Golf Players

[Eng_sub] LPGA최나연과 PGA김주형(Tom Kim)의 만남😍

LPGA 선수 최나연 입니다.

#최나연 #골프 #nayeonchoi

Hey, subscribers! It’s Nayeon Choi! Where am I? See the sky? I’m in the US right now. It’s the first time back in the States since…. about 14 months ago. I’ve missed here ever since I retired from the LPGA. I didn’t necessarily have a direct desire to come, but something just feels good about being back here. I’m in Detroit, Michigan. We’ve got a real big star on our show today. I’m truly nervous going to meet this person, and we’re on our way to the golf course. So, I’ll show you when we get over there. It’s been a long time since you saw me standing on a golf course, right? Honestly, the reason why I’m actually here is not for me to actually play golf, but to show you guys the big star I’ve brought with us today, I’m here standing before you now. I’ve got Tom Kim here! Come on down! Tom Kim: Hi! NYC: Nice to meet you! TK: Thanks for having me! NYC: Big fan! TK: Prettty sure I’m the fan here. I was riding the plane while flying here, and I watched your Netflix documentary twice while on the plane. TK: Really? NYC: Yes. You said you liked Thomas the Tank Engine. TK: Ah, yes. NYC: Is that why you chose Tom as an English name? TK: That’s true. I was called Thomas before. NYC: Really? TK: I shortened it. NYC: Ah, I see. Since this is the first time having you on the show, why don’t you say a few words to everyone watching? TK: No problem. Hi! I also know how much of a great teacher she is. I’m watched some of her videos. NYC: Really? TK: Shw makes a lot of great content, so I’m thankful for that, and I hope she continues making great content. NYC: Thank you! TK: Thank you to all her fans for your support, and keep supporting here, please. NYC: Is that the ending? Also, not so long ago, Tom, it was your birthday. TK: Yes. So, you’re 21 now? TK: 22. NYC: Ah, you’re 22? Anyway, I knew I couldn’t come empty-handed, so… TK: Really? NYC: Let me go get your present. TK: I don’t know how I feel about this. NYC: I heard that you like sweet things. Dessert stuff. TK: Yes. NYC: And here’s champagne. TK: Oh, wow, thank you. NYC: You said you don’t drink, right? Just shower yourself with it after a win. TK: Good idea! NYC: Right? TK: I’m fine with that, then. NYC: These are my favorite gummies. I brought them from Korea. TK: I’ll enjoy these for sure. Can I try some now? NYC: Well, first off, thanks so much for coming and joining me today. We’re out here on the course today, and we’re going to see your play, and talk about stuff. Let’s see that killer driver. TK: Alright, then. I’m kind of nervous now. NYC: Wow. That’s green, for sure. TK: I just hit that one well. NYC: Did you? TK: Yes. NYC: Good, good. That was 361 yards, but that wasn’t one-on, was it? TK: No, no. I’m still 100 meters out. NYC: Great driver. TK: I hit that one well. NYC: How far did you usually hit your driver? TK: Probably… 172-173 meters, so… 95? 295 yards? Not far. NYC: Isn’t that the green? TK: No, no, nowhere near the green. NYC: You are still in the middle of the season, so how is it? How are you doing for this season? In the beginning, technically, swing-wise, something was off, and in order to iron that out, I put a lot of extra practice time into that, but now entering midseason, I’m sort of back in my stride now. NYC: You played in a playoff at the end and got second. TK: Yes. NYC: When I was watching that, I was cheering for you so hard, but… facing the best golfer in the world, I cheered hard for this underdog story. TK: Yes. NYC: Despite the unfavorable result, how did you feel after that? TK: Honestly, the score difference was about a two-hit difference between the two of us compared to others. NYC: Right. TK: I had, you know… this confidence to perform, but to face Scotty Scheffler one on one at the end was cool. We’re close, but there was a lot I learned about difference between practice and real. NYC: Yes. TK: So, there were a few things that I wish I had done differently. I learned a lot that day. NYC: I see. TK: I’m trying to stay positive. NYC: There’s something else to congratulate you about, I believe. TK: There is? What? NYC: You don’t know? You signed that deal with Hanhwa Financial. Life Plus. You signed a spokesmodel deal. TK: Right. NYC: I flew on a plane after hearing that. As a forrmer pro myself, you got a sponsor, so you feel confident, you’ve got support, it’s just that feeling you have with allies behind you. TK: Yes. NYC: How do you feel? TK: I have sponsors all over the globe, but I didn’t really have any chances to be sponsored by Korean brands. I’m solidly sponsored here in the US, but as a Korean, and being sponsored by a Korean brand beings a whole different meaning for me. NYC: You are Tom Kim with a bunch of fans with you already anyway, but with this kind of chance, I feel like you will explode your Korean fan base. TK: Mmmmm. NYC: I thought that. TK: That could happen. NYC: While watching and playing, I saw Life Plus sponsor a great number of female pro golfers. But I think you’re the first male to be sponsored by them. Your confidence must be through the roof. TK: It is. It’s like… NYC: You feeel pride! TK: Yes. NYC: You feel more capable, like you’ve finally arrived. I felt the same way a long time ago. TK: "I’m not too shabby." "I guess I’m kind of good, then." NYC: Right, right. Like a "partner who enhances your everyday life," I hope that Life Plus continues to be a beacon of support for Tom Kim for many, many years to come. TK: Thank you. NYC: I’m also thankful to Life Plus for calling me to meet the great Tom Kim and spend the day talking about golf with you. it’s a special time for me right now. TK: Same for me. NYC: When would I ever get a chance to walk the fairway with a winner of the PGA Tour? I’m conversing with a legend. TK: As a kid, I saw you a lot of TV, so this chance for me now also is such a big honor for me . NYC: I thought you wouldn’t know who I was. TK: WHAT?! NYC: Really. TK: That’s impossible! No way! NYC: Do you know our age difference??? TK: I have no idea. NYC: Oh, really? TK: You look young. NYC: I’m an auntie. TK: No way… NYC: No? TK: No. NYC: That’s not