2 Shots EVERY Golfer Needs off the Tee

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Welcome back to another on-course golf lesson! Today, we’re tackling one of the toughest par fives at our course—a challenging dogleg right. To conquer this hole, you need two key shots in your arsenal: a reliable fairway finder and a powerful bomb draw. 🎯

In this video, you’ll learn:
– The technique for hitting a consistent fairway finder under pressure.
– How to adjust your setup for a low, controlled ball flight.
– The steps to unleash a bomb draw for maximum distance on open fairways.
– Tips for differentiating between these shots to improve your game.

**Fairway Finder:**
– Lower tee height for more control.
– Chest on top of the ball for a low pull fade.
– Aiming left and covering the ball for accuracy.

**Bomb Draw:**
– Higher tee height for distance.
– Closed shoulders and uppercut swing for draw spin.
– Staying loose and letting it fly for added yardage.

Join me and Aaron as we demonstrate these shots with detailed explanations and real-time data from our FlightScope. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to these techniques, adding variety to your driving game will help you handle any situation on the course.

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→ The Best Ball Striking Tip I’ve Ever Received –
→ What Should My Right Arm Do in the Golf Swing? –
→ Tilt, THEN Turn Your Way to the Perfect Golf Swing –
→ What GOOD Golfers See When they Swing –
→ The Golf Swing is So Much Easier When You Know This (Do THIS Before Every Swing) –

Ballstriking Blueprint:
Consistency Code:
Simple Swing Solution:

Hi I’m Zach, thank you for visiting my channel. My goal here is to help you play the best golf of your life while having as much fun as possible!

I’m a PGA-certified golf instructor and have been coaching since 1997. I’ve been named a Golf Digest “Best Young Teacher,” a GolfTips Magazine “Top 25 Golf Instructor,” and Southern California PGA’s Teacher of the Year. I’ve worked with golfers of all ages and levels, from 4-year-old beginners on up through touring professionals. My students have included nationally-ranked juniors, touring pros, celebrities, and CEOs, but wherever you’re at on your golfing journey, my goal is always the same… to help YOU play your best golf!

I started playing competitive golf at a young age, ultimately reaching #3 in the California junior golf rankings – just behind another promising young golfer named Tiger Woods. I also played collegiate golf at the University of Southern California and professional golf on the Omega Asian Tour.

I work with students in-person at my studio in Valencia, CA, and teach golfers all around the world through my YouTube channel and on my website: Thanks for stopping by and drop me a comment if you have any questions or would like to get in touch!

