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✨ Les NUMÉROS 10 ont disparu…

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Épisode spécial – Contes de Foot

La FIN des grands numéros 10 ✨

Au-delà du numéro 10 collé sur le maillot, le chiffre 10 dans le football est porteur d’un héritage prestigieux, un signe éternel de reconnaissance sur un terrain. Plus qu’un numéro, on a considéré qu’être numéro 10, c’est une façon de voir le football, de le jouer, de le consommer. On voit d’ailleurs Kylian Mbappé, avec ce numéro dans le dos à l’Euro 2024, qui a tendance à surjouer ce rôle de créateur plus lent, plus visionnaire, plus bas sur le terrain. Alors qu’on aurait peut-être besoin de lui pour ses autres qualités, notamment dans la profondeur, preuve aussi que ce costume de créateur numéro 10 laisse encore des marques, le plaisir de toucher le ballon et d’organiser le jeu…

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that’s it Thiago Alcantara has officially announced that he is retiring from football as one of those many artists who is not very old but whose recent development in football has perhaps accelerated his exit from the professional world far from me the idea of ​​considering the Spaniard as a number 10 obviously but when we know his opinion on today’s football we understand more easily why Thiago hung up on the site according to him football has a different rhythm a more accelerated pace more physical there is less magic there is less fantasy no more need to dribble the footballer must run to do more things and do them even faster than before that is the analysis of the Spanish on a football he knows so good analysis concluded with this more than evocative sentence the figure of the number 10 in football has almost disappeared thago is not the first to say that obviously the phenomenon is not new but is it a reality as anchored as she looks like it Z ricalm Zico Platini Maradona oosil they still have little brothers has number 10 completely disappeared that’s the question we’re going to ask ourselves [Music] today in any case s ‘there is something that has not disappeared it is our partner displate who accompanies us for 7 € 2024 displate it is always very good quality metal posters which hang on the wall easily and which are in more total interchangeable before Sunday’s final you still have the choice among the whole range of posters entirely devoted to the euro but also to football in general they sent me a few posters which I present to you here with obviously this poster of the euro classic format or format presented via the stadiums without forgetting our beautiful French team the posters are very easy to put up and remove you can put them anywhere it looks great so it’s a pleasure to be able to work with displate especially since they have also a range of posters dedicated to number 10 I really advise you to go and give it a CP it’s the emotions in fact dispate also offers a range of posters with texture the textra range which offers a new 3D experience to your posters you understood there is everything you want on the site football sport cinema manga history whatever it is ultra diverse thanks to the link you have in comment and description or thanks to the CDF code you have less 33% on all the sports design available on the site a big thank you once again to displate for their support throughout this ET [Music] 2024 football is no longer the same as before that we know I have already spoken on the channel of the gradual disappearance of free-kick takers of violent villains and so on on the pitch and here we are faced with the heavy task of talking about numbers 10 already we must remember what a number 10 is to frame the player profile a little bit and either understand the reasons for its disappearance or remember who the profiles are in 2024 which fits with this definition formerly the number 10 was the centerpiece of the offensive system of the team [Music] and absolute control and its principle of opposing opposition is was really the barometer of the offensive efficiency of the team he was the technical leader of a team centered around him with extremely different profiles that he surrounded and when I say extremely different it is to say that some were not really good with the ball and that the attacking midfielder had to somehow compensate for the technical shortcomings of his teammates all the imagination of the creative number 10 emanates from a typical profile which was similar generation after generation that of a maestro full of elegance of Vista of touch whose technical quality is superior to other players this well anchored image of the attacking midfielder with a number 10 on the back to cross the generations has made all football lovers dream and create a sort of legend around these characters number 10 is an esthete an artist a football genius whose approach to his sport differs from his teammates [Music] that’s the background, you understand what we’re talking about at the time, number 10 was the most important position in football in the sense that he made his teammates better around him, it’s a much more cerebral profile that plays to football with his head and asks his body to follow him each decade has been able to benefit from its most beautiful artists there have been quite a few and each of them represents something very strong even 40 50 or 60 years later but then what have they become who are they today do they really still exist we will try to answer these questions in a structured way starting with point number already the most obvious hypothesis is that of the homogenization of footballers we said it just before at the time the number 10 had to coordinate his team play the role of conductor because he was surrounded by profiles which had absolutely nothing to do each profile had a clearly established specialty a zone of activity on the field and basically if we have to summarize not everyone participated in the offensive effort and vice versa for the defensive effort but over time these profiles gradually went beyond their initial function to become more than that to bring something additional compared to what their position historically brings in terms