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Is Derrick Brown Underrated?, Front Office Moves, Luke Kuechly Speaks | Panthers News Today

ESPN recently released a list of the top players at DT. Is Derrick Brown too low?

Luke Kuechley spoke on the future of the team and certain players.

Panthers made a move in it’s front office that was a headscratcher at first but more info has come out.

Follow me on all social media @DuncOnDemand

what up what up do what’s good family I know I set this live off a little bit later or earlier or later I don’t know life be life I give yall a second to come in here I know the notifications going out no countdown today no countdown today y’all waited long enough I’ve waited long enough shoot you know I I wasn’t I had a rough day I’m not going to lie to y’all I thought about cancelling I thought about not doing it it’s been a rough day but I’m here I I realize that I need I need this outlet and I need y’all can’t let the man damn my my hair getting long can’t let the man steal your joy can’t let the man get you down can’t let the man steal your joy and this is my joy had a rough day rough couple days actually um with life life be lifing but mat LX y raw Walker what up do stream Bean poppy what up do give people a few minutes just to check in no countdown today I know the notification was crazy I I changed the live stream from 7:30 to 7:45 at the last minute I appreciate y’all bearing with me Nico Co s what up do Aaron Zimmerman what up do hope my day gets better it’s going to get better man I’m here with y’all appreciate that appreciate them wishes appreciate them wishes I’m still doing that thing I was doing that challenge so no no uh no alcohol no alcohol for me I got I got a vacation at the end of the month so I’m trying to get this body right so it’s water water and body armor for your boy tonight y’all pour up a beer for me y’all take a shot for me I appreciate it shout out to my guy Rick in the building what up Rick what’s good brother say yeah life be life in yeah good man just it’s just work is killing me it’s killing me gotta be stressed out but I I need this Outlet we got to talk about it we got to talk about some things shoot I’m loosen this hat my hair is getting long it’s making my head hurt on these hats my hair is getting long it’s light I gota I gotta get my lighting together sooner or later uh but I appreciate y’all tuning in we got a couple more people tuning rolling in um like I said I know we didn’t start at the a lotted time but I’m just buying a little bit of time for people to check in because I did not do a countdown today no countdown today say what up though ready for some football for us City yeah man yeah uh first things first real quick some white news if you have not and you plan on doing it go hold up matter of fact matter of fact matter of fact time out first of all everybody in this video give it a thumbs up poor favore please and thank you give it a thumbs up Eddie burner what up do Jrock what up do you know Nicholas [ __ ] I just put two and two together what you was sitting here you were trying to say what up though what up I just put two and two together I literally just put two and two together that’s how cook my brain is uh but but if you have not go get your training camp tickets they’re free unless you go in a Fan Fest um they’re free like go get them they’re only going to be 2,000 tickets for the regular practice if you plan on going to any of them go get them go get them I highly recommend you going to get the joint practice first soon as the Jets fans I don’t know if they’re going to make an allotment available for jets fans but as soon as the Jets fans get H they are going to swarm there only 2,000 tickets if you went to uh I think Rick I think Rick was there last year were you there for the joint Rick last year I think you were I think that’s when we all were there yeah it was Ricky will tell you that joint practice with the Jets it was swamp it was way more than 2,000 people at wford sitting on grass in the hill I’m assuming they’re going to be roll away bleachers for uh Charlotte I’m hearing that according to beat report there only 2,000 tickets so I highly recommend if you plan on coming to the Joint practice go get your tickets go get them now when I got my tickets for when I’m going to training camp I started I started on a August 15th and I worked my way backwards yeah yeah that was I can’t remember it was that day or if it was a different day that you uh you and Jerick pulled up Rick but yeah it was packed Ricky will tell you it was packed it was packed so if you don’t want to miss out seeing Aaron ERS C sace Gardner uh Quinny Williams all the ball headed head coach all of them Hard Knocks won’t be there this year so the field might not be as crowded but I have a feeling that the the stands will be crowded please go get those tickets first I want to have more Panthers fans there more than them green guys saying spelling uh their five ex me their four letter a word I don’t I don’t want them there making them chance they were doing it last year I want to get more Panthers fans there this year so let’s go ahead and get them tickets if you going to go get them tickets let’s get some Panthers fans out there man hope is at alltime high we’re zero and zero I I know some of y’all may not be as as excited about it but going out there see him and in person is a good way to build up some excitement so I highly highly encourage you to attend training camp I will be there so if you want to see me there on looking at it I got my tickets you know I started there first I just want to put that out there but uh do that yeah so yeah no jok as wild they coming like that at wford Charlotte is going