Golf Players

ELITE Year For Pickens, Keeanu Benton Spotlight, JPJ’s PPF Grades, & 53-Man Roster Predictions

If the Steelers’ offense are going to be an effective group this year, George Pickens is going have to be a top WR in the NFL. It remains to be seen if we add any WRs before the season starts to take some attention off of Pickens.We shall see.

Keeanu Benton can do himself a huge solid with a big year this season. His year will a lot tell us a lot about what the Steeler plan to do with Cam Heyward.

Joey Porter Jr more than held his own last in his rookie season. I trust his hunger to be an elite cover corner in this league…but if you listen to PFF…he’s bottom of the barrel!!!

I break down MY 53-man roster predictions for the Steelers 2024 season. Agree or disagree. I want to here it all.

We ARE…Steelers Almighty!!!

Related Show | Mini-Camp Surprises & Observations:

0:00 Welcome To Steelers Almighty
0:21 Table of Contents
2:08 George Pickens
8:39 Keeanu Benton
14:09 Joey Porter Jr
20:45 53-Man Roster Prediction
34:05 Wrap Up
35:29 Outro

Brought to you in part by: @bigbsportstalk @ltbsports @mach1pro

#pittsburghsteelers #steelersnation #georgepickens #keeanubenton #joeyporterjr #camheyward

