How to Grip the Backhand in Disc Golf

The throw starts with the grip. Here is everything I have learned and currently think is important for backhand grips at various shot lengths.

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0:00 – Welcome
0:27 – Disc Claimer
1:28 – Alignment
2:22 – Nose Angle
3:02 – The Goal of Grip
3:30 – Thumb Pressure
4:30 – Still Pivot?
5:45 – Pressure Points
6:45 – Grip Pressure
8:34 – How to Find It
10:10 – Warning
10:56 – Shorter Distances
12:30 – Driving Putters
12:57 – Tweener Drive
14:06 – Approach Shots
15:23 – Patreon Plug

hi guys welcome back to another overthrow Disc Off video as always thank you so much for tuning in today we’re going to go over grips on the backhand side everything from approach shots to drives and the in between so go ahead and grab your full bag while the intro is playing let’s get [Music] started drop now before we dive into it I want to go ahead and mention that this is my current take on grip I’ve got a lot of Concepts in here that I feel are very solid but this is probably our third video on grip on the channel we’re going to keep you guys up to date as I learn things as I talk to other coaches as we experiment Tech dis and as I experiment things myself during the throw constantly learning I’m going to try to be very clear on things that I think hey this is pretty solid in my mind I don’t imagine this changing and then there are going to be other practical things and details that I’m going to share that I’m going to try to use language that says I feel this way or I think that’s your cue to say okay this isn’t like law so my goal here is to put Concepts that I’m learning into nice presentable little boxes for you right but not everybody fits into a little box so might be a little bit different for you but hopefully it’s helpful with that let’s get to the overarching concepts go ahead grab a driver or a fairway driver driver we’re going to go on alignment first so alignment generally the alignment that most people go with will be from the base of the hand up through like this first finger right some people have it lined up through this middle finger right and then you kind of move your fingers around pulling your fingers into the Palm I think that this is very important that you’re pulling into the Palm I’m pulling the rim of the disc into my palm now whether that ends up being a power grip like I’m showing you here or like a modif IED fan grip of some sort that’s up to you but you want hand pulling into the Palm now there’s pros with all sorts of different alignments right we get some people here some people here even some people that are kind of like here which is kind of a weird feeling alignment to me personally it’s important here to note that whichever alignment that you choose is not intrinsically nose up or nose down there are just like alignments that you definitely can’t do like no matter what you did with this grip for example it would be nose up right so but if you’re anywhere kind of on the Spectrum here between I’d say kind of these two you’re probably fine you can learn to throw nose down right so some of you are looking for the perfect grip to get nose down stop looking there start learning nose down through mechanics we have a range of grips I believe that you can learn to throw nose down with so what then is the primary focus of this grip well I talked about pulling into the Palm here the main thing you’re looking for in a grip is one that resists coming out of your hand when you try to rotate it like this so go ahead and grab your disc pull it into your palm like this and try to rotate it if you’re a righty that is clockwise if you’re a lefty that would be counterclockwise right you want a grip that is secure and able to do that now notice I can do that without a bunch of thumb pressure my current belief on this is that the more thumb pressure you have the harder it is for nose down a lot of people want to align like this and they think if I push the front of the disc down like this that’s how I get nose down with my grip maybe it gives you a tiny bit extra towards nose down maybe but any type of pressure that you’re putting on the top of the disc is going to start moving it towards no nose up right so I think thumb pressure is actually just to keep the disc from wobbling on its way forward I’ve had a lot of people who are mashing the thumb and they’re doing all the right things mechanically to get the nose down but the leverage of the thumb on the flight plate as they’re trying to you know turn the key at the end here they’re pushing down here and they’re pinching up front so these back fingers come off and turns it into nose up despite them trying to do the correct things so early on I was a proponent of this front pinch here nowadays I think you can do that in the beginning you can have less fingers cuz