of responsibility the most significant development is surely that of the full-backs who are today essential in the offensive animation and whose main relay is either a winger or a midfielder relayer we see it for example with profiles like Tho Hernandez who can both save the French team behind and provide a real additional presence in attack the biggest evolution of the full-back position concerns the finishing zone formerly limited to defending the full-back is now an important player in the last third of the field when the space is free or liberated by his eccentricity by a break-up the full-back will have to attack the depth whether it is following a one 2 or as a third man after a similar relay for the position of number 6 which was originally reserved for combine harvesters and which has radically changed over time the appearance of the role of regéista for example testifies to a certain shift in the origin of the danger the nerve center of the attack is no longer necessarily in this area of ​​number 10 and this precise point we will talk about it again shortly after in other words the danger can come from everywhere football is no longer self-centered on this number 10 here is the first explanation this is also what corentin Martins says, former number 10, brilliant de la joser and passed through the French team according to him the level of the teams is more homogeneous technically football no longer relies on a player capable of dribbling or making the good pass to the defenders or the full-backs for example these are players who have more technical qualities today capable of dribbling and bringing offensively this is how I explain the disappearance of the number 10s this aspect is super interesting because it is the common denominator of this whole series of videos the footballers go faster do more things but also become more and more alike the other important aspect of the video is the question of space and time number 10 had some today there are no more and there are several explanations with increasingly physical football and the idea of ​​pressing which must kill space number 10 found itself a little bit trapped in the middle of all this more and more coaches want to recover the ball as high as possible all the players are affected by this almost systemic pressing it has become the norm in football for some like murgan kop this hyper aggressive pressing very high on the pitch made it possible to simply replace the number 10 the space is rarer because the lines are tighter higher and the usual playing field of the number 10 between the surface and the central circle has become almost impassable number 10 traditional no longer has this freedom to turn around and face the game to have the time to look to distribute to make the best possible choice for your team, it is for this reason in particular that we saw profiles like Andrea Pirlo or Tony Cross go further down the field, these two had the potential to be great numbers 10 old-fashioned tempo control vision of the game touch of the ball et cetera but there was a lack of space to express themselves so they went further down the pitch [Music] [Music] this change forced several teams to play with several number 10s I am thinking in particular of Carlo Ancelotti’s ASS Milan who suddenly had Andrea Pierlo on the more construction phases and the Brazilian poo on the more transition phases precisely this transition football which has become the norm in 2024 obliges all players to participate in the defensive effort including the traditional playmaker the space decreases the space is tailor the football is faster everyone is concerned by this defensive effort and the coaches’ preferred playing systems are no longer the same that before Barça Real Liverpool all the Champions League winners in recent years were rather aligned in 4 33 without a real traditional number 10 far from the 352 or 44 diamonds which made the law in previous eras built around midfielders brilliant offensive football has turned to much more lateral systems if we look at the Champions League finals we have to go back to the 2011-2012 final to see two teams compete with systems built around a playmaker central Thomas Müller’s Bayern against Ran Mata’s Chelsea superb creators who had all the qualities of an attacking midfielder, particularly in the organization, tactical sense, understanding of space et cetera [Music] handling SKS with B of course quity with my runs with the timing in the box of course one of quali it is for this reason that a few years ago a term appeared that of number 10 in the old fashioned Milie offensive creator slower more limited not really finisher but not really box to box whose use is centered solely on offensive creation there were plenty of them like that the first before the end what the Spanish speakers called soberly and the ultimate odess obviously think of Ran romanri km small compilation just for fun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the Argentinian was absolutely magnificent on the pitch and his title of best player in Ligue 1 in 2005 in a vill realal built around his qualities and one of the last distinctions given to a real number 10 for all lovers of Ligue 1 I am also thinking of Julien Ferré and Benjamin Nive two magnificent creators who with time and the evolution of the systems ended up playing more as a relay midfielder in 2016 when we asked them who were the profiles that were closest to their philosophy those that they liked to watch play the answer was clear my autosil and delight Pastoré we see a young midfielder already who knows how to make differences which is interesting especially on this famous role of number 10 increasingly disappearing we could see the quintessence of the very good player who was Julien Ferré it was in the axis with this famous number 10 and even 8 when he played at the René stadium but suddenly to answer the question are there profiles over the last 5 to 10 years that have come close to an old-fashioned number 10? firstly there are those who have been, I am obviously thinking of mesutosil perhaps the last great number 10 whose creative technical profile et cetera ticks all the boxes of the magnificent