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NEVER Question your EQUIPMENT EVER AGAIN | Loft and Lie Problems

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welcome everyone J Smith here welcome to sou Golf Channel for all new people and welcome to everybody else which knows the channel well so we have an open all access live stream so different to normal where we have the members only on a Monday on the first Monday of every month it is open to every everybody and we already have the chat going it’s as you can see going on there I can make it slightly bigger as well just so people can easily read it I will be uh answering all your comments questions and everything so if you’ve got a question query anything else like that pop it in the little box over here and then we can um yeah we can answer them one by one so very quickly we’ll just go through we got Neils and house good evening chaps all access night it is Frugal fixes also here SI Spike hi folks Steve hello evening Jay Neils and all how’s the new training tour coming along um right so uh on that note Neils I’ve got an update on that one so we’ll get to that one in a second um we just do the obligatory hellos Adrian’s in the house hello evening guys Perry also even folks open all tonight yes it is open to all first of the month pinch punch well it is first of the month don’t you have to do that by midday might just be a UK thing um right Neil’s actually you seeing a few members I bet yeah and kieran’s and Al a special okay evening all wow interesting I have the correct account subscribed now well done Spike it’s your fault for having about 17 different accounts but yeah Mark’s in the house also a non-member hello Mark hope you are well Mark have you got any questions whatsoever and anyone who pops into uh watching just by all means pop it in there and I will answer anything about swing anything about equipment why not let’s um kick it off right so we I’m just looking at the uh amount of people that are watching and it’s climbing Etc so I do want to talk about spikes um Frugal fixer spikes little ingenious invention now the subject matter of this video is basically effectively that talking about pizza in the house hello Pete talking about your equipment and one of the biggest things I find especially in people Eng golfers that have had their irons for a little while uh or heavy practices or anything else like that and they have inconsistent distances within their um within their golf clubs their gapping is just completely all wrong and so when you actually measure their golf clubs their Lofts not to mention their lie a li is a different question when it comes to starting Direction and curvature and stuff like that but effectively the the the difference between the Loft gaps and the distance gaps between irons just weird bunching and then too bigger between one gol club and Too Short between another and it’s because over time especially with forged irons cast not so much cast don’t bend as much when it comes to their uh Loft and lie um but they do uh but not as much and so this uh measuring tool that Spike has created um which basically undercuts everything anything else out there that I know on the market most Loft and lie measuring tools are generally speaking quite expensive not talking about the machines that can bend as well like you know the big ones that you have in the Pro Shops and the workshops or the Pro Shops and and stuff like that where they actually have a bending bar and they can physically bend your Loft and light the this I’m just talking about a measuring tool how to like an all-in-one measuring tool to measure every single Golf Club in the bag now there is a caveat on that one and this is my own personal View and Spike may agree or not but although Spike’s tool will do hybrids Fairy Woods and drivers with curvature the face and all that lot to talk about um because commonly a lot of them are um custom fitted towards your Loft requirements through the adjustable huzzle and stuff like that it’s kind of I say pointless but you can quite easily if you have a loft um if you have a distance gap between your golf clubs you can quite easily change the Loft and to dial it in everywhere you go uh with an iron you can’t do that it is set exactly how it is that supposedly is obviously custom or off the rack when it was built it was built with a certain Loft a certain lpec but that changes as time goes on and so it’s really helpful to be able to identify quick easily cheaply where if any problems there are and of course then you can address them if you need two um but that’s what spikes tool does now I can see this uh spikes tool and we’ll get to it in a second I mean I if I can do I do I dare I don’t know if I dare do it yeah let’s put it up here anyway let’s just see what spikes so spikes toall looks a little bit like this and what you can see there is a clear view Loft and lie um and effectively what it is you can see you’ve got a clamp here we go that’s a clamp and that’s where the Golf Club goes in yeah and then obviously the golf club comes down and then it goes up against that little red or blue block and that little red or blue block at the bottom has got a like a razor blade or a very sharp well not sharp but a very sort of like fine piece of metal which sits within the groove so effectively we know that that’s exactly parallel Etc to both the face and also perpendicular to different lines Etc so basically what that means is by doing that is that when you put a measuring uh device a angle finder across the top Edge and also on the Block which the golf club is holding and helding you can get a very very very precise measurement of exactly what that golf club is measured Loft and lie and of course you can do this all your golf clubs at any different point um as I said before if you’re practicing uh on mats very much so if you’re practicing on Match very much so it has a huge impact potentially on the bending of that golf club because constant whacking of the mat with the golf club hitting into the mat especially driving range mats they’re very very solid um which is obviously great for getting you quite happy and pleased with your ball striking because your ball striking could be absolutely rubbish that day but because you’re hitting the mat first it kind of bounces into it and that’s the thing with drive and range mats commonly um but it can bend your golf clubs it can actually physically change the light and loft of your golf clubs because of the impact on the ground and so the uh device that Spike has created to check that very quickly very easily uh very cheaply in the Realms of how much these machines cost and these machines cost quite a lot and so yeah um so what Spike has done and Spike has created this over a few months of working out different designs and stuff and he’s now basically um on his final version of what that device will look uh like and he’s now on sale and so he has his website if I can get it up on here I’ll show you there you go that’s um Spike’s website Frugal fixer um Spike if I get up on there I can be able to see it myself uh yeah Fugal fixers you can see on your screen as best as I obviously your screen is bigger than mine cuz I’ve got two little Windows um but yeah you can see in there that’s where his video normally pops up so it shows you how it’s used but effectively you can see it on there and if I go and have a little look on there you can see um it’s um just a shy of under $100 whatever that is in pounds I don’t know um but effectively yes you can see there how a golf club is then measured in Loft and like how it sits in there that’s the picture I sh you beforehand hybrids can go in um that’s laying down the floor you can see how the golf club goes in that’s how the um the metal sits within the scoring lines you see obviously the top and bottom that can be so that can be turned and flicked depending obviously what you’ve got in there be a hybrid beer IR or anything else like that and effectively you can see there you go so that’s what it effectively does if I get you back now uh where’s my little window there’s my little window click off that and there you go so it’s a wondrous little tool I won’t lie um I think when you’re looking at similar ideas costing