Golf Babe

Loser Goes Bald in This Nelk Boys Golf Match!



Try Bored Jerky






me versus S my partner is going to be gambl you got chaffie yeah got chaffie losing team the partners have to shave their [Music] heads we’re in Canada we are at nichelson International Golf Course beautiful course it looks tough Canadian golf’s a lot harder bro look at this oh my God none of that California right boys we’re going to do a match me versus S my partner is going to be gambles the putt expert take stop Gabe stop all right ready Gabe no talking during this whole video or you’re banned from the course you got chaffie yeah got chaffie me chaff got to pull the stick out I’m going to do what Bob did I’m going to hit twice cuz gambles can’t golf but he is hot with the stick on the F carpet I look like a pumpkin but I can putt I’m going to be hitting twice and then when it comes to the greens gambles is going to putt once and I’m just going to putt once so I get two drives two approaches chaffe’s game is pretty good too chaff is a sleeper yeah I don’t got my clothes but I think I’ll make something work but he still hasn’t PP Kitty Sigman ehh that’s okay that’s enough yeah we’re Team Canada you guys are team Sigman or what Team USA we’re Team USA what are we playing for we’re going to do 5K for the winner chaffy or gambl is going to get it whatever team wins chaffy gets 5K if our team wins you get 5K but losing team the partners have to shave their heads that’s perfect all right let’s go all right let’s go match shaved head head we’re shaving the head in the video too so I’m not getting late anyways I don’t think that was ever a worry about either of us what happened to your voice I don’t know man who came into your room the other night yo don’t drop that name ready let’s go buddy go I just want to see what it’s going to look like when here yeah right I got a lot to lose there’s going to be so many good lines I’m going to chirp him about Haka Katie Sigman oh remember what happened last time you got choked out cuz the F we still won the match Jimmy Gamble’s going to be by like the third hole 90 put on some pounds Bud okay they don’t have yeah we’re done oh we’re done buddy tossed me a nuke of a driver how you feeling on the Range I was just nuking it bro let’s go does that mean we’re going to win let’s go boys you nid my voice any holy this course course beautiful this is sexy we have chaffie in the building baby this is stressful do you want your headshake honestly I think you look good head shap I don’t know I’m going on a vacation with the girlfriend’s family though that’s going to be a little brutal that’s the first hole no don’t you hate when like the first hole is like the hardest hole no no no but like next to the clubhouse everyone’s like eating outside yeah everyone’s eating outside you’re like we need a rangefinder man on it yeah give us the range fire will they don’t need it they’re good I’m not trying to go BD who would look better with a shaved head chaffy or gamblers let me know in the comments there ripped on the first good shot I got one more ripping in the middle of it R was that you shot same spot oh this thing’s a missile ship I just got a new driver holy sh thing’s in Nuke CH get your head out of let’s go going to fart too oh chaff steps up yeah oh chaffie is trying to roll it on the green shot shot let’s go dve that buddy was staring KY too long big Ace yeah we can’t hear voice the whole thing Sor I haven’t going to say you’re good I haven’t se nothing good shot though let’s go oh we’re so we’re so boys I got a new driver just now cuz my other one got stolen during the last video and I am piping it so all those comments about my swing you guys can kiss my assz I am my ball flight’s look sexy I know you guys see that prize pick ball tracker it’s fuk hovering in the air feels good yeah I thought this was deeper talk nothing all right so I get to hit twice this round boys that’s it’s always a code I shouldn’t have let Bob do that in the last video such an advantage I want to see chaffie bald we already got this I’m not even I’m not even stressing oh my my goodness I am so happy to be on the golf course you do not understand this might be the smelliest golf course I’ve ever been on though I got chaffie man first time on the channel so excited man I love this guy boys are wearing aloe shoes they couldn’t pull the [ __ ] janitor at Alo eh oh my whoa holy bro watch what you say gambles holy [ __ ] boys need bulletproof vests out here yo Gabe you’re GNA get banned bro like what the dude like wasn’t me it was my shoes who let Gabe on the course bro I don’t know that’s why we bring Brett okay nice nice I said it was my shoe want to have a peaceful day on the course yeah please man please please one day for me Gabe please the only day for me wait