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Oscar’s Sweden Powerlifting Home Gym That Builds MASS Muscle!

Let’s see how Eleiko’s Free Weight Product Manager kitted out his garage gym!
🧇 Eleiko Curl Bar:
🧇 Eleiko IPF Competition Combo Rack:
🧇 Eleiko XF Parallette:
🧇 Eleiko Öppen Bar:
🧇 Eleiko EVO Dumbbells:
🧇 Eleiko Öppen Collars –
🧇 Eleiko Classic Seal Row Bench –
🧇 Eleiko IPF Powerlifting Bar –

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0:00 – Oscar’s Sweden Powerlifting Home Gym That Builds MASS Muscle!

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➡ Best Barbells:
➡ Best Squat Racks:
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➡ Best Bumper Plates:
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this is your stainless power bar or stainless hybrid bar so this is a new bar Hello friends this is CP from garage and reviews we’re here in beautiful Hamad Sweden visiting Alo and we actually have alos what’s your official title Oscar I’m the product manager for the free weight category at Leo okay so essentially corporate speak for barbell nerd just like me true and Oscar is a powerlifter his wife is a worldclass powerlifter what were some of your numbers what were some of your best numbers my best is probably my squat to 70 kilos okay yeah that’s a lot and what is that in pounds near 600 yeah it’s right at 600 595 yeah he’s like somewhere around here he knows the exact numbers okay so we’re going to do a walkthrough of his gym which is a two-car which in Sweden isn’t very popular it’s actually separate from his house so completely detached Training Center he only has a Leo equipment here actually I help he has some other stuff but let’s go ahead and go into it okay these I’ll just start this the flooring this is the same flooring every gym we’ve been into in Sweden has the same flooring why is it just easy to find or sorry we don’t get stall mats yeah I was going to say you guys do you really not have four stall mats we do these are from Alo so it’s probably why people get them from there yeah these are nice they’re 30 mm so and it’s concrete under so this means you can lift anything anywhere oh totally I like it let’s start with this cuz this is probably where you do most of your training on the combo rack at least my wife does okay you need to train how you compete sure so it’s the combo rack that’s used in competition it’s even the carpet that’s used in competition oh to practice that same feeling for your leg Drive in the bench this upholstery is new not yet released oh really so it’s um a lot softer than the current polyure thing version really so you’re testing this and providing feedback pretty pretty much exactly okay best part is probably these now I can’t show you since it’s set up for bench press but you can use these levers to tilt the uprights in and out without having to like you can do it with 4 500 kilos on no issue and combo rocks aren’t crazy popular in Home Gyms unless you’re doing powerlifting because these are made for squatting and benching but the benefit for these is you basically bring this here you’re able to adjust it while weights on the bar if you’d like to make it easier you take these extra pins which by the way are magnetic and nural these things are sweet kind of looks like a barbell in cap it’s pretty cool and then you place them in here and then you’re good to go very fun to use so inside of these they stick wood blocks basically and then drill out the holes that way you’re not having to search around just quickly to go in which is kind of funny because squat racks never do that no do you know of a squat rack that does that has aica ever done that I don’t think so okay that would be a really unique design but basically so you don’t M it up I like the idea of practicing how you play yeah having the carpet that’s does it actually change how you grip and stuff I guess yeah because in competitions you use a lot of baby powder uh and that ends up on the floor and that makes it slippery so this rubber floor will get very slippery but this fabric is very rough it allows most of the particles to fall through and collect at the bottoms not at the top so you can maintain better traction are you using I see you got bumpers and calibrated plates are you training mostly with calibrated or using bumpers too mixture of both okay I got these just for that competition feeling because it does feel different if you load up 250 with rubber bumpers oh yeah compared to those yeah but also I don’t want to wear those unnecessarily so I got the rubber bumpers too I know for deadlifting if I didn’t know any better I would think you’ve never used these I hid the worn ones at the back cuz they’re Perfect Dude and then the prera yes prera cable yes man you just barely fit this thing in here oh yeah it was well calculated if it didn’t fit what would you have done cut out the ceiling or move cried first then cut out the ceiling so pull-ups are you doing pull-ups here or is that just the looks I generally use the the Rings or like those uh uh I forget what they’re called those orange ones oh angles 90 yeah yeah you can’t remember other people’s products sorry just the one thing you forgot is another compan and I just ordered the the ones from kenui Fitness yeah love those those swissies swissies yeah exactly did you get the angled ones or the straight ones straight ones I use them all the time to get some more clearing there I think I’ll be able to do some pull-ups with those yeah you have a small head you can do that short huge brain okay so tell me about the