hundreds and hundreds of pounds again whatever that is in dollars um going to something which would 80 odd pounds as opposed to hundreds and hundreds yeah so um I will just let’s go get some of the uh because the chat is going going going right um right was trying not really training tool is not really the right term sorry testing tool yes it’s a measuring device effectively uh for so the Bulge faces are tough and hard to find the spot to measure yeah it all have to be done from geometric middle Etc but because of the fact that you’ve got different manufacturers running different roll and bold radiuses uh twist face is one big one which would potentially um mess things up ping spin consistency would also mess things up a little bit and that’s common with every single reader anyway so that doesn’t matter how expensive you go it can get quite difficult but again it’s fairly irrelevant on drivers and Fairwood and hybrids because 90 or however many per of the time they are all adjustable through Loft sleeve adapter and of course then you don’t just have the effect of changing Loft you can change light and also you can change uh face angle as well so you react to your Loft requirements based on what you’re finding in your practice and play and so for that side of things there not really any point in measuring something where you don’t even have to worry about it you’re reacting to the distances you can’t do that in Iron because they’re fixed right Richard says hi Jay nice to see you again have enjoyed the recent reviews evaluations thank you very much much Richard I’m working on the moment um I’ve got the the the the the the it’s over there but I don’t mind saying we’ll go over here I went I done the all the um last bits of filming today for the Wilson Staff RB Tech utility iron it’s very nice yes it does works very very well as well I’ve done that um I’ve did a video talking about LOF sleeve adapters on drivers the difference between the offset camera LOF sleeve and also the double and triple Cog now uh Loft sleeve adapters that say like Callaway use a double Cog uh Jill Cog and then the recent video that I’ve done on 11 golf U that video there they use a triple Cog system so you have an Almighty array um and again guys if you haven’t watched that already if you want to go pop on to uh my channel listing and see that driver the 11 driver £250 like I am amazed by the 11 driver I really have all the drivers for 2020 whatever um the 11 driver in the realm of balance between performance um and cost and stuff like that the it must be the best when you look at how much adjustability has got it the fact that you can have Hot Melt uh options on there yeah I mean okay shaft options they have got shaft options and they are quite a few different shaft options when you look at in different weights and shaft flexes Etc you’re never going to get the full amount that you’re going to get say with a tightest custom fit where you can have up te different sharts but it’s got to be my favorite on there you can see that one on my channel if you want to have a little look and of course you get 10% off that driver as well if you use the promo code ask Golf Nut William says that’s awesome I’ve always wanted a off eye machine but they are so expensive William you are absolutely right yes they are they are ridiculous expensive and so this is why when I first heard about uh Frugal fixer spikes idea concept my ears pricked up because I’ve been on both sides of this I’ve been on the obviously the retail side of it and of where I when I was coaching customer fit fulltime the amount of times I wanted to go test a client’s Golf Club as in to measure it physically measure I can obviously measure on quad what they’re delivering but I don’t know when it comes to the disruption fact of the hula hoop I’d like to say so when you’re delivering a golf club if you’re delivering or delofting a golf club that equal to the amount that your angle attack down you are literally not disrupting your hula hoop you are swinging the golf club exactly how like a pendulum action it’s when people deliver loads of Loft and hitting down at the same time they’re starting to give weird and wonderful wrist angles or hitting up or not up but h less down and delofting massively so having a completely different wrist angle that you can see but it’s really handy to see what their their static Lofts are and normally you have to stop what you’re doing which is a bit disruptive walk out the room which is unprofessional walk into the Pro Shop go into the back room into the workshop measure it which takes x amount of time then come back in again it’s so it’s terrible so I can really see uh spikes invention being used within a commercial environment absolutely cuz when you’re looking at things which cost in the thousands sometimes that Pro Shops golf clubs can only justify ever having one well now successful ranges can have these tools that Spike has created uh in every single custom fit and Suite in every single coaching Bay because they’re quick easy um portable brilliant but that’s the whole idea we’ll come to that one so this is going to be like a soft launch again Spike has has now started this it’s now live on his channel on his website but obviously when it comes to doing a full launch as soon as I get my um my sample to test I will do a full video for you guys to see how good it is and how accurate is ETC and then we’ll um I’ll put a review up on it so there you go right Joe says hello Joe hope you’re well um how often would you recommend that we retest Loft and lie I play around 90 rounds per year for example so you’re looking at sort of twice a week give or take if you’re and if you’re practicing in between or anything else like that especially on hard mats um 90 rounds a year with potential for practice in between I’d want to be testing every six months definitely I mean okay if you have a very expensive launch monitor and you have Club data enabled you’re constantly practicing on your Club data um side of things and you’re measuring them constantly you can detect as time goes on a slight tweak um if you’re still hitting down the same amount but you’re starting to say deloft or or add Loft more and you don’t feel like it’s anything to do with you then you go to a golf club which you don’t really use that much just because of say the golf course that you play the holes that you hit will obviously hitting whatever golf club and there’s always how many times I’ve spoke to people when they’ve said that they’ve got certain golf clubs they don’t actually use at their golf club because of the length of holes you go to that golf club and if it’s unspoiled unchanged but say the 79 is distinctly the 79 if there’s also Loft gaps between them yeah there’s there’s many reasons as to why but I had absolutely every year absolutely every year but if you can and again this is the cost of actually getting them checked sometimes a bit of a pain the backside but yeah um P says is there a demo on the site Spike uh yes there is um of course I’ll be doing my own uh indepth one whenever Spike can get one too to me so uh there was a new YouTube uh video up last night cool Richard says careful with the Loft and light adjustments on Woods if you have directional grips Callaway keeps grip angle but most others do do not during adapter mods yes Richard is absolutely perfectly correct so what Richard is basically alluding to is the fact that there is two main different types of Loft adapter you have the offset Campell off sleeve where where where where where where cuz I did the video today I tell you what I’ll flick over C going to be a lot easier for me to do that um over there there we go welcome all so um when you’re looking at something like uh Muno drivers Muno drivers are perfect example and if I can get you up on there there you go um Muno drivers they have got the offset Campell off sleeve with which effectively means you have the shaft which goes like that and then the Loft sleeve that goes into the head that doesn’t sit on straight that sits on wonky that’s sits on like that effectively to a something so as this spin rounds this thing does this that’s a massive ere exaggeration but you kind of get my drift which means you can reset it and of course