to be B exactly way bigger city easier location to get to it’s going to be crazy I’m expecting it to be crazy two girls one more what up do shout out to my guy I will be uh we will be collabing tomorrow we recording it I’m not going to put no dates out of where he’s going to put it out cuz I don’t want to put his feet to the fire but we got some we got a good show I’m already calling a good show we’re going to have a good show tomorrow recording he’s going to put it out this week so stay tuned for the collab incoming stay tuned earol L what up though what’s good brother tar in the building what up do say Yan said let’s get it Stefan what up though Michael rain what up though hey appreciate it man yeah I’m good I’m good it’s just work stress man work stress man said we going to be going to be pounding this year yes sir say he going to try to come hey man you got to you got to meet me there Tyreek you you you know what I’m saying we we had linked up at training camp two years ago I think you came to you come to one you might have came to one last year I can’t remember I know we linked up at a multiple year before last me Rashad and everybody else I want to see you out there brother want to see you out there but make sure you go get them tickets if you are going to attend I would love to have a great crowd um cheering and being obnoxious cuz that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to be obnoxious it’s going to be the last day of training camp too I’m going to be obnoxious loud and obnoxious cheering on uh the Panthers uh rubbing it in if we make any plays I’m rubbing it in to the jetz fan face I’m just going to do it so I’mma need I’mma need some support from y’all uh uh for me being crazy out there not too crazy I ain’t going to start no drama but I will be yelling but make sure you get those tickets if you are going to go um if you’re going to attend any practices I will be going to not going to be going to all of them confession I will not be going to all of them as usual I will not be going to all of them like I usually do but I will be at most of them I will be at most of them I will say that I will not be at all of them like usual but I will be at most and the coverage is going to be just like it usually is so get y’all popcorn ready make sure that subscribe but button and the bell icon is hit because I get in that mode man I get in that mode when it’s time for train to C so um getting ready for that okay couple things to talk about um of course some Panthers news just a few things not going to be on here long obviously we’re in the dog days of the offseason so every little news that comes out we got to talk about it some stuff comes out it comes out and talks about it Demitri anderton let take a moment take a moment real quick said Pro lineman here demetric Anderson 2x International undefeated Champion for the Chihuahua de call a dios I have a feeling I can help the panther Nation online GM and agents contact me ASAP first of all you got to be a subscriber to comment on this so you need to add add a subscriber to your resume as well add add a add a necessary bluntness Sports Talk subscriber to your resume as well I’m just joking let me look you up I’mma look you up the Chihuahua Chihuahua de card were you on that uh American international team that just got beat by China or Japan was that you cuz that’s that’s what we need help at we need help on the international team oh it is a real team it is a real team can I translate this yeah yall just won the championship congrats congrats to y’all on the championship congrats to y’all on the championship um but we need we need help for the for the USA uh uh world champion uh uh football team that’s what we need to help at these dudes going out there bringing Shane to the country yes they yeah exactly uh let me see okay [Music] 59 I see you on the roster bro number 59 I see you on the roster they ain’t got your height and weight but they got your I see you bro I mean you ain’t know you said give him a shot let me put this screen share real quick y’all bear with me for a few seconds a little bit of a tangent but that’s why we do uh that’s why it’s a live stream uh uh this is bro Instagram my boy demetric said that’s what happened when they don’t want to pay he ain’t no he ain’t no SM oh damn it gonna make me log in I ain’t loging in Instagram on no browser but I see you posing with the trophy with the Kobe shot I will pull up your highlights it won’t let me I see you been putting in work though bro is that a they ain’t gonna let me open up no pictures said two time LFA Champion Right Guard shoot get you in the camp man they should have get you an agent they try to get you in the rookie Camp get you an agent and try to get you in the rookie Camp man get you a try out I I don’t I ain’t got no I don’t have any plug in the front office unfortunately if I did we probably have a Super Bowl by now if I had some say so in the front office we have a Super Bowl right now 63 315 I hear you bro you got the size man see hopefully they let me film in peace since they look I I ain’t making no promises on film this year for training camp I’m not I’m not I’m not making any promises but salute to you uh Demetri bro I I I miss the grind I’m glad I’m out but I miss it I ain’t gonna lie to you I miss it but best of luck man keep balling uh but first bit of news man uh Mai Smith what up though so Panthers they made a move to the front office um and they fired VP of player Personnel Adrien Wilson former Cardinal uh former for Cardinal player excuse me former Cardinal exec was brought to the Panthers in February 2023 if you do the math that is a little over a calendar year probably about a year and a half of employment before