It’s Really Simple To Become A Great Putter – Copy This (Golf Tips)

Everyone can be a great putter, thats a fact. There are plenty of ways to learn how to putt better in golf, but this golf putting lesson gives you the secret to what the best golfers in the world are doing to hole more putts on the golf course. Learn how to putt the golf ball your best with two simple golf tips and start holing more putts instantly.

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Hi I’m Matt Lockey, welcome to my Coach Lockey YouTube Channel. This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, and to help you enjoy your golf more!

I specialise in golf course vlogs, golf challenges, golf tips, golf lessons, golf club reviews and the odd golf club unboxing. So pretty much everything golf!

I want to help you play better golf by providing coaching videos on all topics about golf. How to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.
As well as helping you produce the best long game you can have, I will help you lower your scores by chipping better, stopping duff and thin chips, pitching the ball closer and creating backspin like the tour pros. Finally, I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts too!

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00:00 It’s Really Simple To Become A Great Putter – Copy This (Golf Tips)
00:51 How The Pros Putt
01:32 Understanding Wrist Movement
04:29 Golf Tip #1
05:35 Golf Tip #2

in this golf lesson video I’m going to give you two simple golf tips to help you hold more parts one is a basic setup tip that’s going to get you holding the putter in a completely different way to help with face control distance control and ultimately like we said hold more putts the other golf tip I’ve got for you is a simple cutting drill that’s going to do the same thing get you controlling that face better that distance control to again hold more parts before we get into the video if you’re new to the channel hello and welcome and if you’re R turning viewer hello again quick reminder for you all if you’re not subscribed to the channel make sure you hit that big red subscribe button hit the thumbs up as it helps the channel and turn your Bell on so you get notified of when I upload all my new videos so what patterns do we see with some of the best Putters of all time Steve Stricker Brad Faxon both come to mind let’s take a look at their putting strokes and how they’re setting up and I want you to take note of their wrist position look how straight they get their forearm and the top of their wrist going into their grip which makes the Sha go directly up their forearms take it to an even more extreme with Bryson at the moment super upright putting style and that shaft is literally going straight up his forearm it is a super common with great Putters in the world now I’m going to get my hack motion wrist sensor out pop it on and hit some putts and especially this hole in out area I’m going to go from 0 to 3 ft 3 to 6 feet and then 6 to 9 ft see what my wrist angles are doing how I’m setting up and see what stability I’m getting on the club face with my wrist angles are there any patterns are there any similarities to Stricker Brad fraen Bryson which I’ve already mentioned let’s have a little look so let’s kick things off with the small P to start with now don’t get all confused by these graphs and things I’ll make it super simple to understand you’re basically breaking it down in slightly different ways depending on what sort of learner you are you’ve got a 3D model at the top left hand side here a graph on the right hand side and then nice little tabs down the bottom here of where your wrist angles are at each part of your swing so address top of your back swing and impact we’re going to go by the little tabs down the bottom here now what I want you to take note of is the owner and Radial in the green color like we talked about with Steve Stricker Brad Faxon Bryson they have their wrist so straight and locked out in line with their left forearm or lead forearm they’re in massive amounts of owner and I’m doing exactly the same you can see from the pictures as well look how straight my forearm goes to basically the top of my thumb I’m in 30° of owner at the start I’m in 30° of owner at the top of my back swing and I’m 29° of owner at impact so I’m barely moving my wrist angles throughout my back swing and into impact rotation wise is identical I’m hardly rotating my wrists throughout that stroke but the big difference I would even say it’s a big difference but I’m adding bit of extension from my address position into impact on all three of my PS so let’s go to the second P you can see here on a radial 30° impact address 29 at the top 29 at impact biggest difference again 4° flexion and extension I add 4° of extension and put three that longest distance 29 29 28 on my owner hardly moving my wrist angle my rotation hardly moving and I’m adding again four degrees of extension from add dress into impact so to create my putting stroke I’m basically locking my wrists I’m not using them at all in these short putts and literally rocking my shoulders tilting my shoulders to determine distance control and how hard I want to hit that putt so the first thing that I really want you to focus on before we give you a really simple drill as well is that lead hand position on the golf club from this down the line view I want you to really feel like the golf club is an extension of your lead forearm that’s going to get your grip your lead wrist into this owner position this sort of straight forearm going into your wrist is nice and flat I don’t mind what grip you have because there’s plenty of styles of grip out there we know that and if you want a video on different grip Styles let me know in the comments down below but for now keep your grip the same and really try and focus on getting that shaft going straight up your forearm set yourself up like you normally would that grip that shaft is going straight up my forearm I use a prayer grip and I’m going to try and keep that throughout my stroke boom if you find automatically that just helps your stroke and you get face control you get better distance control awesome but here’s a little simple drill that I want you to use as well to help with that two all you need is a couple of balls one ball you’re going to hit and the other you’re going to use as your training aid the one that I want you to use as your training aid is going to go in between the putter grip and your Trail wrist okay and the aim of the game is simply to keep it in between there now any sort of wrist movement that ball is going to drop out and you know that you’re going to have severe movement in your wrists whereas if you can keep that ball in there nicely locked in again sha going down the line of my forearm keeping that ball in between the grip and my trail wrist now and hit some Strokes hit some putts make some Strokes should I say hit some putts and see if you can keep it in there and see if it feels loads more solid than what your usual putting stroke does there’s no reason why higher handicaps can’t be as good as the lower handicaps at putting you don’t have to hit the golf ball 300 yards doing this getting face control is going to help you start that golf ball online more eliminating as much wrist angle as you uh wrist movement as you can as well might also help you with a bit of distance control and get you holding a few more putts so ball is in between grip and my trail wrist my line of my putter shaft is up my forearm like we talked about let’s see if I can start this ball on my line and get the right weight I’ve hit it too hard on that line ah shame not breaking as much as I thought that part but I can really feel there we go that that is reducing the amount of wrist hinge that I have making my stroke a lot more solid too simple golf tips there to help you improve your putting and lower those scores let me know in the comments down below what do you do to improve your putting do you even practice your putting do you have time this is one part of the game which you can probably practice at home let’s start haing some more short putts take those wrists out of your stroke and get these going in there more often before I leave you if you’re enjoying the content and the channel make sure you hit that big red subscribe button hit the thumbs up as it helps the channel out and turn your Bell on so you get notified of when I upload all my new videos thanks all for watching I’ll see you in the next one

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