you need when you have lower speed you don’t need as much help holding on to the disc so you can get away with having less fingers on the disc at lower speeds but I think that if you pinch up front here the tendency for people is to end up nose up because these fingers end up being pretty loose and with the pinch here of course you’re pushing down with the thumb right so I think actually the pivot is real but I don’t think it’s a pivot because it’s pivoting around this right this is one of the things that confused me early on because you’d see Eagle like this with this thumb and it’s like how is that pivoting around there it’s not it’s just the finger hook has it peel off these fingers one by one and as it’s coming off the end there it’s hooking which creates the pivot and at the highest speeds Maybe like you need to push your thumb down to actually hold on to it a bit longer but for most people I’m going to Advocate not a lot of thumb pressure there you’re going to get the pivot because it’s going to roll off of these fingers and rip out of these fingers so with that being said where do you actually load the pressure onto well I think the faster you throw the more important it is to get this pinky on there and to get these back fingers involved as kind of the first point of resistance when you’re trying to twist it out of your hand here you’ll feel okay that pink is actually pretty involved and once it starts going then they all start like like popping off real easy so maybe not as important if you don’t throw super far but when you start moving your hand quickly I think you start learning real fast that you want some more support on these fingers here if I if I dropped I’d for sure lose 5 mes an hour and I don’t throw that fast but I feel like personally I need all the help I can get at the faster speeds to hold on to it and then at my highest speed I might apply a little thumb pressure cuz I can already get the nose down decent and then I need even more reinforcement from the thumb but that’s after I already have nose down now that brings us to the second concept which is grip pressure and what I’m going to call grip appropriation that is using appropriate amount of grip pressure for your throw so one of the things that you’re going to have to learn how to do I believe is how hard you should grip the disc the goal on drives where we’re looking for distance is to have the disc rip out of the hand right if you hold it too light it’s going to come out of your hand early right and it’s not going to make it through all of this throw where you’re trying to rip it forward your arm starts whipping out it’s going to slip out early imagine like trying to hold on to the outside of a marryg Go Round right the faster that thing’s spinning the harder you got to hold on not to get slung around around right and just throwing off that sucker but if it’s going pretty slow you can have a nice gentle grip and be just fine right so the disc is going around and the harder you throw the faster you throw the more grip pressure you’re going to need to keep it in your hand until the very end it’s not until I get up to about past 450 throwing speed where I feel like I really need to apply extra pressure or else it’s slipping out so personally I feel like my grip pressure is a limiting factor at the top of my speed range before that I want to try to maintain as loose of a grip as possible so that I can have as loose of an arm as possible Right which is not 100% loose it’s just as Loose as possible but that’s something that I learned over time aside from Max distance for some of you guys and some of you might not ever have the problem you might not ever have to hold that hard so if you’re only throwing 40 mph 2 300 ft you probably don’t need to grip it as hard as possible let me show you how to find your grip pressure for your stock shot and then you can go more or less from there okay so appropriate grip pressure for your stock shot you’re going to use a driver or a fairway driver for this I’m just going to throw a moderate speed keep my grip really really loose like it’s almost already falling out Loose okay here we go obviously came out super early so I would go from there and I’d keep grabbing harder if it kept slipping I’d grab a little bit harder it kept slipping grab a little bit harder until I see this little bit pop going straight carrying right didn’t come out early once I find that I would recommend going just a step further just to make sure that that was correct that is what I would say is a true grip lock I held on to it way too long it shot that way sometimes it goes even further that way right so then I’d ease back up and get to that second throw that I showed you so that’s something you have to work with not just on stock speed but you should start with your stock speed and then move up and down your