Golf Players

SECRETS to Getting IN THE ZONE in Golf

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In this video, Adam Bazalgette, Bo Watson, and Shannon Shuskey shares insights about the secrets to getting in the zone in golf, revealing new breakthroughs. They talked about how focus, relaxation, and practice can improve your game. These tips aim to help golfers achieve peak performance and get better at the course!

✅ 4-Time SW Florida PGA teacher of the year winner!
✅ 27-year Class A PGA Member
✅ Former director at David Leadbetter Golf Academy for 13 years
✅ Hosted corporate outings worldwide
✅ Regular Golf Channel appearances
✅ Coached players on PGA, LPGA, PGA Champions Tour, and Canadian Tour






hey everybody Adam baselet here founder of scratch Golf Academy another video today this one is going to be different but I believe it will be one of the most useful ones you will come across because it’s really going to show you the everyday golfer we’re going to talk content in a minut but how you can practice this when your practice time is limited that’s true of most people right how you can really make progress with moderate amounts of atome practice I’m a huge believer in that I want to introduce Bo and Shannon experts in this area they got some ground breing stuff and we’re going to have a conversation about how you can do that and again this may not be just straight tips we’ll have a few tips but this will help you if you’ll pay pay attention to it and incorporate it into your uh into your diet of golf practice Bo go ahead tell us a little bit about yourself and Shannon and what you guys are up to yeah thanks so much Adam so guys you know like you I started in this game at a very young age had the dream of playing uh professionally and uh here’s the funny thing in 2016 I actually closed down my golf school and walked away from the game of golf mainly because of frustration and here’s the interesting thing though I had no intention of ever coming back into this game until I meet my partner in crime right here Shannon shusky uh back in 2018 over dinner and you know we go out we’re having a dinner one night and you know I’m just genuinely uh interested in him and I’m like you know hey you know getting to know him I said what what did you do what was your background and he was like you know I was the uh US national team manager for the inline speed skating team I was like well that’s pretty cool uh well was your success or track record he said well I coached 142 national champions eight world champions and two Olympic medalists and I was like wow that’s impressive how in the world do you accomplish that the next thing he says is well I was able to get my speed G or trick their bodies into the Zone I about fell out of the chair laughing and uh I said you’re full of it and and I I I backed up and I said please don’t I don’t mean any disrespect but you got to understand I walked away away from the game of Golf 2 years ago uh because you know I’ve been blessed to learn under some amazing people Adam like you I kind of come from the Mac Morad and you know also spent some time with Andy plumber Mike Bennett David or is my mentor and so I’ve been surrounded by some amazing people in the full swing side of things but yet I was still struggling with people coming to me back in 2016 saying hey why is it that I start really well on the front side and blow up on the back why is it that I get to this one hole and it’s like no matter what I do I always hit in the water why is it that I always seem to uh struggle in the first few holes and I didn’t have an answer for them why because I struggled a lot of the same things and so that was my key source of frustration for walking away and I was explaining this to Shannon and I said I understand that you are able to help your speed scares getting the Zone but this is not going to work for the game of golf and uh I said you got to understand there have been Sports psychologists there have been so many books I had read and they all say what the Zone looks like but nobody has ever shown a step-by-step process on how to get there and uh he kept pressing and you know the next few seconds he’s shown me screenshots Adam of his former uh National Champion world champion one of his Olympic medalists and they’re all saying custom trigger custom trigger custom trigger on his phone and I’m like okay well that’s pretty cool but I still don’t think this is going to work for the game of golf how much in your experience Bo when you say I still don’t think this will work for the game of golf because I’m kind of in your boat I had you know golf school teacher and all that stuff and I watched decades I fought with my own game for goodness sake I how much of it was just your experience that there’s so little general progress in the game you get some students now and again that do really but as an average the numbers show people on improving is that just saturate your mind and say this isn’t going to fly because I’ve just had too much experience of the opposite yeah because Adam you and I are both in the same boat in regards that we know golf is the hardest sport in the world we know that right and and that’s anyway and that’s what I was trying to argue back with him and I was like look it might