it? TK: Not at all. NYC: Really? TK: Not an aunt at all. NYC: He’s just nice. Let’s see your second shot now. You drove that thing far there’s almost no second shot. TK: Yeah. You’ve crossed the fairway and are in the rough now. He hit his driver so far that he’s gone clean past the fairway. Since you went into the rough, we moved to a better place. Actually, there’s nothing about bringing a ball back. How far is it here? TK: I think I’ll swing about 115. NYC: How sure are you? TK: Just a feeling. NYC: 115 yards. I think you can hit the pin. What iron is this? TK: It’s the 50-wedge. NYC: 50? Let’s see you use it. TK: Okay. No lesson for me? NYC: Lesson? TK: Nothing? NYC: You didn’t swing for two days, you said? I haven’t picked one up in nearly 200 days. NYC: Oh, wonderful. Look at that divot. NYC: You don’t see pork cuts even that size in Korea. TK: Pork cuts?! Haha. NYC: We call this pork cuts. TK: Seriously? NYC: Yes. There’s some cutlet over there, too. TK: Really? Not a pizza? NYC: That’s just what we call it. Let me go get it. TK: A pro taking my divot? Normally I’d get chewed out for that. If I didn’t fix it myself. Allow me. Thank you. NYC: Were you ever in an international match, or was there a team tournament you remember? TK: I didn’t. NYC: None? TK: Yes. NYC: Then the President’s Cup was… the only one you’ve ever done? TK: Yes. What about you? NYC: Yes, many. In 2007, way back when, there was the Lexus Cup, and the most recent national one was… International Crown. It started in 2014. TK: Ah, I see. NYC: Myself and three other Koreans represented Korea in that tournament. Eight countries entered that tournament. At that time in 2014, a lot of people thought Korea was going to win that one. That was what the majority of people were predicting. But we placed 3rd. There’s another reason why I am mentioning the International Crown tournament right now. Next year, Hanhwa Life Plus is taking Korea to the International Crown. They’re taking care of Team Korea. To be honest, since they also have a deal with you I wanted to float the idea of you watching that competition, and supporting Team Korea. TK: It’d be an honor. NYC: It’s different from a individual tournament. TK: Yes. NYC: It’s a team tournament, but you also represent your country. Everyone across their home countries support their players, and the players are relying on their teammates, so it’s heart-pounding, and more passionate, I think. TK: Sure. Because of that, I feel like it’s a much more exciting tournament than others. So, I hope you, Tom Kim will join all of us in supporting Korea. TK: Wouldn’t have it any other way. But, if you have that tournament on Korean soil, I feel like it’ll make you really nervous as well. NYC: of course, the pressure is on. I think the reason for that, though, is because they have the passion and want to be their best. That’s what I think. If you don’t want to do well, there is no pressure. TK: Do they need to be less passionate? NYC: What’s your best part? I’m curious. Is it the driver? Iron? Approach? Putting? TK: I’ve gotta say, I’m probably most confident in my iron game. So, I set myself a lot with good chances, so if I putt well, then I normally carry to the finals. NYC: Another thing I wanted to ask, but the Olympics are soon. TK: Yes. NYC: My biggest dream was golfing for Team Korea in the Olympics. My final dream. I am going.. This year.. TK: Seriously?! NYC: As a golf caster. TK: Wow! NYC: You were chosen as a member of Team Korea. I want to hear how you feel about that let’s hear it. TK: Honestly, it’s my first time to ever represent the country. I lived abroad for so long, so there wasn’t much opportunity, to be on the biggest stage in the world. That I get to represent the country is still kind of surreal for me, and when I tee off on that first day, I’m curious how it’ll feel, but right now, I’m just excited and staying positive, and just revelling in the experience. I’m excited. NYC: Whenever I see you when I’m watching TV, you’re a very young pro. However, you’re always confident in your actions, words, your walk, you really have the aura of a champion, and I loved seeing that. I couldn’t do that when I was your age. I was more of a… how do I put it? I was kind of shy and constantly reading the room, head on a swivel. I was just watching all the time like, "He’s going places." I think that’s why so many support you. TK: Thank you. NYC: Before we see you putt, tell us about your aspirations. TK: By the time I retire, whether or not I win another tournament from this point on, I just want to finish believing I gave it my all every single day. It’s not about major wins or records for me. I just want to be remembered as someone dedicated to the game. I think that’s important. I think if I don’t live like that, I may regret it later. But by the time I retire, NYC: Dedication, TK: Right, I hope I’m still dedicated. I think if I’m remembered for that, I’ll retire with zero regrets. NYC: I hope that while continuing that mentality, I hope that you win a major. TK: I’d love that, too. NYC: In the majors, which do you like the most? TK: I love the Masters. NYC: Then this is your final putt at the Masters. NYC: Winning putt. TK: Okay. NYC: Tom Kim with the birdie putt. TK: It’s in there. NYC: You’re sure to win next year. TK: Thanks. NYC: Winner, winner. TK: Speak it into existence. NYC: Good work today. TK: Thank you. NYC: That was one hole, but we took forever. TK: I know, right? NYC: Man, it’s time to go already? He’s so busy with so much to do. I can’t hold onto him for too long, so how was it today? TK: I had a blast. I was thankful for the little off-camera lesson a while ago. NYC: Don’t mention it. TK: Thank you for today, and I’ll continue to wish you the best. NYC: I also had a wonderful time, it was insightful, and I think it was a memorable experience for me to hang out as a retired Korean golfer with a current Korean golfer. Thank you so much for joining us today, Tom. I’ll continue cheering for you. TK: Thanks a lot. NYC: I’d like you to look into the camera and tell our subscribers… what we always say. TK: Subscribe and hit that like button! NYC: Thank you!