being terminated now on the outside looking in before we got more information this seemed like a typical terer move this seemed like the uh uh uh the typical I call it a three and out you know I call it a three and out just because it’s a short a short drive like in football it’s a three and out the typical person that gets hired as an exec with Seer they get fired very quickly they continue to get paid but they’re no longer employed I thought it was one of those instances very very fishy because Adrien Wilson came over with the prior regime was retained was retain with Dan Morgan I’m not really sure what his role was I’m assuming it was the same thing I didn’t check the the website before he was fired cuz you know when they do this stuff they get rid of these dudes off the website like a thief in the night they remove these dudes from the website like a thief in the night so I did not get a chance to check that out however BP a player Personnel was his title for all we knew he was still around how I thought personally when uh Frank Wright was fired I thought they may get rid of Scott and I thought Adrien was a potential guy for um interim general manager I thought that he was going to be a guy potentially for the general manager position to get interviewed obviously we know the Rooney Rule and stuff like that him being a minority um granted he’s within the organization so you don’t get any draft picks excuse me and stuff but you still have to do those interviews all that aside uh all that doesn’t matter anymore news came out today that he was arrested on three counts of domestic violence now obviously I’m not going to go into the details of everything because one there’s not a lot of details except that he was out on Bond on June 1st so he just took some scouring of the internet for people to figure that out because the Panthers did not say that the Panthers pretty much released a statement said that Adrian Wilson is not a part of this team anymore as with any internal move in our front office we do not discuss the details so there was really a million things and I understand for respect the situation it makes sense now but they literally gave us nothing I mean they gave us something they gave us the usual but they gave us nothing so they left room to speculate so I can’t blame any anybody for speculating that’s just the the the the ters and the way they’ve run this team since they’ve owned the team they do not they they don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt they have not earned the benefit of the doubt on making these type of moves like this so when we get limited information this is what happens when your reputation perceives you as a organization and a coach I mean excuse me as an owner these things happen so I don’t blame anybody for kind of speculating in between they left room for it like I said the media the news whomever did their homework he was arrested in Arizona um on those charges I think it was assault damaging some property um some other I don’t know some other things as well it doesn’t matter but clearly it was enough to get him terminated we don’t know the details of the incident we have not gotten a full police report on that front however it was enough for the Panthers to be like uh-uh uh-uh and so it makes a lot of sense now it didn’t make a lot before but it makes a lot of sense now it makes a lot of sense now you can’t really mess around with that type of stuff they probably did their research he’s a guy he’s an exact he’s not a player he’s not a player players they stick beside players because players are Commodities that um if if you can play you can unfortunately that’s just the way the business is they look certain ways on certain instances with players more so than execs when you exi nah you fired they feel like get somebody else in place they’re not even going to waste their time and I don’t blame them one it’s their company policy two they probably know more information about the incident to me and three you don’t want to you don’t want to it’s not worth messing around it’s not worth messing around because you keep him if you keep him employed people start asking why is he still employed even if you want to say we’re still collecting information and then the information comes out you look trash so I understand even if it even if it is is to a quick trigger you don’t want to mess around with that so I 100% 100% understand why they made that move now all that being said there is a void at the VP of player Personnel in the Panther’s front office who will fill that position I don’t know I really don’t know I I I don’t know if they plan on promoting from within I would expect them to promote from within but even if they move everybody up to total poll somebody they still uh a spot available unless people are going to be pushing double duty all hands on debt quote unquote there’s going to be a void on the staff or the front office so who gets that spot I don’t know now shout out to my guy Terry he’s not on this week he was on last week shout out to my guy Terry he said that the panther should go ahead and hire Luke Keeley to the VP of player personnel now trust me let me put this out there let me put me full disclosure let me give you a little Preamble of all this I love Luke Keeley he’s top he’s on that Mount Rushmore Panthers that we talked about for me couple weeks ago no question I the Homer in me will argue with somebody on the street that he’s the best linebacker of all time that’s just the Homer in me and how much I like Luke Keeley no question his Intelligence on the field cannot be questioned his ability to diagnose plays before it happened call it out put people in position just be a coach an extension of the coach on