Golf Players


Rippin’ a 2022 PRESTIGE 60 CARD HANGER PACK !!

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[Music] what’s going on channel family your boy Time Capsule again here with another video another rip and we will be ripping into this 2022 prism hanger pack which I believe has 30 cards in it and I have not ripped a 2022 uh pack of any uh Prestige so we’ll see kind of what what these cards look like compared to the new ones so I have not like I said busted open one of these but before we bust into those of course all the news going on in the NFL so we now know where Justin Fields is going so he’ll be going to Pittsburgh along with of course Russell Wilson so that’s going to be um a pretty good quarterback room and we’ll see how Russ does cuz he only has a one-year contract so once that’s up we’ll see if they give the Reigns to Justin Fields or if he plays himself into another contract so we’ll see on that one and who else of course unfortunately Dallas slept on this one Derk Henry is now going to the Ravens so I mean Jerry um I don’t know what to say I mean I can see it because the simple fact is why we didn’t go after him it’s cuz we have to restructure dax’s contract and that ain’t that’s not going to be easy at all you got to pay lamb you got to pay Rick and Micah so I mean the money a lot of that money is going to go to those three guys so it’s going to be hard to like go after these free agents when you know those three guys are going to I mean restrict you and they’re not going to probably take a discount with what how they’ve played so I mean we’ll see what happens going forward what else Sam how of course he gets traded to the Seahawks so he’ll be in the quarterback room with Gino and we’ll see how that goes um Aaron Donald crazy he retires so Mr uh the Terminator pretty much retires from the Rams that was crazy news to hear but of course I mean we did hear uh maybe a year or two back he was thinking of retiring so I can’t blame him I mean it is a contact sport and uh I mean he wants to probably enjoy the the fruits of his labor and all the money that he’s I mean gained in these These past well his NFL career I should say I mean you want to be able to do stuff uh past your NFL career so don’t blame him for that uh what else Kenny picket is now in the quarterback room with Jaylen hert so Pittsburgh trades him to the Eagles so I mean the quarterback rooms are getting pretty crazy around the the NFL so we got Kenny Piet going there uh Kean Allen I could not back believe the Chargers let him go uh I mean he’s going to go to the bear so now of course we’re figuring on that number one pick going to Caleb so they’re putting some weapons around Caleb if they do end up taking him so now they have DJ Moore now they got Allen and we’ll see if they do take uh Caleb with that number one pick so they have quarterback for sure so a lot of stuff going on guys but let’s bust open this pack I mean there’s so much I couldn’t go over at all I’m interested in busting this thing open let me get my shank out and we will bust this thing open and again thank you guys for sticking with me subscribing uh definitely if you haven’t subscribed definitely subscribe to the channel help the channel grow leave us a like and any comments did you like all the trades going on uh what teams uh are you going for you think uh kind of won this off season who are you excited to see cuz I mean there was a lot it’s a lot going on all right let’s bust this open and man 60 cards look at that that’s crazy so I’m pretty sure most of this of course is going to be base cards so hm very different than the prestige the new ones cuz it’s a white background with mainly just the player but this one has a little more you get to see the course how the picture was taken I guess so first up we’ve got Jordan oh no don’t tell me it’s upside down every other card that’s going to be crazy okay then we got of course the Chiefs the Chiefs I mean them they too have gotten the Browns so they got Hollywood Brown and Maris Brown so now I don’t think they’re going to be worried about the receiver position now so those guys are definitely going for the three repat which has never been done so it’s going to be kind of crazy to see over there then we got of course we got Harris we got Joey and I I think I’m just going to I mean there’s 60 cards I mean I’m going to go through these pretty quickly this is going to be a long video we got Drake uh who’s in I don’t think [Music] the Indie has done much besides wait for I mean Richardson to get back from his injury we got Chris we got Latimore Fred Warner Davis AJ Donovan McNab now there’s a blast from the past so I guess we’re going to get some old rookies I mean some old rookies some old players in this one I mean just regular base cards to you I’m taking it we got Zach we at have you guys seen the bill special I have not seen I think it’s a I forgot where it’s at that little documentry it might be on prime or it’s on Netflix but I haven’t watched it yet on the on the bills we got golf got Robert Matt Ryan turn this around got Knox I mean damn this is going to be a lot of Base cards guys okay well here’s an insert en& M interesting rookie I kind of like the card I’m looking at it and it’s kind of got that stars in the back cool Jaylen another rookie okay I guess the rookies come with these Stars I mean d you ones don’t have anything like this on the parallels I don’t think we got h i mean I do like it compared to the I mean gives the rookies a little more I mean a nicer card Arnold then we got Patrick ceran I mean this one’s not a rookie so I guess these are not subject to only rookies okay we got Austin Eckler and I forgot where he did he get traded I think he did I think he got picked up by someone I forget who though leave me in the comments where Austin eckar went I mean there’s so much news going on of course we already know that young is with the 49ers oh so many upside down cards we got cook on the powerhouse I think I like the new Powerhouse better than this one I mean it just has the little Powerhouse and Any Given Sunday oo look at that TJ I mean Ty Higgins that’s an old and then cook on the kind of parallel right there the hollow that’s a nice card got Taylor that’s a nice card youth movement hm we got SAU rookie nice definitely going to sleeve SAU up next rookie we got well there again I don’t know if we I think he got traded too since I think of course Kurt Cousins is now with um the Falcons got what another rookie we’ll leave all the rookies up for sure man this is just forever we got Eric so we got a lot of inserts in the middle so I wonder what’s at the what what’s at the back of the Packer if there’s any keep on going Cooks Zach AJ V Johnston what Howie Long wow definitely back in the day Raiders got Scott Antonio Callaway KD car Carter tanah Hill I have no idea where’s going to happen with him Lane another Chase then we got got James we got CJ we got Lamar we got Zeke Zeke back in the day Joe Mixon AJ Ward and that’s it kid reporter so that’s kind of the rip guys that’s I mean 60 cards is a lot for a little hanger but I mean I did like the the um the rookie I mean I got the sauce rookie which is pretty nice and then the other rookies in the in the parallel somewhere in here this pile amongst pile of cards but yeah that was the rip today guys with of course all the news going on in the NFL definitely leave a comment where you guys watching from what team is your favorite team and did they pick up any players so definitely leave it in the comments and also like I said guys most of these cards we don’t keep we put them on our posmart site so if you want to go over there see what we put up see if you can pick up some of your favorite players on there and always thank you guys for subscribing definitely send the the video to your aunt uncle your well thought anybody that is interested in a little bit of news and is of course likes ripping cards so you guys have a good one and we’ll see you on the next [Music] video

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