it will then add Loft take Loft away put L angle up or down it depends on which one it will be and also have a compound motion of different ones in between with face angle and stuff now I want to go into the whole idea of what I did today when it comes to the video if not there’s no point me doing the video um but I explain the differences between them um how they work etc um when it comes to the Cog systems so Callaway runner jeel for example um 11 golf the new 11 golf driver again if you haven’t seen that one pop on my channel have a little look that’s quite a handy little thing um it’s got triple Cog triple Cog triple yes this has got plenty of adjustment on it and of course no adjustment in the world will make up for a bad swing yes but um yeah you can see but the good thing with this idea rather than that idea if I had a golf bride a standard golf Bride on my mauno let’s say this is my mauno it’s got Hulk shaft in it Etc right so if I was to put it on standard which I think it is at yes um you can see no on the shaft there is no writing there’s the writing it’s literally behind so it’s facing me if I was to put this on or high high upright and I’ll get you can as soon as you take your head off you see all the um numbers on the actual off seve it turns the shaft around head stays the same but turns the shaft around and because it does that because the offset C off seve it bends it rounds and of course you get the adjustment the other way and so what that effectively means is that um writing now is on top but what it does mean is the fact that if you have one of these grips with Golf Pride say for example written on the front and you adjust the head your Golf Pride will twist now that is a pain in the backside it’s not a pain in the backside depending on what grips you have if you are a poor soul which has ribbed grips like the aligns that run down the back and you have that on a offset camber Loft seve driver and you change loft or lie on the driver just basically just change the set and effectively what you’ll end up doing is you’ll end up moving your rib and that will irritate The Living Daylights out of you so you need to then blow the grip off and then put it back on again you don’t get that same issue when it comes to a cog system that’s the main advantage the the main I’ll go back over here now um the main advantage that you get though from a are we going to go click on there we go hey back again um the main advantage you do get from a offset camber is the fact that you can have slightly more adjustment I mean Mauna I think has got the difference between I say 9 and 1 half head is a perfect example let’s just say 9 and a half it can go all the way down to 7 and A4 and then all the way up to 11.75 so 4 and 1 12° it’s quite a bit there you go right not what I wanted to T to press on that’s why I wanted to press on itchy ear there you go um anyone else on the chat no okay that’s no worries but there you go so um anyone else wanted to ask a question on there on that kind of topic or anything else like that I’m absolutely more than happy to answer um well to be fair on any topic and also I’ve done a video on a bit of fun um I picked a hole on the simulator 1215 yards I think it was and see how many I can get down from everything went fairly well until it come to putting and if anyone knows when it comes to putting how difficult it is sometimes on a simulator especially when you well not in practice at all hitting putts on a simulator it was a bit of fun 1215 yards no golf course on the planet is going to entain my stupid idea of going from one side of the golf course to the other uh OCD uh sufferers Nightmare and I’m yeah I’m no pun intended when it comes to the ab mistake of the of the C for the V I knew I knew what you meant it’s fine um but yes it can be the triple adapters are or the the Dual Cog adaps are brilliant for that just don’t quite have this the uh the range of motion sometimes that the um off off cam off Steve ones can have makes a big difference there you go so um that’s going to be a potential um fun video for the 1200 yard one uh depending on how it’s edited Etc because I’ve got many different cameras obviously got the simulator going um that kind of idea I’ve done a Wilson blending video as well uh if that is of any use to anybody uh okay when it comes to uh blending videos this is a a Wilson one in particular but you can blend all different types of Manufacturers range of golf clubs it doesn’t really matter um every single premium manufacturer and even a lot of the director consumer manufacturers have every single Golf Club in their range conceivable to capture every single golfer doesn’t matter what their skill level is doesn’t really make that much difference what they’re they they’ve got one for every single person basically um zuno are about to launch their jpx 925 that will be an interesting one because from what I hear they’re not changing at all the amount of golf club so you’re still going to have the hot metal you’re still going to have the hot metal pro and you’re still going to have the hot metal High launch they’re doing the cast first and then the forge and the tour should be hopefully around about uh January time but that’s what they’re going to do but I’m just wondering what they’re going to do with the 925 purely on the basis of the 923 were that it was it was that good uh I’m I’m going to be struggling to really find out what they’re going to do we’ll find out right let’s go get the um screen up I can see see uh right Jeff says thumb it up guys couldn’t agree with you more Jeff quest for the million subscribers that’s what we’re going to go for I’m not quite sure how many um years I’m going to have to be alive for to get to the but we’ll see um Richard says I’m very unhappy with swing monitors I can’t find a simple one no simulation that simply measures my swing and ballf flight accurately for a reasonable cost I hate the idea of moving into SIM some people don’t like Sim stuff um I and it is different other people love it and some people hate it personally when I when I transition from coaching sort of like the classic Outdoors Etc to doing Sim based lessons the Sim side of things is a godsend for lessons why and God a godsend for coaches why why well because when you’re in the Sim environment with launch monitors such as quad quad is a perfect example um you can control the environment you can control the wind which is a massive thing if you’ve got a golfer which is struggling with their slice as a right-handed go for that say um struggling with their size and they come into that lesson and you do some brilliant work with them to try and get rid of their slice in say one lesson but there’s a howling wind off the left left or right it’s going that way it doesn’t matter if you were drawing doing like a 20 yard draw stroke hook um into a wind it would still want to go disappear off to the right because the wind is that bad everyone’s had that situation go to practice go to play and the wind is just howling across and it’s just taking the golf ball um doesn’t matter what you do in that lesson whatsoever you can try and um say convince his wrong word you can try and persuade you can try and showcase you can try and evidence the changes that they’re making but it’s they say ballf flight doesn’t lie well it does because of atmospherics and this is the problem when you’re having lessons especially sometimes say not sometimes commonly it is difficult to get the student to commit to a change that’s the biggest problem in uh coaching is the um student committing to a change they understand the benefits within a session but by the time you come to the next session however long that would be um a week a month 6 months 3 months a year whatever it would be the distance between and they’re back exactly where they started why because they didn’t commit to the change because it was too difficult or they couldn’t play golf that way or anything else like that and this is the problem where people don’t move on they Plateau they don’t actually push forward and so a lot of the struggle initially is to try and capture that golfer’s trust and when you’re dealing with data which is then not seen in in ballf flight because of atmospherics wind it puts that