hey Steeler Nation what’s going on this is Big B Brian Hanley and welcome back to Steelers Almighty you know Steelers Almighty right now people it is the fastest growing Steelers podcast on YouTube right now so and that’s all thanks to you guys we appreciate you being here we got a good show for you guys today man uh doing some player profiles today we’ve done a few in the past but we’re going to dig in to some of the Future Stars here on player profiles today first off we’re going to talk about George Pickins and can George Pickins be elite and what does that look like second keano Benton you know keano Benton started to really come on last year uh and I think he’s going to be the key to the Steelers defense on whether it it can take the next step and be in a top five defense this year which I’ve already been on record saying it is so you like some of the stuff that I have to say about keano Benton next Joy Porter Jr I mean I think he came on last year was an outstanding quarterback cornerback excuse me how good can he be I mean let’s take a deep dive in how good he can be we’re also G to take a dive and and you’ll love that that what we’re talking about some of the analytics talking about Joey Porter Jr absolutely unbelievable what PFF has to say about him we’ll dive into that and then last but not least we’re going to do a 53 man roster so what we believe the 53 man’s going to be coming out of Camp again it’s just predictions so make sure you stick around to the end as far as that is concerned again man weekly you can always find us on YouTube at Steelers allmighty always find us on all the social media platforms everywhere that you see Steelers Almighty that we are on all social media there and then anywhere that you get a podcast we are there Steelers Almighty make sure you like follow subscribe we appreciate it man let’s get into the show so we’re D in here so the first things first let’s talk about George Pickins you know uh George Pickins the first thing that I think for him to be an elite receiver is we got to fix the maturity issues we saw some of that stuff all throughout the year you know we definitely saw it as rookie year last year was a lot of frustration just being frustrated not getting the ball uh offense not doing the things that he and a lot of us thought that it should do he’s got to fix it look I think the the low point was probably that Indianapolis game last year where there were a lot of Steeler fans that were like just get rid of them we we don’t need it just move on from them and then he changed his tune he got better I think maybe some people probably got in his face in the locker room whatever happened but that’s the first thing with George Pickins if he can change his attitude and his maturity I really believe that he can take off the next thing is is his route running um look I’m not saying that he’s a bad route Runner I think a lot of the stuff that people talk about myself included on him not being a good route Runner is some of the things that he was asked to do he wasn’t asked to do that much and I think a lot of that is because the limitations of the offense you Matt Canada’s offense I hate even even bringing up that man’s name but it’s just the truth a lot of the offense and the stuff that that pickings was being asked it was just okay we’re gonna run a slant we’re gonna run a a stop route you know and we’re going to run a go route other than that how many out routes did you see him run there was a few there was a few but it was few and far between I think there’s a lot more to the route tree that he can do and I think there is going to be a lot more to the route tree that he’s going to be asked to do for the Pittsburgh Steelers for him to become an elite receiver he’s going to have to do that now the one thing that he does well that kind of goes underrated is his blocking now you’re gonna say well Brian you just talked about the Indianapolis game and I get that but that was an outlier but George Pinson is an outstanding blocker I when he puts his mind to it which is a lot of the time when it comes to the Run game he is an incredible blocker and you know an Arthur Smith offense he’s going to have to do even more of that and I look forward to seeing him being able to do that so something that he takes pride in uh and it’s something that that makes him an even more Elite receiver more complete receiver like to see that out of George Pickins so I guess look at his 2023 numbers let’s just take a quick look at that and what he did um I like it you know I I I really like what he did last year just think about what George Pickins was able to do with the quarterback play and he was still able to put those those type of numbers up number one the quarterback play and his attitude issues if he can fix the attitude issues it looks like that we fixed the quarterback issues we got something here you know what I’m saying we got a little something here so I think he can be elite now let’s take a look and see you know I guess one question is what does 24 um the the 2024 numbers look like let’s take a look at that if he’s going to be an elite receiver what does that need to look like in my opinion for him to be the kind of receiver the the type of elite receiver that we all believe that George Pickins can be so when you take a look at that look at the numbers look at the catches you you know look at the yards look at the touchdowns yeah he’s going to have to have more catches obviously 85 catches I think 1350 yards nine touchdowns now you’re gonna say well come on B the the yards per catch are going to go down look he’s gonna have more um more coverage rolled his way not to mention in the type of offense it shouldn’t always have to be Boomer bust with George Pickins first and 10 give me four yards on a quick out route I’m okay with that you know third and two give me three yards on a quick comeback a quick slant a stop rout a dig a quick dig anything Crossing route I’m okay with that and again that gets into more of what’s he doing with the route tree what can we do how can we use them and if you’re going to be an elite number one receiver like that you got to be able to do all those sorts of things so I think George Pickins he’s going to have more catches to be elite anyway got to have more catches got to have more yards got to have more touchdowns look the yards per catch it’s going to go down some just for circumstances but that’s okay that’s okay and again yard you know yards after the catch it’s