speeds your hand will learn okay how much do I actually need here here and you’ll get used to that you just got to give your mind the hey I’m gripping too hard or hey that was too soft it slipped out right get used to those feelings start training that just a quick note I would probably not use this grip especially super hard for something deep like a putter cuz you’ll end up getting [Music] this I’ll be back I got it for the con content yeah might be helpful if you find yourself in a real patent pending position with how deep it is it’s easier to get a bit more grip underneath the disc just because of more surface area so you probably won’t ever use that for like a putter maybe even not a mid so that’s one end of the spectrum where you want the extra little you want the extra whip out of the hand from it ripping out of your closed hand okay now what about the other end of the spectrum right where you definitely want it coming out of your hand well you’ve already been there actually right that’s just putting open your hand you definitely let go of that sucker right so that’s the end of the spectrum now the tough part is all the inet now for this I’m going to use Putters in mids and I’m going to show you personally what I do for drivers and Fairway drivers it’s basically the same right if I’m throwing 450 I’m just going to take my honey and I’m going to grab it the way I just showed you right and if it’s less than that let’s say it’s 400 I’m just going to take a fairway driver and I’m going to grab it the same way I just showed you right and I’m just going to use the disc same thing mid-range even if I’m trying to get like somewhere in the 350 uh 400ish range I’m probably just going to use a mid with a very similar grip I’m just going to float this index finger a bit more so it doesn’t get hooked you can use these Concepts that I’m about to tell you for the faster discs it just isn’t that practical for most people but you can certainly take and throw a driver like an approach disc in certain utility situations we’re just not going to spend the time to go over that now you can go to our approach video that we have on the channel if you want to see that so the putters is where this is going to come into play with most people right so for example with my personal range I’ve got Putters that I’ve got to throw anywhere between 0 to 300 ft that’s a lot of different type of interaction with the disc we have the first one that we’ve been talking about where if I want to throw closer to that 300 Mark I can actually hold it like this I can sneak this index finger up here so I don’t get caught and do what I did there right and then throw it like a drive we’ll use that one all right so that’s for if I want to throw up putter basically as far as I can for some reason now inside of that say like 200 250 where I need to get it there a little bit but I definitely want to make sure I have zero potential for it just hooking out of my hand I’m going to switch to a modified fan grip where my pressure is going to be here right I’m basically creating a pinch Point here and with my thumb right and then these fingers are supporting I’m not like hooking hooking too hard in the rim there okay so I can can actually get a little bit of snap a little bit of pop off of this interaction right here now I mentioned thumb pressure earlier well for Putters not a big problem because they like to be nose up right and this is just that kind of like tweener range not quite an approach shot feel it’s kind of like driving with the putter but uh it’s definitely not just touch for me at that range that’s good so that covers that now last one is approach style back hands so I don’t want pivot on these I’m just trying to go Point shoot I’m going to use that approach style form where it’s more out in out and where I’m going to pop my hand think almost like how you would throw darts or baseball right coming out similar it’s not that you’re necessarily totally letting it go but you got a little pop out of the hand but it’s not because it’s got any kind of pivot or snap it’s just here and just boom just popping the hand forward right so for that similar grip but my pressure Point’s actually here now towards the middle of the disc right sometimes might look more like this but I’m pinching the middle I’m staying away from the rim I’m not trying to put a bunch of pressure there I just want here so it feels like I’m going here Focus Fox pop pop and that’s it you get a nice little nice little floaty approach shot with that so here goes the out in out I just pop my hand where I want it to go that’s probably somewhere in the 150ish range that I’d be using that all right if that doesn’t get you there and you still have questions well we’ve got our patreon one-on-one lessons you can talk to me there hope this was helpful catch you around peace [Music]