work for Speed skating or any other sport for that matter but it’s not going to work for the game of golf U because you know this is something I wrote in our new book in hisone secrets and at the front of that book like what you’re talking about um not many people struggling well according to the National Golf Foundation golfers are on average improving their games by 0.1 Strokes annually 0.1 Strokes annually doing all the conventional methods right and so the thing is that night I’m having this conversation with him he brings brings up pavo’s dogs um and the interesting thing about that study is that I remember vividly because I felt psychology the first time around in college and it’s the only class I felt and I go back the second time and I actually passed it and aced it and I very vividly remember classicum conditioning and what was interesting is he said okay have you ever thought about a favorite food or dessert and as you were thinking about it you actually caught your mouth watering I was like yeah wow yeah that’s true he said well if you can do that then this is going to work for you and he he basically convinced me to an extent I said you know what I’m a prime candidate to see if this actually could work for the game of golf and I said here’s why I haven’t touched a club in two years I will go out I’ll apply what you’re you really did back away from it didn’t you gez I know for years but I didn’t know that specific detail oh yeah wow just to jump in for a sec I was so frustrated most people see my swing on YouTube and I’m always changing it or trying to and and they say you got a nice looking swing it’s okay looking I mean I’m not a long hitting tour pro but I was so frustrated in my early 30s with my swing I was up at my father-in-law’s house in Pittsburgh and practicing on the Range and I said you know what I’m going Lefty because I I have a I think a pretty good head knowledge I was prob mid-30s but I have no habit to break Lefty and I can actually hit a ball okay with a short iron left-handed but about three days and then I decided that wasn’t such a good idea so I’ve I’ve in a small way lived in your lived in what you’re telling me here go ahead there I I could totally relate to that so you know the the funny thing was because I hadn’t touched a club in two years Adam I said you know I’ll go out and apply this and you know the second half of that year Adam I go and I play eight rounds and I do this zero fisical practice no range warmup I only hit a few pots and I go straight to the first te cold turkey six out eight rounds Adam I go under par I go from in 20 2016 my handicap was a 2.4 after these eight rounds my handicap went to a plus 1.7 wow and I did that with zero fysical practice so like when we say for everybody that’s watching this right now like you can apply this and actually still get results like yes we’re never you’ll never hear me say fiscal practice or technique is not important like there are multiple studies that we show and we talk about in our book but um you want it to be like a supplemental thing and this is where where you can take in the mental side we’ll get into stories stuff like that but you know one of our best um case studies ever came out what we were doing in the very beginning was uh lpj torer sandre gal where she came off a wrist injury in 2019 had five exemptions gifted to her couldn’t really practice but only 15 20% of what she was normally doing pre-injury and when we talked to her she didn’t want to play for the rest of that year when we showed her the same thing that Shannon showed me two weeks later to the day I get an email back from her saying I’ve made it hole in one I’m making more putts I’m hitting the ball beautifully and I just signed up for the Scottish and the British Open in about three weeks she goes and plays her first round in the Scottish open shoots three under par had a tie for third place and her first competitive round back in over a year off from the game in terms of competing she goes in makes both Cuts in both events and uh was very very happy um so that’s kind of like how we got our start to to an extent and then you know funny enough like the the you know how you and I came about was the very first uh consistent golf Summit that we did right right and that was our launching pad um I don’t know if you remember that or not but we had over 13,000 people that registered for that really cool Summit and on the back side of that was when we learn launched the very first online version of what we teach and uh the cool thing about that is we had 151 golfers go through that beta uh program and out of the 112 that we followed up with they average 5.1 Strokes dropped within 5 weeks wow that’s kind of a long story to an extent of how we all kind of came together well let’s hear a bit more about the how the thing works there I mean I have some ideas because we’ve talked about this and I mean and I’m very much on board with what you’re saying but let go let’s go ahead and thrash it out a bit you you you take the lead yeah absolutely so I think the biggest thing that we could address right off the gate is you know this whole issue with like inconsistency you know people struggle with so like for an example the SP this is where we can kind of take the Two Worlds