Golf Players

The Opening Drive – June 27th, 2024

00:00 – Cardinals-2 Braves-6 (G1) + Cardinals-4 Braves-1 (G2) — Did you notice any of the names from the NBA Draft?

20:30 – Sick of It!!!

35:30 – MLB Network’s Greg Amsinger on what Libby’s start mean for his future & which pieces are shaping up to be moved before the deadline

56:33 – TIOLI

1:11:30 – Fresh Take: Gordon Graceffo is 8-5 with a 3.84 ERA this season at Memphis, and in June is 4-0 with a 2.05. He was the Cardinals minor league pitcher of the year in 2022. How soon should he be called up?

1:23:15 – After tonight against the Braves, the Cardinals will play seven games against the two teams directly below them in the NL Central standings. How important is this week against the Reds and Pirates?

1:34:42 – The Fight

1:51:05 – They said whaaaaaaaat??? Texas coaches just keep up the gems…

2:05:53 – Rush Hour Reset

2:17:45 – Of all of the available players listed by Jim Bowden at The Athletic, who intrigues you most for the Cardinals?

2:35:26 – Has Liberatore won a rotation spot? Or should become the bullpen weapon the Cardinals need?

2:48:19 – Rocc and Roll

[Music] good morning everyone and welcome to the opening drive on 101 ESN in St Louis where at 7:00 your time check brought to you by colle Jewelers and officially licensed Rolex Jeweler let me turn my speaker down here on my computer so that we don’t have uh me yelling good morning everyone twice I was so confused about what totally confused yeah I didn’t when I came in this morning I didn’t turn my speaker down on my computer Brooke is here Dan is here Matthew is here I’m Randy morning kids how we doing what a way to start Rand what a way to start we rocking and rolling oh we’ll do that at the end of the show we’re doing great this morning especially after last night Matthew ltor guys were you expecting that from I don’t think anybody was honestly no uh but it it kind of makes you wonder what because we’ve talked before we like him in the bullpen we’ve pigeon hold him as a bullpen guy but he’s had some Starts Now where you wonder okay if he were just allowed to do that on a regular basis to start on a regular basis what could he be hitting 98 and the sixth is what caught my attention um now obviously the four scoreless or rather six scoreless Innings that’s going to get your attention too but the fact that his velocity stayed where it was was impressive for a guy that’s kind of swung back and forth from the bullpen to the rotation to keep his velocity up is what uh caught my eye yeah we we’ll get to that in a moment let’s start with this though when we’re going to take credit for the uh opening drive bump we’ve got to we got to take we’ve got to own the opening drive curse don’t we do we yeah sorry sorry Kyle Gibson I know that he said the delay the rain delay of 46 minutes affected him but we we all know better we all know that the power of the opening drive is much greater than some silly Mother Nature there was a lot of things going against him he had the morning drive uh curse he had the delay and he also had the time off in between starts yeah I think that’s what happened to me and and when watching him is that his velocity was a tick or two down wasn’t quite as sharp he just looked a little rusty and that that got to him yeah it seemed like after he got him in the first from the second Inning on he was just never he’s kind of out of sorts so and I’m sure he’s thinking jeez I go on the radio with these guys in the morning and then I pitch and then I hope he’s not thinking that he’s not concentrating on the sign and he’s not concentrating on pitchcombe I youever think he goes like behind the mound and goes man I answered that question right that third question from Brooke was that the oh you want a slider okay here we go so the Cardinals do lose the opener yesterday to the Braves six to2 then they rebound last night in the opener in the game that I was at knocking off the Braves 4-1 as we mentioned Matthew Liberator Sensational in the start six Innings he allows only two hits no runs he struck out eight and walked one set down his last 10 RVs Roy Croft came on with a scoreless inning and Ryan Hesley threw an in and picked up his 28 save although he has seen his strikeout rate fall about 7% behind last year so Ryan Hy comes up with still another save his 28th consecutive save that’s impressive man 28th consecutive you’re going to run into like just a bad hop or a couple of bloop singles and it cost you a game or whatever the case may be you know the walk rate is about normal but if you really break it down his last month the walk rate is a little problematic for me it’s up and so that tells me that when it goes up right there he’s not quite as sharp but still his stuff is so good he’s able to pitch around that and pick up a save now can we get into Matthew Liberator because I’m just so excited about this because one look what happens when he doesn’t have to do 15 minutes now I know that that was something that was just thrown at him last week something that you didn’t want to see with Kyle Gibson that was a tough position for Matthew lior to be put into now he has a day’s notice basically to get ready for that start yesterday and olar Maul explained after the game he thought kind of going in that they were going to hold him to that 70 to 75 pitch count and he had thrown 79 71 excuse me pitches through five innings and they sent him back out for the six I thought very a key signature moment for alar Maul one and for Matthew Liberator is that you have Aussie alz come up and that was an opportunity for him to be pulled but instead o Ral kept him in there and I thought that that was a huge moment because we know that he struck him out and I thought that was a signature moment for Matthew Liberator I thought though that you want to stay Lefty Lefty in that time frame and then you want to save Romero for the back end that that’s just where I was going with it and he’s pitching so well I think that you just say you know what man you’ve earned this time to we threw you in the starting rotation the way that you’re pitching right now you’ve earned it and uh I agree with both of you uh but I think I’ll ultimately what’s happening is in the past Ali maral has been married to the numbers and to the script and I think last night he managed with his gut he said okay this guy’s throwing so well they’re stress-free Innings let’s let him go and see what happens rather than taking him out at 70 or whatever the number was and abiding by a set script that you have before the game this was not a 2:00 meeting decision this was a uh the game was flying so it was like a 7:30 at night decision yeah and I also think just the to your point Randy the fact that the innings were for the most part non-stress you know that that’s the other thing is that you can talk about when these guys get these Innings and to me the seventh the eth and the ninth is so much different than the fifth the sixth and even sometimes the seventh where it’s it’s the impactful Innings that you have you come in and you’ve got Runners on there is just more stress when uh when you have those kind of situations and if he’s moving along I don’t see any reason as to why you you don’t keep a guy in I just don’t don’t I I think you roll the dice with them if that’s what you want to call it and you stay with them and you save your Bullpen that’s the other part that you get with this too and until Ali wins in the playoffs taking out Jose kintana against Philadelphia is going to be stuck to him just like Kevin cash and Blake Snell oh we have to talk about this huh Randy we got to talk about canana again yeah we do I’m just giving you trouble but because 100% I’m totally trouble yeah I know you are but 99 okay 99% of the people that that’s kind of unfortunately for Oli because we’ve talked about it he’s managed very well this year I I think he’s done a Master J by way I felt like you needed to talk about canana so I was all just because I was thinking last night I think like a lot of people right he’s going to take him out and he doesn’t need to yeah I was there with with that situation I mean he tossed what was it five scoreless at that point they sent him back out for the six for the nine hitter with Luke Williams and Kellick and then he was able to strike both of them out but when you have Aussie Al come up in that situation I thought for sure that they were going to pull him but to your point the gut test right in that situation Matthew lior looks really good and you show that you are building up that confidence and trust in him does he earn another start with the last night’s performance Ah that’s a good question I don’t know I it should the rotation should go back to one through five and it should line up if that’s the way you want to go I really like him out of the bullpen guys I I don’t you know I yesterday was great but are you going to see it on a consistent basis I feel like you know a little a little bit more what you’re going to get consistently out of Palante that’s saying a lot I I could be wrong about that but I I just like Matthew Liberator coming out of my pen here’s another thing though about Liberator coming out of the pen and I don’t disagree but you’ve got Romero you’ve got Liberator and maybe your best Lefty reliever this year has been John King and he never gets used and the other part of this yesterday you’re right the other part of yesterday in game one was Ley now he gave up a couple of runs but he did save your Bullpen a little bit for game two you going to use your 27th man which they did use in game two it’s just that’s what I love about baseball it’s like you can come on here the next day and we can dissect about every single move that you’re making and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t but the bullpen moves are always going to be I don’t know criticized or you give him a check mark in the positive box that’s what makes this fun also in that first game we got to see giovan gyos finally what did you guys think uh he was topping out at 93 consistently at 9192 and it took him I think 25 or 26 pitches to get through it I didn’t think his breaking ball was all that sharp they wanted him to go more than one inning but they they couldn’t because that first inning was so long um you just got to find out about them because if it’s if it’s not going to work here it’s going to be tough for him to stay I really believe that yeah it it looked to me like U he was a mid-season form is that good or bad there’s been some good mid Seasons there’s some bad mid he and man he he we knew this was going to happen he flirts with the pitch clock right he he just it’s like pulling teeth watching him pitch and he can be effective even when he was very effective and very good watching him pitch was drudgery and tough to go 45 seconds at times right yeah and yesterday he throws 26 pitches in that inning and I know why and you know why and Brooke and Matthew you guys know why it’s because he’s throwing 9192 you have to nibble you can’t challenge anybody when you’re throwing 9192 that sums it up he’s nibbling and he knows maybe he doesn’t have his best stuff and when you nibble you can get into trouble but hey to his credit got through it and uh they’re going to find out more about him I’m sure in the next week to 10 days guys my favorite thing in baseball and in sports is watching young players emerge and Blossom kind of like a flower and we’re seeing that with biscuits aren’t we like a flower yeah I you are biscuit and he was part of the uh the two out rallies that they had they two outs runners in scoring position and in the second game they it came through to fruition but yes Burleson can flat out hit and I think we’re seeing that right now and we heard from K Gibson yesterday just how much fun his teammates are having with him too so having that personality in the clubhouse I think matters as well but also of course what he’s doing at the plate matters a lot more too yeah NBA draft that Superstar Zachary ree goes first overall born in Spain but he is French and he’s uh he he’s now a member of the Atlanta Hawk congratulations to the Hawks and re I hope they enjoy their three or four years together uh the number two overall pick was a guy named Alex SAR and I think there’s a virus named after him the SAR virus oh no no different different guy SARS oh okay plural hey you know what you know what the really sad part is Randy you want to feel old so the Stars was like a thing in 2004 pretty sure that was the year that he was born oh I do feel old no cuz he’s 19 it’s 2004 so 2024 so I think he might have born after that was a thing in the first place so you know oh no want you guys want to feel old about anything that scares me there you go whenever you go to the gas station and you see the age that they have to buy tobacco and I was like there’s no way that’s real how about when a guy comes on who they bring the they bring the veteran who’s just on his last legs off the bench that ancient 33y old and you’re like oh that one that one’s right at the that one’s right in the heart that that one H that one hits hard yeah you guys are too young man you guys are youngsters we Randy and I old he like ah there’s some young kids out there young kids I give you credit though Randy you said the first pick his last name correctly commissioner didn’t yeah the commissioner screwed it up I think he’s his family must be like in the carpet cleaning industry or something with the name ree your caret clean by ree I like looking at the outfits I was more interested in the outfits than I am in the draft cuz I’m sitting there saying like Randy did none of these guys are going to stick around for three years on their original team and they’re going to go somewhere else and Pat the producer on Michelle smallman show I’m going to call it Michelle Michelle Michelle smallman show yeah um I thought that he hit it on the head like who do you who are these guys yeah like the NFL draft you know who these guys are but a lot of the college I knew the college kids I didn’t know anybody else but I think college has become a place now where Stars aren’t developed anymore either is that we all knew the name Zack Edan we knew he was a big guy and player of the year but it used to be if you through a first round you knew a bunch of the college players but especially because of the tournament and now all well not all but so many of the players are foreign born and they’ve played in France or for whatever reason college basketball just isn’t developing Stars anymore but there is something from last night that will warm your Boomer Hearts the big man is back Donovan kingan and Zack Edy go top 10 the seven-footer who can kind of move his feet a little bit it’s returned to you know relevance in basketball was baby well he also can shoot step back three-pointers I’m saying these guys aren’t going to be doing that at any point in their career most likely maybe clinging late L late like Brook Lopez in his career now broe what did you think of the bling man are back what did I think of the bling oh I I’m with you I think it’s more interesting to see the outfits that they’re wearing I like to see what what’s latest with fashion do I understand it no when we’re talking about age that’s stuff that makes me feel old where I’m like what what’s going on here but I think that you’re right there’s a lot going on with college basketball right now and I was thinking about this last night too about maybe why we don’t notice or care about these stars as much with college basketball I know the transfer portal is a big discussion we’ve talked about that a lot of maybe because of the transfer portal we don’t identify these players as much but what about Kentucky basketball over the years where you had all these oneandone guys is it just because that they were put out there publicly more you knew who they were because you knew if you went to Kentucky this guy’s about to go to the NBA what do you think it is well I’m with both you guys I see it both ways is that the the tournament at least allowed me to see more of the players so I understood a little bit more of the faces and the names behind Duke and Yukon had a couple of kids drafted in the first round so I saw them I saw Zack Edy play a lot with Purdue so I think to Randy’s point it does help that uh you see that in the um in the NCAA tournament but I’m with you Brooke like when John Cal par would go to Kentucky uh or have his kids from Kentucky was like the Kentucky Invitational in the first round or the draft it was like okay all these kids are one and done but you really didn’t know who they were so I see both sides of it I really do and Kentucky by the way did have two of the top eight picks Reed shepher went it number three overall to uh the Houston Rockets and then Rob Dillingham was drafted by San Antonio but he got traded uh but he was also from Kentucky the first Duke player was Jared mccan who went at number 16 so used to be Kentucky and Duke were the top