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Pro/Scratch Match vs PGA Tour Player Joel Dahmen | Back 9

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welcome back to the back nine and conclusion of the pro scratch Showdown Mr Damon with a fine one on the te hits one right down the runway no problem oh I guess we just switched the order for the first time CJ on a similar line just a little bit left of Joes Jimmy carves one up the left side I think that’ll be safe there big I love that I love it too cutting uhoh Gavin with a big tug he’s going to need to get lucky over there a lot of desert a lot of bushes let’s see I mean I would argue that he has to hit it more sideways so I I could argue that I’m trying to swing right through it you could argue that the rules official would be like man I don’t know about that whoa whoa whoa whoa W let me get a club let me get a club think get to stand on that why of course I am okay let’s see you do it so my I’m I’m saying I’m going to get my club underneath here and just [ __ ] rip versus coming in this way that that that’s what I would intend to do you don’t understand though you’re against the sheriff here do you know his track record for calling out rules no but I want to take a Le from a man oh you do okay this is great if you feel good about it I feel great I in the PGA Championship it’s documented they would not what’s that I’m fine with it though he had the clearest shot in history I would have fought a little harder but if he makes birdie are you going to of course and after all that it looks like Joel’s going to be generous he’s going to allow Gavin to take relief from this manhole cover even though he was squarely in the bush so he’s going to have to play a little runner up underneath the tree here let’s see how he does I mean from there it’s not going to get much better oh my God Jimmy look at that beaver pelt he hates it he’s way deep on the green but God what a beaver pill CJ safely aboard Gavin second came up a little short of the green but he might be in the best position of them all oh very nicely done Jimmy with his slippery putt look at that thing it’s just going to keep going wow just took a look at the hole and said no thank you CJ for his birdie wow I didn’t know you could do that he did well to get it that close Joel’s turn now he gave up on it well it was halfway there but I think he’ll take his par there as well Jimmy in for par really good Oh I thought he was in play that’s good that is I said it was good yeah yeah yeah cuz you guys felt bad about the drop I mean all all the haters that are going to be flying their tweets flying their captions whatever you call it I think is a perfectly legal drop I mean you got you got to use the rules to your advantage every once in a while and I got a lucky break I don’t know how Joel and CJ feel about it but I feel good about it we are all square going into the second hole of the back nine number 11 CJ hits one straight As narrow right down the Fairway look at that turn that’s a great golf swing yeah that’s perfect yeah good thing there very good Jimbo Jimmy a little left of the other two but he’ll be fine there as well you’re near Gavin’s still taking it up the left but not nearly as bad as the last hole He he’ll like that a lot better CJ second into the green that was ni and it’s going to come up just short of the green but he will have a putt Jimmy from the center cut Jimmy second and he’s going to put it really close he’s got about 12T for his birdie Joel just looks away in disgust hates it he doesn’t seem to like it but he’s going to have about 15 ft left for his birdie you know I guess that’s tour standards Gavin a nice little controlled wedge there CJ’s third for birdie never gave it enough just kind of came down the hill Joel for his birdie Now tracking just needs to turn and it does not and now Gavin for birdie just burns the lip on the right side of the pole and misses Jimmy with the closest look for birdie now let’s see if he can convert dribbles at just high [Music] side CJ cleans up for his par now Joel needs to do the same to have the hole and he does best part of the day hole number 12 a 170 or so Yard part three Joel one hands it but let’s see where it ends up it’s if it’s as bad as he actually thinks it is and it’s not he’s going to have a great look on a tough pin position I don’t and CJ do the same another excellent shot on this tough pin they’re going to like both those looks wow boys we got our a match part Theses come on now it’s all about part three come on now Gavin’s turned now when he just kind of left it open a little bit he’s going to find the bunker Jimmy with a very pure looking strike just over the flag and he’s on