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We asked Connor Rogers all things football!

We had a special guest Connor Rogers on the show to talk all things offseason, draft classes, and much more!

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00:00 Welcome Connor Rogers!
01:27 Concerns about Rodgers/Jets heading into season?
09:25 Will the Dak negotiations affect on field play?
12:01 Which draft class will have most impact?
17:29 Can Caleb Williams get the bears to the playoffs?
23:20 What do you expect from Bryce Young in year 2?

Featuring: Chris Rose, Bobby Skinner, and Justin Penik
Edited by: Mikey Rotunno

all right welcome to football today July 2nd 2024 hope you guys are getting ready for your fourth of July um no Chris Rose today he’s taking off no I’m right here don’t do that no Panic today no Panic today no Panic today he uh decided that his grandma’s wake was more important than this oh my God what is the matter with you we have a guest on today we have of SNY uh PFF you know does Mets stuff does jet stuff Connor Rogers uh so thank you but this is probably the worst time to have an episode on cuz we got to address you know Mikey with his Slim Shady haircut in the background all right guys take it easy take it easy what what what uh motivated you my band went on a tour this week and I decided to change it up I always like to look memorable when I’m on the road so did you think that people couldn’t see you is that what it was I don’t know I’m I’m pretty I’m pretty slim so I thought I had to add some flare to it you know yeah all right you’re wearing a white tea too like you’re really did my girlfriend helped me and I I was just blasting Slim Shady LP the whole time that’s nice oh she helped you she didn’t try and stop you no no I had to convince her all right we’ve got a guest here if you two want to have a conversation you can call each other after this is done uh I will trust me yeah Connor’s wearing uh he’s he wins the hair contest here um so welcome thank you for joining us excellent intro Bobby no question you do have Jets Green on today and Aaron Rogers has been a huge topic of conversation and we asked this question a few weeks ago when it came out that he did not show up to mandatory mini camp that he had someplace else that was very important to him is this just a media story or do you think when he finally shows up that this is going to be a big deal I feel like it could be two things right guys it’s the fact that does it matter that he missed two practices you know that time of year it doesn’t I mean he was at every other practice the entire spring and they were having full practices as much as you can during the otaa period I mean all the guys were there Rogers was healthy and throwing but the why I say it could be both things is one it did create a headline I don’t think Robert Salah did a great job at the podium honestly breaking this down he really opened the door for it to turn into something it didn’t have to turn into and from a football you know perspective it doesn’t matter at all right now where it opens the door is if the Jets don’t have the starts of the Season that they are expecting to have people will look back to that and just talk about any you know of a distraction or it not always being all about football especially when the political aspects came into play for Rogers kind of during a tumultuous spring so from a football standard like it doesn’t mean anything right this is a team that I think they’re going to be ready to roll as soon as they get into camp but it did open the door for especially the New York media it’s Aaron Rogers the national media to put a spotlight on the team that let’s be real guys nobody wants the spotlight on them that time of year what is your confidence level in them as a whole like barring again another Aaron Rogers play number two injury because they’ve been able to keep that defense consistently good right like they haven’t had a down year and all of that and the schedule’s pretty easy like is do you have confidence level in them or you just kind of think it might be same old Jets like where you at with that I do and I know a lot of jets fans don’t even want to hear it because you just want to see it right last year how excited was everybody all summer and then four plays in you just take the gut punch but I’ll say this while they’re a team that can be high variance because they have a 40-year-old quarterback that just missed an entire season they’re a little better prepared for it this year than they were last year and the defense I mean you nailed it Bobby this defense is loaded people are almost afraid to say it because it’s the Jets and I understand that but what Jeff rri and Robert Salah have done to build this defense over the years I mean they’ve a great Corner Trio and S Garder DJ Reid and Michael Carter in the slot they’ have a loaded defensive line they’re going to figure it out with Assan reick I wouldn’t worry too much about that with reick Germaine Johnson I think will McDonald’s have a better year two Quinton Williams we know what he can do on the interior the linebacker Duo between CJ Mosley and Quincy Williams who turn into a waiver wire scrap player into an all proo player I mean it’s a load of defense and there could be too deep at times in terms of their depth so that gives them a certain floor and then you look at Tyrod Taylor being the backup quarterback this year if Rogers gets hurt again and guess what 40-year old quarterbacks they get hurt again that’s where you have a little bit more confidence with the rebuilt offensive line my biggest question with this team is if Rogers gets hurt again is Nathaniel Hackett adequate where he could survive without Aaron Rogers because we saw nothing from him last year that gave you that kind of optimism and I understand it was Zach Wilson it was Tim Bole it was Trevor Simeon it’s really hard to make any kind of meal out of that situation at quarterback but hackett’s a guy that has had struggles other places as well seemed a little in over his head at multiple times they didn’t bring in somebody to kind of work over the top of him this you know offseason although there was a lot of rumors they were looking at those