prestera were you very integral in building prera being a part of that process or you more so on the barbells and plates side I was part of the trying out the dimensions the ometry to get it to fit all kinds of lifters sure what’s the optimal width and dimensions so it doesn’t interfere with your hands in a wide bench press placement and you don’t bang the plates when rcking finding all those compromises for as many people as possible so what is the width on the uprights outside to outside I don’t know so these are centimeters this doesn’t even have inches on it ours at least has Imperial and Metric they’re just like no Imperial what I do know is the outer measure here is the same as the combo okay so 121 or so 47.6 so just a little bit little bit wider than 47 okay cool I love the stainless steel uprights do you use the cable system often in your training or yes a lot now that you’re doing bodybuilding stuff it’s the main reason I got it to complement everything you can’t do with a barbell or dumbbells what about the cable system do you think Alo does really well so the smoothness of this is yeah it is even at the one thing that’s really unique about this the smoothness at lighter weights for most machines it will say a stated weight but it doesn’t feel that on the end it’s usually like either too rough so it feels heavier or it’s too light where there’s like nothing there like even if you’re at I mean he was just at 14 but even if you’re at the 7 lb mark it feels like I mean it’s so smooth yeah very consistent I also love this this is something they probably borrowed in some fashion from like really expensive functional trainers Life Fitness for instance has this on their G Series uh this is a counterweight 1.5 kg that you can bring on top um so you can get the inbetween most of them you you don’t have that like minutia you can’t get that tight in terms of adding increments I love that feature then of course the same roller Jacobs as on the combox sweet helps with consistency yeah I love this pegboard too that Pi much cool fully stainless uprights yeah I actually noticed I was thinking about this I always attach my phone cuz I have a magnet on the back doesn’t work it doesn’t work cuz it’s actually stainless and it’s actually good stainless some stainless it’s such low quality magnets will actually still stick y one way that you can tell like a really high quality stainless cuz it doesn’t have a lot of carbon in it is magnets won’t stay and then on the outside you got even more plates yes these are volcano or these are called grit plates they replace the old volcano the same principle with handles yeah and I use them just here for you know you need to load load up the curl bar quickly handles helps with that sure I don’t want to bring out the 50 kilo ones for for that I also noticed the flags so these are finished Flags that’s a finished flag okay this shows me stars and bars baby what else do you need classic American okay finish flag what’s this one this Swedish okay is your wife Swedish yes okay how come that one’s bigger than this one it’s the one I ordered assault bike yes the only cardio piece I see in here yes classic power from my feet how often are you guys using this is this weekly okay yeah yeah it’s a good way to get some conditioning in and dumbbells you’ve got a combo here yeah this is an assortment of various early prototypes older style yeah so these are all early prototypes of when we made the plate dble you can tell that one doesn’t even have end caps yeah this one is written by hand okay this is an early Evo before it got that cover plate here uh same with this uh this is also prototype of the new plate dumbbell these are old used volcano dumbbells that pressor so I just mixed and match together totally to get a set you went you did a big jump here yeah 40 to 52 and2 kilos yeah dang do you bench those I do I do you can bench those no problem I do it’s not that impressive we make it to up to 100 kilos so that would be can you imagine that in 100 K how big is that they’re huge oh I bet the new version is not quite as big okay because they have a bigger diameter sure uh but still like you can’t handle oh yeah it’s impossible okay bench this is your only outside of your combo rack yes this is your only bench in here yep is this the current model it is of your adjustable bench yes so this is almost the same upholstery I saw on the new bench pad also and is the current upholstery on these benches is it your pure pad you can get whichever you like okay it’s either one yeah okay and I just like the feel of this uh I don’t need the extra durability of the polyan because two max four people training here um I like the feel of this dimensions are the same as that one width and height and the feel is pretty much the same so you can be consistent even when you’re doing like dumbbell presses and stuff one thing about this bench the Gap pad that’s a big gap it especially for most modern adjustable bench why do you guys why is that still there cuz you don’t think it necessarily matters cuz people mostly bench on this when they’re flat or just part of the design I seem to recall that it was decided it wasn’t such a big deal okay that when when people were asked they didn’t really care or felt that it made a difference sure now that sample may have been flawed of course but that’s the feedback they got yeah I noticed Alo is just Classic on details so many details from nerling pin this is stainless right it is okay fully stainless with laser cut they actually have a nled handle on the front which is that the