playmaker Focused solely on offensive creation but damn auoreal on the island at Arsenal both had old-fashioned ball just now our gun Martin de Gard who really comes close to the physical profile of the German attacking midfielder with this 4 2 3 proposed by mel ETA like the one proposed by vengar at the time Arsenal has built its football around a traditional number 10 and visibly it’s starting to bear fruit [Music] in the animation the positioning the zone of activity we find the essence of the central attacking midfielder with the added bonus of this left side which makes the difference and how can we not also think of RAM Rodriguez who in another football would have could become so much more than that so much more than a B midfielder from Qatar to Greece when he was barely 30 years old the Colombian is a rough diamond we saw him at the 2014 World Cup we see him again during the American Copa at the moment who has all the qualities of a magnificent number 10 in touch, reading, class and so on unfortunately he has never managed to establish himself in a big club barred by systems which did not completely correspond with his qualities moreover, his last big season at club dates back to 2017 at Bayern when he played as a right midfielder in number 8 almost forced me to create but also have to go les porque disfruto también poder hacer goles poder hacer pases poder jugar poder Dar espectáculo que ya ahora the football is complicated ahora the football ahora is very monotonous is todo eh 442 433 and the football is Corre Corre and centros fbolo here it is for those who have been real traditional playmakers without forgetting the case of Kevin de Brun one of the best players of the world for several years who perhaps know how to do a little more things in Guardiola’s constantly changing system kidbi played milayer number 10 on the side in double number 10 also in short the Belgian perfectly demonstrates the physical evolution of from the position of attacking midfielder to the base it still remains a number 10 who has been City’s major offensive piece for several years, the offensive leader of the team so we are getting a little closer to the definition at the start of the video there to those who could also have become great number 10 but whose versatility on the field we make two of the much more complete players I am thinking in particular of Luka Modric Deko westle steider and the whole Spanish clique who had the ball full of Iniesta feet Thiago casorla David Silva chet Fabregas et cetera all these guys immersed in the 80s and you only have legendary number 10s these are for the most part profiles passed into the hands of José Mourinho who liked to have an attacking midfielder center full of creativity and it was quite successful for him 30 years ago Jude Bellingham could also have been a huge number 10 placed only in this box of numbers but we are in 2024 and English does much more than thatield3ellingam acts other part of the answer is the appearance of the role of false number 9, a supporting striker who picks up a little more to provide a direct solution to the midfielder and the full-backs Francesco Toti with Roma or Italy in 2006 W a Ry with a real nine in front of him or of course Leo Messi s Guardiola at Barça the examples are numerous and continue to make the position of number 10 even more obsolete the example of Antoine Griezmann is a textbook case formed on the side which has become a model of 9 and a half and a very good midfielder during the 2022 World Cup, the Frenchman will never really have been number 10, yet he has all the right qualities for the position, pressing, endurance, vision, flair, finishing, the whole range is there but football used it differently and it’s not at all a criticism obviously it’s just an observation on the evolution of the French beyond the number 10 stuck on the jersey the number 10 in football carries ‘a prestigious heritage marked with eternal recognition on the field and when we see that or that it’s complicated not to feel a little something more than a number we considered that being number 10 is a way of seeing the football to play it to consume it we also see Kilian Mbappé with this number on his back at Euro 2024 who tends to overplay this role of slower, more visionary creator lower down on the pitch when we could have perhaps be needed for his other qualities especially in the depth proof also that this designer suit number 10 still leaves marks the pleasure of touching the ball and wanting to organize the game this video does not aim to criticize anything obviously football remains a sport where you have to win so it is normal that the needs have changed but the observation is indeed there just after the Copa América and Euro 2024 the relative weakness of the level of play reflects a football without any real creator Italy, Brazil, France, Uruguay or even Portugal but where have they gone ? the creative geniuses of our sport when you see the offensive animation of the Blues whose option is to throw the ball at the wingers and cross your fingers well you say that with a real number 10 in the middle of all that he there was perhaps a way to offer the game like football is a cycle perhaps one day number 10 will return but in a slightly different aspect finished the creator focused on the offensive task who has space and time to dictate his game welcome to the Swiss army knife playmaker who must know how to do everything on the pitch including sacrificing himself defensively in any case it is a very dense subject which deserves a much longer video particularly on the tactical aspect and all the derivatives existing number 10 in short there is something to argue about so do not hesitate to give your opinion in comments and then above all for me the ultimate argument is this and is posed in the form of a question which young footballer today really wants become number 10 at the time of the wingers of the speed of the percussion of a football which goes ever faster gentlemen the numbers 10 thank you for everything you have offered to football the heritage begins to disappear the number unfortunately has lost its value Argentino [Music] mediaaptaancheelmar ha po ha se pero


