Why 90% of Golfers Can’t Hit DRIVER STRAIGHT!

In this video Me and My Golf share with you the 3 biggest mistakes they have seen from their students this week that has made it nearly impossible for them to hit their driver straight! We will be breaking down these 3 mistakes and showing you what you can start doing to hit your driver consistently straight!

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0:00 – Intro.
00:44 – Mistake No.1 – Not turning
04:25 – Mistake No.2 – The transition
07:57 – Mistake No.3 – Poor release

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do you find that you can hit a dead straight drive down the middle of the Fairway oh he’s nutted it and the neck can be completely wide in the tree sliced to the right well the key to consistency is getting the golf club on plane or close to plane with a square face now there’s been a lot of recent lessons here at the Grand with us over the last couple of weeks and there’s been three common swing faults that have stood out to us that is stopping golfers from being consistent and we’re going to share with you today exactly what we did with these students that gave them instant results and we know they’re going to help you too now look if you are serious about improving your golf right now then make sure you hit the Subscribe button so you don’t miss any of our videos okay let’s get into the first fault then so big one we starting with the back swing we’re seeing that a lot of golfers especially when you’re struggling with a slice are struggling with under turnning under turning the hips but under turning the the Torso so what P are going to demonstrate here as we turn back and this is actually a fairly decent turn cuz Pier turns a lot this is what we’re seeing as you make a back swing and under turn with the hips and torso the arms stay too much in front of the body and when the arms are too much in front of the body you can see now this vertical line is in front of Pi’s toes when he applies the the force and the down swing now that club’s going to be more forward over the top of the plane have to make a lot of compensations from there generally hits down and across from there just because the back swing hasn’t really made a full rotation let’s go through what we want to see and P is pretty pretty flexible for his age as he as we go to the top of the Swing now creating more of this turn of the Torso and the hips this is the key thing it enables the arms to get a little bit deeper in the back swing so a vertical line from the but of the club now is more close to the heel line now as Pierce now starts the downswing it’s so much easier to actually allow the club to move closer to that swing plane now because he’s created the space as he’s turned to the top turn the top forest Pier there he’s turned his chest facing this way look at all the room that he’s got there in order to get that in there and this actually happened with one of your lessons yesterday didn’t John literally yesterday was struggling big slices hitting low Smothers as well so he was definitely swinging over the top and his golf swing was kind of like this he was like arms only he was really arms only not getting a lot of rotation the club was always going to be spending time above the plane we drew the plane line in it never really got behind the plane line so all we did with him was right I need you to feel as though you get a much earlier turn from here and your arms are hardly doing anything so it feel as though your torso is doing a lot more turn early and we get him doing this this would be almost a pre-shot waggle for him so before he’d hit a shot he’d do one of those and you can see even in this early stage look how much turn I’m getting here now he was actually probably getting more turn by the time he got to waist high than he was getting in his old back swing in total so from here once you are wound up like this it’s a l complete your turn and by the way I saw him on the golf course last night after the lesson he was level power of the front nine never done that before in his life amazing so here’s a couple of key things that you can do which will help you to to create this turn and this is something that pierce likes to feel as well if you go to the top of the back swing he’s really feeling this left shoulder is working back more over the trail knee so you can see here a lot of rotation of his chest and hips there but this left shoulder now is sort of worked back over this knee it’s a it’s a great feel look you’ve seen us talk about matchup where we put the club across there and we get the the club over the right foot but obviously when you’re hitting a golf shot if you’re thought is to get this shoulder over that right side and over that right leg you know that you’re getting a turn you know whether you’re getting there or not and if you’re going to use video feedback it’s really helpful but that’s just a really good Prime for for that so even when I’m hitting this shot here h a little bit softer because the guys down