the backs side of the green he’ll have a putt partner partner I’m all about the part three about the bar three nice hair Gavin from the greenside bunker and he hits a good one I mean this is a slippery one fading away from him so he had to catch that Fringe and he did Mr Hoselton for his birdie putt here and he just misses low side barely Joel from the edge of the green for his two how does that not go in I mean Gavin for three this would put a lot of pressure on CJ to make a birdie putt otherwise they’re looking at a half and that is a great up and down for the young man now CJ for his birdie to win the hole blast it by he’s going to have a knee knocker coming back and he needs it to have the hole now the turntables have turned good have all around he shakes it off had a chance there boys give them to me that old make Miss flip onto the 13th hole a slight dog leg left par five CJ kind of flails one out to the right it’s going to be a much longer shot in from over there hopefully he’s not blocked out by the tree either Joel takes a much more aggressive line I’m worried that that might be in the stuff Gavin starts on the same line but cuts into the short stuff oh and Jimmy looks to be on the same line as Joel let’s see their Fates are tied together over there we’re going to see what kind of shots they have and it looks like CJ found a fairway bunker here and he takes a layup he’ll have a nice little wedge in for his third Jimbo from the desert on the left side he’s got a hook one around a tree you can see the flag there oh and he executes catch a piece what a masterfully done shot wowot shot go and Joel’s got a similar thing going on here little less blocked out but he’s got a gap that he’s going to have to draw it through and he does the same I mean I wouldn’t expect anything less from him but that is just an excellent golf shot and he is on the green for an eagle butt I just needed a hard shot Gavin with the best look at the green but he tugs it a bit left he’s going to be in the green side bunker CJ for his third he’s got about a 75 ydd wedge into this green [ __ ] he’s mad at himself but he’s got a putt Gavin from the greenside bunker I’m sure he would love to not find any more sand today stabs it one is it going to trickle down there no it stops he’s going to have about 10t for a birdie after that masterful second Jimmy’s got an eagle putt here and it stays High I thought it was going to break in but it did not CJ for birdie Slow Down slow down Mr Cohen would love to walk away with a four here after being in that green side bunker and he just never took it high enough misses low side Joel with about 5T for an eagle the it looked like the grain just pushed that to the right after another half we are all square going into 14 still no blood CJ off the te with a very nice drive it was so toy yeah Joel pure as well now Gavin cutting a little bit but I think that’ll be fine over there as Jimmy on the same line as Gavin Jimmy’s tracking towards the green for his second and he finds it CJ some shoty camera work here Joel was able to stay out of this greenside bunker to his left and he’s got a second look in here he just kind of flails it out there Into the greenside Bunker missed one bunker and into the other Gavin second generates a birdie opportunity Joel from the greenside bunker and that folks is just a master class go in no a very safe par though CJ for three Gavin for birdie and to take the hole gets it to go first Blood on the back nine Jimmy and Gavin one up going into 15 an absolutely nuclear drive from Gavin there really good oh they smell blood he likes his as well wow stay out of that bunker no harm for CJ Joel keeps it low never really even got above the line of the mountain there that is a a pro play there CJ’s second on a longish part five and he just kind of tow hooks it he’s not going to like that he finds himself right next to a tree now oh Joel Second is tracking at the pin and it just skips over long Jimmy kind of a similar thing to CJ just kind of a little hookie and then ends up on the left oh Jimmy likes Gavin shot here good ball gav CJ blocked out by this tree after that kind of regrettable second shot runs it up there it’s got to sit got to sit and it’s going to find the collection area on the back of the green I think Jimmy hitting his third shot from the left of the green here trickling towards the hole and it hits the cup and it doesn’t go in somehow Joel plays a high flop Lanes On The Fringe trickles out but kind of just takes a turn stops going towards the hole not the best hole for CJ he’s hitting five from off the green I think CJ’s going to want to forget about this but if Gavin and Jimmy can Gavin and Jimmy miss their putts Joel