little bit that doubt pill in that um in that student in the client’s mind and it’s really difficult to get around you have a simulator environment you haven’t got that youve got literally just what that golf club does to the ball and quads Etc can measure that directly and so from that point of view um Sim is wonderful other PE you know some people don’t like Sim and you have to do stuff outdoors and you have that problems Etc but generally speaking um Sim is here and it’s going to stay here now especially for um like in the traditional side of things right says uh because that’s not the world I play golf in yes I understand that definitely Pete says downside of the Muno adapter is if you alter the LIE it can change the face angle um yes um but so when it comes to a driver um okay so let’s dispel this myth straight away um commonly what you’ll hear is Fitters will say um don’t worry about the lie so much because it doesn’t really that make make that much difference in a wood because there’s no Loft and so what you’ll see most of the time is and I’ve done it before in videos is where you get an iron say a pitching wedge or anything else like that with Loft and you put that metallic pointer on that comes off there and of course you move the shaft up and down of course a pointer looks left and right because the loft is looking left and right as you change the L angle now that is the they always and I’ve always used Loft because for camera base purpose and from a humans eye purpose it’s very very [Music] um what it’s visual straight away it’s just glaringly obvious as soon as you start moving Li around you see it but when it comes to a driver because there’s hardly any Loft the LIE the LIE doesn’t really change the uh face angle that much however because you’re hitting the driver further it stays in the air longer it does make a difference this is where certain people that say that certain Fitters and coaches which say the fact that Li doesn’t make a difference on driver it does and it can commonly make as much difference as it does with a heavy lofted iron say with sand wedge because not only have with the sand wedge mainly you’ve got Direction that’s going to be affected by poor Li but no tilt axis of the golf ball because D plane dictates that there’s not going to be enough tilt axis on a golf ball without that much loft when you go to a driver with Le with less Loft because of the difference in lie that will give you a different loft or face angle per path which will give you more tilt access which will mean not only will it go offline but it will continue go offline if it’s a plus or minus curvature um adding or taking away from the curve you know you kind of get my idea I don’t want to bore you too much um Pete says I meant Loft um so yes if you to change it say um up it has a propensity to make it a little bit more draw biased now um in the driver um I don’t mind the offset Campbell off sleeve I think it’s a godsent I think I love it and I prefer it over that to the Cog system why is because because of the fact that when you change Lo it does change face angle slightly you can make something a bit more draw biased you can also make it more fade biased so as you take Loft off it does twist the face a little bit and make the face look a little bit right and then no different when you add Loft it does the exact same thing however if you’re someone who wants to um have a drawer and your flight is a little bit fadey and you want to try and get a little bit of draw you go down to a lower lofted head as in because they commonly again they make three different Lofts say 9 10 and a half 12 say for a driver and rather than going to a 10 and got that you’ll go to a nine and then go up to make the 10 but it’s now draw bust and so depending if the golfer is set in their ways depending if the golfer’s got a lot of improvement to do depending on what stage there are in their golfing equipment game as such in their in their um Journey you make decisions based upon that but it can be brilliant um I I pretty much play 95% in my sim and yes I Spike I suppose you do obviously because um you’ve got it there and also unfortunately you’ve been having well health issues with your knee and so that has obviously stopped you from well walking so you’ve done very very well um per says Richard uh gc3 is is expensive but surpass trackman and flight scope I’m very happy with my for8 plus pro package from my needs um yeah gc3 will give you one. data uh it surpasses trackman in the realm of two ways one it’s measured where trackman is not necessarily measured in the same way uh and two it’s massively cheaper and so I’ve done a review already of gc3 it’s on my channel if anyone wants to have a look at that one um the only thing that I don’t like about gc3 is it does not have strike data for me strike data is imperative for coaching absolutely but for custom fitting also absolutely strike data is imperative uh gc3 don’t give you that which is a bit of a pain but again I can understand there’s a tier system within four sights range um and then but it’s cheaper so you can also tell when you’ve hit a bad strike you can you know the difference between a flush shot and a not quite flush shot and also you can tell the difference when you’ve left the face 20° open or 10° open because doesn’t matter what your path’s going to be that ball if it’s 10 or 15° open that ball starting right going right um it just becomes a little bit more difficult when you’ve got very very finite small differences but then again I suppose one could argue if you are someone who delivers very very close to neutral delivery and we are talking about small open clothes I mean yeah you’re at that point anyway where you’re fairly neutral Frugal fix Spike says I am hitting seven irons into uh the comment section while I watch on the Sim screen why not uh Gary good good day good morning good night good evening wherever you are in the world is the 11 driver more fade or Draw bias J it depends um I would say um in its neutral non Hot Melt setting as such because obviously you have a Hot Melt option you can make it draw by you can make it f bias you can do this and you can do that by asking the guys at 11 golf to tweak the head by adding hot milk common common thing that happens on tour lo I don’t know how many times it happens on tour you can obviously um add swing weight to it Etc many different things but I would say the standard 11 driver is neutral now I have a tendency under normal conditions so if I’m playing a normal shot it will fade slightly yep so I have a normal baby fade when it comes to a general driver if I’m playing golf a general normal hit Fairway finding kind of idea uh will be a very slight fade and so that’s fine when it comes to me bombing one if I’m going to hit one harder um go at it a little bit harder I will commonly draw um commonly Draw It generally I’ll draw it so I want my heads I didn’t have any hot melt in mine because I didn’t really want anything to mix both ones up so if I want to hit my normal shot and then also bomb one I didn’t want to take away the normal shot so I hit it straight but then hook the um Speedy one um I’d rather have the two shot shapes Richard says Perry Mason thanks for the feedback I think my main objective is the lie you accept in Sim where the numbers and paths displayed are perfectly consistent because they’re fake how do you mean by that Rich um don’t think they’re fake take the Gizmo to the range and see the disconnect between what the Gizmo says and what the ball actually does no wind right okay so I’ve done this many many many times and if I get a golf club custom fit to me Li zero absolutely lie zero strike zero or this thing and I deliver z0 the ball will go absolutely straight there is no such a tiny deviation whatsoever between what my quad says against what the ball does it is obviously measuring golf ball so it’s measuring the Tilt axis of a golf ball sometimes you do get on misreads um a disparity between Club head data and ball data it’s measuring what the club does but then is also measuring what the ball does and sometimes there’s a mismatch that’s because of well me many things from a point of view of strike inconsistency obviously uh low toe heel shots or heavy shots