Keegan Bradley used to sneak on to Bethpage Black in college. PERFECT pick for Captain.

I’m a New York guy St John’s where did you guys practice we played Beth Page black they we’d start on that third hole the par three yeah we’d play the inside we wouldn’t go over the road Craig Courier he always he hates when I tell the story but he was superintendent and he took such good care of us yeah we’d park at the maintenance and we play the inside and then my senior year was with one of my buddies I was like and we’re going we’re going to go over the road we’re going to play them all like we imagine as a college kid we couldn’t go to 15 16 17 18 that’s that’s the money so we go we’re doing it and we got in so much trouble like if my Coach was so mad he should have been we what a horrible thing but it was it was worth it at the time


  1. Je ne peux pas croire à quelle vitesse cette conversation évolue ! C'est comme un tourbillon d'idées et d'idées.🍒

  2. È piacevole far parte di una comunità in cui l'ego passa in secondo piano rispetto alla ricerca della verità. È rinfrescante.💞

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