could potentially get the match back to all square if he makes his Gavin for Eagle Joel for his birdie and if Joel gets this to go they would have the hole I think just a little hot off the putter face leaves it behind the hole Gavin and Jimmy now two up going into 16 but a 220 yard par three Gavin’s tracking at the pin and it just kind of continues to draw he finds himself in the green side bunker this is a tough shot I think Jimmy might be right next to gav now CJ kind of flails one out there and it starts coming back he will be on board the Dance Floor shot Joel just kind of leaks one out there it’s gonna come up just short right of the [Music] put a nice up from Joel now let’s see if he can get the down Jimmy from this green side bunker here pretty good shot considering just behind Joel’s ball Gavin from the exact same spot as Jimmy did he learn anything yeah I’d say so he’s a little bit closer now CJ for his birdie runs it by the hole seems like he and Gavin are going to go good good on their as very similar putts Jimmy for his up and down conversion and he nails that up and down one complete let’s see if Joel can do the same and he does and that will be a half on this hole Jimmy and Gavin still two up going into the 17th hole CJ and Joel are going to press hole 17 is a short part for they doing some construction on a t- box leaving this T box pushed up so it’s getable with less than driver for these gentlemen I think Gavin taking what looks to be a three right at the pin and he loves [Music] it but he just bleeds over Into the Bunker right behind the green being punished for excellent shot really Jimmy with his hybrid just kind of hooks it to the left here he’ll find a collection area just near the [Music] green right right CJ kind of the same play as Jimmy just down in that collection area now G Joo will give himself an eagle opportunity tracking for the flag oh yeah how good is that he is on he’s got an eagle [Music] lookang no one’s killed us yet yet Jimmy takes one high over the bunkers a very good shot from there I think he’s got about 8 10 feet for his birdie a little lower needs to check and it doesn’t really it kind of releases and he’s going to have a much longer look for his birdie Gavin after that t-shot that really looked like it could have gone in the hole he’s going to be in the bunker back here really good play went very very nicely Joel for eagle look kind of gives up on it immediately but Gavin Scoops it he’s giving Joel the birdie putting some pressure on one of them to make a putt now Wow broke a CJ’s kind of just stopped right over yesterday’s hole there Jimmy for birdie either he or Gavin are going to have to make one Jimmy misses high side it’s Gavin’s turn now can he convert to have the hole and it lips out that could be very decisive with one to play Gavin and Jimmy are now only one up meaning that Joel and CJ could potentially get it back to all square at the last the drama builds CJ with a fine drive up the right side here Joel one hands it but he’ll be just fine Gavin’s turn on kind of the same line but a little lower than Joel’s and Jimmy as well popular spot over there Joel Second into the 18th green and wow he’s got a excellent look for he’s putting the screws hard to Gavin and Jimmy can CJ put even more pressure on him and I’d say he did he’s got a very good birdie putt Jimmy from kind of a drier little tight lie oh no I think he caught more than he wanted and Gavin l s L over the pin Jimmy for his birdie let’s just hope that somebody wins this with a birdie right now oh it was tracking the whole way and then took a dive left Joel Scoops it gives Jimmy his par now Gavin with his birdie if he misses this he gives Joel and CJ just two open doors to walk through and Gavin’s just been about a ball off the whole day I mean he’s giving these things runs he just can’t get them to drop CJ for his birdie and to take the hole and have the back nine he walks it in but it was too soon the ball said not so fast sir now it’s Joel’s turn to have the back nine have the overall potentially go to a playoff and he Nails it he’s been there before ladies and gentlemen that’s a professional golfer for you the match is all square through the front all square through the back overall all square and unfortunately despite telling the cameraman that they were done for the day on the way to the grill The Lads decided to turn around and play one more hole for Old Time sake in which Gavin and Jimmy won in a playoff single hole Jimmy made an 8ft birdie putt to seal the victory the good news for you viewers is that there will be more round two under the lights at grass clipping Rolling Hills stay tuned

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