and marry them together you know one of the first students I actually showed when I came back and started you know working with people in person again in 2018 was this guy that worked at the post office and I see him two times this guy had about a 50 yard slice it was that bad off the tea we start working on like the rules all the things you know how you actually fix a slice stuff like that and we got it to about 25 yards still pretty pretty bad to an extent and I don’t see him throughout the winter months now I still kept in touch but before I left him I showed him how to do the things that Shannon taught me in March I se him for the first time I find out that he’s only played once and practice once in March his first lesson his first seven shots five yard draw five yard draw five yard draw five yard draw and I look at him like what have you been doing and he said you know been doing everything you showed me and I was like well I thought you said you only played once and practice once over the winter months I mean we’re talking four months we haven’t seen each other and you’re now taking your Big Slice and now you’re hitting five yard draws what have you been doing he said well when you showed me how to do the mental reps every chance I had throughout my day of work whenever I had downtime things like that I would just rehearse and rehearse rehearse and um we also talk about this too it’s called Shadow Golf and you probably know this from Mike and Andy but you know I remember M Grady would stress this a lot you know go into a room like turn the lights off and just make motion swings like where you’re just filling your body and doing that well he was doing that too in conjunction with also doing mental reps and that was his answer and that’s how he was able to hit these draws and we got so many others like that you know if I just jump in as a guy that’s taught golf for 35 years full-time and more than that you I say that just to say I’ve had a lot of experience trying to help people and watch in people struggle again those numbers aren’t aren’t lies about the National Golf Foundation people just don’t improve at golf as an average once they get to a certain point in their golf lives the human brain is pretty unbelievable much more so than we probably know and to say that a club face is going to be at this angle too much for years and years and years when that for instance would change it is ludicrous when you think of how brilliant the human brain is the things you do every day with a broom or a mop or a tooth you know I don’t know shaving yourself and not the people shouldn’t be as stuck as they are in their golf games so I don’t you may say well this is I mean the viewer may say well I don’t believe that I’ve tried to text my slice views you you’re selling yourself short if you think you can’t change something in your motion problem is you say people don’t work at it they don’t get the feel they’re so intense to hit a good shot at full speed they’re so geared up all they get is the same neurological program this isn’t climbing Mount Everest to get the club face to close or to get the bottom of the swing three Ines more to the left it isn’t and I’ve seen plenty of people that when they kind of break through a little bit are like wow what have I been 10 years doing that for but that doesn’t happen to most people so I’m this isn’t pie in the sky this stuff your brain is more than capable of changing a pattern if you can if you can break through and just do it go go ahead I’m confident of that go ahead there Bo sorry you know I think that’s one of the amazing things that you do a great job in your teaching Adam is you know stressing the basically the extreme of just playing around with it right you got to give yourself freed relax take some speed out and play with the variable till you have some ownership over it 100 absolutely and so like once a player has that feeling right that’s where we can take and insert what we call psychon musco training into their practice regimen which is everything we’ve been talking about over the last few minutes like when we see our clients um get amazing results in a very short time span and when we see that it’s because they are doing so many mental reps in conjunction what they changing the way this works so they can change that works yeah go ahead there sh yeah they’re rewiring a brain and like a lot of the top athletes in the world the difference between them and I would say someone that’s even lower is the amount of detail when it comes to practice and actually getting it done because they’re thinking to themselves okay I’m not going to do it till I get it right I’m going to do it till I can’t get it wrong and the nice thing thing is when it comes to doing mental reps man it cuts your time in half and not just that you’re rewiring the the neuroplasticity in your brain and and recreating it so that your muscles and your the muscle sequencing and everything can fire because your brain can’t tell the difference because of motor sensory when you’re making the the images real when it comes to visualization and mental imagery um and then all that’s all you’re doing it you’re just getting it doubt in you’re getting more practice you know think it think about this is is mental work hard work