Golf Players

Do Not ‘Bump’ Your Hips In The Downswing, Do This Instead

How well you move your weight in the downswing can directly relate to the quality of the shots that you hit, and most amateurs don’t do this well enough, in this video i’m going to show you some simple drills to help you improve this part of your swing.

Many golfers get scared of sliding, or lunging in the downswing, but the reality is most don’t move enough into their lead side causing poor strikes and weak ball flights.

You will be amazed at how much you can shift towards the target before it begins to cause problems, hardly anyone shifts too much!

In the video you will see examples from Tiger Woods among others and i’ll be sharing my favourite drills that have already helped thousands of golfers get better.

#golf #weightshift #golftips



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00:00 Introduction
01:22 The Perfect Downswing Shift
01:57 The 3 Part Swing
04:25 Lead Hip Low For Perfect Strikes
07:23 Taking It To The Course

so many golfers are so close to their almost perfect swing but they’re missing this one key piece to the dting and that was certainly the case of a recent student of mine I’ve just taken a group of golers away to Spain on a coaching trip phenomenal few days we run them every year and this one student was missing just one party douncing and might be the case for you in this video I’m going to show you what we did going to show you how we trained it and then we also needed to make one little adjustment to enable him to actually take it to the course and perform I’m going to show you what that was towards the end of the video so he was really struggling with his isons we went on the course first day and we walked a few holes of them and he was just hitting them kind of all over the face and he was leaking them out to the right there was no distance and he felt really kind of out of sorts with his goal s and as soon as I watch him at a few shots I knew we needed to add this one piece in so let me kind of demonstrate sort of what he was doing he had a really good set up to the ball you know he stood to the ball quite nicely and you might be the same you might look at your goal you think I stand the ball really nicely why am I not hitting the goal shots that I need and that was certainly the case for this student okay and that w was actually pretty straight but not a lot of distance and a little bit off the bottom of the golf club so what did you see well there was one piece missing and it was the lateral shift this golfer didn’t have enough movement towards the Target now I often hear golfer say things like isn’t this sliding or you shouldn’t slide well let’s have a look at some other golfers who might quote unquote slide we got tiger we got Adam Scott and we got Scotty Sheffer and what you’re going to see here is their setup position versus their impact position with than ion and you’re going to see a massive lateral shift they’re getting through the golf ball they’re getting to their lead side and that’s what I needed to add in but it’s not just a case of thinking to yourself you know I’ve got to move towards the Target because I also had another student fairly recently who was getting through the ball but they were doing it the wrong way they were doing it through sort of Leaning forward with the upper body and that was also giving them problem so we need to get through the ball we need some lateral shift but we need to do it in the right way let me show you the first drill I want you to do the first thing I wanted to do with this student in in Spain we did this go trip was almost break the swing down so in their mind there was three parts to the swing now we all know that when you start the club moving get a continuous motion and it’s one motion but for practice and if you’re missing this one piece thinking about it this way can really help so I wanted this golfer to basically think about three movements a back swing turn or a back swing movement okay you’re all going to have a back swing movement what I want you to feel I wanted them to feel there was a back swing movement then there was an element of a lateral movement before they had the idea of swinging the golf club through to the Target and just look at where I finish pretty naturally just because I added in that middle section so the first thing I want you to do is is have some swings where you’re feeling like there’s three different parts of the Go sing and notice how I did that with a little step which is really really key I’ve got my feet together I feel like I make a back swing move now the key thing here is look what my shoulders do as I make the lateral shift my shoulders don’t do a lot they follow my kind of lead of the lower body what they don’t do is start to rotate back towards the Target because that’s the rotational move which can stop the lateral move so it’s going to look like this you go back swing lateral through swing so this is your first little exercise one two three okay one two three now this instantly helped their goling because without that lateral shift they were making a movement which was sending the club very much toward the outside of the ball and that’s why so many of their strikes were coming off the inside they were hitting them right towards the heel and they almost hit a couple of well we won’t say it but you know what I’m talking about right off the inside that that shot off to the right and they couldn’t couldn’t understand why they were hitting those shots but it was because they were missing out on that section so watch what happens as I add that latal it gives me time to allow the club to drop okay so important having that lateral shift allows the club to drop into the slot without that lateral shift you’re always going to be coming over the top you’re almost going to be swinging out to in you’re always going to be struggling with strikes so the first little exercise was that and there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t go ahead and do that with a ball so one two three let’s just keep it really smooth really slow that Ball’s gone no more than about 50 yards but you can see those different elements so you can see I’ve got an alignment stick kind of through my belt loops that’s really really important and I’ve got another alignment stick into the ground now you could just use a golf bag you know I could take my golf bag and sort of place it here but I just want to show you kind of how I’ve set this up because it’s quite important when I take my address to this golf B I’ve got a 79 in my hands here notice how there’s a gap between the end of this alignment stick and the one that’s in the ground it’s probably about the width of my lead hand now when we were in Spain what I wanted this golfa to do was basically in the down swing get this end of the alignment stick in front of the other alignment so they’re you know closing that Gap that’s that kind of lateral shift but this is where so many golfers get this move wrong because they don’t also consider the level of the hips so what I see all too often is when a golfer potentially tries to have this lateral movement or they do have a kind of sliding move I’ll see something like this I’ll see a back swing and then I’ll see an attempt to simply just push that alignment stick forwards and what you can see is that I’ve made what feels like to me the most extreme movement I can make and yes I’ve maybe got this alignment stick on top of that one but it had the big effect on pushing my upper body backwards just watch that again I’ll just show you that it forces this lead shoulder up it forces this shoulder down it forces my head back and where’s my weight it’s more on this leg so even though I tried to have this big lateral shift in my lower body it actually caused my weight to go go back this is what I actually want you to do and this is the the key move to get this lateral shift so it actually helps your golf game rather than kind of hinders it you’re going to make your backing you’re going to take this end of the lime stick and move it in front of this end but keeping this lower than this okay that’s the key move let me show what that looks like okay now you can see how I’ve got this end in line but my hips are probably fairly level you’ll be able to probably tell me better than I can but what that’s done is it’s meant I’ve some of this lateral shift but my pressures are going down into my lead side that’s the key part and as I’m doing that that’s allowing me to get that club into that perfect delivery position that kind of slot all that ideal position that we see all these these golfers in if I again show you the poor move we go back swing we add in the rotation the club comes over the top we don’t close that Gap that’s what this player was missing and that’s what you could be missing in your golf and we’ve showed those great players before they all make this lateral move and it’s really key because we need that club to land Target side of the ball we need the lowest part of your swing to be Target side of the ball and underground we can’t do that unless we have some of this lateral movement so I’m just going to go ahead and do a couple rehearsals I’m going to go back I’ve got my shift and then I’ve got my turn andv I’m going to click that stick and that tells me that I had that lateral shift those two drills are going to give you everything you need to get your back swing your down swing and your follow through all perfectly sink so what was this one thing that we did with this student on the course to basically make sure that they could they could do it well think about what we’ve said you know those three movements that lateral shift you’ve got to give yourself time to do that you’ve got to give yourself the ability to do that rhythm is so key and what I saw with this golfer on the golf course was that their practice swings and their golf swing in general had too much tension through their hands through their forearms through their elbows through their shoulders and what I noticed when we went on the course of first day that their practice swings were very deliberate and very stiff with the arms and the body and when they took that to a goal shot there was a lot of tension through the hands and arms there was a lot of focus on the club head and it didn’t give them a lot of time or the Rhythm that they needed to get the weight forward okay look at when we do the right swing it’s very rhythmical we’re feeling and we’re sensing those three different Parts the goaling if you don’t have the flow if you don’t have the softness in your hands and arms it’s going to be very difficult to do that so the one key that we gave this player was to make sure that their practice swings their grip was incredibly light we wanted them to really feel and sense the weight of the club which is down here you can really feel that if you grip it lightly and I wanted them to make some swings where their focus was on the club head swinging a bit more freely around their body and straight away I feel like I’ve got the time I feel like got the Rhythm that I need in order for me to get my weight through it feels much easier when that club is Flowing around my body you contrast that with something which is very stiff and it feels much harder to get my weight through okay so think about that when you’re on the golf course you should have some freedom in your swing you should be able to feel the weight of the club throughout the motion and that starts with your practice swings okay so often I see practice swings which just hard too stiff to deliberate not enough flow not enough Rhythm and if we hadn’t have changed that all the ideas that this golf had on the Range would have been great but it wouldn’t have been able to take it to the course


