get back together but what you can’t do if you want to get back together with her is unfortunately because we’re all [ __ ] up you can’t tell her that you desperately want to get back together with her you have to like chill out correct you got do so well in this this time and not say a word to her that’s how it works yeah there’s a good chance like you go to Atlanta things are going well she sees your Instagram stories and maybe she she reaches out which is not a good thing I don’t think you even want that at the point if you’re having a good time there so beware go 185 for three [Music] [Laughter] post okay uh I think we got that one it is funny though really quickly how man like when you break up with somebody you just remember or when somebody get breaks up with you you really do just remember the good [ __ ] you don’t remember any of the bad stuff and you’re like oh it was so fun and but it’s like the change that really screws you up because like oh I had this routine but you just ignore all of these red flags because you’re just kind of sad because you got dumped but a lot of times like I don’t know this might not be the worst thing the world for our guy yeah that’s why the Forgetting Sarah Marshall thing I always had a pro it’s a great movie but I just always had a problem with the premise it’s like okay so he gets dumped by this unbelievable catch you know because she’s on TV on top of also being really attractive but then it’s like okay but now there’s just a run on all these attractive girls that can’t stop sleeping with him like he’s having a much better time than from what I remember being like so he like hm like I know he’s eating cereal a lot but like another Eight’s leaving his house right yeah didn’t really do anything kind of just sits around a lot all right so uh let’s get to another email should I have helped blind one here 24 years old 63 220 wish more of it was muscle maybe you set some some skeletal muscle goals who knows uh I was playing pick up basketball in my friend’s backyard oh so this one’s even like okay he has a full court we have a group of with 15 or so guys oh so this is this is a little bit more than just horse with your hammered Uncle uh 15 guys that play there a few times a week I’m in the bottom half of impact and skill level but I make smart passes and set off ball screens hit open shots and rebound occasionally real Leon Poe on our hands here so two of the best players were guarding each other tonight and the guy on the other team was cooking my teammate playing a 21 he probably was scoring assisting on 15 points per game usually when he drives in my direction I slide over to help I guard the slowest non-shooting bigs to come to the run so I figure it sense of shut off drives because I can recover to these non-shooters in time tonight in one of the last games I slid over in health the kid I was guarding was over 300 pounds was not making any shots the good player retreated backed it out my teammate starts yelling at me Tim you need to get the [ __ ] out of my way on these drives that is not help what was I supposed to do let someone Blow by if we’re casually on the perimeter I’ll go third man through but this was a direct drive at me was he upset about losing or getting cooked by this guy I’m not a good Defender but this is not a high level enough run to be screamed by a guy who didn’t play organized ball growing up should I have helped um I’m going to side with you on this one it sounds like your boy was getting absolutely worked by the other guy so he was just mad at the world the entire time and that’s what people do it’s like Luca yelling at the refs after something it’s like a lot of players yelling at the refs where there’s this immediate Instinct of competitiveness where you lose all rational thought in those moments it Happ has to be someone’s fault right yeah I look I’ve done it okay I’ve done this so um maybe not on help defense but you understand the point like it’s not anything I’d ever be proud of but what your buddy is doing is he’s yelling at you because he really wants to yell at himself so he doesn’t need to do that it would have been nice if you just gave it right back to him and based on the know your personnel it sounds like you do know your personnel and if there’s a 300 pounder out there who’s not a threat from three and maybe you weren’t positioned perfectly I don’t need to see the video of it but I think what this is is a very clear case of him being so mad about how the game was going was going to take it out on somebody else and you just happen to be the target yeah he probably would have got a quick shut the [ __ ] up for me um in a similar tone as as was provided