Golf Babe

New role that ignited Bailey Dale, his praise for Bevo, golf venture

Western Bulldog Bailey Dale sits down with Matthew Richardson for the latest episode of Knock Offs, thanks to @pepperjackwine.

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from kicking goals to stopping them it took him one season in the backline to become an all Australian Defender and Bailey Dale does it again the most accurate kick in the league his golf swings not too bad either but with eyes still on finals this Bulldog is key to their September hopes he joins us next [Music] hello richo here and welcome to knockoffs brought to you by Peppa Jack wines and what a guest I have for you today this man is an all Australian in 2021 as a Defender and I think he is the best kick in the competition he plays for the Western bulldogs and his name is Bailey Dale Bailey thanks so much for jumping in today thanks your Jo thanks for having me mate what do you bought in you’re a Chelsea Heights spy I like this yeah got the uh the steaks hanger here um I fill it with a little bit of lettuce and tomato um onion Jam On Top um yeah it’s a it’s a treat looks good mate that’ll go well with the Peppa Jack shz down there at the end mate I mentioned you’re from Chelsea Heights you came through the dandong stingray system how many Lads came through there with you uh we had four drafted in my year um Jack Looney Tom lamman Mitch white um yeah all all played a few games which is nice and yeah it’s great to great to see those guys outside of the game as well M mentioned I think you’re the best kick in the competition from halfback is that something that came naturally to you as a kid or did you have to work really hard at it um came pretty pretty naturally um spent a lot of time down at the local footy having some pot shots at the bin um kicking at goal and just yeah kicking with mat in the backyard so um yeah obviously once you get to the AFL level um you know you want your weapons to shine and um I felt like I’ve sort of done that over over my career so far and I believe you’re a Collingwood fan growing up yeah massive Collingwood fan growing up um Lov Scott pendelbury um yeah didn’t get to didn’t get to play him this year but um hopefully we can get him in the final and Chris Jud was your favorite player yeah Chris Jud um love the way he sort of just burst out of packs um used the ball well and yeah he’s just a quality player Brown low medalist so um yeah he’s he’s a star M you come through the draft in 2014 did you think you were going to get drafted first and foremost and had you spoken to many clubs um initially no I was actually just playing under 17 cricket and um I was speaking to my dad and my uncle at the time I’m like I was loving my Cricket at the time and um really just wanted to keep playing that but um Danny Young stingr um came and said do you want to do a preseason and sort of almost knocked it back and um yeah lucky I didn’t because I wouldn’t be where I am now but yeah it’s been great and um really exciting Journey so far so going into that draft did you think you were going to get drafted because there’s a lot of kids now that know they’re probably going to get picked up and there’s still some uncertainty with others where did you sit um I it’s probably around sort of round eight of the T cup year that um started Gathering a little bit of interest from some clubs um by the the end of the year went to the combine and spoke to a few more there but um yeah never really thought I I would get drafted um but yeah I was lucky enough to get called out by the Bulldogs which is awesome so when your name gets called out the Western Bulldogs you head over the the Westgate Bridge what were your first impressions when you roll up at the Wht and noal yeah obviously excitement um it’s a long well an hour and a bit from Chelsea I so my first car ride there I was thinking um over a thousand things in my head who I was going to see um who I was going to meet who I was going to say hello to first um but yeah I mean once we got in there everyone was um so welcom in and the club’s been great ever since and um yeah it’s a great place to be see you make you a boo in round s 2015 can you remember much about that game um bits and pieces um I I got absolutely smashed on the bandry line but I think Hayden Valentine um got up and just had dirt all over my back and I was like all right now I’m playing playing in the big league so um yeah so I think in that moment um it all sort of became real and um yeah it’s been great and you were were you were forward as a junior pretty much your whole way through yeah playing forward as a junior um little bit of wing um and then yeah sort of started my AFL career as a forward Winger um I was lucky enough to move down to fence in 2021 so you ER ated Bulldogs 2016 and the doggies it was a fairy tale from the elimination final it’s only your second year you played a handful of games in that year what what were your memories