no it’s not like you got to get ready get your clubs go to the go to the range you know for example you know you can do it sitting at home in your house it takes up a lot less time but yet here’s the thing you say does you know practice makes perfect well not necessarily perfect practice makes perfect and when you get mental imagery just like what Bo and and what you were talking about getting the feel of the Swing dialed in guess what when you’re doing Mentor imagery that’s the perfect practice and it’s actually in a way easier to dial the feel in mentally than it is with the club trying to hit the ball at full speed concern for the outcome I mean that that kind of makes it a lot harder to get where you want to get if that’s all you do right right exactly is it true that I mean I I’m told it’s true that if you if you experience say fear your mind will produce the same chemical response in your body whether there’s really something to be afraid of or not right absolutely line jumping out of the bushes is a great reason to be afraid just some future future event that hasn’t even happened yet like you have to you know whatever is not a good re or playing with someone new is not really a reason to be afraid but you’ll get the same reactions to one degree or another absolutely and that applies to mental practice if you’re really good at this you can do the same practice mentally as you would if you do have a club in your hand at the driving range absolutely and the other thing too you’re talking about fear like for example in our brain if we start thinking don’t hit it in this Hazard whether it be a water whether it be a bunker what happens is we’re creating two Targets in our brain and we’re not 100% focused on the Target and so what that does is this is this is the Fear Factor it’s affecting your muscle sequencing um where it’s your and you know for an easier term your coordination and that’s why a lot of times when when you think don’t hit it there because we can’t really process that what’s going on is most of the time you’ll find that ball just starts it’s like a magnet to that object is because we created two Targets in our brain and it’s it’s hard to distinguish but you can break that by making the target even more giving it a path so that’s just to kind of talk about like what you’re talking about a fear to kind of putting that in the golf aspect of it of you know don’t hit it or or right don’t don’t slice it this time or don’t top it this time you know thing right absolutely that’s it’s great stuff guys so what would what would someone do here they are they they watch the video this far let’s hope some people have and now they’re saying okay I I’m interested you know how do how do I practice my go swing at home what would you say yeah let’s let’s address one of the most common issues in the game so that would be you know fat thin shots right okay that’s been like the number one probably most complained about piece right so what would be some things that you know they would need to focus on or address when it comes to like a fatter or thin shot well in terms of physically one way or another if I back up just a bit the bottom of the Swing the low point of the Swing isn’t far forward enough which it should well in front of the ball the middle of the divot is the bottom of the swing and the divot begins maybe at the front edge of the ball so that’s four or five inches by the ball there could be Inhibitors so much steepness they can’t commit to it or you know too much thrust of the arms but either way I think if you got someone with a grass this thick with DW all over it and you just said hey 50 bucks if you can make a brush Mark that starts nearer your left foot no ball I think most people could do it on the first try so yeah anything that would get your weight moving left would lag the club a bit that creates low Point farther forward that’s awesome you have to make a few assumptions there about Club face angle and things but nonetheless that’s a true statement and so the most important thing there is like once a player has you know that part diagnosed right and they understand the root cause of what they’re doing to create a fatter thin shot and they know the correct field they need to implement right then is where we would go in and have them correctly hit one phisically pause close your eyes and then mentally also try to recreate the exact same swing and so this is where we’re kind of like you know you’re getting multiple reps and this is where we actually can accelerate the you know time to learning a new skill so when they are doing this they’re basically hitting a shot when they know it’s correct and they know the correct feel then they would also mentally hit a shot if they’re working this at the range or if they’re hitting balls into net at home or something like that so hit an actual shot then do a mental shot yes and then other times they do the mental shot are they are they moving in any way is that an option or is it just mentally rehearsing what that feels like yeah so that’s the other part is we call it Shadow golf so they uh you you may see this in major leagues uh but I know Chan is in a really good um like Mastermind with like Brian Kane and then Zach senson the middle performance coach for the Atlanta