Golf Players

Sprint Culture LIVE – The Cool-Down – CHAMPIONSHIP WEEKEND – PART 2

All the Olympic Trials Championship action from around the globe…

Let’s talk about it.

when you first came into the live go ahead and share that whoever with whoever you feel like would want to join a conversation like this YouTube do the same thing click the link share it with people but let’s talk about the UK trials real quick I was you guys are familiar with Louis Hinchcliffe um won the NCAA in the 100 this year um I’m not sure where he’s from exactly can someone put in the chat where he’s from I’m not I’m just not I’m I’m a bit confused I think a lot of people are a bit confused about where he’s from not that it matters but I mean he’s just he’s got a unique look you know what I’m saying kind of like when Tiger Woods came into golf it was a mystery he’s not doesn’t look like the rest of the golfers so where where is he from I’d like to know but any anyways um he went and won the British championships it it was some pretty bad weather uh what did he run he ran uh I think he won with a 10 10 I’m horrible right now I know he ran 1022 in the Heats I think in the finals he touched 10-1 but yeah he beat some he beat some really good sprinters he beat um Jeremiah Zoo uh Zell Hughes didn’t run because he’s apparently injured so he used his by as they have one discretionary pick CJ uja came third I don’t think he’s gonna get a chance to to run though because um zna has that other spot but uh or ree Prescott he beat some fast people Eugene abazi but um I feel like I feel like Louie has given Carl Lewis um he’s giving him a coaching badge I feel like because of how well Louie has ran you know Carl’s been able to you know raise his chest up a little bit because he’s got someone on the map you could say that he’s got inly Champion he say he’s got a UK Champion I think Louie could make the finals uh let me give you a little bit of background on louie though Louie actually went to Washington state Washington state is my my University that I went to school in naaa Louie broke my um Collegiate record it was 1018 and he’s from the Philippines by the way respect CH big you up um so is Lou broke my school record so I kind of we’ve been in communication a little bit because of that I congratulated him and everything and recre is are meant to be broken it’s whatever but um Louie would be able to understand and explain how difficult it is to run fast in Pullman Washington it’s really cold a really like a track and field culture so if you’re able to be amongst one of the best people in the Sprints in the country it’s a pretty big deal if you can do it from there so I think the biggest issues that he had when he was there was just that he was he was always going to be held back a little bit because of the weather people used to talk to me about that all the time man you need to get down in the heat man get down in the heat didn’t work out that way that’s another story for another day but Louie ended up going you know went through the portal and went to Houston already running 101 low I believe I believe my my school record was 1017 I think he ran 1015 or something something like that um so Carl got a pretty hot Prospect already running 1015 in the Poo you put him you get him in shape and get him down in some heat yeah he’s gonna run fast so he did I personally I think Carl has more to prove as a coach I’m not I’m not sure if I’m ready to chalk him up as one of the best um college coaches in the world based off of what he’s done with Louie Lou Lou Lou done his thing he was already doing his thing and um you know I’ve seen a lot of things with Carl Carl’s pretty critical so I’m sure he’s open to criticism I’m not even criticizing all I’m saying is I’m me myself if I was to view how people are saying the Carl gets his coaching badge already I wouldn’t say that yet because of reality shoot John Mas and G went to to Houston already running 10 and Shawn hasn’t some would argue that Shawn hasn’t gotten any better are barely improved so I mean I’m I’m gonna say it in my opinion Louie Louie had already had some talent and Carl you know he did what he he did what he did to to to to get that Talent moving in the right direction but as far as me being able to say that Char Carl knows what he’s doing he you go to Houston he’ll get you right I think we need some more proof that’s not a KN it’s just what I’m my view on it seems different than most people because everybody feels like Carl’s arrived as a coach I still think it’s too early to say that I think he needs some other athletes to be able to prove that but Louie Louie could potentially be a a finalist a medalist medalist big up one name LS yo LS you out in Manchester um you guys want um pristine high quality track Feld content You’ got to be following liil till as well as um I also saw just a second ago um where he go I lost him I lost him but Lil’s got some premium content yo you need uh to get up on that [Music] um but let me know if you’re out there oh you’re in Jamaica you’re at the are you at the trials right now yo is the day done at the trials there Li you gota jump on live with me one day yo so yeah that’s how that’s how I’m feeling about about the whole Louis hinchcliff situation he can end up getting on on the podium s Hugh didn’t run I think it was a good idea he didn’t run he’s he’s not 100% and the way Louie was looking today if if zarell Hughes wasn’t 100% he wasn’t going to beat he wasn’t going to beat Louie Lou doesn’t really seem intimidated yo I mean he’s he looks like it’s weird because he wasn’t even in the picture last year and for him to just come in the picture now just beat all them mans the man those those are fast RS he beat I was impressed he did it like nothing bad weather and all all right yo doc let me know if you’re still in here doc just say just say a what up and I may have to add you again because I want to I would love to talk to you about some of these 200s um matter of fact let me just do this anyways because I know Daris you know what I’m saying would have been paying close attention to those 200s uh uh CJ UA Becky star is asking well let me open up this chat hold up since we’re on the UK topic CJ back CJ is whoa CJ yua is back on the relay team it looks like he will be because came third he look pretty fast they’re pretty fast to be honest uh if the weather was better I think the time would have been better he still he still didn’t have the standard for the 100 he would have had to run 10 flat to get the automatic standard he may have been able to get into the top 50 I don’t know if the UK