Improve Your Golf Swing: Master the Pelvis Movement Learn how to perfect your golf swing by incorporating the correct pelvis movement. This drill will help you start the downswing before finishing your backswing, allowing for a more powerful and controlled swing. Join us for this step-by-step guide to enhancing your golf game. #GolfSwingTips #PerfectYourSwing #GolfDrills #GolfTechnique #GolfLessons #ImproveYourGolf #GolfAthlete #GolfTraining #GolfTips #Golfing

let’s go over in slow motion right right because it’s really a drill to teach you the sequencing right the best players are pushing into their front foot they’re starting the down swing before they finish the back swing right that’s not my opinion they’re the facts right right so it’s like okay the drill for that is stepping back give yourself a bit of momentum with the club head as soon as that club gets past your toes that’s your cue to start stepping and you’re only stepping where you would normally stand right you you’re kind of stepping too big it’s a little awkward so remember your left foot’s just going to be the other side of that right line mhm so really all we’re doing is we step in as soon as the club gets past your toes step right once you step and you’re applying pressure you don’t just want to tickle the ground with your front foot you want to squat and push down so then that gets the pressure off your back foot and starts to push it into the front foot that feeling is what you want to get before you get to the top of the Swing okay right yeah MH so we’re doing that as a you know kind of compartmentalizing that as a drill right that one and then once you get used to doing that then you’re going to start pulling the club down but you’ve still got to lead with the pelvis mhm right what you were doing you’re pushing down but you were leading with the head and chest right so now after you hit it your spine’s bending forward but when you see the pros and I think I just pulled up uh Charlie Hull right yeah so when she gets there the pelvis leads the way on the way down when she gets there the back the spine’s bending back right so the feeling as you’re coming down and through is that the pelvis is leading the way but when you get after impact here you feel like you’re tucking your hips underneath you feel like your belt buckles pointing above the Horizon and that gives you the feeling with the back bend okay makes sense it makes sense but yeah does

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