Braves and you’ll see like these pictures you know in the bullpen and they’re kind of going through their motions and everything and it looks like they’re doing the entire thing but then you see that no ball comes out so they call it Shadow Bullpen right and so in golf we’re doing the same thing where we’re going through the emotions we’re doing everything and then you’re making like an air swing but you’re just not hitting a ball and so the benefit to that is you’re working on enhancing your feel of the swing and the correct motions so when you talk about like we got to get the hands maybe a little bit more forward weight more forward what does that feel like what is the pressure in the feet you what are hands and the speed of you releasing the club what does that feel like and knowing the difference between the two and then when you start getting that doubt in yes you can continue to make air swings but then the best part about it is once you have that feel you can do a ton of mental reps feeling it and they have done multiple studies one of the the first Hallmark studies that really showed how powerful this is was back in 1980 uh it this is called KES athetic mental imagery and this is really important uh to distinguish from just mental imagery think of mental imagery just like daydreaming you know you just see a picture there’s really not a whole lot of like sensory inputs but like when you’re doing kinesthetic mental imagery there’s like emotion there’s uh more feel there’s so many different things sight see you know your smell taste all that you’re incorporating all those senses but in 1980 they hooked up lros to a downhill skier they had him ski of the course as Olympic skier and they’re reading the grasp of his muscle activity then after he goes down the course they had him sit in a chair he is completely still and they have the electrod looked up to his muscles and they said all right now see yourself going down the same you know run and what they found was that although he was sitting still his muscle activity was actually higher than when he was actually doing it physically and you can go look to study up we actually referen this in her book as the swin as the one of the authors even though his body wasn’t moving all over the activations of the muscles neurological impulse to the muscles really y shanon could share a little bit of his story on this part just briefly like you know how he even stumbled across us and um you know he got to a point where he could walk down the mall and do his mental reps even in Mall setting but yet his muscles are feeling like they twitching yeah I mean that that’s the thing is you know anytime you hear somebody talking about mental energy what are they’re saying all right I’m in a quiet room I’m laying down in my bed or I’m laying at the foot of my bed totally Silent not anything going on and I’m doing I’m getting my mental reps in uh and that’s great but here’s the thing if you want to get even more dialed in let’s take it up to a whole another level let’s switch and add start adding some distractions in the room for example um what do I mean by that okay let’s go into the living room and have the TV playing and you’re doing mental reps you’ve got that extra distraction and you got to be solely dialed in on that and then what about walking around with the TV playing you know where your eyes shut and then with your eyes open and so I I got to the point where because I started first and foremost I started seeing huge performance gains in my speed when I my background speed skating is what Bo talked about I started seeing huge performance game and it actually led me end up being a national champion but because of my performance game that I was getting with my mental practice over and over again I started getting addicted so to speak to the the training aspect you know that’s that’s that’s a great thing you know what I mean right there yeah and so instead of spending just like 15 minutes in the morning that I was that’s what I was doing before I was like okay I was doing it throughout the day well here I am I’m at the mall shopping right and I find myself walking through the mall with all the distractions that are going on my eyes are open and I’m doing mental imagery and I’m feeling I can feel my muscles and game and and twitching so to speak um there’s a slight sideline Shannon as you’re doing it with distractions walking in a busy mall and still able to function does that I don’t know how it applies to cycling but does that maybe engulf because there are some distractions there’s noise there someone annoying there could there could be different things does that also help to to make the program run when there are distractions at the real world are playing I would think yeah definitely I mean because here’s the thing what what if you’ve got this uh player who is always in your linsight and you know and just and some people they can’t stand that right you know we all read the stories about Tiger Wood’s dad when he was eight and N creating deliberate distractions or noise or clapping in his back just kind of getting him accustomed to distraction so I at least I’ve read that yeah in a certain way that could be parallel oh 100% but so if we’re but here’s the thing it will come as if