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Gareth Southgate REACTS To England Fans THROWNG CUPS At Him After England 0-0 Slovenia 🚨🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Gareth Southgate speaks to the press after England 0-0 Slovenia.


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no microphones okay let’s uh start same rules apply please raise your hands one question per journalist and then we’ll try to move around the room as quickly as possible let’s start in the middle over there thanks Matt sler from the athletic congratulations on toping the group Gareth I understand you spoke to TV after the game and you referred to there being a strange atmosphere I was wonder if you could expand on that a little bit um well firstly um fans were exceptional in the second half with the team so um that makes such a difference to them um you know I’m very very proud of the players they kept composure uh in a game where um you know they they’ve come into it in the back of a really challenging environment um it’s sort of taken me back a little bit to days when I was playing with England um and they’ve coped with it exceptionally well you know to keep their composure being patient with the ball all waiting for the right opportunity um I thought they did that outstandingly well in the second half we totally controlled the second half um did create a couple of really good chances which unfortunately we didn’t take but kept the defensive solidity um pinned them back uh kept wave after wave of attack didn’t quite manage to get the moment that we needed tonight so uh you know I’m I’m very happy with what they did of course we’d love a couple of goals that sends everybody home um happy um but we were definitely an improvement on what we did in the last game um we definitely showed more with the ball and uh We’ve kept the defensive solidity so important to win the group um because you control your own destiny doesn’t mean you get an easier tie because the nature of this tournament means that you can be pitched in anywhere but I think you you never want to look back having not topped the group and spiral into tough matches where people can then accuse you that uh you know because you didn’t win the groups then you’ve ended up with a tougher draw as as you say the fans stuck with the team all of the second half and at the end of the game a lot actually did clap you are you aware also that three beer glasses were thrown in your direction and that it seemed that there was also some angry reaction and can I get your reaction to that yeah I understand it um I’m not going to back away from it um the most important thing here is that the supporter stay with the team um I understand the the sort of narrative towards me um and you know that’s better for the team than it being towards them but it it is creating um an unusual environment to operate in uh I’ve not seen any other team qualify and receive similar so I understand it I’m not going to back away from it but I’m very very proud of the players for how they’re operating within it hello Gareth Sam M from the telegraph can I start um in the attacking line do you feel that it might be coming down to a choice of foden or Belling them rather than the both of them I think um we’ve got several players who are going to be able to affect games and um you know different moments across the three games both of those players have affected things in a really positive manner so um today the space and the opportunity was more for our wide players really it was difficult to play through the middle they’re they’re narrowing in the way they defend and so Phil and bukayo in particular and then Cole when he came on um were able to um get more of the ball and looked very dangerous in those moments it was harder for the players through the middle less space so um but but I was very happy with the way Phil and uh um Phil and Bayo played from the start of the game hi Gareth s pet from pa um and this might be a silly question but you’ve mentioned the environment it seems in a couple of interviews so what what exactly is the aspect that is different this time around to previous tournaments I think probably expectation um you know we’ve made England over the last six or seven years fun again and um I think it’s been enjoyable for the players and we’ve got to be very very careful that um that it stays that way any more raised hands questions in the back over there no we come to the front any Slovenian media please raise your hands as well hi Gareth kit Holden from the tarer sple German newspaper in Berlin um you mentioned the draw how important is it to have avoided Germany and potentially other teams along the way like like France and Spain yeah who who knows really um clearly we’ve got huge respect for all of the teams you’ve mentioned but equally there were some very very good teams in the other side of the draw so we we’re just going to have to see what the what the path leads to um and uh yeah we’re looking forward to getting into The Knockout phase of the tournament this was always our first first objective was to qualify our second objective was to win the group um we’ve shown some encouraging signs today some important contributions from the squad um and so we have to build from here hi Gareth Henry Winter World Soccer just on Cole Palmer that you mentioned what what us he bring because he doesn’t look like the type of individual who would be phased by the environment as as you call it and he’s obviously got a trick and he is positive he wants to take on is he a significant option for the round of 16 now thank you well he he showed what he’s been showing in training and um you know I think with him and kobby we had in our mind to get them into the game tonight um they they offer something different we wanted to start with Connor we felt it helped us to press better and we haven’t been winning the ball high enough up the pitch um the part of his game we weren’t able to get um was his his forward runs that he can exploit opposition defenses so he was ending up receiving a bit deeper and therefore it was logical to bring kobby into the game who is is different attributes to be able to connect the game through Midfield um so very pleased with that um you know in the end we we almost have a goal where Gordon Mayu Palmer connect and uh it was you know super piss of play so um so important that the players that come in realize they’re going to get opportunities if they keep training the way they’re training they’re supporting the team brilliantly and we know we have some good options to be able to change games which is crucial in in you know with the five substitutions especially we’ll have two more let start over there thank you uh harrian Armenian press guard uh English team has a massive bench but at some point when there is a defense like Slovenia was doing it seems that you have no option b option C to find a way to score a goal what’s the reason thank you I think that the changes we made had a positive effect on the game tonight so um we your your team defended very well um we weren’t able to find uh the right pass um the final finish um but we’re we’re improving and um I didn’t think that with how everything happened after the last game we were suddenly going to be free and liberated and uh stick four or five goals in football doesn’t work that way you have to recover from those uh nights and um make make steady progress at times um but I saw progress I saw players have a positive impact in the attacking areas and um you know I think the goals will come we’ll get there last one in the front hi Gareth you’ve talked about the difficult strange environment and England being fun over the last six seven years are you finding it fun at the moment do you have the energy to go into Sunday and and lift these performances yeah I’m I’m in a really good place so I recognize that you know when you have moments like at the end of the game I’m asking the players to be Fearless I’m not going to back down from going over and thanking the fans who were brilliant during the game they might feel differently towards me but for me we only will succeed if we’re together so that energy is crucial for the team and um yeah it’s so important that they stay with the team whatever they want however they feel towards me I get it I’ve been around England for 20 years so I’ve seen it um um yeah my my job is to guide the team through this get the very best out of the team and um to keep this perspective for them and um I’m I’m very very happy with the way they handled the last few days in particular okay thank you we’ll be back with play out of the match