exact same handle as used on the op deadlift bar it might be the same yeah and then bumpers these are your newer bumpers they have the at least the newer logo yeah so these are the they’re called sport training so they’re the non-calibrated variant okay these are my favorites the 50s yes yeah dude I never used them dang but they’re are those newer yeah okay because like the the original I have an old kov set I don’t know if you remember when he had a little barbell company and they brought out 50s cuz they were like The Originals yeah they use 50s yep those are those are new and they’re mainly sold to the wpp powerlifting okay sure I don’t I literally don’t see anything other than AO except that and is this a Genesis Jack oh yeah yeah clev built Genesis Jack exactly yeah yeah this one’s did you paint this or like this no it’s really really old okay nice you literally don’t have anything let’s go to your bar rack let’s go to my bars cuz I’m sure you have something other than a lake over here there’s there’s something hidden in here that we’ll see if you can spot it in not not necessarily here that’s the disclimer but somewhere in this gym there is a hidden piece of equipment Easter egg okay so you have the most over-the-top curl bar ever most important on the top shelf has bearings right it has this thing spins just ridiculous for it’s made from the same bar steel as the other bars is completely unnecessary but it’s cool yeah that is pretty cool dang what nerling is used on this that would be the 1.0 okay yeah and it feels a little bit weird since they uh bent it after so so they bend it after they nurl it yeah okay all right and then this one is a this is a 15 kilo XF bar okay uh mainly got it for my wife to do front squats okay doesn’t have centered narrow sure this is stainless it is yeah I canull from the coding this is your stainless power bar or stainless hybrid bar so this is a new bar this is not new this is stuff that never made it into production two different grades of stainless um okay so these don’t exist officially wow these are off the grid okay what is going to happen to the hybrid bar are you allowed to talk about that oh yeah so it’s being recalled because of an increased risk of exhaustion failure yeah um it doesn’t necessarily mean they will break but there’s the potential which we saw too late unfortunately sure will it be replaced by a stainless version or is that TBD uh it’s uh nothing we can talk about right now okay so these are both hybrid bars both of these they’re hybrid in that sense that they have both bushings and bearings in the sleeves okay but there are different types of stain in the shafts so I just slapped the old yeah this is a higher grade stainless this lower grade yes okay yeah I can tell because so that’s the thing we’ve talked about this in videos before just because it says stainless not all grades of stainless are the same so when companies get mad at me for saying that on camera it’s just true just cuz it says stainless that doesn’t mean like look this one already has surface rust it’s cuz it’s a lower grade stainless if you look at this one there’s no surface rust guarantee you this has this been in the same gym the whole yeah yeah so it’s different yep dang okay and then this bottom one that’s that’s a power bar okay y power bar with the proprietary NCO coding oh okay since I’m not using it for CrossFit type training I’m no risk for exhaustion totally so and this is the only bar you don’t sell this no that’s one of two bars ever made in this this coating dang okay that’s pretty cool I love all the customs and then this is actually a different y cuz this is not a gritty powder coat this is the first prototype when switching to Black uh powder coat really and it doesn’t have the Dual handles and it has the long sleeves yeah so this is uh so this is like the original op and deadlift bar with black yes but it’s a smooth yeah it’s not a textured black nice okay that’s pretty cool so that one doesn’t exist either check out the incap too what is that oh it just has a random incap yeah it’s not even for okay yeah okay that’s pretty cool that’s a consistent theme in this place are these prototypes too or like that’s just a normal these are normal hex bars these never made into production okay uh also alternative to the hex dumbbells with a slightly different shape yeah yeah I like them yeah those are actually really nice those are cool and of course the loadable dumbbells loadable dumbbells yep with the options you have for dumbbells you got a couple of kettle bells too Y how often do you use these uh whenever the jumps between those are too big okay um so if I need 35 instead of 30 or 40 what plates will you place on these either are those small on the Sid I have a few black change plates there as well so just if you need to do some really heavy rows you could load them up with powerlifting 10 kilos and just fit like 80 kilos on them okay I don’t have that many but you could sure let’s go over here to the workbench because you got I see a couple things yeah SBD friend of course uh uh what is this dumbbell this is also a very early Evo prototype of a fat grip fixed one look at this fat grip yeah oh my goodness so this one is just regular steel it’s not stainless you can tell yeah here you can see the benefits of stainless yeah dang look how thick that guy is that’s a 50 mm yep just play with the grip training oh yeah dude that’s ridiculous you guys don’t sell this do you no that take you used to be able to get them custom uh if you wanted oh really yeah okay that’s not