and then also um what the club head Dynamics are so commonly again a big problem when it comes to amate Golfers is their toe is too low down and that again that’s a generalization but we’ll put it in there anyway and so by doing that you have a certain amount of twist and a certain I mean I could I could go through the whole thing if uh you want me to happy to um describe it in detail but when you look at the mismatch sometimes between amateur golfers when they’re delivering the golf club when they’re not delivering lizero and they’re not hitting the middle you get different flights should we call it um Pros use monitors to give them path and speeds not ball pass Pros use monitors to give them path and speeds not ball pass ball pass what do you mean by ball pass as in ball start Direction curvature stuff like that explain more it’s interesting topic so that’s the main difference when it comes to I’ve got nine yeah I’ve got nine here I’ll just use the RB Tech from Wilson um so just imagine if you were I tell what do over there swing paths and speeds not where the ball goes uh they can see that um they may not pay attention to it but the obviously the data is there um I do know they do uh have it obviously trackman and everything else like that it comes up on the screen what they decide to use is a com is up to them at that given time they are not really worried about um a lot of things that amateurs really should be worried about because their swings ingrained their swing is consistent as SW their strike is consistent on the general normally they don’t have to worry about strike they don’t have to worry about their swing they don’t have to worry about anything else they’re just looking at um how far the golf ball goes um wherever they are in the world because obviously they play at different temperatures different uh altitudes which absolutely does make a big difference how far the ball goes um distance distance distance monitors get it wrong cons constantly uh trackman won’t uh quad maybe so because you’re dealing with um atmospherics again and it’s very difficult to say that there’s no wind especially when you’re looking at U wind is distinctly more up there than it is down here wind has a big effect on golf balls and doesn’t take much especially depending on what your spin profile is to have a big difference between say front to back dispersion when there’s little tiny um gust of wind Etc can make a big difference right so let’s flick over to the other screen and I can show you what I mean so when it comes to uh Li angle the biggest thing that that amers have uh as a general thing is won’t use this one just too big just use a wedge or something like that um they’ll have a situation when they come in whether it’s because it’s over the top or anything else like that they will have high handle delivery and when they have high handle delivery effectively what happens is the golf club goes in like that yep toe down first now if they are hitting the ground depending on the ground conditions that they’re hitting into if it is soft what’s going to happen is that obviously that act as a plow effectively and as it’s coming into impact that toe will start dragging matter it will start dragging when I say matter it’s soil grass up the face and you’ll get a cushioned shot even though the heel has not touched the ground yet the toe has and it will start pulling matter up the face and so you’ll get a excuse me you’ll get a cushioned strike because of poor lie that is so common it is ridiculously funny well it’s not funny but you know I mean it is so common it’s DED or imagine it’s summertime and what happens is you have a Rock Solid Ground like properly Rock Solid Ground same problem don’t get same thing high handle toe comes in first conversely when it comes to winter time you start plowing when it comes to this as it starts coming in that starts twisting because the ground has so much resistance now and that is going to want to pull that face open and that’s when you get some really weird shots you get the ones that go out to the right and then the golfers subconsciously then they start fighting it and they come across here and they start overreacting over releasing and then you start getting the Army golf Miss starts going left right left right left right it’s all down to the problems which they have within their swing um which then compromises Dynamic lie now you can if you want to go get fit for the L angle adjustment if you are within tolerance I am commonly commonly commonly commonly against that idea completely why is because if you go to the extent of changing someone’s or not changing get them uh custom fit into something which is going to be let’s say three upright four upright because they’ve got a really poor swing we are not talking about ping we’re talking about literally every other manufacturer apart from ping you are basically within a very small amount even if they’re forged very small amount you are stuck with those heads if you go to say a mauno and you’re going to say half inch long and 4 degre upright or 3 degre upright because you’re slightly taller and stuff like that you’re going to go into the oh which one is it now USL heads something like that anyway the longer um shafted ones so the lighter heads but the more upright heads but then you are stuck if you then have your swing coaching sessions over a year we change this we change that and you are now starting to deliver a a much more inline lower handle delivery you are tow up massively but because of the fact you’re stuck because your heads physical heads will not bend that much you’re going to be kind of so you’re going to have to either chub with it which is problematic at best or sell them and get refit income with that little Notch out the back which so many people find really ugly and I would agree it’s not the prettiest thing in the world but that little Notch allows people to be able to bend their pings a ridiculous amount like ridiculous you can go 6° upright to 4° Flat if you wanted to Ping will go like really but they will they’ll bend that much which is quite impressive for a cast yes cast um option generally speaking when it comes to cast you you might be a to bend it a degree May a degree and a half if you heat it nice and but I will never bend a cast golf club just because the sheer risk of it going Tink and breaking never get the Pro Shop to bend your golf clubs always send them back to the manufacturer because if the Pro Shop bends your golf clubs and they break you’re going to have a little bit of discussion with your Pro Shop saying whose fault it was when your Pro Shop’s going to turn around say that’s a man ufacturing defect I’ve been doing this for years they’ve never bent before and then you manufacturer is going to say no nothing to do with me you’re still out an eight you haven’t got an eight until this little war of words Etc actually get settled um if you send them to the manufacturers and the manufacturer breaks it because of a defect or they break it they’ll just replace it no problem right let’s go flick over back to the camera hello hello right let’s go get my um I’m going to have to scroll up I do apologize YouTube drink time Richard says so 25k to tell me my 9 actually went 135 I can see it went on the Range um difficult to see I mean you you’ve picked 99 as an example there’s pick N9 on an example um unless you’re at a driving range where you are on the top tier it is very difficult to see how far golf balls go when you’re looking across the plane like that unless you are looking a 100t tall looking from bird’s eye view it’s very actually difficult to see how far the golf balls um Carry as inaccurately uh unless the range itself has got a little kind of like dividing lines where is like pitching into again that’s always very difficult at such a shallow angle but yeah it gets progressively you can definitely tell when 50 yard shots 60 yard shots 100 yard shots and stuff like that but obviously as the distance gets further and further and further is it’s much much more difficult to see actually how far they carry Neil says uh sounds like you would not be a trackman or foresight customer anytime soon I’m talking I think Neils is talking about Richard there however in uh outdoor