you’re if you’re not getting the mental reps in away from the course it’ll come as a surprise when you’re on the course when things happen so your limitation is in your imagination if we can’t imagine it you know going through it or or whatnot then a lot of times like I here here’s a brief example Michael Phelps um everybody knows he he’s the most decorated Olympic swimmer um and his big thing was mental imagery and matter of fact his coach said there’s nobody that does it better than him really and one day uh his coach come comes up to him this was before a race it wasn’t a big race he he takes his takes uh he says let me see your goggles he grabs his goggles and he puts them on the ground and he steps on him he goes now I want you to race your race with these cracked goggles here’s the thing Michael Phelps didn’t like what are you doing what are you thinking his his reaction wasn’t that his reaction was okay he puts it on he goes in swims his R he still wins the race he Waters all in his eyes and things like that why did he do that it’s because he had actually envisioned did mental mental reps with him swimming with goggles cracked and stuff like that now here’s the thing when it comes to mental imagery you you’re never visualizing the negative happen like for example we we talked about fat and thin shots we’re not we’re not imagining all right I’m going to hit a fat and thin shot so then I can come out of no you don’t do that you you you your mental imery needs to be perfect every single time every single time now here’s the thing you’re coming out of bad situations but you’re you’re capitalizing on it whether it depends you know depends on if you’re whatever your live may be it might be it might be thick it might you might be in the rough you know or or bunker whatever it may be but you’re always coming out of a positive situation that’s what I mean that’s what I was meaning by with u Michael Phelps doing that that’s what allowed him to do it but sorry go ahead What Would a balance be that you would think would be good and I’m sure there’s no one right answer someone doing just mental Reps versus The Shadow or the movement patterns even without a club or whatever how what what would what would an ideal ratio of that be or is there an ideal ratio and we’ll assume some physical practice as well yeah so the answer that would be um it really depends on the player but typically what we recommend is when a player starts out we like to see them spending more time just playing their rounds mentally and they can do that mental but when we start out when when we work with people we recommend because sometimes it’s hard for people to actually get the mental imagery of a course or whatever so we always recommend use the home course that’s what you’re most familiar with so instead of just hitting shots and repeating swings for patterns for physical swing patterns although you are doing that you’re actually playing a round of golf okay yeah and that’s why it depends on the player because like if they are going through a swing change then maybe the majority of the time you’re just sitting there and maybe you’re visualizing yourself on the Range or you’re putting yourself in a course situation and you’re just seeing yourself for an example say they’re working on six hour and they’re working on their fat thin shots then they just put themselves out on a whole situation right for their approach shot and they just basically work on hitting shots from there that way it’s like game like so to speak and we can feel like we’re transferring the game from the range to the course this is one of the fastest ways to do that that’s I know that’s another issue that most people complain about we see it all the time in our community it’s like I got the swing pretty much dialed in on the Range but I can’t take it out on the course right and a big part of that is because one that’s their training and lack of and being able to train in those situations and this is where P musco training can actually help them Bridge a gap so like when they first start out we like to see you know majority of it being spent on the course playing um but then we do that through Shadow golf we spend a lot of time there because that way they’re actually doing the entire pre-shot routine and they’re seeing their shot then they’re actually walking into the play box doing what they normally do would they in this case it might depend environmentally where they are but would they maybe have a club in slow motion or just their arms and hands or what would you think yeah both both the only thing that they’re not doing is hitting a ball but they’re still when they make the swing right if they were doing like Club in hand air swing then they’re mentally projecting the ball flight where they wanted to go and what would you say in terms of let’s say they’ve got they’re at the house they’ve got some quiet space they’re making a few swings and doing some of this Shadow practice if I got the term right would you recommend that especially if they’re working on some swing thing a little more fat thin open face whatever would they do it slower maybe at times so they can feel things a little more do you recommend it at relatively normal speed a mix what what are you thinking there both