gon to go down some just for the simple fact he’s going to have more coverage rolled his way there’s going to be more bodies around him uh so breaking a lot of tackles and running it’s not always going to be there so but also one thing to keep in mind if if you are going to be elite you got to be a third year or third Team all proo at the minimum and a pro bowler and if things go the way that I think they will this year I think that’s where we’re GNA see George Pickins people I really do I think we’re going to see George Pickins take his game up to the next level even with all the running that they do I think we’re GNA see him take his game up to the next level so let’s take a a quick poll question here George Pickins do you think that George Pickins breaks out and has an elite season do you think that George pickings breaks out and has an elite season yes or no please leave your answers in the comments yeah I think it’s gonna be a good season for George Pickins I really do really really do for if nothing else because he’s seen the contracts that some of these receivers have have gotten and he has a big third year his contract is going to be due and he’s looking to get paid so there’s that now let’s take another look or let’s look at uh keano Bon let’s move on to the next segment here segment keano Benton I’ve said it for a little while now that I think keano Benton’s GNA be the key to the Steelers season he made a lot of strides last year a lot of strides one of the things about keano Benton and maybe it was a a fact that a lot of people didn’t notice um but he he wasn’t in professional football shape I think he was in college football shape you know and there’s a huge difference but I don’t know that he was always in professional football shape just for the simple fact it’s not that he didn’t work hard he just didn’t know you know I think that’s what a lot of it had to do with he just literally did not know how to be in professional football shape well now he does and if you see him in OTAs and mini camp he looks like a guy is looks like a guy that he’s taken it seriously understands what he needs to do and that he has moved moved his body in a progression to where he can play more snaps you know not taking plays off things are going to prog I I like what I see out of keano Benton and I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again he’s the key to the Steelers having a dominant defense look he’s also the key when we talk about cam Hayward and let me explain why it looks for all intensive purposes that the Steelers are going to move on from cam Hayward or they want to try to move on from cam Hayward well if they want to move on from cam Hayward the quickest way for them to be able to do that is to have keano Benton play well now I know what some people are going to say well come on they don’t play the same position keo’s more of a nose tackle well first of all the Steelers play a ton of nickel a ton of nickel 40% of the time they were in nickel which means they had a true three technique out there hio bitton can do that absolutely he can do that now he plays nose and does a good job at it but he can also play the no first of all even in the nickel him and cam Hayward are interchangeable between three technique and nose tackle that’s number one but if you’re wanting to move on from cam or you feel like you can move on from cam well this is the guy this literally is the guy got to be that guy like and not to mention he’s got to be able to match the int it I’m not C saying that Cam’s going to have the greatest season but you know that Cam’s fighting for his football life he literally is fighting for his football life well that’s the case you know you’re going to get the best that he can give you whether his ability is there because he’s 35 years old who knows but you know his intensity is going to be there you know his mental toughness and focus is all going to be there not that it wasn’t in the past but you know that it’s going to be there well iano needs to suck all of that in and just absorb it and be able to match that intensity if he can the Steelers got something I’m telling you right now the Steelers got something because he plays with a Mean Streak already he’s only getting better this is a big big year for keano B and for the Pittsburgh Steelers I I really do I think this is a a big season to find out what he can do and if the Steelers can say thank you Cam we love you but it’s time for you to move on it’s time for you to move on which I think they’re they’re pretty much there anyway but a big season out of keano bitt goes a long way to the Steelers being able to put other resources other places all right so we’re moving on now we’ve come to the half time point of the show now we haven’t done a halftime before but we’re doing it now the one thing is because I want to shout out we got our first super the other day and we appreci appreciate it from our man Tom Smith um obviously that’s a big deal we’re a new Steelers Channel Steelers Almighty we haven’t been there around that long it’s just over 90 days and again we appreciate everybody but this was our first super that we received last week from our man Tom Smith so that’s just one way that you can support us so again if you like the show the the supers are are wide open so if that’s a way that you want to help support the show we love it um continuously we we would love for you guys to continue to to like follow comment all that good stuff those are the other ways that you can help support the show so one of the thing though is is that although we are the fastest growing you know uh YouTube podcast or Steelers podcast on YouTube I should say we are the fastest growing Steelers podcast on YouTube only 11% of our viewers are actually subscribers so if you guys if you again if you like what we’re doing make sure that you always subscribe subscribe like all of that good stuff more importantly comment because we love going back and forth with you guys uh I love going back and forth talking to you guys when you have questions even when we disagree nobody’s being disrespectful we’re just here talking man trying to we just want the same thing we want the Steelers to be as best as they can possibly be so again we appreciate everybody’s support um and thank you again let’s get on with the show here let me grab a little water I apologize okay next up how good can Joey Porter Jr be well you’re gonna really like what I have to say at the end of this man because