This $1,000 Lesson With The Worlds Best Coach Changed My Game Forever

Thank you to Dan Grieve for this incredible lesson! Check Dan out below for more content + info on all things short game:


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that was a lot better oh You’ only hold it only gone and hold it so he’s working already this is Dan geve the best short game coach in the world he’s a master PGA coach a bestselling golf author and one of the most renowned coaches on YouTube lessons with Dan started $1,000 per session and he’s about to share all his secrets with us High handicappers the lesson we’re about to show you has 100% changed my short game for the better the small details and tips you’ll see in this video might just do the same to you so how did I end up in a position where I’m getting a lesson from Dan long story short I’m a high handicap golfer and I’ve been playing golf every day for the past 133 days straight with the goal of making 18 cars in a row pretty ridiculous I know my current record is seven but I’ve recently plateaued and I’ve realized I’m going to need help if I ever want to make this happen that’s so bad look at that so we shop for the star and asked the best short game coach in the world for some help and somehow he replied so this is the plan for today one head to wolen go two share the entire lesson with you you will not want to miss some of these gems three attempt the 18 pars challenge with down on the bag and see how many pars I can make will a $11,000 lesson show immediate results how good of a Caddy’s Dan let’s find out day 133 of playing golf every single day until I make 18 Pars in a row okay Timmy right so tell me about your short game then obviously you got this fantastic Series where you’re going and you’re trying to 18 PS in a row that’s my dream as well by the way right and do okay you’re improving but you’ve never done it I’ve never done it I got to 16th once that’s very that’s very terrible to hear but um it’s the dream though it’s a Dream It’s a dream um and tell me about your short game um what’s good and bad okay so I think one of the best parts of my short game is like the IAL bump and run like from this to that distance they hitting it low um I feel like i’ with the course of the series gotten a lot better what I’m probably not so good at is um any type of short game shot where I need the ball to stop like where it land you have less screen to work with short sided I’m I’m like I can I probably pull contact most of the time on those and they never really roll out the way I want them to like so low ones are probably fine High ones are not that good okay fine and no you what you got there is that a pitching wedge in your hand it’s a pitching wedge and you happy going up and down the bag you’re not a sort of one club man around the greens um this is like my preferred one if I don’t have anything of height in front of me and if you do 56 you and I’m just look in your bag there you’ve got is that is that’s the full compliment that’s the full that’s 56 there’s no 60 or or or 8 there used to be a 60 but um was left in some grain and never returned right all right let’s use the wed we’re going to go to that pin first I’m going to have a look at this basic shot I know you’re saying you’re okay at this I’m just going to give you all clear okay I’ve set myself a little bit of pressure saying I’m good at this now but okay run it down and do you ever get a bad one here if you do you ever sometimes would it dig in or would you thin it a little bit at all you used to a lot now I do have to say qu quite rare like it’s quite rare that I um M hit one okay good no they weren’t pure but they’re going close okay cuz he got the right Club in your hand the big part of the short game he having the right Club in your hand by the way um and even those on so I’d still like that was obviously a bit thin the first one was a bit fat but I’m still happy with those like I don’t consider those yeah yeah yeah sure they’re not destructive are they yeah exactly right but I think we can make it better okay all right stand this side right so you’re set what I’ll tell you what you’re doing well you’ve got your weight nicely on your on your left side you got your stance nice and narrow which is important for short game the big thing about short game is stand it’s the opposite to long game yeah when in long game you want some width you want some weight transference you want Power you want compression in short game it’s the opposite it’s about getting finesse and touch and feel so we want to be setting up narrow we want a different sequence of movement you want to feel like you’re using more of the bounce of the club rather than driving too much you’re a little bit drivy you’ve got quite a lot of sh there okay which is excellent in long game but it can be destructive in short game so you saying you struggle with the short-sided ones I can kind of see what you’re doing and why you will struggle with some of the things you’re showing me here at a dress particularly how much loft you’re taking off the club there and if you’re doing anything like this when you’re short-sided you’re going to struggle a little bit okay so we’re going to see if we can make this a little friendlier for you though so yeah keep doing what you’re doing in terms of how you’re moving the weight weight forward on that left side but you do have quite a lot of forward lean here and the problem here is when you have this much lean you start to get a little bit too much shoulder tilt here as well though your weight is left you’ve got quite a lot of tilt with his quite a low right shoulder so it’s very hard for you to rotate your chest through the ball yeah so when you watch the best players