because you know I’m going through a swing change myself because I’ve seen this and experienced this personally I want to compete now at a high level and so I am working on my swing um as we speak and so whenever I’m working on my swing whether it be physically or mentally I’m also when we do like Shadow golf I’m working on it with slow motion so I can really enhance the feel what my body is doing especially for me right now I got to feel like my Pivot is firing my hands through the ball so I will slow down and feel that as I’m going through impact and then after I’m doing that I’m also doing Mentor reps of that as too now the thing is you want to break it up into those three components where you’re doing Shadow golf then you get to a point where you’re doing m reps then you want to do physical reps and then also supplement with mental reps after you’re doing it out there when you’re physically practicing this and I think what will help a lot of people is probably like you know at this point you’re like who’s actually even doing this you know who in the world is even doing this in the game of golf right well you know the funny story Adam is that it was a lost art that we actually got away from and which I believe is one of the biggest reasons why so many people are not improving because I can improve this back in 1940 there was a guy named Alex Morrison that wrote the first book called uh better golf without practice now Alex Morrison who is this guy well funny enough when you look at Jack Nicholas who is his childhood coach Jack grout who was Jack grout’s Mentor Alex Morrison oh I didn’t know that okay I knew Jack grout I didn’t know that and interestingly enough and you’re probably going to bring this up just so I can get some air time I’m just kidding Nicholas is well is is was well known in his day for for the mental preparation before shots where he would visualize the shot in great detail then he would visualize the swing that would produce the shot again he said with Rich detail of feel and color and then he would hit the shot that was part of his pre-shot routine am I right absolutely maybe it came from Alex Morrison and he got that from Jack and Jack got it from Alex Morrison because Alex Morrison was the first one that actually said um you know golf is I think he said was 90% Minal you 8% like technique and 2% was like skill practice it was some weird ratio like that so that’s kind of like where people have gotten this like 90% 10% thing but the interesting thing about alexo well let’s look at some of these other players Mickey Wright one of the best ever on the LPGA best swingers of the club period yeah her coach um Harry presler was also a mentee of Alex Morrison really now samne right Sam Steve one of the best ever right TIG all time PJ tour wins right who is his coach Harvey penck right har work with Sam sne a bit I didn’t know that yeah so he worked with him on his driver specifically but I I’ll get to a funny story on that but Harvey pinnick who is his mentor Alex Morrison now we also know Harvey worked with Ben Hogan and this is where I really believe I talked about this a little bit but you know one of Ben’s biggest secrets in the game in my opinion and I found this in a 1946 New York Times article but Ben was quoted referencing Alex Morrison in an article and as soon as I saw that I was like Wow Ben definitely utilize mental imagery now how can I say that because Bob Rotella in his book The golfer’s mind in chapter two of that book he talks about Sam Sneed and I don’t know if You’ read that book Adam but I’m sure you’ve heard a story but Bob Rella is given a speech at the seminar and this is a make or break moment in his career where if Sam stood up and said Don’t listen to this guy we would never hear Bob’s name again right I have heard this story yeah it’s good story Sam does stand up and what does Sam say he said we need to listen to this young man because when I was playing my best early on in my career I would go to bed the night before I would vividly visualize the next day’s round go out and play 12 16 holes fall asleep and wake up feel great go through my normal routine go play a great round and that was how I played some of my best golf well interestingly enough Harvey pinnick was his coach and he passed on those traits from Alex Morrison to interesting interesting yep now last story about Sam and this is why it’s so important for everybody watching this this is really really helpful for people that have first tea Jitters or you struggle with nervousness or you have anxiety on a course um this is a really cool story Sam sne playing in his first um PGA Tour event at The Greenbrier in 1936 the week before the head pro sets up an exhibition match now in this exhibition match are two former US amateur winners a US Open winner and then a Sam Sneed the rookie that’s up and coming right everybody’s talking about as a result word gets out massive crowd around the first te Sam is you know next to te up he is so nervous he is shaking and he has to use both hands to steady the ball in the te like can you just imagine this right like that’s like on the verge of panic attack and the embarrassment behind that too I mean knowing that everybody can see what he’s doing you know right but he backs up stands in a