a shelf article this is who’s this from I have no idea I found it uh like in the thrown away bin in the workshop yeah look at the I like it smoothness on that yeah so again for grip training for Rose or something playing around with stuff like that it’s nice dang so what’s the piece of equipment I’m missing yeah you haven’t checked every Square let me see here H this is these are different bench pads oh oh I was going to mention this oh yeah so this is a calibrated competition scale because when you compete in high level you usually travel overseas to weigh in and you need to make weight and you always go I wonder how my regular scale at home compares to the competition scale and it always is off by a little bit Yeah so we got the competition scale here so she can weigh in at home dang so that is dedicated that is it makes it easy yeah that’s cool okay yeah those are versions The the first one here is the current polyuretane pad okay this is a early version of the traditional upholstery man it is so much harder harder it is yeah especially than that over there that’s very soft yeah wow okay curl bar oh he found it this is a rogue curl bar sir I tried to hide it in there sir is this allow in in this place okay he placed it there the bends on there are very nice do you use this yes okay do you use this one or that one I use that one more okay I love the honesty wow you really did have this hidden oh my goodness this is a real real C it’s really the the angle of the bents I like them oh they’re very aggressive they’re very yeah uh so it’s different so I do use both I use this more mainly because it’s nurl in in the band as well totally yeah this is a fantastic bar Rings are these a Leo too they are actually are yeah you can’t tell but they are you literally have everything Alo and then one more thing is these blocks these are polling blocks yeah those were originally custom made uh for the world paring championships that we hosted here in 2021 really so in the bench press if you are really short you’re allowed to have like blocks under your feet to to raise your feet so these were custom made for that and after I just uh commandeered them to my home gym and repurpose them as pulling blocks Step Up blocks for ghetto belt squats stuff like that totally yeah so are you doing belt squats on this I usually just do the regular weight belt and then the plates and just stand on a couple of and hold something for stability yeah I really want the belt squat but I don’t really have the space for it and if I I’m getting something it would be some kind of ghd or or something like I have to prioritize okay uh I love the belt squat but I I just can’t fit it in here I prioritize the the floor space do you think AO will ever have an attachment for the Pressed aor that does use the cables for belt I would think so I think that’d be cool one of the it gets really cold in Sweden right yeah is this insulated it is what do you do for heating and cooling I have these massive heaters here behind the dumbbells that do absolutely nothing so I put on three layers of clothes do these really not do anything they do nothing wait so are these electric or yeah okay dang I’ve never what is this so have you have you seen Rocky 4 when he’s in Russia you know plowing through the snow that’s you that’s me okay all right hence the SBD beanie okay you have them over there too yeah and they just don’t add anything really I’m sorry dude yeah see my gym is the same way it’s cold I have a mini split now that makes it warmer but for probably 10 plus years it was just freezing you just put layers on at some point I’m going to get some but uh it has to be prioritized after other stuff okay yeah you want the equipment first yes who cares if it’s freezing cold so cold in fact that you don’t even want to touch the barbell ring the barfell in the house at night no but sometimes I dread touching it because it’s so cold it’s so cold that’s the coldest part okay like 5° C that’s not that’s not fun yeah I don’t even know what that is in put some graphics in there okay anything else that you feel like I overlooked here I think that’s it you have got the parallettes because I’ve been doing a lot of body weight stuff oh are you yeah okay like pseudo plch push-ups stuff like that just because so much of your training used to be barbell focus is bar body weight more fun and just new to you or it’s different so you don’t chase old numbers also when you’re beat up and hurt it’s it’s not fun you know to always chase that so doing something differently is just nice change of pace okay yeah is there any pieces of equipment that we have available in us that you’re like man I wish I wish this was easier to get or you respect from other companies or anything like that yeah a Transformer bar for sure they’re hard to get here I would love that one play around with I I’ve just touched it once Kabuki stuff is not super common here so I only got to touch it once it’s super interesting oh it’s a gr bar yeah it is when is the release for the Alo safety Squad bar we have to take that off camera okay okay okay good answer good answer okay Coupe from Garage reviews Oscar barbell nerd SL official title go ahead product manager I think it’s not as exciting it should be like Barb do barbell nerd barbell nerd how I explain it at least for Leo uh thank you sir thank you we greatly enjoyed it if you guys would like to see more subscribe also we’ll tag Oscar’s Instagram you have an Instagram don’t bother tagging me we’ll tagos okay perfect we’ll see you next time [Music] peace [Music] Mar


