Golf Players


[Music] hold me close till I get up time is bely on our side I don’t want to waste what’s left the storms we chase a leading us and love is all we’ll ever trust Magazine on fore spee speee fore for no I don’t want to waste what’s left and on we’ll go through the wastelands through the highways through my shadow turn the sun rays and on and on we’ll go through the lands through the highways and on and on we’ll [Music] go oh on we go oh finding Life along the way Melodies we haven’t played action for Theon night first off fighting out of the right corner to my left representing usbekistan and rally voco and his opponent body out of the blue corner across the ring representing toan Med Garcia Abdu Ros [Music] thech speech versus Abdul razak they were making a lot of strides and a lot of commentary back and forth during the press conferences and even the weigh-ins and it’s sure to be fireworks now as it’s one of as it is our co-main event before we hit the main event in the Red Corner our white shorted fellow is aalii and in the blue Corner Abdul Rak in the black and gold shorts our ref’s ready to get us start boxers oby my instruction all the time I don’t want to see any repet punches kidney all below the belt touch good luck ladies and gentlemen this battles three rounds of 1.5 minutes each history in the making R’s coming swinging [Applause] hard’s got these punches and bunches ABD rosak throws a couple in then pushes back you know uh is moving forward Abdul R is being warned I I feel that ABD almost quits he does look worried you can see that on his face but I I think you know as he as he continues into this ring he’ll find his space it’s just will it be enough Upper Cuts from Abdul W taunting taunting from R taunts him tells him to come in come into the pocket he says come the pocket I’ll show you something was telling him you come to me nice nice jab there from ABD roac just punches and punches again that’s kind of the game plan it seems isn’t it tauns him some more does a rally a lot of great punches coming out of rally lot of great punches ABD finally got one shot in and now he gave him some confidence moving nice there there was there was a couple of shots there that landed from ABD Rak yeah yeah but you know just gas out look he’s breathing hard he keeps screaming at ABD Rak interesting first round but I definitely have to give it to AI he seems like the more confident fighter in there [Applause] foreign spe got you got to love that speech foreign the coaches have told their Fighters here’s round two Abdul razak in the black shorts and a Ali in the white shorts AI same game plan coming in punches and bunches but you know he G out towards the end so o ABD needs to kind of Wither the storm yeah I agree with you Rio you got to weather that storm and just you know find find moments where you can just Implement your game plan and I feel ABD is panicking he should not panic because he’s not doing so bad he should Con on straight punches versus you know those hay makers that II is doing the difference is confidence between the two that’s a slip I don’t think that was a knock down I don’t think that was a knockdown slip yeah and he he’s telling him don’t trip him he said he kicked me to my stomach he kicked me to the [Music] stomach he told him don’t kick him the stomach a fre don’t K stomach yeah I was there kick I didn’t see the kick I didn’t see it either but I I’d love to see Abdul razak just kind of relax a little bit and throw his throw his combinations because I feel if he does one of those is going to land and just put a back AI needs kind of something to just hit him so he can just back up a bit but is a is a boxing machine he’s going forward look he’s actually doing some strikes to the to the body and ABD is pushing you got to wonder how much gas is left in A’s Gas Tank right now I I like ABD right now I like ABD going straight punches versus Hooks and stuff he’s going to the body more I see that he is he’s feeling a lot more comfortable that’s for sure you know in my book it’s one round each so that was an interesting round in the sense that [Music] the that so moving into round three of our star attraction here the co Main Event between ABD Rak in the black and gold shorts and a r Al in the white shorts and so far it’s really been the story of aalii dominating this fight with his punches is very confident he looks like he has more power he’s winding up for his hits but he GES out because of those wind up and look how he’s leaving his jab out there like making sure that ABD doesn’t come close to him it’s really about being comfortable in the ring isn’t it and you can just see who’s more comfortable than than than the other just seems to be really in his zone right now thir hit to the back of the head and the reach is actually to the advantage of the man in in the white [Music] e but he’s ging out he’s ging out and what do we have 16 seconds nice shots there from the rally as he continues to pushak took a couple of punches there to the face he comes back with a couple punches of his own but I don’t think it’s going to be enough dominating the pace going going to [Music] our co-main event here between arali and Abdu razak the touch gloves at the center you know so far in my in my book it’s actually two rounds to run R’s dancing I love it you love to see it o o twice he tagged him nice Jabs actually this good round so far for Abdul razik I’d like to see Abdul rozic just relax and just let go of it I feel like something can come out of it if he just calms down a bit he should he needs some straight punches he needs some straight punches honestly on my in my book so far abdz is winning this round because he’s Landing his Jabs and there’s his crosses straight to the face of iali II one two or three three rounds yeah definitely won three rounds in my books is winning this fight so it’s go for broke right now for ABD rosak he’s really got to pull something deep out of his hat and go For [Applause] Broke is getting stronger Nice Shot there from rally give a nice hook there was a nice right hook there that kind of turned up the roak and there it is that’s the end of that fight [Music] C the bo that me so high going the [Music] all right is everybody having a good time ladies and gentlemen other four h four rounds we declare both of them Champions what a great match ladies and gentlemen give it us for a rally boy kulov and Abdu rosic for your social NOA 3 featured bout of the night [Applause] [Music] sir [Music] for speech foreign spe he thinking he did more punches that his opponent and he think he win the fight watch uh no I I I’m trying to see it from your point of view uh would you do this again if you got offered a rematch for yes we will do Revenge next time I will knock him out to I love youan thank you for every want to come and support us okay abdurazak your opponent thought that you actually he won the fight what do you think I heard you say that you’re the winner he just punching in my back of head and he thinking he win zero no I also I need six round they’re making three round why I want it I wanted six round why did it three round so if we do a rematch and you end up having your sixth round do you think you’ll beat him up he has to pay me because why I’m doing him famous he has to pay me after I will do I don’t want to without nothing making him famous he has to pay me for making him famous because I’m bigger than him I will fight again in Revenge and he wants to say something more you don’t know how to talk your team is teaching you you have to learn to have your own self talk uh he thinking he’s punching uh V strong and he’s dizzy now okay your Champions AB come on ladies and gentlemen once again let’s give it up for R boy kov and Ros [Music] no there ain’t no stopping us BL with without boarding pass couldn’t catch me I be moving fast call me a shooting star let know you are flying up and time to show him who’s in charge call me a shooting star [Music] didn’t even get your [Music] I said I’m moving too [Music] far looking at a shooting star got more than a couple of people going mad I swear they’re rooting hard I might be big in a game like she when I got them breast implants I said I’m moving too fast didn’t even get to glands I’m ready to eat up track like I’m seated in the restaurant if you had Swag like man you know it’s best to we are hating because you want shining like it’s neon like King ofon Sho Stars across the Galaxy I stand out so don’t be mad at me INF TR with my Str when not enough just have to leave shoot Stars across the Galaxy I stand out so don’t be mad at me in TR I’m with my strategy when not shooting yeah yeah shooting shots shoot shoot Sho shoot didn’t even get [Music] I said I’m moving too far [Music] [Music]


  1. Когда вернётся хасбулла из медресе хасбулла победит и абдурозика но не знаю с эрали

  2. Ассалом алейкум ва рахматуллох я из Таджикистана алхамдулиллах но в этом бое победил ерали молодец он сильнее чем абдурозик. Но я одного не понимаю почему абдурозик не вышел с нашим флагом Таджикистанам. А ерали молодец гордился своим флагом.абдурозик тебе мой совет не Забудь ты от куда. ты из Таджикистана. Уважай свою страну ты в Таджикистане вырос.

  3. 🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿👊👊🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿✊️✊️✊️

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