the field with Next Level instincts and knowledge of the game the The Dude went to Boston College there’s a reason why Boston College is not good at football because they they they have high standards for their academics you can’t be dummy and go to Boston colge maybe now with nil and portals they let anybody in who knows I don’t know but you can’t be no dummy and go to Boston College I mean no offense I ain’t going to call nobody no dummy everybody’s in college but Luke Keeley ain’t no dummy very his football acument cannot be questioned however putting him as a VP of player Personnel is a very very high Benchmark to put somebody with no experience at that position as an executive at least he did some scouting obviously with the Panthers for a little bit it didn’t work out I guess rule rule will run anybody off of whatever happened I would love for him to join the coaching staff or even the front office in some capacity but him to assume the VP of player Personnel just seems like a little bit too big of a bite from the Apple granted we’ve seen stranger things have happen John Lynch was a general manager with fairly no experience if any if I know if I recall put somebody with him that he learn with and grow with and he and look they winning conference championships haven’t got a Super Bowl but they’ve had a successful run between him and KY so but I just don’t see Luke being ready for that type of position I would love to them like I said if they promote and move everybody up I would love for the void that’s created to bring in Luke I would love to but I just don’t know if he’s ready for uh that VP spot that’s just me love the guy though love him would love to meet him maybe he’ll be at Camp one day I can I’ll let him I don’t know but staying on Luke so Luke he is a I don’t know if it’s a recurring spot or what it is he’s on there fairly often but Luke Keeley um he’s on the up and Adam show with K Adams pretty regularly not like weekly or not even monthly but like he’s cons I’ll say he’s consistently on K Adams show so we had about a 22-minute interview a 22 minute interview uh with her yesterday on Monday’s Edition um I I I just love hearing Luke Keeley talk football like just going back to how much I like I just like hearing him talk football he doesn’t bring any like Cutting Edge like new like you know what I’m saying he’s not like some Grand he’s not like some wizard where he just like drops knowledge every time but he’s a very pra IAL practical speaking guy he knows the game clearly he’s a nice dude so he tries to say stuff in as nice way as possible um but he’s pretty straightforward and I tweeted out he had a little segment he kept it real yeah Kay loves some Kay loves some Luke and I think it’s just because Luke doesn’t do many media Ops so the fact that she gets that opportunity with him she loves having him on there but she does that she definitely love her salute kley but I appreciate him getting a spot on her show as well so shout out to K I’m a big fan of Kay she’s cool um but he had a 22-minute interview very very insightful um it was funny they talked about the wedding Christian McCaffrey’s wedding with Greg Olsen was sweaty um they talked about his training camp memory he talked about excuse me his best memory of Cam and he talked about the training camp fight with Josh and Cam and like how it all unfolded and stuff like that um but it was also asked about the team he had some comments and like like I said Luke he’s the radio and I don’t listen to Panther’s radio during the game full disclosure so I don’t know how he speaks there but this is about as candid as I’ve heard him be in terms of like specific players and stuff on the team and I thought he has a couple interesting comments it was nothing like he wasn’t like dragging anybody or exposing anybody but I he had some names so one of the things that he said was they asked them what do they want to see from well actually ask about Bryce young and him being a quiet leader she asked she said it just seems weird that he’s not a he won’t be a vocal leader the comments and the situation seemed weird and Luke was like he needs to be himself and this is kind of what I was saying before I don’t want him to be fake because people will read fake the saying real recognize real is not just a saying I mean it is a saying but it it it means something real people recognize real people real recognize real so it ain’t about it ain’t about Bryce being vocal and rah rah rah and cussing people out even though we’ve heard he’s done that before in the locker room you know what I’m saying but it’s not about that it’s about him being himself and we’ve seen himself we’ve seen him at Alabama being successful being a leader being a little rah but also being composed but being himself I think that Bryce young not having success is hampering who he is for better for worse I don’t think he’s comfortable with what with with the lack of success that we’ve had I don’t think like I don’t feel like he’s comfortable completely coming out of his shell you know what I’m saying once they winning I don’t think that and I don’t want to say he’s a front runner but you’re not going to see him at a all-white party with Michael Rubin you’re not gonna see him on radio row at the Super Bowl partially because that’s not his personality but I think the other part is what what what sense does it make you doing all this when you haven’t had success on the field you need to be put in that work so I understand and I do think that he may need to come out his shell a little bit and not have to wait for everything to go right to be who he is but if he’s laidback a little bit more chill and like they said he has more of a personal relationship with everybody