to me that’s probably where I would have left it unless it wanted to go anywhere else but um yeah I I know what you’re talking about I mean I I have those reactions like I I could be considered clumsy uh just at times in my house um dropping stuff dropped a bottle of Crystal hot sauce yesterday so mad immediately go give us a breakdown well I got probably 80% of it up it was pretty late it was after Bill’s pod so I actually kind of shoved it in the corner with a bunch of paper towels I’m going to go handle that after this um but I was like yeah no not my proudest moment I got the big pieces we be yeah I know I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna handle it um but I think immediately I was just like why was that there and it’s like it doesn’t matter why it was there why’d you [ __ ] knock it over how about that so um that’s just even from Little Things it can happen what’s the I don’t know I feel like doesn’t sound like it’s a competitive enough level of basketball like would you do this at the Y like some if somebody did to me at the Y I’d be pissed off and I think that’s a that could be a pretty high competitive game depending on what it is I don’t know I feel like if you’re in somebody’s backyard even if it actually is five on five and you got 15 dudes and it’s like you know there’s a hierarchy of people shouldn’t be yelling out defensive rotations like that’s that’s just a dick move so I I I don’t know if the guy’s an [ __ ] in general I don’t know if you’re really that close to them whatever it probably doesn’t matter I don’t think you have to say anything to him but yeah he’s more mad at himself and he is at you and you know I wouldn’t if I wouldn’t let this be a habit of people just yelling at you at basketball games if you’re because again as we talked about this really didn’t seem like it was that much of your fault so I I don’t know probably was just like kind of a one-off thing I just let it slide yeah I think getting yelled at by a teammate in a basketball game there’s different stages of it like there’s some that I think we all just know like that’s not where that should happen I played for a men’s league in Vermont where I was the only guy of the starting five that didn’t play in college semi pro yeah semipro yeah we traveled a little bit PR not a big deal and there was a guy that I had a guard uh I think his name is Matty Johnson was like a Vermont Legend he was like a really really good player he’s older than me and he was just one of these guys was like Smooth saw the game a different way it wasn’t like he was just this awesome score and the other guys that I played with ended up becoming like coaches right so these guys were another level of like what I even understood about the game at that time and I remember like he wasn’t the guy wasn’t really shooting because he was just one of those really good players who kind of control of everything but he could still score whenever he wanted to but he wasn’t like really going at me so I started thinking like oh well maybe I can cheat off of this guy a little bit and the second I cheated off of him he threw a pass and like cut Baseline came back and then finished and it was like a level of he knew what he was doing the whole time he read what I was starting to do through the first few possessions and then he was he was kind of like this guy has no idea how good I actually am and i’ heard about him everybody told him he’s like he’s [ __ ] awesome and you’re gonna have to guard him tonight and when I left him and he scored the layup the guy on my team calls timeout and was like you can’t [ __ ] leave and I was oh no I didn’t love it man I didn’t love it but in that setting he was right and all of those guys were better than me and so I had I had to eat it I had to take it this sounds like more of the the LeBron Mario chmer thing where he’s just looking for somebody to blame though you know for something that he might have done yeah yeah like Tristan Thompson’s not my favorite but when Tristan went back at LeBron being like stop yelling at us like sto screaming at me and then LeBron had like a realization because I think there was a respect Tristan he been around same agency where LeBron was like one of the few times I’ve ever seen Lebron after he mistakenly blamed somebody else for something then kind of had an epiphany of like oh maybe I shouldn’t have done that but again if LeBron’s yelling at you in a pickup game I think most of us would actually have to take it mean something good pod I enjoyed today this is a lot of fun thanks to wargon Cudi and Kyle check out our YouTube channel on YouTube and subscribe and the Ryan rilla podcast for spot [Music]