five they owned the top five yeah but not anymore no not anymore Jared mccan by the way Tik Tok star so that’s another reason why I know that he’s obviously a great college basketball player he’ll do well with the Sixers but he’s also a Tik talkk star so I think that’s why a lot of people recognize him as well I thought that that that some teams may stay away from him because of so much social media yeah I you can get in trouble with it although his is just yeah his is so innocent and he’s he’s gets his teammates in it’s but I thought man would would they stay away from a little bit because of all the Tik Tok subscribers and all that stuff and they had fun with it on the the the de saying you know basically um he’s going to they were all saying like can we get to his amount of tickt you what is it 2.7 million something like that it’s a lot yeah so can we get that high I don’t know I mean ry’s got like 3 million that’s what I know I I knew you as a Tik Tok star Randy when I came over here that’s where it all well it started obviously with my just being able to provide people with my background on the Mean Streets of Cree core just you know spitting from the gut uh and then I went to another level when I got up on stage with Murphy Lee and he asked me to tour with him couldn’t do it because I had to do this show yeah yeah but uh yeah and then I found out about Tik to Tik Tock and my life has changed ever since how much were you offered by Murphy Lee I mean you make a lot of money on this show I’m sure but then you got Murphy Lee money too I mean that that’s I don’t know man apples and origes I don’t know so I was going to have to carry amplifiers and speakers and put them in the in the back of the truck you’re part of the traveling crew yeah exactly uh that’s Dan that’s Brooke that’s Matthew I’m Randy coming up we’ve got sick of it get your text in to the Air Comfort Service text line 314 399 9646 314 399 Yoo I think that you um honestly on this lead into mhm you you were a little like uh I forgot the number I forgot the number okay I for I’m old I forgot the number it’s 314 399 9646 or if you want to dial it up and look at your phone it is Yoho thank you Dan you’re welcome so give next on 101 ESPN e e e e e e [Music] time for sick ofid here on 101 ESPN and your your texts are welcome guys uh for the second time in three games last night Jordan Walker didn’t play and I didn’t I can’t find anything about him being hurt down at Memphis if we’re trying to improve prove this great young player in my opinion he should play and I’m sick of the fact that they sit him down there I I I’m fine with giving a guy a game off every by the way they have every single Monday off anyway I’m I’m sick of the fact that they just don’t get him into the lineup unless they’re doing things on the side but you know what we’re reaching a point now where he’s not performing at an extraordinary level and the Cardinals apparently are not thrilled with the way he’s doing metrically I I wonder at what point they he starts losing value because he’s not performing at that level I’m interested because I saw that he was in the lineup last night too and so I sent in the group chat I’m like where’s Jordan Walker maybe is he getting called up possibly because sometimes when you see that you think okay guy’s getting called up soon and then Randy you pointed out that he’s actually missed that many games recently you would think that consistency would be the biggest thing for him to see if he can consistently build off his at bats but maybe there’s something else going on there because I I just looked and I can’t find anything on social media about what’s going on with him my guess and we don’t know I I would think there’s something to it not necessarily maybe working on the side but maybe there’s some kind of ouchie that he may have as to why he would stay out of the lineup because it would make no sense to sit him what was it two out of three games M yeah he’s got to play he was out on the 23rd and 24th played on the 25th and the 23rd was uh was what was that that was Sunday today’s the 27th today’s so yeah he he played on the 22nd he was off on the 23rd they didn’t play on the 24th played on the 25th and then off on the 26th so I’m with you I think that there needs to be more consistency and I’m sick of him not playing down there and again we we’ve seen it with this organization before where when a guy doesn’t perform he loses value and you don’t wind up getting for him what you could have gotten If he if the guy has value and he’s part of a and you don’t think if you think okay we’ve got a year and a half now trying to ask him to change and he hasn’t changed but he still has talent and value and you can get a number one I’m talking about a number one starter you include him in that also we’re nosy so we just want to know what’s going on I think that’s also part of it speaking of social media last night Tom Timberman tweeted this out he said Tim Parker find an undisclosed amount for social media comments about officiating following cdc’s match against Atlanta MLS this is the comment from them the comments are in violation of the League’s public criticism policy what I’m sick of and look I’m not trying to do a whole thing on beating up on the refs but specifically with the MLS we’ve talked about this before about the inconsistency the lack of consistency that we’ve seen with calls I try to figure out what Tim Parker’s comments were that were so bad he apparently put a clown Emoji remember we discussed this on we discussed this on Monday MLS put up this post about you know the ref if you watched this past weekend he kind of did a little funny the theater I guess rendition of the V announcement and it aggravated some people some people thought it was funny Tim Parker put a clown Emoji underneath that so I’m sick of that because I understand especially been following MLS there’s been a lot of frustrations with the refs and I understand it’s not an easy job for them but the lack of consistency I think I understand where the players are coming from and why they have those frustrations I was thinking how much would be the fine it’s not like these guys are making you know $5 million a year so I wonder how much fine was if it was just like a slap on the wrist or like hey this is a real fine that to make sure that you don’t do this again I don’t know Rocko do you know how much the fines are uh I’m not really sure any the MLS come to think of it I’ve never I’ve never really yeah I’ve never really cared enough to dive into that piece of information to be honest probably never had to I even if Hey listen they say UND is fine that’s not going to be the thing that I just I spend an hour trying to dive into and find especially cuz with the MLS you have to find out how the salary threshold is by the dollar amount yeah well my sincere hope is that they interviewed Tim Parker because maybe Tim Parker has a great deal of respect for clowns maybe it was more endearing than anything exactly also you make yourself a ring later yeah how how you not supposed to be how you not supposed to be called a clown that’s what he did draw all the attention to myself there you go like come on like you you were making yourself the center of attention it’s it’s a little clown-like what did you think of it Rocko like I said I think I thought it was hilarious the guy’s comedic timing was absolutely perfect the ref yeah it was absolutely incredible um and again so far everything we’ve heard from the MLS review show and things like that everyone’s saying that it was the correct call I’m sick of coaches sick of them complaining when players leave but yet when Jim schlagle has a chance to leave and go to Texas without any uh hesitation he gone it it’s disingenuous it’s hypocritical I’m sick of coaches saying well we can’t have the players leave this transfer portal man this is something we can’t deal with all of a sudden when they get the best deal or want to go someplace else they gone oh he wanted to be with his buddy though oh well that let me take it all back then his buddy CDC Crystal K the uh the athletic director at UT yeah so got to got to be with my man yeah and had no idea by the way on Monday night no idea after his team had lost in the championship that uh Texas was going to come calling was shocking wasn’t it mhm really Happ really surprising we’re going to talk about this later because the sound of it is just crazy and he spoke yesterday at his introductory press conference and he kind of apologized but not really M yeah Matthew what what what are the uh what are the masses sick of today sick of it media companies buying the rights to sports they know nothing about the postgame coverage of the Stanley Cup finals was a joke from the bleeps to the commentary cutting away from the celebration constantly to show McDavid NBC’s coverage was a thous times better sick of it yeah I I really don’t think that PK suban and Mark Messier know what they’re talking about Mark mess I thought Messier was great I loved him I agree I mean he was awesome I think suban was great too I was just referencing the oh I know I I’m just I’m with you I thought those guys did a great job no I don’t disagree about the celebration you guys saw that right at the end there where you get that magical moment where they’re lifting the cup and then they panned away from it they didn’t get him fully doing that at the end fully doing it um barov didn’t successfully keep the camera on barov so we he skates away with it but the actual lifting it up for the first time they missed that cut on the camera it was off camera because they just didn’t cut to the right camera at the right time and it was more the production Than People criticizing the actual anal the the analysts are getting hammered for the NBA Finals coverage the production’s getting hammered around the NHL finals coverage see but even with the an analyst in the NBA I to me the problem with with that was that they had so the time that they were given was hardly any time to break down the game or talk about what was going on with a particular player they had so many commercials at halftime those guys were put in a bad spot put into a corner trying to fit in as much they could in very limited amount of time yeah that’s and that’s production too it’s behind the scenes a little bit thank you Matthew thank Randy coming up next week of MLB Network he’s going to be tired he was up late last night uh he’ll join us next on 101 ESPN e you have to use social media these days to connect with customers but what if there was a place where those connections with customers aren’t just made but they’re nurtured for the growth of your company enter 2060 digital assist your company of 101 ESPN backed by a 100-year-old media Empire in hubard and just like 101 ESPN if you’re a business owner marketer 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zero earn runs one walk and eight strikeouts for Libby the Cardinals will be back in Action starting a series against the Reds tonight 645 first pitch and it’ll be Andrew Abbott the Lefty for the Reds going up against miles Michels for the Cardinals Abbot on the season 6 and six with a 3.40 erra that is your sports center update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny lol autolex see them at Chevy together we drive are you kidding me with Brook Grimsley and Dan mclaughin I’m Randy carer it’s the opening drive on 101 ESPN in St Louis and Greg aminger had to come on after the Yankees Mets last night that game took 3 hours and 5 minutes we played a 2hour and 15minute game here and Greg despite doing MLB tonight late last night is back up early with us this morning and we really appreciate it Greg good morning how you doing uh you you know what I I Randy I I I feel very spry uh it was my first uh Big League rain delay with with big Leaguers and what I found was when you are in a rain delay and you’re waiting doing absolutely nothing but sitting around telling stories uh big leers like to eat and I think I I think I put on like SE six or seven pounds just from the rain delay last night with Alex sevila and yand Alonzo so it wasn’t good for me too many carbs way too many cars uh Greg the the Cardinals are kind of rolling here playing well they take two out of three from Atlanta let’s start with that the Braves despite not having Strider and aunia and their offense still struggling they’re still a really good team is this a benchmark for the Cardinals for you does this tell you something about the Cardinals that maybe you didn’t think or no I kind of I I don’t want to say I I saw this coming but I kind of feel like I’ve been sort of annoying about this on your show this is what I thought from Jump Street to the Cardinals would look like I thought they’d average more runs per game I thought the guys that would be contributing might be different a couple of them are in the minor leagues right now but the starting pitching was going to be massively improved uh I was hoping Matthew Liberator would get a chance to maybe be what you know Jordan Hicks has become for the San Francisco Giants couldn’t become that with the St Louis Cardinals had an opportunity last night look great on the mount and I hope he kind of takes the ball by the horns and stays in the rotation expect it to be Goldie and arado waking up that really hasn’t completely happened I know gold Schmid’s had some success uh as of late but since miday this is one of the best teams in baseball I’m trying to think about a a TV segment all the time it is it is now like an obsession for me I’ll walk by get the mail and something will trigger me oo I like this mail segment maybe we can get a mailbox and we’ll put that in studio 42 and that’s how we’ll do the allstar ballad like everything I do I think about I think about TV segments and I’m sitting here um feeling like a zombie because I think I slept like three hours and I it made me come back to one of the scariest movies of all time Night of the Living Dead right and there are three things that we thought were dead and now they’re walking and you can’t kill them and you can’t put them away and they’re not walking fast like they’re not blowing teams out it’s just like this slow stumble and it’s the Cardinals it’s the Astros and it’s the New York Mets and matter of fact the Mets did P out the Yankees last night but those three teams were dead in the water now they’re at 500 or better and they’re surging so I I think waking up this early to be on the air with you has inspired a Night of the Living Dead segment that I like this I like that a lot well Greg as you mentioned Matthew lior looked great last night striking out eight across six scoreless now you said that you think that he deserves another shot at the starting rotation do you think that he should return to a relief rooll or do you think the Cardinals should opt to include him in a six-man rotation I think the Cardinals need to do everything to make the kid happy and he earned another another start he did is he a weapon out of the bullpen I think he is he’s unique different than all the other guys they have out there I I I am a big believer in doing whatever you can to get people you’ve invested in and they invested in him uh former first round pick they didn’t draft him but they traded a talented guy to get him they need to do everything in their power to make sure he can Thrive and he can succeed U I do not think there is you know everyone’s equal in a Major League baseball farm system slash big league roster you have monetary investments in guys are not equal so I am rooting and there’s a reason for that Matthew Liberator has unique a unique skill set that if it all clicks you’re looking at what Andrew Miller could have been if he was a starter which would have been fun to watch he had a great career’s reliever but I would wish that the Tigers were a more patient with a former first round pick out of North Carolina to see what he could have become it takes for some reason I don’t know why this is but this is the case it really makes no sense but left-handed pitchers take a little longer to develop to to figure things out I’m guessing it’s because the majority of hitters are right-handed in the big leagues that’s just the first observation but I I really hope Matthew lior gets a you know a gift and they say hey that was a great performance let’s see what you can do again in five days or four days and if if that is the case watch out because the talent is there for this young guy to be that massive surprise in the rotation that can change things for the St Louis Cardinal with uh so many teams that are bunched in the national league right now with uh the the wild card and what the Cardinals May do at the top the NL Central certainly they’re in the division and as it pertains to what happens here in St Louis how active do you think the Cardinals will be number one and number two what are you hearing about the trade deadline and how active teams will be because of all these teams bunched