  1. 매일 꾸준하게 발전하기 위해 노력했다.. 예전에 그럴때가 있었는데. 김주형선수의 선전을 기원합니다~

  2. 페어웨이 걸으시면서 대화나누시는 모습이 미국하늘과 더불어 진짜 멋져요.더운날씨에 미국다녀오신 프로님덕분에 김주형선수도 보고,나연이즈백 최고에요~~
    실력과인성을겸비한 김주형선수의 앞날을 응원합니다~~화이팅!!!!

  3. 김주형선수 엄청 듬직하고 차분하고 겸손하시네요.
    오래오래 롱런하고 대성할 거 같아요.
    나연이즈백 짱❤❤❤❤

  4. 라이프플러스 만세!!!
    세상에 나연프로님과 김주형선수를 유튜브에서 이렇게 볼 수 있게 해 주셔서 감사합니다!!

  5. 와우…주형선수가
    실력만큼이나 생각이 크고
    아런 투샷 영상 감사합니다^^

  6. 어머!!너무 좋아하는 남녀 선수 두분이네요~~ 항상 응원하는
    주형선수 남은 하반기도 승승장구 하시길 바래요❤❤❤

  7. 와우 멋진 두분이 함께한 모습 영광입니다. 오늘은 미국식 진행이네요~우리나라도 이런 여유로운 환경이 되었으면 하는 마음이 있네요. 파리

  8. 김주형 선수 진짜 잘하네요
    인터뷰도 잘하고.
    왠지. 선한 인상에 인성도 좋아뵈고

  9. 좋아하고 응원하는 두분입니다. 영상 너무 좋았고…앞으로 열심히 응원하겠습니다. 그리고.. 김주형선수~~ 올림픽 금메달 따시고 메이저도 꼭 우승하길 기원합니다.~~^^*

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