options so that’s where my concerns lie with the team but they should be comp not only for a playoff spot they should be competing for this division as it feels like the bills didn’t make a ton of moves that make them that much better they lost some players the Dolphins are you know kind of right where they were and then the Patriots are in rebuild mode the difference is in my opinion with Buffalo and New York is that one has been able to deal with whatever noise there is and there’s usually not a ton in Buffalo New York in the metal lands there’s always a ton of noise whether the Jets are good or not but especially when we know that the GM and the head coach are right now hanging on by a string an owner string that he could cut at any time that Aaron Rodgers it feels like it’s been a couple years since he’s been Aaron Rodgers and he is going to I mean I said it when he shows up he’s gonna make he’s gonna turn this on everybody else and his explanation is going to be well I was somewhere where it was important to me and it’s not important to you or or he’s going to tell us exactly where he was because he wants everybody to be talking about where he was good or bad you know and I think how they deal with the noise is a big part of this I think so and I think it’s something Robert Salah needs to be better at going into this year like there’s no way around it and I I’ve defended Salah a lot because there’s been a lot of decisions that he wasn’t a part of that the front office failed him on and he’s also had his shortcomings as well and you just gota it felt like with Salah this spring there’s a lot of times where he didn’t want to make Rogers bigger than the team because they felt like for the last year when they brought in Randle Cobb and it failed they brought in Billy Turner and it failed they brought in a lot of Rogers guys the Alan Lazard contract was a disaster they brought in Rogers guys and it all failed that Salah kind of wanted to take his team back but the reality with this franchise is Robert Salah is not a top three most powerful person with this organization it’s Woody Johnson it’s Aaron Rogers and then it’s Joe Douglas in that order and I think that why you’ve seen a different Salah at the podium and I think there’s times where you have to respect that and there’s times where you look at it and go this feels like a little bit of a powder keg so the bottom line is with the Jets and this is the always the case with the Jets that they just they need to keep in mind that they somehow lose sight of all the time winning cures everything if the Jets win this year nobody is going to Care really what Rogers is talking about what’s going on with the rest of the team what injuries they have but the problem is when the circus has rolled in the L have rolled in with it at times and that’s something that they can’t overcome so it’s it’s so simple right guys but the Jets have to win this year and if they don’t the Jets will be looking a lot different top to bottom in the near future yeah we just did with some of our head coach rankings and and your biggest worry with me with them outs again outside of just a Aaron Rogers out for the season injury is keeping Nathaniel Hackett right like yeah that is purely like you said A Rogers type of move if there was anyone else a quarterback they probably would have moved off of him last year or probably would have kept Leaf Flur the year before even um and that to me is like you saw Tyrod Taylor at his best last year with the Giants and Brian dable you know you kind of saw an outlier year with him with like the producing of the big plays and stuff outside of his health and stuff what does it look like in a Nathaniel hacket offense where you’re going to see some of those shortcomings of Tyrod show up right that’s and that’s what’s so interesting is that you’ve built this around a great quarterback but a 40-year-old and then when it all fell apart in you know this first series Zack Wilson wasn’t comfortable in executing anything that they had built with Rogers and hacket and listen once again like a lot of people will be like well Zach Wilson has been terrible and nobody’s saying he hasn’t been but that you have to that’s a bad process right and it’s a process that a lot of people including myself questioned last summer you’re going into the season one Rogers hit away from Zack Wilson playing pivotal snaps for you they obviously knew he wasn’t comfortable in what they were trying to build with ro with Rogers so is Tyrod going to be comfortable with that is it good enough what hackit builds that is out of the structure of just Rogers being a great quarterback right and there’s moments even last year this team somehow won seven games last year there was moments last year where Garrett Wilson and Breece Hall could bail them out of really not having structure in the offense because they could just make incredible plays but you can’t that’s not sustainable at the NFL level all right can we move on to the noise capital of the world the Dallas Cowboys I really believe having covered the NFL as long as I have there are days where we just talk about the Dallas Cowboys because they’re the Dallas Cowboys but I think we really need to dive into this one because I think they have [ __ ] up the Dak Prescott situation to the point where it might affect them on the field am I off base or I’m I am I on track I think you’re you’re right on track I don’t know why they mess around with Dak negotiations like this isn’t the first rodeo right this is not the first rodeo it seems like and you know it’s Jerry Jones but even the comments about Dak at times I mean Dak has been a good quarterback in this league and it feels like he has really established himself even for the consistencies I know people look at the playoffs that team has bigger problems than Dak Prescott when it comes down to that there’s a lot of questions with this team the long-term of Dak the short-term of CD lamb what the offensive line is going to look like this year I mean Tyron Smith yes he missed time every year but when Tyron Smith suited up and played left tackle for them you knew you were in a great place on that offensive line right the old hey we don’t care about