  1. Great video. I also used to be very pinch oriented, and have slowly moved more toward this finger pivot + backload style. Seems to help reduce tension in the wrist!

  2. You have no idea how much i have learned from you. A beginner, middle aged person, but madly in love with disc golf since i was introduced last year. Thank you!

  3. Highly agree with the thumb pressure idea. I actually started using a slightly pointed thumb to stabilize the disc because my thumb would sometimes lift off the disc during the throw.

  4. When I first started playing disc golf about 14 years ago, I used the powergrip. After switching to the modified fan grip, I got more distance and accuracy. Might be my small hands, but there is no wrong way to grip, it's what works best for you.

  5. My pinky always comes off during my swing, so I just 3 finger it. More control and distance for me for some reason

  6. The more nose pressure = nose up has proven to be 100% accurate with my personal work. I'm not saying the thumb is the only thing but that pressure can make it impossible to go nose down. I've straightened my thumb out and reduced the pressure to more of a positional amount versus a true pinch. I think of my thumb as the wobble stabilizer. I have a VERY consistent LOW (average around 2.5 deg) wobble throw even without perfect form and definitely contribute a good bit of it to that pinch pressure.

  7. I'd be interested in seeing the thumb slide towards the edge and how that affects BH? When I was learning to pull in ultimate Brodie had a good bid that showed a more inside out (hyzer) release and also thumb slides all the way to rim when ripping a full field pull. I feel like BH pull form in ultimate isn't that far of from BH tee form but I'm a DG noob?

  8. Thank you for everything you do for us (and yourself) to be better chuckers of plastic in the woods. Love your content.

  9. I def gotta practice those 100-200ft touch shots. They look like they should be easy, until I realize I don't throw them often, and my 1/2 swing or 3/4 swing feels awkward and I grip it too loose or grip lock. Gotta hit up my local short course more!

  10. so are we saying backloaded grip now? I've always heard the index finger is the most important and should have hte most pressure, now we're saying backloaded and pinky is most important? I'm so freakin confused man.

  11. I get a lot of pain in the middle knuckle of my middle finger when i power grip. probably from the disc improperly pulling on it out of the hand. any ideas other than switching to a modified fan grip (which i've done already)?

  12. Seems like Joseph Anderson and Eagle have similar grips. Thumb deep into the middle and it seems really “flat” to the ground or something too. Hard to describe what I mean

  13. So useful! Your content has helped me so much and I’m repping your custom clash stuff here in the Uk. The OT wild honey has been a game changer for me.

  14. I’ve had some success with backloaded grip (birdie/middle finger only fan grip) recently, but for some reason I like to put my index finger as deep as I can, and my second knuckle is on the edge of the rim, NOT the tip/1st knuckle. That way the tip of my index finger is aligned with the tip of my thumb and it feels good and comfy, but I’m not sure if that increases nose up angle more? Is it a big no no?

    It feels akward to let the first knuckle of the index just to rest there, and it goes somehow uncomfotably too far from the rest of the fingers with back loaded grip, so I”ve been tucking my index as deep as it goes towards the center of the disc (no matter what disc, even drivers) like in 13:20 in this video, but as I said, I’m not sure does the 1st knuckle rip enough with that placement. I’ve had some calluse because of thst placement (in the ”last” part of my index), so I assume it does rip to a degree, but not sure what it does to my launch angle. Hmm.

  15. This video is super timely for me. I feel like my form has been getting there, but my grip is what is letting me down. Way too many times my finger gets hooked on the disc. It didn't even occur to me to float my index on a mid-range, which is what I primarily throw right now. Can't wait for it not to be so hot so I can try this out!

  16. Does how hard you grip the disc effect spin? I have a really loose grip right up until the hit, and it doesn't necessarily feel like its falling out, but my spin is stuck around 1100. When I try to grip it really hard I get way less speed and spin, but maybe I have to practice it more.

  17. I love when you do these detailed videos. This video was eye opening to little details I never thought about. I’m going to give it a re watch then head to the field with a disc from each class of disc. Thank you again for the knowledge and for the inspiration to improve.

  18. Do you have any tips on grip for people with long fingers? I haven’t found one single video on how the grip changes when you have “piano fingers”, like me, compared to “sausage fingers”. Just for fun, grab a mini with a decently high rim and you will understand my problem. Long fingers confuse me when looking at any grip video and I plan on keeping my fingers 😋

  19. Should the finger tips be touching the top of the flight plate or be curled in to touch the rim such that the finger nails touch or face towards the flight plate?

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