Golf Players

I DM’ed the 100 Greatest Athletes, Here’s Who Replied

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With the internet nowadays, you can get in contact with almost anyone, so I DM’d some of the worlds best athletes including football players, basketball players, MLB players, soccer players, and Olympians, to find out just how many people would actually respond.

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I just checked my phone and we have a response from A Team USA Olympian today I’m going to DM 100 of the world’s greatest athletes to see who’s the most likely to responds and I’m going to start with arguably the greatest athlete of all time Tiger Woods now I know it may be slightly controversial to say Tiger Woods is the greatest athlete of all time but I think you could definitely make a case for it it was certainly one of the most dominant athletes of all time you may have seen this big dog meme of Tiger Woods going around earlier this year I really enjoyed it so I think I’m just going to hit him with his own meme big dog you’re the best to ever do it and then we’ll put a little goat Emoji in there I’ve now sent one dm but I’m going to be sending lots of messages to players from tons of different leagues and sports but first I’m going to message a few more golfers like Colin morawa I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Colin morawa say in an interview before that he pours milk first and then the cereal you pour the milk first cereal second sits on the bottom mix it up and actually in his Instagram bio it says milk then cereal which I respect but it’s kind of wild milk then cereal is diabolical send Bryson Das Shambo in the last like year I’d say Bryson Des Shambo has become one of the most popular golfers on the planet and he’s also one of the best players on the planet he nearly won the PGA Championship earlier this year and beat Roy mroy in the US Open this year which was super epic so definitely a highquality player congratulations on the big win at the US Open you got lots more Majors on the way and we’ll put a little trophy Emoji send I’m a really big golf fan here I am at some PGA Tour events in the past actually and I dm’ a bunch more golfers and then I messaged some basketball players starting with Giannis anmo Giannis is a cool guy very funny guy but I wasn’t sure exactly what to say to him so I actually just went on chat jpt it said hey Yiannis if rebounds were hamburgers you’d own the entire fast food franchise keep snatching those boards like they’re the last slice of pizza a real Gem of a message there from chat GPT probably not uh the most likely message to get a response but I still sent it to him and next I’m going to DM someone who was actually just in the NBA Finals Luka donic I found this picture of him and Mark cubin like standing on the court watching a game so I just crudely photoshopped my face on Mark Cuban’s face and I’m going to send him this picture it was awesome watching the game with you man and then we’ll put like a little handshake Emoji in there and send maybe he’ll buy it probably not who are we kidding Caitlyn Clark she was doing her thing at University of Iowa for a long time and actually broke the alltime NCAA division one scoring record there but now she plays for the Indiana Fever of the WNBA Caitlyn you’re killing it out there I’m a Believer in the fever and then we’ll put a little like sick guy Emoji in there and send and next I’m going to DM Kelsey Plum any relation to Professor Plum question mark Zen I doubt they’re related mostly because Professor Plum is a fictional character next I’m going to DM one of the best basketball players of all time Steph Curry one of the greatest Shooters of all time and also a very good golfer and since it’s the NBA off season he’s probably got some free time although he is going to be playing in the Olympics in a couple of weeks but I’m still going to ask if he wants to tee it up sometime we need a fourth next week let’s te it up and then I gave him a golf course near where I’m at with a date and a time so maybe he’ll show I mean he’ll probably be busy but maybe he’ll come play I’ll let you know Drew holiday what’s your favorite holiday probably H what’s my favorite holiday h i mean probably Christmas and then we’ll put a little Christmas tree emoji in there send and next I’m going to send a message to nicool jokic I sent him this DM I said congrats on the horse race win uh because nicoa jokic owns a horse that just won a horse race but then I realized I accidentally sent it to nia jovic nia jovic to my knowledge does not own any horses or participate in any horse races so probably going to be pretty confused I mean their names are only let off it’s pretty similar pretty similar I spent some time dming a bunch more basketball players and since the Olympics are coming up I messaged some Olympians like Simone biles Michael Phelps Katy leeki and a bunch of others and then I dm’ some soccer players starting with Harry Kane one of the best footballers of his generation Harry Kane has actually scored the second most goals in the Premier League all time he has scored 213 goals in the Premier League which is definitely uh a lot and I actually saw an interview that said when he’s done playing soccer he said he wants to try kicking in the NFL and that would actually be super cool to see you should come kick in the NFL Harry Kane plays Striker so he does not play goalie or keeper as it’s also known but you know what is a good keeper keeps keeps is the best way to get hair loss Care Solutions without ever having to leave your home to visit a doctor or a pharmacy male pattern baldness affects two out of every three guys by the time they’re 35 but keeps is here to help keeps offers multiple FDA approved hair loss treatment options as well as multiple other products too like this keeps thickening shampoo and the thickening conditioner here that helps strengthen hair and promote healthy hair growth and here’s the great thing about ke’s treatment plans they’re designed by licensed medical professionals to be personalized to each customer’s unique needs again this is all without ever leaving your home or having to visit a doctor in person and keeps also keeps it discreet by delivering product in non-descript packaging and keeps is a loved and trusted brand they have over 5,000 onear reviews and have treated over 1 million men that is 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in the Euro 2024 cup Hey Jude congratul ation on the amazing goal a couple days ago it was absolutely incredible I hope you guys win it all and send after dming a bunch more soccer players I check my messages and actually had a response already and we have a response from