we’re not saying [ __ ] you guys are making a big deal about it me and got quiet in the car the orang on my back swing this is looking like an easy match boys W that should be money that should be money up oh nice oh oh Ace responds oh who said chaffie was good at golf buddy you hit a ball you know did you do that farted on my shot if they make this we have to hit this that’s good that’s a huge bunny what the go in go in so they got this for far hopefully they miss let’s go all right we’re tied up on the first such golf for the fans to watch when we just three putt like that well we’ll pick up this thing’s a drive new driver in the bag I got to jerk that guy off that fitted me dude you’re hitting everything when did you stop slicing let’s go new driver boys dude that thing’s thicker than my well lots of problem on your just I must have borrowed your shorts good one keep going right keep going big chaff in the house this guy might join the elk Squad again eh somebody needs to replace you I’m getting out ched right now let’s go salami big Ace that’s a tough one boys I think we won round two see boys I’m hitting your driver better than you are I know dude I’m hitting it low I know also you and me started Golf like at the same time remember Co we were in the house we were just bored I took you to the range one day and we got hooked yeah my first time ever playing golf was with chaff went to the range Tustin Ranch in uh Orange County during Co we had nothing to do went and played some golf I we need to give him back his old driver that new driver’s nice nice I’m two for two on Fairways but it’s not looking too pretty even on the first so me and chaffie got to lock in gambles won’t shut the up Gabe is talking boys waiting for the 5th of July or what ready golf boys all right we’re down there right chaffy is showing up had a range G’s got to go ball I be very disappointed if you went wal wait let me see your head let me actually see your head I got a weird shaped head bro oh my dude that go little chunk gambles you see the grass right there that’s going to look like your head all right I’ll just use the fivewood again then oh he has two shots [ __ ] let’s go is that a good shot oh that’s a good shot I got to shut up after that was good no layups on the par fives go next time shut yeah he’s got some yardage on that how you shut him up boys chaffy bald would I’m not pulling out the iron on the second shot relax Gabe Gabe at the course Co chy I’m going to Haw a two of your f x stop go go go go go go go holy hell of a have fun with that one boys this might go down as one of the worst golf games ever you know it’s a bad day when the only partner option is you oh my God is that gay playing the music or skipped up it was not me that’s Jeffy we’re on the green good shot everyone thinks I like play every day I don’t you should be I should be oh my God what are you do go cam got shut up a chaffy guy’s whiter than my that’ be whiter than your head dude my dad pumps more than that guy oh that’s off the green oh [ __ ] oh sh oh I called it and it is off the green just like I said wow yo it looked pretty good yo it was like you’re about the signment yeah it’s like you’re about Katie like you’re living with her but you just don’t get it done and then Sim comes in and he’s still not even Katy Sigman this video is going to be literally three putts and it’s going to be over that’s good Pace sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit sit tough you guys are away oh what’s the r about you not talking yeah shut up please shut up you fat Brazilian blame that one on Gabe you got a whole team against us you got to like stay dial I’ve been dialed your pun’s good but everything else is kind of lacking Man line it up with the middle of your put he doesn’t know his left and right like when I say left like this one will come if you make this I think he’s got to put that yeah put that put that just to see good pot all right how long gambl are one up one up yo so how should I stand when I’m like you’re standing fine you just got to stop hitting it with your hit it with your putter not your we’re going to whoop these guys two shots is so lit I’m taking that bit every time I’m going to make one yeah that’s all we need out of you see chaffie ball all right y we’re down one I’m not going to cap yeah I got to have your back G bro this new driver fixed everything money yes that’s what I like to see got to kill that one let me rub my against that driver I think we’re good what’s wrong with you br holy cha bro I have to play in the alows more often who got you those shoes your mom oh I not bad just getting Whi me jeez Taffy’s carrying yeah he is he doesn’t want to go bald we need to see Taffy bald bro you have to go bald or you can win 5K two different types of days I don’t