of that September because it was just unreal you come from the elimination final then OB obviously win the big one on the big day what what were your memories of that time yeah I mean it was such an amazing time for the club um and and for everyone involved I think um the excitement around the the western suburbs was um absolutely amazing the drought Breer the drought breaker and you know so many so many people crying coming up to you saying thank you I didn’t even play but um people are just coming up from everywhere and um yeah I mean you know winning a Premiership at an NL Club um not many people get to do it and just to be there and experience it um yeah it was pretty cool and the vfl team that you played in won the flag as well so it was a bloody good year yeah yeah it was great to um obviously playing a vfl flag um as I said you don’t get any opportunities to play in Grand finals so um for the whole club to to Come Away with some uh some silverware um was yeah pretty cool but I’m always interested on Grand final day year because I’m lucky enough to been out on the ground and watch the celebrations and you’ve always got the guys that have played and the guys that haven’t and I always feel what what are they actually thinking the guys that didn’t yet to play cuz there’s got to be a little bit of jealousy there is it is it a tough thing to go through um not so much jealousy I think yeah obviously you’re a bit flat that you’ve missed out but to see everyone around you and all the guys and what they put in hard workwise um to succeed um it was amazing and um as I said everyone at that time um was just happy for each other and um yeah hopefully I can uh get my own um in the future and yeah it would be awesome do you think everyone on the list there was a debate just recently do you think everyone should get a medal or do you think it’s just the guys that played on the day um yeah it’s a bit of a tough one um I think personally probably everyone should get a medal um there’s guys that go in and out of the team all year um you can’t just win it with the 22 guys um that play on that day so um yeah probably should go to Every run I think so yeah mate so 2021 was your year your breakout year you go from forward to back and by the end of the season you’re all Australian talk us through that move down back and how that came about and what what you had to do to really nil that spot down yeah so uh in 2020 it was obviously the Hub year um was in and out of the side a little bit and um had a big chat with Bevo sort of at the end of that year and um I probably wasn’t playing my best footy at the time so um just wanted to go away and have really big preseason and um you know sort of work my way back into into the side um as a Ford um and then sort of as that preseason rolled on we had a pry game against Hawthorne at the Whit noville yeah kicked a couple of goals um up half time and thought I was going okay and bever gave me the tap on the shoulder he’s like mate you’re going to go down back I’m like oh no not now but yeah sort of went down back and yeah the the roll kind of suits me a little bit more get to use the ball a little bit more utilize my kicking and yeah sort of have him look back since yeah all Australian that year and I look at the game now and it’s I reckon precise kicking like you have and long kicking it’s never been more important with the pressure in the game so you must really feel that it’s a weapon for you yeah obviously I always thought it was a strength of mine um my key and um you know a lot of hard work has gone into it um since being in the AFL system to um try to get it up to an elite standard so um I take great pride in my kicking and um if I’m not using the ball well I’m I’m usually pretty flat so um yeah I mean it’s something that I pride myself on and um want to keep doing well so you’d be thanking Bevo now what do you love about your coach yeah Bevo um he’s been with me my whole career um we both came into the club at the same time um so there’s always been that sort of bond Bond there but you know he’s such a great person um always encourages me always backs me in um and yeah I love having him as a coach and then you’ve got a captain like Marcus bondon Pell like I love the guy I think everyone does he’s just faultless isn’t he like what he does for your football club tell us about him as a leader around the place yeah uh Bon he always puts himself behind everyone else’s needs and um you know the way he goes about his football he just puts us on on his back every week um you know he’s kicks the big goals does all the hard things that you probably don’t see on the TV as well so um yeah great person and a great player and yeah I think he will go down as probably one of the best players to play the game yeah I think he’s the best Bulldog probably him and EJ Whitten didn’t see EJ but everyone talks about him what about the unicorn in the forward line I watched you slice the ball to him a few