again it it hits a nerve with me is that first of all I have no idea why Joy Porter Jr didn’t start from day one last year um I was pretty vocal about it had no idea why he wasn’t out there when he actually got on the field fulltime clearly he was the best cornerback that the Steelers had on the roster and you can’t tell me that he just became the best Steelers cornerback when he got on the field I don’t want to hear it I don’t want to hear that and moving him along slow and this and that unnecessary man unnecessary put the guy out there and when he got out there he played good he played good look he traveled with some of and how many cornerbacks can you say in today’s day and age travel with the best receiver he was doing that he was playing very physical football good football little handsy I understand I understand and does he need to knock some of that off yeah but that’s part of what makes him good is his toughness and his physicality so Joy Porter Jr man I’m telling the guy was a handful is he a lock down corner I guess is the question is he going to be the next lock down Corner in the National Football League I think he will be I really do I I know that’s a lot of Steelers fandom but if you just watched and you paid attention you know he was good and again didn’t even play the whole year for some reason the Steelers just you know how we do and it it just gets old to me it’s old way of thinking you got to ease them in ease them in ease them in same with brri Jones I’m like put the guys out there they’re better than the guys that are currently playing who cares if they make some rookie mistakes you’re gonna have to live with that and you still had to live with that when you eventually put those guys in Joey Porter Jr did that I mean he made some some rookie mistakes but that was few and far between I’ll be honest with you he played outstanding football loved it absolutely loved it now here’s the thing he still like I said needs a little polishing you know there’s he’s not a finished product like I mentioned little handsy you know grabs um things you could get away with in college he’ll have a lot more attention on him this year uh so the flags he might get a couple of more Flags but if he cleans that up and and again accepts coaching and just understands hey man you’re in position you don’t have to grab them Don’t Panic if he does that I’m telling you he’s going to be the next big big Tom Corner in the National Football League now what are the rankings um let’s talk about Pro Football Focus let’s let’s go to that here for a second so at the end of last year Pro Football Focus had Joey Porter Jr ranked number 20 now was he number 20 I I I would be ventured to say he was top 15 but I can live with top 20 I can live with it going into this year I’m thinking okay Pro Football Focus you know he’s going to be ranked probably around 12 he’s going to end up higher no no no no Pro Football Focus has Joey Porter Jr at 32 now again I I want to to to relay that again to you because I know you’re thinking B you’ve lost your mind you don’t know what you’re talking talking about no no at the end of last year at the end of the season he was number 20 going into this season so the only thing that has happened is free agency and the draft so basically they’re saying that 12 guys that got drafted are going to be better than Joey Porter Jr and now he’s 32 I’ve said it once I’ll say it a trillion times I Pro Football Focus is a but when you allow for nerd analytics to get in the way of what you see with your own eyes that’s a problem that’s a problem for me and and that’s the one thing anybody that always comes into the comments and they start bringing up some of these nerd analytics I’m sorry I’m not listening to it you know I’ll never disrespect anybody but I’m not gonna listen to nerd analytics man I’m just not I’m going to watch and what I see I’m going to use that over what nerd analytics you can’t tell me that a man finishes the season at number 20 but somehow you think he’s going to be a worst football player and he’s coming into the next season at 32 that makes absolutely no sense and I don’t want to hear any trying to Logic on why it would make sense I’m just gonna argue with you I’m just gonna argue that that’s just crazy to me but hey it is what it is man it is what it is let’s go to the poll question po question Joey Porter Jr where do you think jpj will finish the season ranked among other Elite Corners top five top 10 top 15 top 20 I think I told you what my answer is I say top 20 or top 10 excuse me I believe he’s going to be in the top 10 Pro Football Focus doesn’t believe that it that any of this is gonna be realistic because they say 32 32 the thing that drives me insane about that is that there are some teams like the Jets had three guys ahead of him so not only did their first two corners they got either a slot Corner in the backup or the backup they say is better than Joey Porter Jr it’s that kind of nonsense that’s what I’m talking about people I’m not saying that Pro Football Focus is horrible I’m not saying it but what I am saying is that it’s just a tool it’s just a tool use your eyes you know what you see and go based on that don’t let nerd analytics get in the way don’t let it get in the way so all right we’re g to move on people now 53 man roster now again the 53 man that I came up with or we came up with is just what we believe out of camp and it could be right or wrong you know we’re we’re not Omar Khan we’re not Mike Tomlin but this is what we believe here at Steelers Almighty what the 53 man roster is going to be let’s break this down real quick now as far as the offense we’ll go offense to defense offense first quarterback pretty simple Russell Wilson Justin Fields uh KY Allen I know people like plumbley uh the rookie out of UCF practice squad guy no no if if he even makes the practice squad I would probably have Kyle Allen as a practice squad here’s what I say if Kyle Allen is your third quarterback in your QB room you have a good QB room because Kyle Allen is not horrible he is not horrible I’m not saying he’s a starter but he could be a backup on a lot of football teams in the National Football League and he’s our third string guy so the QB room just think about the QB room last year compared to this year people just think about that for a second Lord have mercy is isn’t it just refreshing to just hey we got to I’m not saying the guys are going to be you know Tom Brady or Patrick Mahomes or whoever I’m