Golf Players

Garmin Xero Chronograph Used In PRS Competitions – Justin H.

PRS shooter Justin talks about why and when you would use the Garmin Xero Chronograph during a competition. Gathering data during a stage or over a number of stages could help you diagnose why you’re missing targets. Leave a comment for Justin please.

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0:00 Intro
1:03 Mounting options
4:03 Why Use during match
7:48 For ELR shooters
8:17 Final thoughts

[Music] hey welcome back and thanks for watching precision rifle Network this is Justin uh today we’re going to talk a little bit more about the Garmin zero chronograph but more specifically using it during a match and during stages so everybody has probably seen these by now awesome chronograph making way throughout shooting but today we’re not going to get into all about the chronograph more about why you would want to use these during a match really when this hit the market everybody was selling their chronographs to get a Garmin awesome chronograph super easy to use it’s basically turn it on and it just works the um the tripod that it comes with which if you’re not planning on using it during a stage that tripod is really all you need throw it up next to your gun get your data and just keep rolling so now let’s move into um a couple of different mounting options um you’ll see here I’ve got two different mounting options um this area 419 or area 419 whichever they prefer the arcar rail obviously everybody has an arcar rail um so this Mount is nearly Universal most people shooting PRS and matches have an arcar on their gun um um so very simple to throw on and use and the only cons to this is it’s not as low profile it does stick out to the side which makes it easier to see if you’re needing to see it but um it’s a little less Sleek a little obtrusive and can can tend to get hung up on things or bump things a little bit easier um with it going out to the side like that so not as streamline not as low profile um but it does come with that Arco rail uh Mount so it is U more Universal on most most rifle setups the other one would be the pck atini mount uh that gry Ops put out you see here this one um pick rails you know are kind of I guess easing their way out you don’t see as many pick rails on guns anymore in PRS anyway um you do see guys still using them on their scope rings like this so if you have a scope um the Hawkins or whatever uh scope rings you’re running if you have that pick rail this is a great option um otherwise you may have to get a pick rail attachment or something to to figure out where you want to M where you want to um Mount this on your rifle but with this it is a it is much more low profile it’s easy to throw on and take off and um it it seems to fit in more places if you’re wanting to shoot more St stes I feel like this one would be the better option for most stages but like I said you are limited to having that pick rail on your scope rings if you don’t have that the arcar rail may be a better option um there’s going to be those stages where you’re having to get in some tight spaces you see here if you have a stage like this where you’re shooting through Windows um it’s going to take you a little extra time if you have that chronograph mounted to figure out okay how long I’m going to fit this gun in those aren’t going to be the St stes that you’re going to want to use your chronograph and shoot the stage with you’re going to want to look at stages that are more open uh more open air stages that it’s just something you can throw your rifle on it doesn’t matter if something’s sticking out to the side or sticking up because it’s a it’s a more Open Stage especially troop lines great times to throw a chronograph on um if you’re shooting stages like I said where you’re not having to get into a tight fitting space and there’s not obstacles around that are going to bump in into that um into that chronograph so let’s talk about why you would want to use a chronograph uh this Garmin specifically during a match right well obviously chronograph is to get you some velocity numbers so why do you need velocity during a match and how can that benefit you um and your performance during that match so obviously you want to know that your velocity lines up with what you have in your ballistics calculator that’s a given so uh for for instance one example would be say you just bought a barrel and you’re in that break-in process you don’t want to waste you know 200 rounds just practicing training say you got a match a local Club match one day match you want to go and shoot that barrel and that ammo and break it in during a match well now you can use a chronograph during your match to track your velocity and help you stay on target so you’re not just guessing but actually we get your data and kind of um see what your Barrel Breakin looks at looks like through those 100 rounds or so during a match and see how much variance you have from when you start shooting your first few rounds to when you end 100 rounds later another one especially for your Rimfire guys temperature swings um if you are shooting a match and it is cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon or throughout the day it just consistently warms up and you want to check your velocity to make sure that it’s lining up that you’re right where you need to be in your ballistic solver or your Kestrel um and really the main reason you would want to use this during a stage and during a match is to just eliminate that variable there’s so many variables that come in uh come into play when we’re shooting and this is just one that you can eliminate when you’re trying to problem solve say you have some shots that are going high or shots that are going low or you’re just missing and you don’t know why you can throw your chronograph on shoot a stage and verify okay this was a velocity issue or that it wasn’t a velocity issue and that’s just one less variable that you have to consider you know say you are reloading or you have you’re shooting Factory ammo and you have different lots of ammo and say you happen to be in the stage and you realize okay I just have two lots one that I reloaded a month ago one that I reloaded last night and you’re switching over to that new lot and you want to make sure your velocity lines up well now you have a chronograph that you can shoot a stage with and verify that during a match you don’t have to worry about that outside of the match obviously ideally you’re shooting all the same consistent ammo um but also Rimfire guys uh you guys know that your guns can be very uh picky on what lots of bullets maybe the same brand bullet but a different Lot number and so switching over to that new Lot number say you land that that switch is happening during a match well now you can um put that chronograph on shoot a stage with it and verify your data that okay maybe your velocity picked up 20 ft a second or maybe it dropped but you can verify that and take the guess work out of that like I said eliminating the variables of it so a lot of times you may not unless you’re shooting ELR you’re not going to actually watch your velocity on your chronograph during a stage um now if you if you have time say you’re shooting a long troop line and you’re you want to track it you want to okay that shot went low and you look over and you’re like oh my velocity was 50 ft a second lower and that’s a long shot so maybe that played into the factor why uh you missed low but um for ELR guys the guys are shooting 2,000 plus yards well yeah that velocity does uh can play a huge factor in a hit or a miss so those guys are likely using that data in real time on the clock confirming okay my velocity was a little lower so maybe I don’t need to make an adjustment maybe I just need to hold the exact same hold and my velocity match what I have on my data um to get that hit so most of the time shooting PRS you’re going to use this shoot a stage then go back and verify your data look through your shot list see where your velocity is falling look at your SDS and your extreme spread um to make sure you don’t need to make any adjustments uh check out the Garment if you haven’t already there’s tons of videos on them what a great tool to use but I hope this video was helpful and why you might want to use these during an actual match and how you would want to use that so hope you enjoyed the video if you did please like And subscribe if you haven’t and um thanks for watching and we’ll see you again soon [Music]


  1. The main con is this is the main reason why mounting your Garmin will void your warranty.

    IE: You hit the garmin going into a cattle gate and it snaps off the mount in one or two cracked pieces

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