in the bottom but I’m still going to do a full turn where I make sure oops little bit of balance issues there but you can see from there I can actually making sure that I’m just getting that full turn left shoulder over the right leg one other thing that’s key when we do this turn just to show you guys um what happens with the lower body here so we talked about the shoulders which is very important but just notice what happens when we when we look at what’s going on with the ground Pier his Trail foot is a little flat out that’s going to help him with his hip motion but look at the knees here this left knee Works back the right knee straightens we’ve got daylight between the knees here that’s allowing Pierce to free up the hips and just create this rotation we did a video on this just the other day make sure you allow for movement in the lower body we need movement to get a good a good turn for sure okay the second fault that we’ve seen a lot is what happens from the top of the the back swing into transition and funny remember here Eric came to me the other day and he asked me to look at his golfing he says what am I doing and this is exactly what we gave him that really helped him sink up the arms to the swing and get the club more on plane but this is what we’re seeing an unwinding early of the upper body in the arms where the hands work way in front and again over the top in the down swing again leads to a lot of this swiping across inconsistencies sometimes you can time it and hit a good one but generally you’re going to hit a lot of inconsistent shots from here just a quick one on this one if you are doing that fault you’re better off doing the good back swing at least if you can get your arms deeper at least you’re giving yourself a little bit of a chance if you do that with the arms at least you got more chance of hitting a good shot definitely so here’s what we did with Eric here we went to the top we said right I want you to feel your go to the top and all I want you to do now is let the arms feel like they drop into this place here now this is going to help the club go more on plane so it’s feeling that we are getting this turn we’re getting this drop of the arms allowing the club to get more into this sort of shallower position and and then from here now we can start to move the body in a better way now before you say hang on a minute Andy we need to start get with their thumbs Andy exactly we need to start the down swing with the lower body 100% we do this was a feeling for Eric and it’s a great feeling that could work for you but let’s show you how we can integrate this feeling working with the lower body as well yeah for sure so here what we want to do is we get to the top and all we’re going to do is we’re going to get a little bit of a centering of the knees if you think about where my knees start at setup I rotate there’s a little bit of movement and then from there boom centering so that tells us that we’re shifting somewhat back towards the Target and then from there if we can combine that centering of the knees with the arms dropping if that becomes kind of one motion it’s going to be a lot better for those arms sinking up to the body and it’s just going to allow that you’re you’re still getting some weight shift towards a Target put putting the club in a great delivery position exactly let’s go to the top of the Swing what we don’t like to see is a lot of golfers are thinking right I need to turn the hips I need to rotate a lot so this is what’s happening we just focus on the rotation and then the arms are just thrown way in front and again leading to this over the top fault if you are swinging over the top and slicing it or even if you’re slicing it and you’ve seen a picture of Rory Mao impact with his both butt cheeks facing the camera you’re thinking I need to turn more like Rory mroy to get rid of my slice it will make it a hundred times worse and you’ll be a worse golfer and just think of this when we’re talking about a this move here this this is very much a rotation move we’re rotate we’re rotating the chest and theer body too early by doing the arms down we’re delaying the chest a little bit but we’re still getting the shift so you actually need a little bit more of Shifting to the Target as opposed to rotating so it just helps calm that rotation down and get the shift let’s put that together see what it looks like I do love the feeling for me personally of the centering of the knees and the dropping of the arms it just sequences the down swing makes it a lot easier it’s amazing how you can time that and get that really good and just just prime it again a few times before you hit the shot it’s a really useful feel for sure okay so let’s move into the the third and final one and this is really this needs to happen as a result of the other ones because what happens when we are doing the other ones under rotating and then swinging over the top let’s just show you actually let’s go let’s go through what happens to the through swing so we see so