would still accept him to go but um they weren’t G to take him over zarell anyways zarell got his spot because you know he medal last year so I think you’re in that spot send this to Doc okay might G to join and chop it up okay so yeah the women’s 200 man um like I said I’m GNA break down the prediction picks that me and Trayvon had earlier I had shary making the team I had her coming in third but uh yeah she came forth man she came forth big up Britney Brown youngo I like her you know I seen her do some interviews and she got a pretty good personality you know what I’m saying she got a big bright smile She’s Not Afraid of the camera cup of tea yo I don’t I don’t mind her making it I had I had M I had McKenzie um comeing second I had Gabby winning but McKenzie came third very close third and Britney came up came up with second that’s I think that’s big for her to do that at the US trials because a lot of people a lot of people may not even know who she is she’s always put some numbers up and even this season she’s been putting numbers up but um yo when you make the Olympic team the US Olympic team that’s prestigious so that’s that’s going to be a big deal yo I seen I don’t know if y’all are watching the um the NBC feed for the US Tri excuse me but yo they they’re they’re getting some some gear to go to the games the gears clean and not only that they got some fat rings to be on the Olympic team that’s that’s look at man you make the US team you that’s a big deal in itself a lot of them are going to go to Paris and probably not metal but I mean a the medalists aren’t the only good people in the world yo and they us team is going to have a lot of metal potential metal threats the there’s a lot of metal threats to make that team is serious yo so uh yeah I think this is this is good for her shary I don’t even know if she’d be upset she came forth um but I was talking about this last night man um I never seen shary as like a 100 200 threat she’s she’s a amazing in the 100 and she runs a very good 200 like I I I could never see her going to the Championships and winning the double based off of what I’ve seen so far not because she doesn’t have the ability but the rounds I don’t know if she has the capabilities of running all the rounds of the 100 and then running all the rounds of the 200 and still ending up on the top of the podium she doesn’t seem to have the muscle type for that she’s very powerful you know quick Sprinter she’s not that the 200 type she’s good to because she’s fast but not because she’s necessarily a runner that likes to run for a long time an enduring Runner I never got that from her yo so I don’t expect I expect her to to be on well she might have gone no I didn’t expect to be on a Podium if she made the team I thought she’d get third at the US championships and get to go you know get to compete get in the final you know we get to see her a little bit more but she wasn’t going to win the 2 anyways I’m not saying that you only go if you’re going to win but I feel like some at her level a win is always expected yo Gabby Gabby Thomas is six 60 against shary in the 200 that is mad but Gabby is a 200 meter Runner really Gabby should be doing the two and four I I don’t know even know why Gabby even messes with the 100 anymore she should be doing the 100 for fitness and then do the two and the four she’d be lethal in the four and and she she could run 48 in a four she’s tall enough she’s obviously fast enough she I don’t know if she’s ready to put the work in but it’s hard bck up the one named [Music] Trayvon um Trey I’m about to go through our picks in a second but from what I’ve gathered my pcks were a lot better than yours just saying uh but Trayvon was right about shary not making that uh that 200 squad though I was I thought that was crazy to to say that but he was right yo I don’t know about the Abby pick but he was right about shary not being in the top three I don’t I don’t think she’s upset though I don’t think she’s upset and Gabby right now she looks like she could win the gold all my jamaan viewers or anybody paying attention to Jamaican results let me know what the 200 results were like today for for the women I believe they ran today let me make sure though no they definitely ran today but let me let me see if she put up any numbers women’s 200 no men 200 oh no they’re running tomorrow no they running today prelims okay she ran 2267 in the prelims and I believe the finals are tomorrow I’m not sure how she ran it but we will see my phone blowing up man my phone blowing up all night yo I can’t even can barely sleep because of that so yeah Gabby has a shot to me gabby has a shot that would be a great comeback story because um 2021 she got the bronze 2022 she was injured 2023 she slowly started to come back and then now 2024 for her to win the gold that be big I got a funny story about Gabby I might as well tell it I got time during 2021 my wife she she does the majority of the tweeting from um unconventional voices of track and field on Twitter very very good Tweeter very funny very um controversial didn’t really hold back even on her Twitter but she she goes in on unconventional because it’s all track and field she tweets about all kinds of stuff from her own account track ifield stuff all and unconventional so during the rounds Gabby had a pretty bad semi right so she basically said I don’t I’m paraphrasing I don’t remember the exact same words but she was like yo Gabby looked horrible right Trayvon you didn’t just say can USA sweep the Sprints at the Olympics what is it with these Americans yo they always got some outlandish [ __ ] to say yo are you out of your mind anyways um jaded said D Gabby looked horrible yo in the middle of the Championships so between the sebes and to the finals right why did Gabby message actually no she didn’t even do it from unconventional she did it from her personal account actually she messaged Jade directly and was like you don’t have to tag me in in these posts you know something along those lines right yo for one how are you even checking your Twitter during the Championships and for two why even respond yo you didn’t look good in the semi so what so Jay basically said that right and she was tagged just so people could know who she is it’s not it’s not for you to be seeing the hate it’s for people to know who you are no one’s going to think you’re checking your Twitter in the middle of a championships ain’t no one trying to really me [ __ ] up a person’s mind frame when they’re in the middle of of championships but you tag someone in a tweet so people around know who the person is