think s’s going to play like that no sel’s off don’t care about the money just one game let go on I noticed bro anytime pressure situations and I’m not going to lie this is a pressure situation you’re not risking anything you’re not risking money you’re not risking ha mean bro you’re still my boy at the end of the day you got nothing to worry about just hit the ball I know but you’re my friend like okay I guess I’m doing bad all right then I’m done oh what smells like bro it’s always from your cart every time it’s it’s like a bad Swift proba you a dude you pants or what maybe too much F here we got to see Ponch a celebrity shot I think I’d want to see that too that could be jokes actually what is that before you hit a shot oh I can do it he heard the word celebrity and he got excited I know seriously I roasted him so good that he literally just gave up the golf cart he’s like you can drive it sorry sorry sorry it’s golf etiquette it’s a chaffino feel like G needs to get like one shoted I will we negotiate double or nothing when you’re bald all right bunker G is like the worst character it’s like they won’t shut the up in our backs we have no distances or anything oh it’s all good we have a range finder oh you do yeah but we’re giving it to us oh who gave you guys that ask nice things snip me a distance boys I give you like 180 allegedly let him do theing rain we’re on it what are you doing bro 180 I just don’t get it what it’s not your guys I know but just let him shoot it why do you have to shoot it what do you press the on button just let him shoot it you press this when you do it all right I hate range finders I I don’t think I see 196 what the 159 I don’t think this is why I hate rinders Rangefinder isn’t helping him I like the 259 Jesus how you help don’t help like I just don’t get you he was going to take it no matter what yeah but let him do it he doesn’t know how to use a range Runner he was saying 159 259 180 let him do it sexy Two Shots is kind of yeah it’s it’s kind of what the two hits yeah since you just get a practice shot basically and then you putt it’s like what that’s so money yeah we l we’re Des excus no excuses boys oh God all right we have something to work with hopefully just got good mindset turn around turn around a i two shots yeah they’re up one stroke maybe have good mental all right well we got one good one down there boys are starting to make excuses already saying I’m getting two shots why do I get the putt blah blah blah we’re done done man good mindset good mindset oh my God I play Oh My yeah there you go shot oh all right Cino this where you bomb one in that’s good time to shine DS what’s it feel like to be completely useless uh you got to stop hitting it with your quick little piss in SL got to step it up I’m about to lose 5K and my hair so I’m playing good I got to play good going to be bald and poor holy Place Jes come on drop a comment for me one time boys I just piped two drives I want my 5K in crypto I’m not sleeping coffey’s on gambles yo who’s cheaper me or Nino n is shivering this morning I just see the the screen at the Starbucks like keeps going up it’s like $11 yo yo chill I’m going to goes to 22 he’s like y yo yo he said I can order coffee so I ordered 20 coffees and he’s like no no no no just one for yourself no but you said any coffee no let’s go CHF you got this yeah it’s gone that’s in Colona boys the hat off for now chaffie your girlfriend’s going to dump you after you go Bal all downhill from here man I’m just hitting it low bro it’s not over yet you know what Kobe Bryan said job’s not finished go okay let’s go this is brutal man I hear G’s voice in my back swing one more time I’m going to actually hear it this is getting to be too easy I think what should we do if we’re winning I’ll probably just let you put really rub it in the [Music] face oh my god dude yeah it’s just a bad day let’s it’s falling apart man imagine sucking on N got to brush your teeth like 10 times after what about your girlfriend cheese I feel bad from Yo Jimmy’s a cucks sucker what are you a goat heads up for chaffie everyone I’m just going to keep my hat on permanently shot in one come back ah look at Seline guys think about his X still only way he’s going to get his X back if he gets a new haircut he might have to go bald butd he looks like Afro Jack no the guy from alfo oh yeah I thought you said you’ve been hitting you playing so well I had been I mean I suck too bro like I’m not going to lie oh my god dude B like a chaffy he’s whiter than toothpaste all I hear is gamble just talking go there we go good shot yeah yeah thank you guys so much for watching it’s tough don’t give up man you guys done yeah so they’re up two and we need what we need at least two we got a tie I don’t care about win we got tie whining I’ll