when we go there we see this down stalling maybe and all this but look at this action through the golf look at that bit of the chicken wing here we don’t allow the club to actually get a great release cuz it’s swiping across our body now the one common thing that we keep on seeing is when golfers are having practice swings we’ll film them a lot especially if they’re a slicer they’re not thinking about the face the face doesn’t matter when you do a practice swing and what we see a lot is then we’ll Freeze Frame them in a slowmo at impact the face is Miles open but they they don’t know that cuz they haven’t got the awareness but that’s only training more of a slice having a release so we’ve got the turn then we’ve got the drop now we have to release the club in a better way and we like to think about this is that impact is a Finish Line talk through this this here because I think it’s a great concept let’s stick there let’s B stick so maybe can see this we might put some graphics in here we’ll see but that’s our Finish Line so now this is our Finish Line what we’re looking for sorry what’s happening when you’re slicing is you’re coming in chicken winging and your heel is winning the race the heel is getting to that Finish Line before so what we want to do is we want to get the sensation of what it’s like to to actually get the toe to win the race and if we did that if we got the toe to win the win the race and we just carried on past impact we’d probably see this sort of shape here where the fingers are underneath the glove hand and not on top like that so that there is what we’re after and often we’ll ask golfers to get to this position in order to win the race with a toe so it’s a great way of exaggerating which is really important the squaring of the face so this is where something like we’ve got a couple of great drills for this to work it obviously that’s just really simple one as well I’ll that that works all by itself it’s really really good for awareness so impact bag you can use something that you know you can use a pillow you can use a your bag all we want to do here is just create some awareness of where the club is at when you’re striking the golf ball where is the face that impact so you can hit some shots where you just swing into the bag and see where it is and get some awareness but if you’re a slicer of the Golf Ball P has got it just past impact here if you are a slicer you want the toe to be in the bag first yeah we don’t want that one that’s what you do if you’re a slicer you want to make sure the toe is beating the heel to the golf ball this is probably the drill if you do this drill we guarantee it’s going to change your ball flight immediately if we’ve got one shot to do it if we’ve got one shot to stop a slice we will absolutely get them hit in the bag and as a result of hitting that bag there guess what you’re can to hit a big flat hook like that but that’s great if you’re a slicer because if you can hook it then eventually everything else will figure it sou out before the next shot what we normally see is it’s a dead straight shot after that next one okay here so here’s another drill that we’re going to give you on this this just ties it all together ready just talk through this one so we’re going feet together on this one Andy so I got a quick story on this one so Ian conip member oxy Park I used to teach him at three hamers Golf Complex came for a lesson we did this drill with him so we got him to put his feet together and all we were thinking about was taking the effort out of the body and putting it all into the arms so allowing the arms so we want a good turn yes we want a big turn but then from there the arms are going to drop down on the way down but on the way through it’s going to be a lot easier because our legs aren’t getting in the way it’s going to be a lot easier to release the golf club now the reason I bought Ian conip into it because he hit the ball amazing on the lesson doing that drill six months later and three tournament wins and four shots off his index he comes back for another lesson he’s still standing there with his feet together I say oh nice to see you still doing the drill he goes no no I play golf this way he’ been playing golf for months with his feet together he’s mates laughing at him but that soon changed around when he was winning those competitions for sure but I I love it I think it’s a great one it’s a great one for incorporating all three getting a good turn again I’ll go big turn arms drop and then release the club and if I had to make a par down the last hole I would take that drive all day 2 can’t make a par down the last hole anywhere 220 little draw guys hope you enjoyed that some very simple things that are going to help you out there to improve your driving we guarantee those will work for you now if you enjoyed this video you will love this one right here and also don’t forget to check out me and my or simply download the me and my golf app to see our best content thanks again and we’ll see you soon