A Team USA Olympian Jonas eer Jonas is a Sprint canist I think that’s the right term for it basically he paddles a canoe really fast I said hey Jonas congrats on qualifying for the Olympics excited to see you bring home the gold for Team USA in Paris you got this and Jonas said thank you Phil excited to represent the red white and blue and then I hit him with the old Patrick Star I’m rooting for you GIF which he did not respond to he just left me on scene but very cool that we got a response from an Olympian and good luck to Jonas out there sprinting those canoes in Paris in a couple weeks with one response now on the board I started dming some top NFL players starting with Austin Eckler Austin Eckler is one of my favorite NFL players and I also had him on my fantasy team many times and he helped my team out big time on many occasions so a big thank you and shout out to Mr Eckler for that hey Austin you’re one of my favorite players to watch you’re a beast out there super excited to watch you play in DC and then I put a little fist bump emoji and next I’m going to send a message to a three-time Super Bowl champion Patrick Mahomes now I’ve actually already dm’d Patrick before in a previous video and I asked him if he wanted to join my Minecraft server and explore uh the Nether and stuff I I did not get a response and now that I dm’ him I can’t DM him again it just says invite sent since we can’t message Patrick right now we will message Russell Wilson Russell Wilson obviously played in Seattle for a long time won a Super Bowl there was on the Broncos last year and now is on a new team with the Pittsburgh Steelers and I’m really excited to see how he fits into that system there and they also have Justin Fields there so who knows what’s going to happen hey Russell excited to watch you play in Pittsburgh you are Legend keep doing your thing out there and best of luck this season with a little fire Emoji at the end send I dm’ some more football players and then began sending messages to NHL stars starting with Conor McDavid like I said in my last video I don’t watch too much hockey but I do know that Conor McDavid is very good and he won the Stanley Cup finals MVP this year even though he was on the losing team so he definitely played really well great playing this year Connor next year the cup is yours for sure and then we’ll put a trophy and then snow Emoji in there and Austin Matthews and it turns out he’s actually the first player in the modern NHL to score four goals in his very first game which is very impressive and he also has a pretty good mustache and apparently he’s also sponsored by Prime which I had no idea they sponsored a hockey player that’s kind of cool but yeah definitely rocking the stash here I mean look at that beautiful stash loving the stash with a mustache Emoji in there send I’ve now dm’ some of the most elite golfers basketball players football players soccer players and hockey players and after a little bit of waiting I got another response and this one is actually from another Olympian grant coun grant C Is A Team USA Olympian this year he be competing in omnium which to be honest uh I had no idea what that was I had to look it up I never heard of omnium before but it turns out according to google a track cycling competition consisting of a number of contests of different types both races and time trials so it’s kind of like cycling but with different events inside of it so it sounds pretty cool and to Grant I said hey Grant excited to see you represent Team USA and bring home the goal in Paris you got this grant replied and he said thank you with two exclamation points and then a prayer hands Emoji we now have two responses total and with a few more DMS to send to get to 100 I’m going to send some messages to some of the MLB’s biggest stars starting with Juan SoDo and he used to play for the Washington Nationals and actually was on the team when they won the World Series in 2019 I found this picture of Juan stto and the team celebrating here so I just kind of very subtly slipped myself in the background there and I’m going to send this picture to him and see if he remembers me obviously I was not actually on the team I played one season of intramural softball in college and that’s about all my baseball experience but let’s send him the picture here still remember this like it was yesterday good times then he’s got the sunglasses on there so I’ll hit him with a nice sunglass Emoji there and send and next I’m going to send a message to Aaron judge I’ve actually already messaged Aaron judge I said hey with like a little judge Emoji did not get responded to there um but we’re going to try again second times a charm as they say and I was looking at his Instagram here and he’s also sponsored by Prime that’s crazy two of these athletes are sponsored by Prime but I also saw this picture here of him with his dog and they’re definitely a couple of cute puers for sure those poppers are super cute send oh shoot well hm I just sent it I realize now that puppers autocorrected to puppets so I said those puppets are super cute so that’s going to be probably a little confusing for him probably not getting a response there but you never know I’ve now sent 100 DMS and after a little more waiting two more athletes replied and the first is from Olympic BMX rider Cameron l Cameron Larson will be representing Team USA and I said to Cameron hey Cameron excited to see you represent Team USA and bring home the golden Paris you got this and Cameron said appreciate that so very nice of Cameron to respond there good luck to Cameron as he competes in Paris and we’ve gotten one more response here from another Elite athlete Olympian Aaron small Aaron small is actually the Sprint kayak partner of Jonas eer who is the first Olympian who responded to us and I actually sent Aaron pretty much the same message I said hey Aaron congrats on qualifying for the Olympics excited to see you bring home the gold for Team USA in Paris you got this and he said hey Phil thanks so much we will do our best smiley face and I also sent Aaron the Patrick Star I’m rooting for you gift and he actually harded the gift so thank you very much Aaron for Harding the gift so in total we’ve gotten four responses from some of the world’s most elite athletes so a big shout out to all four of these guys and best of luck to them as they are representing Team USA in the Olympics this year if any other athletes do respond I will post them over on my Instagram follow me over there at Philipa big thank you to you all for watching this video If you like this video let me know if you hated it let me know even more and I’ll catch youall next time [Music]


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