  1. Good to see you Oscar, long time ago, again. Great home gym, a bit jealous but quite happy with my studio, thanks for helping out regarding that 🙂

  2. 7:09
    magnets dont stick to carbon, its wouldnt stick even if it had a lot of carbon in it. it will actually stick less
    but magnets also don't stick to nickle and this stainless steal is likely high in nickle and other things non magnetic making the stainless non magnetic

    they are called Austenitic stainless steels.

    thanks for reading, i hope you enjoy metals as much as i do BYE!

  3. "low grade stainless…", that low grade SS likely has a much higher tensile strength. it may rust easier, but that doesnt make it low grade!

  4. Beautiful gym and very nice video. However, what was mentioned about the properties of steel was incorrect and shows a lack of understanding of basic material physics. Please avoid getting into details you do not know.

  5. Love the equipment, but was saddened by that gap in the bench. I was a fitness director and bought and sold equipment. When setting up a new gum we specifically sourced "Atlantis Strength" benches as they were – at the time – the only ones that closed that gap.

  6. So nice to see some European setups. I’d love to see GGR review some UK based companies or equipment. Like mirafit, strength shop, primal strength, ATX 😊

  7. Loved the video. It's so interesting seeing how different each gym is. This one comes off so simple but everything in there is quality. Also wondering if the heaters aren't strong enough because of all the weights absorbing some of the heat before it gets a chance to get to him.

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