in the team to the point that he relates to them that way there’s different ways to lead I don’t want him not being who he is cuz then you get into the whole Russell Wilson thing people start talking about Russell being fake and they feeling like he’s fake I don’t want I don’t want that I don’t want that cuz when stuff’s going bad and you being fake that stuff gets old you saw I got old and went sour in Denver at times I don’t want that I want him to be himself and so I thought that I thought that was logical it made a lot of sense of what Luke was saying Aaron said I’m confused on the quiet leader from L at clown I saw that man Bryce talking to the line and the whole team multiple times yeah yeah I mean last year was frustrating we saw him throwing the iPad we saw him doing the IAD Dollar Hand slap you learn a lot about yourself when you when when things ain’t going right I tell you that but I think in due time I think in due time everybody’s not everybody’s not going to be Cam Newton I think like I I’ve said it before it’s not an insult to cam but he’s done irreparable damage to this fan base and this is not even a slight to him I think people cim normalized a lot of stuff that ain’t normal and he’s done like I said the residual damage he’s done I think is just I think it’s I think it’s pretty heavy a lot of stuff that can’t the way he went about certain things who he was how he played the situation he was in what he did for this team is not precedented we probably won’t ever see it again ever in the league in my opinion let alone this franchise a athletic freak 652 55 lbs 45 46 speed the in my opinion the best dual threat quarterback of all time he may give it to Lamar I’mma say to cam and it sounds like everybody else that’s asked this question is saying probably cam just because of how he played for better for worse had to carry the team with part s that weren’t up to Snuff and still tried to make it look presentable made it look presentable was able to cover up a lot of issues was himself was comfortable with himself from the jump he had to go through his growing pains too where people talking about he need to learn how to lose and he pushed back he said show me a good loser and I’ll show you a loser he was comfortable with him being himself from the jump I want to be Entertainer and icon he was comfortable with himself from the jump in that aspect everybody not like that man that’s rare literally one of one literally one of one he said cam was and is underappreciated still I agree I think like I said I think he’s the best dual threat quarterback of all time but he’s just an alltime player not just a not just because of his ability just what he brought to the game there will never there will never be another Cam Newton I don’t think I I don’t I don’t expect it when we talk about generational that he’s he’s a generational type of player we I’m I’m very very fortunate that I got to witness him being my favorite player on my favorite team we’re all fortunate but it’s just not the norm quarterbacks need a Supporting Cast they’re going to need help the quarterback landscape has changed I talked about this before there’s no more bradies or Breeze or Mannings even Manning even though Manning had good receivers throwing to stokeley or or um in New England David given mean excuse me in uh New England David given or Troy brown or New Orleans throw to uh Dey Henderson a lance Mo shout out to Marcus Colston but am Marcus colon there there aren’t those type of quarterbacks that are going to elevate like that except at least to get to like make household names out of guys except Patrick Mahomes and even Patrick Mahomes has top Nots tight end the NFL is different quarterbacks need help they need protection they need weapons and that’s the type of situation br br is going to have to be in that it’s just a different approach and like I said Cam Newton just what he was able to do for us has done residual damage people have that expectation for anybody that plays quarterback Teddy Bridgewater has been the best quarterback we’ve had since Cam Newton retired he was the first one after had the toughest job in the world from this fan base a lot of people in this fan base hated him just because of that no fault of his own blame Matt rule blame David temper but Teddy Bridgewater has been the best quarterback we’ve had in that one year he was the bet he’s said the most productive quarterback play and consistent quarterback play For Better or For Worse since Cam Newton has retired but he’s not C and he caught Flag for not being cam it’s a tough job not being cam the same way cam caught Flack for not being Brady being that first guy after it happens bro and the Patriots fans are gripping with the reality I mean we we’ll see what Drake May does they’re gripping with the reality that everybody NFL has to face generational talents aren’t the norm they’re coming down to earth they had 20 something years of being spoiled by generational quarterback play they coming back to Earth they coming back to the trenches with the rest of those NFL fans they’re dealing with that but that follow up and that fall from grace from a generational franchise Legend is tough and it does damage so I just think that we have to give some Grace to Bryce young as a leader which is what I’m I’m I’m laying the plane at because everybody’s not going to be as comfortable with their role as camon Grant camon is the ultimate leader in general so it just was him I I don’t I want to compare their their ability to lead because Cam Newton shown time and time again even in college whatever that as a leader it’s almost unmatched but that doesn’t mean Bryce young style won’t work of leadership so let’s get some Grace on his