in the world chip they’re moving much more this way through the ball you see how my chest is facing it there so it’s much more down the line you look a little bit more like this mhm you see you’re just kind of using your hands arm simar fled ball as well show okay and listen you’re a good player you practice it and you’re good at that however I do think we can make it little friendly so what we’re going to do is just get your shoulders More Level here we’re going to reduce the amount of sharling you’ve got just put a little bit in there and I’m just going to see if I can get you a better feel in terms of how you rotate your chest so if you do catch it a little heavy which you we did a couple of times there the bounce I’m going to hit one heavy on purpose the bounce is going to help the club through the turf and still hit it nice and close Okay whereas at the moment when you got that amount of lean it can lead to yeah that sort of slightly stab at times yeah all right does that make sense yeah it does right if you set up to the ball then so the we it’s so forward but less forward like that more just get your feet a little bit narrow as well that’s perfect yeah so I want you to go a little bit more this way you get a little bit shut and a little bit low with the shoulder so we to go more that way okay now that looks much better mhm you feel it yeah now and then rotate around yeah that’s it so your weight’s on the left side now you’ve got something to turn around better so if you take a back swing try and feel like there’s a little bit of movement with your right pocket so you want a little bit of rotation this way yeah so at the moment you’re just hands and arms yeah and you want to feel a bit more movement so if I just help you with that move take a back swing does that feel different yeah it does okay and then from here you go this way yeah okay so this is you at the moment you have no movement there yeah your hands and arms go there and you drive your hand this way yeah okay so keep keep the hips yeah moving to what we’re looking for basically is this club to be on the ground for longer to do a practice swing can you let the club brush the ground more rather than rather than it dig in a good noise that’s the noise you want okay nice you feel the chest turning to Target a bit more now yeah yeah I can good right let give that a go with a ball you might over hit the first one we’ll see yeah so just a bit more that way that way okay nice and relax with the arms as well you’re a little bit tight there just relax okay right HP back chest to Target a little bit more much better noise yeah and straighter as well straighter as well over hit slightly cuz you not used to move in that um loftier too right sorry LOF lofty yes exactly it wasn’t coming off quite so so driven this is the thing you got there we go relax the arms so I want say twisting left a bit yes you want to feel like your chest bone is pointing here okay all right so a little bit more right hip turn going back and then going through everything opens up that’s where I want to finish yeah that looks far more professional okay okay see the hands have come around the corner so the hands are working on an arc yeah yeah good now that’s good how’s that feel the movement I mean I’ll be honest with you it feels a bit strange but okay sense that means you’ve changed it right now what you’re doing is you’re moving moving your your torso so much better but what you’re doing is you’re doing it a little bit quick that’s why the ball’s going a little bit too far and past the pin control so this is the engine for you now not your hands and arms right this chest bone is your engine how that moves it doesn’t mean to mean that you’ve got to really rip it and go quick with it the engine is on but it’s not necessarily going that fast right so you got to keep it moving but just a little smoother okay okay okay good there good smoothly turn the chest okay again it’s going too slow yeah you can go too slow yeah very very good that looks really different when you’re chipping do you focus on how the ball gets to the hole as in where you want to land it and where the ball will break or do you think you’re mainly looking at the Target like dep pin I think that’s a big thing that I’ve changed in like in the course of the series that I’m doing is that like I now look at where to land it where is where it finishes like my main point of looking out is is where to land it good and that’s really important you do that because then your instinct can start to feel the shot and that’s how you get it yeah but you’re uh but your ball’s coming off slightly differently now okay so from what you’ve done before so it’s just a case of just adjusting that and focusing where you want to land the ball a bit more yeah so in the sense that I’m now hitting it more straight and before I was looking to put it out to the right exactly yeah I’m for it yeah okay really good really soft yeah it’s that noise I like you know at the beginning there wasn’t really much of a noise you were kind of either catching the ball or it was digging in whereas now you got that brushing noise yeah okay and that’s that’s what the best players in the world do they have this big margin for error and you’re under pressure imagine getting to the 16th 17th and you got you get there and you’ve got one of these chips right you you need something that’s going to be safe under pressure and the beauty about this technique right you can hit you can hit right back here and it’s going to work to here and that club is just sliding so if you do catch a little bit heavy which we all do Under Pressure the club is going to keep moving and you’ll still get an okay result my worry about your roll technique is