running backs we’ll see what we just do with our back field this year everybody loves that strategy until you look around and go wow we have no Difference Maker at running back like it’s funny to me how people treat the position where it always swings too far one way the pendulum and then I mean michah Parson puts expectations on himself like I’ve never seen and he’s fun and everybody loves listening to him but man it’s not very fun if you lose some games real quick when you have that kind of Spotlight on you so the long term of Dak the Cowboys always seem like they want more they want better and then when it comes full circle they’re like well there’s really no path for us to improve and upgrade over Dak so this is what we have to do does that come to a head after this year it I mean I don’t want to get ahead of myself but it just feels like it is going that direction I wonder how much of it is from dak’s side though right because obviously if you do get to open free agents and he can’t be franchise tagged either which I think is a big part of this like you do you do cash in more right taking that chance um and I and I do think like with that because it’s frustrating we talked about this on like a look at next year’s free agency it’s like man it’s so good and then I do like I do think I you do have to start judging him partly on the on the playoffs right not on whether he’s a good quarterback or not but when you’re comparing him to those other good quarterbacks you know and then like you said how much is that Dallas how much is that him I I want to Pivot to the draft because that’s where you’re you’re more known now nationally you you and Trevor sycamo over with PFF what team’s draft class do you see having like an immediate impact the way the Lions or the Rams did last year it’s a really good question because there’s been quite a few of them it felt like this year I I felt like the Steelers did a lot of really really good things and they had to right they were a team that you looked at it and you just went man they got needs on the offensive line they have some needs on the defense that they want to address they go get Troy fanu who to me was a top 15 player and kind of had some of that Swingman across the offensive line that you love you you love the Reps at tackle but you seen him at guard he’s in the athletic enough to play center and then they go get a center in Zack Frasier in the next round a guy that you know you just love the pedigree the background the four-time state champion wrestler uh three to foure starter at West Virginia really really tough Iron Man and then you get a starting wide receiver in Roman Wilson somebody that can kind of plug in across from George Pickins and give you a little bit of speed for a team that they have weird quarterback situation right like what does Russ have left in the tank what are they going to get from Justin Fields when you know The Hourglass kind of empties out on Russ at some point this year and Fields has to play there’s a lot of questions around that a lot of questions around the offense and then you know you look at another one to me and I’m not just saying this to you Bobby I liked it when we did all the greats like the Giants are a team to me that they were just starving for a playmaker and they were starving for somebody that they could funnel the offense through for dble and you look at Malik neighbors we we kind of got lost in this until about two weeks before the draft the gap between Marvin Harrison Jr and Malik neighbors was I won’t say non-existent but I wouldn’t even call it a gap and then people kind of looked around and said man like Malik neighbors could be the first wide receiver taken and he wasn’t but he’s someone to me that I saw plus 1800 as offensive Rookie of the Year and I was like that that’s wild to me I mean this is someone that walks in Taylor Made for a million Targets in the offense he doesn’t need great quarterback play to function off of his targets LSU used them at all three levels of the field they would scheme him the ball open and then they throw it over the top of you and even get Tyler nuban you know after you lose Xavier mcken at safety nuban was asked to play every single role in that Minnesota offense I thought he could have declared over a year ago and been a starter in the NFL he stayed at school interesting decision didn’t really cost him that much because he still went in the top 50 but he could play single high he could play two deep you can put them down in the Box to make plays as well so you look at the Steelers and the Giants if felt like in the first two rounds they got plug-and-play starters but also actual impact starters not guys that you just forget about but you’re actually hearing their name called quite a bit yeah with neighbors I I’m excited to see the domino effect that it has right like independent of the quarterback situation but like Darius slayton’s led the team in receiving four out the last five years yeah and he’s been a good player he’s like someone that I’ve you know I’ve always kind of like when they were thinking about cutting him I was like this is insane if you’re going to cut this guy with the current wide receiver group he finally finally gets like that wide receiver to treatment from defenses you know allowing you know now that they have the speed I don’t think Daniel Jones going be someone who’s going to take advantage most times but like how like who who you who you going to bracket when when you have Hyatt on one side and Neighbors on the other side Hyatt’s obviously need a lot of development but he has proven like that Tennessee speed is real he can just flat out run past guys and then Juan Dale be interesting to see who how they use the tight end room with Theo Johnson and Bellinger but I’m I’m excited to see the domino effect that neighbors has on the entire offense I agree with that and we had hide on uh for Fantasy Football happy hour at Super Bowl and one of the things he beamed about right away is he was just you know he was kind of like I just can’t wait to maybe play the a little bit again CU he had so much success in the slot at the college level especially when hands are off him he’s a lighter guy you can kind of give