leadership style I’m I’m fine Samuel Smith what up do said we heard all last year Pat needed help on a receiving core true why ween Bry to exactly because Pat they left they they L the league in drops can I imagine Prime Cam and CMC don’t make me cry on this live stream man we should have had it we should have had it they robbed us the NFL robbed us but imagine DJ CMC we had a we had a squad in 2018 bro had 20 I just would like to see how 2018 would have played out is there a timeline where it plays out I would have loved to see 2018 play out I would have loved to see that year play out for us but Luke Keeley also he talked about Bryce as again he they asked what he wanted to see from Bryce he said he wanted to see Bryce push the ball down field more now this has been a criticism for a lot of you guys in the comments saying that he has a noodle arm that he can’t throw deep we don’t throw deep because he can’t some people say that we don’t have the weapons some people say we don’t have the time I think the truth is somewhere in the middle which is per usual of every NFL argument but Luke he said he wanted to see him push it down the field he said playing in a 10 to 15 Yard Box makes it easy for them to cover he said that they need to stretch the field just to be able to open up things underneath I’m 100% agree this is not rocket science who am I to disagree with Luke Keeley anyway but he’s right Bryce does need to push the ball down the field now what needs to click in his brain does he need to be more confident in himself does he need to be more confident in the weapons does he need to be more confident in the protection that he’ll have time to throw deep I don’t know he missed some deep balls last year that he should have connected on a lot of them the Mingo some of them the chart but something’s got to give we don’t have to be some Juggernaut no risk and no biscuit push the ball down the field team but we do need to get defenses can’t be able to sit 10 to 12 yards play Man coverage and know they’re going to get to the quarterback and and get away with it teams were doing that from preseason the Detroit Lions if you go back and look at that preseason game they’re backups their backups play physical man coverage in preseason their second and third string and exposed us as soon as I saw that you can go back to my my post game live my post preseason live stream I was very very weary after that I was very very weary because it was a struggle to move that ball against some backups Running Man coverage which in my opinion I mean man coverage is hard to beat but in the NFL if you’re playing man coverage consistently you you the you should get what you deserve and the Saints do it and they play a lot of physical coverage and they get away with some of the holding and stuff we’ll see it off the Jump I hope somebody does it to us this year because we’re gonna see it off the Jump in New Orleans so we’re gonna need Deontay but that’s another thing that Luke talked about he talked about the addition of Deontay helping us push the ball down the field the addition of Z Legette helping us push the ball down the field having to put thien in the middle o instead of having to be that primary Guy having adequate weapons should help push the ball down the field but he said it he wanted to see Bryce push it down field more and I think like I said it’s not even if you connect you have to try make him respect it cuz he talked about it opens up things so at least make them respected if a Tactical Defensive guy like him is speaking you need to listen but he also said that they need protection and he specifically called out iky kuu he he he he big up he big up hunt and Lewis he big up uh Austin Corvett he big up Taylor Molton but he said we need quote we need more from icky we need more from icky we need more we want more and they and Michael Irving motivational speech clip that be out there we need more and I agree iy and I’m going to make a training camp roster evaluation video as well but it could get it I think I I think I talked about him needing to step up last week that’s the one thing man I’m worried about on offense I’m not worried about Corbett I’m really not iky kuu is making me a little nervous I’m not going to cap I’m not gonna cap II could be that he’s such a key position such a key player it could be the wrench the monkey wrench into our plans if he don’t work out so he gotta work out 2.7 or less icky all I need 2.7 or less is all I need he also said that they needed more from Jonathan Mingo jonath the Mingo has been a highly discussed topic this off season Demetrius said put him in coach he will see they need more from Mingo some people saying Mingo is fine we need more from Bryce we need Bryce to hit Mingo some people say Mingo is he could be another TMJ I put that out there lost in the fold lost in the wash but I think it’s wise of them to to to have added to the receiver room bring in competition that way anything Mingo shows is a bonus you don’t have to depend on him anymore last year I think depending on him for so much was a lot of pressure that he wasn’t ready for as a developmental Prospect but I think now in a role where he’s not expected much of and anything he brings is a bonus I would love to get something from Mingo this year do we need more yeah I mean do we need more or n I mean we love I I want more definitely want more damn sure want more do we need more yeah maybe maybe not maybe maybe not but you guys get the video a thumbs up if you have not given it a thumbs up appreciate you we got one more topic so ESPN and all their four-letter Glory shout out to Mickey Mouse uh they released the list surveying they didn’t survey 100 people like Family Feud they surveyed