not saying that but when you have a chance it just makes everything else better we didn’t really have that much of a chance last year some of it was Matt Canada but some of it was who was actually in the quarterback room so oh baby hands pick it just just can’t just can’t with that guy moving on running backs uh pretty simple here uh Naji Harris Jaylen Warren uh Cordell Patterson and then dwan Edwards at the undrafted guy undrafted running back out of Georgia Georgia doesn’t always feature because they usually play two or three running backs I’d like him to make this team I like him to make the team and I’m not sure he’s gonna have a big role but I’d like him to make the team I do gotta have four running backs I like him to make the squad look Nai we know what him and Jaylen Warren are going to do Cordell Patterson obviously he’s going to be in return game but he might have some sort of role as uh you know in the running back room he he may have some sort of role there but I I just like danan Edwards I like him to make this squad now here’s where it got tricky for me fullback last year we didn’t have one previous three seasons we had Derek watt but if you paid attention how many uh 21 personnel sets did we run or 20 Personnel or 23 Personnel how often were we in that not very often so Derek watt wasn’t getting I mean if you’re just talking about offensive snaps it may have been two or three a game maybe maybe well Arthur Smith likes a fullback so I’ve got Jack and I believe it’s ketto I’ve got him right now as the fullback making the roster now we’re again we’re not Omar Khan we’re not Mike Tomlin he might they might overrule it and say no we don’t want a fullback but Arthur Smith traditionally has kept the fullback not that they’ve used them because again if you pay attention they have the fullback on the team but they are a lot of 11 and 12 Personnel in an Arthur Smith offense which again that is not with a fullback so who knows what they’re going to do who knows but for me for right now we’re going to have him on there then we got wide receivers we got six wide receivers pretty simple George pickings Calvin Austin uh Roman Wilson Van Jefferson I’ve got Scotty Miller making the team and then I’ve got quz Watkins making the team six wide outs you need six uh and I think they’re going to keep six quz Watkins that last one obviously is going to come down to who can play special teams um can any of those guys do it we’ll see but that’s who I believe is going to be on the team again always set up for will the Steelers go grab a receiver you know during training camp before training camp starts who knows what they’ll do but we’ll find out we’ll find out but that’s who I’ve got right now as far as receivers tight end Fri Mo Washington and I think the battle look Conor Hayward played had a role last year he did but mle puit I don’t think they just brought him in here to do nothing now I know a lot of people are going to say well he’s more a Blocker we already got Darnell Washington why do we need another blocker I just think it might be a battle between Hayward and pu bring some competition in nothing wrong with competition so whoever wins that battle I think I think it’s probably gonna be Hayward but who knows who knows so offensive tackle rodri Jones Troy f f fanu excuse me and Dan Moore Jr I know there’s been a lot of talk about well the Steelers May trade Dan Moore Jr and as much as Steeler fans and a lot of Steeler fans I shouldn’t speak for everybody a lot of Steeler fans look we like Dan Moore Jr but he can’t be the starter he just can’t be even if they want to try to do that no no fan who’s gotta win that job we got to put him out there from day one you’re not trading Dan Moore unless somebody’s willing to give you a third round pick if they want to give you a third rounder yeah you go ahead and do it as many starts as that guy has at left tackle if somebody wants to grab him that means they want him to come and play right now then you got to pay a premium premium for that and for me and I’m pretty sure Omar Khan feels the same way third rounder third rounder you want to give us a third rounder we’ll come off to anmore Jr if not not happening not happening so then guard got five guards Isaac camalu James Daniels Nate herbig who I know will back up at Center as well well Mason McCormick Spencer Anderson now Dylan cook I know people are going to say what happened there B I just don’t know man I just don’t know a lot of other spots that we need we got five guards we got a backup center I I just don’t know I there’s going to be an odd man out and I believe he’s going to be the odd man out and may end up on the practice squad um that’s what I believe Center we got Zack Frasier and then I already mentioned uh Nate herbet being the backup so that is who I have for the offensive side let’s take a look and see what we got and who’s going to make the squad on the defense all right so first off defensive line I got a lot of them I got a lot of them and I think you got to have at least eight off or defensive linemen cam Hayward keano Benton Larry Ogen Joby then I got montravius Adams Isaiah Loudermilk Dean Lowry Logan Lee a lot of people think Logan Lee might be a practice squad guy I’ve got him making the team and then Brendan FIA hoko um yeah I like him I’m sorry de Marvin Leal I think he gets cut I think he gets cut I mean if we’re being honest again we love everybody we want everybody to play well but I want to win I want the best competitive team what has de Marvin Le shown us that says yeah we need need to keep him on this team I don’t think he’s shown us enough we’ve got other guys I think that’s the way that the Steelers are going to go with their defensive line in the 2024 season outside linebacker TJ watt Alex heith Nick herbick and then I’ve got a parenthesis for a free agent because we know the Steelers like to have at least four outside linebackers and the trick here well let me just break this down too Patrick Queen pton Wilson and he Landon Roberts for inside linebackers now you’ll notice the person that’s missing is Cole hul uh I think he’s going to start out the season on pup who knows when he comes back we’ve already heard reports that he’s not going to be ready for week one and I’m guessing if he’s not going to be ready for week one how do they know that well then he probably is not going to be ready for the first month of the Season okay fine but that’s why I have parenthesis there because if you keep Cole