him a little bit more of a Runway to build up that speed down the field where you look at it and go okay maybe the pieces of this offense fit a little bit better together now with Darren Waller it’s weird to say out of the way but he was a guy that’s going to clog the slot a lot and there was just a lot of mystery around if he’s going to be a part of this team and they got that answer so there is a trickle effect there with neighbors across the board to the other two wide receivers that actually bring speed a speed element to the offense I’m looking forward to the time where Malik neighbors motherfucks Daniel Jones when he’s one hopping balls you know from eight yards away that’s what I’m looking forward to that’s Daniel Jones specialty is the eight y the eight yard pass I know man he’s like he’s like throwing Chris Paul bounce passes he’s just awesome it’s or get Drew lock out there just you know Drew lock will truly say [ __ ] it like that’s what I’m so that’s what because I know you had to watch Tyrod Taylor and again you saw an outlier year with him pushing the ball down the field he been one of the most conservative quarterbacks in entire his career is 2022 they really built the offense around Daniel Jones and and the rest of the group they had will dable stick to his like you know what this is what I want to do I create explosives that’s what I do as an offensive play caller and if DJ’s not going to do that I will put lock in who’s probably a worse quarterback but if there’s one thing he’s going to do he’s going to at least try to make those difficult throws so it’ll be interesting to see how they like they you know they Envision that offense going into the year you would think with the the guaranteed money out there’s a quicker hook for Jones this year and and once again like I you don’t want to just run over Jones and assume that it’s going to happen but it feels like the hook will be quicker when there’s no guarantees for the following year guys we’re talking about Drew lock though I mean come on please I’m sorry I have to it’s a weird place to be the quarterbacks I’ve talked about for a long time I mean rice Petty Christian Hackenberg it’s it can get darker um so let’s lighten it up since the draft is your specialty you’re you can only choose one of two ways that Caleb Williams will do exactly what CJ strad did for the Houston Texans and get them to the playoffs or Caleb Williams will not get the Bears to the playoffs in year one wow that’s I would I would go with the lad because I think Stroud’s rookie season was out of this world and what he had it’s so interesting when you watch that team right Bobby slowick we had like different perceptions of Stroud Bobby slowick would come out each week and be like let’s run the ball and and be really protective of our Young quarterback then the Texans would be in a hole and they be like well we have to throw now and stad would find a way and just absolutely light it up when you look at the Bears I just don’t think they’re gonna put that pressure on Caleb Williams they have built up a defense that really looked good after the Montes sweat trade they have paid a running back they’ve drafted running backs yes they have a deep wide receiver and tight end core but I think they really want to be a let’s protect our young play call our young signal caller they are and Mak it drives me nuts though it drives me nuts because it’s there for the taking right and I know and you look at that Division I mean yes the lions are good but it’s they’re not that far away the Bears they’re really not they feel really really close a draft another draft that I loved and they didn’t have to do that much for anyone to love it right you got Caleb Williams you take romad dun I actually liked some of the day three picks they had so when it I just think and that makes go back to the question like was keeping eberl’s the right move and we’re going to see that really really early on this year wait what do you think I would have wiped the Slate clean and I he did a great job with the defense but that’s not what’s gonna Propel the franchise forward I’m sorry I don’t think it is yeah it’ll be interesting to see with um them adding uh Shane Waldren at OC compared to Luke getsy who I wasn’t a big Again part I think a lot of their issues were Fields but they also just kind of threw Fields like well you’re not good at this well we’re going to keep we’re going to keep running this type of stuff yeah there’s an upgrade there walren Waldron’s better and walren sometimes had hand cups on them from Pete Caroll where like the walren that came out of the McVey tree there was more to me more meat on the bone and Pete’s just in your ear For Better or For Worse like hey we gotta be more conservative in the offense that’s just how Pete Carol’s gonna be so I’m curious to see walren you know with his full fingerprints in a place this is a different type of question but since we’re talking about K because Kayla Williams didn’t go to the worst team in the NFL right because of that Panthers trade would you like an NFL Draft Lottery oh man I don’t think so and maybe I’m just a traditionalist but it is there is something to it right there is definitely it’s another event that the league would love they would do more numbers than like the conference Championship games yes the eyeballs on it and I’m a guy that does an NFL giraffe podcast so like it’s it’s another talking point it’s great for all of us I guess from a Content perspective which is an evil thing to say in this world I would love it but from an actual football standard it feels like it opens the door for like I’m a big NHL fan I really am and I’ve just seen too many teams get hosed over the I’m a Rangers Fan they got blessed by the lottery multiple times it just and there’s just some variance with it that it doesn’t I don’t know it doesn’t serve its purpose it would have to be crafted really the right way I’m a traditionalist and I love it yeah I love it too I never thought about it till you just brought it up it’s the only one of the four sports that does not have it because my Cleveland Guardians who could end up having the best record in the American League when they pick first in a few weeks at the