times last Friday night you must be super excited with Sam Dary yeah Dar is uh is a star or he’s going to be a star um I think he is already he is already a star um but yeah the way he can just float float across a pack and take a big contested Mark um he’s just so unique so long um and yeah he’s obviously a great user of the footy as well um I’ve seen him at training um lace guys out on his left foot which can yeah not many big boys can do so um yeah he’s obviously a special talent and um we hopefully can see him for the next 15 years mate away from footy I was having look at your Tik Tok you got a Tik Tok account uh for your golf it’s something that you really love away from footy to get your out of the game is that what you love about it yeah duck hook golf um Anthony Scott and Oscar Baker involved as well and um on Tik Tok and YouTube yeah yeah yeah a little bit of YouTube Tik Tok Instagram um you got to try to get on all the platforms these days but um yeah we just post some some content of us playing rounds of golf um you know we’ve had a couple of special guests on our page um Jasper stubs who played at the Masters not too long ago um he was a big guest and um cam John is also going to be on the channel um one the PG Australia um title not too long ago either so um yeah it’s cool meeting different people from different sports and different mindsets of how they sort of go about their their sport um yeah it’s been great and what are you playing off I’m off four at the moment wow and new club um Timmy Timmy’s off one he’s the lowest um yeah so hopefully can uh you know hunt him down in the future M I was having a look at Mitch Lewis’s uh Instagram as well like there’s a lot of good golfers around the AFL but I reckon he’d just about be the best have you seen him play yeah Play With Mitch a couple of times um hits a very long ball big boy so um yeah to play with him um down at Peninsula I think he’s a member so um that’s a great course as well and yeah he he stripes the ball better than anyone I’ve seen okay would you rather go to the Masters or the British Open uh I think the Masters yeah definitely the Masters um obviously very prestigious place and um can’t take too many photos by the sounds of it when you go there so um yeah I think that would be pretty special what about your favorite player it would have be probably Phil Mickelson I used to love watching um you know around the greens he’s just got that sort of death touch um left-hander as well I’m a left-hander so um followed him a fair bit um Bubba Watson as well um I think he hits the ball really far um and enjoy watching him he plays with a lot of flare we were over in Adelaide for gather around and Liv golf was there a few weeks later what do you think about Liv because you got the traditionalists that like the PGA Tour but I just love the team aspect of what Liv brings do you like it yeah love um the team aspect I think you know it’s another element of the um game that um people enjoy the atmosphere is always great um from what you see on TV and um hopefully can get to a few um in the coming years and your girlfriend eron plays down at Williams toown do you enjoy getting over and watching her play yeah I love going down and watching Nez play um she’s uh she’s racked up her 50th game not too long ago she’s had a couple years with injuries but um yeah get it get down there and um watch the girls play I mean that the girls games come so far um you know such a short amount of time it’s only going to get better so I’m really enjoy going down there and watching our play now Mt I’ve had a little bit of a chuckle a few times watching the footy on Fox with Jared Healey and I’ve mucked up plenty of names as well but he this makes me laugh a few times he’s called you daily B and he called you B daily so which one would you prefer uh just Bailey D usually pretty good um yeah Jared he’s a edas boy um you know he uh obviously been Tongue Tied a little bit there but um yeah it’s pretty common for people to get my name wrong but it’s all it’s all part of it it made me chuckle mate thanks so much for coming in today we’ve got a little bottle of uh pepper jack shz in fact we got a case of it out there for you so hope you enjoy that good luck for the dogs for the rest of the season thank you very much yeah you’re right in the hunt so we look forward to watching that that’s it today for knockoffs on Rich Show and we’ll be back soon with another great guest thanks yeah [Music] join me Cal Tumi and me Riley beverage every Wednesday on getable the definitive source of everything you need to know for player movement trade free agency draft and contracts watch getable every Wednesday or catch it as a podcast wherever you listen


  1. Afl day grand final tony serprano(remember when is the worst form of conversation)remember when there's was no lights/electricity/t.v 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

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