if you’re not if you’re under pressure if you’re not quite perfect it can dig ground yeah exactly um do you always recommend using a pitching wedge or like does this work with every club I’m really impressed you used the that is the perfect club for that pin most people would use more Loft than that it would kind of spin up and stop short so I was really impressed you’ve using that club but to be fair you only really have two wedges in your bag so like know a little bit e people have like four you got 56 or a wedge pitching wedges perfect for that but the thing I want you to understand here I’ve given you one technique and one setup and you can do this with every iron in your bag depending how much you want the ball to run if you want the ball to run out another 15 yards we might get the aine in your hand if you were going for this near pin we’ prob do it with a 56 yeah right so don’t think it’s a different swing you know it’s just the same swing and a different Club in your hand yeah yeah right let’s get you in a short Sid his position okay make it a little tougher right right okay so yeah we’re in this position we’re short sided we’re going for that right hand pin so there’s very little green we’ve got there uh in relation to how much uh of the Fairway we’ve got to carry now you could still use something like a nine or an 8 High bumping into the bank and that is a shot some it is is a viable shot but I’d like you to try and land this on the green imagine you got to carry a little bit further the danger of hitting a low flight shot into the bank there it will kick sideways uh and and also just judging it when you land into a bank is quite difficult the pro here will just land it on the green okay and get a soft Landing shot I notic you gone to 56 I have yeah yeah which is totally the right Club yeah okay right show me show me what you got this is a shot you don’t particularly like yeah this is the one I’d be nervous over on the course like I I wouldn’t the fact that I’m standing here doing this okay was not about contact the ball’s running running running a lot isn’t it is running a lot uh is that what happens it happens so it’s it’s it’s like still lower flighter than I would want and it’s um I can never judge how far it runs if that makes sense that was a lot better oh You’ only hold it only gone and hold it so it’s working already see some of the stuff we’ve done you you’ve got this Shar more neutral now you he that slide under the ball better I’ve already integrated it yeah no you’re looking better okay right turn this side let me show you a few things so you have got setup ER for sure you are getting to press you with the shaft angle so I like the ball forward by the way yeah really like the ball forward but you’re getting you’re getting pressing too much this way so you’re dof in it uh and from there you’re pretty much doing the same sort of Swing okay but if you get that ball first and that’s what you’re getting there you’re getting ball first Contact the ball tends to just run on but if you get a little heavy like I did there you know it’s um it stamps that way yeah so I don’t like playing this shot way I don’t want my ball to come off softer than that so absolutely get the ball in that front foot but I want the shaft angle in line with the back of the ball M okay I want you to stand a little bit further away from the ball as well so you don’t get the hands quite as high for this shot you want them down lower so there’s more angle here and then when you go back in the back swing I want you to feel like you’re going to point the club more into this position here which is in a toe up position cuz at the moment you go that way M you can see how that takes a lot on the bounce off and from there you’re coming through and you’re this way so it’s all about this shot making sure you get it here mhm okay so it’s there you see how the toe works up and just trying I’m going to hit this one behind the ball on purpose just just try and listen to the noise there do you see did you hear hear the noise and you see the spin yeah okay so I’ve hit that behind the ball with release okay so it’s releasing under the ball now I call this release two now and that’s what creates the spin and the softness of the flight but because you’re getting ball first first contact with drive you see it’s coming out too hot yeah does that make sense I’m asking to actually hit the ground first I want an indirect contact and I can I can hit the ground first don’t you worry yeah but now we’re going to hit the ground first with the right part of not the wrong okay right you set up to it okay let put the club down so so a little further away mhm that gets the hands lower yeah and then we have the shaft in line with the back of the ball there yeah okay and then on the way back more up that’s much better yeah try and turn your torso a bit as well like did ear you have to we going to rotate but that’s what you want yeah so you’re historically that way yeah see that strengthen in The Loft mhm I want you to be here yeah and that toe up there and from there we’re going to let the club yeah drop hit the ground before the ball that slide underneath and it’s going to be more this way through it okay and that’ll feel very different yeah cuz you’ve always been that way yeah and I want you more this way okay you feel the club is swim yeah yeah it’s almost like you can feel the whole hips from from start to finish right yeah they’re moving yeah so what I’d like to do to begin with do some practice wings and see if you can hit the ball without hit the ground sorry without making a divot yeah there you go no noise let’s try again I want you to hit the ground and no divot if you do that with the release you won’t create