condition of trapman actually measures the actual ball fly as you asked for in the start it does when it’s outside a quad ball cannot touch a trackman outside the trackman ball is the best launch monitor you can buy no question it’s the best launch monitor ball you can buy Club quadwing indoors quad wins quad wins irrespective indoors where the only part that trackman win on absolutely would be uh Outdoors ball so Frugal says I have $500 garment for my scale level it gives me good enough info and plays great in Sim mode and that’s the whole idea if you’re happy with the the level of information and it gives you everything that you want and you’re happy with it perfect Barry says off to fetch mini ninja from a school play of already had the pleasure of uh so the wife’s turn tonight have a good night all night Perry hope you will thank you very very much for joining in uh Neil says it’s not it’s not at reasonable cost I’m possibly answering something else um Harry says evening just came in from work did you already start even in Mr J hello Harry hope you’re well yes I did start already started at 7:00 or just maybe a few minutes after trying to get some bits and pieces sorted before the live stream went on uh scroll down it um see you next week Perry yes see you next week that’s from Neils Rich say Jay what should could a non-sim monitor that just gives a few but accurate swing ball speeds and Carri cost what should could this is difficult why because we we’re talking about two different things if we were just talking about ball or just talking about Club but we are talking about ball and Club so we’re talking about a dual system because you won’t be able to get through okay without boring people if it’s a camera base system anyway they got to be looking at two different points they can’t be looking at two different things and stuff like that so that’s why you have to have a quadrascopic camera for club and a troscopic camera for um well the gc3 that it will do uh ball and little bit of Club um even radar is going to be is going to be difficult because if you were to say just ball or just Club then it should be relative I say cheap but it should be cheaper than things are unfortunately golf is a is a hobby is a sport [Music] where manufacturers just want to seem to add zeros to prices it’s no different to uh golf apparel Golf Apparel is no I mean golf trousers the golf trousers are brilliant golf trousers are the best example of exactly what I’m going to say how many people have gone into a pro shop looked at some golf trousers and in your brain you’ve gone How much for some trousers looked at them gone let look at all the tech and stuff like that but then gone to your local supermarket that has a clothing part within and effectively trousers a quarter of the cost this is the thing as soon as you involve the word golf or Alpine or anything such as that or equestrian anything like that things go up in brace and it it’s dared and it’s um irritating but that’s why how important it is for things like uh what what Spike has created in his uh Clear View Loft and lie viewer some that does the job of other equipment hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and sometimes going into the thousands plus pound will do now okay the 1500 2,000 uh lumps will bend as well again just had that conversation you shouldn’t be bending golf glovs um because if you do and they break good luck on that one um but for that thing there how cheap that is again um if you want that’s $99.95 or just basic $11 yeah but for um anyone who’s watching if you want 20% off that one Spike has very kindly said if you want to put the uh is it ask Golf Nut 20 Spike or is it R Golf Nut you’re um on the old comments uh chat section bud so if you were just to pipe up make sure I’ve got that right is either ass Golf Nut 20 or is ass golf nuts you’ll get 20% off so $80 there you go that is a measuring device and I really like guys if anyone has been watching my stuff for quite some time you will notice one thing um going even back in the day when I went through the vice golf things and where I supported Vice golf in the relatively early days why did I do that because ask gut 20 thanks very much for that Spike as you can see uh hang on a second to make sure that’s coming out okay there you go um so right the early days when when uh Vice golf were pumping out equipment like really good quality ball um premium quality Ball but relatively cheaply compared directly up against a provie one at the time and was distinctly cheaper absolutely I supported that I will support any brand which generally really brings or genuinely brings something to the market which is as good as what you can buy for a lot more money obviously but it’s cheaper that’s how this game is going to be kept on going if you if manufacturers continue to make things more expensive more expensive more expensive it’ll get to a point where you’ll start losing and arguably that’s already happening but you’ll start losing participation in golf because there’s going to be people that can’t afford afford certain things because remember it’s not it’s everything goes up it’s not just the secondhand it’s not just of the premium ones and the brand new ones it’s the second hand all goes up everything goes up which is a bit daed but there you go it’s one of those things um let’s just go make sure I get all this because if not I’m going to run out of right okay Andrew says good afternoon all um Andrew I hope you’re well welcome um how far it went uh isn’t always as important as how it got there potentially yes especially in uh when you’re learning your swing Etc absolutely um I heading for therapy will watch and listen but not able to type okay in that case s Spike thank you very much for being able to get that um discount code uh correction in there for me thank you very much Gary says I used to live near bar edins Jay RF hton how um how back now back uh in West Yorkshire tell what car um reach out on Instagram Andrew says I opt for the moo plus with Pro and face packages let me know how that’s going on uh Sean hello um same it’s great it’s even um y uh Andrew says with the RCT ball it’s hard to spot the differences trackman and quad yes so you have to have the RCT ball which is a bit of a pain RCT gives you very very good information and comparable to quad absolutely the spin rates are basically identical and tilt axis the most important thing is tilt AIS sometimes um everyone talks about spin rates on radar systems sometimes being off for compare that to directly measured camera base systems where obviously that is spot on the biggest issue actually with a radar base system um is not the amount of spin that it generates it’s actually what tilt axis that it generates it on and that’s the biggest problem so sometimes a track man can say it fades when actually true the right amount but it’s the wrong way so um when you have RCT you don’t have that issue anymore the problem with RCT you have to play an RCT ball and because different balls do different things you can’t use your gaming golf ball and so in certain aspects I kind of yeah there a bit of a pain if you play the RCT ball there you go Gary says I’ve had skyra l l mn2 Pro always get that on tongue tied and the Gan the sky track is the best option in my honest opinion I miss mine I have the mlmn N2 MP QR s t UV currently but looking again at sky track um I only I have only compared my Meo plus to r10 and the MEO plus is M be very happy ey graded good and as long as you’re happy with all the information brilliant when anyone spends money um the only thing I can ever wish that every individual is is happy with their purchase that’s no one wishes someone um ill will when it comes to oh I hope you’re really grumpy about I hope it’s really really useless and you’re sad forever I mean kind of what kind of human being does that rich said thanks for addressing my swing monitor questions I know they’re tiresome that’s fine absolutely no problem whatsoever um but I still haven’t found a good Tech solution to swing development and optimization um not cheap version at least absolutely Andrew says oh yeah way better than r10 uh Frugal just saying as spe was just saying ask gol nut 20 yep that’s that one on there um