together it’s funny pet Alonzo was assumed to be Trad it right and now all of a sudden the Mets aren not even considering that with the Mets being in the mix and playing the they’re playing uh to me it’s like the trade deadline is going to go backwards we’ve got to look at aggressive teams that need to get rid of players right like the Chicago White sock you can’t wait for Garrick crochet to blow out you’ve got to move the number one starting pitching asset on the trade market Luis Robert Jr is playing why wait for him to go back on the iil before you sit there going oh no we missed our opportunity I think the Chicago White Sox are going to be highly motivated to move their guys the Toronto Blue Jays are going to be highly motiv motivated to move their guys we did a segment the other day she blow up the Blue Jays now there are two options either you blow up the Blue Jays and you hold on to John Schneider who is the Blue Jays version of Oli marol he does everything the front office wants him to do okay that’s that’s the new role of manager it is what it is or you change the leadership to have a new voice and maybe spark this Collective group of players that you think is good enough to make a postseason run like firing Joe gerardi a couple years ago Rob Thompson takes over Phillies go to the World Series so what do you do I think you have to detonate I think you have to blow this team up and the way vlat Guerrero Jr is swinging the bat right now you got to move him now he’s red hot he’s one of the hottests in baseball Bo bashet is not seen ey die with the manager who he’s had since he was in the minor leagues his his stock is low you might have to hold on to him because you just want to give him away give one more year of control after this so I think it’s for some reason the trade market sounds like it’s going backwards where teams are going okay uh the Blue Jays are motivated to move blatty are we interested in this because everyone else seems to be in the mix so it’s the motivated seller that I think will drive the free agent Market I the Cardinals are G to be like so many teams trying to add depth to a bullpen that they’ve ridden really hard really hard to get to this point in the season native St louison product of the the Lindenwood University lead anchor at MLB Network Greg aminger with us on 101 ESPN Greg what would it take for the Cardinals to get Garrett crochet from the white sucks it’s a massive deal I mean you get years of control the other aspect to it Randy is he missed a whole year due to Tommy John and his first Big League start was opening day this year he was used as a relever so while you know they are not kid gloves on a guy that’s out in the bullpen you still don’t have the wear and tear I mean remember when Jeff Samara was a free agent the feather in his cap was he was used as reliever for the majority of his years of control than he was as a starter remember Zack Wheeler got a his first big contract uh with the Philadelphia Phillies yes he was a good pitcher we never thought he was gonna end up being what he is now when he got his first $100 million pitcher of a contract but the big feather in his cap was that he didn’t pitch he didn’t have the wear and tear he was injured all the time so because he wasn’t pitching and the wer all these career Innings that has added value to the pitcher G crochet has very few Innings and right now he looks nasty years of control left and you’re going to have to give up a hall I think four players now that’s one of those deals where you sit on the phone and you go okay we all know who our Top 10 Prospects are we consider one for sure you’re gonna have to talk me into two but I would prefer not to go there that’s how these negotiations are going to go you have to realize the Dodgers need Garett crochet it looks like the New York Yankees need jar crochet so it’s going to take a lot to get this kid away from the Chicago White Sox Greg I have a ton of respect for the uh the Run differential stat I think at the end of the season it’s a big thing but right now the Cardinals are minus 31 in the Red Run differential and in the first 20 days of the season they had four games their opener against the Dodgers they were minus six against the Miami marlands on April 7th they were minus 7us 7 against Milwaukee on April 20th and then on April 23rd minus 13 against Arizona so in the first 20 days of the season they were they had a minus 33 in in four games does that change that minus 31 for you for the Cardinals on the season well look I have play through what you were saying and asking me just now uh I I kind of zoned out because unlike you I do not care run def okay good good okay I don’t I I I I I I genuinely don’t I watched so much baseball over the last 16 years now I I can feel players feet come off the gas when it’s eight to three and all of a sudden the final score is 14 to three game over I just you it is what it is I don’t dive into that there are certain stats that my research staff which I adore them all they’re amazing brilliant young people when they feed me stats it’s like a waste of time I’m not going to ever say it on the air I’m never going to use it run different I don’t care about like just point to the win and loss record I’m going to close my eyes and guess the Philadelphia Phillies have the best run differential I’m just gonna guess that I don’t know it I’m just gonna guess it because they have the most wins and the fewest losses it’s really B based on that to me to me to me um uh win probability if someone feeds me win probability in my ifb while I’m live on the air I’m calling security and escorting that resarch out of the building of great right no it’s 9 to one it is a 99.9% win probability the Cubs are going to lose this game dude come on I don’t care we’re literally creating stats that are pointing out the obvious that we already knew hey Greg aminger has a 99.9% chance of ending his life over 6 foot two oh wow holy whoa I guess we gotta put that in the a block I don’t understand it’s no defense but run differential does not get me going Randy Phillies are number one by the way Dodgers are number two I can’t believe I get that can’t believe I get what are you hearing with the trade deadline on on what type of players are going to be moved meaning are you hearing starters Bullpen guys position players what’s the the marketplace where’s it starting to go Dan you remind me of my chemistry teacher Mr Rand off I would Goof Off in class and then he like Greg look at the board look at the board what are we talking about right now raise your hand i’m like I’m sorry Mr Randolph I forgot um yes getting back to the trade deadline yes getting back wait a minute how do I remind you of a chemistry teacher I’m I’m a little lost here I’m just asking you about the trade deadline for God’s sakes oh you know brg why are you in this classroom right now oh why are you on the air yes it’s because of the trade deadline um no I look I think it’s going to be pitching it’s the most fickle thing in the game there are the teams that are winning right now are scoring runs other than one and that is the Seattle Mariners so it’s one team that is that is massively underperforming offensively that are going to be the mix with playoffs so as the Houston Astros are surging you a fan base in Seattle who are sitting there waiting for a guy whose MO is to trade for everyone in Jerry depoto and he’s not making the most obvious move to me times these guys uh their egos get in the way Buck Showalter I work with now I Absolut absolutely adore the guy but he’s so smart the obvious move was to bring Zack Britain out of the bullpen who was the best closer in baseball against the Toronto Blue Jays but instead instead he made the more genius move that no one was expecting and brought in Baldo and will give it up on the road and Zach Brit never pitched in the game sometimes these baseball Geniuses they they they hate when there’s an obvious move they have to make and with Pete Alonzo no longer on the on the market it’s all about Vladimir Guerrero Jr the problem is there’s one guy to go get that really is the game changer for the the beers it’s vlat Guerrero Jr because Luis Robert doesn’t show you the durability help really Kickstart and change that lineup so the issue with Vlad Vlad Guerrero being the guy is the Houston astr don’t have a first baseman so if you’re the Houston Astros and you’re winning seven in a row and your young pitching is shocking everyone and you’re surging your four and a half games behind the Mariners now you could trade for the guy that’s clearly the obvious Target for the Seattle Mariners and if the Houston Astros land vat Guerrero and the Mayors get B Lev c-level DL offens talent to quote unquote fix the lineup I’m a furious Seattle Mariner fan other than that it’s all starting pitching and relief help that’s going to be it and if N Miller isn’t dangled by the Oakland a good luck finding a true Game Changer in the back end of a bullpen that will be available hey Greg one last thing and you guys talked about this last night on MLB tonight Bob kasus made reference during the game that Aaron judge right now is the best player with all due respect to Otani and you had some amazing judge statistics and how about Shi Otani as a leadoff hitter since mooki bets went out 10 games 378 batting average 500 on base 946 946 slug from the leadoff position for 1.4462 or Aaron judge I think that Otani does I agree with you and the reason for that is Freddy Freeman Will Smith tasar Hernandez are hitting behind him and whoever they trade for to play short stop because me roof isn’t gonna be that guy for the rest of the year so he’s gonna be with a lot of support behind him the problem is he’s gonna be hitting lead off so the r RBI opportunity might not be there whereas Marcel Ozuna is not going to be hitting lead off for the Atlanta Braves the Braves lineup’s going to get healthier as we go on those guys are eventually going to get hot and he’s going to be hitting fourth or fifth for the Atlanta brid he’s be driving in a lot of runs so I that’s going to be a challenge but there’s no one hitting behind the New York Yankees the Yankees are a top heavy lineup much like the Los Angeles Dodgers just not as deep in that top half they’re never going to put Juan soda behind Aaron judge so why would you pitch to Aaron judge right I’m sorry I gotta make laor Tores beat me I gotta make uh you know DJ lame I mean let’s think about this for a second had J D Davis hitting behind Aaron judge JD Davis was just recently DFA by the Glend A’s they had to go get a guy literally someone with a pulse they hit behind their judge that’s how hard it is for them to find fire power behind those two guys that are going to be a combined billion dollars when Soto’s deal is done so that’s why they’re not going to be the team that’s trading away the farm to go get a Vlad Guerrero Jr I just don’t think they’re going to be the team that lands the guy you ready for Arizona Cardinal training camp to get underway yes yes and I gotta tell you I talked to White you I’m like look I think we need to try to make Cardinal Jets happen I think we need she really you want to go all the way out there yeah London and I can go we’ll play a little golf oh that’s why you want to go you want to play golf no that’s not why I want to play golf I want to you know I’m I’m I’m motivated to be an Arizona Cardinal fan forever I hate the Jets and I’m the biggest anti-ar Rogers fan so please by all means I think I’m working on her I I think this negotiation is going my way it’s close all right I’m proud of you good job okay if it happens I’m GNA give you a call say join us we’ll be we’ll be tailgating and we’ll uh we’ll have Voodoo dos with Aon Rogers on it it’ll be fun sounds great hey have a great day thanks for getting up early with us we appreciate it you guys the best take care thanks Greg see you later Greg aminger MLB Network you can see him on MLB tonight and he loves that whole network loves the trade deadline and all the rumors that come with it I do too I’m still trying to figure out the connection between the chemistry and the trade deadline I don’t know I think that he was trying to say that you were basically kind of like his teacher back in the day making sure that he stays on subject and getting back to the important thing which is the trade deadline everybody wants to talk about the trade deadline we got take you’re welcome yeah toi coming up 314 399 9646 314 399 yo take it or leave it next at 101 ESPN e e e e e say something we’ll put it out there if you like it you can take it if you don’t send it right back get your text into 314 399 9646 and give us your take it or leave it brought to you by Gloria l realy visit Gloria hasthe and start packing that’s my final author take it or leave it [Applause] [Music] time for take it or leave it uh kids a couple of nights ago hunter green was pitching for the Reds pitching to Brian Reynolds and he threw a pitch and threw up all over the M uh take it or leave it you’ve had pictures that made you throw up oh I will take that I’ll take that oh for sure day there’s been some bad starts along the way yep there’s been some bad starts some bad relief appearances too yeah not not great to feel bad for him because then it’s all over social media just over and over and over and over again kind of like Brian from Family Guy oh I’ll never forget uh in Arkansas I was covering this high school football team and this kid was known for I guess when he would get really anxious or he would exert a lot of energy he would throw up so every single game and he was there running back so can you imagine how that worked out for him he’d puke and you would have to avoid that when I was shooting High School football game so that’s nasty yeah I felt for him he was very talented though so it didn’t hinder him in that way oh he’s quite talented yeah all right take it or leave it guys uh don’t know if you saw the injury news yesterday coming out of the Cardinals but Tommy Edmond sprained his ankle has he hasn’t started his rehab ass assignment yet that was something that happened at Bush Stadium yesterday so take it or leave it after hearing that we will not see Tommy Edmond this season I know that it’s going to he’s considered day today but still another set back like that we’re going to see him at some point I’m going to leave it yeah I’m going to he’s he’ll show up at some point maybe August or something he’s going to have to yeah I mean I’m not putting all my eggs in the Tommy Edmund basket but for goodness sakes he’s got to get back on the field at some point this year it is June 27th so he has all of July and are there 30 days in June 27 28 29 30 uh yes okay good 31 in July 31 in August okay good yeah so yeah uh so he’s got 35 days 35 days is Enough To Hell Marshall Faulk had knee surgery and played eight days later so or no 11 days later so uh if he can do it Tommy can recover from a sprain dank I think so too it’s not like he’s got turf toe or anything come on Tommy the Milwaukee Brewers have already used I just looked this up uh last night they’ve already used 14 different starting pitchers this season 14 that’s more than any other Brewers team in any one season take it or leave it because of that the Cardinals not only make the playoffs they win the division oh I’ll take that oh yeah I think they got a good shot I do too they’re getting healthier they’re pitching better things are coming together the young guys are turning into young stars on this team so coming back you got n coming back I don’t want to see anybody else play center field other than Michael Shani defensively I know that and he can hit another great catch last night he can play you know I was thinking and I’m I don’t I don’t know if I should bring this up to him or not but since his great uncle did play for the Raiders shouldn’t his walk up song be that Raiders NFL films music yeah yeah I love that one me too I think it’s great you were so excited when there was an actual connection there CU sometimes that doesn’t actually happened ious not related yeah so pretty cool uh Matthew what do you got on the text line there buddy yeah buddy take it or leave it the Cardinals are a top tier outfielder pitcher away from winning the division I’ll take it I’m going to leave that yeah I I don’t think they I think they need to go Bullpen more than top tier they’re getting away with it right now on on their fifth now talking about what it would mean in postseason play that’s a different conversation but think if they handle their Bullpen I think this is going to be the team to beat before it’s all said and done I think they’re two players away from being a Division champion R Ruth and garri they would help how about arnado and Goldie yeah oh I would like to see that those Goldie last night how about the stolen base I you know what I talked about the value the other day of Paul gold Schmid and other things he does how about the throw up the line from ronado and then the tag