  1. If you have a friend that is struggling with his driver at the moment and is constantly hooking it or slicing it…Why don't you help them out by sharing this video with them🙌🏌⛳

  2. How do you avoid whipping the club inside in the takeaway when doing tip 1? Tried it at the range today and I got so much more shallow but was flinging the club inside in the backswing

  3. I have implemented the feet together driver drill. It’s amazing how far you can hit it like that with good effort and intent.

  4. Can you guys do one on stance. Had a lesson and he had me stand so close I had to choke up. It was uncomfortable and won’t be doing another lesson with him.

  5. What I love about the feeling of moving the arms straight down on the first move of the down swing, is that it seems to get the lead shoulder moving round and up, which in turn helps me nicely hit up on the ball.

  6. "IT'S LIKE CHEATING" The amount of YouTube videos with that heading is unbelievable, actually puts me off watching them.

  7. Golf is a rotational power sport. If you struggle with rotation, you're going to struggle with golf. Improve how you move, play golf better.

  8. While you are certainly welcome to your opinions, there are others that say none of what you show is true. Golf Magazine about 1992 did an extensive article on all this in a three part series. They used 200 touring pros and 400 amateurs, computers, harnesses, and very good artists to identify the differences. And they were dramatic. But is a nutshell touring pros turn away in a very level and connected plane. They do not free up their lower bodies like Greg Norman showed. Arms and shoulder only go along for the ride in what is a very level and "connected" swing. And keeping your head still is actually the kiss of death. They use lots of head movement to load up and clear things out of the way. I used it to turn myself back into a scratch player after I was about to quit the game in my 50's. You become unbelievably straight because this swing takes out almost all of the timing. It is also right in line with a lot of what Nicklaus advocated. Not all but a lot. Level body turn is what drivees the swing. Shoulder and arm are passive followers. Shoulders hardly dip at all. The left hip is closer to the target at the top of the swing than at address. This is what they do. And talented artists showed their swing and the average swing. I sure saw myself as average and I did not like what I saw. I was one of those still head guys that swung with my arms and shoulders.. Yuk.

  9. Listen and watch this lesson closely. One of the best descriptions of the cause and effect of driver inconsistency for amateurs. Well explained. If only people would do the drills, the difference in the outcome would be immeasurable. Well don M&MG.

  10. you got a lot of coverage on your logo thanks to Aaron Rai and his excellent play this past weekend in Detroit, great job

  11. I've seen loads of people talking about dropping the hands, but I don't recall them tying it in with the left knee.
    Now it makes more sense.
    Cheers 🍻

  12. Without a doubt, this is 100% the best tutorial on how to clean up and become more consistent with your driver. This lesson can and should be used as a baseline for irons as well. With irons, move the ball back in your stance to compress the ball and you'll be amazed with how much more feel you get from your irons.

  13. When reading comments, its very easy 2 see what ppl are chill and who u dont want to play golf with..My lord, i watched the DP tour and the commentator couldnt stop yapping about Wiesbergers pants..EVERYTIME he was in frame, the old fart talked about him self and the dudes pants..Dude, speak golf or stfu lol..Ppl can wear dresses to for all i care, i rather see that with some crispy golf, than listening to an old insecure hasbeen talking nonstop about him self and hes taste in garments..If u feel your game improve by wearing tents, than thats ok 2 lol

  14. For years and years I thought I needed to have a short and compact back swing to be able to strike the ball well. The other week, I started trying this (which I got from another video of yours) bigger turn thingy. I really feel the legs and hips working like you demonstrate and the chest turn as well, with all the clubs. Driver is still pretty wild, as I struggle with open face, but with every other club I'm longer and still as consistent, if not more so. I'm over a club longer. Gone from not being sure to reach the green from 150 metres with my 7 iron to being scared that the 8 iron goes too long from that distance. It's also helped my path (when I do it right) and it's not out to in every time anymore.

    Letting the hips and legs move is integral to me.

  15. just like to say a big thanks tryed your golf glove for first time at the range today and already helped me a lot for someone than hits driver good once during a round after half hour i was hitting 10+ shots in a row straight NO SLICE 😀

  16. Would love to have a lesson with you guys for every club, long way from Scotland though 🥲

  17. Another great tip for golfers with limited flexibility is to lift the left heel in the backswing and push it back down in the transition. Many top golfers did this.

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