obviously people would want you want people to know who you are anyways uh she messaged saying you didn’t have to tag me or something like that then she went into the final right ended up getting a bronze right y after after the bronze she messaged Jade back with like some laughing faces yo man I I get it these these athletes are wired and they’re battling with nerves and it’s tough situation to be in but I think it’s important for track and field athletes to start Rising above the criticism that they get online and that they get on Twitter this this all athletes and this is a long time ago this is this is 2021 I don’t even know if if if if um Gabby has this type of mind for him anymore she might look back at that scenario and laugh about it like oh my gosh that was ridiculous but it’s a good example that yo at the end of the day you’re not going to win all the time right people are going to have to talk about that you can’t be taking it personally like like the fans and you are on the same level it’s it’s not that like you have to understand that this dialogue happens as far as like even even even dealing with the fact that people are talking because people are going to talk especially if you want the sport to grow second of all the whole haha stuff afterwards yeah you could do it if you want but what do I say about you well like the reality is it’s below you to be doing the haha stuff and another thing is you’re not going to win forever so that haha will come back eventually if that person saw it fit to do that Jay’s intention isn’t to to [ __ ] with athlete says because she used to be an athlete so she gets it but in general it was really funny we found it hilarious that the messaging was happening during the Championships like yo compete yo T Tilly cotton says they are human you can’t talk bad about someone and not expect them to reply whether you feel like it’s good C taky hotton let me put let me post that I’ll read that out loud they are human you can’t talk bad about someone and not expect them to reply whether you feel it’s good criticisms respect for the for the comment taiki hotton am I pronouncing it right but the comment is ridiculous no one’s talking bad if you say what you see that’s not talking bad if the person didn’t run well and I say they didn’t run well that’s not talking bad that’s not that doesn’t require a response it doesn’t require a haha if you do run good afterwards you ran bad just like if you ran good the person said you ran good I don’t I and I I try to defend the athletes as much as I can against people who are really go in when they CR critique people but it’s really difficult because there there are times where the skin is a little bit too thin some people do go too far but some people don’t and and it’s it’s like it doesn’t matter if it’s not that if it’s if it’s not that deep a lot of a are still getting flustered over some foolishness yo like if you ran bad people can say you ran bad and that’s the only way people are going to want to watch no one wants to watch a sport where they they can’t say [ __ ] about nobody except for hey that was great and if you didn’t run well well you tried your best who the f who the [ __ ] where where’s the you got understand like tracking field it’s not even a dangerous sport the element of danger is usually what raises the Mystique of most sports track doesn’t have that aside from the pressure and the how much it means to win and to lose and you know the the the everything you get with the glory and then everything you lose with the failure that’s what makes tracker feel like holy [ __ ] like wow I need to see this if you can’t express yourself during the good and the bad from a fan standpoint and if it’s not Amplified in that way you got to sh sport I don’t I don’t want tracki be viewed as a [ __ ] sport yo man if you’re in the game you got to understand the game people can take it too far I get it but people need to be able to critique in some way without people getting all butt hurt about it yo just it’s like what do you what what is expected here damn um Trey who’s your picks for the 100 meter of the Olympics yo Trey look at man if you want to talk about that we can talk about that matter of fact hold on a second let me do something real quick [Music] um but all that being said that was a little story time I do feel like Gabby has a shot to win the Olympics in the 200 MERS and uh be a great story be a great story no more Haas in the DMS hopefully rise above drag athletes rise above even though with social media everyone can kind of be touched you don’t have to touch back rise above you want to be in the in in the lane with the NBA and Major League Baseball and NFL they’re not doing that they’re not um okay the men’s 200 oh and big up Mackenzie long I had her come in second she came third but either way she made a team and um I really like how she runs man like running form wise she’s the cleanest I like how she runs better than everybody whether it’s Gabby whether it’s Britney whether even Shaker I like I like how clean she looks when she runs Shaker’s form looks a little bit different when she runs the two she got her arms and really tight and bit more robotic um McKenzie is the exact same the exact same running formula clean clean clean I like it man very sharp um oh matasova you got some Africans in the mix plus an Italian I do oh just say I’ll no um I’mma have Joseph Fay on the live this upcoming week um we’re going to finalize the day but we’re going to talk about the African championships with Joseph fle so just keep that in mind if you haven’t hit that subscribe button or that follow button or any notification buttons to know when I’m going live or when I’m doing my thing you’re tripping but go ahead and do that now um anyone new to the chat hit that subscribe button um and share the live F this guy here share the live share the live all right let’s talk about this man’s 200 at the US Tri um no one no1 no surprises there for me um and Trayvon had him in his top three but he had he had Kenny winning um Kenny put up a good fight I think that [Music] Kenny um I think Kenny really believed but Kenny went out a little too hard in the turn through Kenny’s rounds Kenny benic I’m talking about USA for those don’t know Kenny was um through his rounds he really didn’t run hard I don’t even know if he even tapped in which I mean he may have been you know coming off the 100 rounds just may have wanted to be conservative you run that many rounds and then have three rounds at the 200 you got to be conservative you have to because it’s a lot of running in the final he ran