some people around the league Scouts GMS random people who knows but they surveyed and asked who were the top 10 defensive tackles who were the top 10 defensive tackles in the NFL say you figure Mingo was gonna be good off the rip dang I had High Hopes I’m not gonna lie to you I had High Hopes but they released a list of the top 10 defensive tackles and Carolina’s own Derek Brown made number seven very very respectable ranking clearly the best guy on the team at this point it’s not even a debate it’s not even a debate at this point he’s the best player on the team but a number seven ranking as a number seven defensive tackle is he too low because I’ve always felt like Derek Brown had been underrated it started with our fan base um and and now that he’s finally getting our respect from the fan base it seems like across the league because we suck we suck guys we’re not good so you’re going to automatically get disrespected when your team is not good however that doesn’t mean we can’t complain about it that doesn’t mean that we cannot complain and discuss and make a case that he should be higher or lower let me read what they had on Derek he’s they said Brown was a actually he R seven his highest ranking according to the survey was number two that’s crazy actually the lowest was number 10 obviously uh Aaron Donald is gone so I think the Bonafide best D tackle I don’t think it’s arguable in my opinion is Chris Jones Chris Jones is is is the best he’s the best defensive tackle he’s one of my favorite players in the league I just I don’t know man something about a disruptive force on the inside of a a defensive line it just makes the football fan in me smile a pass rusher that’s violent the motor is just straight up nasty not to mention that Chris Jones could have easily been a panther we drafted Vernon Butler instead of Chris Jones just a little nugget for you guys if you want to get a little pissed off um we P we passed on Chris Jones he went the second round granny he has some off the field concerns they were talking about nothing legit I don’t think I think it was just his attitude or something whatever and and granted you kind of see it now he he he he’s he’s not nice he’s a mean guy um but he’s the Bonafide number one so to see Derek Brown got number two votes that’s crazy that’s very crazy however let’s read what they said about Derek said Brown is a me was a menace in the middle of the Panthers leading the league with a 47% Run Stop win rate while the sack production isn’t there because Brown has eight sacks in his four years the disruption the the disruption very much is Carolina decided to build the defense around him instead of pass rusher Brian Burns who was traded to the Giants quote you feel him more than you see the sack numbers a veteran NFL scout said a brown when you play him and watch him he’s really good wouldn’t surprise me if he has more sacks in the future Carolina is always losing in games so teams don’t throw the ball as much on them late dang dang Carolina is always losing in games so teams don’t throw the ball as much on them late tragic tragic tragic that’s not wrong that is not wrong I I I I can’t argue it’s just tragic because it’s right it’s tragic because it’s right we don’t we’re not winning in a lot of games shoot even the games we won was what last minute field goal wins so we weren’t leading we weren’t leading before up until then I don’t think we LED one minute of that Texans game I don’t think we had to lead at all so the sentiments are there yeah pain painful sentiment about us [Music] but not wrong not wrong guys we we we’re not good until we are good there’ll be more opportunities for Derek to get more sack then I’ll say that Dylan what up do uh what’s good Doug what up Dorothy what up do yeah and I agree though the numbers will get up because like going to ESPN his past rush win rate he was 20th in the NFL 20th in the NFL fell and run stop mean pass rush win rate number one and run stop win rate so he’s on both list he’s ranked in both list but I you said there’s not a lot of opportunities to rush when the Panthers have a lead when they have a lead you can pin your ears back do your moves he still gets his pressures he still pushes the pocket these aren’t numbers that are going to show up on the stat sheet all the time pressures do because they count that stuff now but flushing them out of the pocket as that’s a pressure but keeping the pocket steady so the quarterback can’t step up and so another guy may get a sack around the edge those type of things don’t show up he does the dirty work but I know sacks are sexy so he will not get the full respect he deserves until then however let’s look at at the people ahead of him the next man up is Christian Wilkins now Christian Wilkins I don’t want to offend any Clemson fans on this podcast but if I do oh well uh Christian Wilkins rate number six it said the one thing holding Wilkins back had been his sack production he didn’t have it through his first four years the offense didn’t didn’t pay him so he flipped the script got nine sacks and got a contract for $110 million gives you a little bit of everything just solid all-around player might be a notch but below the top top guys as far as highend traits but he really turned a corner over the last year and a half as a rusher his 30 pressures in 2023 ranked third amongst interior rushers the fact that he faced 218 double teams with the fourth most underrated athlete who’s technically sound he’ll be worth the investment for the Raiders I that’s doesn’t sound like to me if you have a dominant force and I think I think Derek Brown is if not the best defensive run stop and defensive tackle according to the Run Stop win rate he just unblockable when