that’s the discount code if you want to go on Frugal fix’s website and buy one of those uh Clear View uh Loft and lie can I get it going I don’t know what the it says hot keys I don’t know what the hot keys are there you go so I can I’ll I’ll move it over if I can find out uh how but there’s as say when it comes to their uh do the website up on here there we go you can very very quickly easy and see how things go in you can see how it goes hybrids W wedges and irons and everything else on how it basically measures Etc that’s yeah that’s how it works and of course it’s um either handheld easy to and it also fits into a um a mount as well right let’s get that one off and say it’s it’s um $100 but it’s $80 with r golfing up 20 so uh I’ll do a full review of it when I get my one to test Neil says a rich B what should a device for your purpose cost in your opinion as you said reasonable cost just curious again what is reasonable for one maybe reasonable or non- reasonable completely unreasonable and too expensive or too cheap for another absolutely right yeah um Rich says non Sim swing ball speed smash Peak height uh launch angle carry $300 Max uh Andrew says 100% Meo Plus without the RCT ball for mine as left spin axis yes this is the problem with the certain radar B machines that don’t have the RCT um they don’t retail access very well whatsoever Harry says there are 10 shot scope bays at our driveing rage uh at GC H helsom uh free to use wow that’s impressive yes must admit that that after a few months the extra value of the info gets less don’t use them anymore um interesting that Neil says uh at R I will definitely be buying one at that price as well probably will take a while until Tech is a at a level of price and accuracy um I think it will never will but if you look at everything going on um it’s there will always come a limit I mean there’s obviously got ml MN LM L mlm2 yeah you know what I mean why’ they make that so tongue twist is for me at least anyway um that’s a really really very good unit anyone’s got one of those will know just how brilliant it is really is um it’s not cheap although it’s nowhere near as expensive nowhere near as expensive as one of them or a gc3 so there are options but again um unfortunately because different people have different requirements and different wants and needs from different pieces of Technology some people don’t want to go all the way down the route of strike data some people want strike data some people don’t want detailed head data where some people want only certain head data some people want all detailed ball data but some people don’t want all this B data they only need this this and this you got so many different people wantan in so many different things it’s very very difficult to have one unit that fits all well you can but what it won’t do it won’t fit the budget so um Richard says at Neils every member at my club would buy one um but the companies are determined to force you into high front-end cost and forever Sim Subs unfortunate it is but it’s a b it’s a business model um it’s an interesting one I don’t know because unfortunately if if any other manufacturer of sim uh or launch sorry launch monitors made that um it would then be effectively a race to the bottom and companies don’t want that companies don’t want this is why every single all the drivers all the woods all the Hybrids all the irons continue to go up in price if they Al if you got one manufacturer started lowering all the prices it would and if and it was a big manufacturer it would force everyone else to come down which which would ruin everybody they’d hate it and of course it would be then down down down down everyone will come down everyone then come down some more and be race the bottom they don’t want that companies want the profit margins going up not down and so you won’t see that no different when it comes to the launch monitor area [Music] um right just turn the old um fan on CU it’s getting a little bit warm with that projector going Etc um Andrew says having very accurate Smash and dynamic Loft numbers really help my strike working towards 5 degrees doft while still going straight so um Andrew without knowing how fast you swing 5 degrees of doft is quite a lot so I would be hoping that you swing quite quick um I don’t run 5° so I generally speaking I run on the normal shots practice in and stuff like that I am looking for say with a 7 IR perfect example around about 3 to 4° of doft 3 to 4 degrees of uh Dynamic of angle attack down so 80 8 to 90 mph 79 so yeah I that’s possibly a Touch Too Much I again I mean it all depends how much um damic L you do deliver and so again did uh Andrew did you say what what you use 100% your Meo plus okay so it measures it differently okay yeah so the you’ll find that because AO plus being a radar based system and then a camera based system will read at slightly different points um yeah [Music] so a quad will always read um slightly um faster swing speed than a camera base system and so the reason being is because okay let’s how to do this without boring people uh a radar based system like trackman will read the geometric middle of a golf club will basically measure the um geometric center of a head a mass in 3D space and how it moves and because it’s measuring it’s yeah um where a camera base system will measure the face and because of face rotation of see the face is not going through Air at 100 Mil an hour and doing this it’s going through the air 100 Mil hour and then doing that it’s then rotating it’s then obviously that’s the heel that’s your shaft that’s the toe and it’s obviously releasing as you’re going along so you are gaining more head speed from rotation that’s why quad measures degrees per second rotation um or closure rate and so that can help or does Aid in increasing speed because obviously track man doesn’t measure that and so therefore you’ll get a slightly different number but that is the simplistic way of explaining it without boring the living uh people uh Rich say posos on Loft Li I run my sticks in once a season beginning with my specs and have them bent well done Richard on that one always make sure you get the right um at the start of the Season absolutely um then do a gap test after that and then make sure that you know start of the Season how things are going absolutely right but there you go so I’m up to date come on look at the time cool I’m just going to keep an on the time and as long as people are um asking questions wanting uh input from me Etc I’ll carry on go as soon as we see people start um coming off Etc we will then look at um knocking the live stream on the head because I’ve got lots to do I’ve still got lots of editing to do I’m kind of partially in Holiday mode at the moment um this weekend I Popped over to because my wife and litn are on holiday uh a um a Seaside break with her parents and so this weekend I Popped over to spend the weekend with them and then pop back for Monday Tuesday and going back on Wednesday to spend the um back end of the week with them and so I’ve got a few days to concentrate on filming editing editing editing as best I can do and there you go thanks for the show Jay how’s your shoulder and swing recovery going shoulder is basically within reason 100% when you’re old um you get to a point of where nothing’s truly ever uh happy especially after you’ve injured it but um yeah it’s it’s it’s absolutely fine for me to do um reviews tests Etc so um I’ve got a message from um a media company a PR Company which Muno this year are using to um launch their jpx 925s uh because obviously Mauna have had a little bit of shall we call it in-house disruption in the marketing team uh through people leaving Etc and coming to the end of their natural working uh lives at least um that they’ve met to a point of where they need a marketing PR Company to actually launch the jpx 925 so I’ve had to go through the rigal of getting in contact or they got in contact with me over the weekend and then I need to um speak with them in detail about obviously because very very soon I should be getting the jpx 925 heads through and of course then that will be a singular full video of the 925 hot Metal Hot Metal Pro and the hot metal High launch I’ll do those three videos