by Goldie which saved the game at that time absolutely there’s no doubt about it take it or leave friends that put pineapple on Pizza aren’t really friends leave it leave it leave it no no no no I love pineapple on my pizzaa I don’t understand how salty and sweet can go together I’m a toddler I’ve never had it no never had it never will Randy we have to work on this yeah we do we have to work on this they’re used to be a place uh pizza place called Noble Romans it was at 141 in Olive that had fantastic Hawaiian pizza how do you remember all these places for food Randy you know exactly location you know exactly how I remember it today is National today is National Pineapple Day so just uh go to the store maybe go to the the market just you decorate your home your front porch the pineapple uh uh no Randy no I know what you’re doing there please don’t do that yeah what the heck dude come on man why you wait it’s natural pineapple Z for I zone out for two seconds and you switch us to an HD channel apparently can we get back to the innocence of the pineapple on pizza because it’s one of my favorite things to get cuz we have a Domino’s right by our house thin crust pineapple on the pizza with pepperoni and jalapenos o oh it’s delicious Canadian thin crust from dominoes I love thin crust from dominoes I like thin crust pizza that’s why I like OS Pizza yeah uh you order there’s also doino thin crust from dominoes I’m just saying cuz it’s right next to our house I also like eat those pizza have you ever done either pineapple and Canadian bacon yes it always hits It’s undefeated yeah it is it’s great those people are your friends you know why you put salt on Carl ladies and gentlemen welcome to the world take it or leave Michael has more trade value right now than a healthy Tommy Edmond ever will leave it I’m going to leave that as well Sean’s got a hit yeah yeah now he’s come up with some hits here recently and and maybe it’s he’s getting more experience I love him though as a defensive replacement defensive replacement man he’s he’s going to be good down the stretch if that’s the direction they go yeah take it or leave it the Cardinals need a good oldfashioned brawl to make this playoff run legit take it well they already did have an argument so I’ll take that let’s have a braw with the Reds this weekend you may get that yeah David Bell’s kind of a rooster he I think he likes to fight who else should be in that hutter green he might throw up on you yeah that’s true oh then that ends the fight now that we’ve got gyos back though gyos is really enthusiastic about the Battle he’ll fly over the uh the bullpen wall one of my favorite videos other than Marcelo Zuna and uh the whole you know that situation Spider-Man yes yeah or lack thereof because Spiderman would catch it that’s a good point take it or leave it we shouldn’t hold it against very innocent people who are just trying their hardest who happen to throw up on baseball fields I’ll take that we should hold that against them hard trying their hardest everyone you know why he’s saying that remember what happened in the Home Run Derby last year saying it yeah remember so Dan does it anyways Rocko we had the Home Run Derby last year turn your mic off I have the power and uh Rocko joke threw up a little bit did you really I started coughing while I was trying to catch my breath and so like both things hit the same time in my lungs and then other things started he puked and ried I I hit pretty well I did I did exactly what I needed to do as the as the the third person on my team I was exactly at the level they needed me to be what is that I’m thinking about why that do you remember why that Home Run Derby ended yes because snapped his leg ankle guy went all Napoleon cuff and he was in one of those in one of those big squirrel things the ball that you the bounce against each other kind of thing and they were racing each other and he snapped his leg Yeah great I saw him at a battle Hawks event recently and he he’s doing very well good glad uh take it or leave it the streak may continue but you’re not feeling overly confident when Hy gets the ball in the ninth right now oh leave it he gets a 27th out yeah gets it done that’s all I’m all I’m looking for is a 27th out I think he’s due though for a little flip on the radar yeah maybe a just and then you rest him for two or three days he comes out and he dominates we just need a little 60 seconds from two Jason ising Housen broadcasting uh veterans to talk the younger generation through a guy who gets it done but puts a little fear of God into you when he does it yeah the the Orioles once had with all due respect to our greatest Cardinal in the uh 70s the Orioles had a closer named Don stanhouse and his nickname was stand the man unusual y um because he was unusual and he he he had a quirky personality and he would always load the bases but he got the job done and that’s all you’re looking for is get the job done isn’t it like every closer that hits these you know the walk rate gets up a little bit going on here with uh with uh Hesley but I remember when gyos was closing games out too you had you know times where you looked at it and go man he’s he doesn’t have it but somehow they find a way closers do that 93 it happened with Bruce Suter yeah that’s another one yep so it 8 83 happened yeah not he he wasn’t pitching anymore in 93 83 it happened with Bruce uh thank you Matthew and thanks for your text we do appreciate it coming up Gordon grao is rolling at Memphis when should the Cardinals bring him up that’s the next time 101 ESPN e e e e e e e e e a fresh perspective on today’s top stories this is fresh take presented by lyndenwood University real experience real [Music] success 11 in St Louis time check brought you by Clarkson Jewelers is an officially licensed Rolex Jeweler Brook Dan and Randy and a quick look at the fresh take Gordon grao is now 8 and five with Memphis with a 3.84 earned run average in June 4 and0 with a 2.05 he was the Cardinals minor league pitcher of the year in 2022 and with the good starts recently of Matthew Liberator and of U Andre Palante uh the question becomes at what point do the Cardinals consider bringing grao up one of the things about him though is he has not pitched it’s the 27th out hasn’t pitched since June 19th I don’t know if the Cardinals are arresting him or if there is a physical ailment that grao is dealing with but man you look at that June 4-0 with a 2.85 2.05 earned run average 21 strikeouts six walks in 22 Innings he appears to have figured something out he’s got a new windup and maybe grao is the next guy in line if the Cardinals do indeed need a starter well they definitely need to add him to the 40 man first and I thought that the opportunity would come since you have this double header where the Cardinals have a 27th man of maybe you would see maybe one of the guys from the minor leagues like we’ve seen coffen Stein come up he’s still part of the 40 man grao is still not on there but I want to see what you have with him but do you guys think with what Matthew Liberator did yesterday with his start we talked about it about how good he looked with six scoreless that that pushes back graph’s timeline of when we would possibly see him up in the majors yeah I think when you have success with the guys that are here it gives you at least a little breathing room to bring guys up you don’t have to do it um and I know the numbers Randy bear out that um he’s pitching well I just wonder if there’s some of the underlying numbers that they have sa metrically that and analytically that they probably sit there and say he needs a little bit more seasoning because let’s face it if he was ready he probably would have been up to Brooks Point to make a spot start but it didn’t happen I’m a big proponent of these guys are close to being ready of putting them in the bullpen and letting them get their feet wet and maybe that’s one of the directions that they go and try to supplement any deficiencies that they may have moving forward with their Bullpen that’s not a bad thing because he’s been a swing and Miss guy he’s been a dominant pitcher at times at the minor league level obviously last year was dealing with a lot of injury issues but he’s 24 now and this is his second year in Triple A so at some point yeah it’s about time when you’re 24 you’re going to reach that that time where you’ve got to get to the majors and start producing at the major league level I I just wonder what they see that would be the big question I have is just is there re you know you gave the numbers and those numbers you know are impressive but is there something that they don’t see or do they feel like hey we have bought time with Palante and with Liberto to allow us not to have to push somebody if we feel that they’re maybe on the cuss but not quite ready yet and speaking of buying time that’s why Kyle Gibson and Lance Lynn are here mhm yeah I think another thing with Gordon gfo too is is he a name that when you’re looking at the trade deadline the Cardinals are making some moves is he a pitcher that they’re looking to move I think anything’s on the table you know I I think you look at uh any of the the minor league guys that you have outside for me Jordan Walker I’m not touching him I i’ still believe in him and I think he’s going to be an outstanding player before it’s all said and done but yeah I mean you got to give up something to get something and maybe that’s one of the directions that they go I think anything’s on the table I do think though that the Cardinals uh to your point Dan they have to at some point look at this Bullpen and by the way it’s performed really well yeah but let’s just throw gyos out there as an example if organizationally you determine and you have to go down and watch Gro pitch but if you determine that Gro is a better pitcher for you in a fifth or sixth inning than giovan gagos is you should be doing everything can to win every game at the major league level this year to for me if I’m the Cardinals if I’m Mo if I’m gers if I’m the dit I’m all in on trying to win this year with where I am right now with this team and the ascending players that I have I I want to have my best 26 available especially at this time of year you know you’re getting close to the trade deadline and then all of a sudden it’s going to be August and it’s a two-month race to the finish and at that point the contracts don’t play it’s the best players play so I’m with you and you know to their credit they put them themselves in a position to be potentially a division winner or leader and obviously they’re they’re leading or second in the Wild Card right now with a I think it’s a game and a half lead so you know what I I’m with you I think the best players need to be here and you certainly find that out uh going down the stretch I do think though that they’re trying to figure out what do we have in gagos is can we get something out of him that showed us some signs of two years ago or 3 years ago or even at times this year where things were successful where it can be consistent and if not then you’re going to have a problem in that Bullpen and Brook by the way gyo is making almost $6 million too that has something to do with it and it’s just I think he’s done after this year correct yeah you have to figure out what you have with him but going back to grao and I’ve seen this Theory come up a lot with some of the young prospects especially when you’re getting closer to the trade deadline I want to see if you guys think this is true or not because some people think okay well with some of these top pitching prospects you don’t want to bring them up to the majors yet in case they don’t do well and they might lose some of that trade value is that a theory that could be true in this situation I think so but I I think that what it comes down to because that pitcher is going to be scouted by the other team what it comes down to is like Dan’s talking about the peripherals what they see what his vo is what his spin rate is uh what his inch break in velocity and or or in horizontal and vertical is they’re looking at all that stuff yeah I and I think that if they had a start or two that didn’t work well in the major leagues to what Randy’s saying the these teams kind of know they they know and think about you know how it would fit in their their organization and and the other thing is maybe they see something in a player player X and they say they’re not doing that here Cardinals are doing that with players that are across the board other teams are doing that with their personnel that if we get him in our system or get him with a particular pitching coach there’s something we can do to improve what said player may be doing or not doing at that point that’s today’s fresh take here on 101 ESPN coming up the Cardinals after this series against Atlanta starting tonight have some division games how important are those going to be because you don’t have as many that’s next down 101 ESPN coverage of 101 ESPN is presented by under law injury lawyers get e did somebody say free diamond bracelet that’s right Diamonds Direct is expanding about their best offer yet make any purchase this month and receive a free diamond tennis bracelet valued at $2,000 that’s right any engagement ring any diamond necklace any time piece purchase any item valued to $10,000 more and receive a stunning diamond tennis bracelet at no extra cost every purchase of $10,000 or more qualifies so hurry into Diamonds Direct your chance to get a 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Cardinals by 4 and A2 in the Central and then after that Pittsburgh comes to town for three the Pirates are 8 and A2 or no the Cardinals go to Pittsburgh for three the Cardinals are uh two and a half ahead of Pittsburgh in the stand standings so the Cardinals should make it their objective to keep those teams below them in the standings below them four against the Reds coming up guys and the Cardinals are going to have four uh favorable pitching pairings uh you’ve got Andrew Abbot against miles micheles tonight 6:45 at the Ballpark tomorrow night Frankie monos for the Reds he goes against Palante and then you’ve got the Reds pitching Carson spes against Sunny gray on Saturday and then Sunday’s game Lance Lyn pitches for the Cardinal against hunter green of the Reds because the Cardinals don’t have the massive advantage that they used to have they used to play 72 games in the division and the division for the most part since 2000 has been lesser than the Cardinals now that it’s down to 14 games against each team so 56 rather than 72 I look at it as more imperative that the Cardinals dominate within their division and that includes these next seven games I think these are really important for this uh this team if they want to be a Division champion oh 100% these are very very important because we’ve talked about a lot about you have great wins for this team but you’ve also had some really bad losses so you have to take care of business against the Reds and Pirates parody in the league is so weird right now because even though the Cardinals won a series against the Braves they still lost ground in the division and I don’t really know how the Brewers are even doing it currently with their starting pitching because they have lost a full rotation worth of starting pitchers to the iil this year and how the Brewers are doing it yeah the Cardinals are 4- six against the Rockies Marlins and White Soxs baseball is weird though the Cardinals are 8 And1 against the Braves Giants and Orioles so go figure that one out but um I look at this and you talk about the importance of of winning in the division where would the Cardinals be if they played better against Milwaukee yeah so that proves your point is that you have to play well within the division there’s not as many opportunities that you have head-to-head against these teams they only have one day off before the All-Star break so these are very important games coming up at this point in the season and by the way Milwaukee is just a good organization they they lose their guys they lost David Sterns to the Mets they lose Craig Council to the Cubs and they just keep chugging along and doing the same thing and they lose players or players have down years and they replace him with other guys council’s not doing it in in Chicago now the the Mets have just gotten hot but they’re the Brewers they they they get rid of Corbin Burns they don’t have uh they their the rotation that they planned on having 14 different starters yeah that’s crazy and they’re rolling along so they deserve a ton of credit in Milwaukee just for having a terrific organization they really do so you have to take care of business and my other big question in the series that you have coming up with the Reds and with the Pirates who do you guys need to see Step Up of course we’ve talked a lot about Alec burlson Mason wi and then you have that great start from Matthew lior the baby birds are coming up but who