that turn way harder and yes he got out in front but he didn’t have he didn’t have the Finish to hold off Noah the person that’s going to beat Noah is going to have to have something in the home straet there you’re not going to you’re not going to get out ahead of him and then break down and beat him you’re gonna have to be with him or ahead of him and have the ability to either move at the same speed that he does or or be out far enough and be close enough to his maintenance to be able to hold him off Kenny didn’t Kenny has the tools for that but he didn’t have that here at the US trials now I understand Kenny wanted to make both teams and he has done that very successful championships for him um Noah is much harder to beat in the 200 than he is in the 100 um third place um went to Aran if Arion I’m only surprised because he hadn’t run all year if he hadn’t been running all year or if he had been running all year I would have easily said that he would have gotten the Third Place spot um but um he considering he hadn’t run all year I think that’s impressive the air and was able to come third I’m still surprised at how Courtney Lindsay ran but it is a lot of running it’s a lot of running and he opened with a 19.6 he’s a college kid he may have you know as he goes through his career he’ll be able to just happened there as he goes through his college career he’ll be able to understand how to hit the sweet spot as far as his Peak I’ve been using that word a lot today sweet spot might not to the cutter but he’s gonna understand that right now he doesn’t may not understand it he’s probably just going going going going going going going going he was looked a little flat uh Coleman looked really good end up coming forth and just missed out on a spot to run an individual event ran well but missed out on a spot to run an individual event at the um at the Olympics but and this is a big but okay if someone wants to beat Noah in that 200 there’s two ways one way is is is more is more foolproof than the other the first way like I said is going to be based off of luck is if Loa get if Loa is if Noah gets a lane draw from four or down but that’s out of anybody’s control okay that’s the only miss Firehouse no I didn’t see the interview of Noah tell me give me a details in the chat that’s the that’s one of the ways if he gets Lan for or down you have shot not that you guaranteed but you have a shot okay the only other way that someone is going to beat Noah in that 200 is if they don’t double that’s the only way is if you don’t double that’s not an easy decision to make all right yo big up the one name Bernard Williams okay that’s not an easy decision okay but if you’re talking about being a gold medalist again against an athlete like that that’s the only way if you watch that 200 meter final yes Noah won but he looked tired he looked very tired he ran that exact same time and the semi he wasn’t even running that hard but a 200 is 200 and accumulation of races is accumulation of races and obviously Noah’s got a bunch of Media stuff he’s doing he’s got a you know it’s constant pressure on him all the time he’s he’s doing a lot of things and flourishing you have to use that to your advantage you have to pick a you have to pick your spot you have to be able to put all of your energy into one spot and I think the only way and and the the hundred I don’t even know I don’t I don’t even think he’s going to win the 100 of the Olympics but if you’re going to beat him in the 200 you can’t be running that 100 as well so there’s guys like there’s guys like tobogo there’s guys like Kenny there’s guys like Andre there’s guys like um who else I think those are like the three Mains I think those are like three Mains if they were to be like you know what I’m not going to run 100 I’m going to run the 200 they will beat Noah in the 200 though out of those three names they will beat him they will the only person that has that that um no I W even say that I’m saying that that would guarantee a gold that would guarantee a gold it’s not that simple to do though because the 100 is the glory event and I you heard me say Andre the grass I want to see Andre run the 100 cuz he got the bronze last time I feel like he has a chance to win the goal and it’s the big one you want to give a shot at the big one and I think that he’s got an Olympic gold medal in the 200 already he could he he needs to be in that 100 so the all that don’t worry this is just for argument sake if you want to beat Noah in the two if you want to beat him in the 200 you can’t be running the 100 he’s vulnerable he’s vulnerable but if you’re doubling two you’re not going to double better than him he’s going to he’s going to it’s going to be fresh legs against fresh leg or it’s going to be tired legs against tired legs and based off of talent he’s gonna beat you he just has it in the 200 right now the war record talks for that 200 it can stop because he’s not gonna it’s it’s not it’s not there right now and the Olympics is going to be a lot of running it’s going the pressure is going to be higher If he if he if he’s been he’s been dealing with a lot of pressure up to this point it’s only going to get higher by the time he L come around and it’s going to be I think he’s going to be more focused on winning because that’s the medal he wants I think the 100 meter gold is obviously the coveted one but I think he wants the 200 because of what because of what Andre did to him at the last um Olympics beat him and he had Lane four like I said that’s not a comfortable Lane for him unconven Noah’s yet to run faster than 95 after running three rounds okay where’s there’s that comment I want to post that unal Productions Noah is yet to run faster than 195 after running three rounds of the 100 meters in the same Champs that’s a big stat that’s a big stat and for him to be able to run 195 after doing all that is impressive there’s not not there’s not many athletes built like that anymore like Michael Johnson back in the day a lot of people don’t understand is that when Michael Johnson ran 1932 he ran four rounds of the 400 this is back when it was four rounds he ran four rounds of the 400 and ran it was the his fourth round of the 200 so it was his eighth r and he ran 1932 do you understand how [ __ ] crazy that is that is absolutely mad so that that has to come into account with what Michael Johnson did because that’s that is ridiculous that’s that’s crazy so these guys even with three rounds of each and it being their sixth race it’s still really hard it’s extremely hard and Noah is you know he’s he got a cut from a old cloth as