All-Star break like that is that is bizarre right that is bizarre it’s crazy I mean the year the Rangers got the number one pick in the draft they were in the playoffs it was just a weird year so the NFL could definitely do it the right way and people could say like what they want tanking is a real thing okay so if you want to truly nip that that’s your way around it by doing it’s hard it’s hard it’s harder to tank in the NFL than any other team so you you rarely ever see it you like you said you would totally get rid of it um I I I would love it like you said like think think about like you know covering quarterbacks right let’s think about how from the content point of view like your quarterback epode you know do something on Caleb Williams you just had not you know 10 other fan bases just are like locked into this it’s a great point with the prayer that is theirs um so uh I’m I’m all in I’m all for it like and the other thing is like I hate seeing the first overall pick going to like the worst situation right especially with quarterbacks get the hook a little quicker than they used to when they got their big contracts like I would I would like teams to be you know better set up for that um I also wanted Drake may this year and I did like a little you know fill-in the blanks uh tank ofon I’m like we would have got Drake me if I did this the first time um I’ve done that my whole life with the Jets I feel like I mean we were like screaming when the punter makes a tackle that cost them Trevor Lawrence like that’s just how it yeah changes if there’s Lottery my my you know my audience is Nicks fan so I know whenever I pitch it I’m pitching it to the worst possible people to pit you’re you’re warming me up to it you really are like it’s you kind of talked me into it I’m not gonna lie the Knicks got away with the best Lottery heist in the history of sports I was watching that as a 14-year-old when they freaking froze the envelope and bent the corner and David Stern was like feeling around in this big you know Lotto ball thing that we’re spinning around so Nick fan shut up please yeah I agree with that point uh go next we’re speaking speaking of first overall quarterbacks that go to horrible situations what what do you expect for Bryce young a year or two like they’ve added some pieces to help around but it’s still very questionable like I feel like he’s been totally given up on a year after being picked first overall he really has it’s wild I mean that situation was awful from top to bottom what the offense was apparently trying to do the Personnel everything about it was bad and you had a quarterback that couldn’t just make something out of nothing like it’s just he just couldn’t find a way to do that from a physical standpoint I think they’re going to be really safe this year when you look at Canalis he’ll throw the ball to the running back 80 times if he has to like that’s just how they’re going to be built and that’s why they drafted Jonathan Brooks right like they’re going to throw the ball to Jonathan Brooks when he’s ready off of that ACL they want to get the ball out quick to Deontay Johnson who’s a quick separator in the NFL I think everything with that offense will just be faster this year doesn’t mean it’s gonna be great right and it’s not a great division so that you would expect them to be competitive after all the money they’ve spent all the resources they’ve invested but I think they’re just going to try to dummy it down so much that is this going to be like a big year for Bryce no but can you build his confidence a little bit where people aren’t laughing at him at being a number one pick and the reality is with Bryce the Stroud situation just completely hurt him right like CJ strad has this historic rookie season that everybody’s looking around and going wow Bryce young got drafted over him like how did this happen it’s just two totally different situations do you think you know we two years from now when it comes time to pick up or decline fifth year options do you do you think it’s going to work out with Young I do I think they’ll pick it up and I think he’ll be there for a while I just don’t think he’ll ever be that guy like it feels like a Derek car situation for so long where you’re looking around and you like that you have middle- of theack quarterback play for so long and then you realize you’re kind of spinning the same wheel every year and you’re like this isn’t G to get us over the hunk but I wondered that about the dolphins with Tua and Tua obviously is in a totally different place than Bryce young but when you talk about quarterback contracts so everybody gets $55 million now the next man up you just wonder how long teams are patient with that you kind of hinted out at Bobby with Dak in the playoffs I mean Dak is a great quarterback but at some point you got to produce in the playoffs if if I was a betting man I’d still I’d still believe in Bryce young with a better situation with a better coaching staff better Personnel it’s just a matter of is he a Difference Maker like we saw from stoud so early like we see from all the top guys in the league I just don’t think physically he can be that and that has teams always going back to the drawing board looking for bigger faster strong armed guys no matter how raw they are and it’ll bite you more often then it helps you but when you hit on them it’s the it’s the biggest way to have success in the NFL it’s uh that is a tough way to go we’ve seen it though in recent years because you said you know Tu is going to get paid we know that Jordan Love’s going to get paid I think think you have to go back to that 2015 draft class with jamus and Mariota where teams were like all right we’ll take you through the fifth year and then we’re not going to commit to you because you’re not that good right who who’s the next guy that somebody’s going to say that to oh that’s tough that’s like on the fence in the middle of the pack right now I think Tu is the I think he’s going to get paid but two is the prim example though he’s the ultimate like I think that’s like the cut line where i’ I’d say no and you we had to wonder for a while would the Lions be like that with gof right that was the one where and yes