else you need to see in these next two next two series step up my highest paid guy my my $35 million year third baseman and he’s banged up right now you know there’s no doubt that he’s a little banged up it would be nice to see him at 100% or close to it to see what he could do I think who needs a step up as your starting rotation um see if you can get a little bit deeper in some games from guys that aren’t going as deep give Sunny gray credit for what he did last time out but I want to see the starters go a little bit deeper which then means your Bullpen guys aren’t relied upon as much and I think into the All-Star break that could be very important Dan and Brooke I want to start this by prefacing that I know absolutely not absolutely nothing about hitting and I like to ask people when I’m down at the Ballpark because I don’t have any clue about baseball Stu about Nuance but I will say this just because I watched last night I went back and looked at that ronado first home run that he hit with the Cardinals with his head down he he looked like a golfer when he hit that home run his head down behind the ball his the way he swings the bat the way his stance is at the plate is completely different than it was that day when he hit that home run in his first game with the Cardinals it it’s different and I also wonder um what’s going on right now with him physically I mean to his credit he’s answering the Bell he called ali uh the night of the rain out and said I want to be in both games just I’m banged up doesn’t matter I want to give him I want to give you everything I got so I wonder if that’s a part of it too yeah and you need him now you ask who needs to step up in the division the the big boys that’s why you have them and Goldie and arnado you you can’t count on the baby birds forever they’re great and maybe they will be great forever but at some point you’ve got to be able to count on the guys that you put the trust in with the money with the paycheck that they’re getting every week exactly I think that arnado is dealing with injuries we know that he had T to nus in his left forearm which kept him out for two games prior to that but in the double header yesterday he went one for eight you can just really see him struggling at the plate so I just wonder at some point if maybe a little bit of a break would benefit him I think so he looks limited he just looks when he swings the bat he doesn’t look like he can take a full swing anymore look at his throw yeah right I mean his throw at to me was a good example that he’s not right I mean n times out of 10 if not 10 out of 10 it’s at the chest of Paul gold Schmid with routine plays and when he’s throwing a ball up the line and it took a great play by Goldie to essentially save the inning and maybe save the game that tells me he’s not quite right so the Cardinals will take on the Reds tonight 6:45 again is the start time and the Cardinals will pitch miles michelas and hopefully he can come away with a victory for the Red Birds tonight that’s Dan that’s Brooke Matthew is here I’m Randy and coming up we’ve got our fighter returning after his victory yesterday in the fight here on 101 ESPN League Baseball is back on ESPN Saturday Orioles and Rangers game one pregame at 5:30 p.m. first pitch at 6:15 p.m. in Sunday game two pregame at 5 first pitch at 610 your home for Major League Baseball is 101 ESPN e e hey everyone it’s bur here and I want to tell you why I love the Missouri Athletic Club I love going over to the West location I work out twice a week with Christine she’s my personal trainer and it’s just so much fun seeing the results that I have right now with working with her also I love going over there to play tennis at the West location and it’s pool season and that is the pool to be at this summer they always provide such a wonderful experience it’s so much fun and that’s why I love my Mac e this is Rocky with your sports center update brought to you by celga Heating and Cooling the St Lou Cardinals yesterday split their double header against the Braves 6-2 loss in game one and then a 4-1 victory in game two Matthew Liberator deals six Innings pitched two hits zero earned runs one walk and a strikeouts the Cardinals will resume play this evening 6:45 p.m. they start a series against the Reds it’ll be miles michelas on the mound for the Cardinals that is your sports center update brought to you by SGA H calling an independent magn and heating and air conditioning dealer Randy [Applause] carer welcome back to the opening drive Brook Dan and Rocko here and it is time for the fight and we have a returning fighter today we’re bringing back Rob Rob how are you doing great how are you oh we’re doing great how’d you feel after yesterday’s Victory um pretty good I uh I had a in my in my dreams last night I I turn on the radio and someone else was fighting so oh no yeah did you have a lot of family and friends uh either listen or find out about this uh victory that you had yesterday I didn’t tell anybody and um not sure if they would expect me to be fighting if they listen because I I’m I live in a different state so oh where do you live Minnesota oh okay what what brings you to 101 ESPN living in Minnesota I’m a a product of St Dominic High School I lived there lived in St Charles for 18 years were you a soccer player they got a hell of a soccer team there yeah yeah I Y um I graduated with uh the with Tim so um yeah I’m pretty proud of the soccer program it’s pretty awesome well we are so proud of you after day one of the fight and we’re ready to go for day two all righty okay here’s question number one Rob happy birthday to Jimmy ball game Jim Edmunds played for four of the five current national league central teams which one did he never play for was it the Reds the Pirates or the Brewers um I’ll go with the Pirates which defensive draft bust was considered the safest pick of the 2009 draft going in the top five out of Wake Forest was a Gaines Adams Tyson Jackson or Aaron Curry can you repeat the question which defensive draft bust was considered the safest pick of the 2009 draft going in the top five out of Wake Forest was it Gaines Adams Tyson Jackson or Aaron Curry uh Tyson Jackson I guess you don’t sound very confident about that one nope excited yeah here’s question number three R which current AFC team that has yet to win a Super Bowl was the winner of the last pre- Super Bowl AFL championship in 1965 was it the bills the Browns or were the Oilers uh Oilers and question four another Missouri high school graduate had a big win yesterday Jeff City Alum OG anunobi reportedly agreed to a $212 million deal with the Knicks which team drafted him out of Indiana was it the Raptors the Pacers or the magic wow um magic all right Rob how you feeling not good you never know you never know what could happen Randy ker is coming back into the room right now the grapes are gone and demolished Rob I know that some people like the updates because the grapes are very important to Randy that’s a bad sign because you didn’t talk about the grapes yesterday so um I won but yeah we’ll see how we’ll see what happens you never know Randy say hi to Rob again Rob again how are you sir good how are you I’m doing great thanks thanks for listening thanks for playing good to have you back with us I know you’re always going to do that but I still like to say it anyways I know you do Rob again it’s a bit it is all right you ready for question number one ready happy birthday to Jimmy ball game Jim Edmond played for four of the five current national league central teams which one did he never play for he played for the Cardinals the Brewers the Reds and the Cubs so that would mean that he did not play for the Pittsburgh Pirates Final Answer Final Answer sir question two which defensive draft bust was considered the safest pick of the 2009 draft going in the top five out of Wake Forest Aaron Curry linebacker wake for us see was it Gaines Adams Tyson Jackson or Aaron okay you got Aaron Curry got it all right by the way how the hell did they think he was a safe pick he never produced in college he didn’t have any sacks he didn’t make plays he was an athlete but he would he was an unsafe pick I hated that choice people wanted the Rams to take him which wouldn’t have been any better than Jason Smith but still people wanted to take him with the second pick he he would have done the same thing he was bad he was bad football late offs NFL drafts are riddled with them drafting players who couldn’t do the thing they wanted them to do yeah right Aaron Curry ready for three ready which current AFC team that is yet to win a Super Bowl was the winner of the last pre Super Bowl AFL championship in 19 1865 okay yet to win a Super Bowl so you’ve got Buffalo or the Chargers it’s got to be one of those two uh I think I’m going to go with Jack Kemp quarterbacking the Buffalo Bills to a championship final answer for former Senator by the way I don’t like to jump in with the final answer cuz usually give me a little history you may change things Jeff wound up being a middling NFL quarterback had a year one time when Montana was hurt for the 49ers I’m going to go with Jack Kemp’s Buffalo Bills question four another Missouri high school graduate had a big win yesterday when Jeff City Alum OG onun noi reportedly agreed to a $212 million deal with the Knicks which team drafted him out of Indiana I’ll uh I’ll do the old Lifeline here Daniel you got the Raptors the Pacers or the magic okay I’m going to leave the Pacers out because I don’t remember I kind of pay attention a little bit to the Pacers through proxy it’s a weird thing but I do so I don’t remember him being a Pacer so that leaves us with the Raptors where I think he probably would still be there so I’m going to go with the magic I’m going to go with the Orlando Magic through a very weak process of elimination I thought it was solid thank you cuz I I don’t remember him being on like the Raptor championship team or any of those teams like with sakam and that group he I just don’t remember that he might have been I just don’t remember it so I’m going to go with the magic because I pay zero attention to the Orlando Magic that’s why I’m going with it all right Matthew all right we have a winner in today’s fight Rob with a chance from states away to go for the Hall of Fame tomorrow does he cinch his second win and give a chance for the third or does mega mine knock him off after just one ring that Bell the winner and still champion of the fight Randy carer the fight is presented by Golf Discount of St Louis with the most experienced Club fitters in town why shop anywhere else I’m sorry Rob Randy carer took you down three to one in today’s fight oh it’s all right thank you that’ll happen I questions were a little tricky today let’s go through them happy birthday to Jimmy ball game Jim Edmonds Edmond played for four of the five current NL Central teams of course Pittsburgh Pirates the only one that he never suited up for which defensive draft plus was considered the safest pick of the 2009 draft going in the top five out of a wake force it was in fact Aaron Curry gains Adams by the way was a couple years prior to that uh to the Buccaneers and Tyson Jackson went third overall to the Chiefs in that same draft which current AFC team that has yet to win a Super Bowl was the winner of the last preup bowl AFL championship in 1965 Randy not only did you pick the two teams that are the only options you also picked the teams that played in the last pre Super Bowl AFL championship in 1965 when the Buffalo Bills blanked San Diego in their own stadium 23 to nothing we should have probably known that the Chargers were going to have a rough Run for the next 60 years when the last time they played in Championship round they got bumped in their own stadium and got shut out also the last championship for the City of Buffalo wow not great and another Missouri high school graduate with a big win yesterday Jeff City Alum OG Oobi reportedly agrees to a $212 million deal with the Knicks he he was drafted out of Indiana by the uh Raptors and he does have a championship ring okay and so there’s a 3-1 win for Randy carer in today’s fight thank you again Rob for joining the fight and joining the show today thanks for having me thank you Rob Rob good to have you with us here on 101 ESPN good effort now we won’t see Rob again good play the wheels were turning yeah they were but uh yeah was it was very funny coming up next year on 101 ESPN Brook brings us they said what here on the opening drive it’s time for a DraftKings at Casino Queen Redbird report on 101 ESPN Brook Grimsley here for your Redbird report Cardinals take the night cap of the double header in the series from the Braves in the night game Matthew lior dominated the Braves striking out eight hitters across six scoreless and Alec burlson had a go-ahead two-run double to lead the Cardinals to a 4 to1 victory tour through 85 pitches 54 strikes and his longest outing of the Season which also earned him his first quality start in the Day game Kyle Gibson struggled with his control allowing four runs on four hits and five walks over four Innings of work the Raves went on to win that one 6 to2 the Cardinals will continue their home stand with a four-game series against the Reds starting tonight miles Michaels will get the start first pitches at 6:45 so redir report is presented by 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like that that’d be like you asking Montgomery if he’s going to sign in the draft but I understand you got to ask the question but I gave up a big part of my life to come take this job and I’ve poured every ounce of my soul in this job and I’ve given this job every single ounce I can possibly give it it’s right that coach thank you very much uh spiler alert the next day he took the job at Texas after saying that about his job at Texas A&M so yesterday was his introductory press conference at Texas he did apologize to that reporter in his opening statement but the reporters there at the press conference still push back on his decision coach on Monday night you said that you went to Texas Anum with the idea of it being a last job and then you said that your um that your mind hadn’t changed beyond that so number one what changed and then number two what would you say to those uh Texas A&M people that supported you that feels like that uh you intentionally misled them well I didn’t intentionally mislead them and that’s a very fair question for you to ask because that is what I said um in that moment that’s exactly how I felt I made that choice because it aligned both personally and professionally with what I had going on at the time and I loved it and I dove in with every single ounce of me to help A&M have the very best baseball program it can possibly have and that investment lasted through the last pitch of the national championship game it never wavered not one second I don’t care what anybody says as Chris likes to say we have jobs and try to run a business on other people’s passion and if I had left Texas A&M for some other school in a different part of the country um the interesting text messages and messages that I got yesterday probably wouldn’t have happened now come on now did Jim schl Nagel mislead Texas A&M fans the fact that you made that statement one the way that he talked to the reporter saying putting him on the spot there saying well that’s a selfish question that’s a question that of course is going to be asked there was tons of questions about Texas A&M what that season meant to him but when a job is floating around there and his name is closely ass associated with it for Texas it’s a fair question to ask and I think the reporter did a good job of asking it in that manner to just kind of throw that reporter on the bus was absolutely terrible there’s different ways to handle it you guys have seen we’ve seen it all the time with coaches where we know that they’re going to leave but they say well you know right now I’m just focusing on my team my guys this is a very emotional moment for us and leave it at that you didn’t have to throw the reporter on the bus but then in your introductory press conference you kind of doubled down by saying that you didn’t mislead any bu I felt like he did mislead people he didn’t intentionally mislead them though they were just misled I I think uh going back to what you said Randy it’s really simple and he almost did it where he say I understand you have to ask the question however this is not the time right after a tough loss it we’re I’m going to address the situation that’s it and it puts it to bed and then the next day he can take the job and no one has these questions that he had in the introductory press conference with Texas and this has happened so many times and if you’re getting ready to take another job and let’s be honest about this he knew when that question was asked that he was going to Texas right he probably knew a month ago there report said he knew like weeks ago that