he singled up and I understand chrisan Wilkers gets double teamed a little bit more but I want I would rather have somebody that’s dominant at one trait and all right to the next one and then just a solid allaround guy I mean not not knocking Christian Wilkins good player but I’m just talking in terms of a ranking if I have a guy like Derek Brown that’s legit dominant in one facet of the game I feel like that would warrant being a little bit above the next guy that’s just me that’s just me and like I said sacks are sexy he had more sacks this past year than uh Derek Brown has had in his career fair enough but I would want a dominant run Defender a dominant run Defender I don’t see Christian wilers on the top 10 ryy win rate I don’t I don’t but hey it’s not my list but I’m just going off of ESPN’s run style win rate list to compare it just saying now just the matab bouquet he put up the numbers he was a rotational complimentary guy I like matab bou’s game um it’s very very disruptive I’m not familiar with this game enough to be able to put one or the other I am familiar with uh Christian Wilkins game but I like DB I like DB now Jeffrey Simmons I love Jeffrey Simmons game um big he’s a he’s he deserves where he’s at Dexter Lawrence number three he is huge based off what we saw him do to uh Bradley Bowman last year we’re going to need some reinforcements on the interior for uh Austin Corbett we got some we got some big guys on the inside so it’s going to be a team effort when we go to uh Germany but yeah number two Quinwood Williams no argument there number one Chris Bone Jones now who did make the top 10 that I think should and shout out to the rest of the guys that made it uh Jonathan Allen and I understand he had a down year last year but Jonathan Allen is a monster I don’t know how familiar you guys are with the commanders um and I only come across these guys when I’m watching other teams film who play the Panthers or when the Panthers play these guys and I remember from preseason a couple years ago how disruptive and violent he is like violent hands a Non-Stop motor just absolutely nasty like there’s a level of physicality that kind of Everybody Plays with in the NFL but there are certain guys that are Relentless when they say Relentless it’s not just it’s not just like an adjective or something used to describe these guys Relentless means like they do not let up there’s just a certain level of physical that they bring Aaron Don is one of them type of guys Chris Jones is one of those type of guys Jonathan Allen is one of them type of dudes some guys are strong at the point of attack they can get off blocks they can split double teams but they’re just some guys that just have they’re just relentless they’re impossible to block because they refuse to be blocked they get offended when you try to block those dudes that’s those type of dudes that Chris that’s the type of dude Chris Jones and it is it is Quinny Williams he’s kind of on that line there I think a lot of it has to do with his talent and ability is how he wins First Step quickness strength and stuff like that he obviously is Relentless as well but it’s just a certain level of physicality and violence that these other guys play with that I think is just separates them some guys have the streaks they have nasty streaks where they’ll do it we seen Derek do it at times but it’s not every play not saying he takes plays off he’s just not Relentless Relentless there’s a less on the end I don’t even know what relent means I’ve never seen relent by itself relent means to become less severe harsh or strict or to give in so when you Relentless you never give in never give up they don’t quit oppressively constant incessant harsh or inflexible yeah that perfectly describes the guys that I’m talking about when I say Relentless oppressively constant they don’t stop man so like I said Derek he just to do that every level I me every game every play excuse me the sacks will come I still think that he’s too low I would give him five or six to be honest I think a comparable year against the run with five sacks on the season he’ll easily crack top five in my opinion but in the ajro system the way he aligns it’s going to be hard to block him one um with double team stuff they put him in a position where it’s almost impossible to double team and then he’s one-on-one with the tackle he’s too big and too uh strong and physical for uh for tackles but I don’t know but uh that’s all I got today man right right at an hour so I’m feeling good I got to go finish cooking dinner I cooked a little bit of dinner before this that’s why I was a little late I rushed off work had to get the had to get the dinner together for the wife and baby girl dunk but I said stay tuned to me two grows one Roar I’m on there tomorrow it will not be released tomorrow but we’re recording tomorrow it will be released later this week I’m still editing one of my videos this a new uh type of video that I’m working on very very different from me but I’ll be editing it down in between the time that I have time but I appreciate y’all tuning in man I got to get a off here y’all stay up stay blessed get your training camp tickets I better see y’all there don’t meet me there beat me there don’t meet me at training camp beat me at training camp all right holl at y’all peace love y’all


  1. As much of a Panther and Cam Newton fan I am, it's hard to put Cam above Michael Vick as the best dual threat quarterback. The spiral Vick threw was a thing of beauty with the flick of the wrist 60-yard bomb.

  2. DB VS the new law firm (OL), Legette vs Horn the 2 battles I wanna see and I wanna see if Barno gone step up this year

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