  1. First of all, and above all, Ainge cost us a banner when he traded Perk. For Green? Seriously???
    Second of all, he hoarded all those Nets picks he scored on Pierce and KG, and eventually blew it.
    Third of all, he was a guard with a typical demented guard mentality, and for ten years refused to get a big man. That warped mind ran so deep…(see first of all).
    Ainge was a good wheeler and dealer, but too afraid to lose. Brown's a wash, but he did score on Tatum. When Brad took over, he knew, and quickly went out and got Porzingis.
    Maybe you can answer a question for me? I often see one of your local contemporaries around the neighborhood who covered the series for the Athletic, and I asked him how all the national, but maybe Barkley, and you and Simmons obviously, could pick the Mavs? It just blew me away. Anyone with even a baseline NBA IQ knows you cant win a championship with guards. (except Ainge)

  2. Jrue Holiday is the reason Boston won. Their window closes after next season when him and Derrick White are gone. The reason people don't like Boston is because all you hear about is Tatum and Brown when they both can play poorly and still win.

    Boston fans better hope they go back to back because another 10+ year drought is coming. Oh and this time y'all don't have the Patriots to save you during the down years..

  3. Stop trying to make Tatum the face of the franchise when Brown is better, keeps winning MVP awards, plays with more intensity, and is face of the league in smarts and community work.

  4. I love the take on the hate. The Internet allows us all to see how much many humans suck.

  5. Kyrie still couldn't help himself and had to bring up old shit by telling everyone they needed to "do their research" before playing for Boston. He's slimy. He deserves every booo he gets in Boston, and it obviously bothers him cuz he plays pretty bad there.

  6. The celtics didn't stay pat around tatum and brown…they traded for white they traded for jrue and got porzingis and got al back….other teams would be stubborn with the roster

  7. Russillo just annoys me.. he talks and talks will give some praise and the positive of the Celtics but when it comes to flaws and mistakes there's almost a passion in his voice when he talks about those.. but never believes in the Celtics.. he was soft all the way through never really believed in the team he said it himself he thought they could blow it. I really don't know why people listen to him anymore.

  8. These guys have natural chemistry together. They should do more content together maybe even have a show with two of them!

  9. SVP and Russillo are the Lennon and McCartney of this… I'd watch them break down a drunk 20 year olds late night Taco Bell order. Big Cat and PFT owe a lot to these two.

  10. this year made tatum so much more likeable to me – this was the point were we all could see that tatum will never be it and will only get worse from now on

  11. Ainge is a basketball seer. Having his kind of intuition when it comes to evaluating players is something you can't teach.

  12. Kyrie's problem is he keeps talking about it. He bloviates. Just say you made some mistakes, have moved on, and wish nothing but the best for the peers he still has relationships with. Done.

  13. What is Ryen's obsession with diminishing Toronto's Championship run. Wow, they didn't get to play the warriors with Kevin durant, the greatest team of all time. How does that title get an asterisk for that. You can argue the Raptors strength of schedule was tougher than any championship team proceeding them.

  14. I grew up a few miles from Pinehurst and pretty much every golf course I played was chock full of wire grass and patchy sand. Not sand traps, which would be far better. Hard gritty sand and rocks with grass you couldn’t cut with a weed whacker. Hit it down the middle,no matter how far you have to dial it back. 5 after 5 gets you 90, which is great for a hacker at No. 2. A couple of 8s or 9s get you in deep trouble. Oh, and woods are worse, all slippery pine needles.

  15. Man it was great to hear Ryan and SVP together again. I loved SVP & Russillo so much back in the day.

  16. Ì know mike and mike will always get all the props when it comes to espn radio but svp and rusillo was by far the best show and i dont think it was even close.

  17. I can tell I dont listen often. Im from MASS but hearing u give relationship advice I was like WTF! Hilarious but where did this idea come from? Probably to b different theres so many damn podcasts out there gotta do something different.

  18. Are any of you married? I mean, I now the smoker isn't (Really, my guy? Get your life together). If none of you are married or in long term relationships, what makes you think ANY of you are qualified to give relationship advice? You all suck at it. Every relationship you've ever had hasn't worked. Sounds like you are only qualified to give advice on how to END relationships, not keep them going.

  19. Kyrie was passive and I believe that is the makeup of the team. A whole lot of Luka and Kyrie try to figure out when to go or not. Keep it real when Kyrie did have it going throughout the playoffs I'm not even sure that was by design. He sees something and then attacks. I believe everyone and everything is just secondary to Luka and what happened in Game 3 exposed it and him.

  20. love you guys but I really think Kyrie's "growth" was mostly performative, he realized he had to reign in all his goofy BS after the antisemitic stuff and the disaster run in Brooklyn tanked his career, he's still the same guy he's just more subtle about it and based on his performance and attitude at the garden (getting into it with fans etc) he is clearly not over the split with the Celtics

  21. Nothing better than listening to two shills who pushed covid mandates pretending they thought the “pandemic” was strange. Revisionism is a fucking hilarious concept when everything they’ve said has been recorded.

  22. Boston wins, and the Mavs take up all the airtime. You guys… Blah blah Luka blah blah Kyrie.

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