so here we are out on course right kind of a cold day out in Southern California and we’re on this par five dog leg right it’s one of the hardest holes out here you need to really be able to have two shots off the te okay we got to have a fairway finder something that you can go to consistently Under Pressure whether the hole be really narrow or it makes you uncomfortable you know that you can hit the Fairway okay and I’m going to show you how to hit a fairway Finder right the way I hit a fairway finder and then we need to have one where we kind of let the big dog eat we open it up a little bit right to get a little extra yardage hopefully on days when you’re driving the ball pretty well already holes are a little wide open right maybe it’s a scramble tournament whatever the reason is but we want to have those two different gears right it’s a lot like a short game to me you can’t just have you know just your stock shot you’ve got to have kind of the low Checker the high floater it’s always good to have a little variety so I’m going to hit this Fairway finder first I’ve got my flight scope and my iPad out here just kind of tracking everything and the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to tee the ball down a little bit lower okay here’s the differences in tee height from say the that would be I’m going to try to bomb it and then here’s the Fairway finder down here I like it to be a little bit below the crown of the golf club so that’s going to kind of work very well with what I’m going to try to do in my golf swing so after teeing it down lower here’s kind of the basic premise that I want to feel I want want to feel like my chest is more on top and covering okay typically what’s going to happen with that feeling of me being more on top the ball flight is going to be kind of a low pole fade it’s not going to go very far but it’s going to find the Fairway and it’s definitely going to help me eliminate the left side I’ve done it for years it works well I would say probably 90% of the tour players out there their Fairway finder is similar to something like this it’s some some type of a low pull fade what I should see on flight scope is I should see data to where my path is left and my angle of attack is a little more downward because of me being more on top of the ball let’s give it a rip aiming a little left of Target going to try and cover it with my chest so just kind of a low bullet fade peeling right back into the Fairway and definitely helps if it’s wind out because it’s going to stay below the wind the ball for me right I was swinging 107 carried 222 so not very far my path was 8° left and I hit 7° down on that total distance 273 with the roll so it’s not pretty okay but it’s very effective and especially you know on the last hole of an event I’m in I’m in contention you know uh I’m a little bit iffy with the driver it works amazing so let’s go ahead and go to the grip it and rip it we’re going to Tee It Up a little higher I like to put the logo of the ball with the hole I feel like the seam gives me a little more distance and now compared to the Fairway finder where I was aiming left and I was more on top of the ball I’m going to kind of reverse that I’m going to be a little bit more closed with my shoulders cuz my my goal here is I’m going to try to put a little bit of draw spin on the ball it’s a little bit dangerous but I’m going to be more up and underneath and I’m going to feel like I’m going to put a little more uppercut a little bit more draw spin on it and I’m going to really feel like I let it go you know Let it Go just meaning I’m going to really feel like I’m extending and letting this get nice and long coming through so a little closed with the shoulders a little more tilted I probably turn the face in a couple degrees just to make sure I get that draw Spin and then stay loose and Let Her Fly oh that was the one that think is up there for a long time all right let’s see what we got there number wise 112 Club speed so a bit faster hit up 3.8 285 carry 5 degree right club path so it puts that left spin axis on the ball the smash was 147 so not perfectly hit but pretty good total distance 311 so that was good example there of going from Fairway finder to bomb draw and it’s good to kind of mix that up on the driving range and have all three of those shots right if you’re going to be a better than a 10 handicap golfer you’ve got your stock you’ve got your Fairway finder and you’ve got your bomb draw and there definitely should be able to differentiate between all three fairly easily okay so it’s easy for me to do it right I’ve been doing it for a bit I’ve got Aaron in here today he’s going to try to go through it himself let’s see how he does I’m going to go ahead and T one up for right we’re going to start with the Fairway finder okay so give me your best kind of representation of feeling more on top of it right and let’s let’s aim a little bit more left so that bunker out there we’re aiming at the very left edge of it you can aim quite a bit left on this shot then give me that feel of kind of the chest leading and the club path being across good and that’s a little bit of a different feel for him because he definitely probably hits more of a draw consistently all right let’s uh let’s give it a shot there huh that looked great look like a nice little Fairway finder rehearsal yeah left left edge of the bunker don’t be afraid to aim up left too much that’s actually how you take take out the left side oh nice nice almost fell over but it works it’s a little bit out of balance but that’s a very very nice Fairway finder what do we got there so we got 9° left path 194 carry 6° down and what I love about that Fairway finder it’s still rolled out to 260 and he’s definitely right in the Fairway there so that will work every time he’s just right up the left Center nice job all right you ready to he likes the bombit probably that’s a little bit more so show me your rehearsal like and really don’t be afraid to exaggerate the address position like go ahead and jump in here for a practice swing don’t be afraid to really feel like you take your chest and we’re pointing it back here somewhere so we’re definitely more close that helps with the club path but that also helps with kind of that that upward angle of attack or that uppercut feel yeah so this ball you really got to kind of get a sense of it’s starting out right and then your hands are going to let it release and it’s going to turn back over the biggest thing I would say with this you guys too is loosen everything up right we’re really going to let this one go think of a long driver in a long drive competition loose is fast and hitting a nice high bomb draw is fast there you go closes up good hit the inside part of the ball yeah and then let it release from there wow boy man who’s the teacher and who’s the student huh I think he hit those better than I did fantastic job so that’s a little into the wind I’m not sure if it didn’t totally turn over but he definitely ripped it so Club head speed 109 250 carry ball went out to 27 77 total hit up 5.3 so the only problem there his smash Factor was a little bit low it was only 137 so probably didn’t quite catch it perfectly if he’ caught that that perfectly he probably would have been out there near 300 yards but definitely a a fantastic display of he’s never really done that too much specifically and he learned it very quickly as should you so I hope some of these OnCourse lessons help you kind of mix it up and be able to hit some different golf shots you know we like to work on technique and do that but it’s also fun to hit some different golf shots those would be two that I would definitely have in my back pocket at all times right and your buddies won’t know when you’re pulling each one out right whether it be the Fairway finder or the high bomb draw I hope that helps I will see you guys next week thanks for watching if you’re looking for even more ways to take your golf swing to the next level then I’ve got just the thing for you I’ve put together a three-part web class where I reveal the exact formula I use to take my students from complete hackers to the type of golfers who confidently attack pins split Fairways with ease and consistently Crush shot after shot all before you reach the bottom of your next bucket of range balls I call it the one swing fix and you can get the entire thing free of charge by clicking the link right here the training series isn’t available anywhere else so go ahead click the link right now and I’ll see you on the other side


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