far as that’s concerned if he’s if he’s able to be able to run 195 in the last round I give him a lot of credit for that but I don’t see anyone else I don’t see anyone else doing that if they’re going to be a metal threat in 100 and coming back to beat him in the two look man those names even though it’s a tough decision if they were to just focus on the 200 they could beat him they could definitely beat him and the funny thing is even going back to the whole Lan assignment thing um Noah didn’t even run the 100 at the Olympics in in 2021 he he was only focusing on the two so that lane draw he had some other stuff going on apparently but I’m just saying the lane draw thing he’s not not comfortable in there but that aside look man some T some tough decisions may need to be made if someone wants that gold in the 200 so Kenny personally Kenny up to this point hasn’t had Podium success in the 100 meters okay Andre’s the defending bronze medalist in the 100 meters okay tobogo is the the defending silver medalist in the 100 meters for both of those guys to walk away from the 100 meters would be a very difficult decision okay Kenny hasn’t done that Kenny is hoping to get on the podium I chose him to win the US trials in 100 he looks very good but even though it looks really good it’s still to say I don’t know if I’d be able to pick him as a Podium favorite for the 100 right now I don’t I don’t I don’t how I don’t think I’d be able to do that so it may not be a bad idea for him to only focus on the two that may not be a bad idea out of the people that could do it that could beat Noah that 200 he’s the guy where it it wouldn’t be a bad idea to be you know what I made the team 100 but I want to focus on getting this gold in the 200 he would get the gold in my opinion he would beat Noah if he did that in that 200 then if he did do that then Christian would get an opportunity to run the 100 and that changes everything because at the Olympics if if Christian was able to go I think it would be I don’t know I feel like even though he lost to Katy at the trials at the Olympics I’d be more inclined to go with um Christian in the hundred only because Championship he’s proven himself championships in the 100 he’s proven himself it’s just my take K he prove me wrong like I said I being proven wrong it makes this [ __ ] more exciting for me but y’all let me know what y’all think about that that’s the only way that Noah’s going to lose that too man he’s looking he’s looking like he’s just and I feel like even in his mind he knows that he owns it and no one’s there’s no one there for him in that it’s just he’s almost laughing at people that think they can challenge him okay let me um let me break down some of these prediction picks that me and Trey Bine had because I do believe that mine was better who did I have in the women’s 100 women’s 100 I had Shak Richardson McKenzie long and Melissa Jefferson I had them in that order Trayvon I believe hadary Richardson um Trey where you at tell me where you had I know he didn’t have Melissa though and I don’t think he had he definitely didn’t have TT so yeah off the Jump I had what what about Tom yo we’ve been talking about Thompson 977 we can talk about that a little bit more too because I’ve done some more thinking about that seen a lot of replays it’s just vicious um hold on let me get get rid of this comment um in the men’s 100 I had Kenny winning I had Noah coming second and I had uh Nike Foot Fred coming third right if he were the Nikes I said he was gonna get on she was gonna get on the podium so I had a thought three picks who did Trayvon have Trey you in here I’m tripping man this should it’s a bad preparation on my part it was only a last second I wanted to talk about it either way I know he didn’t have all three of them so I killed him at that too the 200 women’s 200 I had um I had Gabby Thomas winning McKenzie long coming second sh Richardson coming third Trayvon had McKenzie long winning Gabby coming second and Abby Steiner coming third so we each had two and two but I like to give myself The Edge just because I feel like Abby wasn’t a very good pick my pick at least came fourth I don’t what I come fifth or sixth respect for Abby to coming back from her surgery though I didn’t know she had surgery obviously it’s been a long road she’s not done she not done Abby be back just just not there yet and I I do think we need to see a return of of Nike Foot Abby personally she was vicious too uh does Abby make the relay pool I think that’s a great question oh that’s on Instagram I can’t pin that does Abby make the relay pool chat what do y’all think watching let run folks lose their minds over Abby’s funny to me she’s talented but will get her doors blown off by the best e that’s funny greatest double of all time was for Ang M four rounds 4413 to 143 who’s that Brian wman Dude tell me who that that is that’s that’s Madness yo um so anyways um yeah I I get to Edge on the 200 meter pick for women as well and then for the men’s 200 Trayvon had um but I will give trayon respect for having car off of the podium that was a gy pick um as far as the the men’s 200 I had no winning no yeah no winning at Kenny second at Courtney Lindsay third he end up coming fifth just because I didn’t know what to expect from Aran and then um Trayvon had the exact same pick so we were um we both had two picks so overall both of us did fairly well but um I Edge but I mean this is what I do um I have a I have a really big discussion topic what time are we at right now I think I want to stay about 10 20 more minutes I have a really really big discussion topic okay Trey what do you mean that’s cap yo my my my PS were better than yours yo your PS weren’t bad but I’m just saying better is better it’s better you you get another opportunity when we do these Olympics picks yo I need some time to think to process everything though first but let me tell yall yo my prediction show for the the the Olympics is going to be something serious yo the guess I have in mind I mean only it’s only going to come down to I don’t know I might have multiple guest who knows oh you retired from trayon say he’s retired from the show because I’ve murdered him in his pic you that doesn’t mean you retired from the show I retired you I retired you with my pics step your game up [Laughter] dog say he needs to focus on track I hear you dog how hear you man I respect when you join in man I do you gotta Focus though hey I get it but you gotta join the the the Olympics prediction show because that’s GNA be sub serious anyways I have a large discussion topic now we were talking