it was a second landing spot and the Lions really liked him when they traded for him they knew him they felt like he could function in their offense but I thought covering the draft or at least how it was sold to me was they like Goff while they’re going through a transition and in two years or so they’ll have the next guy and then go kind of exceeded expectations Ben Johnson exceeded expectations and they’re like we like Jared gof we feel like we were a few plays away from where we want to be with Jared gof will pay Jared gof so Goff was the the guy before Tua to be like that and then you kind of look around I feel like we need a little bit more time because we’ll we’ll get there with Bryce of course the Steelers don’t have anyone Trevor Lawrence got paid already it’s going to be really really interesting to see like who’s next up because obviously Herbert’s paid I mean what does Brock py get he’ll get paid they’ll they’ll cave to like that next man up mentality he’ll get over $50 million a year Brock P Kyle sh Kyle shanan loves like Brock P he’s everything I don’t blame him either yeah right I right like if you got a good thing is that the most shocking thing that you’ve covered in terms of building up yeah you know why because here’s why four-year starter at Iowa State I knew about Brock pie after his sophomore year because that’s when you start to at quarterbacks like other positions there’s only so much your onean scouting Army can cover but quarterbacks you know all the potential guys as the underclassman that are entering their eligible Year everybody that does the same job as me covering the draft knew about Brock P because he’s got a big arm decent enough athlete he’s at Iowa State where he was having some flashes and then those next two years it just it went downhill like the turnovers were inexcusable he looked lost a lot of times the talent was always there and then I remember when I ranked him that year I had him literally right like 260 or something because it’s like somewhere that player is still there where he’s a draftable quarterback and the line for being a draftable quarterback is very flexible guys but for him to be that efficient like that good that quick is jarring and you can’t there’s nothing you could do to predict that because every other team in the NFL didn’t see that the 49ers didn’t see that if they thought he could be a capable backup they’d take him three rounds earlier they took him with a throw away pick in the draft and he blew everyone’s Minds all right let me ask you this then from the other side of things the 2021 class four of those Five Guys taken in the top half of the first round are now on their second team before year four which one has the best chance of actually becoming something in the NFL wow um based on the way you studied things in college I mean foolishly I still well I I would actually go probably with M Jones in like a sustainable career right if we’re looking for a guy that just can hang around for a really really long time because the the floor with Fields Zack Wilson and Trey Lance is literally out of the league in in two years like it is I there’s no other way around it Trey Lance we just we don’t see the guy play football and we didn’t see him play football at college right we we had one year tape before the co year and he had a showcase game all of us are looking around like well he’s got a lot of talent so and he’s going to go early he’s got to be ranked pretty high we have not seen him play I still love the talent of tre Lance if if you want to talk about the ceiling of those guys it would be Tre Lance for me like maybe I’m a fool for still believing that that Talent can be unlocked somewhere with fields and Zack Wilson it just feels like they are what they are they’re turnover prone they’re injury prone I know Fields has had a lot more success than Zach Wilson because he’s got the ability with his legs and he’s been a better passer but he holds the ball forever I mean I don’t know if Zack Wilson makes the Broncos like if we want an easy one real quick I don’t even think he makes the Broncos honestly makes the you don’t think he makes the team I think it’ll be close he just took that picture with his girlfriend he can’t you can’t put that out there not yeah Sean Payton loves himself Jared stum if they carry two quarterbacks it’s not going to be Zack Wilson it’s not maybe they just carry him though and see what happens by the way pardon I think it’s fiance I think I just got myself Uninvited from the wedding yeah it’s probably it probably just cost you there you would be I wouldn’t be surprised if you were like oh I just got back from Zach Wilson’s wedding gross is that an insult or a compliment yeah I don’t know which way to take a compliment he knows everybody yeah that’s not well no not true not young guys like that I’m trying to think probably the most famous person’s wedding I went to this is a good one I went to Tom Arnold’s thirdd wedding okay that’s not that big a deal because I feel like what’s the vibe at a third wedding if you don’t mind me asking it was interesting because she came from a like a political family background it was at a beautiful place like Arnold Schwarzenegger was there that was kind of cool that’s cool yeah there were some you know famous people there there was definitely some a-listers no question about it so I was curious um like how many of the people from True Lies were going to show up since that was his Peak role but I I feel like the further Tom went down the wedding aisle the it’s not that big a deal to be invited to one of weddings now yeah you know it’s like everybody makes it it’s still cool our famous I’ve never been to a famous person’s wedding um are they enjoyable or are they just like a photo shoot where like the photos get leaked out for thousands it’s very nice it was very nice it actually was very nice and it was at a beautiful place out here in Beverly Hills and everything was nice like I was the Trailer Park Boys invited I know he loves those guys no they were not they were not uh he was very close with the Farley uh Brothers not the Fairley Brothers The Farley brothers you know he was Chris Farley was a good friend of his who unfortunately