  1. 🚨 Retrouvez vos DISPLATE sur !
    Profitez avec mon code CDF d'une promo de -33% pour l'achat d'un Displate dans la catégorie sport (promotion valable jusqu’au 15 Juillet, hors modèles Lumino, Textra ou séries limitées) !

  2. C’est la qu’on voit que messi est le goat un génie car il a réussi même dans les années les plus dure du football on étant clairement pas dans la fleur de l’âge et d’une manière jamais fait au par avant.

  3. Faire une vidéo de 20mn sur le poste de numéro 10 sans parler une seule fois de Pelé, c’est déjà un exploit (ou un oubli) 😂 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

  4. Magnifique vidéo. Un grand merci. Une vidéo qui résume bien ce qu'était et représentait, autrefois, le numéro 10 ainsi que son rôle. Nostalgique de cette période, je peine à retrouver ce football. Malheureusement, aujourd'hui, tout le monde et n'importe qui porte ce numéro qui a été dévalorisé dans le temps avec l'évolution du football, à contresens.
    Bravo à toi.

  5. Je me retrouve totalement dans cette vidéo. Je ne vois aucune critique négative a dire. Tout est vrai et bien dit selon moi. J'aime moins ce nouveau football. Plus triste, plus tactique, moins créatif et monotone. Certains joueurs sont bridés.

  6. Je suis en grande partie d'accord avec toi. Néanmoins, là où tu dis que le football est devenu plus rapide, je dirais au contraire qu'il est devenu plus lent, surtout en attaque. Je me suis ennuyé pendant cet Euro 2024, et c'était bien la première fois.

  7. Mbappé il est talentueux, comme tu l'as dit on aurait voulu le voir utiliser ses autres qualités, que de se forcer à être 10 sans en avoir les qualités nécessaires.

  8. Je sais que Pelé n'était pas un numéro 10 mais un attaquant pur mais tu aurais dû expliquer que le symbole du 10 vient de lui 🎉

  9. Ces normal que le numéro 10 disparaît vu qu’on donne le ballon d’or a des joueurs qui fait que marquer des buts qui ne sont pas des artisans comme CR7 par exemple sinon CR7 n’est pas meilleur qu Iniesta avec Ballon.

  10. Pour moi, le futur MODELE de n°10 c'est Musiala !! il a toute les qualités du beau 10, et j'ai l'impression de retrouver en lui un peu de ces 10 "à l'ancienne", je le vois comme le successeur d'un KDB, qui est lui-même le successeur de 10 d'excellence. Et je trouve qu'on en parle pas assez de lui mais QUEL JOUEUR !! Un respire la classe

  11. Au delà de tout ça je pense que l analyse data rend notre foot moins passionnant. La data fait tirer tous les corners au même endroit, passer sur les côtés plutôt que dans l axe pour centrer et marquer a bout portant. Quelle place la dedans pour les n°10, les frappes de loin, les coups francs etc ? Changez les joueurs et vous avez le même jeu. Le début d un lent déclin?

  12. Lionel Messi De Bruyne et Isco sont les derniers numéros 10 en vie profitons en quand on voit aujourd’hui Bellingham numéro 10 ce poste est mort.

  13. Une vidéo pour Robinho, le plus grand gâchis de l'histoire du football Brésilien. C'était mon préféré et mon idole😢

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