one great every time you do that you’re get a nearer to the softer flight okay that’s it give me a slightly longer back swing give me a little bit of a lighter grip as well very good very good you hear that noise yeah can you feel the bounce sliding yeah I can sounds lovely yeah that’s okay right if you give that noise with the ball I think we’re going to be in business yeah right ball forward hands back a little bit softer grip pressure bring the handle back 1 in that’s good really light yeah okay get the club into a toe position and give me the noise of the of the brush Behind the B There we go what a transformation look at that height yeah that’s it so nice yeah that’s it so we just change you few things in setup yeah but just give you a better concept about how the club needs to work through the turf to hit that softer higher shot wow I didn’t even know with this club I could get that yeah softness pretty good right so uh yeah just it hands nice and low yeah hands very light it’s really important I do think you get a little bit tight don’t grip the yeah look at me if I grip it as tight as I can this club can’t swing if I grip it light I mean I’m hardly holding it when I when I chip by the way the club can start to swing look I’m taking the thumbs off look how the club moves yeah yeah so if the lighter you are the better the more more the ball sucks into those grooves inas the friction that you need against what you got there yeah you’ve got some grooves left I think then hardly any of yeah okay it’s nice and soft that’s it so show me the tow position bit more torso turn I like you last one you’ve got a nice length to it that’s good yeah show me how the club releases come down that way slide this way yeah okay yeah no right so okay that’s fine so that’s good on pleasy de right now you moved off the ball then don’t move off the ball you’ve got to stay in that front foot I that’s why I want that foot flared and in there and you did get a little bit in there again with the wrist mhm I want that wrist to have some cupping in it this is cupping this angle here so show me the back swing bit of cupping there we must get there okay I think with the weight transfer I just uh with the too turning I transfer the weight too yeah yeah yeah that’s why I want you that left foot is flared and I want you to feel like you’re really sticking the pressure through that left foot okay okay yeah very very good look at the height again that’s fantastic yeah that’s fantastic and then you got to practice that just to get you feel because you’ve never not used to the ball going that high yeah you’ve got to figure out what speed do I need to deliver on that yeah that’s just a bit of practice yeah and so if there was a bunker right in front of us and the pinle was even closer that’s kind of the shot you have that been fantastic bring those hands back the lower hands lower that’s it low that’s it very good very very good okay don’t open a face too much just to touch is good okay give me a toe up position give me a slide on the ground that give me a slide on the ground and give me some chest uh rotation through the ball fantastic tell absolutely superb get in there you go that that fantastic yeah that landed like a bag sugar yeah it boom yeah right so when you’re playing out the rof I want you to understand this as well if you’ve got a lie like that put the club Behind the ball you can see how the club is sitting under the ball you can play exactly the same shot we’ve just been working on in fact play it just this uh go to the front pin again front pin same shot yeah same shot right don’t drag that handle though right so you went slightly back to your R technique there and dragged it yeah I want you to feed it underneath loose your hands very very good yeah right now however if I give you this type of light you see how it’s sitting down more yeah you’ve got a cushion behind it you can’t play that same shot there because the grass is going to eat the speed of the club up yeah so you got a little bit steeper so what you he what you do here you get a little bit wider you lean more on your left side and you do need to put some sharp lean in mhm open the face but I want you to hinge a little bit earlier and you want to hit behind the ball still but you are going to have to have a slight lean here but hold the Loft so it’s like this yeah okay it pops out more it won’t come out with the same sort of spinning height you get because you can’t really get some of the Gres on the ball there but that’s the adjustment if you come in too shallow here this is going to get caught here and the ball STI going here or so okay so 100% just go this way down the grip hinge hit behind hold the Loft on okay yeah so you play that it’s kind of like the shot that I’ve been playing right yeah it is you should be good at this yeah so but open the face a bit more open the face open the face and then lean the Sha that way and it’s hinge earlier which will come from how you set up so when you go down the grip and lean the hands forward it will once a hinge earlier MH but then you’re coming down just behind and it’ll pop up okay all right okay right this again is that because of the LIE of just hitting the ground first it was a bit of the lie but you did you did hit too far back on it yeah yeah yeah ball back of the foot more it’s in the middle of the stance but because you’re leaning forward it’s it’s back in relation to where your chest bone is yeah yeah so that’s good that’s that came out really well as I said you won’t get the same control yeah so you have to allow for that and where you’re going to land it but I want to just point this out to you for you have to look at the light this is a this is a green light Li to play the shot