  1. 2:05 So a step drill, Sorry but,
    nothing new just a long winded explanation.😅
    I feel like I have somewhat done you an injustice, your other video on weight shift versus pressure shift is absolute gold 👌 now I
    understand what
    you mean, much appreciated keep up the good work 😊😊

  2. Chris, you read my mind!! Just a few days ago, I played 18 holes and had the worst "Iron Play" that I have had in quite sometime. After my round of golf, I started mentally analyzing what happened. And yes, exactly what you said, ….. hands too tight on the grip, then everything else tightens up, …. you become rigid and NOW you're just swatting at the golf ball with NO forward shaft lean because you haven't gotten your weight to the front foot!! Thanks for this video. I WILL ALSO START MY WARM UPS ON THE RANGE with the "Two Step Drill! And tell myself to RELAX and calm myself down. Keep up the great work. 😎⛹️‍♀️🤸‍♂️🚴‍♂️

  3. Brilliant thanks Chris lightbulb 💡 just went on in my head just realized what I was doing wrong on Sundays round 👍

  4. This is really useful. Thanks Chris. Pre and post having both of my hips replaced 10 years ago, I had to introduce a step through just to keep the pain as low as possible and still play half decent golf. 10 years later at 50 I will occasionally use this if my confidence is low and score is looking at being worse than my handicap. My father, who has had recently one hip replaced (needs the other one) was having trouble with his swing until I showed him this step move. Just to hear him say YES after hitting his first shot that went further and straighter still puts a smile on my face today. Love it!

  5. I really struggle with getting forwards (I played lots of cricket I was a back foot player which you can get away with and be quiet successful at cricket)

  6. I think the feeling for me is to not actually worry about the hips and lower body but more of getting the left arm and elbow to get in front of my chest sooner in the downswing. I would keep my hands and arms high while trying to lead with my lower body and these bad things would happen. So really swing with more arms (not chest) in the downswing.

  7. Chris, I've started pointing my trail foot in in an attempt to stop me from getting too much weight to my trail side and getting stuck on the back foot. Any thoughts on this?

  8. Chris you have been a big part of helping me find my old swing again. Played golf for Clemson University but right after college i had a extremely bad wreck and had to learn to do all the fun stuff over again. It was beyond extremely frustrating knowing how i used to play golf to barely being able to shoot anywhere near what I used too. Improving at the great game of golf never stops but at least im finally back shooting in the high 70s again and enjoying myself on the golf course again. It's extremely appreciated. Thanks from one chris to another.

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