he was going to do this so Roy Williams when he went after Bonnie Bernstein when she asked about him going to Carolina same thing you you don’t have to be a jerk about it Nick Sabin when he was with the dolphins I’m not going to be the head coach at the University of Alabama all yeah it’s not hard to Pivot if you are somebody who’s in that situation and say uh I’m committed to this job now’s not the time to talk about it and let it be and then if you are committed to the job but maybe not as committed and it changes then you say things changed so I don’t think he need to be mean is the big point now to the to your point Brooke about or the question did he mislead people I think kind of like OJ convinced himself that he didn’t murder those people schel probably has convinced himself that he didn’t mean to intentionally mislead anybody all roads go back to OJ doesn’t it they do yeah about the rest he’s probably thinking oh I handled this perfectly except for telling that kid that uh he was selfish but he he he’s trying to rationalize his bad behavior what if you’re a player at Texas A&M you’re pissed I mean you are I rate in this now it wouldn’t surprise me all I got is my 2.1 million where’s my coach and uh well that is good point depending on the sport probably not as much in baseball but yes there’s something there I wonder now in the transfer portal if a bunch of these kids decide to enter the transfer portal and follow him to Texas wouldn’t that be something and then you got a real problem on your hands right you’re going to lose players and the head coach that have been there for a long time and you lose some of your staff because some of the staff is also going over to Texas so the situation I think the way that he handled we’ve seen this over and over again but it’s the way that he worded things and then the way that he kind of C at you yesterday and thinking well no I didn’t really Missle anybody he doubled and tripled down with even the comments about his family like I didn’t move my family here you know basically just for nothing adding that extra layer to it I think says a lot but to your point about recruiting wise before nil I think i’ would be a little bit more worried about it but because you have nil I think he knows and coaches everywhere know that money talks so even if you do something a little bit Shady like that he didn’t handle it in the best way I think everyone can agree you know that nil talks and Texas has plenty of money to play with why do you think he left well no no doubt and Texas needs somebody and and they’ve been a great program in the past but they need somebody to lead them into the SEC here he’s been in the SEC now for three years played in a championship game in the College World Series as an SEC team I have to believe that a fact aside from the fact that he and the athletic director Chris Dante are best friends aside from that I would think the Texas people wanted to have like sarkeesian being at Alabama somebody who knows what it’s like to participate where it just means more I I like the fact that he said the stuff about his family like trying to make him out as some sympathetic figure with this come on man I left my family yeah come on that’s that’s a little disingenuous and the other part is the nil money I think will be there not only Texas but it’s been there at I mean you’re paying Jimbo Fisher 85 million not to coach so I’m sure the nil money was fine at Texas A&M it just he didn’t want to be there he wanted and I look it’s a personal decision you do what you want but I go back to what I was talking about earlier if kids jump then you shouldn’t you shouldn’t worry about if you jump I mean the the people that are around this are just disingenuous on all fronts coaches say how can these kids leave well the kids are left out high and dry with this too and saying to the coach how could you leave us exactly two a street it really is Texas has been poaching a lot of talent so they hired Texas A&M’s headbase coach as we know after a championship appearance and they took te Texas Tech head basketball coach after their best stretch in program history so Texas is just post poaching all the talent right now but they have the money to do all that they got the money they got the funds they’ve got the crowd they’ve got the support they’ve got the big backers boosters it’s just part of uh big time college sports down in Texas and really Nationwide now I haven’t seen but we know how Texas A&M acts right they have to come after Tony V don’t they they’d be he’d be number one on my list how do you not with their money and with where they are and having just lost to him in the championship game I would think that uh they’ll probably at least make the phone call and say hey we’ll give you a lot more than Tennessee does because that’s just who we are I was looking at a video of Tony’s first ever game at Tennessee there was nobody in the stadium nobody was in the stadium and he’s taken that to a level that maybe some didn’t think that he could but there was nobody there and now he’s the the national champion of college baseball it’s it’s a great turnaround if you want to call it a turnaround I mean Tennessee is Tennessee but to get there to have no not a lot of fan support in that first game to win the national title is is quite a success no it is a turnaround 100% because Tennessee baseball especially in the last 13 years they haven’t been able to reach such Feats until vitello came over there and in Tennessee Vandy baseball is King for obvious reasons the amount of major Le talent that has been turned out especially by Tim Corbin everything he’s done with that program and for ten baseball to be doing that that says a lot about what he’s been able to do so I think a lot of colleges are going to be looking at Tony vitello and saying okay how do we get him to come over how much money do we have to spend 636 brings up a good question does the nil make more baseball prospects want to go to college instead of the major league baseball draft oh yeah I I guess the question then would be more out of high school because at that point you can either get drafted out of high school or you got your three years that you got to play college baseball I guess the first three years in college baseball and with the facilities that are now available to them they’re on par with major league teams maybe you want to stay in get your money and then go out after your Junior season make a little money be more ready get clo be closer to the majors it’s it’s interesting when you I have a nephew that played college baseball and then got drafted and even the Yankees as great as that organization was the setup for minor Leaguers is way worse than it is for college baseball players oh yeah it’s gotten slightly better with some of the the CBA and trying to help them out recently but man it’s not even close to what you might get in college and like I said they’re developing players because of the facilities that they have so if you’re a top-end player you’re getting you’re getting developed at the college level and you’re getting your nio and mou’s Facilities aren’t great but there were missou former e e e e change up your daily fantasy routine with Underdog fantasy’s newest pick them product right now active in Missouri pick them Champions you just pick two to five players got to be from at least two different teams or jump around some different sports you select higher lower on the player Tas projections you pick your entry feed you’re going to be entering a game alongside other underdogs you hit your wins you hit your entries you’re going to be walking away with your winnings right now let’s build an entry it is a Thursday so you can always start off a good way with a little bit of a golf play we’re going to go to the rocket mortgage round one will zator is lower than 68 and half Strokes I like that play right off the bat we’re going to add that with some Cardinals we’re going to go miles Michael is lower than 17 and a half pitching outs he’s been cruising lately over 18 pitching outs per game so I think maybe this is where he runs into a little bit of a blip Brendon Donan we’re going to go higher on one and a half point hits runs in RB for him and then Ellie De La Cruz a red who’s been hitting the ball like crazy we’re going to go higher than one and a half total bases on him so lower on Miles Michel is pitching outs higher on Brendan Donovan hits runs in RB guys and hire on la de la Cruz as well Underdog fantasy super easy to play and even easier to get started just go to their easyuse mobile app or to Underdog signed up with the promo code R and Underdog is going to give you a mystery special pick to use on your first pick of entry and a deposit offer that’s Underdog fantasy promo code rocc to claim your new customer special of a mystery player pick and your deposit off you’re going to take that player pick you’re going to add it to our entry now and you’re going to take that entry up from about 7x to about 10x for your play today must be 18 plus in present to stay what under fantasy operates terms of consider with your play call wi game visit we’re recapping the biggest Sports stories of the day on the opening drive with a rush hour [Music] reset the Cincinnati red legs are in town to open a four game series tonight at the Ballpark against your St Louis Cardinals after the Red Birds took two of three from Atlanta splitting a double header yesterday the opening drive curse struck no don’t did unfortunately sad but true it’s usually a bump it’s just we can’t be perfect we had an off day us and the rain and the bad back which he dealt with about a week back so no it wasn’t it was more than that yeah 11 days okay week and a half about 11 days back okay there you go so Kyle uh he kind of scuffled early on and the Cardinals lost the opener to Atlanta by a score of 6-2 oh by the way they were in position they had some opportunities in that game to get back into it and weren’t able to take advantage right but give Atlanta Credit like you said Dan they’re in scholarship too right or they own scholarship too and then in the night cap biscuit with a big two-run hit and a fantastic performance from Matthew Liberator he goes six strong Innings and the Cardinals win the night cap with Ryan Hesley getting the save as they win it by a score of four to one to me that’s a big story of yesterday well also beating the Braves is huge in itself but the fact that Matthew Liberator was a huge part of it allal talked about afterwards about how they thought at first they were going to keep him to that 7075 pitch range with his pitch count but he had thrown 71 through five innings and they decided to keep him out there and he goes out in the six and of course it worked out for him so I think that trust with Matthew Liberator in that situation olly could have pulled him but didn’t I thought it was the right decision and you talked about this earlier with the gut test and I think that shows that alli’s gut is growing in a good way cuz sometimes when you say somebody’s gut is growing I’m not talking about this way but the gut is growing they’re doing some little things that maybe don’t show up um on the score sheet if you will or when you look at the box score after games but I mean even yesterday there was a Fly ball to left Mason wins at first base and he tags up from first and goes to Second puts himself in scoring position the goldie play not talked about at all may have saved the game save the inning late in the game of game two um the other thing is two outs and run production and they they got that so when you do little things against a really good team like Atlanta that’s how you win games coupled with the fact that uh as Brooks said you got great starting pitching out of Liberator Atlanta’s a pretty good team any concerns about Andrew kitridge though Dan you’ve run down his numbers of late and he is getting knocked around a little bit Yeah I I’m concerned about him and Romero you know Romero gave up a base hit as well late in the game and talked about this probably three or four weeks ago where we said man they’re going to the big three so much and they’ve been great but at some point that’s going to catch up and I think maybe we’ve seen that a little bit and that’s why Fernandez maybe an oy cley or someone in or out of the organization probably would give them a boost maybe it’s Palante Palante was available out of the bullpen last night and maybe that’s somebody that you can go to that now is pitching with more confidence As you move forward Brook your big three goes two innings they allow four hits a run and also hle Walk The Hitter so five base runners in two in by krid Romero Hy that’s why you need some of these other relievers to step up we saw giovan gagos in that first game how long is the leash going to be with him because you do have to see what he has with this Bullpen but how long do you go with him I think he dictates that I mean if he’s awful then you got to make a move you got to see multiple appearances I do and I’m talking about backto backs I’m talking about extended appearances and where you you’re going more than just one inning so I think there’s a a combination of things that you have to look at moving forward and even with a rehab you got to build yourself up I don’t know that he’s where he’s going to be hopefully he’ll wind up strengthening and getting more out of his arm than than he is right now because in this day and age we’ve talked about it a lot it’s hard to throw 92 93 and to be successful yeah and I’m going back to just the middle of this Bullpen whether it’s king or Fernandez Roy Croft R whatever his name is R Roy Croft Ley can someone emerge to take some pressure off because at some point you’re going to have to have an eighth inning that’s taken by one of those guys and maybe you might have to have him have a safe situation too if the other two aren’t available and Hy’s down you’re going to have to have someone else step up okay if the guy’s on the roster right now this is leaving Riley O’Brien out of the mix at the moment of the guys on the roster if you need to get a 27th out and you don’t have Hesley who would you rather have in there krid yeah krid would be my guy even though there’s been you know some ups and downs lately but he’s done it before and I think that having a little bit of a track record and getting that 27th out kind of leans me towards that direction I think I’d go Romero even though he has struggled of late and he got a few saves for the Cardinals last year how about situational I’d go Romero too right yeah ley’s coming up I’m going Romero yeah but I think they the point I was trying to make is I think there’s guys down there sometimes you have a bullpen where you only have one guy where you say if if I’m going to get the 27th out he’s the only guy that I trust down there I believe there is multiple guys for the Cardinals down there and you shouldn’t have a situation where at least one of the three isn’t available and if that then ask the question Randy then where do you go is it maybe a Matthew Liberator is it Palante if he’s available coming out of the pen is it Fernandez I like what I’ve seen out of him I think it’s I was going to say Fernandez does he start to take a biger role here yeah I’m with you and he looks like he is unfazed by being in high leverage situations he’s got good stuff really really does so I I’m starting to lean towards him I would think if I’m down by two or especially down by two or down by three it looks like Ley is kind of taken that role roft would be in that role Roy Croft rof Rick coft L coft Roy Croft yeah he’d be in there too so I mean there’s some guys there’s some options as you move forward that’s today’s Rush Hour reset here 101 ESPN coming up there’s a lot of players available listed by Jim Bowden at the athletic I don’t know how many of them are really available but there’s one that really stands out of the players that he has in his latest piece who do we want most that’s next on 101 ESPN e e e e Hoffman Brothers lives here and they know that you’ve already felt the hot St Louis summer heat and if you haven’t had your air conditioner serviced yet you need to get it serviced by 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an independent American standard heating and air conditioning dealer find them on the web at Hoffman or call or text 314- 664311 to Hoffman Brothers e e at the athletic Jim B the former general manager of the Reds and the national put up a list of perhaps available starting pitchers yesterday and the names that he put up that may be available at the deadline as he surveyed 35 poos GMS and assistant GMS here are the names that he got Garett crochet of the white sock he wrote crochet was the executive runaway pick as the best starting pitcher available but also the most likely to get traded he also had Jack flatty of the Detroit Tigers who’s had a strong comeback season 5 and four with a 2.92 and 108 strikeouts and 83 and a third he’s