STOP Hitting Down on the Golf Ball! Do THIS Instead for Pure Contact and Compression!

In this video, Steve urges you to replace the idea of hitting down with another very simple idea that will give you much better results with your golf swing!

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you know all those videos you’ve watched on YouTube and all those articles you’ve read in golf magazines over the years telling you that you’ve got to hit down on the ball well I completely disagree with this notion because I think it gives us a really bad mental image so right after this I want to replace that idea of hitting down with something really revolutionary but really really simple so if you want to get better please stay [Music] tuned hey this is Steve with hit it longer. comom I continue on my journey to hit the ball longer and straighter than ever before and I’m hoping that I’ll be able to show you how to do this too all right so don’t get me wrong I’m not advocating away from a slightly negative angle of or downwards angle of attack at the moment of impact but I think telling people to hit down conjures up images and causes them to make actions that don’t fix the problem but said make it worse what I’ll see instead is I’ll see golfers certainly hitting steeply down on it but still not making a divot in front of the ball so on a track man I might see a really Ste deep angle of attack but for some reason they’re still chunking the ball like this so there hey I hit down on the ball but I also hit 5 in behind the ball and the ball barely got off the te now besides a steeper angle of attack no matter what other people might say this does not promote compression of the ball com advocates for more compression of the ground but this does not the secret of getting compression of the ball so instead of trying to hit down I want you to think of hitting level but I want you to think of hitting level where the correct low point is so do yourself a favor and you’re going to take if I can do this here we’re going to take oh about a maybe 9 to 12 in piece of gorilla I’ve got Gorilla Tape here thing it tore on the first take here that’s good and what I’m going to do is I’m going to lay it down on the mat like this and we can step on it a couple times make sure it’s really in there now I’ve got an N iron here so let’s just assume for a minute that we’ve got a nine iron played right in the middle of our stance and so here’s the middle of our stance for the nine roughly now what I’m going to do I’ve got this set up up for practice swings the tape is set up for some practice swings all I need to do start by setting the club down with no forward lean at all but just set it down like this lined up with just inside the left heel start it there and I want you to practice with very small swings brushing that spot just like that now you know that doing it right by two things if you can hear a brushing sound and not a thumping sound that means you’re coming in and you’re sweeping rather than chopping too steeply downwards now the other thing is the tape is giving you the feedback that’s telling you that you’re meeting the grass at the correct low point just start with little swings and make a very level brush in front of this tape over and over and over again you notice in this video I’ve already done this 20 to 25 times this is something you should have been doing from the very beginning of Learning golf finding the low Point finding the right depth so your divot is the same depth every time and finding the correct location very close to the left inep now you can see that if the ball was in the middle of my stance and I bottomed out oh 3 or 4 in in front of the ball then very naturally as my handle runs out of forward lean I want to run out of forward lean right about here of course here I’ll have a little bit left maybe 12 15° it’s not a lot that’ll be natural naturally occurring when you’re just making a brush so if we were to slow this way down as I’m making these brush level brushes off the left EP you can see that as I pass the ball got the club forward leaning and still a slight descending blow however it’s not in my mind to make a descending blow this is an important distinction it’s in my mind to make a sweeping divot level feeling off the left InStep and when you’re ready use the same swing to just chip or pitch a ball boy that felt great that had a ton of compression cuz I hit it in The Sweet Spot and I didn’t have a ton of spin Loft so I had a little bit of forward lean but my angle of attack was not overly gouging or steep which does not affect for the better your ball compression so it’s a very very fundamental thing in fact some people believe some inst instructors including me believe that this is for the average golfer the number one most important skill to learn is how to find and locate the low point in front of the ball so that you can hit the ball clean and pop it up in the air every time no chunks no more thins a lot more compression of the ball so again use the tape as your feedback if you hit the tape like this and you tear it up or rip it up a little bit you know that low point is too far back the biggest mistake is for golfers to start too big when I was 12 years old I started like this just missed the tape in front over and over and over again figure out how you’re going to sweep it level to the ground in front of the tape the tape will tell you if you’ve done it right once you’ve done a bunch of those you can start moving it to the ball sweep in front and you’re get some really nice strikes going so hey give this concept A Try rather than hitting down let that be built into the cake baked into the cake because you’re reaching your low point in the correct spot this is a very important skill it’s crucial to becoming a good golfer I hope you’ll give this a try and let me know how it works down in the comments or if you have any other questions leave them down in the comments hey for more great tips videos articles head over to my website hit it longer. comom I think think there’s a lot of stuff there that’s going to help make you a better golfer I’m Steve thanks for watching and as usual I’ll either see you in the next video or I’ll see you longer and straighter down the Fairway Everybody Take Good Care [Music]


  1. Hello Steve,
    Not sure if you are getting this point right.
    Hitting down on a ball is essential with an iron.
    There is a vast difference between a steep angle of attack and a shallow angle of attack.
    Not sure why you would suggest that the problem was hitting down…and not angle of attack.
    Be good to hear your take on that.

  2. This will be a good drill for those days when I just can't seem to find the ground (bottom of my swing).

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