passed away 30 years ago but he was good friends with their so good Midwestern values and that stuff it’s what we do Chris I don’t know if you have anything else I want to ask you this you guys did your quarterback episode obviously it doesn’t look so hot for next year’s draft class it’s not right like even Carson backck I we did our way too early preview last week and I watched a couple games I’m like oh this is nice and then watching like some defensive players I’m like oh here’s some of here’s some of the reason why it’s not so nice is there anyone that you can see just like shooting up and becoming that top five pick and it’s not just forcing it because it’s a QB a down QB year yeah Conor wigman from Texas A&M I mean and here’s the Scoop he there’s a lot of expectations when he got there he gets a start last year as a sophomore and he had a foot injury that cost him a season about four games into the year so you got the classic you know we’ll call it the Trey Lance you’re watching the four games and you see it big arm moves well I thought makes really good decisions absolutely understands what the offense is trying to do can rip the ball into Tight Windows sees coverages like it’s all there size and he was a big enough recruit that it’s like this is what you’re kind of expecting he got hurt though in like I want to see him in big games I want to see him in November SEC you know kind of football where the stakes are high cuz he got hurt in the Auburn game and he was kind of struggling right out of the gate out of that game so and it was just there’s no sample size but you look at his performance against Miami and it’s it’s what you want in a pro quarterback prospect so that’s your I also see why Jimbo Fischer got fired I’ve never seen a team get blitzed so much and just like have no plan I was I was I’ve never seen imagine why got hurt four games into the year right yeah I was like what was Jimbo doing just like yeah this team blitzing us every down and we just we just don’t care we’re going five out every play right yeah so he’s the guy from a talent perspective I I had him as qb4 I didn’t have anyone with a first round grade Beck was the highest one I’d have him in the second round I the internet wanted to slaughter me when I said shadar Sanders is a day two quarterback I didn’t know that’s a hot take I we we are so obsessed with name recognition at this point versus reality I I don’t know a team in the NFL that has preseason grades that are taking shadur with a top five pick right now or a top 10 pick and he could play himself into that because that’s the game right any of these guys can I mean look at Jaden Daniels nobody had Jaden Daniels in the first three rounds last summer and he went second overall so there’s no one saying you can’t do it but there’s last year Cale like Caleb Williams and Drake May were going in the top five last July right so we don’t we don’t have anyone like that I would say we don’t have anyone in the top 20 right now with that kind of expectations they gotta play their way into it where would you slide backck in last year’s rankings oh man it would be it would be pretty tough for him let’s look how I had it so not over Caleb Williams Drake May Michael penck Jaden Daniels I would have him right with probably McCarthy I had McCarthy and nicks graded at the top of the second round and obviously they go a lot earlier than that it’s quarterbacks I would have him there so beginning at day two and he honestly if he declared he had those grades I’d heard he would have went day two if he declared but I think he made a good choice going back to school all right I got two quick questions before we we let you go one is I imagine you do most of your college work in front of screens right so you probably don’t go to a lot of games is that accurate I used to when my I used to work at Bleacher Report and I was on the road 2018 and 2019 Seasons at least every other week for college football because we did a lot of events since covid and I work at NBC now fulltime where I’m in Stanford connect our Studios every single week the only I get to when like Ohio State comes to Ruckers I’ll get in the car real quick for that kind of game but uh hopefully with the big 10 rights at NBC I will get back to that schedule but the last four years I I go to the Senior Bowl and that’s where I get to see a lot of these guys up close in person that’s it okay so for people that might want to pick a college venue to go to oh and they’re like one okay go for it I mean I’ll say Baton Rouge is unbelievable and I went there when burrow was there so maybe there’s a little bias but that it’s the people uh they are so friendly and welcoming and fun and it’s a it’s a wild place and environment whether it’s during the day whether it’s at night Madison Wisconsin unbelievable football town like just unbelievable walking to the game the places you can go out the stadium the traditions and then just venue where I was in all the like you felt like you were in like a holy place is the Rose Bowl I I mean walking through Pasadena and I’ve been to the Rose Bowl I think two or three times and every single time it felt exactly as it didn’t matter I went for like Arizona UCLA or something once I forget what the game it was like no nothing game and it’s just it’s the place it’s like wow this is where like football in heaven kind of is so I I think those would be I’m trying to think if I really missed an obvious one those three are pretty Head and Shoulders special from where I’ve been that’s good and um I know that at least in your past are you still doing a ton of f are you doing fantasy stuff or I’m hosting fantasy happy hour with mat and Barry we start back up in August go to December on peacock five days a week okay good so just give one word of advice as people are like in now a two-month crunch like go for it give us one the best piece of advice you can and I’m not talking about an individual player I’m talking about in its entirety whether it’s prep whether it’s too much of this not enough of that go for it I would say don’t drive yourself nuts and do too many mock drafts but do a handful to get the feel of what how you want to go about building a team because every year is so