let gam no no no keep keep her like that I’ll let gambl put No No’s mad E’s mad bro he’s giving up s’s a little uh getting a little cranky it’s cuz trapp’s carrying him though that’s why he’s really mad he doesn’t know the Canadian courses so yeah I told him the Canadian grass was different this is my no no no no good mindset we only got to get two to come back I I don’t care about winning just DW no I’m Gonna Keep playing I’m just going to shut up oo not bad chassie chassie you might have a chance with Katy Sigman after that shot just slm down your Barrel I don’t get the performance enhancers like you do you know I put it to good use right because got the JY man’s Z diet let just say that 5K is going to go away real quick oh buddy it’s going somewhere there we go nice shot Dr Salam dude that’s driver bro just hit one boys at least we got our happy DS match just getting n now I know cheesed bro no more X chps it’s getting it’s getting really bad right now that is fun you can’t drop too many X chps on the course I think I’m in his head though you I mean yeah why I don’t want to go ball I am just nuking this driver I know s I’m ready for our next doubles match what is it is that me like when me and you are on the same team see these drives title is fours so no one thinks I’m cheating we believe you CEO you never know right Lance Armstrong cheated right yeah he’s a CEO hit that Hill oh yeah Amber bounce don’t say it extra Jeff he’s not going to get late anymore after he goes B he has to cut off that go too holy chinator this is where I stick it ah it’s chunk [ __ ] me oh [Music] oh go I’m letting Gamble’s putt cuz this is just embarrassing let’s do it yo let’s do it no I want some [Music] competition get [Music] over nice nice putt we’ll take it we’ll take it [Music] break break break break that good yeah we’ll yeah no no no it’s a charity great great great we made bogey for the wind for Gambino I got to hit it cuz it’s up here C can’t even do his own laundry how’s he going to read her green it’s it’s up here so I got to I got to make a curv it like that can’t trying to do geometry let’s go let’s go holy Gambino with the hot stick Gambino with the stick let me put let me put the whole thing now Gambino with the stick let’s go they’re going to be really pissed now feel bad now that you’re going to be putting the whole time boys are three up I’m might to have to let you start hitting too post course owner challenge what’s the challenge challeng the owner of the course we can’t deny it okay so 4v1 my shot versus your four 10 grand to charity whoever gets a closer just closer to the pin closer to the pin closest to the pin sure let’s do it 10K Canadian oh three shots plus G we’ll give gambles a shot too I guess how do we get in Barry’s head Barry you need a haircut yes okay he’s pretty sturdy on that one I’m not trusting chaffie on the r I’m not trusting myself either on it let me see give it to gambles come on boys will you just get 2K gambles you don’t get any of the money what CH get left get that Hill oh oh get on the green a it’s a little right come on Ace oh my God Ace let’s go go in oh wow Ace baby I can hit today let’s go Ace steps the up that’s why we call Ace listen just get that logo and then the 10 grand is perfect yeah oh bar that’s looking left oh yeah we’re laughing Boys best 10 grand I ever spent let’s go did you like them one well no not yet but I think they did all right we’ll play our shots yeah oh come back this could actually be really good exchange info with Barry Oh I have it all buddy un locked all right just wax Barry real quick for 10K 10K plus Ching yo Barry we need the Moola we’re going to Vegas I got an idea oh here we go the idea gu I got a really good idea could be double or nothing 4v2 Jess and I will’ll use your clubs we’ll play here on out after this hole we got three holes left double or nothing we’ll put out this hole and see all right all right away wow you’re already up 10 grand you have to lose at this [Music] point that’s it that’s one that’s the one break break not bad good bang bang bang we’re three up three to play so you guys could it’s over then three up three play it’s over well no we we went all of them if I jump in the lake can I keep the hair no it’s really hoping for that 5K so I could go on vacation but should do something I just need 4K you can you can keep a k don’t worry about it shot oh we’re chilling s this first one’s [Music] good oh all right thank you oh my God it’s so oh SK Jesus n sry yeah yeah it’s so good go in just roll past do you like the course if I if I take double off you I’ll get you you deserve it oo too long guy thinks he’s Michael Jackson let’s go chaffy get your head out Cha’s last chance to save his flow Johnny Shahi sees you bald at the office and here we go chaffy is