hul and he’s actually able to come back and play this year can you use pton Wilson as a backup outside linebacker as well I think that’s what you do because we saw it in college what he can do coming off the edge now I know what you’re gonna say you’re gonna say Brian come on now you’ve been screaming for pton Wilson to start an inside linebacker and I have I absolutely have but if we’ve got other guy if if we need somebody to do something else and he’s versatile we’ve got El Landon Roberts he can play there I mean they’re going to be battling it out for that position anyway and if Cole hul is available use your versatility to your advantage use it to your advantage that’s all I’m GNA say you know now does it mean we can’t go out and sign Marcus golden I think we probably could Marcus golden got signed late last year came in and did an outstanding job I’m sure he could come back and hopefully he’s in the same type of shape can come back and do the same thing so that’s to spot just keep an eye on that outside linebacker position I think the Steelers need four I only have three but I got a parenthesis we just covered the inside linebackers as well so let’s go to Corner H Joey Porter Jr Dante Jackson cam Sutton Corey T Jr Anthony aett and Darius rush I think those are the guys I know a lot of people beanie Bishop these are the guys that I think are going to be on the team these are the guys I don’t think you out and sign an Anthony aett if he can’t play because here’s what I believe if he can’t play I think mini camp and OTAs would have shown you that and then they just move on from them look they just move on and just say you know what this is not the guy sorry we gotta move on we got other guys in here and I think you’re giving him an opportunity I think he ends up making the team I really do and I think Darius Rush ends up making the team so those are the quarterbacks that I have now at safety I think it becomes a little bit more questionable and here’s the reason why obviously Ma and deshun Elliott then Damonte KZ Ryan Watts I think that’s the battle I think that’s the battle and I also I know I talked about Anthony aett earlier I also think if Ryan Watts makes the team I think Anthony a gets cut I think he gets cut he’s the odd man out in my and for me personally now again I know I just talked about him being the corner and beating somebody else out but if Ryan Watts he’s super versatile if he’s able to play and make the squad I think you keep that versatility you get rid of Aver and then you look to add somebody at another position on the roster that’s why being versatile in that role is so good because I think Ryan watts is a safety that’s his best position but he can also play slot corner I think he’ll be fine there I I think he can Excel there so that’s why you want the versatile guys in the secondary like that and take a young guy uh if he shows the promise so that’s the battle a lot of people are out there saying Damonte KZ is not going to make this squad if he can win this battle I think he wins it I I just think yeah that’s my personal opinion but I think he’s got to beat out Ryan Watts if he can great if not I’m not gonna be overly upset that Ryan Watts wins that that backup safety position just not gonna be that upset with it so then at Long Snapper look Christian Co great I mean what can you say here’s the one Cameron Johnson Lord have mercy have the Steelers needed a punter oh my gosh I don’t even want to say his name because I’m afraid I’m gonna jinx our punting game and it’s just gonna bring up more bad ju guu I’m not even going to do it but our puning has been pathetic for three years Lord have mercy thank you for getting us a different punter thank you so Cameron Johnston’s that and then we got one of the best play kickers in football Chris Boswell I mean quiet as it’s kept and then I didn’t mention miles keru he’s technically miles killer Brew is a safety but we all know he is our special teams guy so that’s the roster in a nutshell that is the roster in a nutshell again feel free to leave where you agree disagree all of that stuff in the comments on who you think the roster for the 2024 Pittsburgh Steelers is going to be now look in closing here uh we talked about you know Joey Porter Jr keano Benton uh George Pickins we talked about all of those guys and how they needed to have big years and how they are basically need to become Stars I believe that we’ve seen it all across the league young guys becoming super superstars in the National Football League we haven’t seen that that often in Pittsburgh TJ watt M Fitz Patrick cam Hayward became a star but it was kind of a little bit later in his career we need these guys to be stars now and yeah I get it it’s a lot to put on young players I understand all that but we’ve seen it all over the league man we’ve seen where teams have young guys in their first second third year become superstars in the National Football League well at some point don’t the Steelers need one of those guys don’t the Steelers deserve to have one of those guys and why not if we’re gonna have one we can’t have two or three of course we can it’s our turn for that it is absolutely our turn for that I think the Steelers need it for them to have the season that they want to have I think it’s the necessity that they step up and be the big play guys that I believe that they can be so that’s all I got for you guys today man we appreciate everybody that has given us your support so far again if you haven’t already remember to like follow subscribe you can always find us again on Steelers Almighty anywhere that you get a podcast you can find Steelers Almighty and on all the social medias make sure you follow like subscribe all that good stuff to Steelers Almighty appreciate you guys aloha


  1. The way JPJ plays CB reminds me of the physical Steelers teams of my childhood in the 2000s. He’d fit right in with his dad on the Super Bowl XL team and I’m sure he’d be able to play well in any era considering historically DB’s were allowed to play even more physical. I’m excited to see how great he becomes!

  2. I do think Pickens has an elite season. His stats were actually pretty impressive last year despite Canada and the atrocious QB play. Plus, it sounds like he did put in some serious work at his route running in the offseason. I think the improvement in all of those areas will more than make up for the increased attention he will receive.

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