different where you find Trends of okay I can get three wide receivers from rounds two to seven but this year I have to take my court like the quarterback Cliff assuming it’s a one quarterback League do three to five mock drafts get a feel for what kind of year it is and understand how you want to draft like are you gon to bet all your chips on a hero running back in the first round or are you just hey I don’t believe in that the injuries are too high I’m going to take the best available wide receiver do I have to have my quarterback by round six and I’m nobody wants to go into their draft like damn it’s round 11 I waited on the quarterbacks the swing came back and my options are Derek Carr and you know Russell Wilson like that’s how you lose in August so that’s my biggest advice is there’s a sense of doing too many mock drafts do a handful and get a feel for the kind of year it is and understand the people you’re playing against that’s awesome I should have listened I went three and0 out of the gate last year and then did not win until the last week who’s in your league I bet you that’s a bunch of famous people it’s definitely not it’s my family that’s it makes it harder when you lose nobody to lose my brother’s name is uh Pete Rose so that kind of counts as famous there you go yeah the worst is now if I do what like my home League my friends I’ve known forever if I do well it’s because I work in football of course if I do bad I’m a fraud to them like a joke like I get clowned in the chat so there’s and there’s no win like fantasy football your top three picks can get hurt by October it doesn’t matter what you know and what you don’t so that’s that’s the really fun thing about playing with your lifelong people oh yeah is that one of those leagues where you have to if you finish last you have to do something totally ridiculous we’ve tried to implement that but now everybody doesn’t live anywhere close to each other this year I’m I’m gonna make sure we do because it just makes the Stak so much higher so much better dude this was fun I we really enjoyed it we appreciate the time we know that you guys that you’re swamped and no it’s doing all no come on played nine holes of golf this morning I did not like this July and not bad pretty solid pretty solid it was uh it was okay I was a little over par but I’m not a good golfer so it was fine what are you afraid what am I gonna turn this in a little over par I mean I I need to literally go get the card I’m not like a obsessive like I’m not a good golfer like if somebody asked me my handicap I wouldn’t have like a conversation for them oh got it so you you probably shot in the 50 yeah that sounds about right okay speaking of which who you speaking of golf who are you voting for what what what a after that debate very good Bobby oh my goodness trying to make people uncomfortable yeah that’ll do it between the penet comment and way to close this was this was pretty good it’s a really way to put a bow on yeah after a great open Bobby I know I’ve said that this is the um last thing I’m going to say but this will be it since you’re you also cover Mets thumbs up or thumb THS down on oh my God you know what it was thumbs up big time if they go on a losing streak after the concert at City Field I will turn heel on this so quickly so quickly it brought the Vibes back no I’m glad they’re having fun they would never be able to do that under buck so it’s good to see like a little bit of fun back with the team and it say I give Grimace credit for saving the season but if we want to go with oh my God I’m fine with that too Grimace is my favorite BAS baseb gimmick in like years like that’s truly amazing and then accumulating Subway series rain delay where that guy’s seven foot wingspan you know 20 feet in the air looks like a cult chugging beers that’s like my favorite baseball video I’ve ever seen I mean it was I was at the Tuesday game and the atmosphere in New York for baseball was out of this world and a lot of it is the Grimace costumes I’m not gonna let you hop on the Grimace train you know why here’s my problem with it a player did not go out and catch his first pitch it was like who had never caught a baseball before it it was the Mets pod the Mets podcast sir he hosts the the official podcast of the Mets veto he caught the he caught the Grimace ball barely he barely caught it it it it really needed to be like Pete Alonzo but even if you don’t want too yeah you could go you could go 25 or 26 down the line but somebody who’s actually going to set foot on the diamond that night has to in order if you are going to embrace it you have to be there from the beginning they were not there and that’s going to [ __ ] with you it throw they they treated it like a throwaway and then when it worked out they grab listen I’m a lifelong Mets fan we grab on to any sliver of hope it is like trust me it’s it’s wild existence you hold on to whatever the hell you have to Alonzo needs uh Grim to throw to him in the Home Run Derby this year that would that would put it on another level that’s the that’s the gimmick and Grimace never reaches home plate so Alonzo doesn’t hit any home runs and gets really pissed about it goes out and kills him with a Bat MLB marketing yeah hear us out Tommy DeVito and Grimace the Stars the stars of New York and this past calendar year um what a freaking world coming your way tonight on WW uh Conor this was a blast uh hopefully we’ll catch up with you at some point during the season because you’re not yeah you’re not busy during no I’ll be I’ll be terrible at golf until I don’t have time to play so uh we will see you later this week I think we’re going to uh start ranking some positional groups around the NFL cuz that’s what we do here in early July and hopefully Justin penck will be back and Bobby Skinner can say something SN to him Conor Rogers uh continued success there thanks for the time buddy thanks guys all right also shout out producer Mikey always does a bang up job we will see you next time here on football today


  1. Sorry guys, leading off with Aaron Rodgers offseason drama nonsense makes me tune out almost immediately. Ill catch the next episode

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