got Luis sevino the former Yankee and now met right-hander one of the most undervalued free agent signings of the off season Bowden also lists Zack effin former Philly now of the Rays us Kikuchi of the Blue Jays Asus lazardo of the Marlins who’s got a bad back now Matthew how do you think he’s he’s got a stress reaction how how long do you think he’s had that oh about a week back I can’t hear you and then shockingly the another name that Jim Bowden had on his list of potentially available starting pitchers Tariq scoble the Ace of the Tigers nine and3 with a 2.32 over 16 starts 112 strikeouts in 97 Innings and he wrote there were two Executives who mentioned scoble which totally shocked me he comes with two additional years of control however both of the exec suggested that if a team like the Orioles or Dodgers decided they wanted to trade signif ific prospects both in quantity and quality there could be an offer so good the rebuilding Tigers wouldn’t be able to say no so of the seven starting pitchers that we just named is there a name that stands out to you like Rudolph’s knows oh I think that crochet is something that stands out to everybody but can I also go a little bit further down his list because I talked about this pitcher yesterday and I think personally if I could have everything I want with the TR trade deadline with the Cardinals of course I would like another starting pitcher but I also want another reliever and a reliever he has on that list right now is Tanner Scott I talked about Tanner Scott yesterday and he’s with the Marlins I think it makes a lot of sense for the Cardinals because what do they typically do around the trade deadline they like True Rentals and Tanner Scott fits right in that mold he’s a true rental he’s going to be a free agent at the end of the season and he’s also one of the best relievers in baseball and oh by the way he’s only 28 years old I think he has a 1.59 ra currently I think that that would be a really good fit for the Cardinals and something they should have on their wish wish list now he he Bowden also writes that he will make he will be the most sought-after reliever in the sport with a guy that is an impending free agent if you’re the Cardinals now you’re trying to win this year I I get that what do you give up for a guy like that I I would also I got to look at guys though I don’t know what who I’d give up I but I got to look at guys that have cost control Beyond this year cuz that’s typically the way that they’ve gone unless it’s a older type pitcher like they did a few years ago with John Lester and hap and kintana was a guy that was coming up but they thought they were ready to go all in and win that season um but I like there’s a guy I like and his name is uh Tyler Rogers he’s a right-handed pitcher maybe people haven’t heard all that much about him he’s making 3-2 this year he’s an interesting righty he’s got a submarine delivery so he can be used a lot and he’s controllable through 2025 as well so I’m looking at I’d love to see Garett crochet I’d love to see the kid from Miami but I’m trying to figure out what is reasonable for the Cardinals and I think that’s more reasonable in the areas that they look at and here’s the thing do you guys want a starter do you want a reliever do you want both I would love both I want both but I got to be realistic about this and I think if you’re looking at the club and I’ve talked about this a lot Ali’s not going deeper with starters because he’s trying to conserve them watch out for injury cuz if somebody goes down they’re in deep trouble they haven’t gone to minor leagues so that tells you that they’re in deep trouble if somebody would be hurt then I got to bolster another part of my team and that would be looking at the Bullpen and trying to get arms and by the way there there are a couple of names here that probably are going to wind up have the having their teams in the hunt like srino and the Mets the Mets are at 500 now and their owner Steve Cohen said just a couple of weeks ago that he didn’t want to disassemble the team because he’s he thinks they still have a a chance it’ll be interesting to see what the Blue Jays do they’re in last place are they going to get rid of pitching what sort of pitching is Kikuchi the guy or are they going to try to rebuild with and they have to but are they going to trade bashet and U and vlat Guerrero if they do that then they might as well get rid of everything because yeah ymy Garcia is another one coming out of their pen that would be a guy you know that that’s somebody you’d have to look at as well that would be plucked from the Toronto Blue Jays um it’s so funny he’s got Mason Miller the right-hander from the a now the the price is going to be ridiculous for him Rookie of the Year and they’re talking about an additional first round pick I think the only team that swims in those Waters is the Dodgers right yeah they just say okay we’ll figure it out we can go get this guy but I mean it’s just I don’t know some of it I think is just nonsense I do I mean this is two weeks ago Jim Bowden was talking about being a seller for the Cardinals right yeah so things change very quickly very quickly in the sport of baseball to where the Cardinals now not only talking about the wild card but you’re talking about the division so you got to you got to go out and get somebody and I think another name that he has on there which is still up in the air is Jesus lazardo now reportedly he will be back after the trade deadline so maybe there’s a chance that the Marlins would move him but I don’t even know if he wouldd be available I think that was a name that a lot of people were looking forward to as well being on the trade market but that doesn’t seem like a viable option as well and he I think he edited the piece because he mentioned Lardo on the injured list with a lumbar stress reaction in his lower back and is not expected to return until after July 30th that’s the trade deadline the Marlins have indicated they are not going to trade him before then so why even have him on your list unless you put it in before and then you found out that that he was hurt and isn’t going to be back but yeah why even you could have eded that out you could have now crochet I just just get rid of it but crochet I think is one that a lot of people be looking at say that the Cardinals swim in those Waters the Cardinal swim in those Waters all right we’re going to we’re going to take a deep dive into this one what do you think that they would be looking for in return what do you think I think they’d be asking for a lot well yeah I mean it’s going to be he’s the number one guy he’s going to be sought after and they can dangle him out till the very end of the trade deadline and just say okay put your best offers on the table let’s see what you got it would it would take a lot to get him because he’s he’s not a free agent to be you’re going to have multiple years of security with him and keeping him in your rotation and keeping him a part of your your uh your organization okay last year I asked about this package for from I talked to Jesse Rogers we were talking to Jesse Rogers of ESPN who is tied in with both the white socks and the Cubs and I asked him at that point I said would Gorman and grao get you Dylan CE and he said yeah I think the the white sock would would go for that same package Gorman and grao do you would you do that for a guy like crochet who by the way as Greg mentioned made his first Major League start this year I wouldn’t I’m still bullish on Nolan Gorman and I know that he’s hitting under 200 but we talked about it yesterday just it’s hard to find left-handed hitters that are hitting 25 to 30 bombs he’s the modern day player you’re going to get a ton of strikeouts you’re going to get streaky hitting I think he’s won for his last 23 maybe 24 something like that but in my opinion I wouldn’t I know a lot of people would but I I wouldn’t so okay if if we aren’t going to give him up let’s knit something together so that we can get crochet oh crochet something together is that what you’re saying yeah so bad don’t don’t waiting for weeks to do this okay Dan don’t needle don’t needle me there you go okay but let’s just uh let’s find a thread is there something you can use mix in thumbnail is there something with thumbnail you can figure out with the doing this too I know you can I’m just trying to put you on the spot where got to work on it yeah so it’s so bad it really is yeah you love it we just got a text in as we’re trying to uh thread this together for this possibility Walker door Dash Steve said this I’m not touching that kid no way I I got to let him I just sto to think I just stopped to think uh oh really look at how quickly things have changed over the months of where Jordan Walker has turned into an Untouchable to now you’re possibly thinking about it I wonder if he and the Cardinals are on the same page and if they ever C can be that’s my question they sent him down two years in a row remember he said last year when he went down I’m not really changing anything then he was successful at the end of the season scuffles hitting 155 and has gone down and apparently hasn’t changed anything again so if he proves to be uncoachable and the Cardinals think that he is then what’s the point if if he’s uncoachable to your satisfaction and he’s not going to get better I mean unless he he’s coachable right so but how did he go from when the we’ve heard all Aral and other people talk about how coachable he is and that’s one of the things they like so much about him is how he’s able to handle adversity what changed in a matter of months there’s got to be some miscommunication between the system and the big league staff right there’s got to be otherwise everybody would be on the same page and what he was doing in Springfield two years ago would have prepared him for what he was going to deal with at the major league level if you’re Mo though and the track record that you’ve had and some tough trades that didn’t go your way aren’t you gunshy31 that’s what I’m I’m trading Jordan Walker for a pitching version of Jordan Walker by the way 314 thank you it’s a thimble not a thumbnail oh yeah some symbol oopsies we got to work on our sewing references a little bit somebody also said you guys have me in stitches terrible that’s great that’s great oh yeah yeah I’m all right we you get me off track I I I don’t know if you guys ever get this way with Randy but I have something that’s on the front of my mind and then I have to read into stitches and week back week back stuff and thumbnails yeah I I just get all off track and the thing is it just gets away and it unravels and you just need some yarn to get it all back together a ball of yarn you know we’re heading down the stretch of this show let’s see um oh yeah we are we’re going to hear more from Greg am here what would the Cardinals do what should the Cardinals do don’t forget about rock and roll it’s coming up at the end of the show okay what should the Cardinals do though with the performance on the heels of the performance by Matthew lior last night that’s next on 101 ESPN e e e hey you guys know I’m always talking about how great the schnooks rewards program is and now it’s even better because they just released new perks to make it more personalized I know you’re going to be buying a bunch of food next week as you prepare for your fourth of July barbecue at schnooks now they have personal double points days and that makes earning rewards easier and faster just keep an eye on the rewards app for your personal double points Day coupon and once you clip it you can use it to get double the points on your entire purchase so instead of your usual 2% back you’re getting 4% back and Snooks rewards points to use on a future purchase you can you get to choose when you use the coupon and you can apply it the next time you do a stock up shop like for the 4th of July so you really get the banging for your buck this is an inapp coupon so be sure to download the Snooks Rewards app and check your digital coupons and that’s where you’ll find this coupon when it periodically pops up so that you can get double the rewards points don’t forget Cardinals hit a home run and you get a free donut the next day dingers for donuts download the Shooks Rewards app today and look out for those personal double points days e e e this is Rock here with your sports center update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny LOL Autoplex the Cardinals yesterday split their double header against the Braves a 6-2 loss in game one a 4-1 victory in game two they will be back in Action today starting a four game series against the Reds 645 first pitch it’ll be the Lefty for the Reds Andrew Abbott on the mound facing off against the righty for the Cardinals miles michaeles and other news yesterday was the NBA draft and the French invasion continues as the top two picks both Frenchman Zachary Reese was the number one overall pick and the number two overall pick Alex SAR joined their Countryman Victor wanana in being top picks over the last two years that is your sports center update driven by Johnny LOL Chevrolet and Johnny lol autolex see them at Chevy together we drive are you kidding me but I I really hope Matthew Liberator gets a you know a gift and they say hey that was a great performance let’s see what you can do again in five days or four days and if if that is the case watch out because the talent is there for this young guy to be that massive surprise in the rotation that could change change things for the St Louis [Music] Cardinals pream singer MLB Network earlier today here on 101 ESPN talking about the performance of Matthew Liberator last night at the Ballpark against the Braves he was fantastic as the Cardinals I guess determined on Tuesday night that they were going to start him he gives the Cardinal six Innings he allows two hits no runs walks one and Strikes Out eight set down the last 10 Braves that he faced and he was a guy that they got from Tampa because of his immense talent and Greg also mentioned that left-handers have a tendency Sandy kofac one of them to Blossom later now sometimes you wait for a left-hander to Blossom like Donovan Osborne or uh Alan Watson and it doesn’t happen but we’ve seen this guy have multiple great starts now and I don’t know if the Cardinals are in a position to wait this year for him to blossome but he certainly has shown enough that at some point he deserves multiple starts I think that he does I think that with what you saw last night 100% I want to see another start from him I’m just interested to see how much this changes their plans with the starting rotation what do they do with Andre Palante now do you move him into a relief role but how many more starts do you guys think that you need to see from Liberator before you start really changing things around well it’s one start and he has been at times awful in the rotation prior to this so I’m kind of pumping the brakes with it I give him credit for last night he’s hitting 98 in the sixth inning and that’s all well and good but I got to see it multiple times now I also would say because of what we’ve been talking about is that your seventh eth and nth has been occupied by basically the same guys maybe he is a guy that is going to be used in higher leverage situations moving forward and that’s another area that I would look at with him and also in those higher lever leverage situations he can give you multiple Innings so he can cover some innings in the back end of your pen and I I’m okay with Palante in the rotation I’m not sure if that’s the direction they go they may give Liberator another start I could see that too but I I keep harping back to the bullpen I I just I want to see more guys emerge because I think they’ve relied so much on the big three they they could be vulnerable there and Dan to your point with Liberator as a starter versus relever even with last night’s performance he has a 5.03 earned run average as a starting pitcher 18 strikeouts in 19 Innings as a reliever the earned run average is 2.92 18 strikeouts in 24 and 2/3 so the strikeout rate is better as a starter but in terms of the overall ER and Effectiveness he’s better out of the bullpen got to be consistent too as a starter you got to see more consistency and and maybe it’s a byproduct of him yo-yoing back and forth from the bullpen to the rotation I think that’s a part of it um it took him a little bit to get built up as a starter even just to give you three or four and now six Innings so I think you got to be a little careful with that and Palante is stretched out to be a starter I can see again both ways but I just I like him in higher leverage situations maybe moving forward that’s where I was going to go with it is that sometimes I wonder if he’s had a fair shake at things now last week the whole situation with Kyle Gibson nobody was expecting that we talked to Kyle about it he wasn’t expecting that it just something that happened to