  1. As a manager, he is tactically very poor. He plays players out of their natural positions and his team are a reflection of him. Boring, predictable and lacking in energy. Even hearing him speak sends me to sleep.

  2. You can see he wants to move on to the Premiership.
    The Euro's are effecting him. The sooner he gets to Man U
    the better for all.

  3. From German perspective, it’s feeling like England is getting held back by Southgate. You have an insane squad and you play like some f*cking third world country. Before the Euro was starting, I was actually scared of approaching England in the best-of-16, but now I rather feel it would have been a replay of the 7-1 against Brazil. I’d even be even fine with you having Klopp. It’s simply painful to watch your great nation getting represented that badly.

  4. Isn't it funny how people lauded Gareth Southgate a few years ago and just because his team did not win everyone has turned on him. England is top of their group so why are the fans being so obnoxious – shame on them.
    England need to stop getting an early goal and then try to defend the rest of the game – they need to mark their opponents and attack more.

  5. watching your team kick the ball around for 90+ mins and not even have a shot on goal is hardly exciting to watch when they scrape through into the next round, i mean come on i was watching Romania and Slovakia today and that was more exciting then watching england. There is no excuses for our team all of them combined come close to a billion and they cant even score a goal…….

  6. He claims he’s not seen this for any other team that’s qualified and that’s because all over qualified teams have been attacking and scored goals.

    Yes expectation but this team made it to a semi final and final. So of course expectations are high. It’s his job to handle it.

  7. The more I watch England the more I realise the players at club level who surround our England players make them look better than they actually are.

  8. He should’ve stepped down before this tournament. Would’ve had a great legacy of being the stepping stone of bringing England to the verge of a trophy. And leaving England in a great spot to win some tournaments.

  9. Please the same old same old ! Now look at the ladies of England 🎉 that’s how it’s done! they did not bleat on and roll about on the ground! They have shown how to do it! Gumption 👍that’s what’s needed in this overpaid players 👎 which shames me poor performance and management 😢

  10. You get ??? How someone feels who’s parted with 100s of £ to travel and stay in Germany get tickets to watch that dross !!! I don’t think so

  11. The first objective was to qualify and the second was to top the group? Lmao how can england take this guy seriously this is honestly insane hes like a british ted lasso character

  12. England not gonna get far we lucky we got through the group stages they be kicked out again they can't win anything

  13. The impact of leaving best experienced players behind,,,,like Maddison,,,Grealish ,,,Rushford,,,They really supported this team during workdcup,,,,anyway all the best ,,,,after the knockout,,,,i know England is already out😢

  14. How did a failed club manager get one of the biggest international jobs? Watched this guy as a manager of Middlesborough and he was clueless then. This set of England players deserves a top manager.

  15. A less competitive football manager always tends to overly praise his team's effort to deflect attention from his own shortcomings and limitations…

  16. I dont see how england have been "fun" this tournament I have fallen asleep in the last 2 games. And fair play to the person from the Armenian press very good question and shame on Southgate mistaking Armenia for Slovenia

  17. This is all tactical. Southgate knew England would win the group and knew he could do it without the players expending too much energy. He's not starting the players that everyone wants him to start because he doesn't want them getting injured and probably wants to rest them for the knockouts. The team hasn't had to put 100% effort in to win the group and why would they? It's pointless expending energy that they could save for the knockouts. We'll see a different team on Sunday.

  18. England was in first gear playing the teams in the group.
    Every team wanted to qualify, so why play 100 per cent. and risk the players' energy and health .
    No injuries so far . England will be in first gear and up it to 2nd gear when they need to in their next game .
    saka to score and England to win 2-1. COE 😂

  19. The English people should not have thrown cups at Gareth he's a lovely man and he's stuck to his guns and he's achieving is success your a brilliant manager good on you ❤

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