confirmed going bald Daffy you look like John daily right now I’m stress smoking oh go in where’s the bar man all right s come here chaffie is going bald gambles wins 5K but yo these guys are challenges double or nothing now are you guys in you guys are sulking and let’s go in he’s coming to Snoop in here got to Snoop because I’m down 10 grand and if the guys want to make 20 grand then they’ll go 2v4 straight scramble gambles will putt only I can I can only putt never G can barely wipe his ass Jess and I against the four of you let’s do three we’ll donate to charity another time this is real yeah Straight Cash nothing playing 17 18 you named the third hole let play one okay play one all right 20K match just like that boys racing why cuz I have to lose my hair least I can do is get a little money out of [Music] it nice a great [Music] start who is this gu Ace oh oh that was oh this could be really good what time boys are dialed oh this could be really good watch this I don’t know I don’t see it didn’t see it got one more shot Barry might be a sand trap magnet today let’s go Barry your shoes coming men’s keep the worst chy here oh chaffie scramble he called you you know what be a great day to get a hole in one [Music] hey o oh yeah in the bow in the ball get out there boys you’re playing better when my hair is not on the line I don’t know I think you just secretly wanted to see me bald I think you sandbag I don’t think it’s S I think you sandag gam ask him if he left his hairline on a whole three that’s disrespectful who cares they might make this you always got to be prepared yeah true this guy sucks this guy this guy get laid by his wife oh that’s a great come come on that was a good shot is that good boys course all right right all right who wants to start us off gambles you go first so we see the line no don’t gambles line I’ll go first well that was close we don’t hit any of these it’s TI yeah oh the best golf I give I already gave it to you it’s all good really yeah that’s how we are in Canada you know that that’s him yep gambo push okay boys we needed that one what do you think your girlfriend’s going to say when you go ball you said I hope you’re lying yeah he’s not lying he’s going to look like Caillou yeah that’s great shot you’re safe bgie yeah that’s unfortunate chaffie oh wow this guy’s got a golf swing that’s right down the middle with aair let’s go Barry this guy looks like Fair on a Tuesday morning that’s better than you’ve ever looked in your life uhoh uhoh that’s in Colona safe it’s safe big Jessie oh that’ll do that’s a PO part four for us now this is going in the water watch this go get get up y we’re good listen I thought Kyle was the only Canadian around here that got those kind of bounces at least at least we’re on for eag yeah hit why not lot of water up there chaff we got a chance we got a chance boys all right Barry I’ll buy you new shirt after I went 20K I’ll go to Tommy Hill figure ra Polo perfect I might get you wag steak tonight with a 20K right let’s go Jesse you got a bad knee on the injury report that I read from Barry coming into this uh deal here sir can you be quiet while my guy hits oh that’s good good imagine gambles jams this I know I’ll Supply your bag for a whole month let’s go Jesse that’s not good yo dog F this one for us pretend like you’re St staring at a fat girl’s ass let’s go CHS are the worst yes yes baby oh all right that’s good actually smelling the three but here smelling sniff I think think behind that’s got meat we got to see that I’m not on your team no you are now no no you got to pledge allegiance I don’t work for you yeah I just need to pay you a little more then I’m might sell out he is loyal I love that it’s like RT I’ll tell Kyle would never do that I will I’ll tell him that’s too I didn’t hit it I didn’t hit it chaffie you got to hit it holy moly boys clap s if you would have took two Tequilas you would been money baby all right chaff you got to get it up here pal you got to get there I usually have a hard time getting it up oo that’s pretty good chip shots nice oh hey we got meat big meat pause oh my God was going to say who oh why do we do this to ourselves I think they’re going to hit this put look at Sim he’s dialed in he’s going to line this up let’s go the one one more one more Ace was feeling it oh my bro this is goodness why am I playing so good right now bro you like I I’m going to piss off at you right now is it under pressure yes 20,000 yes do we not want to push all those guys back that take us rules walk right in I need one second we got to tea off we’re playing a match boys we got to we got to clear the te box here we got to clear the te box match coming through there’s a there’s a crossover happening someone’s shaking I’m Shing one got cover go is that right down the middle