him right before the game so Liberator was thrown into a tough situation but we know that especially pitchers and starting pitchers they are creatures habits so they need that routine they need that schedule to kind of work out in their favor I mean look at Kyle Gibson yesterday for example so I think with Matthew Liberator why you give him a couple more starts more opportunities one because of what he did last night two to see if you can kind of put him on a good schedule what that would look like yeah if you do it I think you got to commit to it yes yeah I don’t think you go back and forth I don’t I don’t think that’s fair to him either and I don’t think it’s right for the team I think if you do it you commit to it and that’s the kind of thing where when you were terrible last year that would have been the time to do you hate to do it when you’re in a race where a guy’s going to be riding that roller coaster you want to get him that time kind of like Pittsburgh is doing with their young starters they’re able to right now they know that they’re going to hit some bumps in the road right with the their two young starters but they can afford to do it the Cardinals are thinking they’re going to make the playoffs now Palante might not be as good as Liberator and they have to make that determination probably on a start by- start basis who’s going to be better to the point Dan about stretching out though if if they can get Liberto to throw 85 five pitches last night I think he stretched out too yeah um and is and the way that they’re using him the starters in general I mean they’re hitting like 85 90 pitches even with sunny gray the way that he was throwing the other day so here’s a question though or a statement so you’re you’re doing that and you’re giving let’s say these starters only 85 to 90 pitches then you have to cover the other Innings with guys that are being used a lot so are you better off using Liberator saying you’re going to stay in our Bullpen we’re not only going to give you one inning but he can give you multiple Innings he can give you the seventh and the eighth give two guys a night off and then get to Hesley or vice versa you know you you keep Hesley out of a game and get to krid or whomever you want to save the game I mean that that’s something else of his value that he brings to the club right and you know four of the guys are going to start I guess the key is going to be does pante maintain the Lefty righty splits that he’s had in the past because Palante can be that same guy exactly he’s got reverse splits so that’s something to consider too moving forward and Palante was supposed to be the schedule starter but because of weather and the way that things shaked out they decided to move him Matthew lior was a surprise though but Andre Palante will be starting on Friday so I’m interested to see how that goes yeah it’s it’s a really interesting situation that the Cardinals have and with the mat’s setback it’s isn’t it interesting because we thought it was going to be Liberator and Thompson during spring training battling for what was then a sixth starter spot and now it seems like there is at least thought of a competition between Liberator and Palante because they easily could have started Palante last night and it’s so important what Liberator did y last night I mean it allows you to buy time with Palante allowed you to buy a little time with your Bullpen and it’s the tentacles of that start are enormous for this club moving forward and with Stephen mats who knows what’s going to happen I mean that’s a very just touchy sensitive situation so we love to see how that play yeah very sensitive yeah so uh hopefully he’s able to come back from that back injury that that he’s dealing with and and Pitch well been dealing with that a week I’m going to interrupt you right now I’m sorry I just I had to set him up for Dan I was just going to throw in a a nugget we like nuggets yeah we do love net Matthew’s favorite team the blues have added um Claude Julian as an assistant coach on Drew Biser staff according to Jeremy Rutherford also Steve O has been promoted to associate head coach and that gets you off the back talk Maru gets you off uh the crochet talk B that’s French too it’s French for knitting we got rock and roll coming up and that’s all next here on 101 ESPN e e e hey everyone it’s Brook here and I want to share with you something that I wish I knew about a while ago and that is Golden Oak lending listen I know a lot of us have been there before maybe even possibly right now racking up credit card debt and maybe even student loans I know that I’ve been there before but the people there over at goldo lending they are there to help you out while credit card payments have been all-time high and mortgage rates have gone through the roof there is good news mortgage rates have started to come down Golden Oak lending has mortgage rates at 5.375% fix with customers saving on average $1,114 a month Golden Oak makes it so easy so easy in fact that all you have to do is just 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when it comes to eating cupcakes so I took the bottom of the cupcake kind of cut it in half or pulled it in half and I made a little cupcake sandwich so I just kind of wanted to be different this is not typically how I eat a cupcake cuz usually I just demolish Matthew what was your idea as to how to properly eat a c you’re taking the icing off all the icing there’s usually too much icing no there’s nothing such is too much icing gosh so we get a good amount of icing hey Matthew’s going to show you on the uh there one bite he just ate it in one bite yeah so if you’re watching on the YouTube you’re seeing Matthew I see it now one bite very impressive psychopath Behavior So Yesterday talk this is rock and roll yeah give us we got I got some talking for him to do he he showed me something there he impressed me now Brook is Tak so I’m going to tell you that the opening drive is your shot to score tickets to The Rolling Stones the legendary stones are bringing their last North American show of their 24 Hackney diamonds tour to the Thunder Ridge Nature arena in ridg Dale Missouri on July 21st and we have your opportunity to win free tickets to the stones right now find all the ticket info and a bonus chance to register to win tickets to The Rolling Stones at 101 or on the 101 Mobile app all right uh what you have to do is answer a question that Matthew has for you and I will come up with a text or number after he asks the question who’s the last American Born who’s the I gleaked sorry last American Born who’s the last American Born player to win the NBA MVP oh that’s a good one I love this yeah I like that okay let’s do texture number 34 34 texture number 34 Brook 314 says right here oh I have icing on my lips oopsies I guess if you eat it all in one bite you don’t have to worry about that you’re damn right not a CR not a crumbing sight you can hang with Jamie Rivers tonight at cyborgs uh hang with him and 101 ESPN and Stella Aris tonight 6 to8 at cyberg and Maryland Heights s artw is partnering with hot ones to bring hot wings and hot trivia questions to St Louis want to compete in the trivia visit cyberg now to find out how to sign up to participate in the competition or just C come hang out and watch the festivities tonight enjoy some free Stella samplings and your chance at attendance prizes that is tonight 68 with Jamie Rivers at cyborgs in Maryland Heights more info at 101 all right it is rock and roll what do we got sir I’m going to bring up a fact to everyone else that I brought up to you before the show Randy which is one of the reasons I think that uh you got the college basketball isn’t as interesting maybe is because of the lack of rivalries and the way that there’s d conferences and I think it might be hurting college basketball but here’s the thing I think it actually might be perfect for college football ladies and gentlemen this is the Slate that we get this year um on October on October 12th of the season this is the Slate we get M Miss at LSU Florida at Tennessee Washington at Iowa Ohio State at Oregon Penn State at USC in Oklahoma versus Texas those are the six games we get here’s the fun part those are all All Conference matchups now awesome I love that where’s missou on that weekend you know that’s you know what let me double check that well you don’t have to I just put you on the spot I don’t mean I put them on the spot a lot I’m not missing a missou game this year I’m not either be watching them every time that they’re on the television I’m really glad you asked this question cuz it’s the perfect answer well while everyone else in college football is enjoying that one you can watch as Missouri faces off against the real tough part of their schedule when they take on UMass yeah missing that game and they’re going to be at UMass remember they’re going to be at UMass so so it’s kind of perfect you don’t have to worry about watching the misso game that week and you can saddle in for six of the best games in college football that year as Randy said that’s 12 teams it’s probably going to represent half of the top 25 probably right yeah it’ll be fun yep so yeah that part of it will be good for college football that’s going to be so much D Washington and Iowa I’ve always dreamed of that matchup I think it’s a month away from today I don’t know which team starts but they have training camp oh yeah July 27th ABS July 27th I thought I saw was the first team wow I’m so glad you asked that question Danny M because that makes it 10 times funnier that that’s the that’s the one day where miss playing the biggest the weirdest part of their schedule I mean they also have a game against uh which other one weird oh they have the BC game too which is like yeah we really got to get that footprint going in the Northeast a weird part of Missouri schedule this year and mass but nonetheless I’m I’m happy I have other games to watch that week at least it’s at home now which game are you guys looking forward to the most on the schedule for me it’s easy it’s Oklahoma because you have that budding rivalry going on behind the scenes on the recruiting Trail so I think that’s going to be a huge game for everybody involved yeah for the are we talking about the entire mou schedule yeah I think that one’s going to be the most interesting one to meama at Alabama even without Nick s i I think the interest goes down a little bit if you win now at Alabama if you can start turning Alabama into a w on your schedule Oh that feel that’s going to feel good yeah I still think Oklahoma will be one of the more interesting ones just because of the recruiting back and forth that you’ve had yeah do you guys like the schedule setup where we don’t have the conference matchups anymore where we don’t get to see I don’t get get to see but we yeah Florida South Carolina uh Vandy every year you you it was nice to be in I thought a division where you could come maybe just didn’t like playing Alabama LSU that’s probably what it was I don’t know does anybody want to watch vanderbelt football I don’t even think play I do yeah you need a dub yeah but not if Barry odm’s coaching them Vandy no the Tigers oh the Tigers yeah that’s true I went to the Vandy game Barry odm was the head coach in at Vandy where they lost it was I think it’s the roughest football game I’ve ever been to not like played above a high school level was he also oh that’s not true I went to a lot of rams games never mind sorry about that Barry was he also the head coach at missou during the time that they lost to MTSU or who was that I think that was also Barry that was homecoming yeah yeah it was yeah that that was him you know the mighty blue Raiders that Randy thought was a gator instead of a Pegasus yeah I thought Raiders thought was a g there was a game remember Corman Burke stressor started a game for missou quarterback against Vandy Stacy ran it like 33 times for 66 yards or something I’ve tried to forget the Corbin bur stresser games that was a rough that was your second year in the SEC it felt so good after that first year and then the second year in the SEC it’s just like everything comes off the wheels everyone graduates luckily 2014 then was the exact opposite was a completely magical year but yeah that was I I don’t I don’t like to talk about that one one of other thing I have to get out there um is that there’s a scandal right now going on in swimming because during one of the Olympic trials a a swimmer celebrated uh by splashing the water and noticeably screaming out a curse word or two and the collective group of people who like follow swimming got together and said yeah you got to disqualify that person that’s a disgusting thing to see in this sport um you’re not like a mainstream Sport and this is why people don’t because you complain when somebody says the f- word after winning something you absolute nerds the swimmers are nerds no the swimmers are swimmers are athletes swimmers are incredible I love the swimmers the people around the sport that kill things is when the only reason that swimming gets in the headlines is because they want to disqualify the winning swimmer for saying a curse word after the after she won a race that is going to put her in the Olympics it seems like a weird it seems like a weird thing to criticize and just overall in life it’s a word why are people getting mad about these things yeah you know it happens Michael Phelps by the way do we ever we talked about under huh cursed a lot he did and also he has some other controversies but he really is one of the greatest athletes of all time and I feel like not not completely underrated but maybe doesn’t get talked about enough in that regard he was awesome he was when you talk about dominance in your sport you’ve got him you’ve got Will Chamberlain you’ve got grety uh I don’t know where else you go after obviously there are some other individual sports but he he was way better than everybody else you guys uh upset with JJ reck and what he did dropped an F bomb a press conference yeah introductory press conference you don’t do that no you got kids watching for God’s sakes I just don’t think you do it obviously you’re making fun of it Mak F of me I just don’t think you do it’s not it’s disrespectful yeah it is no there’s no need for that I mean if I know that Matthew loves to use that word but he’s not allowed to on the radio it’s great word so versatile every it’s every T it’s every uh every kind of speech it can be used adjective adverb noun verb it’s fantastic yeah it’s a great word so do you use it with your mom all the time not like towards her I use it in front of her yeah okay you use it towards her not towards no never toward that’s always a good uh good judgment of a word you say you say it towards your mom mom a lot of words I won’t say towards my mom there’s I say pretty I’ll say pretty much anything in front you say blank you to her no not to her okay no not to her my God wondering just wondering Jesus just a question no okay just wondering it’s like onless like four people who who get that you know exemption but yeah she’s on the list jeez by the way James Harden’s the last American MVP in the NBA beautiful uh great job today by producer audio video engineer uh blanking Matthew Rocko I love you Mom uh Brook did you have fun today yes and I have a cupcake you have a cupcake well what do you just have bite one bite one bite no delicious only crazy people do that Danny you were awesome today no not really who the best Danny says hey go get a cupcake I’m assuming that he says get cupcakes for the whole crew I bring in cupcakes for the whole crew and you avoid it you’re healthy I’m trying to eat Health here okay good there’s nothing wrong with that yeah I have no don’t we have barbecue coming in next week though yeah I’m going to ditch that there we go love the barbecue breakfast tomorrow too we got to sign up we got to figure out what we need so make your orders hey we thank you for tuning in texting in and being a part of the show we have a balloon party coming up T-Mac back tmac and Ajax and then bkm ferrario before the fast lane from 2 to 6 for all of us until tomorrow morning at 7 have a great Friday Eve St Louis hey I needed a car a couple of weeks ago a couple months ago now I had my car total and I needed a car immediately and I didn’t have a tradein and I’ve talked to you a lot about autoone Pro so I went to and they asked me hey what kind of a payment are you looking for so I I set up that okay how long do you want the loan to be for I worked that out and I was able to get a vehicle actually from from and I couldn’t be happier with the financing that I got and with the vehicle that I got go to if you’re in the market for any vehicle download their playbook as to how you go about buying a new car it teaches you a lot and then even if you want to get a new vehicle from them they’ve got a drop- down menu with vehicles that you can 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