about um we were talking about last night I was talking about the goat in track and field and basically what I gathered at the end of it was that um Warren Warren even said it it’s kind of broad to just call someone The Goat in track field because there’s so many different events so many different variables I mean it’s obvious it’s a cool discussion to have but it’s like so many different people are going to ask so many different opinions about so many different athletes and so many different reasons it’s it’s going to be really hard to narrow it down so I was thinking about it I was like the thing about track and field is that there’s a strong men’s side and there’s a strong women’s side so with that being said I feel like both sides would need to be credited individually right you can argue both against each other if you want but technically it’s it’s two different worlds there two different worlds that are in the same universe of track field right so I was thinking it’s it could be more along the lines of right now who’s the queen of track and field and who’s the king of track and field and I feel like it should always be current and you could argue you know in other broader discussions who is the king of track and field or who is the queen of track and field I think that kind of broadens it and also especially now it kind of each season it allows you to kind of focus on a certain person and give a certain person they just doe within an era I shouldn’t even say each year within an era right maybe each year or twoo but right now who would you guys say is the queen of track and field and who would you say is the king of track and field we spoke about the queen a little while ago it was a really good discussion actually and the more I thought about it I was thinking about what comes into play when you’re dis deciding who the queen is or the king is now that we’re discussing with the king so performance is obviously a big thing how good basically how good you are the event that you do so how competitive it is and um you know how prestigious the event is comes into play your popularity so how people receive you I think is a big factor especially when notoriety is such a big it’s like a thing it’s more of a thing in tracking field that it is in other sports because people depend on their notoriety for money it’s it’s not always about results and your abilities now abilities is a little bit different but for performance because that that comes down to how many things you can do some people can only do one event some people could do multiple multiple events if they want to some people could be very very strong threats in multiple events I think that should be a factor as well if I missed a factor let me know but I think I covered everything there out of all those different um categories that’s how you select who you feel is the queen or the king now for me right now now and this this this is going to be the the a lot of people may have issue with this but that’s the point of these discussions right the queen of track and field right now I think would have to go to Sydney mcglaughlin now you could argue that her event is is easy right and I will say there’s a huge skill Gap in the 400 her right now on the men’s and the women’s side like the best have really separated themselves and if you watch us trials thus far Sydney is like a whole hurdle ahead of a lot of people it’s mad yo that’s in the semis first rounde is even crazier so it’s like she’s she’s she’s almost too good for that event seemingly but we know that she could run a vicious 400 we know she could run a vicious 200 if she wants we know she could be good at whatever she wants to be and we notoriety wise you know what I’m saying she’s she’s got a bunch of brand deals she’s known C the camera loves her she’s good on camera when she wants to be I feel like she’s holding back another discussion for another day but I just feel like she’s got across the board in all the categories we’re discussing it would have to be Sydney there’s gonna be a lot of arguments for shary I just feel like popularity wise Shaker would definitely be ahead of her um as she’s in a much more competitive event absolutely um and has run very fast in that event I I just feel like popularity wise she hasn’t really gone clear of Sydney she’s she’s she’s clear but she doesn’t like super clear a lot of people a lot of people from around the world and in many different demographics know Sydney same with car too but I’m just saying they’re they’re a lot closer I’d say they’re closer there than they are abilities wise they’re close popularity wise with an edge to shikary but yeah wait I said popularity right they’re close popularity wise with edary but abilities wise I think that Sydney’s Way Beyond shary because Sydney could do a lot of things extremely well and that would be the that would be the tiebreaker that’ be the tiebreaker her event you can argue isn’t the greatest but I mean she comp competitive wise but she’s breaking the world record multiple times so that’s another thing that she has she has the world record that she’s always a threat to constantly break and and people are even talking about how she could break the the the 400 meter record if she was to focus on that or talking about how she could break the 200 meter record if she focused on that and it’s all believable if you’re able to people make people believe you can break other world records based of how if you were to focus on it and you already have World Records you’re in another class yo so Sydney would have to be the queen as far as I’m concerned y’all can let me know yall think of the chat’s going crazy I’m G have to go through the the chat afterwards let me go through the chat before I go through the men so chat wise um we saying go L and shakeri is what I don’t know what that symol means Faith K Aon strong argument there I wonder if I’m I’m just ignorant too ignorant as far as the distance to be able to have her as that I think I think the distance is very foreign to me mind you it’s my picks I’m not saying my picks are the best picks but that would come into account as far as um to me um you know your your event like how prestigious your event is I don’t know if I don’t know if the world takes the this n it’s not it’s not they do the world says take the distance very seriously it’s not obviously maybe not compare it to the 100 but it Compares with the four hurdles sure of course um but I don’t I don’t know if Faith KP as far as I know is really um a household name or is ever going to be a household name at least on this side of the world um that’s