excuse me YouTube wi pops um and then also do the comparisons between the old and the new uh which will be fun um but thank you very much for asking Richard appreciate the um the thoughts um you’re a spring chicken compared to me I’m working on uh working on gout in my right toe oh you poor soul um a little tough to push off in all arms yes I’m all arms these days my dad’s very much similar whenever he does actually swing a golf club which is not often um yeah he’s very very similar any idea if the pro 243 and ZX7 Mark I are similar performing Iron Head Soul thickness spin rates Etc um it might actually be worth a video that one um being honest the pro 243 and Z X7 two very very um popular irons um I’ll be honest when it comes to my initial thoughts my initial thoughts are that possibly the ZX7 like for like could actually beat the pro 243 I don’t know um I was I’ve always been very impressed with uh shon’s Mark 2 lineup more so the five and the Seven not somewhere the four I mean the four was just a rocket um and there’s arguable differences between who they should be for and who they’re not for ETC but Andrew says I’m still at 16 to 18 launch with a doft at 48 desc should I reduce it um your spin must be fairly High then so um no 48C angle lovely and 16 for again we are talking about differences I mean like you launched the golf ball slightly uh lower than me I launched the golf ball slightly higher than you um but again you might spin the golf ball slightly more than me I use a slightly lower spin golf ball and so if it’s working and they’re the numbers you get on average on average not Peak your best ones there’re on your average shots then absolutely fine keep them no problems what I would do would be looking at possibly five iron Etc you might need a little bit of extra help I don’t know but again um ouch gout must be wor yes Andrew you’re right and I feel sorry I really do for po Richard on that one um Neil says hope the new jpx is get through better than last season been doing test samples um yeah there’s already been a uh blame culture exercise when the question mark over 925 test samples who they going to how they’re going to where they’re going to come what what when they’re going to come Etc and then there was a little bit of kind of throwing of because every everyone’s left now um that yeah we realized we didn’t do very well with the uh last iron release which again in considering I mean Mauna having a really good time with the pro series especially 245 245 is going like hot cakes it really is doing really really well and Mauna doing brilliant doing really well as a company because on sales on that my my point would be how much better would it have been if they actually made a better job of doing it now that was not marketing’s fault per se what it was is they didn’t get the samples over now I don’t know whose fault that was but i l the samples did not come over in time and then they had to get built by cold which when that in itself because you’re you’re you’re now entering into different parts of the business that becomes awkward where in the past what they’ve come they’ve come straight from Japan or China for the jpx cast and they’re already built and all they have to do is go to reading which is their um headquarters in UK and basically just get all the sets and they split them there you go off you go and they send them out you then move the mauno pro heads which came in component form and had to be built by cumanal which then oh do we prioritize the uh custom fit staff for retail people which arguably they should um or do we then do the media side and oh no it’s just a little bit messy and so hopefully now they’re not going to have the same problem as they did before but Neils you are right Andre says ZX7 is better in my opinion spin rate is much higher smaller blade though um yeah is see for me I found that the ZX uh 5 and ZX7 initial launch was really very good similar to the i530 and launch wanting to really get up there um spin rate I’ve always found shrix always to be on the lower side for me for me I’m not saying when it comes to what that’s my and it’s been a pattern of the whole lot so um the old um Zed was it 9545 and all that lot from and then also the mark 1’s uh low spin as well but yeah um there you go Richard sucks that shrien didn’t produce those beautiful black irons in a combo set I’ve bought yeah that’s true they do look quite good um Mr two5 hello hope you’re well so I got The two4 Vibes in 1.5 over on the on the G8 and one over also Gap r eight iron and one over on the seven to five I have to say uh the amount of distance and forgiveness on these clubs is amazing yes they are the 245 is the biggest update that mauno had in a long while 225 was a good golf club don’t get wrong and a minor update over the mp20 hmb but the 245s yes big jumping tungsten helps a lot Pete says um hit longest drive on uh of the year on Sunday 2 27 yards straight down the middle boom uh on first game uh went downhill from then doesn’t matter you won you you’ve got an Accolade there you’ve gone something


  1. Taking much longer than I would like for the Internet to wake up after the power cut…. Apparently it had effected a large area…. 😢

  2. Very sorry to all, a big power cut to the area took out the Live Stream. If anyone wants to take advantage of the Loft and Lie Measuring device described within the Live Stream, make your way to and at checkout put in the PROMO Code AskGolfNut20 for a 20% off DISCOUNT from your purchase. 👍

  3. I only watched about half of the video and I'm interested in purchasing the product, but it seems that you do not have the product yet? How can you recommend the product if you have not tried/compared it to a traditional lie/loft measuring tool? Did you have any hands on experience with it?

  4. how many people tend to be non standard lie ? .. i think alot les then actually have it changed , looking at 2nd hand ping clubs as example most are red or blue dot which is non standard . i assume this is a case of people with less then perfect swings going for fitting and them been sold it as they hit it better, when a swing tweak/practice might meen they use standard black dot. is there any truth to this logic or is it most likey i would be red dot after a fitting… i currently use 2nd hand black dot ping i210,dynamic gold 105 reg shaft . according to guides i should get stiff 120g shafts for my swingspeed but after searching for a long time i couldnt find them in black dot. i got i210 6-pw+uw +56 ping glide wedge. i decided that pw+uw were better value getting them as part of a set rather then buying seperate, . i also got adams super {s} white heads hybrid 4+3 to replace the long irons… all in great condition and only 350 for the irons and hybrids. :} . the set looks awesome…. the other options i had were wilson fg tour v6 or apex pro and after holding all clubs the i210 stood out to me. they are noticable lighter tho … one of the reason i looked for i210 is after your review saying you could game them and how good they felt.. the main reason i went for i210 is i want consistent distances and a seemless iron to wedge game. overall super happy so far, something that is not covered in reviews is how a set changes and feels , 6,7,8,9,uw,pw, 56 are all unique clubs in terms of head,bounce,sole. the i210 really are designed well and each club feels like unique club but at same time very balanced across the set.. ping fanboy lol

  5. Gaming Titleist irons – T350 4i (1 deg weak @21), T200 5i (1 deg weak @25), T150 6-GW. Not getting along with the T350 4i and considering replacing it with a T200 Utility 4i but concerned at only 23 deg it won’t gap enough to my 5i. Usual ‘lefty’ issues of not being able to find a T200 utility to demo anywhere. Mainly use 4i as an off the tee club. Any suggestions appreciated.

  6. Agree. Mevo+ w/ Pro Package & face impact has been very good. Loving their tools with auto video replay and more so their lack of subscription fees!

  7. Love the channel esp off centre hits different swing speeds. Question 86mph 7 iron 8hcp Mizuno 245 too big of gapping problem or blend with 243 in shorter irons or Srixon zx5/7 combo am I right track or other ideas? Many thx

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