we just worked on M okay this is an amber light it’s sitting down a little bit you can give it a go but when it starts to sit down like that you’ve got to create a different solution yeah which is that which is that kind of like further back hinge and hit down a little bit more okay okay clear on that I’m going to give you a green light though I want to see if you can play that new shot again for me the new shot yeah up here very good that’s great got a little bit of finess in there yeah yeah that’s what short game is all about all right cool brilliant well done from new shot so let’s see take it to the course now so do you think I’ll make 18 po now I think you’ll 18 make 18 in a row if youve played long enough you never know yeah day 133 of playing golf every single day until I make 18 Pars in a row I’m still an 11.3 handicap and today I’ve got Dan leave here to help me with my short game let’s go let’s go okay we got power five here you got the wind off the right we have our be down the left there’s plenty of room right and you send you cut the ball a little bit so I’d like you to aim this straight down the middle of the Fairway a little bit of a cut into the wind would be perfect okay let’s do that [Music] that’s perfect that’s exactly what I wanted thank you great start brilliant brilliant let’s go let’s go the Lord yeah good start first swing of the day I was a little bit nervous over that one actually love the fact guys you clearly don’t edit anything I mean that he fantastic isn’t it that’s that’s half of the authenticity how far do you hit a uh 99 about 125 M so 40 yards okay okay let’s let’s hit let’s hit a pitching wedge here reason I’m saying we’ve got about 230 yards to the front of the green but there are four large bunkers down there yeah and I want to keep you short of those it’s a par five yeah right we’re trying to make par so I want you to hit a pitching wedge do you see the uh the tree trunk there kind of the one in the sunlight yeah okay if you go straight at that with a pitching wedge that’s going to leave you about another wedge in yeah that’s perfect exactly where I wanted it all right we’re on The Fairway good people I like it yes I mean we could have we could have chased it a little bit more and hit the nine but you see the nine might C towards we’ve totally taken all these FES out of play I mean now we’ve just got the easiest part three in the world no not in the world yeah that’s right simple shot in 100.5 M yeah there’s around about it’s around about 5 yards of wi there okay I’d like you to leave it a little bit below the hole so you’ve got a simple putt so let’s play this as a 110 shot okay I’m not going to worry about the win it’s a 110 shot have you got 11 10 Club no um what have you got this near so I I I 56 or pitching one of my two options no we’re not going to hit 56 no we’re not cuz it’s going to be full swing so it’s going to be a 3/4 swing with a pitching wedge Good Very simit to last swing okay exactly yeah you can go go straight at this okay actually just a yard right of it cu the wind’s just coming off the right it strike pushed it a little bit Yeah if that carries go oh bunker shot no we haven’t done bun that’s the one thing we didn’t work on oh can you see this little bit of sand behind the ball yeah that’s going to make the ball run a little bit more okay okay so this isn’t going to spin this much he going to land it’s going to chase out but that’s doing us a favor because we’ve got quite a lot of green to work with yeah so just play your normal shot we can land it if we can land this about 15 20 ft short of the pin I’m sure it’s going to run out to the pin okay okay yeah there you go very very good very good shot thank you that’s fantastic and it’s run out like we thought let’s go make that part good shot thank you that was class that was so good great shot thank you you see what I mean though you got to underly Mak it run out and it’s just that that Golf and IQ bit of reading the lie I wouldn’t have like I wouldn’t have known that would have done that um and I didn’t I didn’t even care to think it’s the LIE it just little like had spin but then released yeah exactly what a guy so right to left um but I just I do not down right to left quite a bit I’d say actually well it depends on the pace obviously depends how How firm you’re going to hit this I’d be playing this fairly softly so it can just sort of drop in the hole Yeah cuz there’s a little bit of breake on it I would have this I would go here you get that yeah I see that okay oh missed it low missed it l all right guys zero pars today see you tomorrow all right guys we did not make a par but my short game has massively improved thank you to Dan grave and thank you to wbor golf club for having us out here today we will see you again tomorrow and subscribe okay good stuff then


  1. I didn't know either of these guys 3 months back and now Dan's book and videos are sorting out my short game and I find myself checking in on Tim every week to see how that par challenge is going.

  2. Man, what a treat having the short game magician with you! Very fun to watch and learn… I enjoy your reels everyday, a crazy journey! But I have to admit, having this lesson, you may lack some tools… how about a gap wedge, or a 52? From pitch to 56? hard to hit a basic 100 yds without these. My humble opinion. Keep grinding and have fun through this adventure!

  3. In five minutes, he literally doubled the height of your sandwich impressive coach and good student

  4. I’m sorry, but to me this coach is an excellent example of what’s wrong with golf! Let’s make golf more inclusive but then charge $1000.00 for a lesson! No thanks! I’ll pass

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