that’s something I would take into account um but she got some World Records she’s definitely doing her thing she definitely has range cuz as far as I know she could run she could run she runs 10K 10K and 5K let me know in the chat if you 10K 5K and um I’m pretty she brought the world record in the mile didn’t she does she have World Records in all of those things wait a second does she does she have a word record in 5K the mile or the 1500 let me know if she has word record in both of those because that kind of broadens the the discussion um and um okay so look it she 15 meter 1500 meters mile 5K eventually at the 10K and she ran 156 in the 800 okay that’s that is very very very very very impressive that’s a very strong argument this is where the popularity comes into play man because I just don’t I just don’t think that like she just she just doesn’t connect I don’t think at this stage the way those other two do the way sh car and Sydney do I just don’t think she does can we agree on that because if I if that’s the only thing that’s holding her back if she does connect she’s gone clear but I just don’t think that she does that’s some amazing range and she obviously has world so she has world records in the 1500 she’s world record in the mile and she has a world record in the 5,000 yo that’s bad faith Kon has a strong argument y she has a very strong argument you can use popularity because people from those countries are not going to connect like people from the USA and Jamaica wait ta ta are you saying you can’t use popularity that’s a fair point well no I’m saying I understand your point I do think you have to use popularity though just because um like I said your notoriety is a big deal as far as um how you can survive in track field um Brian wman says I’m not a distance fan you’re you’re right I’m not a huge distance fan I’m becoming more of a distance fan um I’m trying to give it a fair Shake oh a guy has a world record into 5,000 okay who told me that who told me that Faith had it respect for the um correction darl I know so she has the 1500 and the mile world records that changes a lot man don’t be putting some phony [ __ ] in the chat messing up what what I got in my mind yo 5,000 world record God bro okay she there’s an argument for her I still give that to City though um I just feel like the the competitiveness in some of the events that she’s showed range in like she just beat Gabby Thomas in the 200 the other day she she ran she ran 40 48 in the 400 of of this her second 400 ever I don’t know I’m giving Edge to cityne that’s my pick yo y’all can say what y’all want I gotta move on to the men before I get off here man we coming up on right go for another 10 minutes um as far as the King right now in track and field ah let me address the comment first Gabby was loading in that 200 come on Anson come on I don’t want to hear that man come on you don’t think Sydney’s loading why wouldn’t why so how is Gabby loading and Sydney’s not look at man she beat her and that’s the US champion the US champion lost to Sydney in the 200 that’s what I saw in my own eyes there’s nothing I can do about that okay the the king of trackif field right now man I think that the king of track field right now is I’m usually pretty straight with stuff like this yo I I’m really it’s not it’s not that I’m this has nothing to do with me being afraid of making a decision it’s really just very difficult for me to say because there’s some big names that come into play there’s there’s Ryan krower comes into play there’s mono Duplantis there’s Noah l there’s Grant Holloway um there’s Carston warholm out of those names the one that I would say is currently the king though I think you have to give it to Noah man I think you have to give it to Noah out of all the names I just said he’s the one person that isn’t only doing one event Mondo’s only doing one event Carson’s only doing one event Ryan KRA is only doing one event Grant’s only doing one event Noah is he’s the defending world champion in the 100 and the 200 and a prospect to be the 100 meters and 200 meters Olympic champion when you’re a prospect for that that in itself that’s why people call Bol Bolt the goat because he was able to to to to be ahead of the pack in the 100 and the 200 I mean the only thing that you could argue against Noah is that there’s some people that may not necessarily like him but like a lot of people do so it’s it’s not it’s not popularity doesn’t only have to mean people like you you know popularity has to do with people the fact that people know you he’s very known very known I got nothing against Noah at all I I like Noah some things are a bit confusing but I like Noah but it’s popularity has nothing to do with whether people like you or not this this isn’t a liking game do people know you now spoke about this other day do people know you a lot of people know him and he I think he’s gone clear of everybody as far as that as far as that’s concerned too all those names it has to be Noah I would I’d be very interested to see people argue against Noah Mondo look man Mondo’s breaking the world record every day and he’s been dominant but it’s his event isn’t competitive right now he’s clearly better than everybody else and it’s the only event that he does and only in certain parts of the world do people really know who Mondo is I had a post on that I put out the other day where I was talking about that um oh another thing with Noah who’s the roof um that or that roof thank you for bringing up that point because I forgot to talk about this other day this cat this cat went into the he went into the 60 as well he almost became world champion the in the 60 as well so he’s he’s he’s got Range man he’s got range he he got a silver medal but he he could have won Gold man 6’4 it’s got to be it’s got to be no man at this at this stage right now no what would be considered the King of track field I don’t know how you argue against it you guys can give me some aside from personal feelings towards Noah you guys can give me some arguments but the other names I said that could be potential on those list are only focused on one event and they’re not as popular as him some people don’t like the word King I’m just saying you actual random you must have just came in here a second ago I’m trying to I’m trying to decipher we were talking about goat conversations and stuff like that and I was saying in track field we got to be a little bit more spec specific because of how the sport is as men and women at each era or each season we have to Define who the queen of trackfield and the king of trackfield is