that work okay boys home crowd Jesus oh there it is all right where’s Kyle I’ll go I’ll go dver where that go that’s good go Ace dream go [Applause] chaffie let’s go chff you’re going tonight you’re Ginger Ginger Chris get him there you go chaff you’re good now we’re good we’re good we’re good everybody pray for us Jess and I are down a couple bucks you guys made me soing I swear to God thank youy someone must have dunked it again someone must a hole in one again let’s go chaffie Ginger gamble shut up perfect perfect chaffy come back come back come back it’s drawing sh yeah yeah yeah great shot give you a fist bump for that chaff good swing yeah every time I call you Ginger play better ginger bald holy a a get up goow let’s go Barry who’s the guy who gets her underwear at Walmart eh it’s not about getting rich it’s about staying Rich right exactly you got to save your money when you can right that’s why I shop at McDonald’s what man you think I should go a little bit left here I’m throwing Barry off his game go go nice we got to make a putt that’s what it comes down to right now have we got to drain this I he playing good now now that my hair’s not on the line S needs big pressure that’s oh yes yes oh that’s going to be right next to it oh yes oh shot all right bet okay the effort’s right there effort there lacking skill Jimmy 10 or 10 effort it that is a very interesting PL what Kyle we’re going to give you that just cuz we’re nice [Music] guys just go I didn’t give it enough need a miracle from God here I mean dude if they yeah they had a Miss then we go to playoff going to playoff would be playoff would be broke right un Barry that’s good one down one to gol big Jesse on the full s Golf Channel let’s go uhoh can’t watch lot of eye on this one Jesse a lot of [Music] eyeballs we’re going to playoffs playoff hey we’re going to T water we’re going to T water let’s go oh oh that actually could be good no that’s going right that’s not bad’ll be okay do you like the driver though yeah I like it than that want go hold on Wow hold on hold on okay F baby let’s go ising it up today bro oh [Music] oh oh that’s upay up [Music] oh that’s a call shot that’s so good watch this watch this hit the spin lo oh you deep I’m on the green oh yeah perfect oh yeah hard here it is perfect yeah here it is let’s go much right good okay nice shot Ace Ace that Ridge that Ridge fory let’s go go go just go just go I think that’s good I like that Kyle I like that that’s even better good okay that’s high Jesse might make it I know that’s a guy that Barry almost dropped it dude wow see this no no no this got dist TR Jesse it’s good Jesse tequila yeah of course got to right come on we’ll go boys great night just missed the shot do it Jess hurts ladies and gentlemen Hey listen back hold on a minute we can’t finish a match without somebody winning 10 grand oh I don’t let’s keep going we’re even now right we’re even now I don’t mind ending even all right so sorry man I play horrible I L the hair no you you carried us in this last match though still I mean we didn’t win anything I’m sorry chaffie you you’re bald and you’re going to Croatia huh yeah C was girlfriend and he’s going to meet her parents need some suncreen yeah cut the traffy let’s go uh let’s go shave traffy head so s decided to lose the golf match and now his partner chaffie has to go bald damn can’t even cut hair righte give it to me holy I oh my God I feel bad now do you get how to do it no just keep doing it I feel so bad oh B stop stop G him a nice haircut I hate that this is Yo Kyle you got to watch this Kyle I don’t like seeing them like this oh my god dude I kind of like the buz cut yeah you actually look more professional actually bro you’re up next I thought we were both getting buzzes we have time for them I’m sorry I’m going to need sunscreen for my now oh my God man that’s not good to watch I sent chappie 2 Grand I feel very bad I know that you needed a grand for like the Croatia trip so I’m sorry oh my God guys going to first class of ctia now I have to use a grand of it to buy you some lessons buddy can I feel the head go for it could it feels good could so worse kind of like it okay that’s I just want I thought you were going to lick it for some reason all right yo he’s a trooper bro shout out chaffie cha in some more full sent golf videos buddy at least it wasn’t a kick from sugar Sean the Wednesday another full sent golf video so you guys next week disappointing one but it was a great video enjoy like comment subscribe see you guys next next stre woo [Music]


  1. Salim is straight cheeks…Buddy is the guy who watched ‘The last dance’ goes and buys compression shorts, a sleeve, shows up to the local court talkin’ ‘bout, “I’m about to go pro”

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