visualization box closes his eyes and what does he do he recollects his most successful drives in the past on that same hole you know few seconds later go by goes up and sets up to the ball does his normal routine hits the shot the crowd gasp the reason why is because he hits it 15 yards further than all his playing opponents and he hits at about 10 yards further than his most successful drives that he’s ever hit on that hole in the past wow how in the world does a guy go from like the verge of a panic attack to then hitting his most you know successful drive on that same hole just moments later that’s the powered mental imagery and that’s the power of what this can do for the everyday golfer um that really wants to apply this and we got how would they get how would someone let’s say you know I believe me whoever’s you know watching this YouTube video The Reason Bo and I are talking and presenting this video along with Shannon of course i’ I don’t know Shannon as well but I know you guys are Partners uh is because I’m a big I don’t know all that they know about this but I’m a big believer that there’s so much untapped potential in people that if they would explore some of these ideas and put them into practice it would make a huge difference it has to make a difference so how how if someone ‘s really got their appetite wetted how would they get more in touch with you guys and what you guys are doing yeah so basically um they can do two things one they can go to our website um and get our new book that we published that’s it’s called inzone in inth zon we also have a workbook that allows you to go deeper on some of these Concepts we’ve been talking about doing Mentor ups and how to actually work on your game Channon created a really cool 30-day thing that people can do um you can go through that learn all about what we’re teaching with psyches training uh more importantly how to overcome competition anxiety uh but even better than that our secret weapon with the ball acronym which can really help a player go from just like Sam Sneed go from one moment almost like shaking to hit a shot to then excited to play a shot and we talk about that in one of the later chapters in the book and it’s been our biggest secret weapon it’s been one of the biggest reasons we took a college women’s golf team uh from an average team score 305 in the fall of 2023 to the spring averaging 284.5 as a team um and you know as you know Adam the closer we get to scratch golf the harder it gets but you know the amazing thing is you can really shortcut that learning curve and so we talk about all of it in the book and uh that’s where you can learn more about us and if you want to get on Amazon you can um if you go to our website inone mental uh we’re also there but um yeah that’s how they can find out more about us okay great and again two things that I love about all this stuff and I continue to learn I’ve been around some wonderful mental coaches number one it makes a huge difference you change the way you think you change what happens and number two in this scenario with Bo and Shannon it’s realistic everybody has three most people have three four five minutes a day maybe more than that and as Shannon said boy if you really like it and see the traction you may find yourself doing this thing 30 seconds here a minute and a half there and for those of you that are hate say it like me they don’t get to practice that much you’d think I would because I work at a golf course uh this is this is practical this is this is reasonable stuff and you have fun with it great guys appreciate it yeah thanks for having us it was fun Shannon appreciate it yeah thanks for having us this was this was great great okay wonderful thanks viewers we appreciate you being part of scratch Golf Academy and look these Lads up in inth zon okay great thanks guys thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]


  1. Thanks so much Adam for this subject that is the most overlooked aspect in prepping ones game. I like the part where the point is perfection. One doesn't project failure but a perfect shot every time while using this technique. Of course our natural thoughts are far from that. And that's the problem. The weak muscle upstairs.

  2. Bryson changed my mind about something; when you arrive to the practice range if it takes you more than three or four balls to get your swing into the groove you’ve chosen incorrect swing for your particular DNA when you’re doing things as they fit proper for you, your body style, your ability, etc. it should take no more than three or four balls to get to where your normal level is at

  3. I see many people that started golf around the same time I did and their scores haven’t improved while mine has improved by almost 25 strokes. The only difference is they don’t look at the game from a scientific physics point of view whereas I break down the movements to understand why certain things are happening. I adjust the movements to understand what the adjustment will produce, and then I learn more as time passes. They go out with no intent to the driving range and hit balls as hard as they can using the same failing method over and over, hoping that they improve on that failing method

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