right now that’s how track and field is going to do it that’s how we separate ourselves we talk about the king of track field the queen of track field the queen that I said was Sydney the king that I said was Noah based off of the attributes that I named now if you guys can argue against it yo drop the comments even after I put this live out drop the comments but that’s where I stand as far as ask concern man all right I think that’s enough for the night man um look um for all those carsten picks that I heard Carston has done very well up to this point but I don’t know if he’s gonna get gold at the Olympics I saw Ry Benjamin do his um semi-final in four rles yesterday and even the Heats and I’m looking at this guy I’m looking at his frame look at his running style I’m look at his technique I don’t even understand how he’s even losing to carsten that guy could be that guy could be an amazing athlete if he ran to open four he’d be deadly if he ran to open two he’d be deadly he’s athletically just beyond Carston it’s not even close if if if he’s able to put it together I said this before he’s going to take that 400 meter hurdles world record to a totally different place totally different place 45 low and you can laugh at me saying 44 but he has as much chance I me everyone’s talking about Sydney going 49 in four hurdles if R gets a [ __ ] together he can go 44 high in four hurdles I really think he could because he can run 43 in the open four that guy is specimen wise I’m looking at this guy I’m like this guy is a totally different place man a totally different place see this guy should not be losing to to to Carston warholm or Allison D Santos I probably like Alison Santos the best just because I like I like him he’s cool and he’s got guts and but and I’m going I’m only going off what I know what I see I like that but Ry we’re just talking about what we see as far as what could do that guy is just he’s got more than enough tools yo pause I noticed that Ry was wearing his bib number at um US championships I guess I guess the boycott ended there he wasn’t F they weren’t [ __ ] around with him they no no no R you’re wearing your bib number there will be no boycotts here or there’ll be no Olympics so he definitely had his bib number on there um I can’t check this out man this was a good day uh track and Fields it’s been a good weekend Championship weekend’s been on point um respect everyone that tuned in go ahead hit the follow button here on uh on my channel as well as the track field Network a lot of Premium track field content coming out the track field Network um my YouTube viewers go ahead and hit that subscribe button share the channel when you’re on here share the lives um I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna oh also um also um heartbreak. run use the discount code Sprint culture get 10% off of any of your running needs um also for yall that are here just understand if you want to win some Sprint culture paraphernalia I had said if you DM the track field network with a voice note or a video of you wrapping the Sprint culture anthem from the intro song you’ll be entered in a draw for that I’ll make a formal announcement later on if you want to get started early go ahead it either be a spring culture hoodie or spring culture t-shirt more likely it’s going to be a hoodie because you know I’m rocking hoodies all the time um and yeah man I’m more than likely gonna be on tomorrow we’ll see what happens but yeah man uh talk about it amongst your friends who’s the king who’s the queen of track and field right now Audrey leuk chances in Paris I think she has a strong chance to make that final in the 100 not the 200 strong chance to make the final in the 100 another topic for another day uh Canadian championships results we’ll talk about that another day too you know I support my Canadians man but I just lot there’s a lot to unpack there and we’re coming up on the end of the time but you know I will unpack it big up all the Sprint culture [Music] vultures and [Applause] um just keep an eye out man that’s actually pretty cool uh and um keep enjoying track and field uh and every time you want to get up to speed you already know spring cach is where it’s at I’m out yo let’s meet me on the TRU and see if beat me peace we talking Sprint culture we talking track and field when The Gunshot lick give a man the chill we talking speed demons like we talking Sprint culture we talking track and field when the gunot lick give a man the chills we talking speed demons like you say the red trap where a legend really makes the name the US and J off they run the sprinting game there’s nothing like the Olympics for your claim to fame when you break the world record you show you ain’t the same from the men to the women times are insane yeah we talking Sprint culture we talking Sprint culture we talking Sprint culture we talking Sprint culture


  1. "Queen of T&F" is easy…. Sydney! Light years ahead in the 400 hurdles. WR holder. She's likely the fastest 400 flat and ran 22.0 in the 200.
    "King of T&F" ….there is none. It might be Noah, could be the German decathlete or could be Grant Holloway.

  2. That ain’t a guarantee though cause they didn’t last year and now Lyles is prob gonna be faster at Olympics

  3. Last yr's T&F Queen was definitively Faith Kipyegon who set 3 WRs (1500/Mile/5K) & did the WC 1500/5K Double in Budapest! She now has 8 WC/Olympic Medals (6 Golds & 2 Silvers) which could be 10 Medals after Paris. She's the only woman in history to run a sub 3.50 1500m with her 3.49.11 WR (owns 9 of the Top 20 times); and the only woman in history to run a sub 4.12 Mile with her 4.07.64 WR! She also broke the 5K WR (14.05.20) last yr in just her 3rd attempt at the distance which was then later broken in the DL Final by Gudaf Tsegay (14.00.21), but Kipyegon's looking to break it again this yr and in the process become the 1st woman in history to run a sub 14m 5K. She also has a 1.57.68 800m PB from '20 & could no doubt run at least a low 1.56/high 1.55 if she trained for it! Fully expect her to go up to the 10K & Marathon over the next couple of yrs & dominate those events as well!

  4. I feel that every athlete can send some smoke back at any critic they choose. Even at lesser YouTube content creators. Give and take.

  5. The king is Noah. I've heard of Mondo but don't know what he looks like. I would recognize Noah and Ryan at the airport.

  6. If your wife’s comment doesn’t deserve a response from the person that she is talking about and @‘ing then your wife shouldn’t say it.

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